cluster & wham update
[unres.git] / source / maxlik / src_MD_T_maxlik-NEWCORR-PMF-5 / proc.F
1       subroutine proc_data(nvarr,x,*)
2       implicit none
3       include "DIMENSIONS"
4       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
5 #ifdef MPI
6       include "mpif.h"
7       integer Ierror,Errcode,status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),tag
8       include "COMMON.MPI"
9 #endif
10       include "COMMON.CONTROL"
11       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
12       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
13       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
14       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
15       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
16       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
17       include "COMMON.FFIELD"
18       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
19       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
20       include "COMMON.CHAIN"
21       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
22       include "COMMON.THERMAL"
23       include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER"
24       include "COMMON.EREF"
25       include "COMMON.SBRIDGE"
26       include "COMMON.INTERACT"
27       include "COMMON.VAR"
28       double precision fac0,t0
29       double precision fT(5),ftprim(5),ftbis(5),quot,quotl,quotl1,
30      &  denom,kfac,kfacl,logfac,eplus,eminus,tanhT,entfacmax,
31      &  sument,sumentsq,aux
32       real csingle(3,maxres2)
33       double precision creff(3,maxres2),cc(3,maxres2)
34       double precision thetareff(maxres2),phireff(maxres2),
35      & xxreff(maxres2),yyreff(maxres2),zzreff(maxres2)
36       double precision przes(3),obrot(3,3),etoti
37       logical non_conv
38       integer wykl
39       integer iprot,i,ind,ii,j,k,kk,l,ncl,is,ie,nsum,nng,nvarr,ng,
40      &  inn,in,iref,ib,ibatch,num,itmp,imin,iperm
41       integer l1,l2,ncon_all
42       double precision rcyfr
43       integer jj,istart_conf,iend_conf,ipass_conf,iii,nnnn
44       integer ilen,iroof
45       external ilen,iroof
46       double precision ej,emaxj,sumP,sumP_t
47       double precision fac
48       double precision x(max_paropt)
49       double precision wconf(maxstr_proc)
50       double precision dx,dy,dz,dxref,dyref,dzref,
51      &  dtheta,dphi,rmsthet,rmsphi,rmsside
52       double precision pinorm
53       external pinorm
54 #ifdef MPI
55       double precision e_total_T_(maxstr_proc)
56 #endif
57       logical LPRN
58       integer maxl1,maxl2
59       double precision rms,rmsave,rmsmin,rmsnat,rmscalc,rmscalc_thet,
60      &   rmscalc_phi,rmscalc_side,qwolynes,qwolyness
61       T0=3.0d2
62       fac0=1.0d0/(T0*Rgas)
63       kfac=2.4d0
64       write (iout,*) "fac0",fac0
65       write(iout,*) "torsional and valence angle mode",tor_mode
66 c
67 c Determine the number of variables and the initial vector of optimizable
68 c parameters
69 c
70       lprn=.false.
71       if (restart_flag) then
72         call w2x(nvarr,x_orig,*11) 
73         do i=1,n_ene
74           ww_oorig(i)=ww(i)
75         enddo
76         open (88,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.restin',status='unknown')
77         read(88,*,end=99,err=99) (x(i),i=1,nvarr)
78         close(88)
79         write (iout,*)
80         write (iout,*) 
81      &    "Variables replaced with values from the restart file."
82         do i=1,nvarr
83           write (iout,'(i5,f15.5)') i,x(i)
84         enddo
85         write (iout,*)
86         call x2w(nvarr,x)
87         goto 88
88   99    write (iout,*) 
89      &    "Error - restart file nonexistent, incompatible or damaged."
90 #ifdef MPI
91         call MPI_Finalize(Ierror)
92 #endif
93         stop 
94      &    "Error - restart file nonexistent, incompatible or damaged."
