final changes to remove CSA from MD version of the code
authorCezary Czaplewski <>
Wed, 28 Mar 2012 21:39:50 +0000 (23:39 +0200)
committerCezary Czaplewski <>
Wed, 28 Mar 2012 21:39:50 +0000 (23:39 +0200)
new executable

bin/unres/MD/unres_ifort_mpich-1.2.7p1.exe [new file with mode: 0755]
source/unres/src_MD/Makefile_ifort [new file with mode: 0644]
source/unres/src_MD/readrtns.F [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/bin/unres/MD/unres_ifort_mpich-1.2.7p1.exe b/bin/unres/MD/unres_ifort_mpich-1.2.7p1.exe
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..68ceaa9
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/unres/MD/unres_ifort_mpich-1.2.7p1.exe differ
diff --git a/source/unres/src_MD/Makefile_ifort b/source/unres/src_MD/Makefile_ifort
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1642593
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+           -DSPLITELE -DAMD64 -DLANG0 
+#           -DTSCSC
+INSTALL_DIR = /users/local/mpi64/mpich-1.2.7p1/
+#INSTALL_DIR = /users/local/mpich2-1.3.1/
+#INSTALL_DIR = /users/software/mpich-1.2.7p1_intel-10.1_em64_ssh
+#INSTALL_DIR = /users/software/mpich2.x86_64/
+FC= ifort
+OPT =  -O3 -ip -w 
+FFLAGS = -c ${OPT} -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include 
+FFLAGS1 = -c -w -g -d2 -CA -CB -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include 
+FFLAGS2 = -c -w -g -O0 -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include  
+FFLAGSE = -c -w -O3 -ipo -ipo_obj  -opt_report -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include
+BIN = ../../../bin/unres/MD/unres_ifort_mpich-1.2.7p1.exe
+#LIBS = -L$(INSTALL_DIR)/lib -lmpich xdrf_em64/libxdrf.a  -lmpl 
+LIBS = -L$(INSTALL_DIR)/lib -lmpich xdrf/libxdrf.a
+PP = /lib/cpp -P
+all: unres
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} $*.F
+object = unres.o arcos.o cartprint.o chainbuild.o convert.o initialize_p.o \
+        matmult.o readrtns.o parmread.o gen_rand_conf.o printmat.o map.o \
+        pinorm.o randgens.o rescode.o intcor.o timing.o misc.o intlocal.o \
+        cartder.o checkder_p.o econstr_local.o energy_p_new_barrier.o \
+       energy_p_new-sep_barrier.o gradient_p.o minimize_p.o sumsld.o \
+        cored.o rmdd.o geomout.o readpdb.o regularize.o thread.o fitsq.o mcm.o \
+        mc.o bond_move.o refsys.o check_sc_distr.o check_bond.o contact.o djacob.o \
+        eigen.o blas.o add.o entmcm.o minim_mcmf.o \
+        MP.o compare_s1.o prng_32.o \
+        banach.o rmsd.o elecont.o dihed_cons.o \
+        sc_move.o local_move.o \
+        intcartderiv.o lagrangian_lesyng.o\
+       stochfric.o kinetic_lesyng.o MD_A-MTS.o moments.o int_to_cart.o \
+        surfatom.o sort.o muca_md.o MREMD.o rattle.o gauss.o energy_split-sep.o \
+        q_measure.o gnmr1.o test.o
+unres: ${object} xdrf/libxdrf.a
+       cc -o compinfo compinfo.c
+       ./compinfo | true
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} cinfo.f
+       ${FC} ${OPT} ${object} cinfo.o ${LIBS}  -o ${BIN}
+       cd xdrf && make
+       /bin/rm *.o *.il
+test.o: test.F
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} test.F
+chainbuild.o: chainbuild.F
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} chainbuild.F
+matmult.o: matmult.f
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} matmult.f
+parmread.o : parmread.F
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} parmread.F
+intcor.o : intcor.f
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} intcor.f
+cartder.o : cartder.F
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} cartder.F
+readpdb.o : readpdb.F
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS2} ${CPPFLAGS} readpdb.F
+sumsld.o : sumsld.f
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} sumsld.f
+cored.o : cored.f
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS1} ${CPPFLAGS} cored.f
+rmdd.o : rmdd.f
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} rmdd.f
+energy_p_new_barrier.o : energy_p_new_barrier.F
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} energy_p_new_barrier.F
+gradient_p.o : gradient_p.F
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} gradient_p.F
+energy_p_new-sep_barrier.o : energy_p_new-sep_barrier.F
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} energy_p_new-sep_barrier.F
+lagrangian_lesyng.o : lagrangian_lesyng.F
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} lagrangian_lesyng.F
+blas.o : blas.f
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS1} blas.f
+add.o : add.f
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS1} add.f
+eigen.o : eigen.f
+       ${FC} ${FFLAGS2} eigen.f
+proc_proc.o: proc_proc.c
+       ${CC} ${CFLAGS} proc_proc.c
diff --git a/source/unres/src_MD/readrtns.F b/source/unres/src_MD/readrtns.F
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6ce9ec3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2628 @@
+      subroutine readrtns
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+#ifdef MPI
+      include 'mpif.h'
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      logical file_exist
+C Read force-field parameters except weights
+      call parmread
+C Read job setup parameters
+      call read_control
+C Read control parameters for energy minimzation if required
+      if (minim) call read_minim
+C Read MCM control parameters if required
+      if (modecalc.eq.3 .or. modecalc.eq.6) call mcmread
+C Read MD control parameters if reqjuired
+      if (modecalc.eq.12) call read_MDpar
+C Read MREMD control parameters if required
+      if (modecalc.eq.14) then 
+         call read_MDpar
+         call read_REMDpar
+      endif
+C Read MUCA control parameters if required
+      if (lmuca) call read_muca
+C Read CSA control parameters if required (from fort.40 if exists
+C otherwise from general input file)
+csa      if (modecalc.eq.8) then
+csa       inquire (file="fort.40",exist=file_exist)
+csa       if (.not.file_exist) call csaread
+csa      endif 
+cfmc      if (modecalc.eq.10) call mcmfread
+C Read molecule information, molecule geometry, energy-term weights, and
+C restraints if requested
+      call molread
+C Print restraint information
+#ifdef MPI
+      if (.not. out1file .or. me.eq.king) then
+      if ( 
+     &write (iout,'(a,i5,a)') "The following",nhpb-nss,
+     & " distance constraints have been imposed"
+      do i=nss+1,nhpb
+        write (iout,'(3i6,f10.5)') i-nss,ihpb(i),jhpb(i),forcon(i)
+      enddo
+#ifdef MPI
+      endif
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," leaves READRTNS"
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine read_control
+C Read contorl data
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+#ifdef MP
+      include 'mpif.h'
+      logical OKRandom, prng_restart
+      real*8  r1
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
+      include 'COMMON.THREAD'
+      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.MCM'
+      include 'COMMON.MAP'
+      include 'COMMON.HEADER'
+csa      include 'COMMON.CSA'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.MUCA'
+      include 'COMMON.MD'
+      include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+      character*8 diagmeth(0:3) /'Library','EVVRSP','Givens','Jacobi'/
+      character*80 ucase
+      character*320 controlcard
+      nglob_csa=0
+      eglob_csa=1d99
+      nmin_csa=0
+      read (INP,'(a)') titel
+      call card_concat(controlcard)
+c      out1file=index(controlcard,'OUT1FILE').gt.0 .or.
+c      print *,"Processor",me," fg_rank",fg_rank," out1file",out1file
+      call reada(controlcard,'SEED',seed,0.0D0)
+      call random_init(seed)
+C Set up the time limit (caution! The time must be input in minutes!)
+      read_cart=index(controlcard,'READ_CART').gt.0
+      call readi(controlcard,'CONSTR_DIST',constr_dist,0)
+      call reada(controlcard,'TIMLIM',timlim,960.0D0) ! default 16 hours
+      unres_pdb = index(controlcard,'UNRES_PDB') .gt. 0
+      call reada(controlcard,'SAFETY',safety,30.0D0) ! default 30 minutes
+      call reada(controlcard,'RMSDBC',rmsdbc,3.0D0)
+      call reada(controlcard,'RMSDBC1',rmsdbc1,0.5D0)
+      call reada(controlcard,'RMSDBC1MAX',rmsdbc1max,1.5D0)
+      call reada(controlcard,'RMSDBCM',rmsdbcm,3.0D0)
+      call reada(controlcard,'DRMS',drms,0.1D0)
+      if(me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file .and. fg_rank.eq.0) then
+       write (iout,'(a,f10.1)')'RMSDBC = ',rmsdbc 
+       write (iout,'(a,f10.1)')'RMSDBC1 = ',rmsdbc1 
+       write (iout,'(a,f10.1)')'RMSDBC1MAX = ',rmsdbc1max 
+       write (iout,'(a,f10.1)')'DRMS    = ',drms 
+       write (iout,'(a,f10.1)')'RMSDBCM = ',rmsdbcm 
+       write (iout,'(a,f10.1)') 'Time limit (min):',timlim
+      endif
+      call readi(controlcard,'NZ_START',nz_start,0)
+      call readi(controlcard,'NZ_END',nz_end,0)
+      call readi(controlcard,'IZ_SC',iz_sc,0)
+      timlim=60.0D0*timlim
+      safety = 60.0d0*safety
+      timem=timlim
+      modecalc=0
+      call reada(controlcard,"T_BATH",t_bath,300.0d0)
+      minim=(index(controlcard,'MINIMIZE').gt.0)
+      dccart=(index(controlcard,'CART').gt.0)
+      overlapsc=(index(controlcard,'OVERLAP').gt.0)
+      overlapsc=.not.overlapsc
+      searchsc=(index(controlcard,'NOSEARCHSC').gt.0)
+      searchsc=.not.searchsc
+      sideadd=(index(controlcard,'SIDEADD').gt.0)
+      energy_dec=(index(controlcard,'ENERGY_DEC').gt.0)
+      outpdb=(index(controlcard,'PDBOUT').gt.0)
+      outmol2=(index(controlcard,'MOL2OUT').gt.0)
+      pdbref=(index(controlcard,'PDBREF').gt.0)
+      refstr=pdbref .or. (index(controlcard,'REFSTR').gt.0)
+      indpdb=index(controlcard,'PDBSTART')
+      extconf=(index(controlcard,'EXTCONF').gt.0)
+      call readi(controlcard,'IPRINT',iprint,0)
+      call readi(controlcard,'MAXGEN',maxgen,10000)
+      call readi(controlcard,'MAXOVERLAP',maxoverlap,1000)
+      call readi(controlcard,"KDIAG",kdiag,0)
+      call readi(controlcard,"RESCALE_MODE",rescale_mode,1)
+      if(me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file .and. fg_rank.eq.0)
+     & write (iout,*) "RESCALE_MODE",rescale_mode
+      split_ene=index(controlcard,'SPLIT_ENE').gt.0
+      if (index(controlcard,'REGULAR').gt.0.0D0) then
+        call reada(controlcard,'WEIDIS',weidis,0.1D0)
+        modecalc=1
+        refstr=.true.
+      endif
+      if (index(controlcard,'CHECKGRAD').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=5
+        if (index(controlcard,'CART').gt.0) then
+          icheckgrad=1
+        elseif (index(controlcard,'CARINT').gt.0) then
+          icheckgrad=2
+        else
+          icheckgrad=3
+        endif
+      elseif (index(controlcard,'THREAD').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=2
+        call readi(controlcard,'THREAD',nthread,0)
+        if ( then
+          call reada(controlcard,'WEIDIS',weidis,0.1D0)
+        else
+          if (fg_rank.eq.0)
+     &    write (iout,'(a)')'A number has to follow the THREAD keyword.'
+          stop 'Error termination in Read_Control.'
+        endif
+      else if (index(controlcard,'MCMA').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=3
+      else if (index(controlcard,'MCEE').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=6
+      else if (index(controlcard,'MULTCONF').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=4
+      else if (index(controlcard,'MAP').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=7
+        call readi(controlcard,'MAP',nmap,0)
+      else if (index(controlcard,'CSA').gt.0) then
+           write(*,*) "CSA not supported in this version"
+           stop
+csa        modecalc=8
+crc      else if (index(controlcard,'ZSCORE').gt.0) then
+crc  ZSCORE is rm from UNRES, modecalc=9 is available
+crc        modecalc=9
+cfcm      else if (index(controlcard,'MCMF').gt.0) then
+cfmc        modecalc=10
+      else if (index(controlcard,'SOFTREG').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=11
+      else if (index(controlcard,'CHECK_BOND').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=-1
+      else if (index(controlcard,'TEST').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=-2
+      else if (index(controlcard,'MD').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=12
+      else if (index(controlcard,'RE ').gt.0) then
+        modecalc=14
+      endif
+      lmuca=index(controlcard,'MUCA').gt.0
+      call readi(controlcard,'MUCADYN',mucadyn,0)      
+      call readi(controlcard,'MUCASMOOTH',muca_smooth,0)
+      if (lmuca .and. (me.eq.king .or. .not.out1file )) 
+     & then
+       write (iout,*) 'MUCADYN=',mucadyn
+       write (iout,*) 'MUCASMOOTH=',muca_smooth
+      endif
+      iscode=index(controlcard,'ONE_LETTER')
+      indphi=index(controlcard,'PHI')
+      indback=index(controlcard,'BACK')
+      iranconf=index(controlcard,'RAND_CONF')
+      i2ndstr=index(controlcard,'USE_SEC_PRED')
+      gradout=index(controlcard,'GRADOUT').gt.0
+      gnorm_check=index(controlcard,'GNORM_CHECK').gt.0
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     & write (iout,'(2a)') diagmeth(kdiag),
+     &  ' routine used to diagonalize matrices.'
