zmiany w parametrach
[unres.git] / source / unres / src_MD / chainbuild.F
1       subroutine chainbuild
3 C Build the virtual polypeptide chain. Side-chain centroids are moveable.
4 C As of 2/17/95.
5 C
6       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
7       include 'DIMENSIONS'
8       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
9       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
10       include 'COMMON.GEO'
11       include 'COMMON.VAR'
12       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
13       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
14       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
15       logical lprn
16 C Set lprn=.true. for debugging
17       lprn = .false.
18 C
19 C Define the origin and orientation of the coordinate system and locate the
20 C first three CA's and SC(2).
21 C
22       call orig_frame
23 *
24 * Build the alpha-carbon chain.
25 *
26       do i=4,nres
27         call locate_next_res(i)
28       enddo     
29 C
30 C First and last SC must coincide with the corresponding CA.
31 C
32       do j=1,3
33         dc(j,nres+1)=0.0D0
34         dc_norm(j,nres+1)=0.0D0
35         dc(j,nres+nres)=0.0D0
36         dc_norm(j,nres+nres)=0.0D0
37         c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
38         c(j,nres+nres)=c(j,nres)
39       enddo
40 *
41 * Temporary diagnosis
42 *
43       if (lprn) then
45       call cartprint
46       write (iout,'(/a)') 'Recalculated internal coordinates'
47       do i=2,nres-1
48         do j=1,3
49           c(j,maxres2)=0.5D0*(c(j,i-1)+c(j,i+1))
50         enddo
51         be=0.0D0
52         if ( be=rad2deg*beta(i-3,i-2,i-1,i)
53         be1=rad2deg*beta(nres+i,i,maxres2,i+1)
54         alfai=0.0D0
55         if ( alfai=rad2deg*alpha(i-2,i-1,i)
56         write (iout,1212) restyp(itype(i)),i,dist(i-1,i),
57      &  alfai,be,dist(nres+i,i),rad2deg*alpha(nres+i,i,maxres2),be1
58       enddo   
59  1212 format (a3,'(',i3,')',2(f10.5,2f10.2))
61       endif
63       return
64       end
65 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
66       subroutine orig_frame
67 C
68 C Define the origin and orientation of the coordinate system and locate 
69 C the first three atoms.
70 C
71       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
72       include 'DIMENSIONS'
73       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
74       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
75       include 'COMMON.GEO'
76       include 'COMMON.VAR'
77       cost=dcos(theta(3))
78       sint=dsin(theta(3))
79       t(1,1,1)=-cost
80       t(1,2,1)=-sint 
81       t(1,3,1)= 0.0D0
82       t(2,1,1)=-sint
83       t(2,2,1)= cost
84       t(2,3,1)= 0.0D0
85       t(3,1,1)= 0.0D0
86       t(3,2,1)= 0.0D0
87       t(3,3,1)= 1.0D0
88       r(1,1,1)= 1.0D0
89       r(1,2,1)= 0.0D0
90       r(1,3,1)= 0.0D0
91       r(2,1,1)= 0.0D0
92       r(2,2,1)= 1.0D0
93       r(2,3,1)= 0.0D0
94       r(3,1,1)= 0.0D0
95       r(3,2,1)= 0.0D0
96       r(3,3,1)= 1.0D0
97       do i=1,3
98         do j=1,3
99           rt(i,j,1)=t(i,j,1)
100         enddo
101       enddo
102       do i=1,3
103         do j=1,3
104           prod(i,j,1)=0.0D0
105           prod(i,j,2)=t(i,j,1)
106         enddo
107         prod(i,i,1)=1.0D0
108       enddo   
109       c(1,1)=0.0D0
110       c(2,1)=0.0D0
111       c(3,1)=0.0D0
112       c(1,2)=vbld(2)
113       c(2,2)=0.0D0
114       c(3,2)=0.0D0
115       dc(1,0)=0.0d0
116       dc(2,0)=0.0D0
117       dc(3,0)=0.0D0
118       dc(1,1)=vbld(2)
119       dc(2,1)=0.0D0
120       dc(3,1)=0.0D0
121       dc_norm(1,0)=0.0D0
122       dc_norm(2,0)=0.0D0
123       dc_norm(3,0)=0.0D0
124       dc_norm(1,1)=1.0D0
125       dc_norm(2,1)=0.0D0
126       dc_norm(3,1)=0.0D0
127       do j=1,3
128         dc_norm(j,2)=prod(j,1,2)
129         dc(j,2)=vbld(3)*prod(j,1,2)
130         c(j,3)=c(j,2)+dc(j,2)
131       enddo
132       call locate_side_chain(2)
133       return
134       end
135 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
136       subroutine locate_next_res(i)
137 C
138 C Locate CA(i) and SC(i-1)
139 C
140       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
141       include 'DIMENSIONS'
142       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
143       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
144       include 'COMMON.GEO'
