program genereating HOMOL_FRAG consensus fragments
authorCezary Czaplewski <>
Thu, 5 Apr 2018 13:09:39 +0000 (15:09 +0200)
committerCezary Czaplewski <>
Thu, 5 Apr 2018 13:09:39 +0000 (15:09 +0200)
source/fragments/fitsq.f [new file with mode: 0644]
source/fragments/klapaucjusz-longest.f [new file with mode: 0644]
source/fragments/run.csh [new file with mode: 0755]
source/fragments/suppdb_ca_dis.f [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/source/fragments/fitsq.f b/source/fragments/fitsq.f
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b42473a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+      subroutine fitsq(rms,x,y,nn,t,b)
+c  x and y are the vectors of coordinates (dimensioned (3,n)) of the two
+c  structures to be superimposed.  nn is 3*n, where n is the number of  
+c  points.   t and b are respectively the translation vector and the    
+c  rotation matrix that transforms the second set of coordinates to the 
+c  frame of the first set.                                              
+c  eta =  machine-specific variable                                     
+c     dimension x(1),y(1),t(3)                                          
+      dimension x(3*nn),y(3*nn),t(3)                                        
+      dimension b(3,3),q(3,3),r(3,3),v(3),xav(3),yav(3),e(3),c(3,3)     
+      eta = z00100000                                                   
+c     small=25.0*rmdcon(3)                                              
+c     small=25.0*eta                                                    
+c     small=25.0*10.e-10                                                
+c the following is a very lenient value for 'small'                     
+      small = 0.0001                                                    
+      fn=nn                                                             
+      do 10 i=1,3                                                       
+      xav(i)=0.0                                                        
+      yav(i)=0.0                                                        
+      do 10 j=1,3                                                       
+   10 b(j,i)=0.0                                                        
+      nc=0                                                              
+      do 30 n=1,nn                                                      
+      do 20 i=1,3                                                       
+c      print*,'x = ',x(nc+i),'  y = ',y(nc+i)                           
+      xav(i)=xav(i)+x(nc+i)/fn                                          
+   20 yav(i)=yav(i)+y(nc+i)/fn                                          
+   30 nc=nc+3                                                           
+*     print*,'xav = ',(xav(j),j=1,3)                                    
+*     print*,'yav = ',(yav(j),j=1,3)                                    
+      nc=0                                                              
+      rms=0.0                                                           
+      do 50 n=1,nn                                                      
+      do 40 i=1,3                                                       
+      rms=rms+((x(nc+i)-xav(i))**2+(y(nc+i)-yav(i))**2)/fn              
+      do 40 j=1,3                                                       
+      b(j,i)=b(j,i)+(x(nc+i)-xav(i))*(y(nc+j)-yav(j))/fn                
+   40 c(j,i)=b(j,i)                                                     
+   50 nc=nc+3                                                           
+      call sivade(b,q,r,d)                                              
+      sn3=sign(1.0,d)                                                   
+      do 120 i=1,3                                                      
+      do 120 j=1,3                                                      
+  120 b(j,i)=-q(j,1)*r(i,1)-q(j,2)*r(i,2)-sn3*q(j,3)*r(i,3)             
+      call mvvad(b,xav,yav,t)                                           
+      do 130 i=1,3                                                      
+      do 130 j=1,3                                                      
+      rms=rms+2.0*c(j,i)*b(j,i)                                         
+  130 b(j,i)=-b(j,i)                                                    
+      if (abs(rms).gt.small) go to 140                                  
+*     write (6,301)                                                     
+      return                                                            
+  140 if ( go to 150                                         
+*     write (6,303) rms                                                 
+      rms=0.0
+*     stop                                                              
+* 150 write (6,302) sqrt(rms)                                           
+  150 rms=sqrt(rms)
+      return                                                            
+  301 format (5x,'rms deviation negligible')                            
+  302 format (5x,'rms deviation ',f14.6)                                
+  303 format (//,5x,'negative ms deviation - ',f14.6)                   
+      end                                                               
+      subroutine sivade(x,q,r,dt)                                       
+c  computes q,e and r such that q(t)xr = diag(e)                        
+      dimension x(3,3),q(3,3),r(3,3),e(3)                               
+      dimension h(3,3),p(3,3),u(3,3),d(3)                               
+      eta = z00100000                                                   
+      small=25.0*10.e-10                                                
+c     small=25.0*eta                                                    
+c     small=2.0*rmdcon(3)                                               
+      xnrm=0.0                                                          
+      do 20 i=1,3                                                       
+      do 10 j=1,3                                                       
+      xnrm=xnrm+x(j,i)*x(j,i)                                           
+      u(j,i)=0.0                                                        
+      r(j,i)=0.0                                                        
+   10 h(j,i)=0.0                                                        
+      u(i,i)=1.0                                                        
+   20 r(i,i)=1.0                                                        
+      xnrm=sqrt(xnrm)                                                   
+      do 110 n=1,2                                                      
+      xmax=0.0                                                          
+      do 30 j=n,3                                                       