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine read_REMDpar
+C Read REMD settings
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
+      include 'COMMON.MD'
+#ifndef LANG0
+      include 'COMMON.LANGEVIN'
+      include 'COMMON.LANGEVIN.lang0'
+      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
+      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+      include 'COMMON.REMD'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+      character*80 ucase
+      character*320 controlcard
+      character*3200 controlcard1
+      integer iremd_m_total
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     & write (iout,*) "REMD setup"
+      call card_concat(controlcard)
+      call readi(controlcard,"NREP",nrep,3)
+      call readi(controlcard,"NSTEX",nstex,1000)
+      call reada(controlcard,"RETMIN",retmin,10.0d0)
+      call reada(controlcard,"RETMAX",retmax,1000.0d0)
+      mremdsync=(index(controlcard,'SYNC').gt.0)
+      call readi(controlcard,"NSYN",i_sync_step,100)
+      restart1file=(index(controlcard,'REST1FILE').gt.0)
+      traj1file=(index(controlcard,'TRAJ1FILE').gt.0)
+      call readi(controlcard,"TRAJCACHE",max_cache_traj_use,1)
+      if(
+     &           max_cache_traj_use=max_cache_traj
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file) then
+cd       if (traj1file) then
+crc caching is in testing - NTWX is not ignored
+cd        write (iout,*) "NTWX value is ignored"
+cd        write (iout,*) "  trajectory is stored to one file by master"
+cd        write (iout,*) "  before exchange at NSTEX intervals"
+cd       endif
+       write (iout,*) "NREP= ",nrep
+       write (iout,*) "NSTEX= ",nstex
+       write (iout,*) "SYNC= ",mremdsync 
+       write (iout,*) "NSYN= ",i_sync_step
+       write (iout,*) "TRAJCACHE= ",max_cache_traj_use
+      endif
+      t_exchange_only=(index(controlcard,'TONLY').gt.0)
+      call readi(controlcard,"HREMD",hremd,0)
+      if((me.eq.king.or..not.out1file) then 
+        write (iout,*) "Hamiltonian REMD with ",hremd," sets of weights"
+      endif
+      if( then
+            write (iout,'(//a)') 
+     &      "========== ERROR: USAMPL and HREMD cannot be used together"
+#ifdef MPI
+            call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERROR,ERRCODE)            
+            stop
+      endif
+      remd_tlist=.false.
+      if (index(controlcard,'TLIST').gt.0) then
+         remd_tlist=.true.
+         call card_concat(controlcard1)
+         read(controlcard1,*) (remd_t(i),i=1,nrep) 
+         if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &    write (iout,*)'tlist',(remd_t(i),i=1,nrep) 
+      endif
+      remd_mlist=.false.
+      if (index(controlcard,'MLIST').gt.0) then
+         remd_mlist=.true.
+         call card_concat(controlcard1)
+         read(controlcard1,*) (remd_m(i),i=1,nrep)  
+         if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file) then
+          write (iout,*)'mlist',(remd_m(i),i=1,nrep)
+          iremd_m_total=0
+          do i=1,nrep
+           iremd_m_total=iremd_m_total+remd_m(i)
+          enddo
+          if(
+           write (iout,*) 'Total number of replicas ',
+     &       iremd_m_total*hremd
+          else
+           write (iout,*) 'Total number of replicas ',iremd_m_total
+          endif
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file) 
+     &   write (iout,'(/30(1h=),a,29(1h=)/)') " End of REMD run setup "
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine read_MDpar
+C Read MD settings
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
+      include 'COMMON.MD'
+#ifndef LANG0
+      include 'COMMON.LANGEVIN'
+      include 'COMMON.LANGEVIN.lang0'
+      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
+      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.SPLITELE'
+      character*80 ucase
+      character*320 controlcard
+      call card_concat(controlcard)
+      call readi(controlcard,"NSTEP",n_timestep,1000000)
+      call readi(controlcard,"NTWE",ntwe,100)
+      call readi(controlcard,"NTWX",ntwx,1000)
+      call reada(controlcard,"DT",d_time,1.0d-1)
+      call reada(controlcard,"DVMAX",dvmax,2.0d1)
+      call reada(controlcard,"DAMAX",damax,1.0d1)
+      call reada(controlcard,"EDRIFTMAX",edriftmax,1.0d+1)
+      call readi(controlcard,"LANG",lang,0)
+      RESPA = index(controlcard,"RESPA") .gt. 0
+      call readi(controlcard,"NTIME_SPLIT",ntime_split,1)
+      ntime_split0=ntime_split
+      call readi(controlcard,"MAXTIME_SPLIT",maxtime_split,64)
+      ntime_split0=ntime_split
+      call reada(controlcard,"R_CUT",r_cut,2.0d0)
+      call reada(controlcard,"LAMBDA",rlamb,0.3d0)
+      rest = index(controlcard,"REST").gt.0
+      tbf = index(controlcard,"TBF").gt.0
+      call readi(controlcard,"HMC",hmc,0)
+      tnp = index(controlcard,"NOSEPOINCARE99").gt.0
+      tnp1 = index(controlcard,"NOSEPOINCARE01").gt.0
+      tnh = index(controlcard,"NOSEHOOVER96").gt.0
+      if (RESPA.and.tnh)then
+        xiresp = index(controlcard,"XIRESP").gt.0
+      endif
+      call reada(controlcard,"Q_NP",Q_np,0.1d0)
+      usampl = index(controlcard,"USAMPL").gt.0
+      mdpdb = index(controlcard,"MDPDB").gt.0
+      call reada(controlcard,"T_BATH",t_bath,300.0d0)
+      call reada(controlcard,"TAU_BATH",tau_bath,1.0d-1) 
+      call reada(controlcard,"EQ_TIME",eq_time,1.0d+4)
+      call readi(controlcard,"RESET_MOMENT",count_reset_moment,1000)
+      if (count_reset_moment.eq.0) count_reset_moment=1000000000
+      call readi(controlcard,"RESET_VEL",count_reset_vel,1000)
+      reset_moment=lang.eq.0 .and. tbf .and.
+      reset_vel=lang.eq.0 .and. tbf .and.
+      if (count_reset_vel.eq.0) count_reset_vel=1000000000
+      large = index(controlcard,"LARGE").gt.0
+      print_compon = index(controlcard,"PRINT_COMPON").gt.0
+      rattle = index(controlcard,"RATTLE").gt.0
+c  if performing umbrella sampling, fragments constrained are read from the fragment file 
+      nset=0
+      if(usampl) then
+        call read_fragments
+      endif
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file) then
+       write (iout,*)
+       write (iout,'(27(1h=),a26,27(1h=))') " Parameters of the MD run "
+       write (iout,*)
+       write (iout,'(a)') "The units are:"
+       write (iout,'(a)') "positions: angstrom, time: 48.9 fs"
+       write (iout,'(2a)') "velocity: angstrom/(48.9 fs),",
+     &  " acceleration: angstrom/(48.9 fs)**2"
+       write (iout,'(a)') "energy: kcal/mol, temperature: K"
+       write (iout,*)
+       write (iout,'(a60,i10)') "Number of time steps:",n_timestep
+       write (iout,'(a60,f10.5,a)') 
+     &  "Initial time step of numerical integration:",d_time,
+     &  " natural units"
+       write (iout,'(60x,f10.5,a)') d_time*48.9," fs"
+       if (RESPA) then
+        write (iout,'(2a,i4,a)') 
+     &    "A-MTS algorithm used; initial time step for fast-varying",
+     &    " short-range forces split into",ntime_split," steps."
+        write (iout,'(a,f5.2,a,f5.2)') "Short-range force cutoff",
+     &   r_cut," lambda",rlamb
+       endif
+       write (iout,'(2a,f10.5)') 
+     &  "Maximum acceleration threshold to reduce the time step",
+     &  "/increase split number:",damax
+       write (iout,'(2a,f10.5)') 
+     &  "Maximum predicted energy drift to reduce the timestep",
+     &  "/increase split number:",edriftmax
+       write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') 
+     & "Maximum velocity threshold to reduce velocities:",dvmax
+       write (iout,'(a60,i10)') "Frequency of property output:",ntwe
+       write (iout,'(a60,i10)') "Frequency of coordinate output:",ntwx
+       if (rattle) write (iout,'(a60)') 
+     &  "Rattle algorithm used to constrain the virtual bonds"
+      endif
+      reset_fricmat=1000
+      if ( then
+        call reada(controlcard,"ETAWAT",etawat,0.8904d0)
+        call reada(controlcard,"RWAT",rwat,1.4d0)
+        call reada(controlcard,"SCAL_FRIC",scal_fric,2.0d-2)
+        surfarea=index(controlcard,"SURFAREA").gt.0
+        call readi(controlcard,"RESET_FRICMAT",reset_fricmat,1000)
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
+         write (iout,'(/a,$)') "Langevin dynamics calculation"
+         if (lang.eq.1) then
+          write (iout,'(a/)') 
+     &      " with direct integration of Langevin equations"  
+         else if (lang.eq.2) then
+          write (iout,'(a/)') " with TINKER stochasic MD integrator"
+         else if (lang.eq.3) then
+          write (iout,'(a/)') " with Ciccotti's stochasic MD integrator"
+         else if (lang.eq.4) then
+          write (iout,'(a/)') " in overdamped mode"
+         else
+          write (iout,'(//a,i5)') 
+     &      "=========== ERROR: Unknown Langevin dynamics mode:",lang
+          stop
+         endif
+         write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') "Temperature:",t_bath
+         write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') "Viscosity of the solvent:",etawat
+         write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') "Radius of solvent molecule:",rwat
+         write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') 
+     &   "Scaling factor of the friction forces:",scal_fric
+         if (surfarea) write (iout,'(2a,i10,a)') 
+     &     "Friction coefficients will be scaled by solvent-accessible",
+     &     " surface area every",reset_fricmat," steps."
+        endif
+c Calculate friction coefficients and bounds of stochastic forces
+        eta=6*pi*cPoise*etawat
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write(iout,'(a60,f10.5)')"Eta of the solvent in natural units:"
+     &   ,eta
+        gamp=scal_fric*(pstok+rwat)*eta
+        stdfp=dsqrt(2*Rb*t_bath/d_time)
+        do i=1,ntyp
+          gamsc(i)=scal_fric*(restok(i)+rwat)*eta  
+          stdfsc(i)=dsqrt(2*Rb*t_bath/d_time)
+        enddo 
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
+         write (iout,'(/2a/)') 
+     &   "Radii of site types and friction coefficients and std's of",
+     &   " stochastic forces of fully exposed sites"
+         write (iout,'(a5,f5.2,2f10.5)')'p',pstok,gamp,stdfp*dsqrt(gamp)
+         do i=1,ntyp
+          write (iout,'(a5,f5.2,2f10.5)') restyp(i),restok(i),
+     &     gamsc(i),stdfsc(i)*dsqrt(gamsc(i))
+         enddo
+        endif
+      else if (tbf) then
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
+         write (iout,'(a)') "Berendsen bath calculation"
+         write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') "Temperature:",t_bath
+         write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') "Coupling constant (tau):",tau_bath
+         if (reset_moment) 
+     &   write (iout,'(a,i10,a)') "Momenta will be reset at zero every",
+     &   count_reset_moment," steps"
+         if (reset_vel) 
+     &    write (iout,'(a,i10,a)') 
+     &    "Velocities will be reset at random every",count_reset_vel,
+     &   " steps"
+        endif
+      else if (tnp .or. tnp1 .or. tnh) then
+        if (tnp .or. tnp1) then
+           write (iout,'(a)') "Nose-Poincare bath calculation"
+           if (tnp) write (iout,'(a)') 
+     & "J.Comput.Phys. 151 114 (1999) S.D.Bond B.J.Leimkuhler B.B.Laird"
+           if (tnp1) write (iout,'(a)') "JPSJ 70 75 (2001) S. Nose" 
+        else
+           write (iout,'(a)') "Nose-Hoover bath calculation"
+           write (iout,'(a)') "Mol.Phys. 87 1117 (1996) Martyna et al."
