ctest dock fgproc=2
[unres.git] / source / unres / src-HCD-5D / cartder.F
1       subroutine cartder 
2 ***********************************************************************
3 * This subroutine calculates the derivatives of the consecutive virtual
4 * bond vectors and the SC vectors in the virtual-bond angles theta and
5 * virtual-torsional angles phi, as well as the derivatives of SC vectors
6 * in the angles alpha and omega, describing the location of a side chain
7 * in its local coordinate system.
8 *
9 * The derivatives are stored in the following arrays:
10 *
11 * DDCDV - the derivatives of virtual-bond vectors DC in theta and phi.
12 * The structure is as follows:
13 *
14 * dDC(x,2)/dT(3),...,dDC(z,2)/dT(3),0,             0,             0
15 * dDC(x,3)/dT(4),...,dDC(z,3)/dT(4),dDC(x,3)/dP(4),dDC(y,4)/dP(4),dDC(z,4)/dP(4)
16 *         . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . .
17 * dDC(x,N-1)/dT(4),...,dDC(z,N-1)/dT(4),dDC(x,N-1)/dP(4),dDC(y,N-1)/dP(4),dDC(z,N-1)/dP(4)
18 *                          .
19 *                          .
20 *                          .
21 * dDC(x,N-1)/dT(N),...,dDC(z,N-1)/dT(N),dDC(x,N-1)/dP(N),dDC(y,N-1)/dP(N),dDC(z,N-1)/dP(N)
22 *
23 * DXDV - the derivatives of the side-chain vectors in theta and phi. 
24 * The structure is same as above.
25 *
26 * DCDS - the derivatives of the side chain vectors in the local spherical
27 * andgles alph and omega:
28 *
29 * dX(x,2)/dA(2),dX(y,2)/dA(2),dX(z,2)/dA(2),dX(x,2)/dO(2),dX(y,2)/dO(2),dX(z,2)/dO(2)
30 * dX(x,3)/dA(3),dX(y,3)/dA(3),dX(z,3)/dA(3),dX(x,3)/dO(3),dX(y,3)/dO(3),dX(z,3)/dO(3)
31 *                          .
32 *                          .
33 *                          .
34 * dX(x,N-1)/dA(N-1),dX(y,N-1)/dA(N-1),dX(z,N-1)/dA(N-1),dX(x,N-1)/dO(N-1),dX(y,N-1)/dO(N-1),dX(z,N-1)/dO(N-1)
35 *
36 * Version of March '95, based on an early version of November '91.
37 *
38 * 03/11/20 Adam. Array fromto eliminated, computed on the fly
39 *     Fixed the problem with vbld indices, which caused errors in
40 *     derivatives when the backbone virtual bond lengths were not equal.
41 *********************************************************************** 
42       implicit none
43       include 'DIMENSIONS'
44       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
45       include 'COMMON.VAR'
46       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
47       include 'COMMON.DERIV'
48       include 'COMMON.GEO'
49       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
50       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
51       double precision drt(3,3,maxres),rdt(3,3,maxres),dp(3,3),
52      &temp(3,3),prordt(3,3,maxres),prodrt(3,3,maxres)
53       double precision xx(3),xx1(3),alphi,omegi,xj,dpjk,yp,xp,xxp,yyp
54       double precision cosalphi,sinalphi,cosomegi,sinomegi,theta2,
55      & cost2,sint2,rj,dxoiij,tempkl,dxoijk,dsci,zzp,dj,dpkl
56       double precision fromto(3,3)
57       integer i,ii,j,jjj,k,l,m,indi,ind,ind1
58 * get the position of the jth ijth fragment of the chain coordinate system      
59 * in the fromto array.
