update new files
[unres.git] / source / maxlik / src-Fmatch / ptab_calc.F
1       subroutine ptab_calc
2       implicit none
3       include "DIMENSIONS"
4       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
5 #ifdef MPI
6       include "mpif.h"
7       integer Ierror,Errcode,status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),tag
8       include "COMMON.MPI"
9 #endif
10       include "COMMON.CONTROL"
11       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
12       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
13       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
14       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
15       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
16       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
17       include "COMMON.FFIELD"
18       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
19       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
20       include "COMMON.CHAIN"
21       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
22       include "COMMON.THERMAL"
23       include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER"
24       include "COMMON.EREF"
25       include "COMMON.SBRIDGE"
26       include "COMMON.INTERACT"
27       include "COMMON.VAR"
28       include "COMMON.TIME1"
29       include "COMMON.FMATCH"
30       double precision fac0,t0
31       real csingle(3,maxres2)
32       double precision entfacmax,sument,sumentsq,aux
33       double precision creff(3,maxres2),cc(3,maxres2)
34       double precision thetareff(maxres2),phireff(maxres2),
35      & xxreff(maxres2),yyreff(maxres2),zzreff(maxres2)
36       double precision przes(3),obrot(3,3),etoti
37       integer iprot,i,ind,ii,j,k,kk,l,ncl,is,ie,nsum,nng,nvarr,ng,
38      &  inn,in,iref,ib,ibatch,num,itmp,imin,iperm
39       integer jj,istart_conf,iend_conf,ipass_conf,iii
40       integer ilen,iroof
41       external ilen,iroof
42       double precision ej,emaxj,sumP,sumP_t
43       double precision fac
44       double precision dx,dy,dz,dxref,dyref,dzref,
45      &  dtheta,dphi,rmsthet,rmsphi,rmsside
46 #ifdef MPI
47       double precision e_total_T_(maxstr_proc)
48 #endif
49       double precision rms,rmsave,rmsmin,rmsnat,rmscalc,rmscalc_thet,
50      &   rmscalc_phi,rmscalc_side,qwolynes,qwolyness
52       do iprot=1,nprot
54       call restore_molinfo(iprot)
56       open (icbase,file=bprotfiles(iprot),status="old",
57      &    form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec(iprot))
58       entfacmax=entfac(1,iprot)
59       sument=entfac(1,iprot)
60       sumentsq=entfac(1,iprot)**2
61       do i=2,ntot_work(iprot)
62         if (entfac(i,iprot).gt.entfacmax) entfacmax=entfac(i,iprot)
63         sument=sument+entfac(i,iprot)
64         sumentsq=sumentsq+entfac(i,iprot)**2
65       enddo
66       sument=sument/ntot_work(iprot)
67       sumentsq=dsqrt(sumentsq/ntot_work(iprot)-sument**2)
68       write (2,*) "entfacmax",entfacmax," entave",sument,
69      &   " stdent",sumentsq
70 #ifdef WEIDIST
71 #ifdef MPI
72       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(scount(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc)
73       ipass_conf=0
74       jj=0
75       sumP=0.0d0
76       do i=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc
77       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
78       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
79       istart_conf=i
80       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,indend(me1,iprot))
81 #else
82       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc)
83       ipass_conf=0
84       sumP=0.0d0
85       do i=1,ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc
86       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
87       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
88       istart_conf=i
89       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,ntot(iprot))
90 #endif
91 c
92 c Read the chunk of conformations off a DA scratchfile.
