Adam's homology version of unres with new readpdb.F now in src_MD
[unres.git] / source / wham / src-M / conf_compar.F
1       subroutine conf_compar(jcon,lprn,print_class)
2       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3 #ifdef MPI
4       include "mpif.h"
5 #endif
6       include 'DIMENSIONS'
7       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
8       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
9       include 'DIMENSIONS.FREE'
10       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
11       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
12       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
13       include 'COMMON.CHAIN' 
14       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
15       include 'COMMON.VAR'
16       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
17       include 'COMMON.CONTACTS1'
18       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
19       include 'COMMON.FREE'
20       include 'COMMON.ENERGIES'
21 #ifdef MPI
22       include 'COMMON.MPI'
23 #endif
24       integer ilen
25       external ilen
26       logical lprn,print_class
27       integer ncont_frag(mmaxfrag),
28      & icont_frag(2,maxcont,mmaxfrag),ncontsc,
29      & icontsc(1,maxcont),nsccont_frag(mmaxfrag),
30      & isccont_frag(2,maxcont,mmaxfrag)
31       integer isecstr(maxres)
32       integer itemp(maxfrag)
33       character*4 liczba
34       double precision Epot
35 c      print *,"Enter conf_compar",jcon
36       call angnorm12(rmsang)
37 c Level 1: check secondary and supersecondary structure
38       call elecont(lprn,ncont,icont,nnt,nct)
39       if (lprn) then
40         write (iout,*) "elecont finished"
41         call flush(iout)
42       endif
43       call secondary2(lprn,.false.,ncont,icont,isecstr)
44       if (lprn) then
45         write (iout,*) "secondary2 finished"
46         call flush(iout)
47       endif
48       call contact(lprn,ncontsc,icontsc,nnt,nct)
49       if (lprn) then
50          write(iout,*) "Assigning electrostatic contacts"
51          call flush(iout)
52       endif
53       call contacts_between_fragments(lprn,3,ncont,icont,ncont_frag,
54      &   icont_frag)
55       if (lprn) then
56         write(iout,*) "Assigning sidechain contacts"
57         call flush(iout)
58       endif
59       call contacts_between_fragments(lprn,3,ncontsc,icontsc,
60      &   nsccont_frag,isccont_frag)
61       if (lprn) then
62         write(iout,*) "--> After contacts_between_fragments"
63         call flush(iout)
64       endif
65       do i=1,nlevel
66         do j=1,isnfrag(nlevel+1)
67           iclass(j,i)=0
68         enddo
69       enddo
70       do j=1,nfrag(1)
71         ind = icant(j,j)
72         if (lprn) then
73           write (iout,'(80(1h=))') 
74           write (iout,*) "Level",1," fragment",j
75           write (iout,'(80(1h=))') 
76         endif
77         call flush(iout)
78         rmsfrag(j,1)=rmscalc(0,1,j,jcon,lprn)
79 c Compare electrostatic contacts in the current conf with that in the native
80 c structure.
