ctest awk correct
[unres.git] / source / wham / src-HCD-5D / angnorm.f
1       subroutine add_angpair(ici,icj,nang_pair,iang_pair)
2       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3       include 'DIMENSIONS'
4       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
5       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
6       integer ici,icj,nang_pair,iang_pair(2,maxres)
7       integer i,ian1,ian2
8 c      write (iout,*) "add_angpair: ici",ici," icj",icj,
9 c     &  " nang_pair",nang_pair
10       ian1=ici+2
11       if (ian1.lt.4 .or. ian1.gt.nres) return
12       ian2=icj+2
13 c      write (iout,*) "ian1",ian1," ian2",ian2
14       if (ian2.lt.4 .or. ian2.gt.nres) return
15       do i=1,nang_pair
16         if (ian1.eq.iang_pair(1,i) .and. ian2.eq.iang_pair(2,i)) return
17       enddo
18       nang_pair=nang_pair+1
19       iang_pair(1,nang_pair)=ian1
20       iang_pair(2,nang_pair)=ian2
21       return
22       end
23 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
24       subroutine angnorm(jfrag,ishif1,ishif2,diffang_max,angn,fract,
25      &  ipermmin,lprn)
26       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
27       include 'DIMENSIONS'
28       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
29       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
30       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
31       include 'COMMON.VAR'
32       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
33       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
34       include 'COMMON.GEO'
35       double precision pinorm,deltang
36       logical lprn
37       if (lprn) then
38          write (iout,'(80(1h*))')
39          write (iout,*) "angnorm"
40          write (iout,'(80(1h*))')
41       endif
42       angn=0.0d0
43       nn = 0
44       fract = 1.0d0
45       npart = npiece(jfrag,1)
46       nn4 = nstart_sup+3
47       nne = min0(nend_sup,nres)
48       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "nn4",nn4," nne",nne
49       do i=1,npart
50         nbeg = ifrag(1,i,jfrag) + 3 - ishif1
51         if (nbeg.lt.nn4) nbeg=nn4
52         nend = ifrag(2,i,jfrag) + 1 - ishif2
53         if (nend.gt.nne) nend=nne
54         if (nend.ge.nbeg) then
55         nn = nn + nend - nbeg + 1
56         if (lprn) then
57            write (iout,*) "i=",i," nbeg",nbeg," nend",nend,
58      &    " nn",nn," ishift1",ishif1," ishift2",ishif2
59            write (iout,*) "angles"
60            call flush(iout)
61         endif
62         longest=0
63         ll = 0
64         do j=nbeg,nend
65 c          deltang = pinorm(phi(j)-phi_ref(j+ishif1))
66           deltang=spherang(phi_ref(j+ishif1),theta_ref(j-1+ishif1),
67      &     theta_ref(j+ishif1),phi(iperm(j,ipermmin)),
68      &     theta(iperm(j-1,ipermmin)),theta(iperm(j,ipermmin)))
69           if (dabs(deltang).gt.diffang_max) then
70             if (ll.gt.longest) longest = ll
71             ll = 0
72           else
73             ll=ll+1
74           endif
75           if (ll.gt.longest) longest = ll
76           if (lprn) write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5)')j,rad2deg*phi(j),
77      &     rad2deg*phi_ref(j+ishif1),rad2deg*deltang
78           angn=angn+dabs(deltang)
79         enddo
80         longest=longest+3
81         ff = dfloat(longest)/dfloat(nend - nbeg + 4)
82         if (lprn) write (iout,*)"segment",i," longest fragment within",
83      &    diffang_max*rad2deg,":",longest," fraction",ff
84         if (ff.lt.fract) fract = ff
85         endif
86       enddo
87       if (nn.gt.0) then
88         angn = angn/nn
89       else
90         angn = dwapi
91       endif
92       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "nn",nn," norm",rad2deg*angn,
93      &  " fract",fract
94       return
95       end
96 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
97       subroutine angnorm2(jfrag,ishif1,ishif2,ncont,icont,lprn,
98      &  diffang_max,anorm,fract,ipermmin)
99       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
100       include 'DIMENSIONS'
101       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
102       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
103       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
104       include 'COMMON.VAR'
105       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
106       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
107       include 'COMMON.GEO'
108       integer ncont,icont(2,ncont),longest
109       double precision anorm,diffang_max,fract
110       integer npiece_c,ifrag_c(2,maxpiece),ishift_c(maxpiece)
111       double precision pinorm
112       integer iperm,ipermmin
113       logical lprn
114       if (lprn) write (iout,'(80(1h*))')
115 c
116 c Determine the segments for which angles will be compared
117 c
118       nn4 = nstart_sup+3
119       nne = min0(nend_sup,nres)
120       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "nn4",nn4," nne",nne
121       npart=npiece(jfrag,1)
122       npiece_c=0
123       do i=1,npart
124 c        write (iout,*) "i",i," ifrag",ifrag(1,i,jfrag),ifrag(2,i,jfrag)
125         if (icont(1,ncont).lt.ifrag(1,i,jfrag) .or. 