93 c
94       call daread_ccoords(iprot,istart_conf,iend_conf)
98 c Compute energies
99       do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
100         write (iout,*) "IB",ib," IPROT",iprot," NREF",nref(ib,iprot)
101         ii=0
102         do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
103           ii=ii+1
104           kk=tsil(iii,iprot)
105           if (kk.eq.0) cycle
106           etoti=0.0d0
107           do k=1,n_ene
108             etoti=etoti+ww(k)*escal(k,ib,1,iprot)
109      &            *enetb(ii,k,iprot)
110           enddo
111           e_total_T(iii,ib)=entfac(kk,iprot)
112      &             +betaT(ib,1,iprot)*(etoti-elowest(ib,1,iprot))
113         enddo
114       enddo ! ib
115 #ifdef DEBUG
116       write (iout,*) "Energies before Gather"
117       do iii=1,ntot_work(iprot)
118         write (iout,'(i5,100E12.5)') iii,
119      &         (e_total_T(iii,ib),ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot))
120       enddo
121 #endif
122 #ifdef MPI
123       do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
124         do k=1,scount(me1,iprot)
125           e_total_T_(k)=e_total_T(indstart(me1,iprot)+k-1,ib)
126         enddo
127 c        call MPI_AllGatherv(e_total_T(indstart(me1,iprot),ib),
128 c     &     scount(me1,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,e_total_T(1,ib),
129 c     &     scount(0,iprot),idispl(0,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
130 c     &     Comm1, IERROR)
131         call MPI_AllGatherv(e_total_T_(1),
132      &     scount(me1,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,e_total_T(1,ib),
133      &     scount(0,iprot),idispl(0,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
134      &     Comm1, IERROR)
135       enddo ! ib
136 #ifdef DEBUG
137       write (iout,*) "Energies after Gather"
138       do iii=1,ntot_work(iprot)
139         write (iout,'(i5,100E12.5)') iii,
140      &         (e_total_T(iii,ib),ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot))
141       enddo
142 #endif
143 #endif
146       ii=0
147 c Compute distances
148 c      write (iout,*) "Start calculating weirms",istart_conf,iend_conf
149       do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
150         ii=ii+1
151         k=tsil(iii,iprot)
152 c        write (iout,*) "Calculating weirms iii",iii," ii",ii," k",k
153         if (k.eq.0) cycle
154         call restore_ccoords(iprot,ii)
155 c Calculate the rmsds of the current conformations and convert them into weights
156 c to approximate equal weighting of all points of the conformational space
157         do k=1,2*nres
158           do l=1,3
159             creff(l,k)=c(l,k)
160           enddo
161         enddo
162 c 7/6/16 AL Add angle comparison
163         if (anglecomp(iprot) .or. sidecomp(iprot)) then
164           call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
165           call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
166           do k=1,nres
167             phireff(k)=phi(k)
168             thetareff(k)=theta(k)
169             xxreff(k)=xxtab(k)
170             yyreff(k)=yytab(k)
171             zzreff(k)=zztab(k)
172           enddo
173         endif
174         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
175          weirms(iii,ib)=0.0d0
176         enddo
177 C-----------TEST
178 c            caonly(iprot)=.true.
179 C-----------TEST
180         do iref=1,ntot_work(iprot)
181           if (iref.ne.iii) then
182             read(icbase,rec=iref) ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
183      &      ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=nnt+nres,nct+nres),
184      &      nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),eini(iref,iprot),
185      &      entfac(iref,iprot),
186      &      ((nu(k,l,ii,iprot),k=1,maxdimnat),l=1,natlike(iprot))
187             do k=1,2*nres
188               do l=1,3
189                 c(l,k)=csingle(l,k)
190               enddo
191             enddo
192 #ifdef DEBUG
193             do k=1,nres
194               write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') k,(c(l,k),l=1,3),
195      &                      (creff(l,k),l=1,3)
196             enddo
197 #endif
198             rms = 0.0d0
199             iperm=1
200             if (rmscomp(iprot)) then
201               rms=rmscalc(c(1,1),creff(1,1),iref,iii,iprot,iperm)
202 #ifdef DEBUG
203               write (iout,*) "iref",iref," iii",iii," rms",rms
204 #endif
205 #ifdef DEBUG
206               write (2,*) "iii",iii," iref=",iref," ib",ib," etotal",
207      &          e_total_T(iref,ib),
