usuniecie binarek Added wham, cluster for NEWCORR
[unres.git] / source / wham / src-NEWSC / cxread.F
1       subroutine cxread(nazwa,ii,jj,kk,ll,mm,iR,ib,iparm,*)
2       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3       include 'DIMENSIONS'
4       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
5       include 'DIMENSIONS.FREE'
6 <<<<<<< HEAD
7 =======
8 #ifdef MPI
9       include "mpif.h"
10       include "COMMON.MPI"
11 #endif
12 >>>>>>> e183793... Added src_MD-M-newcorr (Adasko's source) and src-NEWSC of WHAM (with Momo's SCSC potentials)
13       integer MaxTraj
14       parameter (MaxTraj=2050)
15       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
16       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
17       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
18       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
19       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
20       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
21       include 'COMMON.PROTFILES'
22       include 'COMMON.OBCINKA'
23       include 'COMMON.FREE'
24       include 'COMMON.VAR'
25       include 'COMMON.GEO'
26       include 'COMMON.PROT'
27       character*64 nazwa,bprotfile_temp
28       real*4 rtime,rpotE,ruconst,rt_bath,rprop(maxQ)
29       double precision time
30       integer iret,itmp,itraj,ntraj
31       real xoord(3,maxres2+2),prec
32       integer nstep(0:MaxTraj-1)
33       integer ilen
34       external ilen
35       integer ii,jj(maxslice),kk(maxslice),ll(maxslice),mm(maxslice)
36       integer is(MaxSlice),ie(MaxSlice),nrec_slice
37       double precision ts(MaxSlice),te(MaxSlice),time_slice
38       integer slice
39       logical conf_check
40 <<<<<<< HEAD
41 =======
42       character*4 lt_bath
43       character*256 pdbfilename
44       character*50 tytul
45 >>>>>>> e183793... Added src_MD-M-newcorr (Adasko's source) and src-NEWSC of WHAM (with Momo's SCSC potentials)
46       call set_slices(is,ie,ts,te,iR,ib,iparm)
48       do i=1,nQ
49         rprop(i)=0.0d0
50       enddo
51       do i=0,MaxTraj-1
52         nstep(i)=0
53       enddo
54       ntraj=0
55       it=0
56       iret=1
57 #if (defined(AIX) && !defined(JUBL))
58       call xdrfopen_(ixdrf,nazwa, "r", iret)
59 #else
60       call xdrfopen(ixdrf,nazwa, "r", iret)
61 #endif
62       if (iret.eq.0) return1
64       islice1=1
65       call opentmp(islice1,ientout,bprotfile_temp)
66 c      print *,"bumbum"
67       do while ( 
69 #if (defined(AIX) && !defined(JUBL))
70 #ifdef DEBUG
71       write (iout,*) "ii",ii," itraj",itraj," it",it
72 #endif
73       call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, rtime, iret)
74       call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, rpotE, iret)
75 #ifdef DEBUG
76       write (iout,*) "rtime",rtime," rpotE",rpotE," iret",iret
77 #endif
78       call flush(iout)
79       call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, ruconst, iret)
80       call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, rt_bath, iret)
81       call xdrfint_(ixdrf, nss, iret)
82 #ifdef DEBUG
83       write (iout,*) "ruconst",ruconst," rt_bath",rt_bath," nss",nss
84 #endif
85       do j=1,nss
86         call xdrfint_(ixdrf, ihpb(j), iret)
87         call xdrfint_(ixdrf, jhpb(j), iret)
88       enddo
89       call xdrfint_(ixdrf, nprop, iret)
90       if (umbrella(iparm) .or. read_iset(iparm) .or. hamil_rep) 
91      &  call xdrfint(ixdrf, iset, iret)
92       do i=1,nprop
93         call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, rprop(i), iret)
94       enddo
95 #else
96 #ifdef DEBUG
97       write (iout,*) "ii",ii," itraj",itraj," it",it
98 #endif
99       call xdrffloat(ixdrf, rtime, iret)
100       call xdrffloat(ixdrf, rpotE, iret)
101 #ifdef DEBUG
102       write (iout,*) "rtime",rtime," rpotE",rpotE," iret",iret
103 #endif
104       call flush(iout)
105       call xdrffloat(ixdrf, ruconst, iret)
106       call xdrffloat(ixdrf, rt_bath, iret)
107       call xdrfint(ixdrf, nss, iret)
108 #ifdef DEBUG
109       write (iout,*) "ruconst",ruconst," rt_bath",rt_bath," nss",nss
110 #endif
111       do j=1,nss
112         call xdrfint(ixdrf, ihpb(j), iret)
113         call xdrfint(ixdrf, jhpb(j), iret)
114       enddo
115       call xdrfint(ixdrf, nprop, iret)
116 c      write (iout,*) "nprop",nprop
117       if ( .and. then
118         write (iout,*) "Warning previous nprop",nprop_prev,
119      &   " current",nprop
120         nprop=nprop_prev
121       else
122         nprop_prev=nprop
123       endif