126      &    icont(1,1).gt.ifrag(2,i,jfrag)) goto 11
127         jstart=1
128         do while (jstart.lt.ncont .and. 
129      &   icont(1,jstart).lt.ifrag(1,i,jfrag))
130 c          write (iout,*) "jstart",jstart," icont",icont(1,jstart),
131 c     &     " ifrag",ifrag(1,i,jfrag)
132           jstart=jstart+1
133         enddo
134 c        write (iout,*) "jstart",jstart," icont",icont(1,jstart),
135 c     &   " ifrag",ifrag(1,i,jfrag)
136         if (icont(1,jstart).lt.ifrag(1,i,jfrag)) goto 11
137         npiece_c=npiece_c+1
138         ic1=icont(1,jstart)
139         ifrag_c(1,npiece_c)=icont(1,jstart)
140         jend=ncont
141         do while (jend.gt.1 .and. icont(1,jend).gt.ifrag(2,i,jfrag))
142 c          write (iout,*) "jend",jend," icont",icont(1,jend),
143 c     &     " ifrag",ifrag(2,i,jfrag)
144           jend=jend-1
145         enddo
146 c        write (iout,*) "jend",jend," icont",icont(1,jend),
147 c     &   " ifrag",ifrag(2,i,jfrag)
148         ic2=icont(1,jend)
149         ifrag_c(2,npiece_c)=icont(1,jend)+1
150         ishift_c(npiece_c)=ishif1
151 c        write (iout,*) "1: i",i," jstart:",jstart," jend",jend,
152 c     &    " ic1",ic1," ic2",ic2,
153 c     &    " ifrag",ifrag(1,i,jfrag),ifrag(2,i,jfrag)
154    11   continue
155         if (ncont.eq.1 .or. icont(2,ncont).gt.icont(2,1)) then
156           idi=1
157         else
158           idi=-1
159         endif
160 c        write (iout,*) "idi",idi
161         if (idi.eq.1) then
162           if (icont(2,1).gt.ifrag(2,i,jfrag) .or. 
163      &      icont(2,ncont).lt.ifrag(1,i,jfrag)) goto 12
164           jstart=1
165           do while (jstart.lt.ncont .and. 
166      &     icont(2,jstart).lt.ifrag(1,i,jfrag))
167 c           write (iout,*) "jstart",jstart," icont",icont(2,jstart),
168 c     &     " ifrag",ifrag(1,i,jfrag)
169             jstart=jstart+1
170           enddo
171 c          write (iout,*) "jstart",jstart," icont",icont(2,jstart),
172 c     &     " ifrag",ifrag(1,i,jfrag)
173           if (icont(2,jstart).lt.ifrag(1,i,jfrag)) goto 12
174           npiece_c=npiece_c+1
175           ic1=icont(2,jstart)
176           ifrag_c(2,npiece_c)=icont(2,jstart)+1
177           jend=ncont
178           do while (jend.gt.1 .and. icont(2,jend).gt.ifrag(2,i,jfrag))
179 c            write (iout,*) "jend",jend," icont",icont(2,jend),
180 c     &     " ifrag",ifrag(2,i,jfrag)
181             jend=jend-1
182           enddo
183 c          write (iout,*) "jend",jend," icont",icont(2,jend),
184 c     &     " ifrag",ifrag(2,i,jfrag)
185         else if (idi.eq.-1) then
186           if (icont(2,ncont).gt.ifrag(2,i,jfrag) .or.
