5 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
8 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
11 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
12 include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
13 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
14 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
15 include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
16 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
17 include 'COMMON.TORCNSTR'
18 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
19 character*4 sequence(maxres)
21 double precision x(maxvar)
22 character*320 controlcard,ucase
23 dimension itype_pdb(maxres)
25 call card_concat(controlcard,.true.)
26 call reada(controlcard,'SCAL14',scal14,0.4d0)
27 call reada(controlcard,'SCALSCP',scalscp,1.0d0)
28 call reada(controlcard,'CUTOFF',cutoff_corr,7.0d0)
29 call reada(controlcard,'DELT_CORR',delt_corr,0.5d0)
30 r0_corr=cutoff_corr-delt_corr
31 call readi(controlcard,"NRES",nres,0)
32 iscode=index(controlcard,"ONE_LETTER")
34 write (iout,*) "Error: no residues in molecule"
37 if (nres.gt.maxres) then
38 write (iout,*) "Error: too many residues",nres,maxres
40 write(iout,*) 'nres=',nres
41 C Read sequence of the protein
43 read (inp,'(80a1)') (sequence(i)(1:1),i=1,nres)
45 read (inp,'(20(1x,a3))') (sequence(i),i=1,nres)
47 C Convert sequence to numeric code
49 itype(i)=rescode(i,sequence(i),iscode)
51 if (itype(2).eq.10.and.itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
53 & "Glycine is the first full residue, initial dummy deleted"
59 if (itype(nres-1).eq.10.and.itype(nres).eq.ntyp1) then
61 & "Glycine is the last full residue, terminal dummy deleted"
64 write (iout,*) "Numeric code:"
65 write (iout,'(20i4)') (itype(i),i=1,nres)
68 if (itype(i).eq.21 .or. itype(i+1).eq.21) then
70 if (itype(i).eq.21) then
74 else if (itype(i+1).ne.20) then
76 else if (itype(i).ne.20) then
85 if (with_dihed_constr) then
87 read (inp,*) ndih_constr
88 if (ndih_constr.gt.0) then
90 write (iout,*) 'FTORS',ftors
91 read (inp,*) (idih_constr(i),phi0(i),drange(i),i=1,ndih_constr)
93 & 'There are',ndih_constr,' constraints on phi angles.'
95 write (iout,'(i5,2f8.3)') idih_constr(i),phi0(i),drange(i)
98 phi0(i)=deg2rad*phi0(i)
99 drange(i)=deg2rad*drange(i)
107 if (itype(1).eq.21) nnt=2
108 if (itype(nres).eq.21) nct=nct-1
109 write(iout,*) 'NNT=',NNT,' NCT=',NCT
110 c Read distance restraints
111 if (constr_dist.gt.0) then
112 if (refstr) call read_ref_structure(*11)
113 call read_dist_constr
120 write (iout,'(/a,i3,a)') 'The chain contains',ns,
121 & ' disulfide-bridging cysteines.'
122 write (iout,'(20i4)') (iss(i),i=1,ns)
123 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Pre-formed links are:'
129 write (iout,'(2a,i3,3a,i3,a,3f10.3)')
130 & restyp(it1),'(',i1,') -- ',restyp(it2),'(',i2,')',
131 & dhpb(i),ebr,forcon(i)
136 11 stop "Error reading reference structure"
138 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 logical function seq_comp(itypea,itypeb,length)
141 integer length,itypea(length),itypeb(length)
144 if (itypea(i).ne.itypeb(i)) then
152 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 subroutine read_bridge
154 C Read information about disulfide bridges.
155 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
158 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
161 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
162 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
163 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
164 include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
165 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
166 C Read bridging residues.
167 read (inp,*) ns,(iss(i),i=1,ns)
169 write (iout,*) 'ns=',ns,' iss:',(iss(i),i=1,ns)
170 C Check whether the specified bridging residues are cystines.
172 if (itype(iss(i)).ne.1) then
173 write (iout,'(2a,i3,a)')
174 & 'Do you REALLY think that the residue ',restyp(iss(i)),i,
175 & ' can form a disulfide bridge?!!!'
176 write (*,'(2a,i3,a)')
177 & 'Do you REALLY think that the residue ',restyp(iss(i)),i,
178 & ' can form a disulfide bridge?!!!'
182 C Read preformed bridges.
184 read (inp,*) nss,(ihpb(i),jhpb(i),i=1,nss)
185 write (iout,*) 'nss=',nss,' ihpb,jhpb: ',(ihpb(i),jhpb(i),i=1,nss)
188 C Check if the residues involved in bridges are in the specified list of
192 if (ihpb(i).eq.ihpb(j).or.ihpb(i).eq.jhpb(j)
193 & .or.jhpb(i).eq.ihpb(j).or.jhpb(i).eq.jhpb(j)) then
194 write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Disulfide pair',i,
195 & ' contains residues present in other pairs.'
196 write (*,'(a,i3,a)') 'Disulfide pair',i,
197 & ' contains residues present in other pairs.'
202 if (ihpb(i).eq.iss(j)) goto 10
204 write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Pair',i,' contains unknown cystine.'
207 if (jhpb(i).eq.iss(j)) goto 20
209 write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Pair',i,' contains unknown cystine.'