+   30 if (abs(x(j,n)).gt.xmax) xmax=abs(x(j,n))                         
+      a=0.0                                                             
+      do 40 j=n,3                                                       
+      h(j,n)=x(j,n)/xmax                                                
+   40 a=a+h(j,n)*h(j,n)                                                 
+      a=sqrt(a)                                                         
+      den=a*(a+abs(h(n,n)))                                             
+      d(n)=1.0/den                                                      
+      h(n,n)=h(n,n)+sign(a,h(n,n))                                      
+      do 70 i=n,3                                                       
+      s=0.0                                                             
+      do 50 j=n,3                                                       
+   50 s=s+h(j,n)*x(j,i)                                                 
+      s=d(n)*s                                                          
+      do 60 j=n,3                                                       
+   60 x(j,i)=x(j,i)-s*h(j,n)                                            
+   70 continue                                                          
+      if ( go to 110                                             
+      xmax=amax1(abs(x(1,2)),abs(x(1,3)))                               
+      h(2,3)=x(1,2)/xmax                                                
+      h(3,3)=x(1,3)/xmax                                                
+      a=sqrt(h(2,3)*h(2,3)+h(3,3)*h(3,3))                               
+      den=a*(a+abs(h(2,3)))                                             
+      d(3)=1.0/den                                                      
+      h(2,3)=h(2,3)+sign(a,h(2,3))                                      
+      do 100 i=1,3                                                      
+      s=0.0                                                             
+      do 80 j=2,3                                                       
+   80 s=s+h(j,3)*x(i,j)                                                 
+      s=d(3)*s                                                          
+      do 90 j=2,3                                                       
+   90 x(i,j)=x(i,j)-s*h(j,3)                                            
+  100 continue                                                          
+  110 continue                                                          
+      do 130 i=1,3                                                      
+      do 120 j=1,3                                                      
+  120 p(j,i)=-d(1)*h(j,1)*h(i,1)                                        
+  130 p(i,i)=1.0+p(i,i)                                                 
+      do 140 i=2,3                                                      
+      do 140 j=2,3                                                      
+      u(j,i)=u(j,i)-d(2)*h(j,2)*h(i,2)                                  
+  140 r(j,i)=r(j,i)-d(3)*h(j,3)*h(i,3)                                  
+      call mmmul(p,u,q)                                                 
+  150 np=1                                                              
+      nq=1                                                              
+      if (abs(x(2,3)).gt.small*(abs(x(2,2))+abs(x(3,3)))) go to 160     
+      x(2,3)=0.0                                                        
+      nq=nq+1                                                           
+  160 if (abs(x(1,2)).gt.small*(abs(x(1,1))+abs(x(2,2)))) go to 180     
+      x(1,2)=0.0                                                        
+      if (x(2,3).ne.0.0) go to 170                                      
+      nq=nq+1                                                           
+      go to 180                                                         
+  170 np=np+1                                                           
+  180 if (nq.eq.3) go to 310                                            
+      npq=4-np-nq                                                       
+      if ( go to 230                                          
+      n0=0                                                              
+      do 220 n=np,npq                                                   
+      nn=n+np-1                                                         
+      if (abs(x(nn,nn)).gt.small*xnrm) go to 220                        
+      x(nn,nn)=0.0                                                      
+      if (x(nn,nn+1).eq.0.0) go to 220                                  
+      n0=n0+1                                                           
+      go to (190,210,220),nn                                            
+  190 do 200 j=2,3                                                      
+  200 call givns(x,q,1,j)                                               
+      go to 220                                                         
+  210 call givns(x,q,2,3)                                               
+  220 continue                                                          
+      if ( go to 150                                            
+  230 nn=3-nq                                                           
+      a=x(nn,nn)*x(nn,nn)                                               
+      if ( a=a+x(nn-1,nn)*x(nn-1,nn)                            
+      b=x(nn+1,nn+1)*x(nn+1,nn+1)+x(nn,nn+1)*x(nn,nn+1)                 
+      c=x(nn,nn)*x(nn,nn+1)                                             
+      dd=0.5*(a-b)                                                      
+      xn2=c*c                                                           
+      rt=b-xn2/(dd+sign(sqrt(dd*dd+xn2),dd))                            
+      y=x(np,np)*x(np,np)-rt                                            
+      z=x(np,np)*x(np,np+1)                                             
+      do 300 n=np,nn                                                    
+      if (abs(y).lt.abs(z)) go to 240                                   
+      t=z/y                                                             
+      c=1.0/sqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
+      s=c*t                                                             
+      go to 250                                                         
+  240 t=y/z                                                             
+      s=1.0/sqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
+      c=s*t                                                             
+  250 do 260 j=1,3                                                      
