cluster & wham update
[unres.git] / source / maxlik / src_MD_T_maxlik-NEWCORR / qwolynes.f
1 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2       double precision function qwolynes(ilevel,jfrag,ib,iprot)
3       implicit none
4       include 'DIMENSIONS'
5       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
6       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
7       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
8       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
9       include 'COMMON.CHAIN' 
10       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
11       include 'COMMON.VAR'
12       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
13       include 'COMMON.CONTACTS1'
14       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
15       include 'COMMON.CLASSES'
16       integer ilevel,jfrag,ib,iprot
17       integer i,j,jl,k,l,il,kl,nl,np,ip,kp
18       integer nsep /3/
19       double precision dist
20       double precision qq,qqij,qqijCM,dij,d0ij,dijCM,d0ijCM
21       logical lprn /.false./
22       double precision sigm,x
23       sigm(x)=0.25d0*x
24       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "QWolyes: iprot",iprot," ib",ib,
25      &      " jfrag",jfrag," ilevel",ilevel
26       qq = 0.0d0
27       if (ilevel.eq.0) then
28         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Q computed for whole molecule"
29         nl=0
30         do il=nnt+nsep,nct
31           do jl=nnt,il-nsep
32             dij=0.0d0
33             dijCM=0.0d0
34             d0ij=0.0d0
35             d0ijCM=0.0d0
36             qqij=0.0d0
37             qqijCM=0.0d0
38             nl=nl+1
39             d0ij=dsqrt((cref(1,jl,iprot)-cref(1,il,iprot))**2+
40      &                 (cref(2,jl,iprot)-cref(2,il,iprot))**2+
41      &                 (cref(3,jl,iprot)-cref(3,il,iprot))**2)
42             dij=dist(il,jl)
43             qqij = dexp(-0.5d0*((dij-d0ij)/(sigm(d0ij)))**2)
44             if (itype(il).ne.10 .or. itype(jl).ne.10) then
45               nl=nl+1
46               d0ijCM=dsqrt(
47      &               (cref(1,jl+nres,iprot)-cref(1,il+nres,iprot))**2+
48      &               (cref(2,jl+nres,iprot)-cref(2,il+nres,iprot))**2+
49      &               (cref(3,jl+nres,iprot)-cref(3,il+nres,iprot))**2)
50               dijCM=dist(il+nres,jl+nres)
51               qqijCM = dexp(-0.5d0*((dijCM-d0ijCM)/(sigm(d0ijCM)))**2)
52             endif
53             qq = qq+qqij+qqijCM
54 c            if (lprn) then
55 c              write (iout,*) "il",il," jl",jl,
56 c     &         " itype",itype(il),itype(jl)
57 c              write (iout,*)"d0ij",d0ij," dij",dij," d0ijCM",d0ijCM,
58 c     &         " dijCM",dijCM," qqij",qqij," qqijCM",qqijCM
59 c            endif
60           enddo
61         enddo
62         qq = qq/nl
63         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "nl",nl," qq",qq
64       else if (ilevel.eq.1) then
65         if (lprn) then
66           write (iout,*) "Level",ilevel," fragment",jfrag
67           write (iout,*) "nlist_frag",nlist_frag(jfrag,ib,iprot),
68      &      " list_frag",(list_frag(j,jfrag,ib,iprot),
69      &      j=1,nlist_frag(jfrag,ib,iprot))
70         endif
71         nl=0
72         do i=2,nlist_frag(jfrag,ib,iprot)
73           do j=1,i-1
74             il=list_frag(i,jfrag,ib,iprot)
75             jl=list_frag(j,jfrag,ib,iprot)
76             if (iabs(il-jl).gt.nsep) then
77               dij=0.0d0
78               dijCM=0.0d0
79               d0ij=0.0d0
80               d0ijCM=0.0d0
81               qqij=0.0d0
82               qqijCM=0.0d0
83               nl=nl+1
84               d0ij=dsqrt((cref(1,jl,iprot)-cref(1,il,iprot))**2+
85      &                   (cref(2,jl,iprot)-cref(2,il,iprot))**2+
86      &                   (cref(3,jl,iprot)-cref(3,il,iprot))**2)
