cmake ftn okeanos cray XC40 correction
[unres.git] / source / unres / src_MD-M-SAXS-homology / PMFprocess.F
1       subroutine PMFread
2 c Read the PMFs from wham
3       implicit none
4       include 'DIMENSIONS'
5       include 'DIMENSIONS.PMF'
6       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
7       include 'COMMON.MD'
8       include 'COMMON.PMF'
9       include 'COMMON.REMD'
10       integer i,iumb,iiset,j,t,nbin
11       double precision beta_h,qtemp,htemp
12       read(inp,*) delta_q
13       write (iout,*)"PMFread: nT",nrep," delta_q",delta_q," nW",nset
14       print *,(remd_t(i),i=1,nrep)
15       do j=1,nrep
16         do iumb=1,nset
17           read (inp,*) iiset,beta_h,nbin
18           write (iout,*) iiset,beta_h,nbin
19           if ( then
20             write(iout,*) "Error: inconsistency in US windows",
21      &         iiset,iumb 
22             stop
23           endif
24           if ( then
25             write (iout,*) 
26      &     "Error replica temperatures do not match PMF temperatures"
27             write (iout,*) beta_h,remd_T(j)
28             stop
29           endif
30           do i=1,nbin
31             read (inp,*) qtemp,htemp
32             t = int(qtemp/delta_q+1.0d-4)
33             write (iout,*) qtemp,t,htemp
34             if (i.eq.1) tmin(j,iumb)=t
35             if (i.eq.nbin) tmax(j,iumb)=t
36             PMFtab(t,j,iumb)=dlog(htemp)*Rb*remd_t(j)
37           enddo ! i
38         enddo ! iumb
39       enddo ! j
40       do iumb=1,nset
41         write (iout,*)"Input PMFs, restraint",iumb," q0",qinfrag(1,iumb)
42         write (iout,'(5x,20f10.1)') (remd_T(j),j=1,nrep)
43         do i=0,int(1.0/delta_q)
44           write (iout,'(f5.2,$)') i*delta_q
45           do j=1,nrep
46             if (,iumb),iumb)) then
47               write (iout,'("    ------",$)')
48             else
49               write (iout,'(f10.3$)') PMFtab(i,j,iumb)
50             endif
51           enddo
52           write (iout,*) 
53         enddo ! i
54       enddo ! iumb
55       return
56       end
57 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
58       subroutine PMF_energy(q,ePMF,ePMF_q)
59 c Calculate the energy and derivative in q due to the biasing PMF
60 c Caution! Only ONE q is handled, no multi-D q-restraints available!
61       implicit none
62       include 'DIMENSIONS'
63       include 'DIMENSIONS.PMF'
64 #ifdef MPI
65       include 'mpif.h'
66       include 'COMMON.SETUP'
67       integer IERROR,ERRCODE
68 #endif
69       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
70       include 'COMMON.MD'
71       include 'COMMON.REMD'
72       include 'COMMON.PMF'
73       integer i,iqmin,iqmax,irep
74       double precision q,qmin,qmax,ePMF,ePMF_q
75 c Determine the location of the q
76       irep=1
77       do while (dabs(t_bath-remd_t(irep)).gt.1.0d-4)
78         irep=irep+1
79       enddo
80       if ( then
81         write (iout,*) "CHUJ NASTAPIL in PMF_energy!!!"
82         write (iout,*) 
83      &    "Bath temperature does not match that of any replica"
84         write (iout,*) "t_bath",t_bath
85         write (iout,*) "remd_T",(remd_T(:nrep))
86         write (iout,*) "Terminating..."
87         call flush(iout)
88 #ifdef MPI
90 #endif
91         stop 
92       endif 
93       iqmin=tmin(irep,iset)
94       iqmax=tmax(irep,iset)
95       qmin=iqmin*delta_q
96       qmax=iqmax*delta_q
97 #ifdef DEBUG
98       write (iout,*) "PMF_energy q",q," qmin",qmin," qmax",qmax,
99      & " irep",irep," iset",iset," iqmin",iqmin," iqmax",iqmax
100 #endif
101       if (q.le.qmin) then
102         ePMF_q=(PMFtab(iqmin+1,irep,iset)-PMFtab(iqmin,irep,iset))
103      &     /delta_q
104         ePMF=PMFtab(iqmin,irep,iset)+ePMF_q*(q-qmin)
105 #ifdef DEBUG
106        write (iout,*) "q<=qmin ePMF",ePMF," ePMF_q",ePMF_q
107 #endif
108       else if ( then
109         ePMF_q=(PMFtab(iqmax,irep,iset)-PMFtab(iqmax-1,irep,iset))/
110      &      delta_q 
111         ePMF=PMFtab(iqmax,irep,iset)+ePMF_q*(q-qmax)
112 #ifdef DEBUG
113        write (iout,*) "q>=qmax ePMF",ePMF," ePMF_q",ePMF_q
114 #endif
115       else
116         do i=iqmin+1,iqmax
117           qmax=i*delta_q
118           if ( .and. q.le.qmax) then
119             ePMF_q=(PMFtab(i,irep,iset)-PMFtab(i-1,irep,iset))/delta_q
120             ePMF=PMFtab(i-1,irep,iset)+ePMF_q*(q-qmin)
121 #ifdef DEBUG
122        write (iout,*) "qmin<q<qmax bin",i," ePMF",ePMF," ePMF_q",ePMF_q
123 #endif
124             exit
125           endif
126           qmin=qmax
127         enddo
128       endif
129       return
130       end