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[unres.git] / source / maxlik / src_MD_T_maxlik-NEWCORR.safe / maxlikopt.F
1       subroutine maxlikopt(nvarr,x)
2       implicit none
3       include "DIMENSIONS"
4       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
5 #ifdef MPI
6       include "mpif.h"
7       include "COMMON.MPI"
8 #endif
9       include "COMMON.NAMES"
10       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
11       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
12       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
13       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
14       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
15       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
16       integer i,j,k,iprot,nf,ii,inn,n,nn,indn(max_ene)
17       logical solved,all_satisfied,not_done
18       double precision ran_number,f,f0,x(max_paropt),x0(max_paropt),
19      &  viol
20       integer iran_num,nvarr
21       double precision tcpu,t0,t1,t0w,t1w
22       character*4 liczba
23       integer ilen,lenpre
24       external ilen
26       lenpre=ilen(prefix)
27 #ifdef MPI
28       if (me.eq.master) then
29         if (nparmset.gt.0) then
30           write (liczba,'(bz,i4.4)') myparm
31           restartname=prefix(:lenpre)//"_par"//liczba//'.restart'
32         else
33           restartname=prefix(:lenpre)//'.restart'
34         endif
35       endif
36 #else
37       restartname=prefix(:lenpre)//'.restart'
38 #endif
39       print *,"Start solving inequalities"
40       print *,"Mode",mode
41       if (mode.eq.1) then
42 c Only evaluate initial energies
43         t0=tcpu()
44 #ifdef MPI
45         t0w=MPI_Wtime()
46 #endif
47         call minimize_setup(nvarr,x)
48         t1=tcpu()
49 #ifdef MPI
50         write (iout,*) "CPU time for setup:",t1-t0," sec."
51         t1w=MPI_Wtime()
52         write (iout,*) "Wall clock time for setup:",t1w-t0w," sec."
53         t0w=t1w
54 #endif
55         write (iout,*)
56         do i=1,nvarr
57           x0(i)=x(i)
58         enddo
59         call print_minimize_results(nvarr)
60         return
61       endif
62       if (mode.ge.3) then
63         t0=tcpu()
64 #ifdef MPI
65         t0w=MPI_Wtime()
66 #endif
67         call minimize_setup(nvarr,x)
68         t1=tcpu()
69 #ifdef MPI
70         write (iout,*) "CPU time for setup:",t1-t0," sec."
71         t1w=MPI_Wtime()
72         write (iout,*) "Wall clock time for setup:",t1w-t0w," sec."
73         t0w=t1w
74 #endif
75         t0=t1
76         print *,"Calling minimize"
77         call minimize(nvarr,x,f0)
78         t1=tcpu()
79         write (iout,*) "CPU time for minimization:",t1-t0," sec."
80 #ifdef MPI
81         t1w=MPI_Wtime()
82         write (iout,*) "Wall clock time for minimization:",t1w-t0w
83 #endif
84         write (iout,*)
85         do i=1,nvarr
86           x0(i)=x(i)
87         enddo
88 c        if (nmcm.gt.0) then
89 c          write (iout,*) "Start MCM procedure"
90 c          call mcm
91 c        endif
92         call print_minimize_results(nvarr)
93         return
94       endif
95 c
96 c Scan weight space
97 c
98       if (mode.eq.2) then
99         print *,"Calling scan"
100         call minimize_setup(nvarr,x)
101         call scan(nvarr,x,f0,.true.)
102         do i=1,nvarr
103           xm(i)=x(i)
104         enddo
105         call print_minimize_results(nvarr)
106       endif
107 50    format(bz,15f8.5)
108 60    format(bz,100f10.5)
109       return
110       end
111 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
112       subroutine minimize_setup(nvar,x)
113       implicit none
114       include "DIMENSIONS"
115       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
116 #ifdef MPI
117       include "mpif.h"
119       include "COMMON.MPI"
120 #endif
121       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
122       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
123       include "COMMON.NAMES"
124       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
125       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
126       include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER"
127       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
128       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
129       include "COMMON.TIME1"
130       double precision viol
131       integer i,j,k,ii,ib,ibatch,iprot,nvar,nf
132       double precision x(max_paropt)
133       logical lprn
134       lprn=.true.
