1 subroutine parmread(iparm,*)
3 C Read the parameters of the probability distributions of the virtual-bond
4 C valence angles and the side chains and energy parameters.
6 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
10 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
11 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
12 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
14 include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
15 include 'COMMON.TORSION'
16 include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
17 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
18 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
19 include 'COMMON.WEIGHTS'
20 include 'COMMON.ENEPS'
21 include 'COMMON.SCCOR'
22 include 'COMMON.SCROT'
25 character*1 onelett(4) /"G","A","P","D"/
27 dimension blower(3,3,maxlob)
28 character*800 controlcard
29 character*256 bondname_t,thetname_t,rotname_t,torname_t,
30 & tordname_t,fouriername_t,elename_t,sidename_t,scpname_t,
36 double precision ip,mp
40 C Set LPRINT=.TRUE. for debugging
41 dwa16=2.0d0**(1.0d0/6.0d0)
44 C Assign virtual-bond length
48 call card_concat(controlcard,.true.)
51 key = wname(i)(:ilen(wname(i)))
52 call reada(controlcard,key(:ilen(key)),ww(i),1.0d0)
55 write (iout,*) "iparm",iparm," myparm",myparm
56 c If reading not own parameters, skip assignment
58 if (iparm.eq.myparm .or. .not.separate_parset) then
61 c Setup weights for UNRES
84 call card_concat(controlcard,.false.)
86 c Return if not own parameters
88 if (iparm.ne.myparm .and. separate_parset) return
90 call reads(controlcard,"BONDPAR",bondname_t,bondname)
91 open (ibond,file=bondname_t,status='old')
93 call reads(controlcard,"THETPAR",thetname_t,thetname)
94 open (ithep,file=thetname_t,status='old')
96 call reads(controlcard,"ROTPAR",rotname_t,rotname)
97 open (irotam,file=rotname_t,status='old')
99 call reads(controlcard,"TORPAR",torname_t,torname)
100 open (itorp,file=torname_t,status='old')
102 call reads(controlcard,"TORDPAR",tordname_t,tordname)
103 open (itordp,file=tordname_t,status='old')
105 call reads(controlcard,"SCCORAR",sccorname_t,sccorname)
106 open (isccor,file=sccorname_t,status='old')
108 call reads(controlcard,"FOURIER",fouriername_t,fouriername)
109 open (ifourier,file=fouriername_t,status='old')
111 call reads(controlcard,"ELEPAR",elename_t,elename)
112 open (ielep,file=elename_t,status='old')
114 call reads(controlcard,"SIDEPAR",sidename_t,sidename)
115 open (isidep,file=sidename_t,status='old')
117 call reads(controlcard,"SCPPAR",scpname_t,scpname)
118 open (iscpp,file=scpname_t,status='old')
120 write (iout,*) "Parameter set:",iparm
121 write (iout,*) "Energy-term weights:"
123 write (iout,'(a16,f10.5)') wname(i),ww(i)
125 write (iout,*) "Sidechain potential file : ",
126 & sidename_t(:ilen(sidename_t))
128 write (iout,*) "SCp potential file : ",
129 & scpname_t(:ilen(scpname_t))
131 write (iout,*) "Electrostatic potential file : ",
132 & elename_t(:ilen(elename_t))