+              nresn=1
+              nyosh=1
+              nnos=1
+              do i=1,nnos
+               qmass(i)=Q_np
+               xlogs(i)=1.0
+               vlogs(i)=0.0
+              enddo
+              do i=1,nyosh
+               WDTI(i) = 1.0*d_time/nresn
+               WDTI2(i)=WDTI(i)/2
+               WDTI4(i)=WDTI(i)/4
+               WDTI8(i)=WDTI(i)/8
+              enddo
+              if (RESPA) then
+               if(xiresp) then
+                 write (iout,'(a)') "NVT-XI-RESPA algorithm"
+               else    
+                 write (iout,'(a)') "NVT-XO-RESPA algorithm"
+               endif
+               do i=1,nyosh
+                WDTIi(i) = 1.0*d_time/nresn/ntime_split
+                WDTIi2(i)=WDTIi(i)/2
+                WDTIi4(i)=WDTIi(i)/4
+                WDTIi8(i)=WDTIi(i)/8
+               enddo
+              endif
+        endif 
+        write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') "Temperature:",t_bath
+        write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') "Q =",Q_np
+        if (reset_moment) 
+     &  write (iout,'(a,i10,a)') "Momenta will be reset at zero every",
+     &   count_reset_moment," steps"
+        if (reset_vel) 
+     &    write (iout,'(a,i10,a)') 
+     &    "Velocities will be reset at random every",count_reset_vel,
+     &   " steps"
+      else if ( then
+         write (iout,'(a)') "Hybrid Monte Carlo calculation"
+         write (iout,'(a60,f10.5)') "Temperature:",t_bath
+         write (iout,'(a60,i10)') 
+     &         "Number of MD steps between Metropolis tests:",hmc
+      else
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write (iout,'(a31)') "Microcanonical mode calculation"
+      endif
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
+       if (rest) write (iout,'(/a/)') "===== Calculation restarted ===="
+       if (usampl) then
+          write(iout,*) "MD running with constraints."
+          write(iout,*) "Equilibration time ", eq_time, " mtus." 
+          write(iout,*) "Constraining ", nfrag," fragments."
+          write(iout,*) "Length of each fragment, weight and q0:"
+          do iset=1,nset
+           write (iout,*) "Set of restraints #",iset
+           do i=1,nfrag
+              write(iout,'(2i5,f8.1,f7.4)') ifrag(1,i,iset),
+     &           ifrag(2,i,iset),wfrag(i,iset),qinfrag(i,iset)
+           enddo
+           write(iout,*) "constraints between ", npair, "fragments."
+           write(iout,*) "constraint pairs, weights and q0:"
+           do i=1,npair
+            write(iout,'(2i5,f8.1,f7.4)') ipair(1,i,iset),
+     &             ipair(2,i,iset),wpair(i,iset),qinpair(i,iset)
+           enddo
+           write(iout,*) "angle constraints within ", nfrag_back, 
+     &      "backbone fragments."
+           write(iout,*) "fragment, weights:"
+           do i=1,nfrag_back
+            write(iout,'(2i5,3f8.1)') ifrag_back(1,i,iset),
+     &         ifrag_back(2,i,iset),wfrag_back(1,i,iset),
+     &         wfrag_back(2,i,iset),wfrag_back(3,i,iset)
+           enddo
+          enddo
+        iset=mod(kolor,nset)+1
+       endif
+      endif
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     & write (iout,'(/30(1h=),a,29(1h=)/)') " End of MD run setup "
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine molread
+C Read molecular data.
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+#ifdef MPI
+      include 'mpif.h'
+      integer error_msg
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+      include 'COMMON.VAR'
+      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
+      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
+      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+      include 'COMMON.HEADER'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.DBASE'
+      include 'COMMON.THREAD'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
+      include 'COMMON.TORCNSTR'
+      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
+      include 'COMMON.BOUNDS'
+      include 'COMMON.MD'
+      include 'COMMON.REMD'
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+      character*4 sequence(maxres)
+      integer rescode
+      double precision x(maxvar)
+      character*256 pdbfile
+      character*320 weightcard
+      character*80 weightcard_t,ucase
+      dimension itype_pdb(maxres)
+      common /pizda/ itype_pdb
+      logical seq_comp,fail
+      double precision energia(0:n_ene)
+      integer ilen
+      external ilen
+C Body
+C Read weights of the subsequent energy terms.
+      if( then
+       k=0
+       do il=1,hremd
+        do i=1,nrep
+         do j=1,remd_m(i)
+          i2set(k)=il
+          k=k+1
+         enddo
+        enddo
+       enddo
+       if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file) then
+        write (iout,*) 'Reading ',hremd,' sets of weights for HREMD'
+        write (iout,*) 'Current weights for processor ', 
+     &                 me,' set ',i2set(me)
+       endif
+       do i=1,hremd
+         call card_concat(weightcard)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WLONG',wlong,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WSC',wsc,wlong)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WSCP',wscp,wlong)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WELEC',welec,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WVDWPP',wvdwpp,welec)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WEL_LOC',wel_loc,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WCORR4',wcorr4,0.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WCORR5',wcorr5,0.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WCORR6',wcorr6,0.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WTURN3',wturn3,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WTURN4',wturn4,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WTURN6',wturn6,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WSCCOR',wsccor,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WSTRAIN',wstrain,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WBOND',wbond,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WTOR',wtor,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WTORD',wtor_d,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WANG',wang,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'WSCLOC',wscloc,1.0D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'SCAL14',scal14,0.4D0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'SCALSCP',scalscp,1.0d0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'CUTOFF',cutoff_corr,7.0d0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'DELT_CORR',delt_corr,0.5d0)
+         call reada(weightcard,'TEMP0',temp0,300.0d0)
+         if (index(weightcard,'SOFT').gt.0) ipot=6
+C 12/1/95 Added weight for the multi-body term WCORR
+         call reada(weightcard,'WCORRH',wcorr,1.0D0)
+         if ( wcorr=wcorr4
+         hweights(i,1)=wsc
+         hweights(i,2)=wscp
+         hweights(i,3)=welec
+         hweights(i,4)=wcorr
+         hweights(i,5)=wcorr5
+         hweights(i,6)=wcorr6
+         hweights(i,7)=wel_loc
+         hweights(i,8)=wturn3
+         hweights(i,9)=wturn4
+         hweights(i,10)=wturn6
+         hweights(i,11)=wang
+         hweights(i,12)=wscloc
+         hweights(i,13)=wtor
+         hweights(i,14)=wtor_d
+         hweights(i,15)=wstrain
+         hweights(i,16)=wvdwpp
+         hweights(i,17)=wbond
+         hweights(i,18)=scal14
+         hweights(i,21)=wsccor
+       enddo
+       do i=1,n_ene
+         weights(i)=hweights(i2set(me),i)
+       enddo
+       wsc    =weights(1) 
+       wscp   =weights(2) 
+       welec  =weights(3) 
+       wcorr  =weights(4) 
+       wcorr5 =weights(5) 
+       wcorr6 =weights(6) 
+       wel_loc=weights(7) 
+       wturn3 =weights(8) 
+       wturn4 =weights(9) 
+       wturn6 =weights(10)
+       wang   =weights(11)
+       wscloc =weights(12)
+       wtor   =weights(13)
+       wtor_d =weights(14)
+       wstrain=weights(15)
+       wvdwpp =weights(16)
+       wbond  =weights(17)
+       scal14 =weights(18)
+       wsccor =weights(21)
+      else
+       call card_concat(weightcard)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WLONG',wlong,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WSC',wsc,wlong)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WSCP',wscp,wlong)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WELEC',welec,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WVDWPP',wvdwpp,welec)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WEL_LOC',wel_loc,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WCORR4',wcorr4,0.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WCORR5',wcorr5,0.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WCORR6',wcorr6,0.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WTURN3',wturn3,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WTURN4',wturn4,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WTURN6',wturn6,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WSCCOR',wsccor,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WSTRAIN',wstrain,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WBOND',wbond,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WTOR',wtor,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WTORD',wtor_d,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WANG',wang,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'WSCLOC',wscloc,1.0D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'SCAL14',scal14,0.4D0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'SCALSCP',scalscp,1.0d0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'CUTOFF',cutoff_corr,7.0d0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'DELT_CORR',delt_corr,0.5d0)
+       call reada(weightcard,'TEMP0',temp0,300.0d0)
+       if (index(weightcard,'SOFT').gt.0) ipot=6
+C 12/1/95 Added weight for the multi-body term WCORR
+       call reada(weightcard,'WCORRH',wcorr,1.0D0)
+       if ( wcorr=wcorr4
+       weights(1)=wsc
+       weights(2)=wscp
+       weights(3)=welec
+       weights(4)=wcorr
+       weights(5)=wcorr5
+       weights(6)=wcorr6
+       weights(7)=wel_loc
+       weights(8)=wturn3
+       weights(9)=wturn4
+       weights(10)=wturn6
+       weights(11)=wang
+       weights(12)=wscloc
+       weights(13)=wtor
+       weights(14)=wtor_d
+       weights(15)=wstrain
+       weights(16)=wvdwpp
+       weights(17)=wbond
+       weights(18)=scal14
+       weights(21)=wsccor
+      endif
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     & write (iout,10) wsc,wscp,welec,wvdwpp,wbond,wang,wscloc,wtor,
+     &  wtor_d,wstrain,wel_loc,wcorr,wcorr5,wcorr6,wsccor,wturn3,
+     &  wturn4,wturn6
+   10 format (/'Energy-term weights (unscaled):'//
+     & 'WSCC=   ',f10.6,' (SC-SC)'/
+     & 'WSCP=   ',f10.6,' (SC-p)'/
+     & 'WELEC=  ',f10.6,' (p-p electr)'/
+     & 'WVDWPP= ',f10.6,' (p-p VDW)'/
+     & 'WBOND=  ',f10.6,' (stretching)'/
+     & 'WANG=   ',f10.6,' (bending)'/
+     & 'WSCLOC= ',f10.6,' (SC local)'/
+     & 'WTOR=   ',f10.6,' (torsional)'/
+     & 'WTORD=  ',f10.6,' (double torsional)'/
+     & 'WSTRAIN=',f10.6,' (SS bridges & dist. cnstr.)'/
+     & 'WEL_LOC=',f10.6,' (multi-body 3-rd order)'/
+     & 'WCORR4= ',f10.6,' (multi-body 4th order)'/
+     & 'WCORR5= ',f10.6,' (multi-body 5th order)'/
+     & 'WCORR6= ',f10.6,' (multi-body 6th order)'/
+     & 'WSCCOR= ',f10.6,' (back-scloc correlation)'/
+     & 'WTURN3= ',f10.6,' (turns, 3rd order)'/
+     & 'WTURN4= ',f10.6,' (turns, 4th order)'/
+     & 'WTURN6= ',f10.6,' (turns, 6th order)')
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
+       if ( then
+        write (iout,'(/2a/)') 'Local-electrostatic type correlation ',
+     &   'between contact pairs of peptide groups'
+        write (iout,'(2(a,f5.3/))') 
+     &  'Cutoff on 4-6th order correlation terms: ',cutoff_corr,
+     &  'Range of quenching the correlation terms:',2*delt_corr 
+       else if ( then
+        write (iout,'(/2a/)') 'Hydrogen-bonding correlation ',
+     &   'between contact pairs of peptide groups'
+       endif
+       write (iout,'(a,f8.3)') 
+     &  'Scaling factor of 1,4 SC-p interactions:',scal14
+       write (iout,'(a,f8.3)') 
+     &  'General scaling factor of SC-p interactions:',scalscp
+      endif
+      r0_corr=cutoff_corr-delt_corr
+      do i=1,20
+        aad(i,1)=scalscp*aad(i,1)
+        aad(i,2)=scalscp*aad(i,2)
+        bad(i,1)=scalscp*bad(i,1)
+        bad(i,2)=scalscp*bad(i,2)
+      enddo
+      call rescale_weights(t_bath)
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     & write (iout,22) wsc,wscp,welec,wvdwpp,wbond,wang,wscloc,wtor,
+     &  wtor_d,wstrain,wel_loc,wcorr,wcorr5,wcorr6,wsccor,wturn3,
+     &  wturn4,wturn6
+   22 format (/'Energy-term weights (scaled):'//
+     & 'WSCC=   ',f10.6,' (SC-SC)'/
+     & 'WSCP=   ',f10.6,' (SC-p)'/
+     & 'WELEC=  ',f10.6,' (p-p electr)'/
+     & 'WVDWPP= ',f10.6,' (p-p VDW)'/
+     & 'WBOND=  ',f10.6,' (stretching)'/
+     & 'WANG=   ',f10.6,' (bending)'/
+     & 'WSCLOC= ',f10.6,' (SC local)'/
+     & 'WTOR=   ',f10.6,' (torsional)'/
+     & 'WTORD=  ',f10.6,' (double torsional)'/
+     & 'WSTRAIN=',f10.6,' (SS bridges & dist. cnstr.)'/
+     & 'WEL_LOC=',f10.6,' (multi-body 3-rd order)'/
+     & 'WCORR4= ',f10.6,' (multi-body 4th order)'/
+     & 'WCORR5= ',f10.6,' (multi-body 5th order)'/
+     & 'WCORR6= ',f10.6,' (multi-body 6th order)'/
+     & 'WSCCOR= ',f10.6,' (back-scloc correlatkion)'/
+     & 'WTURN3= ',f10.6,' (turns, 3rd order)'/
+     & 'WTURN4= ',f10.6,' (turns, 4th order)'/
+     & 'WTURN6= ',f10.6,' (turns, 6th order)')
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     & write (iout,*) "Reference temperature for weights calculation:",
+     &  temp0
+      call reada(weightcard,"D0CM",d0cm,3.78d0)
+      call reada(weightcard,"AKCM",akcm,15.1d0)
+      call reada(weightcard,"AKTH",akth,11.0d0)
+      call reada(weightcard,"AKCT",akct,12.0d0)
+      call reada(weightcard,"V1SS",v1ss,-1.08d0)
+      call reada(weightcard,"V2SS",v2ss,7.61d0)
+      call reada(weightcard,"V3SS",v3ss,13.7d0)
+      call reada(weightcard,"EBR",ebr,-5.50D0)
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file) then
+       write (iout,*) "Parameters of the SS-bond potential:"
+       write (iout,*) "D0CM",d0cm," AKCM",akcm," AKTH",akth,
+     & " AKCT",akct
+       write (iout,*) "V1SS",v1ss," V2SS",v2ss," V3SS",v3ss
+       write (iout,*) "EBR",ebr
+       print *,'indpdb=',indpdb,' pdbref=',pdbref
+      endif
+      if ( .or. pdbref) then
+        read(inp,'(a)') pdbfile
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write (iout,'(2a)') 'PDB data will be read from file ',
+     &   pdbfile(:ilen(pdbfile))
+        open(ipdbin,file=pdbfile,status='old',err=33)
+        goto 34 
+  33    write (iout,'(a)') 'Error opening PDB file.'
