dfa nfgtasks
[unres.git] / source / unres / src-HCD-5D / ssMD.F
1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2       subroutine check_energies
3 c      implicit none
5 c     Includes
6       include 'DIMENSIONS'
7       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
8       include 'COMMON.VAR'
9       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
10       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
11       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
12       include 'COMMON.GEO'
14 c     External functions
15       double precision ran_number
16       external ran_number
18 c     Local variables
19       integer i,j,k,l,lmax,p,pmax
20       double precision rmin,rmax
21       double precision eij
23       double precision d
24       double precision wi,rij,tj,pj
27 c      return
29       i=5
30       j=14
32       d=dsc(1)
33       rmin=2.0D0
34       rmax=12.0D0
36       lmax=10000
37       pmax=1
39       do k=1,3
40         c(k,i)=0.0D0
41         c(k,j)=0.0D0
42         c(k,nres+i)=0.0D0
43         c(k,nres+j)=0.0D0
44       enddo
46       do l=1,lmax
48 ct        wi=ran_number(0.0D0,pi)
49 c        wi=ran_number(0.0D0,pi/6.0D0)
50 c        wi=0.0D0
51 ct        tj=ran_number(0.0D0,pi)
52 ct        pj=ran_number(0.0D0,pi)
53 c        pj=ran_number(0.0D0,pi/6.0D0)
54 c        pj=0.0D0
56         do p=1,pmax
57 ct           rij=ran_number(rmin,rmax)
59            c(1,j)=d*sin(pj)*cos(tj)
60            c(2,j)=d*sin(pj)*sin(tj)
61            c(3,j)=d*cos(pj)
63            c(3,nres+i)=-rij
65            c(1,i)=d*sin(wi)
66            c(3,i)=-rij-d*cos(wi)
68            do k=1,3
69               dc(k,nres+i)=c(k,nres+i)-c(k,i)
70               dc_norm(k,nres+i)=dc(k,nres+i)/d
71               dc(k,nres+j)=c(k,nres+j)-c(k,j)
72               dc_norm(k,nres+j)=dc(k,nres+j)/d
73            enddo
75            call dyn_ssbond_ene(i,j,eij)
76         enddo
77       enddo
79       call exit(1)
81       return
82       end
84 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
86       subroutine dyn_ssbond_ene(resi,resj,eij)
87       implicit none
88       include 'DIMENSIONS'
89 #ifdef MPI
90       include 'mpif.h'
91       include 'COMMON.SETUP'
92       integer ierr
93 #endif 
94       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
95       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
96       include 'COMMON.DERIV'
97       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
98       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
99       include 'COMMON.VAR'
100       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
101       include 'COMMON.CALC'
102       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
103 #ifndef CLUST
104 #ifndef WHAM
105       include 'COMMON.MD'
106 #endif
107 #endif
109 c     External functions
110       double precision h_base
111       external h_base
113 c     Input arguments
114       integer resi,resj
116 c     Output arguments
117       double precision eij
119 c     Local variables
120       logical havebond
121 c      integer itypi,itypj,k,l
122       double precision rrij,ssd,deltat1,deltat2,deltat12,cosphi
123       double precision sig0ij,ljd,sig,fac,e1,e2
124       double precision dcosom1(3),dcosom2(3),ed
125       double precision pom1,pom2
126       double precision ljA,ljB,ljXs
127       double precision d_ljB(1:3)
128       double precision ssA,ssB,ssC,ssXs
129       double precision ssxm,ljxm,ssm,ljm
130       double precision d_ssxm(1:3),d_ljxm(1:3),d_ssm(1:3),d_ljm(1:3)
131       double precision f1,f2,h1,h2,hd1,hd2
132       double precision omega,delta_inv,deltasq_inv,fac1,fac2
133 c-------FIRST METHOD
134       double precision xm,d_xm(1:3)
135       double precision sslipi,sslipj,ssgradlipi,ssgradlipj
136       integer ici,icj,itypi,itypj
137       double precision boxshift,sscale,sscagrad
138 c-------END FIRST METHOD
139 c-------SECOND METHOD
140 c$$$      double precision ss,d_ss(0:3),ljf,d_ljf(0:3)
143 c-------TESTING CODE
144       logical checkstop,transgrad
145       common /sschecks/ checkstop,transgrad
147       integer icheck,nicheck,jcheck,njcheck
148       double precision echeck(-1:1),deps,ssx0,ljx0,xi,yi,zi
149 c-------END TESTING CODE
152       i=resi
153       j=resj
154       ici=icys(i)
155       icj=icys(j)
156       if (ici.eq.0 .or. icj.eq.0) then
157 #ifdef MPI
158         write (*,'(a,i5,2a,a3,i5,5h and ,a3,i5)') 
159      &  "Processor",me," attempt to create",
160      &  " a disulfide link between non-cysteine residues ",restyp(i),i,
161      &  restyp(j),j
162         call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
163 #else
164         write (*,'(a,i5,2a,a3,i5,5h and ,a3,i5)') 
165      &  "Processor",me," attempt to create",
166      &  " a disulfide link between non-cysteine residues ",restyp(i),i,
167      &  restyp(j),j
168         stop
169 #endif
170       endif
171       itypi=itype(i)
172       dxi=dc_norm(1,nres+i)
173       dyi=dc_norm(2,nres+i)
174       dzi=dc_norm(3,nres+i)
175       dsci_inv=vbld_inv(i+nres)
176       xi=c(1,nres+i)
177       yi=c(2,nres+i)
178       zi=c(3,nres+i)
179       call to_box(xi,yi,zi)
180 C define scaling factor for lipids
182 C        if (positi.le.0) positi=positi+boxzsize
183 C        print *,i
184 C first for peptide groups
185 c for each residue check if it is in lipid or lipid water border area
186       call lipid_layer(xi,yi,zi,sslipi,ssgradlipi)
187       itypj=itype(j)
188       xj=c(1,nres+j)
189       yj=c(2,nres+j)
190       zj=c(3,nres+j)
191       call to_box(xj,yj,zj)
192       call lipid_layer(xj,yj,zj,sslipj,ssgradlipj)
193       aa=aa_lip(itypi,itypj)*(sslipi+sslipj)/2.0d0
194      &  +aa_aq(itypi,itypj)*(2.0d0-sslipi+sslipj)/2.0d0
195       bb=bb_lip(itypi,itypj)*(sslipi+sslipj)/2.0d0
196      &  +bb_aq(itypi,itypj)*(2.0d0-sslipi+sslipj)/2.0d0
197       xj=boxshift(xj-xi,boxxsize)
198       yj=boxshift(yj-yi,boxysize)
199       zj=boxshift(zj-zi,boxzsize)
200       dxj=dc_norm(1,nres+j)
201       dyj=dc_norm(2,nres+j)
202       dzj=dc_norm(3,nres+j)
203       dscj_inv=vbld_inv(j+nres)
205       chi1=chi(itypi,itypj)
206       chi2=chi(itypj,itypi)
207       chi12=chi1*chi2
208       chip1=chip(itypi)
209       chip2=chip(itypj)
210       chip12=chip1*chip2
211       alf1=alp(itypi)
212       alf2=alp(itypj)
213       alf12=0.5D0*(alf1+alf2)
215       rrij=1.0D0/(xj*xj+yj*yj+zj*zj)
216       rij=dsqrt(rrij)  ! sc_angular needs rij to really be the inverse
217             sss=sscale((1.0d0/rij)/sigma(itypi,itypj))
218             sssgrad=sscagrad((1.0d0/rij)/sigma(itypi,itypj))
219 c     The following are set in sc_angular
220 c      erij(1)=xj*rij
221 c      erij(2)=yj*rij
222 c      erij(3)=zj*rij
223 c      om1=dxi*erij(1)+dyi*erij(2)+dzi*erij(3)
224 c      om2=dxj*erij(1)+dyj*erij(2)+dzj*erij(3)
225 c      om12=dxi*dxj+dyi*dyj+dzi*dzj
226       call sc_angular
227       rij=1.0D0/rij  ! Reset this so it makes sense
229       sig0ij=sigma(itypi,itypj)
230       sig=sig0ij*dsqrt(1.0D0/sigsq)
232       ljXs=sig-sig0ij
233       ljA=eps1*eps2rt**2*eps3rt**2
234       ljB=ljA*bb
235       ljA=ljA*aa
236       ljxm=ljXs+(-2.0D0*aa/bb)**(1.0D0/6.0D0)
238       ssXs=d0cm
239       deltat1=1.0d0-om1
240       deltat2=1.0d0+om2
241       deltat12=om2-om1+2.0d0
242       cosphi=om12-om1*om2
243       ssA=akcm
244       ssB=akct*deltat12
245       ssC=ss_depth
246      &     +akth*(deltat1*deltat1+deltat2*deltat2)
247      &     +v1ss*cosphi+v2ss*cosphi*cosphi+v3ss*cosphi*cosphi*cosphi
248       ssxm=ssXs-0.5D0*ssB/ssA
250 c-------TESTING CODE
251 c$$$c     Some extra output
252 c$$$      ssm=ssC-0.25D0*ssB*ssB/ssA
253 c$$$      ljm=-0.25D0*ljB*bb(itypi,itypj)/aa(itypi,itypj)
254 c$$$      ssx0=ssB*ssB-4.0d0*ssA*ssC
255 c$$$      if (ssx0.gt.0.0d0) then
256 c$$$        ssx0=ssXs+0.5d0*(-ssB+sqrt(ssx0))/ssA
257 c$$$      else
258 c$$$        ssx0=ssxm
259 c$$$      endif
260 c$$$      ljx0=ljXs+(-aa(itypi,itypj)/bb(itypi,itypj))**(1.0D0/6.0D0)
261 c$$$      write(iout,'(a,4f8.2,2f15.2,3f6.2)')"SSENERGIES ",
262 c$$$     &     ssxm,ljxm,ssx0,ljx0,ssm,ljm,om1,om2,om12
263 c$$$      return
264 c-------END TESTING CODE
266 c-------TESTING CODE
267 c     Stop and plot energy and derivative as a function of distance
268       if (checkstop) then
269         ssm=ssC-0.25D0*ssB*ssB/ssA
270         ljm=-0.25D0*ljB*bb/aa
271         if (ssm.lt.ljm .and.
272      &       dabs(rij-0.5d0*(ssxm+ljxm)).lt.0.35d0*(ljxm-ssxm)) then
273           nicheck=1000
274           njcheck=1
275           deps=0.5d-7
276         else
277           checkstop=.false.
278         endif
279       endif
280       if (.not.checkstop) then
281         nicheck=0
282         njcheck=-1
283       endif
285       do icheck=0,nicheck
286       do jcheck=-1,njcheck
287       if (checkstop) rij=(ssxm-1.0d0)+
288      &       ((ljxm-ssxm+2.0d0)*icheck)/nicheck+jcheck*deps
289 c-------END TESTING CODE
291       if (rij.gt.ljxm) then
292         havebond=.false.
293         ljd=rij-ljXs
294         fac=(1.0D0/ljd)**expon
295         e1=fac*fac*aa
296         e2=fac*bb
297         eij=eps1*eps2rt*eps3rt*(e1+e2)
298         eps2der=eij*eps3rt
299         eps3der=eij*eps2rt
300         eij=eij*eps2rt*eps3rt*sss
302         sigder=-sig/sigsq
303         e1=e1*eps1*eps2rt**2*eps3rt**2
304         ed=-expon*(e1+eij)/ljd
305         sigder=ed*sigder
306         ed=ed+eij/sss*sssgrad/sigma(itypi,itypj)*rij
307         eom1=eps2der*eps2rt_om1-2.0D0*alf1*eps3der+sigder*sigsq_om1
308         eom2=eps2der*eps2rt_om2+2.0D0*alf2*eps3der+sigder*sigsq_om2
309         eom12=eij*eps1_om12+eps2der*eps2rt_om12
310      &       -2.0D0*alf12*eps3der+sigder*sigsq_om12
311       else if (rij.lt.ssxm) then
312         havebond=.true.