208      &          e_total_T(iii,ib),-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib),
209      &          " rms",rms," fac",dexp(-0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2),
210      &          dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib)),
211      &          dexp(-0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2)*
212      &          dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib))
213 #endif
214               aux=dexp(-0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2)
215 #ifdef DEBUG
216               write (iout,*)"iref",iref," iii",iii," rms",rms," aux",aux
217 #endif
218             else 
219               rms=qwolyness(creff,iprot)
220 #ifdef DEBUG
221               write (2,*) "iii",iii," iref=",iref," ib",ib," etotal",
222      &          e_total_T(iref,ib),
223      &          e_total_T(iii,ib),-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib),
224      &          " rms",-dlog(rms)," fac",rms,
225      &          dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib)),
226      &          rms*dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib))
227 #endif
228               aux=rms
229             endif ! rmscomp
230 c 7/6/16 AL Add angle comparison
231             if (anglecomp(iprot).or.sidecomp(iprot))
232      &        call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
233             if (anglecomp(iprot)) then
234 c              write (iout,*) "jj",jj," iref",iref
235               rmsthet=rmscalc_thet(theta(1),thetareff(1),iperm)
236               rmsphi=rmscalc_phi(phi(1),phireff(1),iperm)
237 #ifdef DEBUG
238               write (iout,*) "rmsthet",rmsthet," rmsphi",rmsphi
239 #endif
240              aux=aux*dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsthet**2+rmsphi**2)/
241      &         sigmaang2(iprot)**2)
242 #ifdef DEBUG
243              write (iout,*) "rmsthet",rmsthet," rmsphi",rmsphi,
244      &        " auxang",aux
245 #endif
246             endif
247             if (sidecomp(iprot)) then
248               call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
249               rmsside=rmscalc_side(xxtab(1),yytab(1),zztab(1),
250      &          xxreff(1),yyreff(1),zzreff(1),iperm)
251 #ifdef DEBUG
252               write (iout,*) "rmsside",rmsside
253 #endif
254               aux=aux*dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsside/sigmaside2(iprot))**2)
255             endif
256           else
257             aux=1.0d0
258           endif
259           do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
260             if (GEOM_AND_WHAM_WEIGHTS) then
261               weirms(iii,ib) = weirms(iii,ib)
262      &          +aux*dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib))
263             else
264               weirms(iii,ib) = weirms(iii,ib)+aux
265             endif
266           enddo ! ib
267         enddo ! iref
268       enddo ! iii
269 C-----------TEST
270 c            caonly(iprot)=.false.
271 C-----------TEST
272 #ifdef DEBUG
273       write (iout,*) "weirms"
274       do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
275         write (iout,"(i5,20e12.5)") iii,(weirms(iii,ib),ib=1,
276      &       nbeta(1,iprot))
277       enddo
278 #endif
279       enddo ! i
280 #endif
282 #ifdef MPI
283       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(scount(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc)
284       DO IB=1,NBETA(1,IPROT)
285 #ifdef OUT_PTAB
286       write(csa_bank,'(a,f4.0,4hPtab,i4.4)')
287      &  protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot))),
288      &  1.0d0/(0.001987*betaT(ib,1,iprot)),me
289       open (icsa_bank,file=csa_bank,status="unknown")
290 #endif
291       ipass_conf=0
292       jj=0
293       sumP=0.0d0
294       do i=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc
295       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
296       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
297       istart_conf=i
298       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,indend(me1,iprot))
299 #else
300       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc)
301       ipass_conf=0
302       sumP=0.0d0
303       do i=1,ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc
304       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
305       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
306       istart_conf=i
307       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,ntot(iprot))
308 #endif
309       ii=0
310 c
311 c Read the chunk of conformations off a DA scratchfile.
