update new files
[unres.git] / source / maxlik / src-Fmatch / proc.F
1       subroutine proc_data(nvarr,x,*)
2       implicit none
3       include "DIMENSIONS"
4       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
5 #ifdef MPI
6       include "mpif.h"
7       integer Ierror,Errcode,status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),tag
8       include "COMMON.MPI"
9 #endif
10       include "COMMON.CONTROL"
11       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
12       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
13       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
14       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
15       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
16       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
17       include "COMMON.FFIELD"
18       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
19       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
20       include "COMMON.CHAIN"
21       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
22       include "COMMON.THERMAL"
23       include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER"
24       include "COMMON.EREF"
25       include "COMMON.SBRIDGE"
26       include "COMMON.INTERACT"
27       include "COMMON.VAR"
28       include "COMMON.TIME1"
29       include "COMMON.FMATCH"
30       double precision fac0,t0
31       double precision fT(5),ftprim(5),ftbis(5),quot,quotl,quotl1,
32      &  denom,kfac,kfacl,logfac,eplus,eminus,tanhT,entfacmax,
33      &  sument,sumentsq,aux
34       real csingle(3,maxres2)
35       double precision creff(3,maxres2),cc(3,maxres2)
36       double precision thetareff(maxres2),phireff(maxres2),
37      & xxreff(maxres2),yyreff(maxres2),zzreff(maxres2)
38       double precision przes(3),obrot(3,3),etoti
39       logical non_conv
40       integer wykl
41       integer iprot,i,ind,ii,j,k,kk,l,ncl,is,ie,nsum,nng,nvarr,ng,
42      &  inn,in,iref,ib,ibatch,num,itmp,imin
43       integer l1,l2,ncon_all
44       double precision rcyfr
45       integer jj,istart_conf,iend_conf,ipass_conf,iii
46       integer ilen,iroof
47       external ilen,iroof
48       double precision ej,emaxj,sumP,sumP_t
49       double precision fac
50       double precision x(max_paropt)
51       double precision wconf(maxstr_proc)
52       double precision dx,dy,dz,dxref,dyref,dzref,
53      &  dtheta,dphi,rmsthet,rmsphi,rmsside
54       double precision Fmean,SStot
55       double precision pinorm
56       external pinorm
57 #ifdef MPI
58       double precision e_total_T_(maxstr_proc)
59 #endif
60       logical LPRN
61       integer maxl1,maxl2
62       double precision rms,rmsave,rmsmin,rmsnat,qwolynes,qwolyness
63       cutoffeval=.false.
64       T0=3.0d2
65       fac0=1.0d0/(T0*Rgas)
66       kfac=2.4d0
67       write (iout,*) "fac0",fac0
68       write(iout,*) "torsional and valence angle mode",tor_mode
69 c
70 c Determine the number of variables and the initial vector of optimizable
71 c parameters
72 c
73       lprn=.false.
74       if (restart_flag) then
75         call w2x(nvarr,x_orig,*11) 
76         do i=1,n_ene
77           ww_oorig(i)=ww(i)
78         enddo
79         open (88,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.restin',status='unknown')
80         read(88,*,end=99,err=99) (x(i),i=1,nvarr)
81         close(88)
82         write (iout,*)
83         write (iout,*) 
84      &    "Variables replaced with values from the restart file."
85         do i=1,nvarr
86           write (iout,'(i5,f15.5)') i,x(i)
87         enddo
88         write (iout,*)
89         call x2w(nvarr,x)
90         goto 88
91   99    write (iout,*) 
92      &    "Error - restart file nonexistent, incompatible or damaged."
93 #ifdef MPI
94         call MPI_Finalize(Ierror)
95 #endif
96         stop 
97      &    "Error - restart file nonexistent, incompatible or damaged."