135 #ifdef DEBUG
136       write (iout,*) "Entered MINIMIZE_SETUP"
137       call flush(iout)
138 #endif
139       call func1(nvar,3,x_orig)
140       do i=1,n_ene
141         ww_orig(i)=ww(i)
142       enddo 
143       call x2w(nvar,x)
144 c      write (iout,*) "Initial X",(x(i),i=1,nvar)
145 c      write (iout,*) "X_orig",(x_orig(i),i=1,nvar)
146 c      write (iout,*) "ww_oorig",(ww_oorig(i),i=1,n_ene)
147 c      call flush(iout)
148       call func1(nvar,3,x)
149 #ifdef DEBUG
150       write (iout,*) "x",(x(i),i=1,nvar)
151 #endif
152       write (iout,*)
153       write(iout,'(10(1x,a6,1x))')(wname(print_order(i))(:6),i=1,n_ene)
154       write(iout,40)(ww(print_order(i)),i=1,n_ene)
155       write(iout,*)'-----------------------------------'
156       call write_zscore
157       call flush(iout)
158       return
159 40    format(10(f7.4,1x))
160       end
161 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162       subroutine print_minimize_results(nvarr)
163       implicit none
164       include "DIMENSIONS"
165       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
166 #ifdef MPI
167       include "mpif.h"
168       integer ierror,status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),tag
169       include "COMMON.MPI"
170 #endif
171       include "COMMON.CONTROL"
172       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
173       include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER"
174       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
175       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
176       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
177       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
178       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
179       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
180       include "COMMON.TIME1"
181       integer nf,nvarr,i,ib,ic,ii,num_nat_tot,iprot,igather
182       double precision x(max_ene)
183       double precision viol
184       character*4 liczba
185       logical lprn
186       lprn=.true.
187 c      write (iout,*) "print_minimize_results"
188       call flush(iout)
189       write(iout,*) '----------------------'
190       cutoffeval=.false.
191       call x2w(nvarr,xm(1))
192 c      write (iout,*) "Calling func1"
193       call flush(iout)
194       call func1(nvarr,2,xm(1))
195 c      write (iout,*) "Calling write_params"
196       call flush(iout)
197       call write_params(nvarr,nf,xm(1))
198 c      write(iout,*) "After write_params"
199       call flush(iout)
200       if (out_newe) then
201       do ii=1,nprot
202         if (nparmset.eq.1) then
203         call write_prot(ii,'NewE_all')
204         else
205         write (liczba,'(bz,i4.4)') myparm
206         call write_prot(ii,'NewE_all'//liczba)
207         endif
208 c        do ic=1,nclass(ii)
209 c          call make_distrib(iclass(ic,ii),ii)
210 c        enddo
211       enddo
212       endif
214       return
216       end
217 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
218       subroutine write_params(nvar,nf,x)
219       implicit none
220       include "DIMENSIONS"
221       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
222       include "COMMON.CONTROL"
223       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
224       include "COMMON.NAMES"
225       include "COMMON.INTERACT"
226       include "COMMON.TORSION"
227       include "COMMON.SCCOR"
228       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
229       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
230       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
231       include "COMMON.FFIELD"
232       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
233       integer nf,nvar
234       double precision x(max_paropt)
235       integer ilen
236       external ilen
237       integer i,ii,j,l,ll,jj,pj,jstart,jend,it1,it2,k,iblock
238       integer itor2typ(-2:2) /-20,9,10,9,20/
239       character*1 aster(0:1) /" ","*"/,ast11,ast12,ast21,ast22
240       character*4 liczba
241       character*1 toronelet(-2:2) /"p","a","G","A","P"/
242       logical lprint
243       call x2w(nvar,x)
244       call write_zscore
245       write (iout,*) "Weights (asterisk: optimized)"
246       write(iout,'(1x,15(a8,2x))') (wname(print_order(i))(:8),i=1,n_ene)
247       write(iout,50)(ww(print_order(i)),
248      &  aster(imask(print_order(i))),i=1,n_ene) 
249       write(iout,*) 
250 C Write weights in UNRES format for the input file
251       if (nparmset.eq.1) then
252         open(88,file="weights_opt."//prefix(:ilen(prefix)),
253      &   status="unknown")
254       else
255         write (liczba,'(bz,i4.4)') myparm
256         open(88,file="weights_opt."//prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"par_"
257      &   //liczba,
258      &   status="unknown")
259       endif
260 c      do i=1,n_ene,5
261       do i=1,n_ene,4
262         jstart=i
263 c        jend=min0(i+4,n_ene)
264         jend=min0(i+3,n_ene)
265         jj=0
266         do j=jstart,jend
267           pj=print_order(j)
268 c          write(88,'(bz,2a,f7.5," ",$)') 
269 c     &     wname(pj)(:ilen(wname(pj))),'=',ww(pj)
270 c          jj=jj+ilen(wname(pj))+9
271           write(88,'(bz,2a,e11.5," ",$)') 
272      &     wname(pj)(:ilen(wname(pj))),'=',ww(pj)
