MPICH2 and energy fixes in WHAM-M and Cluster-M.
[unres.git] / source / cluster / wham / src / initialize_p.F
2013-11-05 Adam Sieradzanpierwsza proba merga devela do adasko
2013-06-28 Adam Kazimierz Sie... Bugfix for SS wham and introduction SS to cluster analysis
2013-06-28 Adam Kazimierz Sie... Bugfix for SS wham and introduction SS to cluster analysis
2012-08-28 Adam Kazimierz Sie... Zmiany do clustrowania dla D aminokwasow single chain.
2012-06-27 Adam Kazimierz Sie... Wprowadzenie SCCOR do WHAMa i CLUSTROWNIA
2012-02-25 Dawid Jagiełaadded source code