313         ssd=rij-ssXs
314         eij=ssA*ssd*ssd+ssB*ssd+ssC
315         eij=eij*sss        
316         ed=2*akcm*ssd+akct*deltat12
317         ed=ed+eij/sss*sssgrad/sigma(itypi,itypj)*rij
318         pom1=akct*ssd
319         pom2=v1ss+2*v2ss*cosphi+3*v3ss*cosphi*cosphi
320         eom1=-2*akth*deltat1-pom1-om2*pom2
321         eom2= 2*akth*deltat2+pom1-om1*pom2
322         eom12=pom2
323       else
324         omega=v1ss+2.0d0*v2ss*cosphi+3.0d0*v3ss*cosphi*cosphi
326         d_ssxm(1)=0.5D0*akct/ssA
327         d_ssxm(2)=-d_ssxm(1)
328         d_ssxm(3)=0.0D0
330         d_ljxm(1)=sig0ij/sqrt(sigsq**3)
331         d_ljxm(2)=d_ljxm(1)*sigsq_om2
332         d_ljxm(3)=d_ljxm(1)*sigsq_om12
333         d_ljxm(1)=d_ljxm(1)*sigsq_om1
336         xm=0.5d0*(ssxm+ljxm)
337         do k=1,3
338           d_xm(k)=0.5d0*(d_ssxm(k)+d_ljxm(k))
339         enddo
340         if (rij.lt.xm) then
341           havebond=.true.
342           ssm=ssC-0.25D0*ssB*ssB/ssA
343           d_ssm(1)=0.5D0*akct*ssB/ssA
344           d_ssm(2)=2.0D0*akth*deltat2-om1*omega-d_ssm(1)
345           d_ssm(1)=-2.0D0*akth*deltat1-om2*omega+d_ssm(1)
346           d_ssm(3)=omega
347           f1=(rij-xm)/(ssxm-xm)
348           f2=(rij-ssxm)/(xm-ssxm)
349           h1=h_base(f1,hd1)
350           h2=h_base(f2,hd2)
351           eij=ssm*h1+Ht*h2
352           delta_inv=1.0d0/(xm-ssxm)
353           deltasq_inv=delta_inv*delta_inv
354           fac=ssm*hd1-Ht*hd2
355           fac1=deltasq_inv*fac*(xm-rij)
356           fac2=deltasq_inv*fac*(rij-ssxm)
357           ed=delta_inv*(Ht*hd2-ssm*hd1)
358           eij=eij*sss
359           ed=ed+eij/sss*sssgrad/sigma(itypi,itypj)*rij
360           eom1=fac1*d_ssxm(1)+fac2*d_xm(1)+h1*d_ssm(1)
361           eom2=fac1*d_ssxm(2)+fac2*d_xm(2)+h1*d_ssm(2)
362           eom12=fac1*d_ssxm(3)+fac2*d_xm(3)+h1*d_ssm(3)
363         else
364           havebond=.false.
365           ljm=-0.25D0*ljB*bb/aa
366           d_ljm(1)=-0.5D0*bb/aa*ljB
367           d_ljm(2)=d_ljm(1)*(0.5D0*eps2rt_om2/eps2rt+alf2/eps3rt)
368           d_ljm(3)=d_ljm(1)*(0.5D0*eps1_om12+0.5D0*eps2rt_om12/eps2rt-
369      +         alf12/eps3rt)
370           d_ljm(1)=d_ljm(1)*(0.5D0*eps2rt_om1/eps2rt-alf1/eps3rt)
371           f1=(rij-ljxm)/(xm-ljxm)
372           f2=(rij-xm)/(ljxm-xm)
373           h1=h_base(f1,hd1)
374           h2=h_base(f2,hd2)
375           eij=Ht*h1+ljm*h2
376           delta_inv=1.0d0/(ljxm-xm)
377           deltasq_inv=delta_inv*delta_inv
378           fac=Ht*hd1-ljm*hd2
379           fac1=deltasq_inv*fac*(ljxm-rij)
380           fac2=deltasq_inv*fac*(rij-xm)
381           ed=delta_inv*(ljm*hd2-Ht*hd1)
382           eij=eij*sss
383           ed=ed+eij/sss*sssgrad/sigma(itypi,itypj)*rij
384           eom1=fac1*d_xm(1)+fac2*d_ljxm(1)+h2*d_ljm(1)
385           eom2=fac1*d_xm(2)+fac2*d_ljxm(2)+h2*d_ljm(2)
386           eom12=fac1*d_xm(3)+fac2*d_ljxm(3)+h2*d_ljm(3)
387         endif
391 c$$$        ssd=rij-ssXs
392 c$$$        ljd=rij-ljXs
393 c$$$        fac1=rij-ljxm
394 c$$$        fac2=rij-ssxm
395 c$$$
396 c$$$        d_ljB(1)=ljB*(eps2rt_om1/eps2rt-2.0d0*alf1/eps3rt)
397 c$$$        d_ljB(2)=ljB*(eps2rt_om2/eps2rt+2.0d0*alf2/eps3rt)
398 c$$$        d_ljB(3)=ljB*(eps1_om12+eps2rt_om12/eps2rt-2.0d0*alf12/eps3rt)
399 c$$$
400 c$$$        ssm=ssC-0.25D0*ssB*ssB/ssA
401 c$$$        d_ssm(1)=0.5D0*akct*ssB/ssA
402 c$$$        d_ssm(2)=2.0D0*akth*deltat2-om1*omega-d_ssm(1)
403 c$$$        d_ssm(1)=-2.0D0*akth*deltat1-om2*omega+d_ssm(1)
404 c$$$        d_ssm(3)=omega
405 c$$$
406 c$$$        ljm=-0.25D0*bb(itypi,itypj)/aa(itypi,itypj)
407 c$$$        do k=1,3
408 c$$$          d_ljm(k)=ljm*d_ljB(k)
409 c$$$        enddo
410 c$$$        ljm=ljm*ljB
411 c$$$
412 c$$$        ss=ssA*ssd*ssd+ssB*ssd+ssC
413 c$$$        d_ss(0)=2.0d0*ssA*ssd+ssB
414 c$$$        d_ss(2)=akct*ssd
415 c$$$        d_ss(1)=-d_ss(2)-2.0d0*akth*deltat1-om2*omega
416 c$$$        d_ss(2)=d_ss(2)+2.0d0*akth*deltat2-om1*omega
417 c$$$        d_ss(3)=omega
418 c$$$
419 c$$$        ljf=bb(itypi,itypj)/aa(itypi,itypj)
420 c$$$        ljf=9.0d0*ljf*(-0.5d0*ljf)**(1.0d0/3.0d0)
421 c$$$        d_ljf(0)=ljf*2.0d0*ljB*fac1
422 c$$$        do k=1,3
423 c$$$          d_ljf(k)=d_ljm(k)+ljf*(d_ljB(k)*fac1*fac1-
424 c$$$     &         2.0d0*ljB*fac1*d_ljxm(k))
425 c$$$        enddo
426 c$$$        ljf=ljm+ljf*ljB*fac1*fac1
427 c$$$
428 c$$$        f1=(rij-ljxm)/(ssxm-ljxm)
429 c$$$        f2=(rij-ssxm)/(ljxm-ssxm)
430 c$$$        h1=h_base(f1,hd1)
431 c$$$        h2=h_base(f2,hd2)
432 c$$$        eij=ss*h1+ljf*h2
433 c$$$        delta_inv=1.0d0/(ljxm-ssxm)
434 c$$$        deltasq_inv=delta_inv*delta_inv
435 c$$$        fac=ljf*hd2-ss*hd1
436 c$$$        ed=d_ss(0)*h1+d_ljf(0)*h2+delta_inv*fac
437 c$$$        eom1=d_ss(1)*h1+d_ljf(1)*h2+deltasq_inv*fac*
438 c$$$     &       (fac1*d_ssxm(1)-fac2*(d_ljxm(1)))
439 c$$$        eom2=d_ss(2)*h1+d_ljf(2)*h2+deltasq_inv*fac*
440 c$$$     &       (fac1*d_ssxm(2)-fac2*(d_ljxm(2)))
441 c$$$        eom12=d_ss(3)*h1+d_ljf(3)*h2+deltasq_inv*fac*
442 c$$$     &       (fac1*d_ssxm(3)-fac2*(d_ljxm(3)))
443 c$$$
444 c$$$        havebond=.false.
445 c$$$        if (ed.gt.0.0d0) havebond=.true.
448       endif
450       if (havebond) then
451 #ifndef CLUST
452 #ifndef WHAM
453 c        if (dyn_ssbond_ij(i,j).eq.1.0d300) then
454 c          write(iout,'(a15,f12.2,f8.1,2i5)')
455 c     &         "SSBOND_E_FORM",totT,t_bath,i,j
456 c        endif
457 #endif
458 #endif
459         dyn_ssbond_ij(ici,icj)=eij
460       else if (.not.havebond .and. dyn_ssbond_ij(ici,icj).lt.1.0d300) 
461      &then
462         dyn_ssbond_ij(ici,icj)=1.0d300
463 #ifndef CLUST
464 #ifndef WHAM
465 c        write(iout,'(a15,f12.2,f8.1,2i5)')
466 c     &       "SSBOND_E_BREAK",totT,t_bath,i,j
467 #endif
468 #endif
469       endif
471 c-------TESTING CODE
472       if (checkstop) then
473         if (jcheck.eq.0) write(iout,'(a,3f15.8,$)')
474      &       "CHECKSTOP",rij,eij,ed
475         echeck(jcheck)=eij
476       endif
477       enddo
478       if (checkstop) then
479         write(iout,'(f15.8)')(echeck(1)-echeck(-1))*0.5d0/deps
480       endif
481       enddo
482       if (checkstop) then
483         transgrad=.true.
484         checkstop=.false.
485       endif
486 c-------END TESTING CODE
487             gg_lipi(3)=ssgradlipi*eij
488             gg_lipj(3)=ssgradlipj*eij
490       do k=1,3
491         dcosom1(k)=(dc_norm(k,nres+i)-om1*erij(k))/rij
492         dcosom2(k)=(dc_norm(k,nres+j)-om2*erij(k))/rij
493       enddo
494       do k=1,3
495         gg(k)=ed*erij(k)+eom1*dcosom1(k)+eom2*dcosom2(k)
496       enddo
497       do k=1,3
498         gvdwx(k,i)=gvdwx(k,i)-gg(k)+gg_lipi(k)
499      &       +(eom12*(dc_norm(k,nres+j)-om12*dc_norm(k,nres+i))
500      &       +eom1*(erij(k)-om1*dc_norm(k,nres+i)))*dsci_inv
501         gvdwx(k,j)=gvdwx(k,j)+gg(k)+gg_lipj(k)
502      &       +(eom12*(dc_norm(k,nres+i)-om12*dc_norm(k,nres+j))
503      &       +eom2*(erij(k)-om2*dc_norm(k,nres+j)))*dscj_inv
504       enddo
505 cgrad      do k=i,j-1
506 cgrad        do l=1,3
507 cgrad          gvdwc(l,k)=gvdwc(l,k)+gg(l)
508 cgrad        enddo
509 cgrad      enddo
511       do l=1,3
512         gvdwc(l,i)=gvdwc(l,i)-gg(l)+gg_lipi(k)
513         gvdwc(l,j)=gvdwc(l,j)+gg(l)+gg_lipj(k)
514       enddo
516       return
517       end
519 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
521       double precision function h_base(x,deriv)
522 c     A smooth function going 0->1 in range [0,1]
523 c     It should NOT be called outside range [0,1], it will not work there.