95       else
96         call w2x(nvarr,x,*11) 
97         write (iout,*) "PROC: after W2X nvarr",nvarr
98         do i=1,n_ene
99           ww_oorig(i)=ww(i)
100         enddo
101         do i=1,nvarr
102           x_orig(i)=x(i)
103         enddo
104       endif
105   88  continue
106 c
107 c Setup weights for UNRES
108 c
109       wsc=ww(1)
110       wscp=ww(2)
111       welec=ww(3)
112       wcorr=ww(4)
113       wcorr5=ww(5)
114       wcorr6=ww(6)
115       wel_loc=ww(7)
116       wturn3=ww(8)
117       wturn4=ww(9)
118       wturn6=ww(10)
119       wang=ww(11)
120       wscloc=ww(12)
121       wtor=ww(13)
122       wtor_d=ww(14)
123       wstrain=ww(15)
124       wvdwpp=ww(16)
125       wbond=ww(17)
126       wsccor=ww(19)
127 #ifdef SCP14
128       scal14=ww(17)/ww(2)
129 #endif
130       do i=1,n_ene
131         weights(i)=ww(i)
132       enddo
134       DO IPROT=1,NPROT
136       call restore_molinfo(iprot)
138       DO IBATCH=1,natlike(iprot)+2
140 c Calculate temperature-dependent weight scaling factors
141       do ib=1,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
142         fac=betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot)
143         quot=fac0/fac
144         if (rescale_mode.eq.0) then
145           do l=1,5
146             fT(l)=1.0d0
147             fTprim(l)=0.0d0
148             fTbis(l)=0.0d0
149           enddo
150         else if (rescale_mode.eq.1) then
151           quotl=1.0d0
152           kfacl=1.0d0
153           do l=1,5
154             quotl1=quotl
155             quotl=quotl*quot
156             kfacl=kfacl*kfac
157             denom=kfacl-1.0d0+quotl
158             fT(l)=kfacl/denom
159             ftprim(l)=-l*ft(l)*quotl1/(T0*denom)
160             ftbis(l)=l*kfacl*quotl1*
161      &       (2*l*quotl-(l-1)*denom)/(quot*t0*t0*denom**3)
162             write (iout,*) "ib",ib," beta",betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot),
163      &      " quot",quot," l",l,fT(l),fTprim(l),fTbis(l)
164           enddo
165         else if (rescale_mode.eq.2) then
166           quotl=1.0d0
167           do l=1,5
168             quotl1=quotl
169             quotl=quotl*quot
170             eplus=dexp(quotl)
171             eminus=dexp(-quotl)
172             logfac=1.0d0/dlog(eplus+eminus)
173             tanhT=(eplus-eminus)/(eplus+eminus)
174             fT(l)=1.12692801104297249644d0*logfac
175             ftprim(l)=-l*quotl1*ft(l)*tanhT*logfac/T0
176             ftbis(l)=(l-1)*ftprim(l)/(quot*T0)-
177      &      2*l*quotl1/T0*logfac*
178      &      (2*l*quotl1*ft(l)/(T0*(eplus+eminus)**2)
179      &      +ftprim(l)*tanhT)
180           enddo
181         else
182           write (iout,*) "Unknown RESCALE_MODE",rescale_mode
183           call flush(iout)
184           stop
185         endif
186         do k=1,n_ene
187           escal(k,ib,ibatch,iprot)=1.0d0
188           escalprim(k,ib,ibatch,iprot)=0.0d0
189           escalbis(k,ib,ibatch,iprot)=0.0d0
190         enddo
191         if ( then
192           escal(1,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
193           escal(2,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
194           escal(16,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
195           escalprim(1,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
196           escalprim(2,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
197           escalprim(16,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
198           escalbis(1,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
199           escalbis(2,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
200           escalbis(16,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
201         endif
202         escal(3,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
203         escal(4,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(3)
204         escal(5,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(4)
205         escal(6,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(5)
206         escal(7,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(2)
207         escal(8,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(2)
208         escal(9,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(3)
209         escal(10,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(5)
210         escal(13,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
211         escal(14,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(2)
212         escal(19,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ft(1)
213         escalprim(3,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(1)
214         escalprim(4,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(3)
215         escalprim(5,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(4)
216         escalprim(6,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(5)
217         escalprim(7,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(2)
218         escalprim(8,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(2)
219         escalprim(9,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(3)
220         escalprim(10,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(5)
221         escalprim(13,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(1)
222         escalprim(14,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(2)
223         escalprim(19,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftprim(1)
224         escalbis(3,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(1)
225         escalbis(4,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(3)
226         escalbis(5,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(4)
227         escalbis(6,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(5)
228         escalbis(7,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(2)
229         escalbis(8,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(2)
230         escalbis(9,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(3)
231         escalbis(10,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(5)
232         escalbis(13,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(1)
233         escalbis(14,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(2)
234         escalbis(19,ib,ibatch,iprot)=ftbis(1)
235       enddo
237       betmin(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(1,ibatch,iprot)
238       betmax(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(1,ibatch,iprot)
239       do ib=2,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
240         if (betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot).lt.betmin(ibatch,iprot))
241      &     betmin(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot)
242         if (betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot).gt.betmax(ibatch,iprot))
243      &     betmax(ibatch,iprot)=betaT(ib,ibatch,iprot)
244         enddo
245        write (iout,'(2(a,i5,2x),2(a,f7.2,2x))') 
246      &    "Protein",iprot," batch",ibatch,
247      &    " betmin",betmin(ibatch,iprot)," betmax",betmax(ibatch,iprot)
249       ENDDO ! IBATCH
251       ENDDO ! IPROT
252 c
253 c Compute energy and entropy histograms to filter out conformations
254 c with potntially too low or too high weights.