+        stop
+  34    continue
+c        print *,'Begin reading pdb data'
+        call readpdb
+c        print *,'Finished reading pdb data'
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write (iout,'(a,i3,a,i3)')'nsup=',nsup,
+     &   ' nstart_sup=',nstart_sup
+        do i=1,nres
+          itype_pdb(i)=itype(i)
+        enddo
+        close (ipdbin)
+        nnt=nstart_sup
+        nct=nstart_sup+nsup-1
+        call contact(.false.,ncont_ref,icont_ref,co)
+        if (sideadd) then 
+         if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &    write(iout,*)'Adding sidechains'
+         maxsi=1000
+         do i=2,nres-1
+          iti=itype(i)
+          if ( then
+            nsi=0
+            fail=.true.
+            do while (fail.and.nsi.le.maxsi)
+              call gen_side(iti,theta(i+1),alph(i),omeg(i),fail)
+              nsi=nsi+1
+            enddo
+            if(fail) write(iout,*)'Adding sidechain failed for res ',
+     &              i,' after ',nsi,' trials'
+          endif
+         enddo
+        endif  
+      endif
+      if (indpdb.eq.0) then
+C Read sequence if not taken from the pdb file.
+        read (inp,*) nres
+c        print *,'nres=',nres
+        if ( then
+          read (inp,'(80a1)') (sequence(i)(1:1),i=1,nres)
+        else
+          read (inp,'(20(1x,a3))') (sequence(i),i=1,nres)
+        endif
+C Convert sequence to numeric code
+        do i=1,nres
+          itype(i)=rescode(i,sequence(i),iscode)
+        enddo
+C Assign initial virtual bond lengths
+        do i=2,nres
+          vbld(i)=vbl
+          vbld_inv(i)=vblinv
+        enddo
+        do i=2,nres-1
+          vbld(i+nres)=dsc(itype(i))
+          vbld_inv(i+nres)=dsc_inv(itype(i))
+c          write (iout,*) "i",i," itype",itype(i),
+c     &      " dsc",dsc(itype(i))," vbld",vbld(i),vbld(i+nres)
+        enddo
+      endif 
+c      print *,nres
+c      print '(20i4)',(itype(i),i=1,nres)
+      do i=1,nres
+#ifdef PROCOR
+        if (itype(i).eq.21 .or. itype(i+1).eq.21) then
+        if (itype(i).eq.21) then
+          itel(i)=0
+#ifdef PROCOR
+        else if (itype(i+1).ne.20) then
+        else if (itype(i).ne.20) then
+         itel(i)=1
+        else
+         itel(i)=2
+        endif  
+      enddo
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
+       write (iout,*) "ITEL"
+       do i=1,nres-1
+         write (iout,*) i,itype(i),itel(i)
+       enddo
+       print *,'Call Read_Bridge.'
+      endif
+      call read_bridge
+C 8/13/98 Set limits to generating the dihedral angles
+      do i=1,nres
+        phibound(1,i)=-pi
+        phibound(2,i)=pi
+      enddo
+      read (inp,*) ndih_constr
+      if ( then
+        read (inp,*) ftors
+        read (inp,*) (idih_constr(i),phi0(i),drange(i),i=1,ndih_constr)
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
+         write (iout,*) 
+     &   'There are',ndih_constr,' constraints on phi angles.'
+         do i=1,ndih_constr
+          write (iout,'(i5,2f8.3)') idih_constr(i),phi0(i),drange(i)
+         enddo
+        endif
+        do i=1,ndih_constr
+          phi0(i)=deg2rad*phi0(i)
+          drange(i)=deg2rad*drange(i)
+        enddo
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write (iout,*) 'FTORS',ftors
+        do i=1,ndih_constr
+          ii = idih_constr(i)
+          phibound(1,ii) = phi0(i)-drange(i)
+          phibound(2,ii) = phi0(i)+drange(i)
+        enddo 
+      endif
+      nnt=1
+#ifdef MPI
+      if (me.eq.king) then
+       write (iout,'(a)') 'Boundaries in phi angle sampling:'
+       do i=1,nres
+         write (iout,'(a3,i5,2f10.1)') 
+     &   restyp(itype(i)),i,phibound(1,i)*rad2deg,phibound(2,i)*rad2deg
+       enddo
+#ifdef MP
+      endif
+      nct=nres
+cd      print *,'NNT=',NNT,' NCT=',NCT
+      if (itype(1).eq.21) nnt=2
+      if (itype(nres).eq.21) nct=nct-1
+      if (pdbref) then
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write (iout,'(a,i3)') 'nsup=',nsup
+        nstart_seq=nnt
+        if (nsup.le.(nct-nnt+1)) then
+          do i=0,nct-nnt+1-nsup
+            if (seq_comp(itype(nnt+i),itype_pdb(nstart_sup),nsup)) then
+              nstart_seq=nnt+i
+              goto 111
+            endif
+          enddo
+          write (iout,'(a)') 
+     &            'Error - sequences to be superposed do not match.'
+          stop
+        else
+          do i=0,nsup-(nct-nnt+1)
+            if (seq_comp(itype(nnt),itype_pdb(nstart_sup+i),nct-nnt+1)) 
+     &      then
+              nstart_sup=nstart_sup+i
+              nsup=nct-nnt+1
+              goto 111
+            endif
+          enddo 
+          write (iout,'(a)') 
+     &            'Error - sequences to be superposed do not match.'
+        endif
+  111   continue
+        if (nsup.eq.0) nsup=nct-nnt
+        if (nstart_sup.eq.0) nstart_sup=nnt
+        if (nstart_seq.eq.0) nstart_seq=nnt
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)  
+     &   write (iout,*) 'nsup=',nsup,' nstart_sup=',nstart_sup,
+     &                 ' nstart_seq=',nstart_seq
+      endif
+c--- Zscore rms -------
+      if (nz_start.eq.0) nz_start=nnt
+      if (nz_end.eq.0 .and. then
+        nz_end=nnt+nsup-1
+      else if (nz_end.eq.0) then
+        nz_end=nct
+      endif
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
+       write (iout,*) 'NZ_START=',nz_start,' NZ_END=',nz_end
+       write (iout,*) 'IZ_SC=',iz_sc
+      endif
+      call init_int_table
+      if (refstr) then
+        if (.not.pdbref) then
+          call read_angles(inp,*38)
+          goto 39
+   38     write (iout,'(a)') 'Error reading reference structure.'
+#ifdef MPI
+          call MPI_Finalize(MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERROR)
+          stop 'Error reading reference structure'
+   39     call chainbuild
+          call setup_var
+czscore          call geom_to_var(nvar,coord_exp_zs(1,1))
+          nstart_sup=nnt
+          nstart_seq=nnt
+          nsup=nct-nnt+1
+          do i=1,2*nres
+            do j=1,3
+              cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          call contact(.true.,ncont_ref,icont_ref,co)
+        endif
+c        write (iout,*) "constr_dist",constr_dist,nstart_sup,nsup
+        call flush(iout)
+        if ( call read_dist_constr
+c        write (iout,*) "After read_dist_constr nhpb",nhpb
+        call hpb_partition
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write (iout,*) 'Contact order:',co
+        if (pdbref) then
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write (2,*) 'Shifting contacts:',nstart_seq,nstart_sup
+        do i=1,ncont_ref
+          do j=1,2
+            icont_ref(j,i)=icont_ref(j,i)+nstart_seq-nstart_sup
+          enddo
+          if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &     write (2,*) i,' ',restyp(itype(icont_ref(1,i))),' ',
+     &     icont_ref(1,i),' ',
+     &     restyp(itype(icont_ref(2,i))),' ',icont_ref(2,i)
+        enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (indpdb.eq.0 .and. .and.
+     &    .and. .and. .and. 
+     & then
+C If input structure hasn't been supplied from the PDB file read or generate
+C initial geometry.
+        if (iranconf.eq.0 .and. .not. extconf) then
+          if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file .and.fg_rank.eq.0)
+     &     write (iout,'(a)') 'Initial geometry will be read in.'
+          if (read_cart) then
+            read(inp,'(8f10.5)',end=36,err=36)
+     &       ((c(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
+     &       ((c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
+            call int_from_cart1(.false.)
+            do i=1,nres-1
+              do j=1,3
+                dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
+                dc_norm(j,i)=dc_norm(j,i)*vbld_inv(i+1)
+              enddo
+            enddo
+            do i=nnt,nct
+              if (itype(i).ne.10) then
+                do j=1,3
+                  dc(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i) 
+                  dc_norm(j,i+nres)=dc_norm(j,i+nres)*vbld_inv(i+nres)
+                enddo
+              endif
+            enddo
+            return
+          else
+            call read_angles(inp,*36)
+          endif
+          goto 37
+   36     write (iout,'(a)') 'Error reading angle file.'
+#ifdef MPI
+         call mpi_finalize( MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR )
+          stop 'Error reading angle file.'
+   37     continue 
+        else if (extconf) then
+         if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file .and. fg_rank.eq.0)
+     &    write (iout,'(a)') 'Extended chain initial geometry.'
+         do i=3,nres
+          theta(i)=90d0*deg2rad
+         enddo
+         do i=4,nres
+          phi(i)=180d0*deg2rad
+         enddo
+         do i=2,nres-1
+          alph(i)=110d0*deg2rad
+         enddo
+         do i=2,nres-1
+          omeg(i)=-120d0*deg2rad
+         enddo
+        else
+          if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &     write (iout,'(a)') 'Random-generated initial geometry.'
+#ifdef MPI
+          if (me.eq.king  .or. fg_rank.eq.0 .and. (
+     &           modecalc.eq.12 .or. modecalc.eq.14) ) then  
+            do itrial=1,100
+              itmp=1
+              call gen_rand_conf(itmp,*30)
+              goto 40
+   30         write (iout,*) 'Failed to generate random conformation',
+     &          ', itrial=',itrial
+              write (*,*) 'Processor:',me,
+     &          ' Failed to generate random conformation',
+     &          ' itrial=',itrial
+              call intout
+#ifdef AIX
+              call flush_(iout)
+              call flush(iout)
+            enddo
+            write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Processor:',me,
+     &        ' error in generating random conformation.'
+            write (*,'(a,i3,a)') 'Processor:',me,
+     &        ' error in generating random conformation.'