60       integer indmat
61       indmat(i,j)=((2*(nres-2)-i)*(i-1))/2+j-1
62       call chainbuild_extconf
63       call cartprint
64       call intout
65 *
66 * calculate the derivatives of transformation matrix elements in theta
67 *
68       do i=1,nres-2
69         rdt(1,1,i)=-rt(1,2,i)
70         rdt(1,2,i)= rt(1,1,i)
71         rdt(1,3,i)= 0.0d0
72         rdt(2,1,i)=-rt(2,2,i)
73         rdt(2,2,i)= rt(2,1,i)
74         rdt(2,3,i)= 0.0d0
75         rdt(3,1,i)=-rt(3,2,i)
76         rdt(3,2,i)= rt(3,1,i)
77         rdt(3,3,i)= 0.0d0
78       enddo
79 *
80 * derivatives in phi
81 *
82       do i=2,nres-2
83         drt(1,1,i)= 0.0d0
84         drt(1,2,i)= 0.0d0
85         drt(1,3,i)= 0.0d0
86         drt(2,1,i)= rt(3,1,i)
87         drt(2,2,i)= rt(3,2,i)
88         drt(2,3,i)= rt(3,3,i)
89         drt(3,1,i)=-rt(2,1,i)
90         drt(3,2,i)=-rt(2,2,i)
91         drt(3,3,i)=-rt(2,3,i)
92       enddo 
93 *
94 * Calculate derivatives.
95 *
96       ind1=0
97       do i=1,nres-2
98         ind1=ind1+1
99 *
100 * Derivatives of DC(i+1) in theta(i+2)
101 *
102 c        write (iout,*) "theta i",i
103 c        write(iout,'(7hprod   9f10.5)')((prod(k,l,i),l=1,3),k=1,3)
104 c        write(iout,'(7hrdt    9f10.5)')((rdt(k,l,i),l=1,3),k=1,3)
105 c        write(iout,*) "vbld",vbld(i+2)
106         do j=1,3
107           do k=1,2
108             dpjk=0.0D0
109             do l=1,3
110               dpjk=dpjk+prod(j,l,i)*rdt(l,k,i)
111             enddo
112             dp(j,k)=dpjk
113             prordt(j,k,i)=dp(j,k)
114           enddo
115           dp(j,3)=0.0D0
116 c          dcdv(j,ind1)=vbld(i+1)*dp(j,1)       
117           dcdv(j,ind1)=vbld(i+2)*dp(j,1)       
118         enddo
119 c        write(iout,'(7hdcdv   3f10.5)')(dcdv(k,ind1),k=1,3)
120 *
121 * Derivatives of SC(i+1) in theta(i+2)
123         xx1(1)=-0.5D0*xloc(2,i+1)
124         xx1(2)= 0.5D0*xloc(1,i+1)
125         do j=1,3
126           xj=0.0D0
127           do k=1,2
128             xj=xj+r(j,k,i)*xx1(k)
129           enddo
130           xx(j)=xj
131         enddo
132         do j=1,3
133           rj=0.0D0
134           do k=1,3
135             rj=rj+prod(j,k,i)*xx(k)
136           enddo
137           dxdv(j,ind1)=rj
138         enddo
139 c        write (iout,*) "dxdv",(dxdv(j,ind1),j=1,3)
140 *
141 * Derivatives of SC(i+1) in theta(i+3). The have to be handled differently
142 * than the other off-diagonal derivatives.