255 c
256       call determine_histograms
257 c
258 c Make the working list of conformations
259 c
260       call make_list(.true.,.true.,nvarr,x)
261 c 3/8/2013 Calculate RMSDs/Qs and the Ptab array
262       do iprot=1,nprot
264       call restore_molinfo(iprot)
266       open (icbase,file=bprotfiles(iprot),status="old",
267      &    form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec(iprot))
268       entfacmax=entfac(1,iprot)
269       sument=entfac(1,iprot)
270       sumentsq=entfac(1,iprot)**2
271       do i=2,ntot_work(iprot)
272         if (entfac(i,iprot).gt.entfacmax) entfacmax=entfac(i,iprot)
273         sument=sument+entfac(i,iprot)
274         sumentsq=sumentsq+entfac(i,iprot)**2
275       enddo
276       sument=sument/ntot_work(iprot)
277       sumentsq=dsqrt(sumentsq/ntot_work(iprot)-sument**2)
278       write (2,*) "entfacmax",entfacmax," entave",sument,
279      &   " stdent",sumentsq
280 #ifdef WEIDIST
281 #ifdef MPI
282       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(scount(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc)
283       ipass_conf=0
284       jj=0
285       sumP=0.0d0
286       do i=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc
287       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
288       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
289       istart_conf=i
290       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,indend(me1,iprot))
291 #else
292       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc)
293       ipass_conf=0
294       sumP=0.0d0
295       do i=1,ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc
296       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
297       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
298       istart_conf=i
299       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,ntot(iprot))
300 #endif
301 c
302 c Read the chunk of conformations off a DA scratchfile.
303 c
304       call daread_ccoords(iprot,istart_conf,iend_conf)
308 c Compute energies
309       do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
310         write (iout,*) "IB",ib," IPROT",iprot," NREF",nref(ib,iprot)
311         ii=0
312         do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
313           ii=ii+1
314           kk=tsil(iii,iprot)
315           if (kk.eq.0) cycle
316           etoti=0.0d0
317           do k=1,n_ene
318             etoti=etoti+ww(k)*escal(k,ib,1,iprot)
319      &            *enetb(ii,k,iprot)
320           enddo
321           e_total_T(iii,ib)=entfac(kk,iprot)
322      &             +betaT(ib,1,iprot)*(etoti-elowest(ib,1,iprot))
323         enddo
324       enddo ! ib
325 #ifdef DEBUG
326       write (iout,*) "Energies before Gather"
327       do iii=1,ntot_work(iprot)
328         write (iout,'(i5,100E12.5)') iii,
329      &         (e_total_T(iii,ib),ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot))
330       enddo
331 #endif
332 #ifdef MPI
333       do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
334         do k=1,scount(me1,iprot)
335           e_total_T_(k)=e_total_T(indstart(me1,iprot)+k-1,ib)
336         enddo
337 c        call MPI_AllGatherv(e_total_T(indstart(me1,iprot),ib),
338 c     &     scount(me1,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,e_total_T(1,ib),
339 c     &     scount(0,iprot),idispl(0,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
340 c     &     Comm1, IERROR)
341         call MPI_AllGatherv(e_total_T_(1),
342      &     scount(me1,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,e_total_T(1,ib),
343      &     scount(0,iprot),idispl(0,iprot),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
344      &     Comm1, IERROR)
345       enddo ! ib
346 #ifdef DEBUG
347       write (iout,*) "Energies after Gather"
348       do iii=1,ntot_work(iprot)
349         write (iout,'(i5,100E12.5)') iii,
350      &         (e_total_T(iii,ib),ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot))
351       enddo
352 #endif
353 #endif
356       ii=0
357 c Compute distances
358 c      write (iout,*) "Start calculating weirms",istart_conf,iend_conf
359       do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
360         ii=ii+1
361         k=tsil(iii,iprot)
362 c        write (iout,*) "Calculating weirms iii",iii," ii",ii," k",k