524       implicit none
526 c     Input arguments
527       double precision x
529 c     Output arguments
530       double precision deriv
532 c     Local variables
533       double precision xsq
536 c     Two parabolas put together.  First derivative zero at extrema
537 c$$$      if (x.lt.0.5D0) then
538 c$$$        h_base=2.0D0*x*x
539 c$$$        deriv=4.0D0*x
540 c$$$      else
541 c$$$        deriv=1.0D0-x
542 c$$$        h_base=1.0D0-2.0D0*deriv*deriv
543 c$$$        deriv=4.0D0*deriv
544 c$$$      endif
546 c     Third degree polynomial.  First derivative zero at extrema
547       h_base=x*x*(3.0d0-2.0d0*x)
548       deriv=6.0d0*x*(1.0d0-x)
550 c     Fifth degree polynomial.  First and second derivatives zero at extrema
551 c$$$      xsq=x*x
552 c$$$      h_base=x*xsq*(6.0d0*xsq-15.0d0*x+10.0d0)
553 c$$$      deriv=x-1.0d0
554 c$$$      deriv=deriv*deriv
555 c$$$      deriv=30.0d0*xsq*deriv
557       return
558       end
560 c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
562       subroutine dyn_set_nss
563 c     Adjust nss and other relevant variables based on dyn_ssbond_ij
564 c      implicit none
566 c     Includes
567       include 'DIMENSIONS'
568 #ifdef MPI
569       include "mpif.h"
570 #endif
571       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
572       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
573       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
574       include 'COMMON.SETUP'
575 #ifndef CLUST
576 #ifndef WHAM
577       include 'COMMON.MD'
578 #endif
579 #endif
581 c     Local variables
582       double precision emin
583       integer i,j,imin
584       integer diff,allflag(maxss),allnss,
585      &     allihpb(maxss),alljhpb(maxss),
586      &     newnss,newihpb(maxss),newjhpb(maxss)
587       logical found
588       integer i_newnss(max_fg_procs),displ(0:max_fg_procs)
589       integer g_newihpb(maxss),g_newjhpb(maxss),g_newnss
591       allnss=0
592       do i=1,ns-1
593         do j=i+1,ns
594           if (dyn_ssbond_ij(i,j).lt.1.0d300) then
595             allnss=allnss+1
596             allflag(allnss)=0
597             allihpb(allnss)=i
598             alljhpb(allnss)=j
599           endif
600         enddo
601       enddo
603 cmc      write(iout,*)"ALLNSS ",allnss,(allihpb(i),alljhpb(i),i=1,allnss)
605  1    emin=1.0d300
606       do i=1,allnss
607         if (allflag(i).eq.0 .and.
608      &       dyn_ssbond_ij(allihpb(i),alljhpb(i)).lt.emin) then
609           emin=dyn_ssbond_ij(allihpb(i),alljhpb(i))
610           imin=i
611         endif
612       enddo
613       if (emin.lt.1.0d300) then
614         allflag(imin)=1
615         do i=1,allnss
616           if (allflag(i).eq.0 .and.
617      &         (allihpb(i).eq.allihpb(imin) .or.
618      &         alljhpb(i).eq.allihpb(imin) .or.
619      &         allihpb(i).eq.alljhpb(imin) .or.
620      &         alljhpb(i).eq.alljhpb(imin))) then
621             allflag(i)=-1
622           endif
623         enddo
624         goto 1
625       endif
627 cmc      write(iout,*)"ALLNSS ",allnss,(allihpb(i),alljhpb(i),i=1,allnss)
629       newnss=0
630       do i=1,allnss
631         if (allflag(i).eq.1) then
632           newnss=newnss+1
633           newihpb(newnss)=allihpb(i)
634           newjhpb(newnss)=alljhpb(i)
635         endif
636       enddo
638 #ifdef MPI
639       if (nfgtasks.gt.1)then
641         call MPI_Reduce(newnss,g_newnss,1,
642      &    MPI_INTEGER,MPI_SUM,king,FG_COMM,IERR)
643         call MPI_Gather(newnss,1,MPI_INTEGER,
644      &                  i_newnss,1,MPI_INTEGER,king,FG_COMM,IERR)
645         displ(0)=0
646         do i=1,nfgtasks-1,1
647           displ(i)=i_newnss(i-1)+displ(i-1)
648         enddo
649         call MPI_Gatherv(newihpb,newnss,MPI_INTEGER,
650      &                   g_newihpb,i_newnss,displ,MPI_INTEGER,
651      &                   king,FG_COMM,IERR)     
652         call MPI_Gatherv(newjhpb,newnss,MPI_INTEGER,
653      &                   g_newjhpb,i_newnss,displ,MPI_INTEGER,
654      &                   king,FG_COMM,IERR)     
655         if(fg_rank.eq.0) then
656 c         print *,'g_newnss',g_newnss
657 c         print *,'g_newihpb',(g_newihpb(i),i=1,g_newnss)
658 c         print *,'g_newjhpb',(g_newjhpb(i),i=1,g_newnss)
659          newnss=g_newnss  
660          do i=1,newnss
661           newihpb(i)=g_newihpb(i)
662           newjhpb(i)=g_newjhpb(i)
663          enddo
664         endif
665       endif
666 #endif
668       diff=newnss-nss
670 cmc      write(iout,*)"NEWNSS ",newnss,(newihpb(i),newjhpb(i),i=1,newnss)
672       do i=1,nss
673         found=.false.
674         do j=1,newnss
675           if (idssb(i).eq.newihpb(j) .and.
676      &         jdssb(i).eq.newjhpb(j)) found=.true.
677         enddo
678 #ifndef CLUST
679 #ifndef WHAM
680 c        if (.not.found.and.fg_rank.eq.0) 
681 c     &      write(iout,'(a15,f12.2,f8.1,2i5)')
682 c     &       "SSBOND_BREAK",totT,t_bath,idssb(i),jdssb(i)
683 #endif
684 #endif
685       enddo
687       do i=1,newnss
688         found=.false.
689         do j=1,nss
690           if (newihpb(i).eq.idssb(j) .and.
691      &         newjhpb(i).eq.jdssb(j)) found=.true.
692         enddo
693 #ifndef CLUST
694 #ifndef WHAM
695 c        if (.not.found.and.fg_rank.eq.0) 
696 c     &      write(iout,'(a15,f12.2,f8.1,2i5)')
697 c     &       "SSBOND_FORM",totT,t_bath,newihpb(i),newjhpb(i)
698 #endif
699 #endif
700       enddo
702       nss=newnss
703       do i=1,nss
704         idssb(i)=newihpb(i)
705         jdssb(i)=newjhpb(i)
706       enddo
708       return
709       end
712 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
713 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
714 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
716 c$$$c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
717 c$$$
718 c$$$      subroutine ss_relax(i_in,j_in)
719 c$$$      implicit none
720 c$$$
721 c$$$c     Includes
722 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
723 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
724 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
725 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
726 c$$$      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
727 c$$$
728 c$$$c     Input arguments
729 c$$$      integer i_in,j_in
730 c$$$
731 c$$$c     Local variables
732 c$$$      integer i,iretcode,nfun_sc
733 c$$$      logical scfail
734 c$$$      double precision var(maxvar),e_sc,etot
735 c$$$
736 c$$$
737 c$$$      mask_r=.true.
738 c$$$      do i=nnt,nct
739 c$$$        mask_side(i)=0
740 c$$$      enddo
741 c$$$      mask_side(i_in)=1
742 c$$$      mask_side(j_in)=1
743 c$$$
744 c$$$c     Minimize the two selected side-chains
745 c$$$      call overlap_sc(scfail)  ! Better not fail!
746 c$$$      call minimize_sc(e_sc,var,iretcode,nfun_sc)
747 c$$$
748 c$$$      mask_r=.false.
749 c$$$
750 c$$$      return
751 c$$$      end
752 c$$$
753 c$$$c-------------------------------------------------------------
754 c$$$
755 c$$$      subroutine minimize_sc(etot_sc,iretcode,nfun)
756 c$$$c     Minimize side-chains only, starting from geom but without modifying
757 c$$$c     bond lengths.
758 c$$$c     If mask_r is already set, only the selected side-chains are minimized,
759 c$$$c     otherwise all side-chains are minimized keeping the backbone frozen.
760 c$$$      implicit none
761 c$$$
762 c$$$c     Includes
763 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
764 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
765 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
766 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
767 c$$$      include 'COMMON.GEO'
768 c$$$      include 'COMMON.MINIM'
769 c$$$      integer icall
770 c$$$      common /srutu/ icall
771 c$$$
772 c$$$c     Output arguments
773 c$$$      double precision etot_sc
774 c$$$      integer iretcode,nfun
775 c$$$
776 c$$$c     External functions/subroutines
777 c$$$      external func_sc,grad_sc,fdum
778 c$$$
779 c$$$c     Local variables
780 c$$$      integer liv,lv
781 c$$$      parameter (liv=60,lv=(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) 
782 c$$$      integer iv(liv)
783 c$$$      double precision rdum(1)
784 c$$$      double precision d(maxvar),v(1:lv),x(maxvar),xx(maxvar)
785 c$$$      integer idum(1)
786 c$$$      integer i,nvar_restr
787 c$$$
788 c$$$
789 c$$$cmc      start_minim=.true.
790 c$$$      call deflt(2,iv,liv,lv,v)                                         
791 c$$$* 12 means fresh start, dont call deflt                                 
792 c$$$      iv(1)=12                                                          
793 c$$$* max num of fun calls                                                  
794 c$$$      if (maxfun.eq.0) maxfun=500
795 c$$$      iv(17)=maxfun
796 c$$$* max num of iterations                                                 
797 c$$$      if (maxmin.eq.0) maxmin=1000
798 c$$$      iv(18)=maxmin
799 c$$$* controls output                                                       
800 c$$$      iv(19)=1
801 c$$$* selects output unit                                                   
802 c$$$      iv(21)=0
803 c$$$c      iv(21)=iout               ! DEBUG
804 c$$$c      iv(21)=8                  ! DEBUG
805 c$$$* 1 means to print out result                                           
806 c$$$      iv(22)=0
807 c$$$c      iv(22)=1                  ! DEBUG
808 c$$$* 1 means to print out summary stats                                    
809 c$$$      iv(23)=0                                                          
810 c$$$c      iv(23)=1                  ! DEBUG
811 c$$$* 1 means to print initial x and d                                      
812 c$$$      iv(24)=0                                                          
813 c$$$c      iv(24)=1                  ! DEBUG
814 c$$$* min val for v(radfac) default is 0.1                                  
815 c$$$      v(24)=0.1D0                                                       
816 c$$$* max val for v(radfac) default is 4.0                                  
817 c$$$      v(25)=2.0D0                                                       
818 c$$$c     v(25)=4.0D0                                                       
819 c$$$* check false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(26)*(exp decrease)    
820 c$$$* the sumsl default is 0.1                                              
821 c$$$      v(26)=0.1D0
822 c$$$* false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(34)                         
823 c$$$* the sumsl default is 100*machep                                       
824 c$$$      v(34)=v(34)/100.0D0                                               
825 c$$$* absolute convergence                                                  
826 c$$$      if (tolf.eq.0.0D0) tolf=1.0D-4
827 c$$$      v(31)=tolf
828 c$$$* relative convergence                                                  
829 c$$$      if (rtolf.eq.0.0D0) rtolf=1.0D-1
830 c$$$      v(32)=rtolf
831 c$$$* controls initial step size                                            
832 c$$$       v(35)=1.0D-1                                                    
833 c$$$* large vals of d correspond to small components of step                
834 c$$$      do i=1,nphi
835 c$$$        d(i)=1.0D-1
836 c$$$      enddo
837 c$$$      do i=nphi+1,nvar
838 c$$$        d(i)=1.0D-1
839 c$$$      enddo
840 c$$$
841 c$$$      call geom_to_var(nvar,x)
842 c$$$      IF (mask_r) THEN
843 c$$$        do i=1,nres             ! Just in case...