133 write (iout,*) "Cumulant coefficient file : ",
134 & fouriername_t(:ilen(fouriername_t))
135 write (iout,*) "Torsional parameter file : ",
136 & torname_t(:ilen(torname_t))
137 write (iout,*) "Double torsional parameter file : ",
138 & tordname_t(:ilen(tordname_t))
139 write (iout,*) "Backbone-rotamer parameter file : ",
140 & sccorname(:ilen(sccorname))
141 write (iout,*) "Bond & inertia constant file : ",
142 & bondname_t(:ilen(bondname_t))
143 write (iout,*) "Bending parameter file : ",
144 & thetname_t(:ilen(thetname_t))
145 write (iout,*) "Rotamer parameter file : ",
146 & rotname_t(:ilen(rotname_t))
149 c Read the virtual-bond parameters, masses, and moments of inertia
150 c and Stokes' radii of the peptide group and side chains
153 read (ibond,*) vbldp0,akp
156 read (ibond,*) vbldsc0(1,i),aksc(1,i)
157 dsc(i) = vbldsc0(1,i)
161 dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i)
165 read (ibond,*) ijunk,vbldp0,akp,rjunk
167 read (ibond,*) nbondterm(i),(vbldsc0(j,i),aksc(j,i),abond0(j,i),
169 dsc(i) = vbldsc0(1,i)
173 dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i)
178 write(iout,'(/a/)')"Force constants virtual bonds:"
179 write (iout,'(a10,a3,6a10)') 'Type','N','VBL','K',
181 write(iout,'(a10,i3,6f10.5)') "p",1,vbldp0,akp,0.0d0
183 write (iout,'(a10,i3,6f10.5)') restyp(i),nbondterm(i),
184 & vbldsc0(1,i),aksc(1,i),abond0(1,i)
186 write (iout,'(13x,3f10.5)')
187 & vbldsc0(j,i),aksc(j,i),abond0(j,i)
193 C Read the parameters of the probability distribution/energy expression
194 C of the virtual-bond valence angles theta
197 read (ithep,*) a0thet(i),(athet(j,i),j=1,2),(bthet(j,i),j=1,2)
198 read (ithep,*) (polthet(j,i),j=0,3)
199 read (ithep,*) (gthet(j,i),j=1,3)
200 read (ithep,*) theta0(i),sig0(i),sigc0(i)
206 c & 'Parameters of the virtual-bond valence angles:'
207 c write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))') 'Fourier coefficients:',
208 c & ' ATHETA0 ',' A1 ',' A2 ',
211 c write(iout,'(a3,i4,2x,5(1pe14.5))') restyp(i),i,
212 c & a0thet(i),(athet(j,i),j=1,2),(bthet(j,i),j=1,2)
214 c write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
215 c & 'Parameters of the expression for sigma(theta_c):',
216 c & ' ALPH0 ',' ALPH1 ',' ALPH2 ',
217 c & ' ALPH3 ',' SIGMA0C '
219 c write (iout,'(a3,i4,2x,5(1pe14.5))') restyp(i),i,
220 c & (polthet(j,i),j=0,3),sigc0(i)
222 c write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
223 c & 'Parameters of the second gaussian:',
224 c & ' THETA0 ',' SIGMA0 ',' G1 ',
227 c write (iout,'(a3,i4,2x,5(1pe14.5))') restyp(i),i,theta0(i),
228 c & sig0(i),(gthet(j,i),j=1,3)
231 & 'Parameters of the virtual-bond valence angles:'
232 write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
233 & 'Coefficients of expansion',
234 & ' theta0 ',' a1*10^2 ',' a2*10^2 ',
235 & ' b1*10^1 ',' b2*10^1 '
237 write(iout,'(a3,1h&,2x,5(f8.3,1h&))') restyp(i),
238 & a0thet(i),(100*athet(j,i),j=1,2),(10*bthet(j,i),j=1,2)
240 write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