+            call flush(iout)
+#ifdef MPI
+            call MPI_Abort(mpi_comm_world,error_msg,ierrcode)            
+   40       continue
+          endif
+   40     continue
+        endif
+      elseif (modecalc.eq.4) then
+        read (inp,'(a)') intinname
+        open (intin,file=intinname,status='old',err=333)
+        if (me.eq.king .or. .not.out1file.and.fg_rank.eq.0)
+     &  write (iout,'(a)') 'intinname',intinname
+        write (*,'(a)') 'Processor',myrank,' intinname',intinname
+        goto 334
+  333   write (iout,'(2a)') 'Error opening angle file ',intinname
+#ifdef MPI 
+        call MPI_Finalize(MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR)
+        stop 'Error opening angle file.' 
+  334   continue
+      endif 
+C Generate distance constraints, if the PDB structure is to be regularized. 
+      if ( then
+        call read_threadbase
+      endif
+      call setup_var
+      if (me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file)
+     & call intout
+      if ( .and. (me.eq.king .or. .not.out1file) ) then
+        write (iout,'(/a,i3,a)') 
+     &  'The chain contains',ns,' disulfide-bridging cysteines.'
+        write (iout,'(20i4)') (iss(i),i=1,ns)
+        write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Pre-formed links are:' 
+       do i=1,nss
+         i1=ihpb(i)-nres
+         i2=jhpb(i)-nres
+         it1=itype(i1)
+         it2=itype(i2)
+         if (me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &    write (iout,'(2a,i3,3a,i3,a,3f10.3)')
+     &    restyp(it1),'(',i1,') -- ',restyp(it2),'(',i2,')',dhpb(i),
+     &    ebr,forcon(i)
+       enddo
+       write (iout,'(a)')
+      endif
+      if ( call secstrp2dihc
+c      call geom_to_var(nvar,x)
+c      call etotal(energia(0))
+c      call enerprint(energia(0))
+c      call briefout(0,etot)
+c      stop
+cd    write (iout,'(2(a,i3))') 'NNT',NNT,' NCT',NCT
+cd    write (iout,'(a)') 'Variable list:'
+cd    write (iout,'(i4,f10.5)') (i,rad2deg*x(i),i=1,nvar)
+#ifdef MPI
+      if (me.eq.king .or. (fg_rank.eq.0 .and. .not.out1file))
+     &  write (iout,'(//80(1h*)/20x,a,i4,a/80(1h*)//)') 
+     &  'Processor',myrank,': end reading molecular data.'
+      return
+      end
+      logical function seq_comp(itypea,itypeb,length)
+      implicit none
+      integer length,itypea(length),itypeb(length)
+      integer i
+      do i=1,length
+        if (itypea(i).ne.itypeb(i)) then
+          seq_comp=.false.
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+      seq_comp=.true.
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine read_bridge
+C Read information about disulfide bridges.
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+#ifdef MPI
+      include 'mpif.h'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+      include 'COMMON.VAR'
+      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
+      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
+      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+      include 'COMMON.HEADER'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.DBASE'
+      include 'COMMON.THREAD'
+      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+C Read bridging residues.
+      read (inp,*) ns,(iss(i),i=1,ns)
+      print *,'ns=',ns
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &  write (iout,*) 'ns=',ns,' iss:',(iss(i),i=1,ns)
+C Check whether the specified bridging residues are cystines.
+      do i=1,ns
+       if (itype(iss(i)).ne.1) then
+         if (me.eq.king.or..not.out1file) write (iout,'(2a,i3,a)') 
+     &   'Do you REALLY think that the residue ',restyp(iss(i)),i,
+     &   ' can form a disulfide bridge?!!!'
+         write (*,'(2a,i3,a)') 
+     &   'Do you REALLY think that the residue ',restyp(iss(i)),i,
+     &   ' can form a disulfide bridge?!!!'
+#ifdef MPI
+        call MPI_Finalize(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+         stop
+        endif
+      enddo
+C Read preformed bridges.
+      if ( then
+      read (inp,*) nss,(ihpb(i),jhpb(i),i=1,nss)
+      write (iout,*) 'nss=',nss,' ihpb,jhpb: ',(ihpb(i),jhpb(i),i=1,nss)
+      if ( then
+        nhpb=nss
+C Check if the residues involved in bridges are in the specified list of
+C bridging residues.
+        do i=1,nss
+          do j=1,i-1
+           if (ihpb(i).eq.ihpb(j).or.ihpb(i).eq.jhpb(j)
+     &      .or.jhpb(i).eq.ihpb(j).or.jhpb(i).eq.jhpb(j)) then
+             write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Disulfide pair',i,
+     &      ' contains residues present in other pairs.'
+             write (*,'(a,i3,a)') 'Disulfide pair',i,
+     &      ' contains residues present in other pairs.'
+#ifdef MPI
+             call MPI_Finalize(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror)
+              stop 
+           endif
+          enddo
+         do j=1,ns
+           if (ihpb(i).eq.iss(j)) goto 10
+          enddo
+          write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Pair',i,' contains unknown cystine.'
+   10     continue
+         do j=1,ns
+           if (jhpb(i).eq.iss(j)) goto 20
+          enddo
+          write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Pair',i,' contains unknown cystine.'
+   20     continue
+          dhpb(i)=dbr
+          forcon(i)=fbr
+        enddo
+        do i=1,nss
+          ihpb(i)=ihpb(i)+nres
+          jhpb(i)=jhpb(i)+nres
+        enddo
+      endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine read_x(kanal,*)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+      include 'COMMON.VAR'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
+c Read coordinates from input
+      read(kanal,'(8f10.5)',end=10,err=10)
+     &  ((c(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
+     &  ((c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
+      do j=1,3
+        c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+        c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+      enddo
+      call int_from_cart1(.false.)
+      do i=1,nres-1
+        do j=1,3
+          dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
+          dc_norm(j,i)=dc(j,i)*vbld_inv(i+1)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=nnt,nct
+        if (itype(i).ne.10) then
+          do j=1,3
+            dc(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i)
+            dc_norm(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i+nres)*vbld_inv(i+nres)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+   10 return1
+      end
+      subroutine read_threadbase
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+      include 'COMMON.VAR'
+      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
+      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
+      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+      include 'COMMON.HEADER'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.DBASE'
+      include 'COMMON.THREAD'
+      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
+C Read pattern database for threading.
+      read (icbase,*) nseq
+      do i=1,nseq
+        read (icbase,'(i5,2x,a8,2i4)') nres_base(1,i),str_nam(i),
+     &   nres_base(2,i),nres_base(3,i)
+        read (icbase,'(9f8.3)') ((cart_base(k,j,i),k=1,3),j=1,
+     &   nres_base(1,i))
+c       write (iout,'(i5,2x,a8,2i4)') nres_base(1,i),str_nam(i),
+c    &   nres_base(2,i),nres_base(3,i)
+c       write (iout,'(9f8.3)') ((cart_base(k,j,i),k=1,3),j=1,
+c    &   nres_base(1,i))
+      enddo
+      close (icbase)
+      if (weidis.eq.0.0D0) weidis=0.1D0
+      do i=nnt,nct
+        do j=i+2,nct
+          nhpb=nhpb+1
+          ihpb(nhpb)=i
+          jhpb(nhpb)=j
+          forcon(nhpb)=weidis
+        enddo
+      enddo 
+      read (inp,*) nexcl,(iexam(1,i),iexam(2,i),i=1,nexcl)
+      write (iout,'(a,i5)') 'nexcl: ',nexcl
+      write (iout,'(2i5)') (iexam(1,i),iexam(2,i),i=1,nexcl)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine setup_var
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+      include 'COMMON.VAR'
+      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
+      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
+      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+      include 'COMMON.HEADER'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.DBASE'
+      include 'COMMON.THREAD'
+      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
+C Set up variable list.
+      ntheta=nres-2
+      nphi=nres-3
+      nvar=ntheta+nphi
+      nside=0
+      do i=2,nres-1
+        if (itype(i).ne.10) then
+         nside=nside+1
+          ialph(i,1)=nvar+nside
+         ialph(nside,2)=i
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if ( then
+        nvar=nphi
+      else if ( then
+        nvar=nphi+ntheta
+      else
+        nvar=nvar+2*nside
+      endif
+cd    write (iout,'(3i4)') (i,ialph(i,1),ialph(i,2),i=2,nres-1)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine gen_dist_constr
+C Generate CA distance constraints.
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+      include 'COMMON.VAR'
+      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
+      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
+      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+      include 'COMMON.HEADER'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.DBASE'
+      include 'COMMON.THREAD'
+      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
+      dimension itype_pdb(maxres)
+      common /pizda/ itype_pdb
+      character*2 iden
+cd      print *,'gen_dist_constr: nnt=',nnt,' nct=',nct
+cd      write (2,*) 'gen_dist_constr: nnt=',nnt,' nct=',nct,
+cd     & ' nstart_sup',nstart_sup,' nstart_seq',nstart_seq,
+cd     & ' nsup',nsup
+      do i=nstart_sup,nstart_sup+nsup-1
+cd      write (2,*) 'i',i,' seq ',restyp(itype(i+nstart_seq-nstart_sup)),
+cd     &    ' seq_pdb', restyp(itype_pdb(i))
+        do j=i+2,nstart_sup+nsup-1
+          nhpb=nhpb+1
+          ihpb(nhpb)=i+nstart_seq-nstart_sup
+          jhpb(nhpb)=j+nstart_seq-nstart_sup
+          forcon(nhpb)=weidis
+          dhpb(nhpb)=dist(i,j)
+        enddo
+      enddo 
+cd      write (iout,'(a)') 'Distance constraints:' 
+cd      do i=nss+1,nhpb
+cd        ii=ihpb(i)
+cd        jj=jhpb(i)
+cd        iden='CA'
+cd        if ( then
+cd          iden='SC'
+cd          ii=ii-nres
+cd          jj=jj-nres
+cd        endif
+cd        write (iout,'(a,1x,a,i4,3x,a,1x,a,i4,2f10.3)') 
+cd     &  restyp(itype(ii)),iden,ii,restyp(itype(jj)),iden,jj,
+cd     &  dhpb(i),forcon(i)
+cd      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine map_read
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.MAP'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      character*3 angid(4) /'THE','PHI','ALP','OME'/
+      character*80 mapcard,ucase
+      do imap=1,nmap
+        read (inp,'(a)') mapcard
+        mapcard=ucase(mapcard)
+        if (index(mapcard,'PHI').gt.0) then
+          kang(imap)=1
+        else if (index(mapcard,'THE').gt.0) then
+          kang(imap)=2
+        else if (index(mapcard,'ALP').gt.0) then
+          kang(imap)=3
+        else if (index(mapcard,'OME').gt.0) then
+          kang(imap)=4
+        else
+          write(iout,'(a)')'Error - illegal variable spec in MAP card.'
+          stop 'Error - illegal variable spec in MAP card.'
+        endif
+        call readi (mapcard,'RES1',res1(imap),0)
+        call readi (mapcard,'RES2',res2(imap),0)
+        if (res1(imap).eq.0) then
+          res1(imap)=res2(imap)
+        else if (res2(imap).eq.0) then
+          res2(imap)=res1(imap)
+        endif
+        if(res1(imap)*res2(imap).eq.0 .or. res1(imap).gt.res2(imap))then
+          write (iout,'(a)') 
+     &    'Error - illegal definition of variable group in MAP.'
+          stop 'Error - illegal definition of variable group in MAP.'
+        endif
+        call reada(mapcard,'FROM',ang_from(imap),0.0D0)
+        call reada(mapcard,'TO',ang_to(imap),0.0D0)
+        call readi(mapcard,'NSTEP',nstep(imap),0)
+        if (ang_from(imap).eq.ang_to(imap) .or. nstep(imap).eq.0) then
+          write (iout,'(a)') 
+     &     'Illegal boundary and/or step size specification in MAP.'
+          stop 'Illegal boundary and/or step size specification in MAP.'