363         if (k.eq.0) cycle
364         call restore_ccoords(iprot,ii)
365 c Calculate the rmsds of the current conformations and convert them into weights
366 c to approximate equal weighting of all points of the conformational space
367         do k=1,2*nres
368           do l=1,3
369             creff(l,k)=c(l,k)
370           enddo
371         enddo
372 c 7/6/16 AL Add angle comparison
373         if (anglecomp(iprot) .or. sidecomp(iprot)) then
374           call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
375           call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
376           do k=1,nres
377             phireff(k)=phi(k)
378             thetareff(k)=theta(k)
379             xxreff(k)=xxtab(k)
380             yyreff(k)=yytab(k)
381             zzreff(k)=zztab(k)
382           enddo
383         endif
384         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
385          weirms(iii,ib)=0.0d0
386         enddo
387 C-----------TEST
388 c            caonly(iprot)=.true.
389 C-----------TEST
390         do iref=1,ntot_work(iprot)
391           if ( then
392             read(icbase,rec=iref) ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
393      &      ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=nnt+nres,nct+nres),
394      &      nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),eini(iref,iprot),
395      &      entfac(iref,iprot),
396      &      ((nu(k,l,ii,iprot),k=1,maxdimnat),l=1,natlike(iprot))
397             do k=1,2*nres
398               do l=1,3
399                 c(l,k)=csingle(l,k)
400               enddo
401             enddo
402 #ifdef DEBUG
403             do k=1,nres
404               write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') k,(c(l,k),l=1,3),
405      &                      (creff(l,k),l=1,3)
406             enddo
407 #endif
408             rms = 0.0d0
409             iperm=1
410             if (rmscomp(iprot)) then
411               rms=rmscalc(c(1,1),creff(1,1),iref,iii,iprot,iperm)
412 #ifdef DEBUG
413               write (iout,*) "iref",iref," iii",iii," rms",rms
414 #endif
415 #ifdef DEBUG
416               write (2,*) "iii",iii," iref=",iref," ib",ib," etotal",
417      &          e_total_T(iref,ib),
418      &          e_total_T(iii,ib),-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib),
419      &          " rms",rms," fac",dexp(-0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2),
420      &          dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib)),
421      &          dexp(-0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2)*
422      &          dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib))
423 #endif
424               aux=dexp(-0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2)
425 #ifdef DEBUG
426               write (iout,*)"iref",iref," iii",iii," rms",rms," aux",aux
427 #endif
428             else 
429               rms=qwolyness(creff,iprot)
430 #ifdef DEBUG
431               write (2,*) "iii",iii," iref=",iref," ib",ib," etotal",
432      &          e_total_T(iref,ib),
433      &          e_total_T(iii,ib),-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib),
434      &          " rms",-dlog(rms)," fac",rms,
435      &          dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib)),
436      &          rms*dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib))
437 #endif
438               aux=rms
439             endif ! rmscomp
440 c 7/6/16 AL Add angle comparison
441             if (anglecomp(iprot).or.sidecomp(iprot))
442      &        call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
443             if (anglecomp(iprot)) then
444 c              write (iout,*) "jj",jj," iref",iref
445               rmsthet=rmscalc_thet(theta(1),thetareff(1),iperm)
446               rmsphi=rmscalc_phi(phi(1),phireff(1),iperm)
447 #ifdef DEBUG
448               write (iout,*) "rmsthet",rmsthet," rmsphi",rmsphi
449 #endif
450              aux=aux*dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsthet**2+rmsphi**2)/
451      &         sigmaang2(iprot)**2)
452 #ifdef DEBUG
453              write (iout,*) "rmsthet",rmsthet," rmsphi",rmsphi,
454      &        " auxang",aux
455 #endif
456             endif
457             if (sidecomp(iprot)) then
458               call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