241 & 'Parameters of the expression for sigma(theta_c):',
242 & ' alpha0 ',' alph1 ',' alph2 ',
243 & ' alhp3 ',' sigma0c '
245 write (iout,'(a3,1h&,2x,5(1pe12.3,1h&))') restyp(i),
246 & (polthet(j,i),j=0,3),sigc0(i)
248 write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
249 & 'Parameters of the second gaussian:',
250 & ' theta0 ',' sigma0*10^2 ',' G1*10^-1',
253 write (iout,'(a3,1h&,2x,5(f8.3,1h&))') restyp(i),theta0(i),
254 & 100*sig0(i),gthet(1,i)*0.1D0,gthet(2,i),gthet(3,i)*10.0D0
259 C Read the parameters of Utheta determined from ab initio surfaces
260 C Kozlowska et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 285203
262 read (ithep,*) nthetyp,ntheterm,ntheterm2,
263 & ntheterm3,nsingle,ndouble
264 nntheterm=max0(ntheterm,ntheterm2,ntheterm3)
265 read (ithep,*) (ithetyp(i),i=1,ntyp1)
271 aathet(l,i,j,k)=0.0d0
275 bbthet(m,l,i,j,k)=0.0d0
276 ccthet(m,l,i,j,k)=0.0d0
277 ddthet(m,l,i,j,k)=0.0d0
278 eethet(m,l,i,j,k)=0.0d0
284 ffthet(mm,m,l,i,j,k)=0.0d0
285 ggthet(mm,m,l,i,j,k)=0.0d0
295 read (ithep,'(3a)') res1,res2,res3
296 read (ithep,*) aa0thet(i,j,k)
297 read (ithep,*)(aathet(l,i,j,k),l=1,ntheterm)
299 & ((bbthet(lll,ll,i,j,k),lll=1,nsingle),
300 & (ccthet(lll,ll,i,j,k),lll=1,nsingle),
301 & (ddthet(lll,ll,i,j,k),lll=1,nsingle),
302 & (eethet(lll,ll,i,j,k),lll=1,nsingle),ll=1,ntheterm2)
304 & (((ffthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k),ffthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k),
305 & ggthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k),ggthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k),
306 & llll=1,lll-1),lll=2,ndouble),ll=1,ntheterm3)
311 C For dummy ends assign glycine-type coefficients of theta-only terms; the
312 C coefficients of theta-and-gamma-dependent terms are zero.
317 aathet(l,i,j,nthetyp+1)=aathet(l,i,j,1)
318 aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,j)=aathet(l,1,i,j)
320 aa0thet(i,j,nthetyp+1)=aa0thet(i,j,1)
321 aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,j)=aa0thet(1,i,j)
324 aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1)=aathet(l,1,i,1)
326 aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1)=aa0thet(1,i,1)
329 C Control printout of the coefficients of virtual-bond-angle potentials
332 write (iout,'(//a)') 'Parameter of virtual-bond-angle potential'
336 write (iout,'(//4a)')
337 & 'Type ',onelett(i),onelett(j),onelett(k)
338 write (iout,'(//a,10x,a)') " l","a[l]"
339 write (iout,'(i2,1pe15.5)') 0,aa0thet(i,j,k)
340 write (iout,'(i2,1pe15.5)')
341 & (l,aathet(l,i,j,k),l=1,ntheterm)
343 write (iout,'(//2h m,4(9x,a,3h[m,i1,1h]))')
344 & "b",l,"c",l,"d",l,"e",l
346 write (iout,'(i2,4(1pe15.5))') m,
347 & bbthet(m,l,i,j,k),ccthet(m,l,i,j,k),
348 & ddthet(m,l,i,j,k),eethet(m,l,i,j,k)
352 write (iout,'(//3hm,n,4(6x,a,5h[m,n,i1,1h]))')
353 & "f+",l,"f-",l,"g+",l,"g-",l
356 write (iout,'(i1,1x,i1,4(1pe15.5))') n,m,
357 & ffthet(n,m,l,i,j,k),ffthet(m,n,l,i,j,k),
358 & ggthet(n,m,l,i,j,k),ggthet(m,n,l,i,j,k)