187      &        icont(2,1).lt.ifrag(1,i,jfrag)) goto 12
188           jstart=ncont
189           do while (jstart.gt.ncont .and. 
190      &     icont(2,jstart).lt.ifrag(1,i,jfrag))
191 c           write (iout,*) "jstart",jstart," icont",icont(2,jstart),
192 c     &     " ifrag",ifrag(1,i,jfrag)
193             jstart=jstart-1
194           enddo
195 c          write (iout,*) "jstart",jstart," icont",icont(2,jstart),
196 c     &     " ifrag",ifrag(1,i,jfrag)
197           if (icont(2,jstart).lt.ifrag(1,i,jfrag)) goto 12
198           npiece_c=npiece_c+1
199           ic1=icont(2,jstart)
200           ifrag_c(2,npiece_c)=icont(2,jstart)+1
201           jend=1
202           do while (jend.lt.ncont .and. 
203      &       icont(2,jend).gt.ifrag(2,i,jfrag))
204 c             write (iout,*) "jend",jend," icont",icont(2,jend),
205 c     &         " ifrag",ifrag(2,i,jfrag)
206             jend=jend+1
207           enddo
208 c          write (iout,*) "jend",jend," icont",icont(2,jend),
209 c     &     " ifrag",ifrag(2,i,jfrag)
210         endif
211         ic2=icont(2,jend)
212         if (ic2.lt.ic1) then
213           iic = ic1
214           ic1 = ic2
215           ic2 = iic
216         endif
217 c        write (iout,*) "2: i",i," ic1",ic1," ic2",ic2,
218 c     &    " jstart:",jstart," jend",jend,
219 c     &    " ifrag",ifrag(1,i,jfrag),ifrag(2,i,jfrag)
220         ifrag_c(1,npiece_c)=ic1
221         ifrag_c(2,npiece_c)=ic2+1
222         ishift_c(npiece_c)=ishif2
223    12   continue
224       enddo
225       if (lprn) then
226         write (iout,*) "Before merge: npiece_c",npiece_c
227         do i=1,npiece_c
228           write (iout,*) ifrag_c(1,i),ifrag_c(2,i),ishift_c(i)
229         enddo
230       endif
231 c
232 c Merge overlapping segments (e.g., avoid splitting helices)
233 c
234       i=1
235       do while (i .lt. npiece_c)
236         if (ishift_c(i).eq.ishift_c(i+1) .and. 
237      &     ifrag_c(2,i).gt.ifrag_c(1,i+1)) then
238            ifrag_c(2,i)=ifrag_c(2,i+1)
239            do j=i+1,npiece_c
240              ishift_c(j)=ishift_c(j+1)
241              ifrag_c(1,j)=ifrag_c(1,j+1)
242              ifrag_c(2,j)=ifrag_c(2,j+1)
243            enddo
244            npiece_c=npiece_c-1
245         else
246           i=i+1
247         endif
248       enddo
249       if (lprn) then
250         write (iout,*) "After merge: npiece_c",npiece_c
251         do i=1,npiece_c
252           write (iout,*) ifrag_c(1,i),ifrag_c(2,i),ishift_c(i)
253         enddo
254       endif
255 c
256 c Compare angles
257 c
258       angn=0.0d0
259       anorm=0
260       nn = 0
261       fract = 1.0d0
262       npart = npiece_c
263       do i=1,npart
264         ishifc=ishift_c(i)
265         nbeg = ifrag_c(1,i) + 3 - ishifc
266         if (nbeg.lt.nn4) nbeg=nn4
267         nend = ifrag_c(2,i)  - ishifc + 1
268         if (nend.gt.nne) nend=nne
269         if (nend.ge.nbeg) then
270         nn = nn + nend - nbeg + 1
271         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "i=",i," nbeg",nbeg," nend",nend,
272      &    " nn",nn," ishifc",ishifc
273         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "angles"
274         longest=0
275         ll = 0
276         do j=nbeg,nend
277 c          deltang = pinorm(phi(j)-phi_ref(j+ishifc))
278           deltang=spherang(phi_ref(j+ishifc),theta_ref(j-1+ishifc),
279      &    theta_ref(j+ishifc),phi(iperm(j,ipermmin)),
280      &    theta(iperm(j-1,ipermmin)),theta(iperm(j,ipermmin)))
281           if (dabs(deltang).gt.diffang_max) then
282             if (ll.gt.longest) longest = ll
283             ll = 0
284           else
285             ll=ll+1
286           endif
287           if (ll.gt.longest) longest = ll
288           if (lprn) write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5)')j,rad2deg*phi(j),
289      &     rad2deg*phi_ref(j+ishifc),rad2deg*deltang
290           angn=angn+dabs(deltang)
291         enddo
292         longest=longest+3
293         ff = dfloat(longest)/dfloat(nend - nbeg + 4)