312 c
313       call daread_ccoords(iprot,istart_conf,iend_conf)
314       write (iout,*) "IB",ib," IPROT",iprot," NREF",nref(ib,iprot)
315       do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
316 c        if (ib.eq.1) then
317           rmsave=0.0d0
318           rmsmin=1.0d10
319 c        endif
320         ii=ii+1
321         jj=jj+1
322         k=tsil(iii,iprot)
323         call restore_ccoords(iprot,ii)
324 c        write (iout,*) "zeroing Ptab",iii,ii,jj
325         Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=0.0d0
326         if (rmscomp(iprot)) then
327           do iref=1,nref(ib,iprot)
328 #ifdef DEBUG
329             itmp=ipdb
330             ipdb=iout 
331             call pdbout(0.0d0,"conf")
332 c            write (2,*) "nstart_sup",nstart_sup(iprot),
333 c     &          " nend_sup",nend_sup(iprot)
334 c            do k=nstart_sup(iprot),nend_sup(iprot)
335 c              write(2,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') k,(c(l,k),l=1,3),
336 c     &          (cref(l,k,iref,ib,iprot),l=1,3)
337 c            enddo
338 c            do k=nstart_sup(iprot),nend_sup(iprot)
339 c              write(2,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') k,(c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),
340 c     &          (cref(l,k+nres,iref,ib,iprot),l=1,3)
341 c            enddo
342             do k=1,2*nres
343               do l=1,3
344                 cc(l,k)=c(l,k)
345                 c(l,k)=cref(l,k,iref,ib,iprot)
346               enddo
347             enddo
348             call pdbout(0.0d0,"ref")
349             do k=1,2*nres
350               do l=1,3
351                 c(l,k)=cc(l,k)
352               enddo
353             enddo
354             ipdb=itmp
355 #endif
356             rms=rmsnat(ib,jj,iref,iprot,iperm)
357 #ifdef DEBUG
358             write (iout,*) iii,iref," rmsnat",rms
359 #endif
360 c 7/6/16 AL Add angle comparison
361 c            write(iout,*) "anglecomp",anglecomp
362             if (anglecomp(iprot).or.sidecomp(iprot)) 
363      &        call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
364             if (anglecomp(iprot)) then
365 c              write (iout,*) "jj",jj," iref",iref
366               rmsthet=rmscalc_thet(theta(1),
367      &          theta_ref(1,iref,ib,iprot),iperm)
368               rmsphi=rmscalc_phi(phi(1),phi_ref(1,iref,ib,iprot),
369      &          iperm)
370 #ifdef DEBUG
371               write (iout,*) "rmsthet",rmsthet," rmsphi",rmsphi
372 #endif
373             endif
374             if (sidecomp(iprot)) then
375               call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
376               rmsside=rmscalc_side(xxtab(1),yytab(1),zztab(1),
377      &          xxref(1,iref,ib,iprot),yyref(1,iref,ib,iprot),
378      &          zzref(1,iref,ib,iprot),iperm)
379 #ifdef DEBUG
380               write (iout,*) "rmsside",rmsside
381 #endif
382             endif
383 #ifdef DEBUG
384             write (iout,*) "ii",ii," jj",jj," iref",iref,
385      &            " rms",rms," rmsthet",rmsthet," rmsphi",rmsphi,
386      &            " efree",efreeref(iref,ib,iprot)
387 #endif               
388 c            if (ib.eq.1) then
389               rmsave=rmsave+rms
390               if (rms.lt.rmsmin) then
391                 imin=iref
392                 rmsmin=rms
393 c              endif
394             endif
395             Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
396      &          +dexp(-efreeref(iref,ib,iprot)
397      &                -0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2)
398             if (anglecomp(iprot)) 
399      &      Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*
400      &         dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsthet**2+rmsphi**2)/sigmaang2(iprot)**2)
401             if (sidecomp(iprot))
402      &      Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*
403      &              dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsside/sigmaside2(iprot))**2)
404           enddo 
405 c          if (ib.eq.1) then
406             rmsave=rmsave/nref(ib,iprot)
407 c          endif
408 #if defined(WEIENT)
409 c AL 1/24/2014 Correct the weight of a conformation to represent energy-free
410 c              search of conformational space.