371 C Read the parameters of the probability distribution/energy expression
372 C of the side chains.
375 read (irotam,'(3x,i3,f8.3)') nlob(i),dsc(i)
379 dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i)
390 read(irotam,*)(censc(k,1,i),k=1,3),((blower(k,l,1),l=1,k),k=1,3)
392 read (irotam,*) bsc(j,i)
393 read (irotam,*) (censc(k,j,i),k=1,3),
394 & ((blower(k,l,j),l=1,k),k=1,3)
401 akl=akl+blower(k,m,j)*blower(l,m,j)
412 write (iout,'(/a)') 'Parameters of side-chain local geometry'
416 write (iout,'(/3a,i2,a,f8.3)') 'Residue type: ',restyp(i),
417 & ' # of gaussian lobes:',nlobi,' dsc:',dsc(i)
418 c write (iout,'(/a,8x,i1,4(25x,i1))') 'Lobe:',(j,j=1,nlobi)
419 c write (iout,'(a,f10.4,4(16x,f10.4))')
420 c & 'Center ',(bsc(j,i),j=1,nlobi)
421 c write (iout,'(5(2x,3f8.4))') ((censc(k,j,i),k=1,3),j=1,nlobi)
422 write (iout,'(1h&,a,3(2h&&,f8.3,2h&&))')
423 & 'log h',(bsc(j,i),j=1,nlobi)
424 write (iout,'(1h&,a,3(1h&,f8.3,1h&,f8.3,1h&,f8.3,1h&))')
425 & 'x',((censc(k,j,i),k=1,3),j=1,nlobi)
432 c blower(k,l,j)=gaussc(ind,j,i)
437 write (iout,'(2h& ,5(2x,1h&,3(f7.3,1h&)))')
438 & ((gaussc(k,l,j,i),l=1,3),j=1,nlobi)
445 C Read scrot parameters for potentials determined from all-atom AM1 calculations
446 C added by Urszula Kozlowska 07/11/2007
454 read(irotam,*) sc_parmin(j,i)
462 C Read torsional parameters in old format
464 read (itorp,*) ntortyp,nterm_old
465 write (iout,*) 'ntortyp,nterm',ntortyp,nterm_old
466 read (itorp,*) (itortyp(i),i=1,ntyp)
471 read (itorp,*) kk,v1(k,j,i),v2(k,j,i)
477 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:'
480 write (iout,'(2i3,6f10.5)') i,j,(v1(k,i,j),k=1,nterm_old)
481 write (iout,'(6x,6f10.5)') (v2(k,i,j),k=1,nterm_old)
489 C Read torsional parameters
491 read (itorp,*) ntortyp
492 read (itorp,*) (itortyp(i),i=1,ntyp)
493 write (iout,*) 'ntortyp',ntortyp
496 read (itorp,*) nterm(i,j),nlor(i,j)
500 read (itorp,*) kk,v1(k,i,j),v2(k,i,j)
501 v0ij=v0ij+si*v1(k,i,j)
505 read (itorp,*) kk,vlor1(k,i,j),vlor2(k,i,j),vlor3(k,i,j)
506 v0ij=v0ij+vlor1(k,i,j)/(1+vlor3(k,i,j)**2)
513 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:'
516 write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j
517 write (iout,*) 'Fourier constants'
519 write (iout,'(2(1pe15.5))') v1(k,i,j),v2(k,i,j)
521 write (iout,*) 'Lorenz constants'
523 write (iout,'(3(1pe15.5))')
524 & vlor1(k,i,j),vlor2(k,i,j),vlor3(k,i,j)
530 C 6/23/01 Read parameters for double torsionals
535 read (itordp,'(3a1)') t1,t2,t3
536 if (t1.ne.onelett(i) .or. t2.ne.onelett(j)
537 & .or. t3.ne.onelett(k)) then
538 write (iout,*) "Error in double torsional parameter file",
540 stop "Error in double torsional parameter file"
542 read (itordp,*) ntermd_1(i,j,k),ntermd_2(i,j,k)
543 read (itordp,*) (v1c(1,l,i,j,k),l=1,ntermd_1(i,j,k))
544 read (itordp,*) (v1s(1,l,i,j,k),l=1,ntermd_1(i,j,k))
545 read (itordp,*) (v1c(2,l,i,j,k),l=1,ntermd_1(i,j,k))
546 read (itordp,*) (v1s(2,l,i,j,k),l=1,ntermd_1(i,j,k))
547 read (itordp,*) ((v2c(l,m,i,j,k),v2c(m,l,i,j,k),
548 & v2s(l,m,i,j,k),v2s(m,l,i,j,k),m=1,l-1),l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k))
554 write (iout,*) 'Constants for double torsionals'
558 write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j,' ktyp',k,
559 & ' nsingle',ntermd_1(i,j,k),' ndouble',ntermd_2(i,j,k)
561 write (iout,*) 'Single angles:'
562 do l=1,ntermd_1(i,j,k)
563 write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5,5x,2f10.5)') l,