459               rmsside=rmscalc_side(xxtab(1),yytab(1),zztab(1),
460      &          xxreff(1),yyreff(1),zzreff(1),iperm)
461 #ifdef DEBUG
462               write (iout,*) "rmsside",rmsside
463 #endif
464               aux=aux*dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsside/sigmaside2(iprot))**2)
465             endif
466           else
467             aux=1.0d0
468           endif
469           do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
470             if (GEOM_AND_WHAM_WEIGHTS) then
471               weirms(iii,ib) = weirms(iii,ib)
472      &          +aux*dexp(-e_total_T(iref,ib)+e_total_T(iii,ib))
473             else
474               weirms(iii,ib) = weirms(iii,ib)+aux
475             endif
476           enddo ! ib
477         enddo ! iref
478       enddo ! iii
479 C-----------TEST
480 c            caonly(iprot)=.false.
481 C-----------TEST
482 #ifdef DEBUG
483       write (iout,*) "weirms"
484       do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
485         write (iout,"(i5,20e12.5)") iii,(weirms(iii,ib),ib=1,
486      &       nbeta(1,iprot))
487       enddo
488 #endif
489       enddo ! i
490 #endif
492 #ifdef MPI
493       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(scount(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc)
494       DO IB=1,NBETA(1,IPROT)
495 #ifdef OUT_PTAB
496       write(csa_bank,'(a,f4.0,4hPtab,i4.4)')
497      &  protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot))),
498      &  1.0d0/(0.001987*betaT(ib,1,iprot)),me
499       open (icsa_bank,file=csa_bank,status="unknown")
500 #endif
501       ipass_conf=0
502       jj=0
503       sumP=0.0d0
504       do i=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot),maxstr_proc
505       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
506       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
507       istart_conf=i
508       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,indend(me1,iprot))
509 #else
510       nchunk_conf(iprot) = iroof(ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc)
511       ipass_conf=0
512       sumP=0.0d0
513       do i=1,ntot(iprot),maxstr_proc
514       ipass_conf=ipass_conf+1
515       write (iout,*) "Pass",ipass_conf
516       istart_conf=i
517       iend_conf=min0(i+maxstr_proc-1,ntot(iprot))
518 #endif
519       ii=0
520 c
521 c Read the chunk of conformations off a DA scratchfile.
522 c
523       call daread_ccoords(iprot,istart_conf,iend_conf)
524       write (iout,*) "IB",ib," IPROT",iprot," NREF",nref(ib,iprot)
525       do iii=istart_conf,iend_conf
526 c        if (ib.eq.1) then
527           rmsave=0.0d0
528           rmsmin=1.0d10
529 c        endif
530         ii=ii+1
531         jj=jj+1
532         k=tsil(iii,iprot)
533         call restore_ccoords(iprot,ii)
534 c        write (iout,*) "zeroing Ptab",iii,ii,jj
535         Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=0.0d0
536         if (rmscomp(iprot)) then
537           do iref=1,nref(ib,iprot)
538 #ifdef DEBUG
539             itmp=ipdb
540             ipdb=iout 
541             call pdbout(0.0d0,"conf")
542 c            write (2,*) "nstart_sup",nstart_sup(iprot),
543 c     &          " nend_sup",nend_sup(iprot)
544 c            do k=nstart_sup(iprot),nend_sup(iprot)
545 c              write(2,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') k,(c(l,k),l=1,3),
546 c     &          (cref(l,k,iref,ib,iprot),l=1,3)
547 c            enddo
548 c            do k=nstart_sup(iprot),nend_sup(iprot)
549 c              write(2,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') k,(c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),
550 c     &          (cref(l,k+nres,iref,ib,iprot),l=1,3)
551 c            enddo
552             do k=1,2*nres
553               do l=1,3
554                 cc(l,k)=c(l,k)
555                 c(l,k)=cref(l,k,iref,ib,iprot)
556               enddo
557             enddo
558             call pdbout(0.0d0,"ref")
559             do k=1,2*nres
560               do l=1,3
561                 c(l,k)=cc(l,k)
562               enddo
563             enddo
564             ipdb=itmp
565 #endif
566             rms=rmsnat(ib,jj,iref,iprot,iperm)
567 #ifdef DEBUG
568             write (iout,*) iii,iref," rmsnat",rms
569 #endif
570 c 7/6/16 AL Add angle comparison