143 *
144         do j=1,3
145           dxoiij=0.0D0
146           do k=1,3
147             dxoiij=dxoiij+dp(j,k)*xrot(k,i+2)
148           enddo
149           dxdv(j,ind1+1)=dxoiij
150         enddo
151 c        write(iout,*)ind1+1,(dxdv(j,ind1+1),j=1,3)
152 *
153 * Derivatives of DC(i+1) in phi(i+2)
154 *
155         do j=1,3
156           do k=1,3
157             dpjk=0.0
158             do l=2,3
159               dpjk=dpjk+prod(j,l,i)*drt(l,k,i)
160             enddo
161             dp(j,k)=dpjk
162             prodrt(j,k,i)=dp(j,k)
163           enddo 
164 c          dcdv(j+3,ind1)=vbld(i+1)*dp(j,1)
165           dcdv(j+3,ind1)=vbld(i+2)*dp(j,1)
166         enddo
167 *
168 * Derivatives of SC(i+1) in phi(i+2)
169 *
170         xx(1)= 0.0D0 
171         xx(3)= xloc(2,i+1)*r(2,2,i)+xloc(3,i+1)*r(2,3,i)
172         xx(2)=-xloc(2,i+1)*r(3,2,i)-xloc(3,i+1)*r(3,3,i)
173         do j=1,3
174           rj=0.0D0
175           do k=2,3
176             rj=rj+prod(j,k,i)*xx(k)
177           enddo
178           dxdv(j+3,ind1)=-rj
179         enddo
180 *
181 * Derivatives of SC(i+1) in phi(i+3).
182 *
183         do j=1,3
184           dxoiij=0.0D0
185           do k=1,3
186             dxoiij=dxoiij+dp(j,k)*xrot(k,i+2)
187           enddo
188           dxdv(j+3,ind1+1)=dxoiij
189         enddo
190 *
191 * Calculate the derivatives of DC(i+1) and SC(i+1) in theta(i+3) thru 
192 * theta(nres) and phi(i+3) thru phi(nres).
193 *
194         do j=i+1,nres-2
195           ind1=ind1+1
196           ind=indmat(i+1,j+1)
197 c          write(iout,*)'i=',i,' j=',j,' ind=',ind,' ind1=',ind1
198           call build_fromto(i+1,j+1,fromto)
199 c          write(iout,'(7hfromto 9f10.5)')((fromto(k,l),l=1,3),k=1,3)
200           do k=1,3
201             do l=1,3
202               tempkl=0.0D0
203               do m=1,2
204                 tempkl=tempkl+prordt(k,m,i)*fromto(m,l)
205               enddo
206               temp(k,l)=tempkl
207             enddo
208           enddo  
209 c          write(iout,'(7hfromto 9f10.5)')((fromto(k,l,ind),l=1,3),k=1,3)
210 c          write(iout,'(7hprod   9f10.5)')((prod(k,l,i),l=1,3),k=1,3)
211 c          write(iout,'(7htemp   9f10.5)')((temp(k,l),l=1,3),k=1,3)
212 * Derivatives of virtual-bond vectors in theta
213           do k=1,3
214 c            dcdv(k,ind1)=vbld(i+1)*temp(k,1)
215             dcdv(k,ind1)=vbld(j+2)*temp(k,1)
216           enddo
217 c          write(iout,'(7hdcdv   3f10.5)')(dcdv(k,ind1),k=1,3)
218 * Derivatives of SC vectors in theta
219           do k=1,3
220             dxoijk=0.0D0
221             do l=1,3
222               dxoijk=dxoijk+temp(k,l)*xrot(l,j+2)
223             enddo
224             dxdv(k,ind1+1)=dxoijk
225           enddo
226 c          write(iout,'(7htheta  3f10.5)')(dxdv(k,ind1),k=1,3)
227 *
228 *--- Calculate the derivatives in phi
229 *
230 #ifdef FIVEDIAG
231           do k=1,3
232             do l=1,3
233               tempkl=0.0D0
234               do m=1,3
235                 tempkl=tempkl+prodrt(k,m,i)*fromto(m,l)
236               enddo
237               temp(k,l)=tempkl
238             enddo
239           enddo
240 #else
241           do k=1,3
242             do l=1,3
243               tempkl=0.0D0
244               do m=1,3
245                 tempkl=tempkl+prodrt(k,m,i)*fromto(m,l,ind)
246               enddo