564 & v1c(1,l,i,j,k),v1s(1,l,i,j,k),
565 & v1c(2,l,i,j,k),v1s(2,l,i,j,k)
568 write (iout,*) 'Pairs of angles:'
569 write (iout,'(3x,20i10)') (l,l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k))
570 do l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k)
571 write (iout,'(i5,20f10.5)')
572 & l,(v2c(l,m,i,j,k),m=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k))
575 write (iout,'(3x,20i10)') (l,l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k))
576 do l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k)
577 write (iout,'(i5,20f10.5)')
578 & l,(v2s(l,m,i,j,k),m=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k))
586 C Read of Side-chain backbone correlation parameters
587 C Modified 11 May 2012 by Adasko
590 read (isccor,*) nsccortyp
591 read (isccor,*) (isccortyp(i),i=1,ntyp)
592 c write (iout,*) 'ntortyp',ntortyp
594 cc maxinter is maximum interaction sites
598 read (isccor,*) nterm_sccor(i,j),nlor_sccor(i,j)
602 do k=1,nterm_sccor(i,j)
603 read (isccor,*) kk,v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
605 v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
608 do k=1,nlor_sccor(i,j)
609 read (isccor,*) kk,vlor1sccor(k,i,j),
610 & vlor2sccor(k,i,j),vlor3sccor(k,i,j)
611 v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+vlor1sccor(k,i,j)/
612 &(1+vlor3sccor(k,i,j)**2)
614 v0sccor(i,j)=v0ijsccor
621 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:'
624 write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j
625 write (iout,*) 'Fourier constants'
626 do k=1,nterm_sccor(i,j)
627 write (iout,'(2(1pe15.5))')v1sccor(k,l,i,j),v2sccor(k,l,i,j)
629 write (iout,*) 'Lorenz constants'
630 do k=1,nlor_sccor(i,j)
631 write (iout,'(3(1pe15.5))')
632 & vlor1sccor(k,i,j),vlor2sccor(k,i,j),vlor3sccor(k,i,j)
639 C 9/18/99 (AL) Read coefficients of the Fourier expansion of the local
640 C interaction energy of the Gly, Ala, and Pro prototypes.
642 read (ifourier,*) nloctyp
645 read (ifourier,*) (b(ii,i),ii=1,13)
647 write (iout,*) 'Type',i
648 write (iout,'(a,i2,a,f10.5)') ('b(',ii,')=',b(ii,i),ii=1,13)
652 B1tilde(1,i) = b(3,i)
653 B1tilde(2,i) =-b(5,i)
662 Ctilde(2,1,i)=-b(9,i)
670 Dtilde(2,1,i)=-b(8,i)
672 EE(1,1,i)= b(10,i)+b(11,i)
673 EE(2,2,i)=-b(10,i)+b(11,i)
674 EE(2,1,i)= b(12,i)-b(13,i)
675 EE(1,2,i)= b(12,i)+b(13,i)
679 write (iout,*) 'Type',i
681 c write (iout,'(f10.5)') B1(:,i)
682 write(iout,*) B1(1,i),B1(2,i)
684 c write (iout,'(f10.5)') B2(:,i)
685 write(iout,*) B2(1,i),B2(2,i)
688 write (iout,'(2f10.5)') CC(j,1,i),CC(j,2,i)
692 write (iout,'(2f10.5)') DD(j,1,i),DD(j,2,i)
696 write (iout,'(2f10.5)') EE(j,1,i),EE(j,2,i)
701 C Read electrostatic-interaction parameters
704 write (iout,'(/a)') 'Electrostatic interaction constants:'
705 write (iout,'(1x,a,1x,a,10x,a,11x,a,11x,a,11x,a)')
706 & 'IT','JT','APP','BPP','AEL6','AEL3'
708 read (ielep,*) ((epp(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2)
709 read (ielep,*) ((rpp(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2)
710 read (ielep,*) ((elpp6(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2)
711 read (ielep,*) ((elpp3(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2)
716 app (i,j)=epp(i,j)*rri*rri
717 bpp (i,j)=-2.0D0*epp(i,j)*rri
718 ael6(i,j)=elpp6(i,j)*4.2D0**6
719 ael3(i,j)=elpp3(i,j)*4.2D0**3
720 if (lprint) write(iout,'(2i3,4(1pe15.4))')i,j,app(i,j),bpp(i,j),
721 & ael6(i,j),ael3(i,j)