+        endif
+      enddo ! imap
+      return
+      end 
+csa      subroutine csaread
+csa      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+csa      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+csa      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+csa      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+csa      include 'COMMON.CSA'
+csa      include 'COMMON.BANK'
+csa      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+csa      character*80 ucase
+csa      character*620 mcmcard
+csa      call card_concat(mcmcard)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'NCONF',nconf,50)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'NADD',nadd,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'JSTART',jstart,1)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'JEND',jend,1)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'NSTMAX',nstmax,500000)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N0',n0,1)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N1',n1,6)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N2',n2,4)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N3',n3,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N4',n4,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N5',n5,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N6',n6,10)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N7',n7,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N8',n8,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N9',n9,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N14',n14,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N15',n15,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N16',n16,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N17',n17,0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'N18',n18,0)
+csa      vdisulf=(index(mcmcard,'DYNSS').gt.0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'NDIFF',ndiff,2)
+csa      call reada(mcmcard,'DIFFCUT',diffcut,0.0d0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'IS1',is1,1)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'IS2',is2,8)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'NRAN0',nran0,4)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'NRAN1',nran1,2)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'IRR',irr,1)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'NSEED',nseed,20)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'NTOTAL',ntotal,10000)
+csa      call reada(mcmcard,'CUT1',cut1,2.0d0)
+csa      call reada(mcmcard,'CUT2',cut2,5.0d0)
+csa      call reada(mcmcard,'ESTOP',estop,-3000.0d0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'ICMAX',icmax,3)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'IRESTART',irestart,0)
+csac!bankt      call readi(mcmcard,'NBANKTM',ntbankm,0)
+csa      ntbankm=0
+csa      call reada(mcmcard,'DELE',dele,20.0d0)
+csa      call reada(mcmcard,'DIFCUT',difcut,720.0d0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'IREF',iref,0)
+csa      call reada(mcmcard,'RMSCUT',rmscut,4.0d0)
+csa      call reada(mcmcard,'PNCCUT',pnccut,0.5d0)
+csa      call readi(mcmcard,'NCONF_IN',nconf_in,0)
+csa      call reada(mcmcard,'RDIH_BIAS',rdih_bias,0.5d0)
+csa      write (iout,*) "NCONF_IN",nconf_in
+csa      return
+csa      end
+cfmc      subroutine mcmfread
+cfmc      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+cfmc      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+cfmc      include 'COMMON.MCMF'
+cfmc      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+cfmc      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+cfmc      character*80 ucase
+cfmc      character*620 mcmcard
+cfmc      call card_concat(mcmcard)
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXRANT',maxrant,1000)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'MAXRANT=',maxrant
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXFAM',maxfam,maxfam_p)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'MAXFAM=',maxfam
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'NNET1',nnet1,5)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'NNET1=',nnet1
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'NNET2',nnet2,4)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'NNET2=',nnet2
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'NNET3',nnet3,4)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'NNET3=',nnet3
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'ILASTT',ilastt,0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'ILASTT=',ilastt
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXSTR',maxstr,maxstr_mcmf)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'MAXSTR=',maxstr
+cfmc      maxstr_f=maxstr/maxfam
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'MAXSTR_F=',maxstr_f
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'NMCMF',nmcmf,10)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'NMCMF=',nmcmf
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'IFOCUS',ifocus,nmcmf)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'IFOCUS=',ifocus
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'NLOCMCMF',nlocmcmf,1000)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'NLOCMCMF=',nlocmcmf
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'INTPRT',intprt,1000)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'INTPRT=',intprt
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'IPRT',iprt,100)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'IPRT=',iprt
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'IMAXTR',imaxtr,100)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'IMAXTR=',imaxtr
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXEVEN',maxeven,1000)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'MAXEVEN=',maxeven
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXEVEN1',maxeven1,3)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'MAXEVEN1=',maxeven1
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'INIMIN',inimin,200)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'INIMIN=',inimin
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'NSTEPMCMF',nstepmcmf,10)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'NSTEPMCMF=',nstepmcmf
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'NTHREAD',nthread,5)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'NTHREAD=',nthread
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXSTEPMCMF',maxstepmcmf,2500)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'MAXSTEPMCMF=',maxstepmcmf
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXPERT',maxpert,9)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'MAXPERT=',maxpert
+cfmc      call readi(mcmcard,'IRMSD',irmsd,1)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'IRMSD=',irmsd
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'DENEMIN',denemin,0.01D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'DENEMIN=',denemin
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'RCUT1S',rcut1s,3.5D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'RCUT1S=',rcut1s
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'RCUT1E',rcut1e,2.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'RCUT1E=',rcut1e
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'RCUT2S',rcut2s,0.5D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'RCUT2S=',rcut2s
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'RCUT2E',rcut2e,0.1D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'RCUT2E=',rcut2e
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'DPERT1',d_pert1,180.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'DPERT1=',d_pert1
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'DPERT1A',d_pert1a,180.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'DPERT1A=',d_pert1a
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'DPERT2',d_pert2,90.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'DPERT2=',d_pert2
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'DPERT2A',d_pert2a,45.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'DPERT2A=',d_pert2a
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'DPERT2B',d_pert2b,90.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'DPERT2B=',d_pert2b
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'DPERT2C',d_pert2c,60.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'DPERT2C=',d_pert2c
+cfmc      d_pert1=deg2rad*d_pert1
+cfmc      d_pert1a=deg2rad*d_pert1a
+cfmc      d_pert2=deg2rad*d_pert2
+cfmc      d_pert2a=deg2rad*d_pert2a
+cfmc      d_pert2b=deg2rad*d_pert2b
+cfmc      d_pert2c=deg2rad*d_pert2c
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'KT_MCMF1',kt_mcmf1,1.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'KT_MCMF1=',kt_mcmf1
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'KT_MCMF2',kt_mcmf2,1.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'KT_MCMF2=',kt_mcmf2
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'DKT_MCMF1',dkt_mcmf1,10.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'DKT_MCMF1=',dkt_mcmf1
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'DKT_MCMF2',dkt_mcmf2,1.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'DKT_MCMF2=',dkt_mcmf2
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'RCUTINI',rcutini,3.5D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'RCUTINI=',rcutini
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'GRAT',grat,0.5D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'GRAT=',grat
+cfmc      call reada(mcmcard,'BIAS_MCMF',bias_mcmf,0.0D0)
+cfmc      write(iout,*)'BIAS_MCMF=',bias_mcmf
+cfmc      return
+cfmc      end 
+      subroutine mcmread
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.MCM'
+      include 'COMMON.MCE'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      character*80 ucase
+      character*320 mcmcard
+      call card_concat(mcmcard)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXACC',maxacc,100)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'MAX_MCM_IT',max_mcm_it,10000)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXTRIAL',maxtrial,100)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXTRIAL_ITER',maxtrial_iter,1000)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'MAXREPM',maxrepm,200)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'RANFRACT',RanFract,0.5D0)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'POOL_FRACT',pool_fraction,0.01D0)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'OVERLAP',overlap_cut,1.0D3)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'E_UP',e_up,5.0D0)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'DELTE',delte,0.1D0)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'NSWEEP',nsweep,5)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'NSTEPH',nsteph,0)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'NSTEPC',nstepc,0)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'TMIN',tmin,298.0D0)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'TMAX',tmax,298.0D0)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'NWINDOW',nwindow,0)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'PRINT_MC',print_mc,0)
+      print_stat=(index(mcmcard,'NO_PRINT_STAT').le.0)
+      print_int=(index(mcmcard,'NO_PRINT_INT').le.0)
+      ent_read=(index(mcmcard,'ENT_READ').gt.0)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'SAVE_FREQ',save_frequency,1000)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'MESSAGE_FREQ',message_frequency,1000)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'POOL_READ_FREQ',pool_read_freq,5000)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'POOL_SAVE_FREQ',pool_save_freq,1000)
+      call readi(mcmcard,'PRINT_FREQ',print_freq,1000)
+      if ( then
+        read (inp,*) (winstart(i),winend(i),i=1,nwindow)
+        do i=1,nwindow
+          winlen(i)=winend(i)-winstart(i)+1
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if ( tmax=tmin
+      if (tmax.eq.tmin) then
+        nstepc=0
+        nsteph=0
+      endif
+      if ( .and. then
+        tsteph=(tmax/tmin)**(1.0D0/(nsteph+0.0D0)) 
+        tstepc=(tmax/tmin)**(1.0D0/(nstepc+0.0D0)) 
+      endif
+C Probabilities of different move types
+      sumpro_type(0)=0.0D0
+      call reada(mcmcard,'MULTI_BOND',sumpro_type(1),1.0d0)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'ONE_ANGLE' ,sumpro_type(2),2.0d0)
+      sumpro_type(2)=sumpro_type(1)+sumpro_type(2)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'THETA'     ,sumpro_type(3),0.0d0)
+      sumpro_type(3)=sumpro_type(2)+sumpro_type(3)
+      call reada(mcmcard,'SIDE_CHAIN',sumpro_type(4),0.5d0)
+      sumpro_type(4)=sumpro_type(3)+sumpro_type(4)
+      do i=1,MaxMoveType
+        print *,'i',i,' sumprotype',sumpro_type(i)
+        sumpro_type(i)=sumpro_type(i)/sumpro_type(MaxMoveType)
+        print *,'i',i,' sumprotype',sumpro_type(i)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end 
+      subroutine read_minim
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.MINIM'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      character*80 ucase
+      character*320 minimcard
+      call card_concat(minimcard)
+      call readi(minimcard,'MAXMIN',maxmin,2000)
+      call readi(minimcard,'MAXFUN',maxfun,5000)
+      call readi(minimcard,'MINMIN',minmin,maxmin)
+      call readi(minimcard,'MINFUN',minfun,maxmin)
+      call reada(minimcard,'TOLF',tolf,1.0D-2)
+      call reada(minimcard,'RTOLF',rtolf,1.0D-4)
+      write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') 
+     &         'Options in energy minimization:'
+      write (iout,'(4(a,i5),a,1pe14.5,a,1pe14.5)')
+     & 'MaxMin:',MaxMin,' MaxFun:',MaxFun,
+     & 'MinMin:',MinMin,' MinFun:',MinFun,
+     & ' TolF:',TolF,' RTolF:',RTolF
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine read_angles(kanal,*)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.GEO'
+      include 'COMMON.VAR'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+c Read angles from input 
+       read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (theta(i),i=3,nres)
+       read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (phi(i),i=4,nres)
+       read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (alph(i),i=2,nres-1)
+       read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (omeg(i),i=2,nres-1)
+       do i=1,nres
+c 9/7/01 avoid 180 deg valence angle
+        if (theta(i).gt.179.99d0) theta(i)=179.99d0
+        theta(i)=deg2rad*theta(i)
+        phi(i)=deg2rad*phi(i)
+        alph(i)=deg2rad*alph(i)
+        omeg(i)=deg2rad*omeg(i)
+       enddo
+      return
+   10 return1
+      end
+      subroutine reada(rekord,lancuch,wartosc,default)
+      implicit none
+      character*(*) rekord,lancuch
+      double precision wartosc,default
+      integer ilen,iread
+      external ilen
+      iread=index(rekord,lancuch)
+      if (iread.eq.0) then
+        wartosc=default 
+        return
+      endif   
+      iread=iread+ilen(lancuch)+1
+      read (rekord(iread:),*,err=10,end=10) wartosc
+      return
+  10  wartosc=default
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine readi(rekord,lancuch,wartosc,default)
+      implicit none
+      character*(*) rekord,lancuch
+      integer wartosc,default
+      integer ilen,iread
+      external ilen
+      iread=index(rekord,lancuch)
+      if (iread.eq.0) then
+        wartosc=default 
+        return
+      endif   
+      iread=iread+ilen(lancuch)+1
+      read (rekord(iread:),*,err=10,end=10) wartosc
+      return
+  10  wartosc=default
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine multreadi(rekord,lancuch,tablica,dim,default)
+      implicit none
+      integer dim,i
+      integer tablica(dim),default
+      character*(*) rekord,lancuch
+      character*80 aux
+      integer ilen,iread
+      external ilen
+      do i=1,dim
+        tablica(i)=default
+      enddo
+      iread=index(rekord,lancuch(:ilen(lancuch))//"=")
+      if (iread.eq.0) return
+      iread=iread+ilen(lancuch)+1
+      read (rekord(iread:),*,end=10,err=10) (tablica(i),i=1,dim)
+   10 return
+      end
+      subroutine multreada(rekord,lancuch,tablica,dim,default)
+      implicit none
+      integer dim,i
+      double precision tablica(dim),default
+      character*(*) rekord,lancuch
+      character*80 aux
+      integer ilen,iread
+      external ilen
+      do i=1,dim
+        tablica(i)=default
+      enddo
+      iread=index(rekord,lancuch(:ilen(lancuch))//"=")
+      if (iread.eq.0) return
+      iread=iread+ilen(lancuch)+1
+      read (rekord(iread:),*,end=10,err=10) (tablica(i),i=1,dim)
+   10 return
+      end
+      subroutine openunits
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'    
+#ifdef MPI
+      include 'mpif.h'
+      character*16 form,nodename
+      integer nodelen
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.MD'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      integer lenpre,lenpot,ilen,lentmp
+      external ilen
+      character*3 out1file_text,ucase
+      character*3 ll
+      external ucase
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank,"fg_rank",fg_rank," entered openunits"
+      call getenv_loc("PREFIX",prefix)
+      pref_orig = prefix
+      call getenv_loc("POT",pot)
+      call getenv_loc("DIRTMP",tmpdir)
+      call getenv_loc("CURDIR",curdir)
+      call getenv_loc("OUT1FILE",out1file_text)
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank,"fg_rank",fg_rank," did GETENV"
+      out1file_text=ucase(out1file_text)
+      if (out1file_text(1:1).eq."Y") then
+        out1file=.true.