844 c$$$          mask_phi(i)=0
845 c$$$          mask_theta(i)=0
846 c$$$        enddo
847 c$$$        call x2xx(x,xx,nvar_restr)
848 c$$$        call sumsl(nvar_restr,d,xx,func_sc,grad_sc,
849 c$$$     &       iv,liv,lv,v,idum,rdum,fdum)      
850 c$$$        call xx2x(x,xx)
851 c$$$      ELSE
852 c$$$c     When minimizing ALL side-chains, etotal_sc is a little
853 c$$$c     faster if we don't set mask_r
854 c$$$        do i=1,nres
855 c$$$          mask_phi(i)=0
856 c$$$          mask_theta(i)=0
857 c$$$          mask_side(i)=1
858 c$$$        enddo
859 c$$$        call x2xx(x,xx,nvar_restr)
860 c$$$        call sumsl(nvar_restr,d,xx,func_sc,grad_sc,
861 c$$$     &       iv,liv,lv,v,idum,rdum,fdum)      
862 c$$$        call xx2x(x,xx)
863 c$$$      ENDIF
864 c$$$      call var_to_geom(nvar,x)
865 c$$$      call chainbuild_sc
866 c$$$      etot_sc=v(10)                                                      
867 c$$$      iretcode=iv(1)
868 c$$$      nfun=iv(6)
869 c$$$      return  
870 c$$$      end  
871 c$$$
872 c$$$C--------------------------------------------------------------------------
873 c$$$
874 c$$$      subroutine chainbuild_sc
875 c$$$      implicit none
876 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
877 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
878 c$$$      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
879 c$$$
880 c$$$c     Local variables
881 c$$$      integer i
882 c$$$
883 c$$$
884 c$$$      do i=nnt,nct
885 c$$$        if (.not.mask_r .or. mask_side(i).eq.1) then
886 c$$$          call locate_side_chain(i)
887 c$$$        endif
888 c$$$      enddo
889 c$$$
890 c$$$      return
891 c$$$      end
892 c$$$
893 c$$$C--------------------------------------------------------------------------
894 c$$$
895 c$$$      subroutine func_sc(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm)  
896 c$$$      implicit none
897 c$$$
898 c$$$c     Includes
899 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
900 c$$$      include 'COMMON.DERIV'
901 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
902 c$$$      include 'COMMON.MINIM'
903 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
904 c$$$
905 c$$$c     Input arguments
906 c$$$      integer n
907 c$$$      double precision x(maxvar)
908 c$$$      double precision ufparm
909 c$$$      external ufparm
910 c$$$
911 c$$$c     Input/Output arguments
912 c$$$      integer nf
913 c$$$      integer uiparm(1)
914 c$$$      double precision urparm(1)
915 c$$$
916 c$$$c     Output arguments
917 c$$$      double precision f
918 c$$$
919 c$$$c     Local variables
920 c$$$      double precision energia(0:n_ene)
921 c$$$#ifdef OSF
922 c$$$c     Variables used to intercept NaNs
923 c$$$      double precision x_sum
924 c$$$      integer i_NAN
925 c$$$#endif
926 c$$$
927 c$$$
928 c$$$      nfl=nf
929 c$$$      icg=mod(nf,2)+1
930 c$$$
931 c$$$#ifdef OSF
932 c$$$c     Intercept NaNs in the coordinates, before calling etotal_sc
933 c$$$      x_sum=0.D0
934 c$$$      do i_NAN=1,n
935 c$$$        x_sum=x_sum+x(i_NAN)
936 c$$$      enddo
937 c$$$c     Calculate the energy only if the coordinates are ok
938 c$$$      if ((.not.(x_sum.lt.0.D0)) .and. (.not.(x_sum.ge.0.D0))) then
939 c$$$        write(iout,*)"   *** func_restr_sc : Found NaN in coordinates"
940 c$$$        f=1.0D+77
941 c$$$        nf=0
942 c$$$      else
943 c$$$#endif
944 c$$$
945 c$$$      call var_to_geom_restr(n,x)
946 c$$$      call zerograd
947 c$$$      call chainbuild_sc
948 c$$$      call etotal_sc(energia(0))
949 c$$$      f=energia(0)
950 c$$$      if (energia(1).eq.1.0D20 .or. energia(0).eq.1.0D99) nf=0
951 c$$$
952 c$$$#ifdef OSF
953 c$$$      endif
954 c$$$#endif
955 c$$$
956 c$$$      return                                                            
957 c$$$      end                                                               
958 c$$$
959 c$$$c-------------------------------------------------------
960 c$$$
961 c$$$      subroutine grad_sc(n,x,nf,g,uiparm,urparm,ufparm)
962 c$$$      implicit none
963 c$$$
964 c$$$c     Includes
965 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
966 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
967 c$$$      include 'COMMON.DERIV'
968 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
969 c$$$      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
970 c$$$      include 'COMMON.MINIM'
971 c$$$
972 c$$$c     Input arguments
973 c$$$      integer n
974 c$$$      double precision x(maxvar)
975 c$$$      double precision ufparm
976 c$$$      external ufparm
977 c$$$
978 c$$$c     Input/Output arguments
979 c$$$      integer nf
980 c$$$      integer uiparm(1)
981 c$$$      double precision urparm(1)
982 c$$$
983 c$$$c     Output arguments
984 c$$$      double precision g(maxvar)
985 c$$$
986 c$$$c     Local variables
987 c$$$      double precision f,gphii,gthetai,galphai,gomegai
988 c$$$      integer ig,ind,i,j,k,igall,ij
989 c$$$
990 c$$$
991 c$$$      icg=mod(nf,2)+1
992 c$$$      if (nf-nfl+1) 20,30,40
993 c$$$   20 call func_sc(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm)
994 c$$$c     write (iout,*) 'grad 20'
995 c$$$      if (nf.eq.0) return
996 c$$$      goto 40
997 c$$$   30 call var_to_geom_restr(n,x)
998 c$$$      call chainbuild_sc
999 c$$$C
1000 c$$$C Evaluate the derivatives of virtual bond lengths and SC vectors in variables.
1001 c$$$C
1002 c$$$   40 call cartder
1003 c$$$C
1004 c$$$C Convert the Cartesian gradient into internal-coordinate gradient.
1005 c$$$C
1006 c$$$
1007 c$$$      ig=0
1008 c$$$      ind=nres-2
1009 c$$$      do i=2,nres-2
1010 c$$$       IF (mask_phi(i+2).eq.1) THEN
1011 c$$$        gphii=0.0D0
1012 c$$$        do j=i+1,nres-1
1013 c$$$          ind=ind+1
1014 c$$$          do k=1,3
1015 c$$$            gphii=gphii+dcdv(k+3,ind)*gradc(k,j,icg)
1016 c$$$            gphii=gphii+dxdv(k+3,ind)*gradx(k,j,icg)
1017 c$$$          enddo
1018 c$$$        enddo
1019 c$$$        ig=ig+1
1020 c$$$        g(ig)=gphii
1021 c$$$       ELSE
1022 c$$$        ind=ind+nres-1-i
1023 c$$$       ENDIF
1024 c$$$      enddo                                        
1025 c$$$
1026 c$$$
1027 c$$$      ind=0
1028 c$$$      do i=1,nres-2
1029 c$$$       IF (mask_theta(i+2).eq.1) THEN
1030 c$$$        ig=ig+1
1031 c$$$    gthetai=0.0D0
1032 c$$$    do j=i+1,nres-1
1033 c$$$          ind=ind+1
1034 c$$$      do k=1,3
1035 c$$$            gthetai=gthetai+dcdv(k,ind)*gradc(k,j,icg)
1036 c$$$            gthetai=gthetai+dxdv(k,ind)*gradx(k,j,icg)
1037 c$$$          enddo
1038 c$$$        enddo
1039 c$$$        g(ig)=gthetai
1040 c$$$       ELSE
1041 c$$$        ind=ind+nres-1-i
1042 c$$$       ENDIF
1043 c$$$      enddo
1044 c$$$
1045 c$$$      do i=2,nres-1
1046 c$$$    if (itype(i).ne.10) then
1047 c$$$         IF (mask_side(i).eq.1) THEN
1048 c$$$          ig=ig+1
1049 c$$$          galphai=0.0D0
1050 c$$$      do k=1,3
1051 c$$$        galphai=galphai+dxds(k,i)*gradx(k,i,icg)
1052 c$$$          enddo
1053 c$$$          g(ig)=galphai
1054 c$$$         ENDIF
1055 c$$$        endif
1056 c$$$      enddo
1057 c$$$
1058 c$$$      
1059 c$$$      do i=2,nres-1
1060 c$$$        if (itype(i).ne.10) then
1061 c$$$         IF (mask_side(i).eq.1) THEN
1062 c$$$          ig=ig+1
1063 c$$$      gomegai=0.0D0
1064 c$$$      do k=1,3
1065 c$$$        gomegai=gomegai+dxds(k+3,i)*gradx(k,i,icg)
1066 c$$$          enddo
1067 c$$$      g(ig)=gomegai
1068 c$$$         ENDIF
1069 c$$$        endif
1070 c$$$      enddo
1071 c$$$
1072 c$$$C
1073 c$$$C Add the components corresponding to local energy terms.
1074 c$$$C
1075 c$$$
1076 c$$$      ig=0
1077 c$$$      igall=0
1078 c$$$      do i=4,nres
1079 c$$$        igall=igall+1
1080 c$$$        if (mask_phi(i).eq.1) then
1081 c$$$          ig=ig+1
1082 c$$$          g(ig)=g(ig)+gloc(igall,icg)
1083 c$$$        endif
1084 c$$$      enddo
1085 c$$$
1086 c$$$      do i=3,nres
1087 c$$$        igall=igall+1
1088 c$$$        if (mask_theta(i).eq.1) then
1089 c$$$          ig=ig+1
1090 c$$$          g(ig)=g(ig)+gloc(igall,icg)
1091 c$$$        endif
1092 c$$$      enddo
1093 c$$$     
1094 c$$$      do ij=1,2
1095 c$$$      do i=2,nres-1
1096 c$$$        if (itype(i).ne.10) then
1097 c$$$          igall=igall+1
1098 c$$$          if (mask_side(i).eq.1) then
1099 c$$$            ig=ig+1
1100 c$$$            g(ig)=g(ig)+gloc(igall,icg)
1101 c$$$          endif
1102 c$$$        endif
1103 c$$$      enddo
1104 c$$$      enddo
1105 c$$$
1106 c$$$cd      do i=1,ig
1107 c$$$cd        write (iout,'(a2,i5,a3,f25.8)') 'i=',i,' g=',g(i)
1108 c$$$cd      enddo
1109 c$$$
1110 c$$$      return
1111 c$$$      end
1112 c$$$
1113 c$$$C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1114 c$$$
1115 c$$$      subroutine etotal_sc(energy_sc)
1116 c$$$      implicit none
1117 c$$$
1118 c$$$c     Includes
1119 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1120 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1121 c$$$      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
1122 c$$$      include 'COMMON.DERIV'
1123 c$$$      include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
1124 c$$$
1125 c$$$c     Output arguments
1126 c$$$      double precision energy_sc(0:n_ene)
1127 c$$$
1128 c$$$c     Local variables
1129 c$$$      double precision evdw,escloc
1130 c$$$      integer i,j
1131 c$$$
1132 c$$$
1133 c$$$      do i=1,n_ene
1134 c$$$        energy_sc(i)=0.0D0
1135 c$$$      enddo
1136 c$$$
1137 c$$$      if (mask_r) then
1138 c$$$        call egb_sc(evdw)
1139 c$$$        call esc_sc(escloc)
1140 c$$$      else
1141 c$$$        call egb(evdw)
1142 c$$$        call esc(escloc)
1143 c$$$      endif
1144 c$$$
1145 c$$$      if (evdw.eq.1.0D20) then
1146 c$$$        energy_sc(0)=evdw
1147 c$$$      else
1148 c$$$        energy_sc(0)=wsc*evdw+wscloc*escloc
1149 c$$$      endif
1150 c$$$      energy_sc(1)=evdw
1151 c$$$      energy_sc(12)=escloc
1152 c$$$
1153 c$$$C
1154 c$$$C Sum up the components of the Cartesian gradient.
1155 c$$$C
1156 c$$$      do i=1,nct
1157 c$$$        do j=1,3
1158 c$$$          gradx(j,i,icg)=wsc*gvdwx(j,i)
1159 c$$$        enddo
1160 c$$$      enddo
1161 c$$$
1162 c$$$      return
1163 c$$$      end
1164 c$$$
1165 c$$$C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1166 c$$$
1167 c$$$      subroutine egb_sc(evdw)
1168 c$$$C
1169 c$$$C This subroutine calculates the interaction energy of nonbonded side chains
1170 c$$$C assuming the Gay-Berne potential of interaction.
1171 c$$$C
1172 c$$$      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1173 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1174 c$$$      include 'COMMON.GEO'
1175 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1176 c$$$      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
1177 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1178 c$$$      include 'COMMON.DERIV'
1179 c$$$      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
1180 c$$$      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
1181 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1182 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CALC'
1183 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
1184 c$$$      logical lprn
1185 c$$$      evdw=0.0D0
1186 c$$$      energy_dec=.false.