124       call flush(iout)
125       if (umbrella(iparm) .or. read_iset(iparm) .or. hamil_rep) 
126      &  call xdrfint(ixdrf, iset, iret)
127       do i=1,nprop
128         call xdrffloat(ixdrf, rprop(i), iret)
129       enddo
130 #endif
131       if (iret.eq.0) exit
132       itraj=mod(it,totraj(iR,iparm))
133       if (iset.eq.0) iset = 1
134       call flush(iout)
135       it=it+1
136       if ( ntraj=itraj
137       nstep(itraj)=nstep(itraj)+1
138 c      rprop(2)=dsqrt(rprop(2))
139 c      rprop(3)=dsqrt(rprop(3))
140 #ifdef DEBUG
141        write (iout,*) "umbrella ",umbrella
142        write (iout,*) rtime,rpotE,rt_bath,nss,
143      &     (ihpb(j),jhpb(j),j=1,nss),(rprop(j),j=1,nprop)
144        write (iout,*) "nprop",nprop," iset",iset," myparm",myparm
145        call flush(iout)
146 #endif
147       prec=10000.0
149       itmp=0
150 #if (defined(AIX) && !defined(JUBL))
151       call xdrf3dfcoord_(ixdrf, xoord, itmp, prec, iret)
152 #else
153       call xdrf3dfcoord(ixdrf, xoord, itmp, prec, iret)
154 #endif
155 #ifdef DEBUG
156       write (iout,'(10f8.3)') ((xoord(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,itmp)
157 #endif
158       if (iret.eq.0) exit
159       if (itmp .ne. nres + nct - nnt + 1) then
160         write (iout,*) "Error: inconsistent sizes",itmp,nres+nct-nnt+1
161         call flush(iout)
162         exit
163       endif
165       time=rtime
166 c      write (iout,*) "calling slice"
167 c      call flush(iout)
168       islice=slice(nstep(itraj),time,is,ie,ts,te)
169 c      write (iout,*) "islice",islice
170 c      call flush(iout)
172       do i=1,nres
173         do j=1,3
174           c(j,i)=xoord(j,i)
175         enddo
176       enddo
177       do i=1,nct-nnt+1
178         do j=1,3
179           c(j,i+nres+nnt-1)=xoord(j,i+nres)
180         enddo
181       enddo
183       if ( .and. islice.le.nslice .and. (.not.separate_parset
184      &    .or. iset.eq.myparm)) then
185         ii=ii+1
186         kk(islice)=kk(islice)+1
187         mm(islice)=mm(islice)+1
188         if (mod(nstep(itraj),isampl(iparm)).eq.0 .and. 
189      &     conf_check(ll(islice)+1,1)) then
190           if (replica(iparm)) then
191              rt_bath=1.0d0/(rt_bath*1.987D-3)
192              do i=1,nT_h(iparm)
193                if (abs(real(beta_h(i,iparm))-rt_bath).lt.1.0e-4) then
194                  iib = i
195                  goto 22
196                endif
197              enddo
198   22         continue
199              if ( then
200                write (iout,*) "Error - temperature of conformation",
201      &         ii,1.0d0/(rt_bath*1.987D-3),
202      &         " does not match any of the list"
203                write (iout,*)
204      &          1.0d0/(rt_bath*1.987D-3),
205      &          (1.0d0/(beta_h(i,iparm)*1.987D-3),i=1,nT_h(iparm))
206                call flush(iout)
207 c               exit
208 c               call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERROR,ERRCODE)
209                ii=ii-1
210                kk(islice)=kk(islice)-1
211                mm(islice)=mm(islice)-1
212                goto 112
213              endif
214           else
215             iib = ib
216           endif
218           efree=0.0d0
219           jj(islice)=jj(islice)+1
220           if (umbrella(iparm)) then
221             snk(iset,iib,iparm,islice)=snk(iset,iib,iparm,islice)+1
222           else if (hamil_rep) then
223             snk(1,iib,iparm,islice)=snk(1,iib,iparm,islice)+1
224           else
225             snk(iR,iib,iparm,islice)=snk(iR,iib,iparm,islice)+1
226           endif
227           ll(islice)=ll(islice)+1
228 #ifdef DEBUG
229           write (iout,*) "Writing conformation, record",ll(islice)
230           write (iout,*) "ib",ib," iib",iib
231           write (iout,*) "ntraj",ntraj," itraj",itraj,
232      &      " nstep",nstep(itraj)
233           write (iout,*) "pote",rpotE," time",rtime
234 c          if (replica(iparm)) then
235 c            write (iout,*) "TEMP",1.0d0/(rt_bath*1.987D-3)
236 c            write (iout,*) "TEMP list"
237 c            write (iout,*)
238 c     &       (1.0d0/(beta_h(i,iparm)*1.987D-3),i=1,nT_h(iparm))
239 c          endif
240           write (iout,*) "iparm",iparm," ib",ib," iR",iR," nQ",nQ
241 c          write (iout,*) "nres",nres," nnt",nnt," nct",nct," nss",nss
242 c          write (iout,*) "length",nres*4+(nct-nnt+1)*4+4+2*nss*4
243           call flush(iout)
244 #endif
245           if ( then
246 c            write (iout,*) "islice",islice," islice1",islice1
247             close(ientout) 