81         if (lprn) write (iout,*) 
82      &    "Comparing electrostatic contact map and local structure" 
83         call flush(iout)
84         ncnat=ncont_frag_ref(ind)
85 c        write (iout,*) "before match_contact:",nc_fragm(j,1),
86 c     &   nc_req_setf(j,1)
87 c        call flush(iout)
88         call match_secondary(j,isecstr,nsec_match,lprn)
89         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Fragment",j," nsec_match",
90      &    nsec_match," length",len_frag(j,1)," min_len",
91      &    frac_sec*len_frag(j,1)
92         if (*len_frag(j,1)) then
93           iclass(j,1)=0
94           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Fragment",j,
95      &      " has incorrect secondary structure"
96         else
97           iclass(j,1)=1
98           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Fragment",j,
99      &      " has correct secondary structure"
100         endif
101         if (ielecont(j,1).gt.0) then
102           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
103      &      ncont_frag_ref(ind),icont_frag_ref(1,1,ind),
104      &      ncont_frag(ind),icont_frag(1,1,ind),
105      &      j,n_shift(1,j,1),n_shift(2,j,1),nc_fragm(j,1),
106      &      nc_req_setf(j,1),istruct(j),.true.,lprn)
107         else if (isccont(j,1).gt.0) then
108           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
109      &      nsccont_frag_ref(ind),isccont_frag_ref(1,1,ind),
110      &      nsccont_frag(ind),isccont_frag(1,1,ind),
111      &      j,n_shift(1,j,1),n_shift(2,j,1),nc_fragm(j,1),
112      &      nc_req_setf(j,1),istruct(j),.true.,lprn)
113         else if (iloc(j).gt.0) then
114 c          write (iout,*) "n_shif",n_shift(1,j,1),n_shift(2,j,1)
115           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
116      &      0,icont_frag_ref(1,1,ind),
117      &      ncont_frag(ind),icont_frag(1,1,ind),
118      &      j,n_shift(1,j,1),n_shift(2,j,1),nc_fragm(j,1),
119      &      0,istruct(j),.true.,lprn)
120 c          write (iout,*) "n_shif",n_shift(1,j,1),n_shift(2,j,1)
121         else
122           ishif=0
123           nc_match=1
124         endif
125         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "ishif1",ishif1," ishif2",ishif2
126         ishif=ishif1
127         qfrag(j,1)=qwolynes(1,j)
128         if (iabs(ishif2).gt.iabs(ishif1)) ishif=ishif2
129         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "ishift",ishif," nc_match",nc_match
130 c        write (iout,*) "j",j," ishif",ishif," rms",rmsfrag(j,1)
131         if (irms(j,1).gt.0) then
132           if (rmsfrag(j,1).le.rmscutfrag(1,j,1)) then
133             iclass_rms=2
134             ishifft_rms=0
135           else
136             ishiff=0
137             rms=1.0d2
138             iclass_rms=0
139             do while (,j,1) .and. 
140      &,j,1))
141               ishiff=ishiff+1
142               rms=rmscalc(-ishiff,1,j,jcon,lprn)
143 c              write(iout,*)"jcon,i,j,ishiff",jcon,i,j,-ishiff,
144 c     &          " rms",rms," rmscut",rmscutfrag(1,j,1)
145               if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rmsfrag(j,1) 
146               if (,j,1)) then
147                 rms=rmscalc(ishiff,1,j,jcon,lprn)
148 c                write (iout,*) "jcon,1,j,ishiff",jcon,1,j,ishiff,
149 c     &           " rms",rms
150               endif
151               if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rmsfrag(j,1) 
152             enddo
153 c            write (iout,*) "After loop: rms",rms,
154 c     &        " rmscut",rmscutfrag(1,j,1)
155 c            write (iout,*) "iclass_rms",iclass_rms
156             if (rms.le.rmscutfrag(1,j,1)) then
157               ishifft_rms=ishiff
158               rmsfrag(j,1)=rms
159               iclass_rms=1
160             endif
161 c            write (iout,*) "iclass_rms",iclass_rms
162           endif
163 c          write (iout,*) "ishif",ishif
164           if (iabs(ishifft_rms).gt.iabs(ishif)) ishif=ishifft_rms
165         else
166           iclass_rms=1
167         endif
168 c        write (iout,*) "ishif",ishif," iclass",iclass(j,1),
169 c     &    " iclass_rms",iclass_rms
170         if ( .and. then
171           if (ishif.eq.0) then
172             iclass(j,1)=iclass(j,1)+6
173           else
174             iclass(j,1)=iclass(j,1)+2
175           endif
176         endif
177         ncont_nat(1,j,1)=nc_match
178         ncont_nat(2,j,1)=ncon_match
179         ishifft(j,1)=ishif
180 c        write (iout,*) "iclass",iclass(j,1)
181       enddo
182 c Next levels: Check arrangements of elementary fragments.
183       do i=2,nlevel
184         do j=1,nfrag(i)
185         if (i .eq. 2) ind = icant(ipiece(1,j,i),ipiece(2,j,i))
186         if (lprn) then
187             write (iout,'(80(1h=))') 
188             write (iout,*) "Level",i," fragment",j
189             write (iout,'(80(1h=))') 
190         endif
191 c If an elementary fragment doesn't exist, don't check higher hierarchy levels.