1187 c$$$c     print *,'Entering EGB nnt=',nnt,' nct=',nct,' expon=',expon
1188 c$$$      evdw=0.0D0
1189 c$$$      lprn=.false.
1190 c$$$c     if (icall.eq.0) lprn=.false.
1191 c$$$      ind=0
1192 c$$$      do i=iatsc_s,iatsc_e
1193 c$$$        itypi=itype(i)
1194 c$$$        itypi1=itype(i+1)
1195 c$$$        xi=c(1,nres+i)
1196 c$$$        yi=c(2,nres+i)
1197 c$$$        zi=c(3,nres+i)
1198 c$$$        dxi=dc_norm(1,nres+i)
1199 c$$$        dyi=dc_norm(2,nres+i)
1200 c$$$        dzi=dc_norm(3,nres+i)
1201 c$$$c        dsci_inv=dsc_inv(itypi)
1202 c$$$        dsci_inv=vbld_inv(i+nres)
1203 c$$$c        write (iout,*) "i",i,dsc_inv(itypi),dsci_inv,1.0d0/vbld(i+nres)
1204 c$$$c        write (iout,*) "dcnori",dxi*dxi+dyi*dyi+dzi*dzi
1205 c$$$C
1206 c$$$C Calculate SC interaction energy.
1207 c$$$C
1208 c$$$        do iint=1,nint_gr(i)
1209 c$$$          do j=istart(i,iint),iend(i,iint)
1210 c$$$          IF (mask_side(j).eq.1.or.mask_side(i).eq.1) THEN
1211 c$$$            ind=ind+1
1212 c$$$            itypj=itype(j)
1213 c$$$c            dscj_inv=dsc_inv(itypj)
1214 c$$$            dscj_inv=vbld_inv(j+nres)
1215 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "j",j,dsc_inv(itypj),dscj_inv,
1216 c$$$c     &       1.0d0/vbld(j+nres)
1217 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "i",i," j", j," itype",itype(i),itype(j)
1218 c$$$            sig0ij=sigma(itypi,itypj)
1219 c$$$            chi1=chi(itypi,itypj)
1220 c$$$            chi2=chi(itypj,itypi)
1221 c$$$            chi12=chi1*chi2
1222 c$$$            chip1=chip(itypi)
1223 c$$$            chip2=chip(itypj)
1224 c$$$            chip12=chip1*chip2
1225 c$$$            alf1=alp(itypi)
1226 c$$$            alf2=alp(itypj)
1227 c$$$            alf12=0.5D0*(alf1+alf2)
1228 c$$$C For diagnostics only!!!
1229 c$$$c           chi1=0.0D0
1230 c$$$c           chi2=0.0D0
1231 c$$$c           chi12=0.0D0
1232 c$$$c           chip1=0.0D0
1233 c$$$c           chip2=0.0D0
1234 c$$$c           chip12=0.0D0
1235 c$$$c           alf1=0.0D0
1236 c$$$c           alf2=0.0D0
1237 c$$$c           alf12=0.0D0
1238 c$$$            xj=c(1,nres+j)-xi
1239 c$$$            yj=c(2,nres+j)-yi
1240 c$$$            zj=c(3,nres+j)-zi
1241 c$$$            dxj=dc_norm(1,nres+j)
1242 c$$$            dyj=dc_norm(2,nres+j)
1243 c$$$            dzj=dc_norm(3,nres+j)
1244 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "dcnorj",dxi*dxi+dyi*dyi+dzi*dzi
1245 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "j",j," dc_norm",
1246 c$$$c     &       dc_norm(1,nres+j),dc_norm(2,nres+j),dc_norm(3,nres+j)
1247 c$$$            rrij=1.0D0/(xj*xj+yj*yj+zj*zj)
1248 c$$$            rij=dsqrt(rrij)
1249 c$$$C Calculate angle-dependent terms of energy and contributions to their
1250 c$$$C derivatives.
1251 c$$$            call sc_angular
1252 c$$$            sigsq=1.0D0/sigsq
1253 c$$$            sig=sig0ij*dsqrt(sigsq)
1254 c$$$            rij_shift=1.0D0/rij-sig+sig0ij
1255 c$$$c for diagnostics; uncomment
1256 c$$$c            rij_shift=1.2*sig0ij
1257 c$$$C I hate to put IF's in the loops, but here don't have another choice!!!!
1258 c$$$            if (rij_shift.le.0.0D0) then
1259 c$$$              evdw=1.0D20
1260 c$$$cd              write (iout,'(2(a3,i3,2x),17(0pf7.3))')
1261 c$$$cd     &        restyp(itypi),i,restyp(itypj),j,
1262 c$$$cd     &        rij_shift,1.0D0/rij,sig,sig0ij,sigsq,1-dsqrt(sigsq) 
1263 c$$$              return
1264 c$$$            endif
1265 c$$$            sigder=-sig*sigsq
1266 c$$$c---------------------------------------------------------------
1267 c$$$            rij_shift=1.0D0/rij_shift 
1268 c$$$            fac=rij_shift**expon
1269 c$$$            e1=fac*fac*aa(itypi,itypj)
1270 c$$$            e2=fac*bb(itypi,itypj)
1271 c$$$            evdwij=eps1*eps2rt*eps3rt*(e1+e2)
1272 c$$$            eps2der=evdwij*eps3rt
1273 c$$$            eps3der=evdwij*eps2rt
1274 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "sigsq",sigsq," sig",sig," eps2rt",eps2rt,
1275 c$$$c     &        " eps3rt",eps3rt," eps1",eps1," e1",e1," e2",e2
1276 c$$$            evdwij=evdwij*eps2rt*eps3rt
1277 c$$$            evdw=evdw+evdwij
1278 c$$$            if (lprn) then
1279 c$$$            sigm=dabs(aa(itypi,itypj)/bb(itypi,itypj))**(1.0D0/6.0D0)
1280 c$$$            epsi=bb(itypi,itypj)**2/aa(itypi,itypj)
1281 c$$$            write (iout,'(2(a3,i3,2x),17(0pf7.3))')
1282 c$$$     &        restyp(itypi),i,restyp(itypj),j,
1283 c$$$     &        epsi,sigm,chi1,chi2,chip1,chip2,
1284 c$$$     &        eps1,eps2rt**2,eps3rt**2,sig,sig0ij,
1285 c$$$     &        om1,om2,om12,1.0D0/rij,1.0D0/rij_shift,
1286 c$$$     &        evdwij
1287 c$$$            endif
1288 c$$$
1289 c$$$            if (energy_dec) write (iout,'(a6,2i,0pf7.3)') 
1290 c$$$     &                        'evdw',i,j,evdwij
1291 c$$$
1292 c$$$C Calculate gradient components.
1293 c$$$            e1=e1*eps1*eps2rt**2*eps3rt**2
1294 c$$$            fac=-expon*(e1+evdwij)*rij_shift
1295 c$$$            sigder=fac*sigder
1296 c$$$            fac=rij*fac
1297 c$$$c            fac=0.0d0
1298 c$$$C Calculate the radial part of the gradient
1299 c$$$            gg(1)=xj*fac
1300 c$$$            gg(2)=yj*fac
1301 c$$$            gg(3)=zj*fac
1302 c$$$C Calculate angular part of the gradient.
1303 c$$$            call sc_grad
1304 c$$$          ENDIF
1305 c$$$          enddo      ! j
1306 c$$$        enddo        ! iint
1307 c$$$      enddo          ! i
1308 c$$$      energy_dec=.false.
1309 c$$$      return
1310 c$$$      end
1311 c$$$
1312 c$$$c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1313 c$$$
1314 c$$$      subroutine esc_sc(escloc)
1315 c$$$C Calculate the local energy of a side chain and its derivatives in the
1316 c$$$C corresponding virtual-bond valence angles THETA and the spherical angles 
1317 c$$$C ALPHA and OMEGA.
1318 c$$$      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1319 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1320 c$$$      include 'COMMON.GEO'
1321 c$$$      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
1322 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1323 c$$$      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
1324 c$$$      include 'COMMON.DERIV'
1325 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1326 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1327 c$$$      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
1328 c$$$      include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
1329 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
1330 c$$$      double precision x(3),dersc(3),xemp(3),dersc0(3),dersc1(3),
1331 c$$$     &     ddersc0(3),ddummy(3),xtemp(3),temp(3)
1332 c$$$      common /sccalc/ time11,time12,time112,theti,it,nlobit
1333 c$$$      delta=0.02d0*pi
1334 c$$$      escloc=0.0D0
1335 c$$$c     write (iout,'(a)') 'ESC'
1336 c$$$      do i=loc_start,loc_end
1337 c$$$      IF (mask_side(i).eq.1) THEN
1338 c$$$        it=itype(i)
1339 c$$$        if (it.eq.10) goto 1
1340 c$$$        nlobit=nlob(it)
1341 c$$$c       print *,'i=',i,' it=',it,' nlobit=',nlobit
1342 c$$$c       write (iout,*) 'i=',i,' ssa=',ssa,' ssad=',ssad
1343 c$$$        theti=theta(i+1)-pipol
1344 c$$$        x(1)=dtan(theti)
1345 c$$$        x(2)=alph(i)
1346 c$$$        x(3)=omeg(i)
1347 c$$$
1348 c$$$        if (x(2).gt.pi-delta) then
1349 c$$$          xtemp(1)=x(1)
1350 c$$$          xtemp(2)=pi-delta
1351 c$$$          xtemp(3)=x(3)
1352 c$$$          call enesc(xtemp,escloci0,dersc0,ddersc0,.true.)
1353 c$$$          xtemp(2)=pi
1354 c$$$          call enesc(xtemp,escloci1,dersc1,ddummy,.false.)
1355 c$$$          call spline1(x(2),pi-delta,delta,escloci0,escloci1,dersc0(2),
1356 c$$$     &        escloci,dersc(2))
1357 c$$$          call spline2(x(2),pi-delta,delta,dersc0(1),dersc1(1),
1358 c$$$     &        ddersc0(1),dersc(1))
1359 c$$$          call spline2(x(2),pi-delta,delta,dersc0(3),dersc1(3),
1360 c$$$     &        ddersc0(3),dersc(3))
1361 c$$$          xtemp(2)=pi-delta
1362 c$$$          call enesc_bound(xtemp,esclocbi0,dersc0,dersc12,.true.)
1363 c$$$          xtemp(2)=pi
1364 c$$$          call enesc_bound(xtemp,esclocbi1,dersc1,chuju,.false.)
1365 c$$$          call spline1(x(2),pi-delta,delta,esclocbi0,esclocbi1,
1366 c$$$     &            dersc0(2),esclocbi,dersc02)
1367 c$$$          call spline2(x(2),pi-delta,delta,dersc0(1),dersc1(1),
1368 c$$$     &            dersc12,dersc01)
1369 c$$$          call splinthet(x(2),0.5d0*delta,ss,ssd)
1370 c$$$          dersc0(1)=dersc01
1371 c$$$          dersc0(2)=dersc02
1372 c$$$          dersc0(3)=0.0d0
1373 c$$$          do k=1,3
1374 c$$$            dersc(k)=ss*dersc(k)+(1.0d0-ss)*dersc0(k)
1375 c$$$          enddo
1376 c$$$          dersc(2)=dersc(2)+ssd*(escloci-esclocbi)
1377 c$$$c         write (iout,*) 'i=',i,x(2)*rad2deg,escloci0,escloci,
1378 c$$$c    &             esclocbi,ss,ssd
1379 c$$$          escloci=ss*escloci+(1.0d0-ss)*esclocbi
1380 c$$$c         escloci=esclocbi
1381 c$$$c         write (iout,*) escloci
1382 c$$$        else if (x(2).lt.delta) then
1383 c$$$          xtemp(1)=x(1)
1384 c$$$          xtemp(2)=delta
1385 c$$$          xtemp(3)=x(3)
1386 c$$$          call enesc(xtemp,escloci0,dersc0,ddersc0,.true.)
1387 c$$$          xtemp(2)=0.0d0
1388 c$$$          call enesc(xtemp,escloci1,dersc1,ddummy,.false.)
