update new files
[unres.git] / source / maxlik / src_MD_T_maxlik-NEWCORR.safe / proc.F
1       subroutine proc_data(nvarr,x,*)
2       implicit none
3       include "DIMENSIONS"
4       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
5 #ifdef MPI
6       include "mpif.h"
7       integer Ierror,Errcode,status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),tag
8       include "COMMON.MPI"
9 #endif
10       include "COMMON.CONTROL"
11       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
12       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
13       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
14       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
15       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
16       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
17       include "COMMON.FFIELD"
18       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
19       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
20       include "COMMON.CHAIN"
21       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
22       include "COMMON.THERMAL"
23       include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER"
24       include "COMMON.EREF"
25       include "COMMON.SBRIDGE"
26       include "COMMON.INTERACT"
27       include "COMMON.VAR"
28       double precision fac0,t0
29       double precision fT(5),ftprim(5),ftbis(5),quot,quotl,quotl1,
30      &  denom,kfac,kfacl,logfac,eplus,eminus,tanhT,entfacmax,
31      &  sument,sumentsq,aux
32       real csingle(3,maxres2)
33       double precision creff(3,maxres2),cc(3,maxres2)
34       double precision thetareff(maxres2),phireff(maxres2),
35      & xxreff(maxres2),yyreff(maxres2),zzreff(maxres2)
36       double precision przes(3),obrot(3,3),etoti
37       logical non_conv
38       integer wykl
39       integer iprot,i,ind,ii,j,k,kk,l,ncl,is,ie,nsum,nng,nvarr,ng,
40      &  inn,in,iref,ib,ibatch,num,itmp,imin
41       integer l1,l2,ncon_all
42       double precision rcyfr
43       integer jj,istart_conf,iend_conf,ipass_conf,iii
44       integer ilen,iroof
45       external ilen,iroof
46       double precision ej,emaxj,sumP,sumP_t
47       double precision fac
48       double precision x(max_paropt)
49       double precision wconf(maxstr_proc)
50       double precision dx,dy,dz,dxref,dyref,dzref,
51      &  dtheta,dphi,rmsthet,rmsphi,rmsside
52       double precision pinorm
53       external pinorm
54 #ifdef MPI
55       double precision e_total_T_(maxstr_proc)
56 #endif
57       logical LPRN
58       integer maxl1,maxl2
59       double precision rms,rmsave,rmsmin,rmsnat,qwolynes,qwolyness
60       T0=3.0d2
61       fac0=1.0d0/(T0*Rgas)
62       kfac=2.4d0
63       write (iout,*) "fac0",fac0
64       write(iout,*) "torsional and valence angle mode",tor_mode
65 c
66 c Determine the number of variables and the initial vector of optimizable
67 c parameters
68 c
69       lprn=.false.
70       if (restart_flag) then
71         call w2x(nvarr,x_orig,*11) 
72         do i=1,n_ene
73           ww_oorig(i)=ww(i)
74         enddo
75         open (88,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.restin',status='unknown')
76         read(88,*,end=99,err=99) (x(i),i=1,nvarr)
77         close(88)
78         write (iout,*)
79         write (iout,*) 
80      &    "Variables replaced with values from the restart file."
81         do i=1,nvarr
82           write (iout,'(i5,f15.5)') i,x(i)
83         enddo
84         write (iout,*)
85         call x2w(nvarr,x)
86         goto 88
87   99    write (iout,*) 
88      &    "Error - restart file nonexistent, incompatible or damaged."
89 #ifdef MPI
90         call MPI_Finalize(Ierror)
91 #endif
92         stop 
93      &    "Error - restart file nonexistent, incompatible or damaged."