294         if (lprn) write (iout,*)"segment",i," longest fragment within",
295      &    diffang_max*rad2deg,":",longest," fraction",ff
296         if (ff.lt.fract) fract = ff
297         endif
298       enddo
299       if (nn.gt.0) anorm = angn/nn
300       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "nn",nn," norm",anorm," fract:",fract
301       return
302       end
303 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
304       double precision function angnorm1(nang_pair,iang_pair,ipermmin,
305      &  lprn)
306       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
307       include 'DIMENSIONS'
308       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
309       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
310       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
311       include 'COMMON.VAR'
312       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
313       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
314       include 'COMMON.GEO'
315       logical lprn
316       integer nang_pair,iang_pair(2,maxres)
317       double precision pinorm
318       integer iperm,ipermmin
319       angn=0.0d0
320       if (lprn) write (iout,'(80(1h*))')
321       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "nang_pair",nang_pair
322       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "angles"
323       do j=1,nang_pair
324         ia1 = iang_pair(1,j)
325         ia2 = iang_pair(2,j)
326 c        deltang = pinorm(phi(ia1)-phi_ref(ia2))
327          deltang=spherang(phi_ref(ia2),theta_ref(ia2-1),
328      &   theta_ref(ia2),phi(iperm(ia2,ipemmin)),
329      &  theta(iperm(ia2-1,ipermmin)),theta(iperm(ia2-1,ipermmin)))
330         if (lprn) write (iout,'(3i5,3f10.5)')j,ia1,ia2,rad2deg*phi(ia1),
331      &   rad2deg*phi_ref(ia2),rad2deg*deltang
332         angn=angn+dabs(deltang)
333       enddo
334       if (lprn)
335      &write (iout,*)"nang_pair",nang_pair," angn",rad2deg*angn/nang_pair
336       angnorm1 = angn/nang_pair
337       return
338       end
339 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
340       subroutine angnorm12(diff,ipermmin)
341       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
342       include 'DIMENSIONS'
343       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
344       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
345       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
346       include 'COMMON.VAR'
347       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
348       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
349       include 'COMMON.GEO'
350       double precision pinorm
351       integer ipermm,ipermmin
352       diff=0.0d0
353       nn4 = nstart_sup+3
354       nne = min0(nend_sup,nres)
355 c      do j=nn4-1,nne
356 c        diff = diff+rad2deg*dabs(pinorm(theta(j)-theta_ref(j)))
357 c      enddo
358       do j=nn4,nne 
359 c        diff = diff+rad2deg*dabs(pinorm(phi(j)-phi_ref(j)))
360          diff=diff+spherang(phi_ref(j),theta_ref(j-1),
361      & theta_ref(j),phi(iperm(j,ipermmin)),theta(iperm(j-1,ipermmin)),
362      & theta(iperm(j,ipermmin)))
363       enddo
364       return
365       end
366 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
367       double precision function spherang(gam1,theta11,theta12,
368      &   gam2,theta21,theta22)
369       implicit none
370       double precision gam1,theta11,theta12,gam2,theta21,theta22,
371      &  x1,x2,xmed,f1,f2,fmed
372       double precision tolx /1.0d-4/, tolf /1.0d-4/
373       double precision sumcos
374       double precision arcos,pinorm,sumangp
375       integer it,maxit /100/
376 c Calculate the difference of the angles of two superposed 4-redidue fragments
377 c
378 c       O      P
379 c        \    /
380 c     O'--C--C       
381 c             \
382 c              P'
383 c
384 c The fragment O'-C-C-P' is rotated by angle fi about the C-C axis
385 c to achieve the minimum difference between the O'-C-O and P-C-P angles;
386 c the sum of these angles is the difference returned by the function.