98       else
99         call w2x(nvarr,x,*11) 
100         write (iout,*) "PROC: after W2X nvarr",nvarr
101         do i=1,n_ene
102           ww_oorig(i)=ww(i)
103         enddo
104         do i=1,nvarr
105           x_orig(i)=x(i)
106         enddo
107       endif
108   88  continue
109 c
110 c Setup weights for UNRES
111 c
112       wsc=ww(1)
113       wscp=ww(2)
114       welec=ww(3)
115       wcorr=ww(4)
116       wcorr5=ww(5)
117       wcorr6=ww(6)
118       wel_loc=ww(7)
119       wturn3=ww(8)
120       wturn4=ww(9)
121       wturn6=ww(10)
122       wang=ww(11)
123       wscloc=ww(12)
124       wtor=ww(13)
125       wtor_d=ww(14)
126       wstrain=ww(15)
127       wvdwpp=ww(16)
128       wbond=ww(17)
129       wsccor=ww(19)
130 #ifdef SCP14
131       scal14=ww(17)/ww(2)
132 #endif
133       do i=1,n_ene
134         weights(i)=ww(i)
135       enddo
137       DO IPROT=1,NPROT
139       if (.not.maxlik(iprot)) cycle
141       call restore_molinfo(iprot)
144       DO IBATCH=1,natlike(iprot)+2
146 c Calculate temperature-dependent weight scaling factors
147       do ib=1,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
148         fac=betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot)
149         quot=fac0/fac
150         if (rescale_mode.eq.0) then
151           do l=1,5
152             fT(l)=1.0d0
153             fTprim(l)=0.0d0
154             fTbis(l)=0.0d0
155           enddo
156         else if (rescale_mode.eq.1) then
157           quotl=1.0d0
158           kfacl=1.0d0
159           do l=1,5
160             quotl1=quotl
161             quotl=quotl*quot
162             kfacl=kfacl*kfac
163             denom=kfacl-1.0d0+quotl
164             fT(l)=kfacl/denom
165             ftprim(l)=-l*ft(l)*quotl1/(T0*denom)
166             ftbis(l)=l*kfacl*quotl1*
167      &       (2*l*quotl-(l-1)*denom)/(quot*t0*t0*denom**3)
168             write (iout,*) "ib",ib," beta",betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot),
169      &      " quot",quot," l",l,fT(l),fTprim(l),fTbis(l)
170           enddo
171         else if (rescale_mode.eq.2) then
172           quotl=1.0d0
173           do l=1,5
174             quotl1=quotl
175             quotl=quotl*quot
176             eplus=dexp(quotl)
177             eminus=dexp(-quotl)
178             logfac=1.0d0/dlog(eplus+eminus)
179             tanhT=(eplus-eminus)/(eplus+eminus)
180             fT(l)=1.12692801104297249644d0*logfac
181             ftprim(l)=-l*quotl1*ft(l)*tanhT*logfac/T0
182             ftbis(l)=(l-1)*ftprim(l)/(quot*T0)-
183      &      2*l*quotl1/T0*logfac*
184      &      (2*l*quotl1*ft(l)/(T0*(eplus+eminus)**2)
185      &      +ftprim(l)*tanhT)
186           enddo
187         else
188           write (iout,*) "Unknown RESCALE_MODE",rescale_mode
189           call flush(iout)
190           stop
191         endif
192         do k=1,n_ene
193           escal(k,ib,ibatch,iprot)=1.0d0
194           escalprim(k,ib,ibatch,iprot)=0.0d0
195           escalbis(k,ib,ibatch,iprot)=0.0d0
196         enddo
197         if (shield_mode.gt.0) then
198           escal(1,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
199           escal(2,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
200           escal(16,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
201           escalprim(1,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
202           escalprim(2,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
203           escalprim(16,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
204           escalbis(1,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
205           escalbis(2,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
206           escalbis(16,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
207         endif
208         escal(3,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
209         escal(4,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(3)
210         escal(5,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(4)
211         escal(6,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(5)
212         escal(7,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(2)
213         escal(8,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(2)
214         escal(9,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(3)
215         escal(10,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(5)
216         escal(13,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
217         escal(14,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(2)
218         escal(19,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
219         escalprim(3,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(1)
220         escalprim(4,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(3)
221         escalprim(5,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(4)
222         escalprim(6,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(5)
223         escalprim(7,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(2)
224         escalprim(8,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(2)
225         escalprim(9,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(3)
226         escalprim(10,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(5)
227         escalprim(13,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(1)
228         escalprim(14,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(2)
229         escalprim(19,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(1)
230         escalbis(3,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(1)
231         escalbis(4,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(3)
232         escalbis(5,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(4)
233         escalbis(6,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(5)
234         escalbis(7,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(2)
235         escalbis(8,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(2)
236         escalbis(9,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(3)
237         escalbis(10,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(5)
238         escalbis(13,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(1)
239         escalbis(14,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(2)
240         escalbis(19,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(1)
241       enddo
243       betmin(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(1,ibatch,iprot)
244       betmax(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(1,ibatch,iprot)
245       do ib=2,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
246         if (betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot).lt.betmin(ibatch,iprot))
247      &     betmin(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot)
248         if (betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot).gt.betmax(ibatch,iprot))
249      &     betmax(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot)
250         enddo
251        write (iout,'(2(a,i5,2x),2(a,f7.2,2x))') 
252      &    "Protein",iprot," batch",ibatch,
253      &    " betmin",betmin(ibatch,iprot)," betmax",betmax(ibatch,iprot)
255       ENDDO ! IBATCH
257       ENDDO ! IPROT
258 c
259 c Compute energy and entropy histograms to filter out conformations
260 c with potntially too low or too high weights.