571 c            write(iout,*) "anglecomp",anglecomp
572             if (anglecomp(iprot).or.sidecomp(iprot)) 
573      &        call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
574             if (anglecomp(iprot)) then
575 c              write (iout,*) "jj",jj," iref",iref
576               rmsthet=rmscalc_thet(theta(1),
577      &          theta_ref(1,iref,ib,iprot),iperm)
578               rmsphi=rmscalc_phi(phi(1),phi_ref(1,iref,ib,iprot),
579      &          iperm)
580 #ifdef DEBUG
581               write (iout,*) "rmsthet",rmsthet," rmsphi",rmsphi
582 #endif
583             endif
584             if (sidecomp(iprot)) then
585               call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
586               rmsside=rmscalc_side(xxtab(1),yytab(1),zztab(1),
587      &          xxref(1,iref,ib,iprot),yyref(1,iref,ib,iprot),
588      &          zzref(1,iref,ib,iprot),iperm)
589 #ifdef DEBUG
590               write (iout,*) "rmsside",rmsside
591 #endif
592             endif
593 #ifdef DEBUG
594             write (iout,*) "ii",ii," jj",jj," iref",iref,
595      &            " rms",rms," rmsthet",rmsthet," rmsphi",rmsphi,
596      &            " efree",efreeref(iref,ib,iprot)
597 #endif               
598 c            if (ib.eq.1) then
599               rmsave=rmsave+rms
600               if ( then
601                 imin=iref
602                 rmsmin=rms
603 c              endif
604             endif
605             Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
606      &          +dexp(-efreeref(iref,ib,iprot)
607      &                -0.5d0*(rms/sigma2(iprot))**2)
608             if (anglecomp(iprot)) 
609      &      Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*
610      &         dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsthet**2+rmsphi**2)/sigmaang2(iprot)**2)
611             if (sidecomp(iprot))
612      &      Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*
613      &              dexp(-0.5d0*(rmsside/sigmaside2(iprot))**2)
614           enddo 
615 c          if (ib.eq.1) then
616             rmsave=rmsave/nref(ib,iprot)
617 c          endif
618 #if defined(WEIENT)
619 c AL 1/24/2014 Correct the weight of a conformation to represent energy-free
620 c              search of conformational space.
621           aux=dmin1(entfacmax-entfac(k,iprot),60.0d0)
622           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*dexp(aux)
623 #ifdef DEBUG
624           write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," iii",iii," k",k,
625 c     &     " entfac",entfac(k,iprot),"aux",aux," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
626      &     "entfac",entfac(k,iprot)," weirms",weirms(iii,ib),
627      &     " Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
628 #endif
629 #elif defined(WEIDIST)
630 c          write (iout,*) "iii",iii," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot),
631 c     &     " weirms",weirms(iii,ib)," Ptab/weirms",
632 c     &     Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
633 #ifdef OUT_PTAB
634           write (icsa_bank,'(2i6,3f10.5,2f8.4)') 
635      &      iii,imin,-dlog(Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)),
636      &      -dlog(weirms(iii,ib)),
637      &      -dlog(Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)),
638      &      rmsave,rmsmin
639 #endif
640           if (ib.eq.1) rmstb(iii,iprot)=rmsmin
641           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
642 #elif defined(WEICLUST) 
643           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,iprot)
644 #endif
645           sumP=sumP+Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
646         else
647           do iref=1,nref(ib,iprot)
648             rms = qwolynes(ib,iref,iprot)
649 #ifdef DEBUG
650             write (iout,*) "iii",iii," ii",ii," jj",jj,
651      &        "iref",iref," rms",rms,-dlog(rms),
652      &           "efree",efreeref(iref,ib,iprot)
653 #endif               
654              Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)+rms*
655      &                        *dexp(-efreeref(iref,ib,iprot))
656           enddo
657 #if defined(WEIENT)
658 c AL 1/24/2014 Correct the weight of a conformation to represent energy-free
659 c              search of conformational space.
