1 subroutine xread(nazwa,ii,jj,kk,ll,mm,iR,ib,iparm)
7 parameter (MaxTraj=2050)
13 include "COMMON.CHAIN"
14 include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
16 include "COMMON.NAMES"
19 include "COMMON.ENEPS"
21 include "COMMON.INTERACT"
23 include "COMMON.SBRIDGE"
24 include "COMMON.OBCINKA"
25 real*4 csingle(3,maxres2)
26 character*64 nazwa,bprotfile_temp
27 integer i,j,k,l,ii,jj(maxslice),kk(maxslice),ll(maxslice),
29 integer iscor,islice,islice1,slice
30 double precision energ
33 double precision rmsdev,energia(0:max_ene),efree,eini,temp
34 double precision prop(maxQ)
35 integer ntot_all(0:maxprocs-1)
36 integer iparm,ib,iib,ir,nprop,nthr
37 double precision etot,time,ts(maxslice),te(maxslice)
38 integer is(maxslice),ie(maxslice),itraj,ntraj,it,iset
39 integer nstep(0:MaxTraj-1)
42 call set_slices(is,ie,ts,te,iR,ib,iparm)
52 call opentmp(islice1,ientout,bprotfile_temp)
54 if (replica(iparm)) then
55 if (hamil_rep .or. umbrella(iparm)) then
56 read (ientin,*,end=1112,err=1112) time,eini,
57 & etot,temp,nss,(ihpb(j),jhpb(j),j=1,nss),
58 & nprop,(prop(j),j=1,nprop),iset
60 read (ientin,*,end=1112,err=1112) time,eini,
61 & etot,temp,nss,(ihpb(j),jhpb(j),j=1,nss),
62 & nprop,(prop(j),j=1,nprop)
64 temp=1.0d0/(temp*1.987D-3)
65 c write (iout,*) time,eini,etot,nss,
66 c & (ihpb(j),jhpb(j),j=1,nss),(prop(j),j=1,nprop)
69 if (beta_h(i,iparm).eq.temp) then
75 if (i.gt.nT_h(iparm)) then
76 write (iout,*) "Error - temperature of conformation",
77 & ii,1.0d0/(temp*1.987D-3),
78 & " does not match any of the list"
80 & 1.0d0/(temp*1.987D-3),
81 & (1.0d0/(beta_h(i,iparm)*1.987D-3),i=1,nT_h(iparm))
86 read (ientin,*,end=1112,err=1112) time,eini,
87 & etot,nss,(ihpb(j),jhpb(j),j=1,nss),
88 & nprop,(prop(j),j=1,nprop)
91 itraj=mod(it,totraj(iR,iparm))
92 c write (*,*) "ii",ii," itraj",itraj
95 if (itraj.gt.ntraj) ntraj=itraj
96 nstep(itraj)=nstep(itraj)+1
97 islice=slice(nstep(itraj),time,is,ie,ts,te)
98 read (ientin,'(8f10.5)',end=1112,err=1112)
99 & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
100 & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
102 if (islice.gt.0 .and. islice.le.nslice) then
104 kk(islice)=kk(islice)+1
105 mm(islice)=mm(islice)+1
106 if (mod(nstep(itraj),isampl(iparm)).eq.0) then
107 jj(islice)=jj(islice)+1
109 snk(iR,iib,iset,islice)=snk(iR,iib,iset,islice)+1
110 else if (umbrella(iparm)) then
111 snk(iset,iib,iparm,islice)=snk(iset,iib,iparm,islice)+1
113 snk(iR,iib,iparm,islice)=snk(iR,iib,iparm,islice)+1
115 ll(islice)=ll(islice)+1
116 c write (iout,*) ii,kk,jj,ll,eini,(prop(j),j=1,nprop)
118 c write (iout,*) "Writing conformation, record",ll(islice)
119 c write (iout,*) "ib",ib," iib",iib
120 if (replica(iparm)) then
121 write (iout,*) "TEMP",1.0d0/(temp*1.987D-3)
122 write (iout,*) "TEMP list"
124 & (1.0d0/(beta_h(i,iparm)*1.987D-3),i=1,nT_h(iparm))
128 c write (iout,*) "iparm",iparm," ib",ib," iR",iR," nQ",nQ
129 c write (iout,*) "nres",nres," nnt",nnt," nct",nct," nss",nss
130 c write (iout,*) "length",nres*4+(nct-nnt+1)*4+4+2*nss*4
132 if (islice.ne.islice1) then
133 c write (iout,*) "islice",islice," islice1",islice1
135 c write (iout,*) "Closing file ",
136 c & bprotfile_temp(:ilen(bprotfile_temp))
137 call opentmp(islice,ientout,bprotfile_temp)
138 c write (iout,*) "Opening file ",
139 c & bprotfile_temp(:ilen(bprotfile_temp))
143 write(ientout,rec=ll(islice))
144 & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
145 & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
146 & nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
147 & eini,efree,rmsdev,(prop(i),i=1,nQ),iR,iib,iparm
154 call int_from_cart1(.false.)
155 write (iout,*) "Writing conformation, record",ll(islice)
156 write (iout,*) "Cartesian coordinates"
157 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,nres)
158 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(j,i+nres),j=1,3),i=nnt,nct)
159 write (iout,*) "Internal coordinates"
160 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nnt+1,nct)
161 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nres+nnt,nres+nct)
162 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*theta(k),k=3,nres)
163 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*phi(k),k=4,nres)
164 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*alph(k),k=2,nres-1)
165 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*omeg(k),k=2,nres-1)
166 write (iout,'(16i5)') nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss)
167 c write (iout,'(8f10.5)') (prop(j),j=1,nQ)
168 write (iout,'(16i5)') iscor
176 write (iout,'(i10," trajectories found in file.")') ntraj+1
177 write (iout,'(a)') "Numbers of steps in trajectories:"
178 write (iout,'(8i10)') (nstep(i),i=0,ntraj)
179 write (iout,*) ii," conformations read from file",
180 & nazwa(:ilen(nazwa))
181 write (iout,*) mm(islice)," conformations read so far, slice",
183 write (iout,*) ll(islice)," conformations stored so far, slice",