261 c
262       call determine_histograms
263 c
264 c Make the working list of conformations
265 c
266       call make_list(.true.,.true.,nvarr,x)
268       call make_list_MD(.true.)
270 c 3/8/2013 Calculate RMSDs/Qs and the Ptab array
271       call PTab_calc
272 c AL 5/13/2019 Compute variances of MD forces
273       do iprot=1,nprot
275         if (.not.fmatch(iprot)) cycle
277         open (icbase,file=bprotfiles_MD(iprot),status="old",
278      &    form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec_MD(iprot))
280         Fmean=0.0d0
281         do ii=1,ntot_work_MD(iprot),maxstr_proc
282           istart_conf=ii
283           iend_conf=min0(ii+maxstr_proc-1,ntot_MD(iprot))
284           call daread_MDcoords(iprot,istart_conf,iend_conf)
285           do j=istart_conf,iend_conf
286 c            jj=list_conf_MD(j,iprot)
287 c          write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," j",j," jj",jj
288             do i=1,nsite(iprot)
289               do k=1,3
290                 Fmean=Fmean+CGforce_MD(k,i,j,iprot)
291               enddo
292             enddo
293           enddo
294         enddo
296         Fmean=Fmean/(3*nsite(iprot)*ntot_work_MD(iprot))
297         write(iout,*) "PROC_DATA Protein",iprot," Fmean",Fmean
299         SStot=0.0d0
301         do j=1,ntot_work_MD(iprot)
302 c          jj=list_conf_MD(j,iprot)
303           do i=1,nsite(iprot)
304             do k=1,3
305               SStot=SStot+(CGforce_MD(k,i,j,iprot)-Fmean)**2
306             enddo
307           enddo
308         enddo
310         varforce(iprot)=SStot/(3*nsite(iprot)*ntot_work_MD(iprot)) 
311         meanforce(iprot)=Fmean
312         write (iout,*) "PROC_DATA Protein",iprot," varforce",
313      &   varforce(iprot)," mean force",meanforce(iprot)
315         close(icbase)
317       enddo ! iprot
319       return
320    11 return1
321       end
322 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
323       subroutine determine_histograms
324       implicit none
325       include "DIMENSIONS"
326       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
327       integer maxind
328       parameter (maxind=1000)
329 #ifdef MPI
330       include "mpif.h"
331       integer Ierror,Errcode,status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),tag
332       include "COMMON.MPI"
333 #endif
334       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
335       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
336       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
337       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
338       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
339       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
340       include "COMMON.FFIELD"
341       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
342       include "COMMON.CHAIN"
343       include "COMMON.CONTROL"
344       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
345       integer iprot,i,ii,iii,j,k,l,ibatch,inde,indt,idelte,ideltt
346       double precision eminh,emaxh,tminh,tmaxh
347       integer he(0:maxind),
348      &  ht(0:maxind),hemax,htmax
349 c
350 c Construct energy and entropy histograms
351 c
352       write (iout,*) "Calling DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS"
353       call flush(iout)
354       do iprot=1,nprot
355           if (.not.maxlik(iprot)) cycle
356           eminh=1.0d20
357           emaxh=-1.0d20
358           tminh=1.0d20
359           tmaxh=-1.0d20
360           do i=0,maxind
361             he(i)=0
362             ht(i)=0
363           enddo
364           do i=1,ntot(iprot)
365             iii=i
366             if (eini(iii,iprot).lt.eminh) 
367      &        eminh=eini(iii,iprot)
368             if (eini(iii,iprot).gt.emaxh) 
369      &        emaxh=eini(iii,iprot)
370              if (entfac(iii,iprot).lt.tminh)
371      &        tminh=entfac(iii,iprot)
372             if (entfac(iii,iprot).gt.tmaxh)
373      &        tmaxh=entfac(iii,iprot)
374           enddo
375 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 1"
376           call flush(iout)
377           do i=1,ntot(iprot)
378             iii=i