+      v=x(j,n)                                                          
+      w=x(j,n+1)                                                        
+      x(j,n)=c*v+s*w                                                    
+      x(j,n+1)=-s*v+c*w                                                 
+      a=r(j,n)                                                          
+      b=r(j,n+1)                                                        
+      r(j,n)=c*a+s*b                                                    
+  260 r(j,n+1)=-s*a+c*b                                                 
+      y=x(n,n)                                                          
+      z=x(n+1,n)                                                        
+      if (abs(y).lt.abs(z)) go to 270                                   
+      t=z/y                                                             
+      c=1.0/sqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
+      s=c*t                                                             
+      go to 280                                                         
+  270 t=y/z                                                             
+      s=1.0/sqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
+      c=s*t                                                             
+  280 do 290 j=1,3                                                      
+      v=x(n,j)                                                          
+      w=x(n+1,j)                                                        
+      a=q(j,n)                                                          
+      b=q(j,n+1)                                                        
+      x(n,j)=c*v+s*w                                                    
+      x(n+1,j)=-s*v+c*w                                                 
+      q(j,n)=c*a+s*b                                                    
+  290 q(j,n+1)=-s*a+c*b                                                 
+      if ( go to 300                                            
+      y=x(n,n+1)                                                        
+      z=x(n,n+2)                                                        
+  300 continue                                                          
+      go to 150                                                         
+  310 do 320 i=1,3                                                      
+  320 e(i)=x(i,i)                                                       
+  330 n0=0                                                              
+      do 360 i=1,3                                                      
+      if (e(i).ge.0.0) go to 350                                        
+      e(i)=-e(i)                                                        
+      do 340 j=1,3                                                      
+  340 q(j,i)=-q(j,i)                                                    
+  350 if (i.eq.1) go to 360                                             
+      if (abs(e(i)).lt.abs(e(i-1))) go to 360                           
+      call switch(i,1,q,r,e)                                            
+      n0=n0+1                                                           
+  360 continue                                                          
+      if ( go to 330                                            
+      if (abs(e(3)).gt.small*xnrm) go to 370                            
+      e(3)=0.0                                                          
+      if (abs(e(2)).gt.small*xnrm) go to 370                            
+      e(2)=0.0                                                          
+  370 dt=det(q(1,1),q(1,2),q(1,3))*det(r(1,1),r(1,2),r(1,3))            
+*     write (1,501) (e(i),i=1,3)                                        
+      return                                                            
+  501 format (/,5x,'singular values - ',3e15.5)                         
+      end                                                               
+      subroutine givns(a,b,m,n)                                         
+      dimension a(3,3),b(3,3)                                           
+      if (abs(a(m,n)).lt.abs(a(n,n))) go to 10                          
+      t=a(n,n)/a(m,n)                                                   
+      s=1.0/sqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
+      c=s*t                                                             
+      go to 20                                                          
+   10 t=a(m,n)/a(n,n)                                                   
+      c=1.0/sqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
+      s=c*t                                                             
+   20 do 30 j=1,3                                                       
+      v=a(m,j)                                                          
+      w=a(n,j)                                                          
+      x=b(j,m)                                                          
+      y=b(j,n)                                                          
+      a(m,j)=c*v-s*w                                                    
+      a(n,j)=s*v+c*w                                                    
+      b(j,m)=c*x-s*y                                                    
+   30 b(j,n)=s*x+c*y                                                    
+      return                                                            
+      end                                                               
+      subroutine switch(n,m,u,v,d)                                      
+      dimension u(3,3),v(3,3),d(3)                                      
+      do 10 i=1,3                                                       
+      tem=u(i,n)                                                        
+      u(i,n)=u(i,n-1)                                                   
+      u(i,n-1)=tem                                                      
+      if (m.eq.0) go to 10                                              
+      tem=v(i,n)                                                        
+      v(i,n)=v(i,n-1)                                                   
+      v(i,n-1)=tem                                                      
+   10 continue                                                          
+      tem=d(n)                                                          
+      d(n)=d(n-1)                                                       
+      d(n-1)=tem                                                        
+      return                                                            
+      end                                                               