247               temp(k,l)=tempkl
248             enddo
249           enddo
250 #endif
251           do k=1,3
252 c            dcdv(k+3,ind1)=vbld(i+1)*temp(k,1)
253             dcdv(k+3,ind1)=vbld(j+2)*temp(k,1)
254           enddo
255           do k=1,3
256             dxoijk=0.0D0
257             do l=1,3
258               dxoijk=dxoijk+temp(k,l)*xrot(l,j+2)
259             enddo
260             dxdv(k+3,ind1+1)=dxoijk
261           enddo
262         enddo
263       enddo
264 #ifdef DEBUG
265       write (iout,*)
266       write (iout,'(a)') '****************** ddc/dtheta'
267       write (iout,*)
268       do i=1,nres-2
269         do j=i+1,nres-1
270           ii = indmat(i,j)
271           write (iout,'(2i4,3e14.6)') i,j,(dcdv(k,ii),k=1,3)
272         enddo
273       enddo    
274       write (iout,*) 
275       write (iout,'(a)') '******************* ddc/dphi'
276       write (iout,*)
277       do i=1,nres-3
278         do j=i+2,nres-1
279           ii = indmat(i+1,j)
280           write (iout,'(2i4,3e14.6)') i,j,(dcdv(k+3,ii),k=1,3)
281           write (iout,'(a)')
282         enddo
283       enddo   
284       write (iout,'(a)')
285       write (iout,'(a)') '**************** dx/dtheta'
286       write (iout,'(a)')
287       do i=3,nres
288         do j=i-1,nres-1
289           ii = indmat(i-2,j)
290           write (iout,'(2i4,3e14.6)') i,j,(dxdv(k,ii),k=1,3)
291         enddo
292       enddo
293       write (iout,'(a)')
294       write (iout,'(a)') '***************** dx/dphi'
295       write (iout,'(a)')
296       do i=4,nres
297         do j=i-1,nres-1
298           ii = indmat(i-2,j)
299           write (iout,'(2i4,3e14.6)') i,j,(dxdv(k+3,ii),k=1,3)
300           write(iout,'(a)')
301         enddo
302       enddo
303 #endif
304 *
305 * Derivatives in alpha and omega:
306 *
307       do i=2,nres-1
308 c       dsci=dsc(itype(i))
309         dsci=vbld(i+nres)
310 #ifdef OSF
311         alphi=alph(i)
312         omegi=omeg(i)
313         if(alphi.ne.alphi) alphi=100.0 
314         if(omegi.ne.omegi) omegi=-100.0
315 #else
316         alphi=alph(i)
317         omegi=omeg(i)
318 #endif
319 cd      print *,'i=',i,' dsci=',dsci,' alphi=',alphi,' omegi=',omegi
320         cosalphi=dcos(alphi)
321         sinalphi=dsin(alphi)
322         cosomegi=dcos(omegi)
323         sinomegi=dsin(omegi)
324         temp(1,1)=-dsci*sinalphi
325         temp(2,1)= dsci*cosalphi*cosomegi
326         temp(3,1)=-dsci*cosalphi*sinomegi
327         temp(1,2)=0.0D0
328         temp(2,2)=-dsci*sinalphi*sinomegi
329         temp(3,2)=-dsci*sinalphi*cosomegi
330         theta2=pi-0.5D0*theta(i+1)
331         cost2=dcos(theta2)
332         sint2=dsin(theta2)
333         jjj=0
334 cd      print *,((temp(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,2)
335         do j=1,2
336           xp=temp(1,j)
337           yp=temp(2,j)
338           xxp= xp*cost2+yp*sint2
339           yyp=-xp*sint2+yp*cost2
340           zzp=temp(3,j)
341           xx(1)=xxp
342           xx(2)=yyp*r(2,2,i-1)+zzp*r(2,3,i-1)
343           xx(3)=yyp*r(3,2,i-1)+zzp*r(3,3,i-1)
344           do k=1,3
345             dj=0.0D0
346             do l=1,3
347               dj=dj+prod(k,l,i-1)*xx(l)
348             enddo
349             dxds(jjj+k,i)=dj
350           enddo
351           jjj=jjj+3
352         enddo
353       enddo
354       return
355       end