220 if (ns.gt.0.and.dyn_ss) then
221 C /06/28/2013 Adasko:ns is number of Cysteins bonded also called half of
224 C /06/28/2013 Adasko: nss number of full SS bonds
227 forcon(i-nss)=forcon(i)
234 dyn_ss_mask(iss(i))=.true.
235 C /06/28/2013 Adasko: dyn_ss_mask which Cysteins can form disulfidebond
236 c write(iout,*) i,iss(i),dyn_ss_mask(iss(i)),"ATU"
241 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 subroutine read_angles(kanal,iscor,energ,iprot,*)
243 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
246 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
247 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
250 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
251 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
253 read(kanal,'(a80)',end=10,err=10) lineh
254 read(lineh(:5),*,err=8) ic
255 read(lineh(6:),*,err=8) energ
258 print *,'error, assuming e=1d10',lineh
262 read(lineh(18:),*,end=10,err=10) nss
264 read (lineh(20:),*,end=10,err=10)
265 & (IHPB(I),JHPB(I),I=1,NSS),iscor
267 read (lineh(20:),*,end=10,err=10) (IHPB(I),JHPB(I),I=1,8)
268 read (kanal,*,end=10,err=10) (IHPB(I),JHPB(I),
271 c print *,"energy",energ," iscor",iscor
272 read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (theta(i),i=3,nres)
273 read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (phi(i),i=4,nres)
274 read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (alph(i),i=2,nres-1)
275 read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (omeg(i),i=2,nres-1)
277 theta(i)=deg2rad*theta(i)
278 phi(i)=deg2rad*phi(i)
279 alph(i)=deg2rad*alph(i)
280 omeg(i)=deg2rad*omeg(i)
285 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
286 subroutine read_dist_constr
287 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
289 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
290 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
291 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
292 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
293 integer ifrag_(2,100),ipair_(2,100)
294 double precision wfrag_(100),wpair_(100)
295 character*500 controlcard
296 c write (iout,*) "Calling read_dist_constr"
297 c write (iout,*) "nres",nres," nstart_sup",nstart_sup," nsup",nsup
299 call card_concat(controlcard,.true.)
300 call readi(controlcard,"NFRAG",nfrag_,0)
301 call readi(controlcard,"NPAIR",npair_,0)
302 call readi(controlcard,"NDIST",ndist_,0)
303 call reada(controlcard,'DIST_CUT',dist_cut,5.0d0)
304 call multreadi(controlcard,"IFRAG",ifrag_(1,1),2*nfrag_,0)
305 call multreadi(controlcard,"IPAIR",ipair_(1,1),2*npair_,0)
306 call multreada(controlcard,"WFRAG",wfrag_(1),nfrag_,0.0d0)
307 call multreada(controlcard,"WPAIR",wpair_(1),npair_,0.0d0)
308 write (iout,*) "NFRAG",nfrag_," NPAIR",npair_," NDIST",ndist_
309 write (iout,*) "IFRAG"
311 write (iout,*) i,ifrag_(1,i),ifrag_(2,i),wfrag_(i)
313 write (iout,*) "IPAIR"
315 write (iout,*) i,ipair_(1,i),ipair_(2,i),wpair_(i)
318 if (.not.refstr .and. nfrag_.gt.0) then
320 & "ERROR: no reference structure to compute distance restraints"
322 & "Restraints must be specified explicitly (NDIST=number)"
325 if (nfrag_.lt.2 .and. npair_.gt.0) then
326 write (iout,*) "ERROR: Less than 2 fragments specified",
327 & " but distance restraints between pairs requested"
332 if (ifrag_(1,i).lt.nstart_sup) ifrag_(1,i)=nstart_sup
333 if (ifrag_(2,i).gt.nstart_sup+nsup-1)
334 & ifrag_(2,i)=nstart_sup+nsup-1
335 c write (iout,*) i,ifrag_(1,i),ifrag_(2,i),wfrag_(i)
337 if (wfrag_(i).gt.0.0d0) then
338 do j=ifrag_(1,i),ifrag_(2,i)-1
340 write (iout,*) "j",j," k",k
342 if (constr_dist.eq.1) then
347 forcon(nhpb)=wfrag_(i)
348 else if (constr_dist.eq.2) then
349 if (ddjk.le.dist_cut) then
354 forcon(nhpb)=wfrag_(i)
361 forcon(nhpb)=wfrag_(i)*dexp(-0.5d0*(ddjk/dist_cut)**2)
363 write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,1pe12.2)') "+dist.constr ",
364 & nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
370 if (wpair_(i).gt.0.0d0) then
378 do j=ifrag_(1,ii),ifrag_(2,ii)
379 do k=ifrag_(1,jj),ifrag_(2,jj)
383 forcon(nhpb)=wpair_(i)
385 write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,f10.1)') "+dist.constr ",
386 & nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
392 read (inp,*) ihpb(nhpb+1),jhpb(nhpb+1),dhpb(i),dhpb1(i),
393 & ibecarb(i),forcon(nhpb+1)
394 if (forcon(nhpb+1).gt.0.0d0) then
396 if (ibecarb(i).gt.0) then
400 if (dhpb(nhpb).eq.0.0d0)
401 & dhpb(nhpb)=dist(ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb))
405 write (iout,'(a,3i5,2f8.2,i2,f10.1)') "+dist.constr ",
406 & i,ihpb(i),jhpb(i),dhpb(i),dhpb1(i),ibecarb(i),forcon(i)