94       else
95         call w2x(nvarr,x,*11) 
96         write (iout,*) "PROC: after W2X nvarr",nvarr
97         do i=1,n_ene
98           ww_oorig(i)=ww(i)
99         enddo
100         do i=1,nvarr
101           x_orig(i)=x(i)
102         enddo
103       endif
104   88  continue
105 c
106 c Setup weights for UNRES
107 c
108       wsc=ww(1)
109       wscp=ww(2)
110       welec=ww(3)
111       wcorr=ww(4)
112       wcorr5=ww(5)
113       wcorr6=ww(6)
114       wel_loc=ww(7)
115       wturn3=ww(8)
116       wturn4=ww(9)
117       wturn6=ww(10)
118       wang=ww(11)
119       wscloc=ww(12)
120       wtor=ww(13)
121       wtor_d=ww(14)
122       wstrain=ww(15)
123       wvdwpp=ww(16)
124       wbond=ww(17)
125       wsccor=ww(19)
126 #ifdef SCP14
127       scal14=ww(17)/ww(2)
128 #endif
129       do i=1,n_ene
130         weights(i)=ww(i)
131       enddo
133       DO IPROT=1,NPROT
135       call restore_molinfo(iprot)
137       DO IBATCH=1,natlike(iprot)+2
139 c Calculate temperature-dependent weight scaling factors
140       do ib=1,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
141         fac=betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot)
142         quot=fac0/fac
143         if (rescale_mode.eq.0) then
144           do l=1,5
145             fT(l)=1.0d0
146             fTprim(l)=0.0d0
147             fTbis(l)=0.0d0
148           enddo
149         else if (rescale_mode.eq.1) then
150           quotl=1.0d0
151           kfacl=1.0d0
152           do l=1,5
153             quotl1=quotl
154             quotl=quotl*quot
155             kfacl=kfacl*kfac
156             denom=kfacl-1.0d0+quotl
157             fT(l)=kfacl/denom
158             ftprim(l)=-l*ft(l)*quotl1/(T0*denom)
159             ftbis(l)=l*kfacl*quotl1*
160      &       (2*l*quotl-(l-1)*denom)/(quot*t0*t0*denom**3)
161             write (iout,*) "ib",ib," beta",betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot),
162      &      " quot",quot," l",l,fT(l),fTprim(l),fTbis(l)
163           enddo
164         else if (rescale_mode.eq.2) then
165           quotl=1.0d0
166           do l=1,5
167             quotl1=quotl
168             quotl=quotl*quot
169             eplus=dexp(quotl)
170             eminus=dexp(-quotl)
171             logfac=1.0d0/dlog(eplus+eminus)
172             tanhT=(eplus-eminus)/(eplus+eminus)
173             fT(l)=1.12692801104297249644d0*logfac
174             ftprim(l)=-l*quotl1*ft(l)*tanhT*logfac/T0
175             ftbis(l)=(l-1)*ftprim(l)/(quot*T0)-
176      &      2*l*quotl1/T0*logfac*
177      &      (2*l*quotl1*ft(l)/(T0*(eplus+eminus)**2)
178      &      +ftprim(l)*tanhT)
179           enddo
180         else
181           write (iout,*) "Unknown RESCALE_MODE",rescale_mode
182           call flush(iout)
183           stop
184         endif
185         do k=1,n_ene
186           escal(k,ib,ibatch,iprot)=1.0d0
187           escalprim(k,ib,ibatch,iprot)=0.0d0
188           escalbis(k,ib,ibatch,iprot)=0.0d0
189         enddo
190         escal(3,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
191         escal(4,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(3)
192         escal(5,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(4)
193         escal(6,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(5)
194         escal(7,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(2)
195         escal(8,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(2)
196         escal(9,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(3)
197         escal(10,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(5)
198         escal(13,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
199         escal(14,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(2)
200         escal(19,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
201         escalprim(3,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(1)
202         escalprim(4,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(3)
203         escalprim(5,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(4)
204         escalprim(6,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(5)
205         escalprim(7,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(2)
206         escalprim(8,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(2)
207         escalprim(9,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(3)
208         escalprim(10,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(5)
209         escalprim(13,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(1)
210         escalprim(14,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(2)
211         escalprim(19,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(1)
212         escalbis(3,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(1)
213         escalbis(4,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(3)
214         escalbis(5,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(4)
215         escalbis(6,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(5)
216         escalbis(7,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(2)
217         escalbis(8,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(2)
218         escalbis(9,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(3)
219         escalbis(10,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(5)
220         escalbis(13,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(1)
221         escalbis(14,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(2)
222         escalbis(19,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(1)
223       enddo
225       betmin(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(1,ibatch,iprot)
226       betmax(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(1,ibatch,iprot)
227       do ib=2,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
228         if (betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot).lt.betmin(ibatch,iprot))
229      &     betmin(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot)
230         if (betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot).gt.betmax(ibatch,iprot))
231      &     betmax(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot)
232         enddo
233        write (iout,'(2(a,i5,2x),2(a,f7.2,2x))') 
234      &    "Protein",iprot," batch",ibatch,
235      &    " betmin",betmin(ibatch,iprot)," betmax",betmax(ibatch,iprot)
237       ENDDO ! IBATCH
239       ENDDO ! IPROT
240 c
241 c Compute energy and entropy histograms to filter out conformations
242 c with potntially too low or too high weights.