273           jj=jj+ilen(wname(pj))+13
274         enddo
275         write (88,'(a,$)') (" ",j=1,79-jj)
276         write (88,'("&")')
277       enddo
278       write (88,'(bz,2(2a,f7.5," "))') 
279      &    "CUTOFF","=",7.0d0,"WCORR4","=",0.0d0
280       close(88)
281       if (mod_side .or. mod_side_other) then
282       if (nparmset.eq.1) then
283       open(88,
284      &     file="sc_"//POT(:ilen(POT))//"_opt."//prefix(:ilen(prefix)),
285      &     status="unknown")
286       else
287       open(88,
288      &     file="sc_"//POT(:ilen(POT))//"_opt."//prefix(:ilen(prefix))//
289      &     "_par"//liczba,
290      &     status="unknown")
291       endif
292       lprint=.true.
293       write(88,'(2i5)') ipot,expon
294       write(iout,'(/3a,2i3)') 'Potential is ',potname(ipot),
295      & ', exponents are ',expon,2*expon 
296       goto (10,20,30,30,40) ipot
297 C----------------------- LJ potential ---------------------------------
298    10 write (88,*)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),(sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp)
299       if (lprint) then
300         write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the LJ potential:'
301         write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
302         call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
303         write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
304         write (iout,'(a,4x,a)') 'residue','sigma'
305         write (iout,'(a3,6x,f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp)
306       endif
307       goto 55
308 C----------------------- LJK potential --------------------------------
309    20 write (88,*)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),
310      &  (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp),(rr0(i),i=1,ntyp)
311       if (lprint) then
312         write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the LJK potential:'
313         write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
314         call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
315         write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
316         write (iout,'(a,4x,2a)') 'residue','   sigma  ','    r0    '
317         write (iout,'(a3,6x,2f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),rr0(i),
318      &        i=1,ntyp)
319       endif
320       goto 55
321 C---------------------- GB or BP potential -----------------------------
322    30 do i=1,ntyp
323         write (88,'(4f20.15)') (eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp)
324       enddo
325       write (88,'(4f20.15)')(sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp)
326       write (88,'(4f20.15)')(sigii(i),i=1,ntyp)
327       write (88,'(4f20.15)')(chip0(i),i=1,ntyp)
328       write (88,'(4f20.15)')(alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
329 C For the GB potential convert sigma'**2 into chi'
330       if (ipot.eq.4) then
331         do i=1,ntyp
332           chip(i)=(chip0(i)-1.0D0)/(chip0(i)+1.0D0)
333         enddo
334       endif
335       if (lprint) then
336         if (ipot.eq.3) then
337           write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the BP potential:'
338         else
339           write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the GB potential:'
340         endif
341         write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
342         call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
343         write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters (asterisk: optimized):'
344         write (iout,'(a,4x,4a)') 'residue','   sigma  ','s||/s_|_^2',
345      &       '    chip  ','    alph  '
346         do i=1,ntyp
347         write (iout,'(a3,6x,f10.5,1x,a1,3(f8.5,1x,a1))') restyp(i),
348      & sigma0(i),aster(mask_sigma(1,i)),sigii(i),aster(mask_sigma(2,i)),
349      &  chip(i),aster(mask_sigma(3,i)),alp(i),aster(mask_sigma(4,i))
350         enddo
351       endif
352       goto 55
353 C--------------------- GBV potential -----------------------------------
354    40 write (88,*)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),
355      &  (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp),(rr0(i),i=1,ntyp),(sigii(i),i=1,ntyp),
356      &  (chip(i),i=1,ntyp),(alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
357       if (lprint) then
358         write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the GBV potential:'
359         write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
360         call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
361         write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
362         write (iout,'(a,4x,5a)') 'residue','   sigma  ','    r0    ',
363      &      's||/s_|_^2','    chip  ','    alph  '
364         write (iout,'(a3,6x,5f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),rr0(i),
365      &           sigii(i),chip(i),alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
366       endif
367    55 continue
368 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
369       close(88)
370       endif
371 #ifdef NEWCORR
372       if (mod_tor .or. tor_mode.eq.2) then
373 #else
374       if (mod_tor) then
375 #endif
376         write (iout,'(a)') "Optimized weights of the torsional terms."