660           aux=dmin1(entfacmax-entfac(k,iprot),60.0d0)
661           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)*dexp(aux)
662 #ifdef DEBUG
663           write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," iii",iii," k",k,
664      &    " entfac",entfac(k,iprot)," aux",aux," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
665 #endif
666 #elif defined(WEICLUST)
667           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(k,iprot)
668 #elif defined(WEIDIST)
669           write (iout,*) "iii",iii," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot),
670      &     " weirms",weirms(iii,ib)," Ptab/weirms",
671      &     Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
672           Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/weirms(iii,ib)
673 #endif
674           sumP=sumP+Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
675         endif
676 #ifdef DEBUG
677         write (iout,*) "ii",ii," jj",jj," ib",ib," iprot",iprot,
678      &    " Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)," sumP",sumP
679 #endif
680       enddo ! iii
681       enddo ! i
682 #ifdef DEBUG
683       write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," sumP before REDUCE",sumP
684 #endif
685 #ifdef MPI
686       call MPI_Allreduce(sumP,sumP_t,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
687      &        MPI_SUM,Comm1,IERROR)
688       sumP=sumP_t
689 #endif
690 #ifdef DEBUG
691       write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ib",ib," sumP after REDUCE",sumP
692 #endif
693       jj=0
694       do iii=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot)
695       jj=jj+1
696 #ifdef DEBUG
697       write (iout,*) "iii",iii," jj",jj," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
698 #endif
699       Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)=Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)/sumP
700 #ifdef DEBUG
701       write (iout,*) "iii",iii," jj",jj," Ptab",Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
702 #endif
703       enddo
704 #ifdef OUT_PTAB
705       close(icsa_bank)
706 #endif
707       ENDDO ! IB
708       close(icbase)
709       enddo ! iprot
710 #ifdef DEBUG
711       write (iout,*) "ELOWEST at the end of PROC_DATA"
712       do iprot=1,nprot
713         do ibatch=1,natlike(iprot)+2
714           do ib=1,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
715             write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ibatch",ibatch," ib",ib,
716      &         " elowest",elowest(ib,ibatch,iprot)
717           enddo
718         enddo
719       enddo
720       write (iout,*) "Ptab at the end of PROC"
721       do iprot=1,nprot
722         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
723         write (iout,*) "Protein",iprot," beta",ib
724         jj=0
725         do i=indstart(me1,iprot),indend(me1,iprot)
726           jj=jj+1
727           write (iout,*) iprot,ib,ii,jj,Ptab(jj,ib,iprot)
728         enddo
729         enddo
730       enddo
731 #endif
732       write (iout,*)
733       return
734    11 return1
735       end
736 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
737       subroutine determine_histograms
738       implicit none
739       include "DIMENSIONS"
740       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
741       integer maxind
742       parameter (maxind=1000)
743 #ifdef MPI
744       include "mpif.h"
745       integer Ierror,Errcode,status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),tag
746       include "COMMON.MPI"
747 #endif
748       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
749       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
750       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
751       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
752       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
753       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
754       include "COMMON.FFIELD"
755       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
756       include "COMMON.CHAIN"
757       include "COMMON.CONTROL"
758       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
759       integer iprot,i,ii,iii,j,k,l,ibatch,inde,indt,idelte,ideltt
760       double precision eminh,emaxh,tminh,tmaxh
761       integer he(0:maxind),
762      &  ht(0:maxind),hemax,htmax
763 c
764 c Construct energy and entropy histograms
765 c
766       write (iout,*) "Calling DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS"
767       call flush(iout)
768       do iprot=1,nprot
769           eminh=1.0d20
770           emaxh=-1.0d20
771           tminh=1.0d20
772           tmaxh=-1.0d20
773           do i=0,maxind
774             he(i)=0