+c     subroutine mvvad(a,b,c,d)                                         
+      subroutine mvvad(b,xav,yav,t)                                     
+      dimension b(3,3),xav(3),yav(3),t(3)                               
+c     dimension a(3,3),b(3),c(3),d(3)                                   
+c     do 10 j=1,3                                                       
+c     d(j)=c(j)                                                         
+c     do 10 i=1,3                                                       
+c  10 d(j)=d(j)+a(j,i)*b(i)                                             
+      do 10 j=1,3                                                       
+      t(j)=yav(j)                                                       
+      do 10 i=1,3                                                       
+   10 t(j)=t(j)+b(j,i)*xav(i)                                           
+      return                                                            
+      end                                                               
+      real function det (a,b,c)                                         
+      dimension a(3),b(3),c(3)                                          
+      det=a(1)*(b(2)*c(3)-b(3)*c(2))+a(2)*(b(3)*c(1)-b(1)*c(3))         
+     1  +a(3)*(b(1)*c(2)-b(2)*c(1))                                     
+      return                                                            
+      end                                                               
+      subroutine mmmul(a,b,c)                                           
+      dimension a(3,3),b(3,3),c(3,3)                                    
+      do 10 i=1,3                                                       
+      do 10 j=1,3                                                       
+      c(i,j)=0.0                                                        
+      do 10 k=1,3                                                       
+   10 c(i,j)=c(i,j)+a(i,k)*b(k,j)                                       
+      return                                                            
+      end                                                               
+      subroutine matvec(uvec,tmat,pvec,nback)                           
+      real*4 tmat(3,3),uvec(3,nback), pvec(3,nback)                     
+      do 2 j=1,nback                                                    
+         do 1 i=1,3                                                     
+         uvec(i,j) = 0.0                                                
+         do 1 k=1,3                                                     
+    1    uvec(i,j)=uvec(i,j)+tmat(i,k)*pvec(k,j)                        
+    2 continue                                                          
+      return                                                            
+      end                                                               
diff --git a/source/fragments/klapaucjusz-longest.f b/source/fragments/klapaucjusz-longest.f
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..41f49a3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+      parameter (maxmodel=20) 
+      parameter (maxres=1000)
+      character*32 model(maxmodel)
+      integer imodel(maxmodel)
+      integer ifragpair(maxres,maxmodel,maxmodel),
+     &    ifragpair_new(maxres,maxmodel,maxmodel),
+     & iflag(maxres),isumfmax(maxmodel),kmax(maxmodel),
+     & isumf(maxmodel),isumfmaxmin(maxmodel),kmaxmin(maxmodel),
+     & jmaxmin(maxmodel),isump(maxmodel),ifragpair_temp(maxres),
+     & ifragpair_temp1(maxres),ninclust(maxmodel),nlenclust(maxmodel),
+     & icluster(maxmodel,maxmodel),ifrag(maxres,maxmodel)
+      logical overlap
+      nmodel=5
+      nres=114
+      ifragpair_new=0 
+      lencut=7
+      do i=1,nmodel
+        do j=1,nmodel
+          if (i.eq.j) cycle
+          read(*,'(a32,33x,1000i1)')model(i),(ifragpair(k,i,j),k=1,nres)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=1,nmodel
+        do j=i+1,nmodel
+          write(*,'(2a32,1000i1)')model(i),model(j),
+     &    (ifragpair(k,i,j),k=1,nres)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      isumcut=100
+      iclust=0
+      DO WHILE (
+c search the longest fragment (number 1)
+      iflag=0
+      isummax=0
+      nfrag=0
+      do i=1,nmodel
+        do j=1,i-1
+c          write(*,'(2a32,1000i1)')model(i),model(j),(ifragpair(k,i,j)
+c     &       -ifragpair(k,j,i),k=1,nres)
+          isump=0
+          do k=1,nres
+            kk = ifragpair(k,i,j)
+            if ( isump(kk)=isump(kk)+1
+            if ( nfrag=kk
+          enddo
+          isum=0
+          do k=1,nfrag
+            if (isump(k).gt.isum) then
+              isum=isump(k)
+              kk=k
+            endif
+          enddo 
+c          write(*,'(2a32,i10)')model(i),model(j),isum
+          if ( then
+            isummax=isum
+            imodel(1)=i
+            imodel(2)=j
+            kfmax=kk
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      write (*,*) "nfrag",nfrag," kfmax",kfmax
+c      icut = max0(isummax*2/3,lencut)
+      icut = lencut
+      nflag=2
+      iflag(imodel(1))=i
+      iflag(imodel(2))=j
+c      write(*,*)"Maximum"
+c      write(*,'(2a32,i10)')model(imodel(1)),model(imodel(2)),isummax
+      overlap=.true.
+      i1 = imodel(1)
+      i2 = imodel(2)
+      isumcut=0
+      do while (overlap)
+        do i=1,nmodel
+          if (iflag(i).gt.0) cycle
+          do j=1,nflag
+            jj = imodel(j)
+            isumf=0
+            do k=1,nres
+              kk = ifragpair(k,i,jj)
+              if (ifragpair(k,i1,i2).ne.kfmax .or. kk.eq.0) cycle
+              isumf(kk)=isumf(kk)+1
+            enddo 
+            isumfmax(j)=0
+            do k=1,nfrag
+              if (isumf(k).gt.isumfmax(j)) then
+                isumfmax(j)=isumf(k)
+                kmax(j)=k
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo ! j
+          isumfmaxmin(i)=1000
+          kmaxmin(i)=0
+          jmaxmin(i)=0
+          do j=1,nflag
+            if (isumfmax(j).lt.isumfmaxmin(i)) then
+              isumfmaxmin(i)=isumfmax(j)
+              kmaxmin(i)=kmax(j)
+              jmaxmin(i)=imodel(j)
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo ! i
+        isumfmaxminmax=0
+        kmaxminmax=0
+        imaxminmax=0
+        jmaxminmax=0
+        do i=1,nmodel
+          if (iflag(i).gt.0) cycle
+          if (isumfmaxmin(i).gt.isumfmaxminmax) then
+            isumfmaxminmax=isumfmaxmin(i) 
+            imaxminmax=i
+            kmaxminmax=kmaxmin(i)
+            jmaxminmax=jmaxmin(i)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        print *,"isumfmaxminmax",isumfmaxminmax," icut",icut
+        if ( then
+          overlap=.false.