377         do iblock=1,2
378         do i=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
379           do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
380             if (mask_tor(0,j,i,iblock).gt.0) then
381               write (iout,'(i4,2a4,f10.5)') 0,restyp(iloctyp(i)),
382      &           restyp(iloctyp(j)),weitor(0,j,i,iblock)
383             endif
384           enddo
385         enddo
386         enddo
387         if (nparmset.eq.1) then
389         open(88,file="tor_opt.parm."//prefix(:ilen(prefix)),
390      &   status="unknown")
391         write (88,'(i1,7h  ***  ,2a,7h  ***  )') ntortyp,
392      &   "Optimized torsional parameters ",prefix(:ilen(prefix))
393         write (88,'(40i2)') (itortyp(i),i=1,ntyp)
395         if (tor_mode.eq.0) then
397         write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:'
398         do iblock=1,2
399         do i=0,ntortyp-1
400           do j=0,ntortyp-1
401             write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j
402             write (iout,*) 'Fourier constants'
403             do k=1,nterm(i,j,iblock)
404               write (iout,'(2(1pe15.5))') v1(k,i,j,iblock),
405      &        v2(k,i,j,iblock)
406             enddo
407             write (iout,*) 'Lorenz constants'
408             do k=1,nlor(i,j,iblock)
409               write (iout,'(3(1pe15.5))')
410      &         vlor1(k,i,j),vlor2(k,i,j),vlor3(k,i,j)
411             enddo
412           enddo
413         enddo
414         enddo
416         do iblock=1,2
417         do i=0,ntortyp-1
418           do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
419             write (88,'(2i2,16h  ************  ,a1,1h-,a1)') 
420      &       nterm(i,j,iblock),nlor(i,j,iblock),onelet(iloctyp(i)),
421      &       onelet(iloctyp(j))
422             do k=1,nterm(i,j,iblock)
423               write (88,'(i6,13x,2(1pe18.5))') k,
424      &         v1(k,i,j,iblock)*weitor(0,i,j,iblock),v2(k,i,j,
425      &         iblock)*weitor(0,i,j,iblock)
426             enddo
427             do k=1,nlor(i,j,iblock)
428               write (88,'(i6,13x,3(1pe18.5))') 
429      &         k,vlor1(k,i,j)*weitor(k,i,j,iblock),
430      &         vlor2(k,i,j)*weitor(k,i,j,iblock),
431      &         vlor3(k,i,j)*weitor(k,i,j,iblock)
432             enddo
433           enddo
434         enddo
435         enddo
437         else
438 c Print valence-torsional parameters
439         write (iout,'(a)') 
440      &    "Parameters of the valence-torsional potentials"
441         do i=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
442         do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
443         write (iout,'(3a)')"Type ",onelet(iloctyp(i)),onelet(iloctyp(j))
444         write (iout,'(3a5,2a15)') "itor","ival","jval","v_kcc","v2_kcc"
445         do k=1,nterm_kcc(j,i)
446           do l=1,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i)
447             do ll=1,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i)
448                write (iout,'(3i5,2f15.4)') 
449      &            k,l-1,ll-1,v1_kcc(ll,l,k,j,i),v2_kcc(ll,l,k,j,i)
450             enddo
451           enddo
452         enddo
453         enddo
454         enddo
456         do i=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
457           do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
458             write (88,'(16h  ************  ,a1,1h-,a1)') 
459      &       onelet(iloctyp(i)),onelet(iloctyp(j))
460             write (88,'(2i5)') nterm_kcc(j,i),nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i)
461             do k=1,nterm_kcc(j,i)
462               do l=1,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i)
463                 do ll=1,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i)
464                   write (88,'(3i5,2(1pe15.5))') k,l-1,ll-1,
465      &            v1_kcc(ll,l,k,j,i),v2_kcc(ll,l,k,j,i)
466                 enddo
467               enddo
468             enddo
469           enddo
470         enddo
472         close(88)
474         endif
476         endif
477       endif
478       if (mod_sccor) then
479         write (iout,'(a)') "Optimized weights of the sccor terms."
