Merge branch 'feature-ga' of mmka:unres into feature-ga
[unres.git] / source / unres / src_MD / md-diff / np / md.f
1       subroutine MD
2 c------------------------------------------------
3 c  The driver for molecular dynamics subroutines
4 c------------------------------------------------
5       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
6       include 'DIMENSIONS'
7       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
8       include 'COMMON.VAR'
9       include 'COMMON.MD'
10       include 'COMMON.LANGEVIN'
11       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
12       include 'COMMON.DERIV'
13       include 'COMMON.GEO'
14       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
15       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
16       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
17       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
18       include 'COMMON.TIME1'
19       double precision cm(3),L(3),vcm(3)
20       double precision energia(0:n_ene)
21       integer ilen,rstcount
22       external ilen
23       character*50 tytul
24       common /gucio/ cm,energia
25       integer itime
26 c
27       t_MDsetup=0.0d0
28       t_langsetup=0.0d0
29       t_MD=0.0d0
30       t_enegrad=0.0d0
31       t_sdsetup=0.0d0
32       write (iout,'(20(1h=),a20,20(1h=))') "MD calculation started"
33       tt0 = tcpu()
34 c Determine the inverse of the inertia matrix.
35       call setup_MD_matrices
36 c Initialize MD
37       call init_MD
38       t_MDsetup = tcpu()-tt0
39       rstcount=0 
40 c   Entering the MD loop       
41       tt0 = tcpu()
42       if (lang.eq.2 .or. lang.eq.3) then
43         call setup_fricmat
44         if (lang.eq.2) then
45           call sd_verlet_p_setup        
46         else
47           call sd_verlet_ciccotti_setup
48         endif
49         do i=1,dimen
50           do j=1,dimen
51             pfric0_mat(i,j,0)=pfric_mat(i,j)
52             afric0_mat(i,j,0)=afric_mat(i,j)
53             vfric0_mat(i,j,0)=vfric_mat(i,j)
54             prand0_mat(i,j,0)=prand_mat(i,j)
55             vrand0_mat1(i,j,0)=vrand_mat1(i,j)
56             vrand0_mat2(i,j,0)=vrand_mat2(i,j)
57           enddo
58         enddo
59         flag_stoch(0)=.true.
60         do i=1,maxflag_stoch
61           flag_stoch(i)=.false.
62         enddo  
63       else if (lang.eq.1 .or. lang.eq.4) then
64         call setup_fricmat
65       endif
66       t_langsetup=tcpu()-tt0
67       tt0=tcpu()
68       do itime=1,n_timestep
69         rstcount=rstcount+1
70         if ( .and. surfarea .and. 
71      &      mod(itime,reset_fricmat).eq.0) then
72           if (lang.eq.2 .or. lang.eq.3) then
73             call setup_fricmat
74             if (lang.eq.2) then
75               call sd_verlet_p_setup
76             else
77               call sd_verlet_ciccotti_setup
78             endif
79             do i=1,dimen
80               do j=1,dimen
81                 pfric0_mat(i,j,0)=pfric_mat(i,j)
82                 afric0_mat(i,j,0)=afric_mat(i,j)
83                 vfric0_mat(i,j,0)=vfric_mat(i,j)
84                 prand0_mat(i,j,0)=prand_mat(i,j)
85                 vrand0_mat1(i,j,0)=vrand_mat1(i,j)
86                 vrand0_mat2(i,j,0)=vrand_mat2(i,j)
87               enddo
88             enddo
89             flag_stoch(0)=.true.
90             do i=1,maxflag_stoch
91               flag_stoch(i)=.false.
92             enddo   
93           else if (lang.eq.1 .or. lang.eq.4) then
94             call setup_fricmat
95           endif
96           write (iout,'(a,i10)') 
97      &      "Friction matrix reset based on surface area, itime",itime
98         endif
99         if (reset_vel .and. tbf .and. lang.eq.0 
100      &      .and. mod(itime,count_reset_vel).eq.0) then
101           call random_vel
102           write(iout,'(a,f20.2)') 
103      &     "Velocities reset to random values, time",totT       
104           do i=0,2*nres
105             do j=1,3
106               d_t_old(j,i)=d_t(j,i)
107             enddo
108           enddo
109         endif
110         if (reset_moment .and. mod(itime,count_reset_moment).eq.0) then
111           call inertia_tensor  
112           call vcm_vel(vcm)
113           do j=1,3
114              d_t(j,0)=d_t(j,0)-vcm(j)
115           enddo
116           call kinetic(EK)
117           kinetic_T=2.0d0/(dimen*Rb)*EK
118           scalfac=dsqrt(T_bath/kinetic_T)
119           write(iout,'(a,f20.2)') "Momenta zeroed out, time",totT       
120           do i=0,2*nres
121             do j=1,3
122               d_t_old(j,i)=scalfac*d_t(j,i)
123             enddo
124           enddo
125         endif  
126         if ( then
127           if (RESPA) then
128 c Time-reversible RESPA algorithm 
129 c (Tuckerman et al., J. Chem. Phys., 97, 1990, 1992)
130             call RESPA_step(itime)
131           else
132 c Variable time step algorithm.
133             call velverlet_step(itime)
134           endif
135         else
136           call brown_step(itime)
137         endif
138         if (mod(itime,ntwe).eq.0) call statout(itime)
139         if (mod(itime,ntwx).eq.0) then
140           write (tytul,'("time",f8.2)') totT
141           if(mdpdb) then
142              call pdbout(potE,tytul,ipdb)
143           else 
144              call cartout(totT)
145           endif
146         endif
147         if (rstcount.eq.1000.or.itime.eq.n_timestep) then
148            open(irest2,file=rest2name,status='unknown')
149            write(irest2,*) totT,EK,potE,totE
150            do i=1,2*nres
151             write (irest2,'(3e15.5)') (d_t(j,i),j=1,3)
152            enddo
153            do i=1,2*nres
154             write (irest2,'(3e15.5)') (dc(j,i),j=1,3)
155            enddo
156           close(irest2)
157           rstcount=0
158         endif 
159       enddo
160       t_MD=tcpu()-tt0
161       write (iout,'(//35(1h=),a10,35(1h=)/10(/a40,1pe15.5))') 
162      &  '  Timing  ',
163      & 'MD calculations setup:',t_MDsetup,
164      & 'Energy & gradient evaluation:',t_enegrad,
165      & 'Stochastic MD setup:',t_langsetup,
166      & 'Stochastic MD step setup:',t_sdsetup,
167      & 'MD steps:',t_MD
168       write (iout,'(/28(1h=),a25,27(1h=))') 
169      & '  End of MD calculation  '
170       return
171       end