+      else 
+      endif
+      lenpre=ilen(prefix)
+      lenpot=ilen(pot)
+      lentmp=ilen(tmpdir)
+      if ( then
+          write (*,'(80(1h!))')
+          write (*,'(a,19x,a,19x,a)') "!","  A T T E N T I O N  ","!"
+          write (*,'(80(1h!))')
+          write (*,*)"All output files will be on node /tmp directory." 
+#ifdef MPI
+        call  MPI_GET_PROCESSOR_NAME( nodename, nodelen, IERROR )
+        if (me.eq.king) then
+          write (*,*) "The master node is ",nodename
+        else if (fg_rank.eq.0) then
+          write (*,*) "I am the CG slave node ",nodename
+        else 
+          write (*,*) "I am the FG slave node ",nodename
+        endif
+        PREFIX = tmpdir(:lentmp)//'/'//prefix(:lenpre)
+        lenpre = lentmp+lenpre+1
+      endif
+      entname=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//'.entr'
+C Get the names and open the input files
+#if defined(WINIFL) || defined(WINPGI)
+      open(1,file=pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//
+     &  '.inp',status='old',readonly,shared)
+       open (9,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.intin',status='unknown')
+C      open (18,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.entin',status='unknown')
+C Get parameter filenames and open the parameter files.
+      call getenv_loc('BONDPAR',bondname)
+      open (ibond,file=bondname,status='old',readonly,shared)
+      call getenv_loc('THETPAR',thetname)
+      open (ithep,file=thetname,status='old',readonly,shared)
+#ifndef CRYST_THETA
+      call getenv_loc('THETPARPDB',thetname_pdb)
+      open (ithep_pdb,file=thetname_pdb,status='old',readonly,shared)
+      call getenv_loc('ROTPAR',rotname)
+      open (irotam,file=rotname,status='old',readonly,shared)
+#ifndef CRYST_SC
+      call getenv_loc('ROTPARPDB',rotname_pdb)
+      open (irotam_pdb,file=rotname_pdb,status='old',readonly,shared)
+      call getenv_loc('TORPAR',torname)
+      open (itorp,file=torname,status='old',readonly,shared)
+      call getenv_loc('TORDPAR',tordname)
+      open (itordp,file=tordname,status='old',readonly,shared)
+      call getenv_loc('FOURIER',fouriername)
+      open (ifourier,file=fouriername,status='old',readonly,shared)
+      call getenv_loc('ELEPAR',elename)
+      open (ielep,file=elename,status='old',readonly,shared)
+      call getenv_loc('SIDEPAR',sidename)
+      open (isidep,file=sidename,status='old',readonly,shared)
+#elif (defined CRAY) || (defined AIX)
+      open(1,file=pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//'.inp',status='old',
+     &  action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file 1" 
+      open (9,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.intin',status='unknown')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file 9" 
+C      open (18,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.entin',status='unknown')
+C Get parameter filenames and open the parameter files.
+      call getenv_loc('BONDPAR',bondname)
+      open (ibond,file=bondname,status='old',action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file IBOND" 
+      call getenv_loc('THETPAR',thetname)
+      open (ithep,file=thetname,status='old',action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file ITHEP" 
+#ifndef CRYST_THETA
+      call getenv_loc('THETPARPDB',thetname_pdb)
+      open (ithep_pdb,file=thetname_pdb,status='old',action='read')
+      call getenv_loc('ROTPAR',rotname)
+      open (irotam,file=rotname,status='old',action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file IROTAM" 
+#ifndef CRYST_SC
+      call getenv_loc('ROTPARPDB',rotname_pdb)
+      open (irotam_pdb,file=rotname_pdb,status='old',action='read')
+      call getenv_loc('TORPAR',torname)
+      open (itorp,file=torname,status='old',action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file ITORP" 
+      call getenv_loc('TORDPAR',tordname)
+      open (itordp,file=tordname,status='old',action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file ITORDP" 
+      call getenv_loc('SCCORPAR',sccorname)
+      open (isccor,file=sccorname,status='old',action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file ISCCOR" 
+      call getenv_loc('FOURIER',fouriername)
+      open (ifourier,file=fouriername,status='old',action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file IFOURIER" 
+      call getenv_loc('ELEPAR',elename)
+      open (ielep,file=elename,status='old',action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file IELEP" 
+      call getenv_loc('SIDEPAR',sidename)
+      open (isidep,file=sidename,status='old',action='read')
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened file ISIDEP" 
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," opened parameter files" 
+#elif (defined G77)
+      open(1,file=pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//'.inp',status='old')
+      open (9,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.intin',status='unknown')
+C      open (18,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.entin',status='unknown')
+C Get parameter filenames and open the parameter files.
+      call getenv_loc('BONDPAR',bondname)
+      open (ibond,file=bondname,status='old')
+      call getenv_loc('THETPAR',thetname)
+      open (ithep,file=thetname,status='old')
+#ifndef CRYST_THETA
+      call getenv_loc('THETPARPDB',thetname_pdb)
+      open (ithep_pdb,file=thetname_pdb,status='old')
+      call getenv_loc('ROTPAR',rotname)
+      open (irotam,file=rotname,status='old')
+#ifndef CRYST_SC
+      call getenv_loc('ROTPARPDB',rotname_pdb)
+      open (irotam_pdb,file=rotname_pdb,status='old')
+      call getenv_loc('TORPAR',torname)
+      open (itorp,file=torname,status='old')
+      call getenv_loc('TORDPAR',tordname)
+      open (itordp,file=tordname,status='old')
+      call getenv_loc('SCCORPAR',sccorname)
+      open (isccor,file=sccorname,status='old')
+      call getenv_loc('FOURIER',fouriername)
+      open (ifourier,file=fouriername,status='old')
+      call getenv_loc('ELEPAR',elename)
+      open (ielep,file=elename,status='old')
+      call getenv_loc('SIDEPAR',sidename)
+      open (isidep,file=sidename,status='old')
+      open(1,file=pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//'.inp',status='old',
+     &  readonly)
+       open (9,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.intin',status='unknown')
+C      open (18,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.entin',status='unknown')
+C Get parameter filenames and open the parameter files.
+      call getenv_loc('BONDPAR',bondname)
+      open (ibond,file=bondname,status='old',readonly)
+      call getenv_loc('THETPAR',thetname)
+      open (ithep,file=thetname,status='old',readonly)
+#ifndef CRYST_THETA
+      call getenv_loc('THETPARPDB',thetname_pdb)
+      print *,"thetname_pdb ",thetname_pdb
+      open (ithep_pdb,file=thetname_pdb,status='old',readonly)
+      print *,ithep_pdb," opened"
+      call getenv_loc('ROTPAR',rotname)
+      open (irotam,file=rotname,status='old',readonly)
+#ifndef CRYST_SC
+      call getenv_loc('ROTPARPDB',rotname_pdb)
+      open (irotam_pdb,file=rotname_pdb,status='old',readonly)
+      call getenv_loc('TORPAR',torname)
+      open (itorp,file=torname,status='old',readonly)
+      call getenv_loc('TORDPAR',tordname)
+      open (itordp,file=tordname,status='old',readonly)
+      call getenv_loc('SCCORPAR',sccorname)
+      open (isccor,file=sccorname,status='old',readonly)
+      call getenv_loc('FOURIER',fouriername)
+      open (ifourier,file=fouriername,status='old',readonly)
+      call getenv_loc('ELEPAR',elename)
+      open (ielep,file=elename,status='old',readonly)
+      call getenv_loc('SIDEPAR',sidename)
+      open (isidep,file=sidename,status='old',readonly)
+#ifndef OLDSCP
+C 8/9/01 In the newest version SCp interaction constants are read from a file
+C Use -DOLDSCP to use hard-coded constants instead.
+      call getenv_loc('SCPPAR',scpname)
+#if defined(WINIFL) || defined(WINPGI)
+      open (iscpp,file=scpname,status='old',readonly,shared)
+#elif (defined CRAY)  || (defined AIX)
+      open (iscpp,file=scpname,status='old',action='read')
+#elif (defined G77)
+      open (iscpp,file=scpname,status='old')
+      open (iscpp,file=scpname,status='old',readonly)
+      call getenv_loc('PATTERN',patname)
+#if defined(WINIFL) || defined(WINPGI)
+      open (icbase,file=patname,status='old',readonly,shared)
+#elif (defined CRAY)  || (defined AIX)
+      open (icbase,file=patname,status='old',action='read')
+#elif (defined G77)
+      open (icbase,file=patname,status='old')
+      open (icbase,file=patname,status='old',readonly)
+#ifdef MPI
+C Open output file only for CG processes
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank," fg_rank",fg_rank
+      if (fg_rank.eq.0) then
+      if (nodes.eq.1) then
+        npos=3
+      else
+        npos = dlog10(dfloat(nodes-1))+1
+      endif
+      if ( npos=3
+      write (liczba,'(i1)') npos
+      form = '(bz,i'//liczba(:ilen(liczba))//'.'//liczba(:ilen(liczba))
+     &  //')'
+      write (liczba,form) me
+      outname=prefix(:lenpre)//'.out_'//pot(:lenpot)//
+     &  liczba(:ilen(liczba))
+      intname=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//liczba(:ilen(liczba))
+     &  //'.int'
+      pdbname=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//liczba(:ilen(liczba))
+     &  //'.pdb'
+      mol2name=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//
+     &  liczba(:ilen(liczba))//'.mol2'
+      statname=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//
+     &  liczba(:ilen(liczba))//'.stat'
+      if (
+     &  call copy_to_tmp(pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//'_'//pot(:lenpot)
+     &      //liczba(:ilen(liczba))//'.stat')
+      rest2name=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_"//liczba(:ilen(liczba))
+     &  //'.rst'
+      if(usampl) then
+          qname=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//
+     & liczba(:ilen(liczba))//'.const'
+      endif 
+      endif
+      outname=prefix(:lenpre)//'.out_'//pot(:lenpot)
+      intname=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//'.int'
+      pdbname=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//'.pdb'
+      mol2name=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//'.mol2'
+      statname=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//'.stat'
+      if (
+     &  call copy_to_tmp(pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//'_'//pot(:lenpot)
+     &    //'.stat')
+      rest2name=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.rst'
+      if(usampl) then 
+         qname=prefix(:lenpre)//'_'//pot(:lenpot)//'.const'
+      endif 
+#if defined(AIX) || defined(PGI)
+      if (me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file) 
+     &   open(iout,file=outname,status='unknown')
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      if ( then
+        write (liczba,'(i3.3)') myrank/nfgtasks
+        write (ll,'(bz,i3.3)') fg_rank
+        open(iout,file="debug"//liczba(:ilen(liczba))//"."//ll,
+     &   status='unknown')
+      endif
+      if(me.eq.king) then
+       open(igeom,file=intname,status='unknown',position='append')
+       open(ipdb,file=pdbname,status='unknown')
+       open(imol2,file=mol2name,status='unknown')
+       open(istat,file=statname,status='unknown',position='append')
+      else
+c1out       open(iout,file=outname,status='unknown')
+      endif
+      if (me.eq.king .or. .not.out1file)
+     &    open(iout,file=outname,status='unknown')
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      if ( then
+        write (liczba,'(i3.3)') myrank/nfgtasks
+        write (ll,'(bz,i3.3)') fg_rank
+        open(iout,file="debug"//liczba(:ilen(liczba))//"."//ll,
+     &   status='unknown')
+      endif
+      if(me.eq.king) then
+       open(igeom,file=intname,status='unknown',access='append')
+       open(ipdb,file=pdbname,status='unknown')
+       open(imol2,file=mol2name,status='unknown')
+       open(istat,file=statname,status='unknown',access='append')
+      else
+c1out       open(iout,file=outname,status='unknown')
+      endif
+csa      csa_rbank=prefix(:lenpre)//'.CSA.rbank'
+csa      csa_seed=prefix(:lenpre)//'.CSA.seed'
+csa      csa_history=prefix(:lenpre)//'.CSA.history'
+csa      csa_bank=prefix(:lenpre)//''
+csa      csa_bank1=prefix(:lenpre)//'.CSA.bank1'
+csa      csa_alpha=prefix(:lenpre)//'.CSA.alpha'
+csa      csa_alpha1=prefix(:lenpre)//'.CSA.alpha1'
+csac!bankt      csa_bankt=prefix(:lenpre)//'.CSA.bankt'
+csa      csa_int=prefix(:lenpre)//'.int'
+csa      csa_bank_reminimized=prefix(:lenpre)//'.CSA.bank_reminimized'