387 c
388 c 4/28/04 AL
389 c If thetas match, take the difference of gamma and exit.
390       if (dabs(theta11-theta12).lt.tolx 
391      & .and. dabs(theta21-theta22).lt.tolx) then
392         spherang=dabs(pinorm(gam2-gam1))
393         return
394       endif
395 c If the gammas are the same, take the difference of thetas and exit.
396       x1=0.0d0
397       x2=0.5d0*pinorm(gam2-gam1)
398       if (dabs(x2) .lt. tolx) then
399         spherang=dabs(theta11-theta21)+dabs(theta12-theta22)
400         return
401       else if (x2.lt.0.0d0) then
402         x1=x2
403         x2=0.0d0
404       endif 
405 c Else apply regula falsi method to compute optimum overlap of the terminal Calphas
406       f1=sumangp(gam1,theta11,theta12,gam2,theta21,theta22,x1)
407       f2=sumangp(gam1,theta11,theta12,gam2,theta21,theta22,x2)
408       do it=1,maxit
409         xmed=x1-f1*(x2-x1)/(f2-f1)
410         fmed=sumangp(gam1,theta11,theta12,gam2,theta21,theta22,xmed)
411 c        write (*,*) 'it',it,' xmed ',xmed,' fmed ',fmed
412         if ( (dabs(xmed-x1).lt.tolx .or. dabs(x2-xmed).lt.tolx)
413      &       .and. dabs(fmed).lt.tolf ) then
414           x1=xmed
415           f1=fmed
416           goto 10
417         else if ( fmed*f1.lt.0.0d0 ) then
418           x2=xmed
419           f2=fmed
420         else
421           x1=xmed
422           f1=fmed
423         endif
424       enddo
425    10 continue
426       spherang=arcos(dcos(theta11)*dcos(theta12)
427      & +dsin(theta11)*dsin(theta12)*dcos(x1))+
428      & arcos(dcos(theta21)*dcos(theta22)+
429      & dsin(theta21)*dsin(theta22)*dcos(gam2-gam1+x1))
430       return
431       end
432 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
433       double precision function sumangp(gam1,theta11,theta12,gam2,
434      & theta21,theta22,fi)
435       implicit none
436       double precision gam1,theta11,theta12,gam2,theta21,theta22,fi,
437      & cost11,cost12,cost21,cost22,sint11,sint12,sint21,sint22,cosd1,
438      & cosd2
439 c derivarive of the sum of the difference of the angles of a 4-residue fragment.
440       double precision arcos
441       cost11=dcos(theta11)
442       cost12=dcos(theta12)
443       cost21=dcos(theta21)
444       cost22=dcos(theta22)
445       sint11=dsin(theta11)
446       sint12=dsin(theta12)
447       sint21=dsin(theta21)
448       sint22=dsin(theta22)
449       cosd1=cost11*cost12+sint11*sint12*dcos(fi)
450       cosd2=cost21*cost22+sint21*sint22*dcos(gam2-gam1+fi)
451       sumangp=sint11*sint12*dsin(fi)/dsqrt(1.0d0-cosd1*cosd1)
452      & +sint21*sint22*dsin(gam2-gam1+fi)/dsqrt(1.0d0-cosd2*cosd2)
453       return
454       end