775             ht(i)=0
776           enddo
777           do i=1,ntot(iprot)
778             iii=i
779             if (eini(iii,iprot).lt.eminh) 
780      &        eminh=eini(iii,iprot)
781             if (eini(iii,iprot).gt.emaxh) 
782      &        emaxh=eini(iii,iprot)
783              if (entfac(iii,iprot).lt.tminh)
784      &        tminh=entfac(iii,iprot)
785             if (entfac(iii,iprot).gt.tmaxh)
786      &        tmaxh=entfac(iii,iprot)
787           enddo
788 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 1"
789           call flush(iout)
790           do i=1,ntot(iprot)
791             iii=i
792             inde=eini(iii,iprot)-eminh
793             indt=entfac(iii,iprot)-tminh
794             if (inde.le.maxind) he(inde)=he(inde)+1
795             if (indt.le.maxind) ht(indt)=ht(indt)+1
796           enddo
797 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 2"
798             idelte=emaxh-eminh
799             ideltt=tmaxh-tminh
800             hemax=0
801 c            write (iout,*) "idelte",idelte," ideltt",ideltt
802             call flush(iout)
803             do i=0,idelte
804 c              write (iout,*) "i",i," he",he(i)," hemax",hemax
805               call flush(iout)
806               if (he(i).gt.hemax) hemax=he(i)
807             enddo
808             htmax=0
809             do i=0,ideltt
810 c              write (iout,*) "i",i," ht",ht(i)," htmax",htmax
811               call flush(iout)
812               if (ht(i).gt.htmax) htmax=ht(i)
813             enddo 
814 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 3"
815           call flush(iout)
816             hemax=hemax/hefac(iprot)
817             if ( 
818      &        hemax=hemax_low(iprot)
819             htmax=htmax/htfac(iprot)
820             if ( 
821      &        htmax=htmax_low(iprot)
822             i=0
823             do while ( .and. he(i).lt.hemax)
824               i=i+1
825             enddo
826 c          write (2,*)  "DETERMINE HISTOGRAMS 4"
827           call flush(iout)
828             e_lowb(iprot)=eminh+i
829             i=0
830             do while ( .and. ht(i).lt.htmax)
831               i=i+1
832             enddo
833             t_lowb(iprot)=tminh+i
834 #ifdef DEBUG
835             write (iout,*) "protein",iprot
836             write (iout,*) "energy histogram"
837             do i=0,idelte
838               write (iout,'(f15.5,i10)') eminh+i,he(i)
839             enddo
840             write (iout,*) "entropy histogram"
841             do i=0,ideltt
842               write (iout,'(f15.5,i10)') tminh+i,ht(i)
843             enddo
844             write (iout,*) "emin",eminh," tmin",tminh,
845      &       " hemax",hemax," htmax",htmax,
846      &       " e_lowb",e_lowb(iprot),
847      &       " t_lowb",t_lowb(iprot)
848             call flush(iout)
849 #endif
850       enddo
851       return
852       end
853 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
854       subroutine imysort(n, x, ipermut)
855       implicit none
856       integer n
857       integer x(n),xtemp
858       integer ipermut(n)
859       integer i,j,imax,ipm
860       do i=1,n
861         xtemp=x(i)
862         imax=i
863         do j=i+1,n
864           if (x(j).lt.xtemp) then
865             imax=j
866             xtemp=x(j)
867           endif
868         enddo
869         x(imax)=x(i)
870         x(i)=xtemp
871         ipm=ipermut(imax)
872         ipermut(imax)=ipermut(i)
873         ipermut(i)=ipm
874       enddo
875       return
876       end
877 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------
878       subroutine write_conf_count
879       implicit none
880       include "DIMENSIONS"
881       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
882       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
883       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
884       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
885       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
886       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
887       include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
888       integer iprot,ibatch,i,ii,j,kk
889       integer ilen
890       external ilen
891       logical LPRN
892       write (iout,*)
893       write (iout,*)"Numbers of conformations after applying the cutoff"
894       write (iout,*)
895       do iprot=1,nprot
896         write (iout,'(a,2x,a,i10)') "Protein",
897      &    protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot))),
898      &    ntot_work(iprot)
899       enddo
900       return
901       end
902 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
903       double precision function fdum()
904       fdum=0.0D0
905       return
906       end