+        else
+          isumcut = isumfmaxminmax
+          iimod=imaxminmax
+          jjmod=jmaxminmax
+          kkmod=kmaxminmax
+          nflag=nflag+1
+          iflag(imaxminmax)=imaxminmax
+          imodel(nflag)=imaxminmax 
+c          write(*,'(2a32,i10)')model(imodel(1)),model(imodel(2)),isummax
+c          write(*,'(1000i1)')(ifragpair(k,imodel(1),imodel(2)),k=1,nres)
+          write(*,*) "isumfmaxminmax",isumfmaxminmax
+          print *,"kmaxminmax",kmaxminmax
+          write(*,'(a32)')(model(imodel(i)),i=1,nflag)
+          write(*,'(1000i1)')
+     &     (ifragpair(k,imaxminmax,jmaxminmax),k=1,nres)
+          do k=1,nres
+            ifragpair_temp(k)=ifragpair(k,imaxminmax,jmaxminmax)
+            ifragpair_temp1(k)=ifragpair(k,i1,i2)
+          enddo
+          do i=1,nflag
+            do j=1,i-1
+              ii = imodel(i)
+              jj = imodel(j)
+              do k=1,nres
+                if (ifragpair_temp(k).eq.kmaxminmax .and. 
+     &           ifragpair_temp1(k).eq.kfmax) then
+                  ifragpair(k,ii,jj)=0
+                  ifragpair(k,jj,ii)=0
+                endif
+              enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+         do i=1,nmodel
+           do j=i+1,nmodel
+             write(*,'(2a32,1000i1)')model(i),model(j),
+     &       (ifragpair(k,i,j),k=1,nres)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+        endif
+      enddo ! while
+      print *,"iimod",iimod," jjmod",jjmod," kkmod",kkmod,
+     &   " isumcut",isumcut
+      if ( then
+        nclust=nclust+1
+        print *,"cluster",nclust
+        ninclust(nclust)=nflag
+        nlenclust(nclust)=isumcut
+        do i=1,nflag
+          icluster(i,nclust)=imodel(i)
+        enddo
+        ii=0
+        do k=1,nres
+          if (ifragpair_temp(k).eq.kkmod .and. 
+     &     ifragpair_temp1(k).eq.kfmax) then
+            ii=ii+1
+            print *,k
+            ifrag(ii,nclust)=k
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if ( write(*,*) "CHUJ NASTAPIL!!!",
+     &    ii,nlenclust(nclust)
+        do i=1,nflag
+          do j=1,i-1
+            do k=1,nres
+              if (ifragpair_temp(k).eq.kkmod .and.
+     &           ifragpair_temp1(k).eq.kfmax) then
+                ifragpair_new(k,imodel(i),imodel(j))=nclust
+                ifragpair_new(k,imodel(j),imodel(i))=nclust
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      ENDDO ! while
+      do i=1,nmodel
+        do j=i+1,nmodel
+          write(*,'(2a32,1000i1)')model(i),model(j),
+     &      (ifragpair_new(k,i,j),k=1,nres)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      write (*,*) "nclust",nclust 
+      do i=1,nclust
+        write(*,*) "Cluster",i," ninclust",ninclust(i)
+        write(*,'(a32)') (model(icluster(j,i)),j=1,ninclust(i))
+        write(*,'(i5)') (ifrag(j,i),j=1,nlenclust(i))
+      enddo
+      end
diff --git a/source/fragments/run.csh b/source/fragments/run.csh
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..2e6d8aa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+foreach f1 (*[1-5])
+ foreach f2 (*[1-5])
+ if ($f1 != $f2) then
+  echo -n $f1 $f2 |awk '{printf "%-32s%-32s",$1,$2}' >> all.txt
+  ./f $f1 $f2 ooo_${f1}_${f2}_ooo 1 114 >& /dev/null
+  tail -1 ooo_${f1}_${f2}_ooo >> all.txt
+ endif
diff --git a/source/fragments/suppdb_ca_dis.f b/source/fragments/suppdb_ca_dis.f
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..50b09ce