725 C Read side-chain interaction parameters.
727 read (isidep,*) ipot,expon
728 if (ipot.lt.1 .or. ipot.gt.5) then
729 write (iout,'(2a)') 'Error while reading SC interaction',
730 & 'potential file - unknown potential type.'
734 write(iout,'(/3a,2i3)') 'Potential is ',potname(ipot),
735 & ', exponents are ',expon,2*expon
736 goto (10,20,30,30,40) ipot
737 C----------------------- LJ potential ---------------------------------
738 10 read (isidep,*)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),(sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp)
740 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the LJ potential:'
741 write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
742 call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
743 write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
744 write (iout,'(a,4x,a)') 'residue','sigma'
745 write (iout,'(a3,6x,f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp)
748 C----------------------- LJK potential --------------------------------
749 20 read (isidep,*)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),
750 & (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp),(rr0(i),i=1,ntyp)
752 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the LJK potential:'
753 write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
754 call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
755 write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
756 write (iout,'(a,4x,2a)') 'residue',' sigma ',' r0 '
757 write (iout,'(a3,6x,2f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),rr0(i),
761 C---------------------- GB or BP potential -----------------------------
762 30 read (isidep,*)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),
763 & (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp),(sigii(i),i=1,ntyp),(chip0(i),i=1,ntyp),
765 C For the GB potential convert sigma'**2 into chi'
768 chip(i)=(chip0(i)-1.0D0)/(chip0(i)+1.0D0)
772 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the BP potential:'
773 write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
774 call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
775 write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
776 write (iout,'(a,4x,4a)') 'residue',' sigma ','s||/s_|_^2',
778 write (iout,'(a3,6x,4f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),sigii(i),
779 & chip(i),alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
782 C--------------------- GBV potential -----------------------------------
783 40 read (isidep,*)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),
784 & (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp),(rr0(i),i=1,ntyp),(sigii(i),i=1,ntyp),
785 & (chip(i),i=1,ntyp),(alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
787 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the GBV potential:'
788 write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
789 call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
790 write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
791 write (iout,'(a,4x,5a)') 'residue',' sigma ',' r0 ',
792 & 's||/s_|_^2',' chip ',' alph '
793 write (iout,'(a3,6x,5f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),rr0(i),