192         do k=1,npiece(j,i)
193           ik=ipiece(k,j,i)
194           if (iclass(ik,1).eq.0) then
195             iclass(j,i)=0
196             goto 12
197           endif
198         enddo
199         if (i.eq.2 .and. ielecont(j,i).gt.0) then
200           iclass_con=0
201           ishifft_con=0
202           if (lprn) write (iout,*) 
203      &     "Comparing electrostatic contact map: fragments",
204      &      ipiece(1,j,i),ipiece(2,j,i)," ind",ind
205           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
206      &     ncont_frag_ref(ind),icont_frag_ref(1,1,ind),
207      &     ncont_frag(ind),icont_frag(1,1,ind),
208      &     j,n_shift(1,j,i),n_shift(2,j,i),nc_fragm(j,i),
209      &     nc_req_setf(j,i),2,.false.,lprn)
210           ishif=ishif1
211           if (iabs(ishif2).gt.iabs(ishif1)) ishif=ishif2
212           if ( then
213             if (ishif.eq.0) then
214               iclass_con=2
215             else
216               iclass_con=1
217             endif
218           endif
219           ncont_nat(1,j,i)=nc_match
220           ncont_nat(2,j,i)=ncon_match
221           ishifft_con=ishif
222         else if (i.eq.2 .and. isccont(j,i).gt.0) then
223           iclass_con=0
224           ishifft_con=0
225           if (lprn) write (iout,*) 
226      &     "Comparing sidechain contact map: fragments",
227      &    ipiece(1,j,i),ipiece(2,j,i)," ind",ind
228           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
229      &     nsccont_frag_ref(ind),isccont_frag_ref(1,1,ind),
230      &     nsccont_frag(ind),isccont_frag(1,1,ind),
231      &     j,n_shift(1,j,i),n_shift(2,j,i),nc_fragm(j,i),
232      &     nc_req_setf(j,i),2,.false.,lprn)
233           ishif=ishif1
234           if (iabs(ishif2).gt.iabs(ishif1)) ishif=ishif2
235           if ( then
236             if (ishif.eq.0) then
237               iclass_con=2
238             else
239               iclass_con=1
240             endif
241           endif
242           ncont_nat(1,j,i)=nc_match
243           ncont_nat(2,j,i)=ncon_match
244           ishifft_con=ishif
245         else if (i.eq.2) then
246           iclass_con=2
247           ishifft_con=0
248         endif
249         if (i.eq.2) qfrag(j,2)=qwolynes(2,j)
250         if (lprn) write (iout,*) 
251      &    "Comparing rms: fragments",
252      &     (ipiece(k,j,i),k=1,npiece(j,i))
253         rmsfrag(j,i)=rmscalc(0,i,j,jcon,lprn)
254         if (irms(j,i).gt.0) then
255           iclass_rms=0
256           ishifft_rms=0
257           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rmsfrag(j,i)
258 c          write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," rmsfrag",rmsfrag(j,i),
259 c     &     " rmscutfrag",rmscutfrag(1,j,i)
260           if (rmsfrag(j,i).le.rmscutfrag(1,j,i)) then
261             iclass_rms=2
262             ishifft_rms=0
263           else
264             ishif=0
265             rms=1.0d2
266             do while (,j,i) .and. 
267      &,j,i))
268               ishif=ishif+1
269               rms=rmscalc(-ishif,i,j,jcon,lprn)
270 c              print *,"jcon,i,j,ishif",jcon,i,j,-ishif," rms",rms
271               if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rmsfrag(j,i) 
272               if (,j,i)) then
273                 rms=rmscalc(ishif,i,j,jcon,lprn)
274 c                print *,"jcon,i,j,ishif",jcon,i,j,ishif," rms",rms
275               endif
276               if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rms
277             enddo
278             if (rms.le.rmscutfrag(1,j,i)) then
279               ishifft_rms=ishif
280               rmsfrag(j,i)=rms
281               iclass_rms=1
282             endif
283           endif
284         endif
285         if (irms(j,i).eq.0 .and. ielecont(j,i).eq.0 .and. 