379             inde=eini(iii,iprot)-eminh
380             indt=entfac(iii,iprot)-tminh
381             if (inde.le.maxind) he(inde)=he(inde)+1
382             if (indt.le.maxind) ht(indt)=ht(indt)+1
383           enddo
384 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 2"
385             idelte=emaxh-eminh
386             ideltt=tmaxh-tminh
387             hemax=0
388 c            write (iout,*) "idelte",idelte," ideltt",ideltt
389             call flush(iout)
390             do i=0,idelte
391 c              write (iout,*) "i",i," he",he(i)," hemax",hemax
392               call flush(iout)
393               if (he(i).gt.hemax) hemax=he(i)
394             enddo
395             htmax=0
396             do i=0,ideltt
397 c              write (iout,*) "i",i," ht",ht(i)," htmax",htmax
398               call flush(iout)
399               if (ht(i).gt.htmax) htmax=ht(i)
400             enddo 
401 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 3"
402           call flush(iout)
403             hemax=hemax/hefac(iprot)
404             if (hemax.lt.hemax_low(iprot)) 
405      &        hemax=hemax_low(iprot)
406             htmax=htmax/htfac(iprot)
407             if (htmax.lt.htmax_low(iprot)) 
408      &        htmax=htmax_low(iprot)
409             i=0
410             do while (i.lt.idelte .and. he(i).lt.hemax)
411               i=i+1
412             enddo
413 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 4"
414           call flush(iout)
415             e_lowb(iprot)=eminh+i
416             i=0
417             do while (i.lt.ideltt .and. ht(i).lt.htmax)
418               i=i+1
419             enddo
420             t_lowb(iprot)=tminh+i
421 #ifdef DEBUG
422             write (iout,*) "protein",iprot
423             write (iout,*) "energy histogram"
424             do i=0,idelte
425               write (iout,'(f15.5,i10)') eminh+i,he(i)
426             enddo
427             write (iout,*) "entropy histogram"
428             do i=0,ideltt
429               write (iout,'(f15.5,i10)') tminh+i,ht(i)
430             enddo
431             write (iout,*) "emin",eminh," tmin",tminh,
432      &       " hemax",hemax," htmax",htmax,
433      &       " e_lowb",e_lowb(iprot),
434      &       " t_lowb",t_lowb(iprot)
435             call flush(iout)
436 #endif
437       enddo
438       return
439       end
440 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
441       subroutine imysort(n, x, ipermut)
442       implicit none
443       integer n
444       integer x(n),xtemp
445       integer ipermut(n)
446       integer i,j,imax,ipm
447       do i=1,n
448         xtemp=x(i)
449         imax=i
450         do j=i+1,n
451           if (x(j).lt.xtemp) then
452             imax=j
453             xtemp=x(j)
454           endif
455         enddo
456         x(imax)=x(i)
457         x(i)=xtemp
458         ipm=ipermut(imax)
459         ipermut(imax)=ipermut(i)
460         ipermut(i)=ipm
461       enddo
462       return
463       end
464 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------
465       subroutine write_conf_count
466       implicit none
467       include "DIMENSIONS"
468       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
469       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
470       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
471       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
472       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
473       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
474       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
475       integer iprot,ibatch,i,ii,j,kk
476       integer ilen
477       external ilen
478       logical LPRN
479       write (iout,*)
480       write (iout,*)"Numbers of conformations after applying the cutoff"
481       write (iout,*)
482       do iprot=1,nprot
483         write (iout,'(a,2x,a,i10)') "Protein",
484      &    protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot))),
485      &    ntot_work(iprot)
486       enddo
487       return
488       end
489 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
490       double precision function fdum()
491       fdum=0.0D0
492       return
493       end