243 c
244       call determine_histograms
245 c
246 c Make the working list of conformations
247 c
248       call make_list(.true.,.true.,nvarr,x)
249 c 3/8/2013 Calculate RMSDs/Qs and the Ptab array
250       do iprot=1,nprot
252       call restore_molinfo(iprot)
254       open (icbase,file=bprotfiles(iprot),status="old",
255      &    form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec(iprot))
256       entfacmax=entfac(1,iprot)
257       sument=entfac(1,iprot)
258       sumentsq=entfac(1,iprot)**2
259       do i=2,ntot_work(iprot)
260         if (entfac(i,iprot).gt.entfacmax) entfacmax=entfac(i,iprot)
261         sument=sument+entfac(i,iprot)
262         sumentsq=sumentsq+entfac(i,iprot)**2
263       enddo
264       sument=sument/ntot_work(iprot)
265       sumentsq=dsqrt(sumentsq/ntot_work(iprot)-sument**2)
266       write (2,*) "entfacmax",entfacmax," entave",sument,
267      &   " stdent",sumentsq
268 #ifdef WEIDIST
269 #ifdef MPI
270       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(scount(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc)
271       ipass_conf=0
272       jj=0
273       sumP=0.0d0
274       do i=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc
275       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
276       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
277       istart_conf=i
278       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,indend(me1,iprot))
279 #else
280       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc)
281       ipass_conf=0
282       sumP=0.0d0
283       do i=1,ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc
284       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
285       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
286       istart_conf=i
287       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,ntot(iprot))
288 #endif
289 c
290 c Read the chunk of conformations off a DA scratchfile.
291 c
292       call daread_ccoords(iprot,istart_conf,iend_conf)
296 c Compute energies
297       do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
298         write (iout,*) "IB",ib," IPROT",iprot," NREF",nref(ib,iprot)
299         ii=0
300         do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
301           ii=ii+1
302           kk=tsil(iii,iprot)
303           if (kk.eq.0) cycle
304           etoti=0.0d0
305           do k=1,n_ene
306             etoti=etoti+ww(k)*escal(k,ib,1,iprot)
307      &            *enetb(ii,k,iprot)
308           enddo
309           e_total_T(iii,ib)=entfac(kk,iprot)
310      &             +betaT(ib,1,iprot)*(etoti-elowest(ib,1,iprot))
311         enddo
312       enddo ! ib
313 #ifdef DEBUG
314       write (iout,*) "Energies before Gather"
315       do iii=1,ntot_work(iprot)
316         write (iout,'(i5,100E12.5)') iii,
317      &         (e_total_T(iii,ib),ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot))
318       enddo
319 #endif
320 #ifdef MPI
321       do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
322         do k=1,scount(me1,iprot)
323           e_total_T_(k)=e_total_T(indstart(me1,iprot)+k-1,ib)
324         enddo
325 c        call MPI_AllGatherv(e_total_T(indstart(me1,iprot),ib),
326 c     &     scount(me1,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,e_total_T(1,ib),
327 c     &     scount(0,iprot),idispl(0,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
328 c     &     Comm1, IERROR)
329         call MPI_AllGatherv(e_total_T_(1),
330      &     scount(me1,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,e_total_T(1,ib),
331      &     scount(0,iprot),idispl(0,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
332      &     Comm1, IERROR)
333       enddo ! ib
334 #ifdef DEBUG
335       write (iout,*) "Energies after Gather"
336       do iii=1,ntot_work(iprot)
337         write (iout,'(i5,100E12.5)') iii,
338      &         (e_total_T(iii,ib),ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot))
339       enddo
340 #endif
341 #endif
344       ii=0
345 c Compute distances
346 c      write (iout,*) "Start calculating weirms",istart_conf,iend_conf
347       do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
348         ii=ii+1
349         k=tsil(iii,iprot)
350 c        write (iout,*) "Calculating weirms iii",iii," ii",ii," k",k
351         if (k.eq.0) cycle
352         call restore_ccoords(iprot,ii)
353 c Calculate the rmsds of the current conformations and convert them into weights
354 c to approximate equal weighting of all points of the conformational space