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+      dimension s1(3,10000),s2(3,10000),ca1(3,10000),ca2(3,10000)
+      dimension xyz1(3,5000),xyz2(3,5000),waby(5000),ires(5000),
+     & atnam(5000),rms(500,500),imin(5000),imax(5000),isel(5000),
+     & isel_t(5000),issel(5000),diff(5000),iperm(5000)
+      character*4 atnam
+      dimension t(3),b(3,3),z(3,5000)
+      integer resnum,resnum1,resnum2,resnum3,resnum4,frag(5000)
+      character*80 karta
+      character*80 fnam1,fnam2,fnam3
+      logical insel
+      ifrag=1
+      nnn = iargc()
+      if ( then
+        stop 
+     & 'Usage: suppdb pdb_file_1 pdb_file_2 out_file [resnum1 resnum2]'
+      endif
+      call getarg(1,fnam1)
+      call getarg(2,fnam2)
+      call getarg(3,fnam3)
+      open (2,file=fnam3,status='unknown')
+      if ( then
+        print *,'resnum1,resnum2'
+        read (*,*) resnum1,resnum2
+      else
+        call getarg(4,karta)
+        read (karta,*) resnum1
+        call getarg(5,karta)
+        read (karta,*) resnum2
+      endif
+      if ( then
+        call getarg(6,karta)
+        read (karta,*) resnum3
+      else
+        resnum3=resnum1
+      endif
+      resnum4=resnum3+resnum2-resnum1
+      print *,'resnum1',resnum1,' resnum2',resnum2
+      print *,'resnum3',resnum3,' resnum4',resnum4
+      print *,'opening file ',fnam1
+      open (1,file=fnam1,status='old',err=111)
+      iat=0
+      isup=0
+      write (2,'(/2a)') 'Coordinates of the first set from ',
+     &  fnam1(:len_trim(fnam1))
+      do irec=1,10000
+      read (1,'(a80)',end=10) karta
+      if ((karta(1:4).eq.'ATOM'.or.karta(1:6).eq.'HETATM').and.
+     & karta(14:15).eq.'CA') then
+      read (karta(23:26),*) resnum
+      if ( .and. resnum.le.resnum2) then
+      iat=iat+1
+      read (karta(14:16),'(a3)') atnam(iat)
+      read (karta(31:54),'(3f8.3)') xyz1(1,iat),xyz1(2,iat),
+     1                              xyz1(3,iat)
+      read (karta(23:26),'(i4)') ires(iat)
+      read (karta(18:20),'(a3)') waby(iat)
+      if (atnam(iat).eq.'CA ') then
+        write (2,'(a)') karta
+        isup=isup+1
+        do i=1,3
+          ca1(i,isup)=xyz1(i,iat)
+          s1(i,isup)=xyz1(i,iat)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      endif
+      endif
+      enddo
+   10 nsup=isup
+      nat=iat
+      print *,'from first file: nat=',nat
+      close(1)
+      print *,'opening file ',fnam2
+      open (1,file=fnam2,status='old',err=112)
+      iat=0
+      isup=0
+      write (2,'(/2a)') 'Coordinates of the first set from ',
+     &  fnam2(:len_trim(fnam2))
+      do irec=1,10000
+      read (1,'(a80)',end=20) karta
+      if ((karta(1:4).eq.'ATOM'.or.karta(1:6).eq.'HETATM').and.
+     & karta(14:15).eq.'CA') then
+      read (karta(23:26),*) resnum
+      if ( .and. resnum.le.resnum4) then
+      iat=iat+1
+      read (karta(31:54),'(3f8.3)') xyz2(1,iat),xyz2(2,iat),
+     1                              xyz2(3,iat)
+      if (atnam(iat).eq.'CA ') then
+        write (2,'(a)') karta
+        isup=isup+1
+        do i=1,3
+          ca2(i,isup)=xyz2(i,iat)
+          s2(i,isup)=xyz2(i,iat)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      endif
+      endif
+      enddo
+   20 continue 
+      print *,'from second file: nat=',iat
+!      write (2,'(//4a8)') '# length','  start','   rms'
+      do i=1,nsup
+        issel(i)=i
+      enddo
+      nsup_t = nsup
+      nsup_old=0
+      DO WHILE (NSUP>4 .and. 