+csa      csa_native_int=prefix(:lenpre)//''
+csa      csa_in=prefix(:lenpre)//''
+c      print *,"Processor",myrank,"fg_rank",fg_rank," opened files"
+C Write file names
+      if (me.eq.king)then
+      write (iout,'(80(1h-))')
+      write (iout,'(30x,a)') "FILE ASSIGNMENT"
+      write (iout,'(80(1h-))')
+      write (iout,*) "Input file                      : ",
+     &  pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//'.inp'
+      write (iout,*) "Output file                     : ",
+     &  outname(:ilen(outname))
+      write (iout,*)
+      write (iout,*) "Sidechain potential file        : ",
+     &  sidename(:ilen(sidename))
+#ifndef OLDSCP
+      write (iout,*) "SCp potential file              : ",
+     &  scpname(:ilen(scpname))
+      write (iout,*) "Electrostatic potential file    : ",
+     &  elename(:ilen(elename))
+      write (iout,*) "Cumulant coefficient file       : ",
+     &  fouriername(:ilen(fouriername))
+      write (iout,*) "Torsional parameter file        : ",
+     &  torname(:ilen(torname))
+      write (iout,*) "Double torsional parameter file : ",
+     &  tordname(:ilen(tordname))
+      write (iout,*) "SCCOR parameter file : ",
+     &  sccorname(:ilen(sccorname))
+      write (iout,*) "Bond & inertia constant file    : ",
+     &  bondname(:ilen(bondname))
+      write (iout,*) "Bending parameter file          : ",
+     &  thetname(:ilen(thetname))
+      write (iout,*) "Rotamer parameter file          : ",
+     &  rotname(:ilen(rotname))
+      write (iout,*) "Threading database              : ",
+     &  patname(:ilen(patname))
+      if ( 
+     &write (iout,*)" DIRTMP                          : ",
+     &  tmpdir(:lentmp)
+      write (iout,'(80(1h-))')
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine card_concat(card)
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      character*(*) card
+      character*80 karta,ucase
+      external ilen
+      read (inp,'(a)') karta
+      karta=ucase(karta)
+      card=' '
+      do while (karta(80:80).eq.'&')
+        card=card(:ilen(card)+1)//karta(:79)
+        read (inp,'(a)') karta
+        karta=ucase(karta)
+      enddo
+      card=card(:ilen(card)+1)//karta
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine readrst
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.MD'
+      open(irest2,file=rest2name,status='unknown')
+      read(irest2,*) totT,EK,potE,totE,t_bath
+      do i=1,2*nres
+         read(irest2,'(3e15.5)') (d_t(j,i),j=1,3)
+      enddo
+      do i=1,2*nres
+         read(irest2,'(3e15.5)') (dc(j,i),j=1,3)
+      enddo
+      if(usampl) then
+             read (irest2,*) iset
+      endif
+      close(irest2)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine read_fragments
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+#ifdef MPI
+      include 'mpif.h'
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.MD'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      read(inp,*) nset,nfrag,npair,nfrag_back
+      if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     & write(iout,*) "nset",nset," nfrag",nfrag," npair",npair,
+     &  " nfrag_back",nfrag_back
+      do iset=1,nset
+         read(inp,*) mset(iset)
+       do i=1,nfrag
+         read(inp,*) wfrag(i,iset),ifrag(1,i,iset),ifrag(2,i,iset), 
+     &     qinfrag(i,iset)
+         if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &    write(iout,*) "R ",i,wfrag(i,iset),ifrag(1,i,iset),
+     &     ifrag(2,i,iset), qinfrag(i,iset)
+       enddo
+       do i=1,npair
+        read(inp,*) wpair(i,iset),ipair(1,i,iset),ipair(2,i,iset), 
+     &    qinpair(i,iset)
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write(iout,*) "R ",i,wpair(i,iset),ipair(1,i,iset),
+     &    ipair(2,i,iset), qinpair(i,iset)
+       enddo 
+       do i=1,nfrag_back
+        read(inp,*) wfrag_back(1,i,iset),wfrag_back(2,i,iset),
+     &     wfrag_back(3,i,iset),
+     &     ifrag_back(1,i,iset),ifrag_back(2,i,iset)
+        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+     &   write(iout,*) "A",i,wfrag_back(1,i,iset),wfrag_back(2,i,iset),
+     &   wfrag_back(3,i,iset),ifrag_back(1,i,iset),ifrag_back(2,i,iset)
+       enddo 
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine read_dist_constr
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+#ifdef MPI
+      include 'mpif.h'
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+      integer ifrag_(2,100),ipair_(2,100)
+      double precision wfrag_(100),wpair_(100)
+      character*500 controlcard
+c      write (iout,*) "Calling read_dist_constr"
+c      write (iout,*) "nres",nres," nstart_sup",nstart_sup," nsup",nsup
+c      call flush(iout)
+      call card_concat(controlcard)
+      call readi(controlcard,"NFRAG",nfrag_,0)
+      call readi(controlcard,"NPAIR",npair_,0)
+      call readi(controlcard,"NDIST",ndist_,0)
+      call reada(controlcard,'DIST_CUT',dist_cut,5.0d0)
+      call multreadi(controlcard,"IFRAG",ifrag_(1,1),2*nfrag_,0)
+      call multreadi(controlcard,"IPAIR",ipair_(1,1),2*npair_,0)
+      call multreada(controlcard,"WFRAG",wfrag_(1),nfrag_,0.0d0)
+      call multreada(controlcard,"WPAIR",wpair_(1),npair_,0.0d0)
+c      write (iout,*) "NFRAG",nfrag_," NPAIR",npair_," NDIST",ndist_
+c      write (iout,*) "IFRAG"
+c      do i=1,nfrag_
+c        write (iout,*) i,ifrag_(1,i),ifrag_(2,i),wfrag_(i)
+c      enddo
+c      write (iout,*) "IPAIR"
+c      do i=1,npair_
+c        write (iout,*) i,ipair_(1,i),ipair_(2,i),wpair_(i)
+c      enddo
+      call flush(iout)
+      do i=1,nfrag_
+        if (ifrag_(1,i).lt.nstart_sup) ifrag_(1,i)=nstart_sup
+        if (ifrag_(2,i).gt.nstart_sup+nsup-1)
+     &    ifrag_(2,i)=nstart_sup+nsup-1
+c        write (iout,*) i,ifrag_(1,i),ifrag_(2,i),wfrag_(i)
+        call flush(iout)
+        if (wfrag_(i).gt.0.0d0) then
+        do j=ifrag_(1,i),ifrag_(2,i)-1
+          do k=j+1,ifrag_(2,i)
+            write (iout,*) "j",j," k",k
+            ddjk=dist(j,k)
+            if (constr_dist.eq.1) then
+            nhpb=nhpb+1
+            ihpb(nhpb)=j
+            jhpb(nhpb)=k
+              dhpb(nhpb)=ddjk
+            forcon(nhpb)=wfrag_(i) 
+            else if (constr_dist.eq.2) then
+              if (ddjk.le.dist_cut) then
+                nhpb=nhpb+1
+                ihpb(nhpb)=j
+                jhpb(nhpb)=k
+                dhpb(nhpb)=ddjk
+                forcon(nhpb)=wfrag_(i) 
+              endif
+            else
+              nhpb=nhpb+1
+              ihpb(nhpb)=j
+              jhpb(nhpb)=k
+              dhpb(nhpb)=ddjk
+              forcon(nhpb)=wfrag_(i)*dexp(-0.5d0*(ddjk/dist_cut)**2)
+            endif
+#ifdef MPI
+            if (.not.out1file .or. me.eq.king) 
+     &      write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,1pe12.2)') "+dist.constr ",
+     &       nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
+            write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,1pe12.2)') "+dist.constr ",
+     &       nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do i=1,npair_
+        if (wpair_(i).gt.0.0d0) then
+        ii = ipair_(1,i)
+        jj = ipair_(2,i)
+        if ( then
+          itemp=ii
+          ii=jj
+          jj=itemp
+        endif
+        do j=ifrag_(1,ii),ifrag_(2,ii)
+          do k=ifrag_(1,jj),ifrag_(2,jj)
+            nhpb=nhpb+1
+            ihpb(nhpb)=j
+            jhpb(nhpb)=k
+            forcon(nhpb)=wpair_(i)
+            dhpb(nhpb)=dist(j,k)
+#ifdef MPI
+            if (.not.out1file .or. me.eq.king)
+     &      write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,f10.1)') "+dist.constr ",
+     &       nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
+            write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,f10.1)') "+dist.constr ",
+     &       nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        endif
+      enddo 
+      do i=1,ndist_
+        read (inp,*) ihpb(nhpb+1),jhpb(nhpb+1),forcon(nhpb+1)
+        if (forcon(nhpb+1).gt.0.0d0) then
+          nhpb=nhpb+1
+          dhpb(nhpb)=dist(ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb))
+#ifdef MPI
+          if (.not.out1file .or. me.eq.king)
+     &    write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,f10.1)') "+dist.constr ",
+     &     nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
+          write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,f10.1)') "+dist.constr ",
+     &     nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      call flush(iout)
+      return
+      end
+#ifdef WINIFL
+      subroutine flush(iu)
+      return
+      end
+#ifdef AIX
+      subroutine flush(iu)
+      call flush_(iu)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine copy_to_tmp(source)
+      include "DIMENSIONS"
+      include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
+      character*(*) source
+      character* 256 tmpfile
+      integer ilen
+      external ilen
+      logical ex
+      tmpfile=curdir(:ilen(curdir))//"/"//source(:ilen(source))
+      inquire(file=tmpfile,exist=ex)
+      if (ex) then
+        write (*,*) "Copying ",tmpfile(:ilen(tmpfile)),
+     &   " to temporary directory..."
+        write (*,*) "/bin/cp "//tmpfile(:ilen(tmpfile))//" "//tmpdir
+        call system("/bin/cp "//tmpfile(:ilen(tmpfile))//" "//tmpdir)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine move_from_tmp(source)
+      include "DIMENSIONS"
+      include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
+      character*(*) source
+      integer ilen
+      external ilen
+      write (*,*) "Moving ",source(:ilen(source)),
+     & " from temporary directory to working directory"
+      write (*,*) "/bin/mv "//source(:ilen(source))//" "//curdir
+      call system("/bin/mv "//source(:ilen(source))//" "//curdir)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine random_init(seed)
+C Initialize random number generator
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      include 'DIMENSIONS'
+#ifdef AMD64
+      integer*8 iseedi8
+#ifdef MPI
+      include 'mpif.h'
+      logical OKRandom, prng_restart
+      real*8  r1
+      integer iseed_array(4)
+      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
+      include 'COMMON.THREAD'
+      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+      include 'COMMON.MCM'
+      include 'COMMON.MAP'
+      include 'COMMON.HEADER'
+csa      include 'COMMON.CSA'
+      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+      include 'COMMON.MUCA'
+      include 'COMMON.MD'
+      include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
+      include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+      iseed=-dint(dabs(seed))
+      if (iseed.eq.0) then
+        write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') 
+     &    'Random seed undefined. The program will stop.'
+        write (*,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') 
+     &    'Random seed undefined. The program will stop.'
+#ifdef MPI
+        call mpi_finalize(mpi_comm_world,ierr)
+        stop 'Bad random seed.'
+      endif
+#ifdef MPI
+      if (fg_rank.eq.0) then
+      seed=seed*(me+1)+1
+#ifdef AMD64
+      iseedi8=dint(seed)
+      if(me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file)
+     &  write (iout,*) 'MPI: node= ', me, ' iseed= ',iseedi8
+      write (*,*) 'MPI: node= ', me, ' iseed= ',iseedi8
+      OKRandom = prng_restart(me,iseedi8)
+      do i=1,4
+       tmp=65536.0d0**(4-i)
+       iseed_array(i) = dint(seed/tmp)
+       seed=seed-iseed_array(i)*tmp
+      enddo
+      if(me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file)
+     & write (iout,*) 'MPI: node= ', me, ' iseed(4)= ',
+     &                 (iseed_array(i),i=1,4)
+      write (*,*) 'MPI: node= ',me, ' iseed(4)= ',
+     &                 (iseed_array(i),i=1,4)
+      OKRandom = prng_restart(me,iseed_array)
+      if (OKRandom) then
+        r1=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0)
+        if(me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file)
+     &   write (iout,*) 'ran_num',r1
+        if ( OKRandom=.false.
+      endif
+      if (.not.OKRandom) then
+        write (iout,*) 'PRNG IS NOT WORKING!!!'
+        print *,'PRNG IS NOT WORKING!!!'
+        if (me.eq.0) then 
+         call flush(iout)
+         call mpi_abort(mpi_comm_world,error_msg,ierr)
+         stop
+        else
+         write (iout,*) 'too many processors for parallel prng'
+         write (*,*) 'too many processors for parallel prng'
+         call flush(iout)
+         stop
+        endif
+      endif
+      endif
+      call vrndst(iseed)
+      write (iout,*) 'ran_num',ran_number(0.0d0,1.0d0)
+      return
+      end