1389 c$$$          call spline1(x(2),delta,-delta,escloci0,escloci1,dersc0(2),
1390 c$$$     &        escloci,dersc(2))
1391 c$$$          call spline2(x(2),delta,-delta,dersc0(1),dersc1(1),
1392 c$$$     &        ddersc0(1),dersc(1))
1393 c$$$          call spline2(x(2),delta,-delta,dersc0(3),dersc1(3),
1394 c$$$     &        ddersc0(3),dersc(3))
1395 c$$$          xtemp(2)=delta
1396 c$$$          call enesc_bound(xtemp,esclocbi0,dersc0,dersc12,.true.)
1397 c$$$          xtemp(2)=0.0d0
1398 c$$$          call enesc_bound(xtemp,esclocbi1,dersc1,chuju,.false.)
1399 c$$$          call spline1(x(2),delta,-delta,esclocbi0,esclocbi1,
1400 c$$$     &            dersc0(2),esclocbi,dersc02)
1401 c$$$          call spline2(x(2),delta,-delta,dersc0(1),dersc1(1),
1402 c$$$     &            dersc12,dersc01)
1403 c$$$          dersc0(1)=dersc01
1404 c$$$          dersc0(2)=dersc02
1405 c$$$          dersc0(3)=0.0d0
1406 c$$$          call splinthet(x(2),0.5d0*delta,ss,ssd)
1407 c$$$          do k=1,3
1408 c$$$            dersc(k)=ss*dersc(k)+(1.0d0-ss)*dersc0(k)
1409 c$$$          enddo
1410 c$$$          dersc(2)=dersc(2)+ssd*(escloci-esclocbi)
1411 c$$$c         write (iout,*) 'i=',i,x(2)*rad2deg,escloci0,escloci,
1412 c$$$c    &             esclocbi,ss,ssd
1413 c$$$          escloci=ss*escloci+(1.0d0-ss)*esclocbi
1414 c$$$c         write (iout,*) escloci
1415 c$$$        else
1416 c$$$          call enesc(x,escloci,dersc,ddummy,.false.)
1417 c$$$        endif
1418 c$$$
1419 c$$$        escloc=escloc+escloci
1420 c$$$        if (energy_dec) write (iout,'(a6,i,0pf7.3)')
1421 c$$$     &     'escloc',i,escloci
1422 c$$$c       write (iout,*) 'i=',i,' escloci=',escloci,' dersc=',dersc
1423 c$$$
1424 c$$$        gloc(nphi+i-1,icg)=gloc(nphi+i-1,icg)+
1425 c$$$     &   wscloc*dersc(1)
1426 c$$$        gloc(ialph(i,1),icg)=wscloc*dersc(2)
1427 c$$$        gloc(ialph(i,1)+nside,icg)=wscloc*dersc(3)
1428 c$$$    1   continue
1429 c$$$      ENDIF
1430 c$$$      enddo
1431 c$$$      return
1432 c$$$      end
1433 c$$$
1434 c$$$C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1435 c$$$
1436 c$$$      subroutine egb_ij(i_sc,j_sc,evdw)
1437 c$$$C
1438 c$$$C This subroutine calculates the interaction energy of nonbonded side chains
1439 c$$$C assuming the Gay-Berne potential of interaction.
1440 c$$$C
1441 c$$$      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1442 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1443 c$$$      include 'COMMON.GEO'
1444 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1445 c$$$      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
1446 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1447 c$$$      include 'COMMON.DERIV'
1448 c$$$      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
1449 c$$$      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
1450 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1451 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CALC'
1452 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
1453 c$$$      logical lprn
1454 c$$$      evdw=0.0D0
1455 c$$$      energy_dec=.false.
1456 c$$$c     print *,'Entering EGB nnt=',nnt,' nct=',nct,' expon=',expon
1457 c$$$      evdw=0.0D0
1458 c$$$      lprn=.false.
1459 c$$$      ind=0
1460 c$$$c$$$      do i=iatsc_s,iatsc_e
1461 c$$$      i=i_sc
1462 c$$$        itypi=itype(i)
1463 c$$$        itypi1=itype(i+1)
1464 c$$$        xi=c(1,nres+i)
1465 c$$$        yi=c(2,nres+i)
1466 c$$$        zi=c(3,nres+i)
1467 c$$$        dxi=dc_norm(1,nres+i)
1468 c$$$        dyi=dc_norm(2,nres+i)
1469 c$$$        dzi=dc_norm(3,nres+i)
1470 c$$$c        dsci_inv=dsc_inv(itypi)
1471 c$$$        dsci_inv=vbld_inv(i+nres)
1472 c$$$c        write (iout,*) "i",i,dsc_inv(itypi),dsci_inv,1.0d0/vbld(i+nres)
1473 c$$$c        write (iout,*) "dcnori",dxi*dxi+dyi*dyi+dzi*dzi
1474 c$$$C
1475 c$$$C Calculate SC interaction energy.
1476 c$$$C
1477 c$$$c$$$        do iint=1,nint_gr(i)
1478 c$$$c$$$          do j=istart(i,iint),iend(i,iint)
1479 c$$$        j=j_sc
1480 c$$$            ind=ind+1
1481 c$$$            itypj=itype(j)
1482 c$$$c            dscj_inv=dsc_inv(itypj)
1483 c$$$            dscj_inv=vbld_inv(j+nres)
1484 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "j",j,dsc_inv(itypj),dscj_inv,
1485 c$$$c     &       1.0d0/vbld(j+nres)
1486 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "i",i," j", j," itype",itype(i),itype(j)
1487 c$$$            sig0ij=sigma(itypi,itypj)
1488 c$$$            chi1=chi(itypi,itypj)
1489 c$$$            chi2=chi(itypj,itypi)
1490 c$$$            chi12=chi1*chi2
1491 c$$$            chip1=chip(itypi)
1492 c$$$            chip2=chip(itypj)
1493 c$$$            chip12=chip1*chip2
1494 c$$$            alf1=alp(itypi)
1495 c$$$            alf2=alp(itypj)
1496 c$$$            alf12=0.5D0*(alf1+alf2)
1497 c$$$C For diagnostics only!!!
1498 c$$$c           chi1=0.0D0
1499 c$$$c           chi2=0.0D0
1500 c$$$c           chi12=0.0D0
1501 c$$$c           chip1=0.0D0
1502 c$$$c           chip2=0.0D0
1503 c$$$c           chip12=0.0D0
1504 c$$$c           alf1=0.0D0
1505 c$$$c           alf2=0.0D0
1506 c$$$c           alf12=0.0D0
1507 c$$$            xj=c(1,nres+j)-xi
1508 c$$$            yj=c(2,nres+j)-yi
1509 c$$$            zj=c(3,nres+j)-zi
1510 c$$$            dxj=dc_norm(1,nres+j)
1511 c$$$            dyj=dc_norm(2,nres+j)
1512 c$$$            dzj=dc_norm(3,nres+j)
1513 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "dcnorj",dxi*dxi+dyi*dyi+dzi*dzi
1514 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "j",j," dc_norm",
1515 c$$$c     &       dc_norm(1,nres+j),dc_norm(2,nres+j),dc_norm(3,nres+j)
1516 c$$$            rrij=1.0D0/(xj*xj+yj*yj+zj*zj)
1517 c$$$            rij=dsqrt(rrij)
1518 c$$$C Calculate angle-dependent terms of energy and contributions to their
1519 c$$$C derivatives.
1520 c$$$            call sc_angular
1521 c$$$            sigsq=1.0D0/sigsq
1522 c$$$            sig=sig0ij*dsqrt(sigsq)
1523 c$$$            rij_shift=1.0D0/rij-sig+sig0ij
1524 c$$$c for diagnostics; uncomment
1525 c$$$c            rij_shift=1.2*sig0ij
1526 c$$$C I hate to put IF's in the loops, but here don't have another choice!!!!
1527 c$$$            if (rij_shift.le.0.0D0) then
1528 c$$$              evdw=1.0D20
1529 c$$$cd              write (iout,'(2(a3,i3,2x),17(0pf7.3))')
1530 c$$$cd     &        restyp(itypi),i,restyp(itypj),j,
1531 c$$$cd     &        rij_shift,1.0D0/rij,sig,sig0ij,sigsq,1-dsqrt(sigsq) 
1532 c$$$              return
1533 c$$$            endif
1534 c$$$            sigder=-sig*sigsq
1535 c$$$c---------------------------------------------------------------
1536 c$$$            rij_shift=1.0D0/rij_shift 
1537 c$$$            fac=rij_shift**expon
1538 c$$$            e1=fac*fac*aa(itypi,itypj)
1539 c$$$            e2=fac*bb(itypi,itypj)
1540 c$$$            evdwij=eps1*eps2rt*eps3rt*(e1+e2)
1541 c$$$            eps2der=evdwij*eps3rt
1542 c$$$            eps3der=evdwij*eps2rt
1543 c$$$c            write (iout,*) "sigsq",sigsq," sig",sig," eps2rt",eps2rt,
1544 c$$$c     &        " eps3rt",eps3rt," eps1",eps1," e1",e1," e2",e2
1545 c$$$            evdwij=evdwij*eps2rt*eps3rt
1546 c$$$            evdw=evdw+evdwij
1547 c$$$            if (lprn) then
1548 c$$$            sigm=dabs(aa(itypi,itypj)/bb(itypi,itypj))**(1.0D0/6.0D0)
1549 c$$$            epsi=bb(itypi,itypj)**2/aa(itypi,itypj)
1550 c$$$            write (iout,'(2(a3,i3,2x),17(0pf7.3))')
1551 c$$$     &        restyp(itypi),i,restyp(itypj),j,
1552 c$$$     &        epsi,sigm,chi1,chi2,chip1,chip2,
1553 c$$$     &        eps1,eps2rt**2,eps3rt**2,sig,sig0ij,
1554 c$$$     &        om1,om2,om12,1.0D0/rij,1.0D0/rij_shift,
1555 c$$$     &        evdwij
1556 c$$$            endif
1557 c$$$
1558 c$$$            if (energy_dec) write (iout,'(a6,2i,0pf7.3)') 
1559 c$$$     &                        'evdw',i,j,evdwij
1560 c$$$
1561 c$$$C Calculate gradient components.
1562 c$$$            e1=e1*eps1*eps2rt**2*eps3rt**2
1563 c$$$            fac=-expon*(e1+evdwij)*rij_shift
1564 c$$$            sigder=fac*sigder
1565 c$$$            fac=rij*fac
1566 c$$$c            fac=0.0d0
1567 c$$$C Calculate the radial part of the gradient
1568 c$$$            gg(1)=xj*fac
1569 c$$$            gg(2)=yj*fac
1570 c$$$            gg(3)=zj*fac
1571 c$$$C Calculate angular part of the gradient.
1572 c$$$            call sc_grad
1573 c$$$c$$$          enddo      ! j
1574 c$$$c$$$        enddo        ! iint
1575 c$$$c$$$      enddo          ! i
1576 c$$$      energy_dec=.false.