355         do k=1,2*nres
356           do l=1,3
357             creff(l,k)=c(l,k)
358           enddo
359         enddo
360 c 7/6/16 AL Add angle comparison
361         if (anglecomp(iprot) .or. sidecomp(iprot)) then
362           call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
363           call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
364           do k=1,nres
365             phireff(k)=phi(k)
366             thetareff(k)=theta(k)
367             xxreff(k)=xxtab(k)
368             yyreff(k)=yytab(k)
369             zzreff(k)=zztab(k)
370           enddo
371         endif
372         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
373          weirms(iii,ib)=0.0d0
374         enddo
375         do iref=1,ntot_work(iprot)
376           if (iref.ne.iii) then
377             read(icbase,rec=iref) ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
378      &      ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=nnt+nres,nct+nres),
379      &      nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),eini(iref,iprot),
380      &      entfac(iref,iprot),
381      &      ((nu(k,l,ii,iprot),k=1,maxdimnat),l=1,natlike(iprot))
382             do k=1,2*nres
383               do l=1,3
384                 c(l,k)=csingle(l,k)
385               enddo
386             enddo
387 #ifdef DEBUG
388             do k=1,nres
389               write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') k,(c(l,k),l=1,3),
390      &                      (creff(l,k),l=1,3)
391             enddo
392 #endif
393             rms = 0.0d0
394             if (rmscomp(iprot)) then
395             call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_sup(iprot)),
396      &                 creff(1,nstart_sup(iprot)),
397      &                 nsup(iprot),przes,obrot,non_conv)
398             if (non_conv) then
399               print *,'Error: FITSQ non-convergent, iref',iref
400               rms=1.0d2
401             else if (rms.lt.-1.0d-6) then
402               print *,'Error: rms^2 = ',rms,iref
403               rms = 1.0d2
404             else if (rms.lt.0) then
405               rms=0.0d0
406             else
407               rms = dsqrt(rms)
408             endif
409 #ifdef DEBUG
410             write (2,*) "iii",iii," iref=",iref," ib",ib," etotal",
411      &          e_total_T(iref,ib),
412      &          e_total_T(iii,ib),-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib),
413      &          " rms",rms," fac",dexp(-0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2),
414      &          dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib)),
415      &          dexp(-0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2)*
416      &          dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib))
417 #endif
418             aux=dexp(-0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2)
419             else 
420             rms=qwolyness(creff,iprot)
421 #ifdef DEBUG
422             write (2,*) "iii",iii," iref=",iref," ib",ib," etotal",
423      &          e_total_T(iref,ib),
424      &          e_total_T(iii,ib),-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib),
425      &          " rms",-dlog(rms)," fac",rms,
426      &          dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib)),
427      &          rms*dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib))
428 #endif
429             aux=rms
430             endif ! rmscomp
431 c 7/6/16 AL Add angle comparison
432             if (anglecomp(iprot).or.sidecomp(iprot)) 
433      &        call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
434             if (anglecomp(iprot)) then
435               rmsthet = 0.0d0
436               do k=nnt+2,nct
437                 dtheta = theta(k)-thetareff(k) 
438                 rmsthet = rmsthet+dtheta*dtheta
439               enddo
440               rmsthet=rmsthet/(nct-nnt-2)
441               rmsphi = 0.0d0
442               do k=nnt+3,nct
443                 dphi = pinorm(phi(k)-phireff(k))
444                 rmsphi = rmsphi + dphi*dphi
445               enddo
446               rmsphi=rmsphi/(nct-nnt-3)
447               aux=aux*dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsthet+rmsphi)/sigmaang2(iprot)**2)
448             endif
449             if (sidecomp(iprot)) then 
450               call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
451               rmsside = 0.0d0
452               do k=nnt+1,nct-1
453                 dxref = xxtab(k)-xxreff(k)
454                 dyref = yytab(k)-yyreff(k)