286      &    isccont(j,i).eq.0 ) then
287           write (iout,*) "Error: no measure of comparison specified:",
288      &      " level",i," part",j
289           stop
290         endif
291         if (lprn) 
292      &  write (iout,*) "iclass_con",iclass_con," iclass_rms",iclass_rms
293         if (i.eq.2) then
294           iclass(j,i) = min0(iclass_con,iclass_rms)
295           if (iabs(ishifft_rms).gt.iabs(ishifft_con)) then
296             ishifft(j,i)=ishifft_rms
297           else
298             ishifft(j,i)=ishifft_con
299           endif
300         else if ( then
301           iclass(j,i) = iclass_rms
302           ishifft(j,i)= ishifft_rms
303         endif
304    12   continue
305         enddo
306       enddo
307       rms_nat=rmsnat(jcon)
308       qnat=qwolynes(0,0)
309 C Compute the structural class
310       iscor=0
311       IF (.NOT. BINARY) THEN
312       do i=1,nlevel
313         IF (I.EQ.1) THEN
314         do j=1,nfrag(i)
315           itemp(j)=iclass(j,i)
316         enddo
317         do kk=-1,1
318           do j=1,nfrag(i)
319             idig = 2*isnfrag(nlevel+1)-2*isnfrag(i)-kk*nfrag(i)-j
320             iex = 2**idig
321             im=mod(itemp(j),2)
322             itemp(j)=itemp(j)/2
323 c            write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," idig",idig," iex",iex,
324 c     &        " iclass",iclass(j,i)," im",im
325             iscor=iscor+im*iex
326           enddo
327         enddo
328         ELSE
329         do j=1,nfrag(i)
330           idig = 2*isnfrag(nlevel+1)-2*isnfrag(i)-j
331           iex = 2**idig
332           if (iclass(j,i).gt.0) then
333             im=1
334           else
335             im=0
336           endif
337 c          write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," idig",idig," iex",iex,
338 c     &      " iclass",iclass(j,i)," im",im
339           iscor=iscor+im*iex
340         enddo
341         do j=1,nfrag(i)
342           idig = 2*isnfrag(nlevel+1)-2*isnfrag(i)-nfrag(i)-j
343           iex = 2**idig
344           if (iclass(j,i).gt.1) then
345             im=1
346           else
347             im=0
348           endif
349 c          write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," idig",idig," iex",iex,
350 c     &      " iclass",iclass(j,i)," im",im
351           iscor=iscor+im*iex
352         enddo
353         ENDIF
354       enddo
355       iscore=iscor
356       ENDIF
357       if (print_class) then
358 #ifdef MPI
359           write(istat,'(i6,$)') jcon+indstart(me)-1
360           write (istat,'(f10.2,$)') (potE(jcon,k),k=1,nParmSet),
361      &     -entfac(jcon)
362 #else
363           write(istat,'(i6,$)') jcon
364           write (istat,'(f10.2,$)') (potE(jcon,k),k=1,nParmSet),
365      &      -entfac(jcon)
366 #endif
367           write (istat,'(f8.3,2f6.3,$)') 
368      &      rms_nat,qnat,rmsang/(nres-3)
369           do j=1,nlevel
370             write(istat,'(1x,$,20(i3,$))')
371      &        (ncont_nat(1,k,j),k=1,nfrag(j))
372             if ( then
373               write(istat,'(1x,$,20(f5.1,f5.2$))')
374      &          (rmsfrag(k,j),qfrag(k,j),k=1,nfrag(j))
375             else
376               write(istat,'(1x,$,20(f5.1$))')
377      &          (rmsfrag(k,j),k=1,nfrag(j))
378             endif
379             write(istat,'(1x,$,20(i1,$))')
380      &        (iclass(k,j),k=1,nfrag(j))
381           enddo
382           if (binary) then
383             write (istat,'("  ",$)')
384             do j=1,nlevel
385               write (istat,'(100(i1,$))')(iclass(k,j),
386      &           k=1,nfrag(j))
387               if ( write(iout,'(".",$)')
388             enddo
389             write (istat,*)
390           else
391             write (istat,'(i10)') iscore
392           endif
393       endif
394       RETURN
395       END