1577 c$$$      return
1578 c$$$      end
1579 c$$$
1580 c$$$C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1581 c$$$
1582 c$$$      subroutine perturb_side_chain(i,angle)
1583 c$$$      implicit none
1584 c$$$
1585 c$$$c     Includes
1586 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1587 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1588 c$$$      include 'COMMON.GEO'
1589 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1590 c$$$      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
1591 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1592 c$$$
1593 c$$$c     External functions
1594 c$$$      external ran_number
1595 c$$$      double precision ran_number
1596 c$$$
1597 c$$$c     Input arguments
1598 c$$$      integer i
1599 c$$$      double precision angle    ! In degrees
1600 c$$$
1601 c$$$c     Local variables
1602 c$$$      integer i_sc
1603 c$$$      double precision rad_ang,rand_v(3),length,cost,sint
1604 c$$$
1605 c$$$
1606 c$$$      i_sc=i+nres
1607 c$$$      rad_ang=angle*deg2rad
1608 c$$$
1609 c$$$      length=0.0
1610 c$$$      do while (length.lt.0.01)
1611 c$$$        rand_v(1)=ran_number(0.01D0,1.0D0)
1612 c$$$        rand_v(2)=ran_number(0.01D0,1.0D0)
1613 c$$$        rand_v(3)=ran_number(0.01D0,1.0D0)
1614 c$$$        length=rand_v(1)*rand_v(1)+rand_v(2)*rand_v(2)+
1615 c$$$     +       rand_v(3)*rand_v(3)
1616 c$$$        length=sqrt(length)
1617 c$$$        rand_v(1)=rand_v(1)/length
1618 c$$$        rand_v(2)=rand_v(2)/length
1619 c$$$        rand_v(3)=rand_v(3)/length
1620 c$$$        cost=rand_v(1)*dc_norm(1,i_sc)+rand_v(2)*dc_norm(2,i_sc)+
1621 c$$$     +       rand_v(3)*dc_norm(3,i_sc)
1622 c$$$        length=1.0D0-cost*cost
1623 c$$$        if (length.lt.0.0D0) length=0.0D0
1624 c$$$        length=sqrt(length)
1625 c$$$        rand_v(1)=rand_v(1)-cost*dc_norm(1,i_sc)
1626 c$$$        rand_v(2)=rand_v(2)-cost*dc_norm(2,i_sc)
1627 c$$$        rand_v(3)=rand_v(3)-cost*dc_norm(3,i_sc)
1628 c$$$      enddo
1629 c$$$      rand_v(1)=rand_v(1)/length
1630 c$$$      rand_v(2)=rand_v(2)/length
1631 c$$$      rand_v(3)=rand_v(3)/length
1632 c$$$
1633 c$$$      cost=dcos(rad_ang)
1634 c$$$      sint=dsin(rad_ang)
1635 c$$$      dc(1,i_sc)=vbld(i_sc)*(dc_norm(1,i_sc)*cost+rand_v(1)*sint)
1636 c$$$      dc(2,i_sc)=vbld(i_sc)*(dc_norm(2,i_sc)*cost+rand_v(2)*sint)
1637 c$$$      dc(3,i_sc)=vbld(i_sc)*(dc_norm(3,i_sc)*cost+rand_v(3)*sint)
1638 c$$$      dc_norm(1,i_sc)=dc(1,i_sc)*vbld_inv(i_sc)
1639 c$$$      dc_norm(2,i_sc)=dc(2,i_sc)*vbld_inv(i_sc)
1640 c$$$      dc_norm(3,i_sc)=dc(3,i_sc)*vbld_inv(i_sc)
1641 c$$$      c(1,i_sc)=c(1,i)+dc(1,i_sc)
1642 c$$$      c(2,i_sc)=c(2,i)+dc(2,i_sc)
1643 c$$$      c(3,i_sc)=c(3,i)+dc(3,i_sc)
1644 c$$$
1645 c$$$      call chainbuild_cart
1646 c$$$
1647 c$$$      return
1648 c$$$      end
1649 c$$$
1650 c$$$c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1651 c$$$
1652 c$$$      subroutine ss_relax3(i_in,j_in)
1653 c$$$      implicit none
1654 c$$$
1655 c$$$c     Includes
1656 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1657 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1658 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1659 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1660 c$$$      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
1661 c$$$
1662 c$$$c     External functions
1663 c$$$      external ran_number
1664 c$$$      double precision ran_number
1665 c$$$
1666 c$$$c     Input arguments
1667 c$$$      integer i_in,j_in
1668 c$$$
1669 c$$$c     Local variables
1670 c$$$      double precision energy_sc(0:n_ene),etot
1671 c$$$      double precision org_dc(3),org_dc_norm(3),org_c(3)
1672 c$$$      double precision ang_pert,rand_fact,exp_fact,beta
1673 c$$$      integer n,i_pert,i
1674 c$$$      logical notdone
1675 c$$$
1676 c$$$
1677 c$$$      beta=1.0D0
1678 c$$$
1679 c$$$      mask_r=.true.
1680 c$$$      do i=nnt,nct
1681 c$$$        mask_side(i)=0
1682 c$$$      enddo
1683 c$$$      mask_side(i_in)=1
1684 c$$$      mask_side(j_in)=1
1685 c$$$
1686 c$$$      call etotal_sc(energy_sc)
1687 c$$$      etot=energy_sc(0)
1688 c$$$c      write(iout,'(a,3d15.5)')"     SS_MC_START ",energy_sc(0),
1689 c$$$c     +     energy_sc(1),energy_sc(12)
1690 c$$$
1691 c$$$      notdone=.true.
1692 c$$$      n=0
1693 c$$$      do while (notdone)
1694 c$$$        if (mod(n,2).eq.0) then
1695 c$$$          i_pert=i_in
1696 c$$$        else
1697 c$$$          i_pert=j_in
1698 c$$$        endif
1699 c$$$        n=n+1
1700 c$$$
1701 c$$$        do i=1,3
1702 c$$$          org_dc(i)=dc(i,i_pert+nres)
1703 c$$$          org_dc_norm(i)=dc_norm(i,i_pert+nres)
1704 c$$$          org_c(i)=c(i,i_pert+nres)
1705 c$$$        enddo
1706 c$$$        ang_pert=ran_number(0.0D0,3.0D0)
1707 c$$$        call perturb_side_chain(i_pert,ang_pert)
1708 c$$$        call etotal_sc(energy_sc)
1709 c$$$        exp_fact=exp(beta*(etot-energy_sc(0)))
1710 c$$$        rand_fact=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0)
1711 c$$$        if (rand_fact.lt.exp_fact) then
1712 c$$$c          write(iout,'(a,3d15.5)')"     SS_MC_ACCEPT ",energy_sc(0),
1713 c$$$c     +     energy_sc(1),energy_sc(12)
1714 c$$$          etot=energy_sc(0)
1715 c$$$        else
1716 c$$$c          write(iout,'(a,3d15.5)')"     SS_MC_REJECT ",energy_sc(0),
1717 c$$$c     +     energy_sc(1),energy_sc(12)
1718 c$$$          do i=1,3
1719 c$$$            dc(i,i_pert+nres)=org_dc(i)
1720 c$$$            dc_norm(i,i_pert+nres)=org_dc_norm(i)
1721 c$$$            c(i,i_pert+nres)=org_c(i)
1722 c$$$          enddo
1723 c$$$        endif
1724 c$$$
1725 c$$$        if (n.eq.10000.or.etot.lt.30.0D0) notdone=.false.
1726 c$$$      enddo
1727 c$$$
1728 c$$$      mask_r=.false.
1729 c$$$
1730 c$$$      return
1731 c$$$      end
1732 c$$$
1733 c$$$c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1734 c$$$
1735 c$$$      subroutine ss_relax2(etot,iretcode,nfun,i_in,j_in)
1736 c$$$      implicit none
1737 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1738 c$$$      integer liv,lv
1739 c$$$      parameter (liv=60,lv=(77+maxres6*(maxres6+17)/2)) 
1740 c$$$*********************************************************************
1741 c$$$* OPTIMIZE sets up SUMSL or DFP and provides a simple interface for *
1742 c$$$* the calling subprogram.                                           *     
1743 c$$$* when d(i)=1.0, then v(35) is the length of the initial step,      *     
1744 c$$$* calculated in the usual pythagorean way.                          *     
1745 c$$$* absolute convergence occurs when the function is within v(31) of  *     
1746 c$$$* zero. unless you know the minimum value in advance, abs convg     *     
1747 c$$$* is probably not useful.                                           *     
1748 c$$$* relative convergence is when the model predicts that the function *   
1749 c$$$* will decrease by less than v(32)*abs(fun).                        *   
1750 c$$$*********************************************************************
1751 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1752 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1753 c$$$      include 'COMMON.GEO'
1754 c$$$      include 'COMMON.MINIM'
1755 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1756 c$$$
1757 c$$$      double precision orig_ss_dc,orig_ss_var,orig_ss_dist
1758 c$$$      common /orig_ss/ orig_ss_dc(3,0:maxres2),orig_ss_var(maxvar),
1759 c$$$     +     orig_ss_dist(maxres2,maxres2)
1760 c$$$
1761 c$$$      double precision etot
1762 c$$$      integer iretcode,nfun,i_in,j_in
1763 c$$$
1764 c$$$      external dist
1765 c$$$      double precision dist
1766 c$$$      external ss_func,fdum
1767 c$$$      double precision ss_func,fdum
1768 c$$$
1769 c$$$      integer iv(liv),uiparm(2)
1770 c$$$      double precision v(lv),x(maxres6),d(maxres6),rdum
1771 c$$$      integer i,j,k
1772 c$$$
1773 c$$$
1774 c$$$      call deflt(2,iv,liv,lv,v)                                         
1775 c$$$* 12 means fresh start, dont call deflt                                 
1776 c$$$      iv(1)=12                                                          
1777 c$$$* max num of fun calls                                                  
1778 c$$$      if (maxfun.eq.0) maxfun=500
1779 c$$$      iv(17)=maxfun
1780 c$$$* max num of iterations                                                 
1781 c$$$      if (maxmin.eq.0) maxmin=1000
1782 c$$$      iv(18)=maxmin
1783 c$$$* controls output                                                       
1784 c$$$      iv(19)=2                                                          
1785 c$$$* selects output unit                                                   
1786 c$$$c      iv(21)=iout                                                       
1787 c$$$      iv(21)=0
1788 c$$$* 1 means to print out result                                           
1789 c$$$      iv(22)=0                                                          
1790 c$$$* 1 means to print out summary stats                                    
1791 c$$$      iv(23)=0                                                          
1792 c$$$* 1 means to print initial x and d                                      
1793 c$$$      iv(24)=0                                                          
1794 c$$$* min val for v(radfac) default is 0.1                                  
1795 c$$$      v(24)=0.1D0                                                       
1796 c$$$* max val for v(radfac) default is 4.0                                  
1797 c$$$      v(25)=2.0D0                                                       
1798 c$$$c     v(25)=4.0D0                                                       
1799 c$$$* check false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(26)*(exp decrease)    
1800 c$$$* the sumsl default is 0.1                                              
1801 c$$$      v(26)=0.1D0
1802 c$$$* false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(34)                         
1803 c$$$* the sumsl default is 100*machep                                       
1804 c$$$      v(34)=v(34)/100.0D0                                               
1805 c$$$* absolute convergence                                                  
1806 c$$$      if (tolf.eq.0.0D0) tolf=1.0D-4
1807 c$$$      v(31)=tolf
1808 c$$$      v(31)=1.0D-1
1809 c$$$* relative convergence                                                  
1810 c$$$      if (rtolf.eq.0.0D0) rtolf=1.0D-4
1811 c$$$      v(32)=rtolf
1812 c$$$      v(32)=1.0D-1
1813 c$$$* controls initial step size                                            
1814 c$$$      v(35)=1.0D-1
1815 c$$$* large vals of d correspond to small components of step                