+      nsup_old = nsup
+      do is1=4,nsup
+!        write (2,'(a)')
+        do is2=1,nsup-is1+1
+          call fitsq(rms(is1,is2),s2(1,is2),s1(1,is2),is1,t,b)
+!          write (2,'(2(i4,4x),2f8.2)') is1,is2+resnum1-1,rms(is1,is2)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      write (2,'(//2a8,3a8)') '# length',' start','rmsmin',
+     &  'rmsmax','rmsave'
+      do i=4,nsup
+        imin(i)=1
+        imax(i)=1
+        rmin=rms(i,1)
+        rmax=rms(i,1)
+        rmsave=rms(i,1)**2
+        do j=2,nsup-i+1
+          if ( rms(i,j).lt.rmin) then
+            imin(i)=j
+            rmin=rms(i,j)
+          else if ( rms(i,j).gt.rmax) then
+            imax(i)=j
+            rmax=rms(i,j)
+          endif
+          rmsave=rmsave+rms(i,j)*rms(i,j)
+        enddo
+        rmsave=sqrt(rmsave/(nsup-i+1))
+        write (2,'(2(i4,4x),3(f8.2))') i,imin(i)+resnum1-1,
+     &   rms(i,imin(i)), ! rms(i,imin(i))/sqrt(float(i)),
+     &   rms(i,imax(i)), ! rms(i,imax(i))/sqrt(float(i)),
+     &   rmsave ! ,rmsave/sqrt(float(i))
+      enddo
+      rmscut=4.0d0
+      rmscut1=1.0d0*rmscut
+      do i4=nsup,4,-1
+        if (rms(i4,imin(i4)).le.rmscut) exit
+      enddo    
+      call fitsq(rrms,s2(1,imin(i4)),s1(1,imin(i4)),i4,t,b)
+      nsup_t=nsup
+      do i=1,nsup
+        isel(i)=issel(i)
+      enddo
+      rrms=1000.0d0
+c      do while (
+      do while (
+        nnsup_t=0
+        std=0.0d0
+        diffmax=-10000.0d0
+        do i=1,nsup_t
+          ii=isel(i)
+          call mvvad(b,ca2(1,ii),t,z(1,i))
+          diffi=0.0d0
+          do j=1,3
+            diffi=diffi+(z(j,i)-ca1(j,ii))**2
+          enddo
+          std=std+diffi
+          diffi=sqrt(diffi)
+!          write (2,*) i,ii,diffi
+          diff(i)=diffi
+          if ( diffmax=diffi
+        enddo
+        do i=1,nsup_t
+          iperm(i)=i
+        enddo
+        write(2,*) 'diff'
+        write(2,*) (diff(i),i=1,nsup_t)
+        call mysort(nsup_t,diff,iperm)
+        write(2,*) 'diff'
+        write(2,*) (diff(i),i=1,nsup_t)
+        std=sqrt(std/nsup_t)
+        write (2,*) 'std=',std
+        write (*,*) 'std=',std
+        sstd=dmin1(1.5d0*std,0.9999d0*diffmax)
+!        do i=1,nsup_t
+!          ii=isel(i)
+!          if (diff(i).lt.sstd .or. diff(i).lt.rmscut) then
+!            nnsup_t=nnsup_t+1
+!            isel(nnsup_t)=ii
+!          endif
+!        enddo
+        sumdiff=0.0d0
+        do i=1,nsup_t
+          ii=isel(iperm(i))
+c          sumdiff=sumdiff+diff(i)**2
+c          if (dsqrt(sumdiff/dfloat(i)).lt.rmscut1) then
+          if (diff(i).lt.rmscut1) then
+            nnsup_t=nnsup_t+1
+            isel_t(nnsup_t)=ii
+          endif
+        enddo
+        nsup_t=nnsup_t
+        do i=1,nsup_t
+          iperm(i)=i
+          isel(i)=isel_t(i)
+        enddo
+        if (nsup_t.eq.0 .or. nnsup_t.eq.0) exit
+        write (2,*) 'nsup_t',nsup_t,' nnsup_t',nnsup_t
+        write (2,'(20i4)') (isel(i),i=1,nnsup_t)
+        call mysort(nsup_t,isel,iperm)
+        print *,'nsup_t',nsup_t,' nnsup_t',nnsup_t
+        print '(20i4)',(isel(i),i=1,nnsup_t)
+        write (2,*) 'nsup_t',nsup_t,' nnsup_t',nnsup_t
+        write (2,'(20i4)') (isel(i),i=1,nnsup_t)
+        len_min=4
+        i=1
+        len=1
+        do i=1,nsup_t 
+          ii=isel(i)
+          do j=1,3
+            s1(j,i)=ca1(j,ii)
+            s2(j,i)=ca2(j,ii)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        do i=1,nsup_t
+          ii=isel(i)
+          do j=1,3
+            s1(j,i)=ca1(j,ii)
+            s2(j,i)=ca2(j,ii) 
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        if (nsup_t.le.2) exit
+        print *,"before fitsq: nsup_r",nsup_t
+        call fitsq(rrms,s2(1,1),s1(1,1),nsup_t,t,b)
+        write (2,*) 'nsup_t=',nsup_t,' rrms=',rrms
+        write (*,*) 'nsup_t=',nsup_t,' rrms=',rrms
+      enddo 
+      i=1
+      do while (i.le.nnsup_t)
+        write (*,*) 'i=',i,' isel',isel(i),' isel1',isel(i+1)
+        if (i.eq.nnsup_t .or. isel(i+1)-isel(i).gt.1) then
+          if ( then
+            write (*,'(20i4)') (isel(k),k=1,nnsup_t)
+            write (*,*) 'len=',len,' len_min=',len_min
+            do j=i+1,nnsup_t
+              isel(j-len)=isel(j)
