cluster & wham update
[unres.git] / source / maxlik / src_FPy / define_pairs.F
1       subroutine define_pairs(iprot)
2       implicit none
3       include 'DIMENSIONS'
4       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
5       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
6       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
7       include 'COMMON.TIME1'
8       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
9       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
10       include 'COMMON.FRAG'
11       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
12       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
13       include 'COMMON.GEO'
14       include 'COMMON.CONTACTS1'
15       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
16       include 'COMMON.CLASSES'
17       integer i,j,k,ind,ll1,ll2,len_cut,length_frag,ib,iprot,icant
18 #ifdef DEBUG
19       write (iout,*) "define_pairs: iprot",iprot," nfrag",nfrag(1,iprot)
20 #endif
21       do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
22       do j=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
23         length_frag = 0
24         do k=1,npiece(j,1,ib,iprot)
25           length_frag=length_frag+ifrag(2,k,j,ib,iprot)
26      &      -ifrag(1,k,j,ib,iprot)+1
27         enddo
28         len_frag(j,1,ib,iprot)=length_frag
29 #ifdef DEBUG
30         write (iout,*) "Batch",ib," fragment",j,
31      &    " length",len_frag(j,1,ib,iprot)
32 #endif
33       enddo
34       enddo
35       nfrag(2,iprot)=0
36       do i=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
37         do j=i+1,nfrag(1,iprot)
38           ind = icant(i,j)
39           if (istruct(i,1,iprot).le.1 .or. istruct(j,1,iprot).le.1) 
40      &    then
41             if (istruct(i,1,iprot).le.1) then
42               ll1=len_frag(i,1,1,iprot)
43             else
44               ll1=len_frag(i,1,1,iprot)/2
45             endif
46             if (istruct(j,1,iprot).le.1) then
47               ll2=len_frag(j,1,1,iprot)
48             else
49               ll2=len_frag(j,1,1,iprot)/2
50             endif
51             len_cut=max0(min0(ll1*2/3,ll2*4/5),3)
52           else
53             if (istruct(i,1,iprot).eq.2.or.istruct(i,1,iprot).eq.4) 
54      &      then
55               ll1=len_frag(i,1,1,iprot)/2
56             else
57               ll1=len_frag(i,1,1,iprot) 
58             endif
59             if (istruct(j,1,iprot).eq.2 .or. istruct(j,1,iprot).eq.4) 
60      &      then
61               ll2=len_frag(j,1,1,iprot)/2
62             else
63               ll2=len_frag(j,1,1,iprot) 
64             endif
65             len_cut=max0(min0(ll1*4/5,ll2)*4/5,3)
66           endif
67 #ifdef DEBUG
68           write (iout,*) "Fragments",i,j," structure",
69      &       istruct(i,1,iprot),
70      &       istruct(j,1,iprot)," # contacts",
71      &       ncont_frag_ref(ind,1,iprot),
72      &       nsccont_frag_ref(ind,1,iprot),
73      &       " lengths",len_frag(i,1,1,iprot),len_frag(j,1,1,iprot),
74      &       " ll1",ll1," ll2",ll2," len_cut",len_cut
75 #endif
76           if ((istruct(i,1,iprot).eq.1 .or. istruct(j,1,iprot).eq.1) 
77      &        .and.nsccont_frag_ref(ind,1,iprot).ge.len_cut) then
78             if(istruct(i,1,iprot).eq.1 .and. istruct(j,1,iprot).eq.1) 
79      &      then
80               write (iout,*) "Adding pair of helices",i,j,
81      &        " based on SC contacts"
82             else
83               write (iout,*) "Adding helix+strand/sheet pair",i,j,
84      &        " based on SC contacts"
85             endif
86             nfrag(2,iprot)=nfrag(2,iprot)+1
87             do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
88 #ifdef DEBUG
89             write (iout,*) "Batch",ib
90 #endif
91             if (icont_pair(ib).gt.0 .and. icontp_pair(ib).eq.0) then
92 #ifdef DEBUG
93               write (iout,*)  "# SC contacts will be used",
94      &        " in comparison."
95 #endif
96               isccont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=1
97               ielecont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=0
98             else if (icontp_pair(ib).gt.0) then
99 #ifdef DEBUG
100               write (iout,*)  "# pp contacts will be used",
101      &        " in comparison."