248 c            write (iout,*) "Closing file ",
249 c     &          bprotfile_temp(:ilen(bprotfile_temp))
250             call opentmp(islice,ientout,bprotfile_temp)
251 c            write (iout,*) "Opening file ",
252 c     &          bprotfile_temp(:ilen(bprotfile_temp))
253             islice1=islice
254           endif
255           if (umbrella(iparm)) then
256             write(ientout,rec=ll(islice))
257      &        ((xoord(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
258      &        ((xoord(l,k),l=1,3),k=nres+1,nres+nct-nnt+1),
259      &        nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
260      &        rpotE+0.0d0,efree,rmsdev,(rprop(i)+0.0d0,i=1,nQ),
261      &        iset,iib,iparm
262           else if (hamil_rep) then
263             write(ientout,rec=ll(islice))
264      &        ((xoord(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
265      &        ((xoord(l,k),l=1,3),k=nres+1,nres+nct-nnt+1),
266      &        nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
267      &        rpotE+0.0d0,efree,rmsdev,(rprop(i)+0.0d0,i=1,nQ),
268      &        iR,iib,iset
269           else
270             write(ientout,rec=ll(islice))
271      &        ((xoord(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
272      &        ((xoord(l,k),l=1,3),k=nres+1,nres+nct-nnt+1),
273      &        nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
274      &        rpotE+0.0d0,efree,rmsdev,(rprop(i)+0.0d0,i=1,nQ),
275      &        iR,iib,iparm
276           endif
277 <<<<<<< HEAD
278 =======
279 #ifdef PDBOUT
280 #ifdef MPI
281           if (me.eq.Master) then
282 #endif
283           write (iout,*) "PDBOUT"
284           write (iout,*) "temperature",1.0d0/(rt_bath*1.987D-3) 
285           call flush(iout)
286           write (lt_bath,'(f4.0)') 1.0d0/(rt_bath*1.987D-3)
287           write (iout,*) "lt_bath ",lt_bath
288           pdbfilename=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_"//lt_bath//"pdb"
289           write (iout,*) "pdb ",pdbfilename
290           call flush(iout)
291           open(ipdb,file=pdbfilename,position="append")
292 c          write (tytul,'("Conformation",i10," T=",f5.1)') 
293 c     &      kk(islice),rt_bath 
294           call pdbout(kk(islice),1.0d0/(rt_bath*1.987D-3),
295      &      efree+0.0d0,rpotE+0.0d0,efree+0.0d0,rmsdev+0.0d0)
296           close(ipdb)
297 #ifdef MPI
298           endif
299 #endif
300 #endif
301 >>>>>>> e183793... Added src_MD-M-newcorr (Adasko's source) and src-NEWSC of WHAM (with Momo's SCSC potentials)
302 #ifdef DEBUG
303           call int_from_cart1(.false.)
304           write (iout,*) "Writing conformation, record",ll(islice)
305           write (iout,*) "Cartesian coordinates"
306           write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,nres)
307           write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(j,i+nres),j=1,3),i=nnt,nct)
308           write (iout,*) "Internal coordinates"
309           write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nnt+1,nct)
310           write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nres+nnt,nres+nct)
311           write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*theta(k),k=3,nres)
312           write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*phi(k),k=4,nres)
313           write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*alph(k),k=2,nres-1)
314           write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*omeg(k),k=2,nres-1)
315           write (iout,'(16i5)') nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss)
316 c          write (iout,'(8f10.5)') (rprop(j),j=1,nQ)
317           write (iout,'(16i5)') iscor
318           call flush(iout)
319 #endif
320         endif 
321       endif
323   112 continue
325       enddo
326       close(ientout)
327 #if (defined(AIX) && !defined(JUBL))
328       call xdrfclose_(ixdrf, iret)
329 #else
330       call xdrfclose(ixdrf, iret)
331 #endif
332       write (iout,'(i10," trajectories found in file.")') ntraj+1
333       write (iout,'(a)') "Numbers of steps in trajectories:"
334       write (iout,'(8i10)') (nstep(i),i=0,ntraj)
335       write (iout,*) ii," conformations read from file",
336      &   nazwa(:ilen(nazwa))
337       do islice=1,nslice
338         write (iout,*) mm(islice)," conformations read so far, slice",
339      &    islice
340         write (iout,*) ll(islice),
341      &  " conformations stored so far, slice",islice
342       enddo
343       call flush(iout)
344       return
345       end