87               dij=dist(il,jl)
88               qqij = dexp(-0.5d0*((dij-d0ij)/(sigm(d0ij)))**2)
89               if (itype(il).ne.10 .or. itype(jl).ne.10) then
90                 nl=nl+1
91                 d0ijCM=dsqrt(
92      &                 (cref(1,jl+nres,iprot)-cref(1,il+nres,iprot))**2+
93      &                 (cref(2,jl+nres,iprot)-cref(2,il+nres,iprot))**2+
94      &                 (cref(3,jl+nres,iprot)-cref(3,il+nres,iprot))**2)
95                 dijCM=dist(il+nres,jl+nres)
96                qqijCM = dexp(-0.5d0*((dijCM-d0ijCM)/(sigm(d0ijCM)))**2)
97               endif
98               qq = qq+qqij+qqijCM
99 c              if (lprn) then
100 c                write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," il",il," jl",jl,
101 c     &           " itype",itype(il),itype(jl)
102 c                write (iout,*)"d0ij",d0ij," dij",dij," d0ijCM",d0ijCM,
103 c     &           " dijCM",dijCM," qqij",qqij," qqijCM",qqijCM
104 c              endif
105             endif
106           enddo
107         enddo
108         qq = qq/nl
109         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "nl",nl," qq",qq
110       else if (ilevel.eq.2) then
111         np=npiece(jfrag,ilevel,ib,iprot)
112         nl=0
113         if (lprn) then
114           write (iout,*) "npiece",npiece(jfrag,ilevel,ib,iprot),
115      &     " ipiece",(ipiece(i,jfrag,ilevel,ib,iprot),
116      &       i=1,npiece(jfrag,ilevel,ib,iprot))
117         endif
118         do i=2,np
119           ip=ipiece(i,jfrag,ilevel,ib,iprot)
120           do j=1,nlist_frag(ip,ib,iprot) 
121             il=list_frag(j,ip,ib,iprot)
122             do k=1,i-1 
123               kp=ipiece(k,jfrag,ilevel,ib,iprot)
124               do l=1,nlist_frag(kp,ib,iprot)
125                 kl=list_frag(l,kp,ib,iprot)
126                 if (iabs(kl-il).gt.nsep) then 
127                   nl=nl+1
128                   dij=0.0d0
129                   dijCM=0.0d0
130                   d0ij=0.0d0
131                   d0ijCM=0.0d0
132                   qqij=0.0d0
133                   qqijCM=0.0d0
134                   d0ij=dsqrt((cref(1,kl,iprot)-cref(1,il,iprot))**2+
135      &                       (cref(2,kl,iprot)-cref(2,il,iprot))**2+
136      &                       (cref(3,kl,iprot)-cref(3,il,iprot))**2)
137                   dij=dist(il,kl)
138                   qqij = dexp(-0.5d0*((dij-d0ij)/(sigm(d0ij)))**2)
139                   if (itype(il).ne.10 .or. itype(kl).ne.10) then
140                     nl=nl+1
141                     d0ijCM=dsqrt(
142      &                 (cref(1,kl+nres,iprot)-cref(1,il+nres,iprot))**2+
143      &                 (cref(2,kl+nres,iprot)-cref(2,il+nres,iprot))**2+
144      &                 (cref(3,kl+nres,iprot)-cref(3,il+nres,iprot))**2)
145                     dijCM=dist(il+nres,kl+nres)
146                     qqijCM = dexp(-0.5d0*((dijCM-d0ijCM)/
147      &                (sigm(d0ijCM)))**2)
148                   endif
149                   qq = qq+qqij+qqijCM
150 c                  if (lprn) then
151 c                    write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," k",k," l",l," il",il,
152 c     &                " kl",kl," itype",itype(il),itype(kl)
153 c                    write (iout,*) " d0ij",d0ij," dij",dij," d0ijCM",
154 c     &              d0ijCM," dijCM",dijCM," qqij",qqij," qqijCM",qqijCM
155 c                  endif
156                 endif
157               enddo  ! l
158             enddo    ! k
159           enddo      ! j
160         enddo        ! i
161         qq = qq/nl
162         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "nl",nl," qq",qq
163       else
164         write (iout,*)"Error: Q can be computed only for level 1 and 2."
165       endif
166       qwolynes=1.0d0-qq
167       return
168       end