455                 dzref = zztab(k)-zzreff(k)
456                 rmsside = rmsside + dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz
457               enddo
458               rmsside=rmsside/(nct-nnt+1)
459               aux=aux*dexp(-0.5d0*rmsside/sigmaside2(iprot)**2)
460             endif
461           else
462             aux=1.0d0
463           endif
464           do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
465             if (GEOM_AND_WHAM_WEIGHTS) then
466               weirms(iii,ib) = weirms(iii,ib)
467      &          +aux*dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib))
468             else
469               weirms(iii,ib) = weirms(iii,ib)+aux
470             endif
471           enddo ! ib
472         enddo ! iref
473       enddo ! iii
474 #ifdef DEBUG
475       write (iout,*) "weirms"
476       do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
477         write (iout,"(i5,20e12.5)") iii,(weirms(iii,ib),ib=1,
478      &       nbeta(1,iprot))
479       enddo
480 #endif
481       enddo ! i
482 #endif
484 #ifdef MPI
485       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(scount(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc)
486       DO IB=1,NBETA(1,IPROT)
487 #ifdef OUT_PTAB
488       write(csa_bank,'(a,f4.0,4hPtab,i4.4)')
489      &  protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot))),
490      &  1.0d0/(0.001987*betaT(ib,1,iprot)),me
491       open (icsa_bank,file=csa_bank,status="unknown")
492 #endif
493       ipass_conf=0
494       jj=0
495       sumP=0.0d0
496       do i=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc
497       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
498       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
499       istart_conf=i
500       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,indend(me1,iprot))
501 #else
502       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc)
503       ipass_conf=0
504       sumP=0.0d0
505       do i=1,ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc
506       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
507       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
508       istart_conf=i
509       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,ntot(iprot))
510 #endif
511       ii=0
512 c
513 c Read the chunk of conformations off a DA scratchfile.
514 c
515       call daread_ccoords(iprot,istart_conf,iend_conf)
516       write (iout,*) "IB",ib," IPROT",iprot," NREF",nref(ib,iprot)
517       do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
518 c        if (ib.eq.1) then
519           rmsave=0.0d0
520           rmsmin=1.0d10
521 c        endif
522         ii=ii+1
523         jj=jj+1
524         k=tsil(iii,iprot)
525         call restore_ccoords(iprot,ii)
526 c        write (iout,*) "zeroing Ptab",iii,ii,jj
527         Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=0.0d0
528         if (rmscomp(iprot)) then
529           do iref=1,nref(ib,iprot)
530 #ifdef DEBUG
531             itmp=ipdb
532             ipdb=iout 
533             call pdbout(0.0d0,"conf")
534 c            write (2,*) "nstart_sup",nstart_sup(iprot),
535 c     &          " nend_sup",nend_sup(iprot)
536 c            do k=nstart_sup(iprot),nend_sup(iprot)
537 c              write(2,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') k,(c(l,k),l=1,3),
538 c     &          (cref(l,k,iref,ib,iprot),l=1,3)
539 c            enddo
540 c            do k=nstart_sup(iprot),nend_sup(iprot)
541 c              write(2,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') k,(c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),
542 c     &          (cref(l,k+nres,iref,ib,iprot),l=1,3)
543 c            enddo
544             do k=1,2*nres
545               do l=1,3
546                 cc(l,k)=c(l,k)
547                 c(l,k)=cref(l,k,iref,ib,iprot)
548               enddo
549             enddo
550             call pdbout(0.0d0,"ref")
551             do k=1,2*nres
552               do l=1,3
553                 c(l,k)=cc(l,k)
554               enddo
555             enddo
556             ipdb=itmp
557 #endif
558             rms=rmsnat(ib,jj,iref,iprot)
559 c 7/6/16 AL Add angle comparison
560             if (anglecomp(iprot).or.sidecomp(iprot)) 
561      &        call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
562             if (anglecomp(iprot)) then
563 c              write (iout,*) "jj",jj," iref",iref
564               rmsthet = 0.0d0
565               do k=nnt+2,nct
