1 subroutine check_sc_map
2 C Subroutine is checking if the fitted function which describs sc_rot_pot
3 C is correct, printing, alpha,beta, energy, data - for some known theta.
4 C theta angle is read from the input file. Sc_rot_pot are printed
5 C for the second residue in sequance.
11 real*8 escloc, escloc_ene(50000), escloc_min, alph_plot(50000),
13 integer al_plot(5000),be_plot(5000)
14 integer iialph, iibet,it
15 write (2,*) "Side-chain-rotamer potential energy map!!!!"
16 escloc_min = 1000000.00
22 al = iialph*10.0d0*deg2rad
23 om = iibet*10.0d0*deg2rad
25 xx = -dsin(al)*dcos(om)
26 yy = -dsin(al)*dsin(om)
28 omeg(2)=-datan2(zz,yy)
29 al_plot(i)=alph(2)*rad2deg
30 be_plot(i)=omeg(2)*rad2deg
31 C write(2,*) alph(2)*rad2deg, omeg(2)*rad2deg
32 alph_plot(i) = al*rad2deg
33 beta_plot(i) = om*rad2deg
37 escloc_ene(i) = escloc
38 if (escloc_min.gt.escloc_ene(i)) escloc_min=escloc_ene(i)
41 C write (2,*) "escloc_min = ", escloc_min
44 write (2,'(3f10.3,2i9,f12.5)') alph_plot(j),
45 & beta_plot(j),theta(3)*rad2deg, al_plot(j),be_plot(j),
46 & escloc_ene(j) !- escloc_min