794 & sigii(i),chip(i),alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
798 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
799 C Calculate the "working" parameters of SC interactions.
807 sigma(i,j)=dsqrt(sigma0(i)**2+sigma0(j)**2)
808 sigma(j,i)=sigma(i,j)
809 rs0(i,j)=dwa16*sigma(i,j)
813 if (lprint) write (iout,'(/a/10x,7a/72(1h-))')
814 & 'Working parameters of the SC interactions:',
815 & ' a ',' b ',' augm ',' sigma ',' r0 ',
820 if (ipot.eq.1 .or. ipot.eq.3 .or. ipot.eq.4) then
829 sigeps=dsign(1.0D0,epsij)
831 aa(i,j)=epsij*rrij*rrij
832 bb(i,j)=-sigeps*epsij*rrij
840 ratsig1=sigt2sq/sigt1sq
841 ratsig2=1.0D0/ratsig1
842 chi(i,j)=(sigii1-1.0D0)/(sigii1+ratsig1)
843 if (j.gt.i) chi(j,i)=(sigii2-1.0D0)/(sigii2+ratsig2)
844 rsum_max=dsqrt(sigii1*sigt1sq+sigii2*sigt2sq)
848 c if (ipot.eq.1 .or. ipot.eq.3 .or. ipot.eq.4) then
849 sigmaii(i,j)=rsum_max
850 sigmaii(j,i)=rsum_max
852 c sigmaii(i,j)=r0(i,j)
853 c sigmaii(j,i)=r0(i,j)
855 cd write (iout,*) i,j,r0(i,j),sigma(i,j),rsum_max
856 if ((ipot.eq.2 .or. ipot.eq.5) .and. r0(i,j).gt.rsum_max) then
857 r_augm=sigma(i,j)*(rrij-sigma(i,j))/rrij
858 augm(i,j)=epsij*r_augm**(2*expon)
859 c augm(i,j)=0.5D0**(2*expon)*aa(i,j)
866 write (iout,'(2(a3,2x),3(1pe10.3),5(0pf8.3))')
867 & restyp(i),restyp(j),aa(i,j),bb(i,j),augm(i,j),
868 & sigma(i,j),r0(i,j),chi(i,j),chi(j,i)
873 C Define the SC-p interaction constants
877 C "Soft" SC-p repulsion (causes helices to be too flat, but facilitates
879 c aad(i,1)=0.3D0*4.0D0**12
880 C Following line for constants currently implemented
881 C "Hard" SC-p repulsion (gives correct turn spacing in helices)
882 aad(i,1)=1.5D0*4.0D0**12
883 c aad(i,1)=0.17D0*5.6D0**12
885 C "Soft" SC-p repulsion
887 C Following line for constants currently implemented
888 c aad(i,1)=0.3D0*4.0D0**6
889 C "Hard" SC-p repulsion
890 bad(i,1)=3.0D0*4.0D0**6
891 c bad(i,1)=-2.0D0*0.17D0*5.6D0**6
900 C 8/9/01 Read the SC-p interaction constants from file
903 read (iscpp,*) (eps_scp(i,j),rscp(i,j),j=1,2)
906 aad(i,1)=dabs(eps_scp(i,1))*rscp(i,1)**12
907 aad(i,2)=dabs(eps_scp(i,2))*rscp(i,2)**12
908 bad(i,1)=-2*eps_scp(i,1)*rscp(i,1)**6
909 bad(i,2)=-2*eps_scp(i,2)*rscp(i,2)**6
913 write (iout,*) "Parameters of SC-p interactions:"
915 write (iout,'(4f8.3,4e12.4)') eps_scp(i,1),rscp(i,1),
916 & eps_scp(i,2),rscp(i,2),aad(i,1),bad(i,1),aad(i,2),bad(i,2)
921 C Define the constants of the disulfide bridge
925 c Old arbitrary potential - commented out.
930 c Constants of the disulfide-bond potential determined based on the RHF/6-31G**
931 c energy surface of diethyl disulfide.
932 c A. Liwo and U. Kozlowska, 11/24/03
943 write (iout,'(/a)') "Disulfide bridge parameters:"
944 write (iout,'(a,f10.2)') 'S-S bridge energy: ',ebr
945 write (iout,'(2(a,f10.2))') 'd0cm:',d0cm,' akcm:',akcm
946 write (iout,'(2(a,f10.2))') 'akth:',akth,' akct:',akct
947 write (iout,'(3(a,f10.2))') 'v1ss:',v1ss,' v2ss:',v2ss,