480         do i=1,nsccortyp
481           do j=1,nsccortyp
482             do l=1,3
483             if (mask_tor(l,j,i,iblock).gt.0) then
484               write (iout,'(i4,2a4,f10.5)') l,restyp(isccortyp(j)),
485      &           restyp(isccortyp(i)),weitor(l,j,i,1)
486             endif
487             enddo
488           enddo
489         enddo
491         if (nparmset.eq.1) then
493         open(88,file="sccor_opt.parm."//prefix(:ilen(prefix)),
494      &     status="unknown")
495         write (88,'(i2,7h  ***  ,2a,7h  ***  )') nsccortyp,
496      & "Optimized local correlation parameters ",prefix(:ilen(prefix))
497         write (88,'(20i4)') (isccortyp(i),i=1,ntyp)
498         do l=1,3
499         do i=1,nsccortyp
500           do j=1,nsccortyp
501             write (88,'(2i4)') nterm_sccor(i,j),nlor_sccor(i,j)
502             write (88,'(12(1h*),1x,a1,1h-,a1)') onelet(i),onelet(j)
503             do k=1,nterm_sccor(i,j)
504               write (88,'(i6,13x,2(1pe18.5))') k,
505      &          v1sccor(k,l,i,j)*weitor(l,i,j,1),
506      &          v2sccor(k,l,i,j)*weitor(l,i,j,1)
507             enddo
508           enddo
509         enddo
510         enddo
511         close(88)
513         endif
515       endif
516 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
517       if (mod_fourier(nloctyp).gt.0) then
518         write (iout,*) 
519      &   "Fourier coefficients of cumulants (asterisk: optimized)"
520         do i=0,nloctyp-1
521 #ifdef NEWCORR
522           write (iout,*) "Type: ",onelet(iloctyp(i))
523           write (iout,*) "Coefficients of the expansion of B1"
524           do j=1,2
525             write (iout,'(3hB1(,i1,1h),3f10.5)') j,(bnew1(k,j,i),k=1,3)
526           enddo
527           write (iout,*) "Coefficients of the expansion of B2"
528           do j=1,2
529             write (iout,'(3hB2(,i1,1h),3f10.5)') j,(bnew2(k,j,i),k=1,3)
530           enddo
531           write (iout,*) "Coefficients of the expansion of C"
532           write (iout,'(3hC11,3f10.5)') (ccnew(j,1,i),j=1,3)
533           write (iout,'(3hC12,3f10.5)') (ccnew(j,2,i),j=1,3)
534           write (iout,*) "Coefficients of the expansion of D"
535           write (iout,'(3hD11,3f10.5)') (ddnew(j,1,i),j=1,3)
536           write (iout,'(3hD12,3f10.5)') (ddnew(j,2,i),j=1,3)
537           write (iout,*) "Coefficients of the expansion of E"
538           write (iout,'(2hE0,3f10.5)') (e0new(j,i),j=1,3)
539           do j=1,2
540             do k=1,2
541               write (iout,'(1hE,2i1,2f10.5)') j,k,(eenew(l,j,k,i),l=1,2)
542             enddo
543           enddo
544 #else
545           write (iout,*) 'Type ',restyp(iloctyp(i))
546             write (iout,'(a,i2,a,f10.5,1x,a)') 
547      &    ('b(',j,')=',b(j,i),aster(mask_fourier(j,i)),j=1,13)
548 #endif
549         enddo
550 c Write a file with parameters for UNRES
551         if (nparmset.eq.1) then
552         open(88,file="fourier_opt.parm."//prefix(:ilen(prefix)),
553      &     status="unknown")
554         else
555         open(88,file="fourier_opt.parm."//prefix(:ilen(prefix))//
556      &     "_par"//liczba,
557      &     status="unknown")
558         endif
559         write (88,'(i5,5x,a)') nloctyp,
560      &                         "# Number of local interaction types" 
561 #ifdef NEWCORR
562         write (88,'(40i2)') (itype2loc(i),i=1,ntyp)
563         write (88,'(20i4)') (iloctyp(i),i=0,nloctyp)
564         do i=0,nloctyp-1
565           write (88,'(a)') restyp(iloctyp(i))
566           do ii=1,3
567             do j=1,2
568               write (88,'(f20.10,4h  b1,i1,1h(,i1,1h))')
569      &         bnew1(ii,j,i),j,ii
570             enddo
571           enddo
572           do ii=1,3
573             do j=1,2
574               write (88,'(f20.10,4h  b2,i1,1h(,i1,1h))')
575      &         bnew2(ii,j,i),j,ii
576             enddo
577           enddo
578           do ii=1,3
579             do j=1,2
580               write (88,'(f20.10,4h  c1,i1,1h(,i1,1h))')
581      &         2*ccnew(ii,j,i),j,ii
582             enddo
583           enddo