145       include 'COMMON.VAR'
146       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
147       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
148       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
149 C
150 C Define the rotation matrices corresponding to CA(i)
151 C
152 #ifdef OSF
153       theti=theta(i)
154       if ( theti=100.0     
155       phii=phi(i)
156       if ( phii=180.0     
157 #else
158       theti=theta(i)      
159       phii=phi(i)
160 #endif
161       cost=dcos(theti)
162       sint=dsin(theti)
163       cosphi=dcos(phii)
164       sinphi=dsin(phii)
165 * Define the matrices of the rotation about the virtual-bond valence angles
166 * theta, T(i,j,k), virtual-bond dihedral angles gamma (miscalled PHI in this
167 * program), R(i,j,k), and, the cumulative matrices of rotation RT
168       t(1,1,i-2)=-cost
169       t(1,2,i-2)=-sint 
170       t(1,3,i-2)= 0.0D0
171       t(2,1,i-2)=-sint
172       t(2,2,i-2)= cost
173       t(2,3,i-2)= 0.0D0
174       t(3,1,i-2)= 0.0D0
175       t(3,2,i-2)= 0.0D0
176       t(3,3,i-2)= 1.0D0
177       r(1,1,i-2)= 1.0D0
178       r(1,2,i-2)= 0.0D0
179       r(1,3,i-2)= 0.0D0
180       r(2,1,i-2)= 0.0D0
181       r(2,2,i-2)=-cosphi
182       r(2,3,i-2)= sinphi
183       r(3,1,i-2)= 0.0D0
184       r(3,2,i-2)= sinphi
185       r(3,3,i-2)= cosphi
186       rt(1,1,i-2)=-cost
187       rt(1,2,i-2)=-sint
188       rt(1,3,i-2)=0.0D0
189       rt(2,1,i-2)=sint*cosphi
190       rt(2,2,i-2)=-cost*cosphi
191       rt(2,3,i-2)=sinphi
192       rt(3,1,i-2)=-sint*sinphi
193       rt(3,2,i-2)=cost*sinphi
194       rt(3,3,i-2)=cosphi
195       call matmult(prod(1,1,i-2),rt(1,1,i-2),prod(1,1,i-1))
196       do j=1,3
197         dc_norm(j,i-1)=prod(j,1,i-1)
198         dc(j,i-1)=vbld(i)*prod(j,1,i-1)
199         c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+dc(j,i-1)
200       enddo
201 cd    print '(2i3,2(3f10.5,5x))', i-1,i,(dc(j,i-1),j=1,3),(c(j,i),j=1,3)
203 C Now calculate the coordinates of SC(i-1)
204 C
205       call locate_side_chain(i-1)
206       return
207       end
208 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
209       subroutine locate_side_chain(i)
211 C Locate the side-chain centroid i, 1 < i < NRES. Put in C(*,NRES+i).
212 C
213       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
214       include 'DIMENSIONS'
215       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
216       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
217       include 'COMMON.GEO'
218       include 'COMMON.VAR'
219       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
220       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
221       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
222       dimension xx(3)
224 c      dsci=dsc(itype(i))
225 c      dsci_inv=dsc_inv(itype(i))
226       dsci=vbld(i+nres)
227       dsci_inv=vbld_inv(i+nres)
228 #ifdef OSF
229       alphi=alph(i)
230       omegi=omeg(i)
231       if ( alphi=100.0
232       if ( omegi=-100.0
233 #else
234       alphi=alph(i)
235       omegi=omeg(i)
236 #endif
237       cosalphi=dcos(alphi)
238       sinalphi=dsin(alphi)
239       cosomegi=dcos(omegi)
240       sinomegi=dsin(omegi) 
241       xp= dsci*cosalphi
242       yp= dsci*sinalphi*cosomegi
243       zp=-dsci*sinalphi*sinomegi
244 * Now we have to rotate the coordinate system by 180-theta(i)/2 so as to get its
245 * X-axis aligned with the vector DC(*,i)
246       theta2=pi-0.5D0*theta(i+1)
247       cost2=dcos(theta2)
248       sint2=dsin(theta2)
249       xx(1)= xp*cost2+yp*sint2
250       xx(2)=-xp*sint2+yp*cost2
251       xx(3)= zp
252 cd    print '(a3,i3,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)',restyp(itype(i)),i,
253 cd   &   xp,yp,zp,(xx(k),k=1,3)
254       do j=1,3
255         xloc(j,i)=xx(j)
256       enddo
257 * Bring the SC vectors to the common coordinate system.
258       xx(1)=xloc(1,i)
259       xx(2)=xloc(2,i)*r(2,2,i-1)+xloc(3,i)*r(2,3,i-1)
260       xx(3)=xloc(2,i)*r(3,2,i-1)+xloc(3,i)*r(3,3,i-1)
261       do j=1,3
262         xrot(j,i)=xx(j)
263       enddo
264       do j=1,3
265         rj=0.0D0
266         do k=1,3
267           rj=rj+prod(j,k,i-1)*xx(k)
268         enddo
269         dc(j,nres+i)=rj
270         dc_norm(j,nres+i)=rj*dsci_inv
271         c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)+rj
272       enddo
273       return
274       end