102 #endif
103               ielecont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=1
104               isccont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=0
105             else
106               ielecont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=0
107               isccont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=0
108             endif
109             if (irms_pair(ib).gt.0) then
110 #ifdef DEBUG
111               write (iout,*)  "Fragment RMSD will be used",
112      &        " in comparison."
113 #endif
114               irms(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=1
115             endif
116             if (iqwol_pair(ib).gt.0) then
117 #ifdef DEBUG
118               write (iout,*)  "Fragment Q will be used",
119      &        " in comparison."
120 #endif
121               iqwol(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=1
122               qcutfrag(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=qcut_pair(ib)
123             endif
124             npiece(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=2
125             ipiece(1,nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=i
126             ipiece(2,nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=j
127             n_shift(1,nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=nshift_pair(ib)
128             n_shift(2,nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=nshift_pair(ib)
129             nc_fragm(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=ncfrac_pair(ib)
130             nc_req_setf(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=ncreq_pair(ib)
131             enddo
132           else if ((istruct(i,1,iprot).ge.2 
133      &       .and. istruct(i,1,iprot).le.4)
134      &       .and. (istruct(j,1,iprot).ge.2 
135      &       .and. istruct(i,1,iprot).le.4)
136      &       .and. ncont_frag_ref(ind,1,iprot).ge.len_cut ) then
137             nfrag(2,iprot)=nfrag(2,iprot)+1
138             write (iout,*) "Adding pair strands/sheets",i,j,
139      &        " based on pp contacts"
140             do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
141 #ifdef DEBUG
142             write (iout,*) "Batch",ib
143 #endif
144             if (icont_pair(ib).gt.0 .and. icontsc_pair(ib).eq.0) then
145 #ifdef DEBUG
146               write (iout,*) "# pp contacts will be used",
147      &        " in comparison."
148 #endif
149               ielecont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=1
150               isccont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=0
151             else if (icontsc_pair(ib).eq.1) then
152 #ifdef DEBUG
153               write (iout,*) "# sc contacts will be used",
154      &        " in comparison."
155 #endif
156               ielecont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=0
157               isccont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=1
158               write (iout,*) nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot,
159      &          isccont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)
160             else
161               ielecont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=0
162               isccont(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=0
163             endif
164             if (irms_pair(ib).gt.0) then
165 #ifdef DEBUG
166               write (iout,*)  "Fragment RMSD will be used",
167      &        " in comparison."
168 #endif
169               irms(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=1
170             else
171               irms(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=0
172             endif
173             if (iqwol_pair(ib).gt.0) then
174 #ifdef DEBUG
175               write (iout,*)  "Fragment Q will be used",
176      &        " in comparison."
177 #endif
178               iqwol(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=1
179               qcutfrag(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=qcut_pair(ib)
180             endif
181             npiece(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=2
182             ipiece(1,nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=i
183             ipiece(2,nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=j
184             n_shift(1,nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=nshift_pair(ib)
185             n_shift(2,nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=nshift_pair(ib)
186             nc_fragm(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=ncfrac_bet(ib)
187             nc_req_setf(nfrag(2,iprot),2,ib,iprot)=ncreq_bet(ib)
188             enddo
189           endif
190         enddo
191       enddo
192 #ifdef DEBUG
193       write (iout,*) "Pairs found"
194       do i=1,nfrag(2,iprot)
195         write (iout,*) ipiece(1,i,2,1,iprot),ipiece(2,i,2,1,iprot)
196       enddo
197       write (iout,*) "ielecont"
198       do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
199         write (iout,*) "structural level",ib
200         do i=1,iabs(nlevel(iprot))
201           write (iout,*) "Level",i
202           write (iout,*) (ielecont(j,i,ib,iprot),j=1,nfrag(i,iprot))
203         enddo
204       enddo
205       write (iout,*) "isccont"
206       do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
207         write (iout,*) "structural level",ib
208         do i=1,iabs(nlevel(iprot))
209           write (iout,*) "Level",i
210           write (iout,*) (isccont(j,i,ib,iprot),j=1,nfrag(i,iprot))
211         enddo
212       enddo
213 #endif
214       return
215       end