566                 dtheta = theta(k)-theta_ref(k,iref,ib,iprot) 
567 c                write (iout,*) k,theta(k),theta_ref(k,iref,ib,iprot),
568 c     &            dtheta
569                 rmsthet = rmsthet+dtheta*dtheta
570               enddo
571               rmsthet=rmsthet/(nct-nnt-2)
572               rmsphi = 0.0d0
573               do k=nnt+3,nct
574                 dphi = pinorm(phi(k)-phi_ref(k,iref,ib,iprot))
575 c                write (iout,*) k,phi(k),phi_ref(k,iref,ib,iprot),
576 c     &           pinorm(phi(k)-phi_ref(k,iref,ib,iprot))
577                 rmsphi = rmsphi + dphi*dphi
578               enddo
579               rmsphi=rmsphi/(nct-nnt-3)
580             endif
581             if (sidecomp(iprot)) then
582               call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
583               rmsside = 0.0d0
584               do k=nnt+1,nct-1
585                 dxref = xxtab(k)-xxref(k,iref,ib,iprot)
586                 dyref = yytab(k)-yyref(k,iref,ib,iprot)
587                 dzref = zztab(k)-zzref(k,iref,ib,iprot)
588                 rmsside = rmsside + dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz
589               enddo
590               rmsside=rmsside/(nct-nnt+1)
591             endif
592 #ifdef DEBUG
593             write (iout,*) "ii",ii," jj",jj," iref",iref,
594      &            " rms",rms,
595      &            "efree",efreeref(iref,ib,iprot)
596 #endif               
597 c            if (ib.eq.1) then
598               rmsave=rmsave+rms
599               if (rms.lt.rmsmin) then
600                 imin=iref
601                 rmsmin=rms
602 c              endif
603             endif
604             Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
605      &          +dexp(-efreeref(iref,ib,iprot)
606      &                -0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2)
607             if (anglecomp(iprot)) 
608      &      Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*
609      &                dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsthet+rmsphi)/sigmaang2(iprot)**2)
610             if (sidecomp(iprot))
611      &      Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*
612      &                dexp(-0.5d0*rmsside/sigmaside2(iprot)**2)
613           enddo 
614 c          if (ib.eq.1) then
615             rmsave=rmsave/nref(ib,iprot)
616 c          endif
617 #if defined(WEIENT)
618 c AL 1/24/2014 Correct the weight of a conformation to represent energy-free
619 c              search of conformational space.
620           aux=dmin1(entfacmax-entfac(k,iprot),60.0d0)
621           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*dexp(aux)
622 #ifdef DEBUG
623           write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," iii",iii," k",k,
624 c     &     " entfac",entfac(k,iprot),"aux",aux," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
625      &     "entfac",entfac(k,iprot)," weirms",weirms(iii,ib),
626      &     " Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
627 #endif
628 #elif defined(WEIDIST)
629 c          write (iout,*) "iii",iii," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot),
630 c     &     " weirms",weirms(iii,ib)," Ptab/weirms",
631 c     &     Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
632 #ifdef OUT_PTAB
633           write (icsa_bank,'(2i6,3f10.5,2f8.4)') 
634      &      iii,imin,-dlog(Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)),
635      &      -dlog(weirms(iii,ib)),
636      &      -dlog(Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)),
637      &      rmsave,rmsmin
638 #endif
639           if (ib.eq.1) rmstb(iii,iprot)=rmsmin
640           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
641 #elif defined(WEICLUST) 
642           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,iprot)
643 #endif
644           sumP=sumP+Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
645         else
646           do iref=1,nref(ib,iprot)
647             rms = qwolynes(ib,iref,iprot)
648 #ifdef DEBUG
649             write (iout,*) "iii",iii," ii",ii," jj",jj,
650      &        "iref",iref," rms",rms,-dlog(rms),
651      &           "efree",efreeref(iref,ib,iprot)
652 #endif               
653              Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)+rms*
654      &                        *dexp(-efreeref(iref,ib,iprot))
655           enddo
656 #if defined(WEIENT)
657 c AL 1/24/2014 Correct the weight of a conformation to represent energy-free
658 c              search of conformational space.
