cluster & wham update
[unres.git] / source / maxlik / src_MD_T_maxlik-NEWCORR-PMF / convert.f
1       subroutine geom_to_var(n,x)
2 C
3 C Transfer the geometry parameters to the variable array.
4 C The positions of variables are as follows:
5 C 1. Virtual-bond torsional angles: 1 thru nres-3
6 C 2. Virtual-bond valence angles: nres-2 thru 2*nres-5
7 C 3. The polar angles alpha of local SC orientation: 2*nres-4 thru 
8 C    2*nres-4+nside
9 C 4. The torsional angles omega of SC orientation: 2*nres-4+nside+1
10 C    thru 2*nre-4+2*nside 
11 C
12       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
13       include 'DIMENSIONS'
14       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
15       include 'COMMON.VAR'
16       include 'COMMON.GEO'
17       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
18       double precision x(maxvar)
19 cd    print *,'nres',nres,' nphi',nphi,' ntheta',ntheta,' nvar',nvar
20       do i=4,nres
21         x(i-3)=phi(i)
22 cd      print *,i,i-3,phi(i)
23       enddo
24       if (n.eq.nphi) return
25       do i=3,nres
26         x(i-2+nphi)=theta(i)
27 cd      print *,i,i-2+nphi,theta(i)
28       enddo
29       if (n.eq.nphi+ntheta) return
30       do i=2,nres-1
31         if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then
32           x(ialph(i,1))=alph(i)
33           x(ialph(i,1)+nside)=omeg(i)
34 cd        print *,i,ialph(i,1),ialph(i,1)+nside,alph(i),omeg(i)
35         endif
36       enddo      
37       return
38       end
39 C--------------------------------------------------------------------
40       subroutine var_to_geom(n,x)
41 C
42 C Update geometry parameters according to the variable array.
43 C
44       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
45       include 'DIMENSIONS'
46       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
47       include 'COMMON.VAR'
48       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
49       include 'COMMON.GEO'
50       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
51       dimension x(maxvar)
52       logical change,reduce
53       change=reduce(x)
54       if ( then
55         do i=1,nside
56           ii=ialph(i,2)
57           alph(ii)=x(nphi+ntheta+i)
58           omeg(ii)=pinorm(x(nphi+ntheta+nside+i))
59         enddo      
60       endif
61       do i=4,nres
62         phi(i)=x(i-3)
63       enddo
64       if (n.eq.nphi) return
65       do i=3,nres
66         theta(i)=x(i-2+nphi)
67         if (theta(i).eq.pi) theta(i)=0.99d0*pi
68         x(i-2+nphi)=theta(i)
69       enddo
70       return
71       end
72 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
73       logical function convert_side(alphi,omegi)
74       implicit none
75       double precision alphi,omegi
76       double precision pinorm
77       include 'COMMON.GEO'
78       convert_side=.false.
79 C Apply periodicity restrictions.
80       if ( then
81         alphi=dwapi-alphi
82         omegi=pinorm(omegi+pi)
83         convert_side=.true.
84       endif
85       return
86       end
87 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
88       logical function reduce(x)
89 C
90 C Apply periodic restrictions to variables.
91 C
92       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
93       include 'DIMENSIONS'
94       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
95       include 'COMMON.VAR'
96       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
97       include 'COMMON.GEO'
98       logical zm,zmiana,convert_side
99       dimension x(maxvar)
100       zmiana=.false.
101       do i=4,nres
102         x(i-3)=pinorm(x(i-3))
103       enddo
104       if ( then
105         do i=1,nside
106           ii=nphi+ntheta+i
107           iii=ii+nside
108           x(ii)=thetnorm(x(ii))
109           x(iii)=pinorm(x(iii))
110 C Apply periodic restrictions.
111           zm=convert_side(x(ii),x(iii))
113         enddo      
114       endif
115       if (nvar.eq.nphi) return
116       do i=3,nres
117         ii=i-2+nphi
118         iii=i-3
119         x(ii)=dmod(x(ii),dwapi)
120 C Apply periodic restrictions.
121         if (x(ii).gt.pi) then
122           zmiana=.true.
123           x(ii)=dwapi-x(ii)
124           if ( x(iii)=pinorm(x(iii)+pi)
125           if ( x(iii+1)=pinorm(x(iii+1)+pi)
126           ii=ialph(i-1,1)
127           if ( then
128             x(ii)=dmod(pi-x(ii),dwapi)
129             x(ii+nside)=pinorm(-x(ii+nside))
130             zm=convert_side(x(ii),x(ii+nside))
131           endif
132         else if (x(ii).lt.-pi) then
133           zmiana=.true.
134           x(ii)=dwapi+x(ii)
135           ii=ialph(i-1,1)
136           if ( then
137             x(ii)=dmod(pi-x(ii),dwapi)
138             x(ii+nside)=pinorm(-pi-x(ii+nside))
139             zm=convert_side(x(ii),x(ii+nside))
140           endif
141         else if (x(ii).lt.0.0d0) then
142           zmiana=.true.
143           x(ii)=-x(ii)
144           if ( x(iii)=pinorm(x(iii)+pi)
145           if ( x(iii+1)=pinorm(x(iii+1)+pi)
146           ii=ialph(i-1,1)
147           if ( then
148             x(ii+nside)=pinorm(-x(ii+nside))
149             zm=convert_side(x(ii),x(ii+nside))
150           endif
151         endif 
152       enddo
153       reduce=zmiana
154       return
155       end
156 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------
157       double precision function thetnorm(x)
158 C This function puts x within [0,0.9999*Pi].
159       implicit none
160       double precision x,xx
161       include 'COMMON.GEO'
162       xx=dmod(x,dwapi)
163       if ( then
164         xx=xx+dwapi
165       else if ( then
166         xx=-xx
167       else if ( then
168         xx=dwapi-xx
169       endif
170       if (*pi) xx=0.9999d0*pi
171       thetnorm=xx
172       return
173       end