1816 c$$$      do i=1,6*nres
1817 c$$$        d(i)=1.0D0
1818 c$$$      enddo
1819 c$$$
1820 c$$$      do i=0,2*nres
1821 c$$$        do j=1,3
1822 c$$$          orig_ss_dc(j,i)=dc(j,i)
1823 c$$$        enddo
1824 c$$$      enddo
1825 c$$$      call geom_to_var(nvar,orig_ss_var)
1826 c$$$
1827 c$$$      do i=1,nres
1828 c$$$        do j=i,nres
1829 c$$$          orig_ss_dist(j,i)=dist(j,i)
1830 c$$$          orig_ss_dist(j+nres,i)=dist(j+nres,i)
1831 c$$$          orig_ss_dist(j,i+nres)=dist(j,i+nres)
1832 c$$$          orig_ss_dist(j+nres,i+nres)=dist(j+nres,i+nres)
1833 c$$$        enddo
1834 c$$$      enddo
1835 c$$$
1836 c$$$      k=0
1837 c$$$      do i=1,nres-1
1838 c$$$        do j=1,3
1839 c$$$          k=k+1
1840 c$$$          x(k)=dc(j,i)
1841 c$$$        enddo
1842 c$$$      enddo
1843 c$$$      do i=2,nres-1
1844 c$$$        if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then
1845 c$$$        do j=1,3
1846 c$$$          k=k+1
1847 c$$$          x(k)=dc(j,i+nres)
1848 c$$$        enddo
1849 c$$$        endif
1850 c$$$      enddo
1851 c$$$
1852 c$$$      uiparm(1)=i_in
1853 c$$$      uiparm(2)=j_in
1854 c$$$      call smsno(k,d,x,ss_func,iv,liv,lv,v,uiparm,rdum,fdum)
1855 c$$$      etot=v(10)
1856 c$$$      iretcode=iv(1)
1857 c$$$      nfun=iv(6)+iv(30)
1858 c$$$
1859 c$$$      k=0
1860 c$$$      do i=1,nres-1
1861 c$$$        do j=1,3
1862 c$$$          k=k+1
1863 c$$$          dc(j,i)=x(k)
1864 c$$$        enddo
1865 c$$$      enddo
1866 c$$$      do i=2,nres-1
1867 c$$$        if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then
1868 c$$$        do j=1,3
1869 c$$$          k=k+1
1870 c$$$          dc(j,i+nres)=x(k)
1871 c$$$        enddo
1872 c$$$        endif
1873 c$$$      enddo
1874 c$$$      call chainbuild_cart
1875 c$$$
1876 c$$$      return  
1877 c$$$      end  
1878 c$$$
1879 c$$$C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1880 c$$$
1881 c$$$      subroutine ss_func(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm)  
1882 c$$$      implicit none
1883 c$$$      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1884 c$$$      include 'COMMON.DERIV'
1885 c$$$      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1886 c$$$      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1887 c$$$      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1888 c$$$      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
1889 c$$$      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
1890 c$$$
1891 c$$$      double precision orig_ss_dc,orig_ss_var,orig_ss_dist
1892 c$$$      common /orig_ss/ orig_ss_dc(3,0:maxres2),orig_ss_var(maxvar),
1893 c$$$     +     orig_ss_dist(maxres2,maxres2)
1894 c$$$
1895 c$$$      integer n
1896 c$$$      double precision x(maxres6)
1897 c$$$      integer nf
1898 c$$$      double precision f
1899 c$$$      integer uiparm(2)
1900 c$$$      real*8 urparm(1)
1901 c$$$      external ufparm
1902 c$$$      double precision ufparm
1903 c$$$
1904 c$$$      external dist
1905 c$$$      double precision dist
1906 c$$$
1907 c$$$      integer i,j,k,ss_i,ss_j
1908 c$$$      double precision tempf,var(maxvar)
1909 c$$$
1910 c$$$
1911 c$$$      ss_i=uiparm(1)
1912 c$$$      ss_j=uiparm(2)
1913 c$$$      f=0.0D0
1914 c$$$
1915 c$$$      k=0
1916 c$$$      do i=1,nres-1
1917 c$$$        do j=1,3
1918 c$$$          k=k+1
1919 c$$$          dc(j,i)=x(k)
1920 c$$$        enddo
1921 c$$$      enddo
1922 c$$$      do i=2,nres-1
1923 c$$$        if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then
1924 c$$$        do j=1,3
1925 c$$$          k=k+1
1926 c$$$          dc(j,i+nres)=x(k)
1927 c$$$        enddo
1928 c$$$        endif
1929 c$$$      enddo
1930 c$$$      call chainbuild_cart
1931 c$$$
1932 c$$$      call geom_to_var(nvar,var)
1933 c$$$
1934 c$$$c     Constraints on all angles
1935 c$$$      do i=1,nvar
1936 c$$$        tempf=var(i)-orig_ss_var(i)
1937 c$$$        f=f+tempf*tempf
1938 c$$$      enddo
1939 c$$$
1940 c$$$c     Constraints on all distances
1941 c$$$      do i=1,nres-1
1942 c$$$        if (i.gt.1) then
1943 c$$$          tempf=dist(i+nres,i)-orig_ss_dist(i+nres,i)
1944 c$$$          f=f+tempf*tempf
1945 c$$$        endif
1946 c$$$        do j=i+1,nres
1947 c$$$          tempf=dist(j,i)-orig_ss_dist(j,i)
1948 c$$$          if (tempf.lt.0.0D0 .or. j.eq.i+1) f=f+tempf*tempf
1949 c$$$          tempf=dist(j+nres,i)-orig_ss_dist(j+nres,i)
1950 c$$$          if (tempf.lt.0.0D0) f=f+tempf*tempf
1951 c$$$          tempf=dist(j,i+nres)-orig_ss_dist(j,i+nres)
1952 c$$$          if (tempf.lt.0.0D0) f=f+tempf*tempf
1953 c$$$          tempf=dist(j+nres,i+nres)-orig_ss_dist(j+nres,i+nres)
1954 c$$$          if (tempf.lt.0.0D0) f=f+tempf*tempf
1955 c$$$        enddo
1956 c$$$      enddo
1957 c$$$
1958 c$$$c     Constraints for the relevant CYS-CYS
1959 c$$$      tempf=dist(nres+ss_i,nres+ss_j)-8.0D0
1960 c$$$      f=f+tempf*tempf
1962 c$$$
1963 c$$$c$$$      if (nf.ne.nfl) then
1964 c$$$c$$$        write(iout,'(a,i10,2d15.5)')"IN DIST_FUNC (NF,F,DIST)",nf,
1965 c$$$c$$$     +       f,dist(5+nres,14+nres)
1966 c$$$c$$$      endif
1967 c$$$
1968 c$$$      nfl=nf
1969 c$$$
1970 c$$$      return                                                            
1971 c$$$      end                                                               
1972 c$$$
1973 c$$$C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1974 c$$$C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1975       subroutine triple_ssbond_ene(resi,resj,resk,eij)
1976       include 'DIMENSIONS'
1977       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
1978       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1979       include 'COMMON.DERIV'
1980       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
1981       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
1982       include 'COMMON.VAR'
1983       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1984       include 'COMMON.CALC'
1985 #ifndef CLUST
1986 #ifndef WHAM
1987       include 'COMMON.MD'
1988 #endif
1989 #endif
1991 c     External functions
1992       double precision h_base
1993       external h_base
1995 c     Input arguments
1996       integer resi,resj,resk
1998 c     Output arguments
1999       double precision eij,eij1,eij2,eij3
2001 c     Local variables
2002       logical havebond
2003 c      integer itypi,itypj,k,l
2004       double precision rrij,ssd,deltat1,deltat2,deltat12,cosphi
2005       double precision rrik,rrjk,rik,rjk,xi,xk,yi,yk,zi,zk,xij,yij,zij
2006       double precision xik,yik,zik,xjk,yjk,zjk
2007       double precision sig0ij,ljd,sig,fac,e1,e2
2008       double precision dcosom1(3),dcosom2(3),ed
2009       double precision pom1,pom2
2010       double precision ljA,ljB,ljXs
2011       double precision d_ljB(1:3)
2012       double precision ssA,ssB,ssC,ssXs
2013       double precision ssxm,ljxm,ssm,ljm
2014       double precision d_ssxm(1:3),d_ljxm(1:3),d_ssm(1:3),d_ljm(1:3)
2015       if (dtriss.eq.0) return
2016       i=resi
2017       j=resj
2018       k=resk
2019 C      write(iout,*) resi,resj,resk
2020       itypi=itype(i)
2021       dxi=dc_norm(1,nres+i)
2022       dyi=dc_norm(2,nres+i)
2023       dzi=dc_norm(3,nres+i)
2024       dsci_inv=vbld_inv(i+nres)
2025       xi=c(1,nres+i)
2026       yi=c(2,nres+i)
2027       zi=c(3,nres+i)
2029       itypj=itype(j)
2030       xj=c(1,nres+j)
2031       yj=c(2,nres+j)
2032       zj=c(3,nres+j)
2034       dxj=dc_norm(1,nres+j)
2035       dyj=dc_norm(2,nres+j)
2036       dzj=dc_norm(3,nres+j)
2037       dscj_inv=vbld_inv(j+nres)
2038       itypk=itype(k)
2039       xk=c(1,nres+k)
2040       yk=c(2,nres+k)
2041       zk=c(3,nres+k)
2043       dxk=dc_norm(1,nres+k)
2044       dyk=dc_norm(2,nres+k)
2045       dzk=dc_norm(3,nres+k)
2046       dscj_inv=vbld_inv(k+nres)
2047       xij=xj-xi
2048       xik=xk-xi
2049       xjk=xk-xj
2050       yij=yj-yi
2051       yik=yk-yi
2052       yjk=yk-yj
2053       zij=zj-zi
2054       zik=zk-zi
2055       zjk=zk-zj
2056       rrij=(xij*xij+yij*yij+zij*zij)
2057       rij=dsqrt(rrij)  ! sc_angular needs rij to really be the inverse
2058       rrik=(xik*xik+yik*yik+zik*zik)
2059       rik=dsqrt(rrik)
2060       rrjk=(xjk*xjk+yjk*yjk+zjk*zjk)
2061       rjk=dsqrt(rrjk)
2062 C there are three combination of distances for each trisulfide bonds
2063 C The first case the ith atom is the center
2064 C Energy function is E=d/(a*(x-y)**2+b*(x+y)**2+c) where x is first
2065 C distance y is second distance the a,b,c,d are parameters derived for
2066 C this problem d parameter was set as a penalty currenlty set to 1.
2067       eij1=dtriss/(atriss*(rij-rik)**2+btriss*(rij+rik)**2+ctriss)
2068 C second case jth atom is center
2069       eij2=dtriss/(atriss*(rij-rjk)**2+btriss*(rij+rjk)**2+ctriss)
2070 C the third case kth atom is the center
2071       eij3=dtriss/(atriss*(rik-rjk)**2+btriss*(rik+rjk)**2+ctriss)
2072 C      eij2=0.0
2073 C      eij3=0.0
2074 C      eij1=0.0
2075       eij=eij1+eij2+eij3
2076 C      write(iout,*)i,j,k,eij
2077 C The energy penalty calculated now time for the gradient part 
2078 C derivative over rij
2079       fac=-eij1**2/dtriss*(2.0*atriss*(rij-rik)+2.0*btriss*(rij+rik))
2080      &-eij2**2/dtriss*(2.0*atriss*(rij-rjk)+2.0*btriss*(rij+rjk))  
2081             gg(1)=xij*fac/rij
2082             gg(2)=yij*fac/rij
2083             gg(3)=zij*fac/rij
2084       do m=1,3
2085         gvdwx(m,i)=gvdwx(m,i)-gg(m)
2086         gvdwx(m,j)=gvdwx(m,j)+gg(m)
2087       enddo
2088       do l=1,3
2089         gvdwc(l,i)=gvdwc(l,i)-gg(l)
2090         gvdwc(l,j)=gvdwc(l,j)+gg(l)
2091       enddo
2092 C now derivative over rik
2093       fac=-eij1**2/dtriss*(-2.0*atriss*(rij-rik)+2.0*btriss*(rij+rik))
2094      &-eij3**2/dtriss*(2.0*atriss*(rik-rjk)+2.0*btriss*(rik+rjk))
2095             gg(1)=xik*fac/rik
2096             gg(2)=yik*fac/rik
2097             gg(3)=zik*fac/rik
2098       do m=1,3
2099         gvdwx(m,i)=gvdwx(m,i)-gg(m)
2100         gvdwx(m,k)=gvdwx(m,k)+gg(m)
2101       enddo
2102       do l=1,3
2103         gvdwc(l,i)=gvdwc(l,i)-gg(l)
2104         gvdwc(l,k)=gvdwc(l,k)+gg(l)
2105       enddo
2106 C now derivative over rjk
2107       fac=-eij2**2/dtriss*(-2.0*atriss*(rij-rjk)+2.0*btriss*(rij+rjk))-
2108      &eij3**2/dtriss*(-2.0*atriss*(rik-rjk)+2.0*btriss*(rik+rjk))
2109             gg(1)=xjk*fac/rjk
2110             gg(2)=yjk*fac/rjk
2111             gg(3)=zjk*fac/rjk
2112       do m=1,3
2113         gvdwx(m,j)=gvdwx(m,j)-gg(m)
2114         gvdwx(m,k)=gvdwx(m,k)+gg(m)
2115       enddo
2116       do l=1,3
2117         gvdwc(l,j)=gvdwc(l,j)-gg(l)
2118         gvdwc(l,k)=gvdwc(l,k)+gg(l)
2119       enddo
2120       return
2121       end