584           do ii=1,3
585             do j=1,2
586               write (88,'(f20.10,4h  d1,i1,1h(,i1,1h))')
587      &         2*ddnew(ii,j,i),j,ii
588             enddo
589           enddo
590           do ii=1,2
591             do j=1,2
592               do k=1,2
593               write (88,'(f20.10,3h  e,2i1,1h(,i1,1h))')
594      &         eenew(ii,j,k,i),j,k,ii
595               enddo
596             enddo
597           enddo
598           do ii=1,3
599               write (88,'(f20.10,5h  e0(,i1,1h))')
600      &         e0new(ii,i),ii
601           enddo
602         enddo
603 #else
604         do i=1,nloctyp
605           write (88,'(a)') restyp(iloctyp(i))
606           do j=1,13
607             write (88,'(f20.15)') b(j,i)
608           enddo
609         enddo
610 #endif
611         close(88)
612       endif
613       if (mod_elec) then
614                 write (iout,'(/a)') 
615      &  'Electrostatic interaction constants (asterisk: optimized):'
616         write (iout,'(1x,a,1x,a,7x,a,15x,a,15x,a,13x,a)')
617      &            'IT','JT','EPP','RPP','ELPP6','ELPP3'
618         do i=1,2
619           do j=1,2
620             write(iout,'(2i3,4(1pe15.4,1x,a1,1x))')i,j,
621      &       epp(i,j),aster(mask_elec(i,j,1)),
622      &       rpp(i,j),aster(mask_elec(i,j,2)),
623      &       elpp6(i,j),aster(mask_elec(i,j,3)),
624      &       elpp3(i,j),aster(mask_elec(i,j,4))
625           enddo
626         enddo
627         write (iout,*)
628         write (iout,'(1x,a,1x,a,10x,a,11x,a,11x,a,11x,a)')
629      &            'IT','JT','APP','BPP','AEL6','AEL3'
630         do i=1,2
631           do j=1,2
632             write(iout,'(2i3,4(1pe15.4))')i,j,app(i,j),bpp(i,j),
633      &                    ael6(i,j),ael3(i,j)
634           enddo
635         enddo
636 C Write electrostatic interaction parameters to a file
637         if (nparmset.eq.1) then
638         open(88,file="electr_opt.parm."//prefix(:ilen(prefix)),
639      &   status="unknown")
640         else
641         open(88,file="electr_opt.parm."//prefix(:ilen(prefix))//
642      &   "_par"//liczba,
643      &   status="unknown")
644         endif
645         write(88,'(4f15.10,5x,a)')((epp(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2),"! EPP"
646         write(88,'(4f15.10,5x,a)')((rpp(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2),"! RPP"
647         write(88,'(4f15.10,5x,a)')((elpp6(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2),"! ELPP6"
648         write(88,'(4f15.10,5x,a)')((elpp3(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2),"! ELPP3"
649         close(88)
650       endif
651       if (mod_scp) then
652         write (iout,*)
653         write (iout,*) 
654      &  "Parameters of SC-p interactions (star: optimized):"
655         write (iout,'(t14,a,t34,a)') "TYPE 1","TYPE 2"
656         write (iout,'(8a)') "SC TYPE"," EPS_SCP  ","   R_SCP  ",
657      &    " EPS_SCP  ","   R_SCP  "
658         do i=1,20
659           ast11 = aster(mask_scp(i,1,1))
660           ast12 = aster(mask_scp(i,1,2))
661           ast21 = aster(mask_scp(i,2,1))
662           ast22 = aster(mask_scp(i,2,2))
663           if (mask_scp(i,1,1).eq.0) ast11 = aster(mask_scp(0,1,1))
664           if (mask_scp(i,1,2).eq.0) ast12 = aster(mask_scp(0,1,2))
665           if (mask_scp(i,2,1).eq.0) ast21 = aster(mask_scp(0,2,1))
666           if (mask_scp(i,2,2).eq.0) ast22 = aster(mask_scp(0,2,2))
667           write (iout,'(2x,A3,2x,4(f8.3,1x,a1))') restyp(i),
668      &     eps_scp(i,1),ast11,rscp(i,1),ast12,eps_scp(i,2),ast21,
669      &     rscp(i,2),ast22
670         enddo
671 C Write SCp parameters to a file
672         if (nparmset.eq.1) then
673         open(88,file="scp_opt.parm."//prefix(:ilen(prefix)),
674      &     status="unknown")
675         else
676         open(88,file="scp_opt.parm."//prefix(:ilen(prefix))//
677      &     "_par"//liczba,
678      &     status="unknown")
679         endif
680         do i=1,ntyp
681           write(88,'(4f15.10,5x,a)') eps_scp(i,1),rscp(i,1),
682      &      eps_scp(i,2),rscp(i,2),restyp(i)