+            enddo
+            nnsup_t=nnsup_t-len
+!            write (2,'(20i4)') (isel(k),k=1,nnsup_t)
+            i=i-len+1
+            len=1
+          else
+            len=1
+            i=i+1
+          endif
+        else
+          len=len+1
+          i=i+1
+        endif
+!        write (2,*) 'i=',i,' len=',len
+      enddo
+      print *,'final nsup_t',nsup_t
+      print *,"final isel"
+      print '(20i4)',(isel(i),i=1,nnsup_t)
+      write (2,*) 'final nsup_t',nsup_t
+      write (2,*) "final isel"
+      write (2,'(20i4)') (isel(i),i=1,nnsup_t)
+      if ( then
+       do i=1,nnsup_t
+        frag(isel(i))=ifrag
+       enddo
+       ifrag=ifrag+1
+      endif
+      print *,"----- end of iteration"
+      write (2,*) 'nsup_t',nsup_t,' nnsup_t',nnsup_t
+      nsup_t=nnsup_t
+      write (2,'(/4a)') 'REMARK superimposed coordinates from files ',
+     &fnam1(:len_trim(fnam1)),' and ',fnam2(:len_trim(fnam2))
+      write (2,'(a,f6.2,a)') 
+     & 'REMARK Calpha rms deviation:',rrms,
+     & ' angstroms'
+      write (2,'(a,I5)') 'REMARK number of superposed residues',nsup_t
+      i1=isel(1)
+      do i=2,nnsup_t
+        if (isel(i)-isel(i-1).gt.1) then
+          write (2,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f5.1,a)') 
+     &     'REMARK fragment',i1+resnum1-1,' - ',isel(i-1)+resnum1-1
+           i1=isel(i)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      write (2,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f5.1,a)') 
+     &     'REMARK fragment',i1+resnum1-1,' - ',isel(i-1)+resnum1-1
+      do i=1,nsup_t
+        ii=isel(i)
+        write (2,100) ii+resnum1-1,atnam(ii),waby(ii),ires(ii),
+     &                (xyz1(j,ii),j=1,3)
+      enddo
+      write (2,'(a)') 'TER'
+      do i=1,nnsup_t
+        ii=isel(i)
+        call mvvad(b,xyz2(1,ii),t,z(1,ii))
+        write (2,100) ii+resnum3-1,atnam(ii),waby(ii),ires(ii),
+     &                (z(j,ii),j=1,3)
+      enddo 
+      write (2,'(a)') 'TER'
+      ind=0
+      do i=1,nsup
+        insel=.false.
+        do j=1,nsup_t
+          if (issel(i).eq.isel(j)) then
+            insel=.true.
+            exit
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if (.not.insel) then
+          ind=ind+1 
+          issel(ind)=issel(i)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      nsup=nsup-nsup_t
+      print *,"nsup",nsup
+      if ( print *,"issel",(issel(i),i=1,nsup)
+      do i=1,nsup
+        do j=1,3
+          s1(j,i)=ca1(j,issel(i))
+          s2(j,i)=ca2(j,issel(i))
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      ENDDO 
+      write (2,'(5000i1)') (frag(i),i=1,resnum2-resnum1+1)
+      stop 777
+  111 print '(2a)','Error opening input file ',fnam1(:len_trim(fnam1))
+      stop 111
+  112 print '(2a)','Error opening input file ',fnam2(:len_trim(fnam2))
+      stop 112
+  100 format ('ATOM',i7,2x,a2,2x,a3,i6,4x,3f8.3)
+      end
+      subroutine distout(ncon,rms)
+      parameter(ncol=10)
+      dimension rms(200,200)
+      dimension b(ncol)
+      iout=2
+c      icant(i,j)=((ncon+ncon-j)*(j-1))/2+i-j
+      write (iout,'(a)') 'The distance matrix'
+      do 1 i=1,ncon,ncol
+      nlim=min0(i+ncol-1,ncon)
+      write (iout,1000) (k,k=i,nlim)
+      write (iout,'(8h--------,10a)') ('-------',k=i,nlim)
+ 1000 format (/8x,10(i4,3x))
+ 1020 format (/1x,80(1h-)/)
+      do 2 j=i,ncon
+      jlim=min0(j,nlim)
+      if (jlim.eq.j) then
+        b(jlim-i+1)=0.0d0
+        jlim1=jlim-1
+      else
+        jlim1=jlim
+      endif
+      do 3 k=i,jlim1
+    3 b(k-i+1)=rms(k,j)
+      write (iout,1010) j,(b(k),k=1,jlim-i+1)
+    2 continue
+    1 continue
+ 1010 format (i5,3x,10(f6.2,1x))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine mysort(n, x, ipermut)
+      implicit none
+      real x(n),xsort(n)
+      integer ipermut(n)
+      integer i,j,imax,ipm,n
+      real xtemp
+      do i=1,n
+        xtemp=x(i)
+        imax=i
+        do j=i+1,n
+          if (x(j).lt.xtemp) then
+            imax=j
+            xtemp=x(j)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        x(imax)=x(i)
+        x(i)=xtemp
+        ipm=ipermut(imax)
+        ipermut(imax)=ipermut(i)
+        ipermut(i)=ipm
+      enddo
+      return
+      end