411           aux=dmin1(entfacmax-entfac(k,iprot),60.0d0)
412           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*dexp(aux)
413 #ifdef DEBUG
414           write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," iii",iii," k",k,
415 c     &     " entfac",entfac(k,iprot),"aux",aux," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
416      &     "entfac",entfac(k,iprot)," weirms",weirms(iii,ib),
417      &     " Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
418 #endif
419 #elif defined(WEIDIST)
420 c          write (iout,*) "iii",iii," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot),
421 c     &     " weirms",weirms(iii,ib)," Ptab/weirms",
422 c     &     Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
423 #ifdef OUT_PTAB
424           write (icsa_bank,'(2i6,3f10.5,2f8.4)') 
425      &      iii,imin,-dlog(Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)),
426      &      -dlog(weirms(iii,ib)),
427      &      -dlog(Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)),
428      &      rmsave,rmsmin
429 #endif
430           if (ib.eq.1) rmstb(iii,iprot)=rmsmin
431           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
432 #elif defined(WEICLUST) 
433           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,iprot)
434 #endif
435           sumP=sumP+Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
436         else
437           do iref=1,nref(ib,iprot)
438             rms = qwolynes(ib,iref,iprot)
439 #ifdef DEBUG
440             write (iout,*) "iii",iii," ii",ii," jj",jj,
441      &        "iref",iref," rms",rms,-dlog(rms),
442      &           "efree",efreeref(iref,ib,iprot)
443 #endif               
444              Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)+rms*
445      &                        *dexp(-efreeref(iref,ib,iprot))
446           enddo
447 #if defined(WEIENT)
448 c AL 1/24/2014 Correct the weight of a conformation to represent energy-free
449 c              search of conformational space.
450           aux=dmin1(entfacmax-entfac(k,iprot),60.0d0)
451           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*dexp(aux)
452 #ifdef DEBUG
453           write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," iii",iii," k",k,
454      &    " entfac",entfac(k,iprot)," aux",aux," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
455 #endif
456 #elif defined(WEICLUST)
457           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(k,iprot)
458 #elif defined(WEIDIST)
459           write (iout,*) "iii",iii," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot),
460      &     " weirms",weirms(iii,ib)," Ptab/weirms",
461      &     Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
462           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
463 #endif
464           sumP=sumP+Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
465         endif
466 #ifdef DEBUG
467         write (iout,*) "ii",ii," jj",jj," ib",ib," iprot",iprot,
468      &    " Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)," sumP",sumP
469 #endif
470       enddo ! iii
471       enddo ! i
472 #ifdef DEBUG
473       write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," sumP before REDUCE",sumP
474 #endif
475 #ifdef MPI
476       call MPI_Allreduce(sumP,sumP_t,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
477      &        MPI_SUM,Comm1,IERROR)
478       sumP=sumP_t
479 #endif
480 #ifdef DEBUG
481       write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," sumP after REDUCE",sumP
482 #endif
483       jj=0
484       do iii=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot)
485       jj=jj+1
486 #ifdef DEBUG
487       write (iout,*) "iii",iii," jj",jj," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
488 #endif
489       Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/sumP
490 #ifdef DEBUG
491       write (iout,*) "iii",iii," jj",jj," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
492 #endif
493       enddo
494 #ifdef OUT_PTAB
495       close(icsa_bank)
496 #endif
497       ENDDO ! IB
498       close(icbase)
499       enddo ! iprot
500 #ifdef DEBUG
501       write (iout,*) "ELOWEST at the end of PROC_DATA"
502       do iprot=1,nprot
503         do ibatch=1,natlike(iprot)+2
504           do ib=1,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
505             write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ibatch",ibatch," ib",ib,
506      &         " elowest",elowest(ib,ibatch,iprot)
507           enddo
508         enddo
509       enddo
510       write (iout,*) "Ptab at the end of PROC"
511       do iprot=1,nprot
512         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
513         write (iout,*) "Protein",iprot," beta",ib
514         jj=0
515         do i=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot)
516           jj=jj+1
517           write (iout,*) iprot,ib,ii,jj,Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
518         enddo
519         enddo
520       enddo
521 #endif
522       return
523       end