683         enddo
684         close(88)
685       endif
686 50    format(bz,15(f8.5,1x,a1))
687 60    format(bz,100f10.5)
688       end
689 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
690       subroutine write_zscore
691       implicit none
692       include "DIMENSIONS"
693       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
694       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
695       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
696       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
697       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
698       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
699       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
700       include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER"
701       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
702       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
703       include "COMMON.THERMAL"
704       integer i,j,k,iprot,ib
705       character*6 namnat(5) /"angrms","Q","rmsd","rgy","sign"/
706       integer ilen
707       external ilen
708       do iprot=1,nprot
710         write (iout,*)
711         write (iout,'(a,2x,a)') "Protein",
712      &    protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot)))
714         write (iout,*) 
715         write (iout,'(a)')"Maximum likelihood."
716         write (iout,*)
717         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
718           write (iout,'(f8.1,f10.5)') 
719      &      1.0d0/(Rgas*betaT(ib,1,iprot)),sumlik(ib,iprot)
720         enddo
721         write (iout,*)
723         write (iout,*) 
724         write (iout,'(a)')"Specific heat."
725         write (iout,*)
726         write (iout,'(a,f10.5)') "Baseline",heatbase(iprot)
727         do ib=1,nbeta(2,iprot)
728           write (iout,'(f8.1,3f10.5)') 
729      &      1.0d0/(Rgas*betaT(ib,2,iprot)),
730      &      zvtot(ib,iprot),target_cv(ib,iprot),weiCv(ib,iprot)
731         enddo
733         if (natlike(iprot).gt.0) write (iout,'(a)')"Nativelikeness."
734         do i=1,natlike(iprot)
735           write (iout,*) "Property",i,numnat(i,iprot)
736           if (natdim(i,iprot).eq.1)  then
737             do ib=1,nbeta(i+2,iprot)
738               write (iout,'(f7.2,2f10.5)') 
739      &         1.0d0/(Rgas*betaT(ib,i+2,iprot)),nuave(1,ib,i,iprot),
740      &         nuexp(1,ib,i,iprot),weinat(1,ib,i,iprot)
741             enddo
742           else
743             do ib=1,nbeta(i+2,iprot)
744               write (iout,'("Temperature",f7.2," NATDIM",i5)')
745      &        1.0d0/(Rgas*betaT(ib,i+2,iprot)),natdim(i,iprot)
746               do k=1,natdim(i,iprot)
747               write (iout,'(3f10.5)') nuave(k,ib,i,iprot),
748      &         nuexp(k,ib,i,iprot),weinat(k,ib,i,iprot)
749               enddo
750             enddo
751           endif
752         enddo
754       enddo
755       write (iout,*)
756       return
757       end
758 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
759       subroutine write_prot(ii,przed)
760       implicit none
761       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
762       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
763       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
764       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
765       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
766       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
767       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
768       integer i,ii,j
769       integer ilen
770       external ilen
771       character*(*) przed
772       character*64 nazwa
773       nazwa=przed(:ilen(przed))//'.'//prefix(:ilen(prefix))
774      &   //'.'//protname(ii)
775       open(unit=istat,file=nazwa)
776       do i=1,ntot_work(ii)
777         write(istat,'(i10,3f15.3,20e15.5)')
778      &    i,e_total(i,ii),eini(i,ii),entfac(i,ii),
779      &    (Ptab(i,j,ii),j=1,nbeta(1,ii))
780       enddo
781       close(istat)
782       return
783       end