659           aux=dmin1(entfacmax-entfac(k,iprot),60.0d0)
660           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*dexp(aux)
661 #ifdef DEBUG
662           write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," iii",iii," k",k,
663      &    " entfac",entfac(k,iprot)," aux",aux," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
664 #endif
665 #elif defined(WEICLUST)
666           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(k,iprot)
667 #elif defined(WEIDIST)
668           write (iout,*) "iii",iii," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot),
669      &     " weirms",weirms(iii,ib)," Ptab/weirms",
670      &     Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
671           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
672 #endif
673           sumP=sumP+Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
674         endif
675 #ifdef DEBUG
676         write (iout,*) "ii",ii," jj",jj," ib",ib," iprot",iprot,
677      &    " Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)," sumP",sumP
678 #endif
679       enddo ! iii
680       enddo ! i
681 #ifdef DEBUG
682       write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," sumP before REDUCE",sumP
683 #endif
684 #ifdef MPI
685       call MPI_Allreduce(sumP,sumP_t,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
686      &        MPI_SUM,Comm1,IERROR)
687       sumP=sumP_t
688 #endif
689 #ifdef DEBUG
690       write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," sumP after REDUCE",sumP
691 #endif
692       jj=0
693       do iii=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot)
694       jj=jj+1
695 #ifdef DEBUG
696       write (iout,*) "iii",iii," jj",jj," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
697 #endif
698       Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/sumP
699 #ifdef DEBUG
700       write (iout,*) "iii",iii," jj",jj," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
701 #endif
702       enddo
703 #ifdef OUT_PTAB
704       close(icsa_bank)
705 #endif
706       ENDDO ! IB
707       close(icbase)
708       enddo ! iprot
709 #ifdef DEBUG
710       write (iout,*) "ELOWEST at the end of PROC_DATA"
711       do iprot=1,nprot
712         do ibatch=1,natlike(iprot)+2
713           do ib=1,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
714             write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ibatch",ibatch," ib",ib,
715      &         " elowest",elowest(ib,ibatch,iprot)
716           enddo
717         enddo
718       enddo
719       write (iout,*) "Ptab at the end of PROC"
720       do iprot=1,nprot
721         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
722         write (iout,*) "Protein",iprot," beta",ib
723         jj=0
724         do i=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot)
725           jj=jj+1
726           write (iout,*) iprot,ib,ii,jj,Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
727         enddo
728         enddo
729       enddo
730 #endif
731       write (iout,*)
732       return
733    11 return1
734       end
735 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
736       subroutine determine_histograms
737       implicit none
738       include "DIMENSIONS"
739       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
740       integer maxind
741       parameter (maxind=1000)
742 #ifdef MPI
743       include "mpif.h"
744       integer Ierror,Errcode,status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),tag
745       include "COMMON.MPI"
746 #endif
747       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
748       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
749       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
750       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
751       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
752       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
753       include "COMMON.FFIELD"
754       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
755       include "COMMON.CHAIN"
756       include "COMMON.CONTROL"
757       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
758       integer iprot,i,ii,iii,j,k,l,ibatch,inde,indt,idelte,ideltt
759       double precision eminh,emaxh,tminh,tmaxh
760       integer he(0:maxind),
761      &  ht(0:maxind),hemax,htmax
762 c
763 c Construct energy and entropy histograms
764 c
765       write (iout,*) "Calling DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS"
766       call flush(iout)
767       do iprot=1,nprot
768           eminh=1.0d20
769           emaxh=-1.0d20
770           tminh=1.0d20
771           tmaxh=-1.0d20
772           do i=0,maxind
773             he(i)=0
774             ht(i)=0
775           enddo
776           do i=1,ntot(iprot)
777             iii=i
778             if (eini(iii,iprot).lt.eminh) 
779      &        eminh=eini(iii,iprot)
780             if (eini(iii,iprot).gt.emaxh) 
781      &        emaxh=eini(iii,iprot)
782              if (entfac(iii,iprot).lt.tminh)
783      &        tminh=entfac(iii,iprot)
784             if (entfac(iii,iprot).gt.tmaxh)
785      &        tmaxh=entfac(iii,iprot)
786           enddo
787 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 1"
788           call flush(iout)
789           do i=1,ntot(iprot)
790             iii=i
791             inde=eini(iii,iprot)-eminh
792             indt=entfac(iii,iprot)-tminh
793             if (inde.le.maxind) he(inde)=he(inde)+1
794             if (indt.le.maxind) ht(indt)=ht(indt)+1
795           enddo
796 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 2"
797             idelte=emaxh-eminh
798             ideltt=tmaxh-tminh
799             hemax=0
800 c            write (iout,*) "idelte",idelte," ideltt",ideltt
801             call flush(iout)
802             do i=0,idelte
803 c              write (iout,*) "i",i," he",he(i)," hemax",hemax
804               call flush(iout)
805               if (he(i).gt.hemax) hemax=he(i)
806             enddo
807             htmax=0
808             do i=0,ideltt
809 c              write (iout,*) "i",i," ht",ht(i)," htmax",htmax
810               call flush(iout)
811               if (ht(i).gt.htmax) htmax=ht(i)
812             enddo 
813 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 3"
814           call flush(iout)
815             hemax=hemax/hefac(iprot)
816             if (hemax.lt.hemax_low(iprot)) 
817      &        hemax=hemax_low(iprot)
818             htmax=htmax/htfac(iprot)
819             if (htmax.lt.htmax_low(iprot)) 
820      &        htmax=htmax_low(iprot)
821             i=0
822             do while (i.lt.idelte .and. he(i).lt.hemax)
823               i=i+1
824             enddo
825 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 4"
826           call flush(iout)
827             e_lowb(iprot)=eminh+i
828             i=0
829             do while (i.lt.ideltt .and. ht(i).lt.htmax)
830               i=i+1
831             enddo
832             t_lowb(iprot)=tminh+i
833 #ifdef DEBUG
834             write (iout,*) "protein",iprot
835             write (iout,*) "energy histogram"
836             do i=0,idelte
837               write (iout,'(f15.5,i10)') eminh+i,he(i)
838             enddo
839             write (iout,*) "entropy histogram"
840             do i=0,ideltt
841               write (iout,'(f15.5,i10)') tminh+i,ht(i)
842             enddo
843             write (iout,*) "emin",eminh," tmin",tminh,
844      &       " hemax",hemax," htmax",htmax,
845      &       " e_lowb",e_lowb(iprot),
846      &       " t_lowb",t_lowb(iprot)
847             call flush(iout)
848 #endif
849       enddo
850       return
851       end
852 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
853       subroutine imysort(n, x, ipermut)
854       implicit none
855       integer n
856       integer x(n),xtemp
857       integer ipermut(n)
858       integer i,j,imax,ipm
859       do i=1,n
860         xtemp=x(i)
861         imax=i
862         do j=i+1,n
863           if (x(j).lt.xtemp) then
864             imax=j
865             xtemp=x(j)
866           endif
867         enddo
868         x(imax)=x(i)
869         x(i)=xtemp
870         ipm=ipermut(imax)
871         ipermut(imax)=ipermut(i)
872         ipermut(i)=ipm
873       enddo
874       return
875       end
876 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------
877       subroutine write_conf_count
878       implicit none
879       include "DIMENSIONS"
880       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
881       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
882       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
883       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
884       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
885       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
886       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
887       integer iprot,ibatch,i,ii,j,kk
888       integer ilen
889       external ilen
890       logical LPRN
891       write (iout,*)
892       write (iout,*)"Numbers of conformations after applying the cutoff"
893       write (iout,*)
894       do iprot=1,nprot
895         write (iout,'(a,2x,a,i10)') "Protein",
896      &    protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot))),
897      &    ntot_work(iprot)
898       enddo
899       return
900       end
901 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
902       double precision function fdum()
903       fdum=0.0D0
904       return
905       end