cluster & wham update
[unres.git] / source / maxlik / src_FPy / conf_compar.F
1       subroutine conf_compar(jcon,ib,iprot,nn,iscor,sbin,lprn)
2       implicit none
3       include 'DIMENSIONS'
4       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
5 #ifdef MPI
6       include "mpif.h"
7       integer IERROR,ERRCODE,kolor,key,comm
8       include "COMMON.MPI"
9 #endif
10       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
11       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
12       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
13       include 'COMMON.CHAIN' 
14       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
15       include 'COMMON.VAR'
16       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
17       include 'COMMON.CONTACTS1'
18       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
19       include 'COMMON.CLASSES'
20       include 'COMMON.GEO'
21       include 'COMMON.ENERGIES'
22       logical lprn,lprn1,lprn2,lsig_match
23       integer ncont_frag(mmaxfrag),
24      & icont_frag(2,maxcont,mmaxfrag),ncontsc,
25      & icontsc(1,maxcont),nsccont_frag(mmaxfrag),
26      & isccont_frag(2,maxcont,mmaxfrag)
27       integer jcon,ib,iprot,iscor,nn,lat
28       integer i,j,k,ik,kk,ind,icant,ncnat,nsec_match,nsec_nomatch,
29      &  ishif1,ishif2,
30      &  nc_match,ncon_match,ishif,iclass_con,ishifft_con,iclass_rms,
31      &  iclass_q,ishifft_rms,ishiff,idig,iex,im
32       integer isecstr(maxres)
33       integer itemp(maxfrag)
34       double precision rmscalc,rms,rmsnat,qwolynes
35       double precision sig_frag(maxfrag)
36       character*4 liczba
37       character*64 sbin
38       lprn1=lprn .and. print_contact
39       lprn2=lprn .and. print_secondary
40 c      print *,"Enter conf_compar",jcon
41       call angnorm12(rmsang,iprot)
42       rmsang=rmsang*rad2deg
43 c      if (lprn) then
44 c        write (liczba,'(bz,i4.4)') jcon
45 c        open(ipdb,file=prefintin(:ilen(prefintin))//liczba//".pdb")
46 c        call pdbout(energy(jcon),titel)
47 c        write(iout,*) "Protein",iprot," conformation",jcon,
48 c     &    " nlevel",nlevel(iprot)
49 c      endif
50 c      if (lprn) then
51 c        write (iout,*) "CONF_COMPAR: Complete reference structure"
52 c        do i=1,nres
53 c          write(iout,'(i4,3f10.5)') i,(cref(j,i,iprot),j=1,3)
54 c        enddo
55 c      endif
56 c Level 1: check secondary and supersecondary structure
57       call elecont(lprn2,ncont,icont,nnt,nct)
58       call secondary2(lprn1,.false.,ncont,icont,isecstr,iprot)
59       call contact(lprn2,ncontsc,icontsc,nnt,nct)
60       if (lprn) write(iout,*) "Assigning electrostatic contacts"
61       call contacts_between_fragments(lprn,3,ncont,icont,ncont_frag,
62      &   icont_frag,mask_p(1,ib,iprot),ib,iprot)
63       if (lprn) write(iout,*) "Assigning sidechain contacts"
64       call contacts_between_fragments(lprn,3,ncontsc,icontsc,
65      &   nsccont_frag,isccont_frag,mask_sc(1,ib,iprot),ib,iprot)
66       do i=1,nlevel(iprot)
67         do j=1,isnfrag(nlevel(iprot)+1,iprot)
68           iclass1(j,i)=0
69         enddo
70       enddo
71       do j=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
72         ind = icant(j,j)
73         if (lprn) then
74           write (iout,'(80(1h=))') 
75           write (iout,*) "Level",1," fragment",j
76           write (iout,'(80(1h=))') 
77         endif
78         rmsfrag(j,1)=rmscalc(0,1,j,jcon,ib,iprot,lprn)
79 c Compare electrostatic contacts in the current conf with that in the native
80 c structure.
81         if (lprn) write (iout,*) 
82      &    "Comparing electrostatic contact map and local structure",
83      &    " conformation",jcon," protein",iprot 
84         ncnat=ncont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot)
85 c        write (iout,*) "before match_contact:",nc_fragm(j,1,ib,iprot),
86 c     &   nc_req_setf(j,1,ib,iprot)
87         call match_secondary(j,isecstr,nsec_match,nsec_nomatch,
88      &    sig_frag(j),ib,iprot,lprn)
89         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Fragment",j," nsec_match",
90      &    nsec_match," nsec_nomatch",nsec_nomatch,
91      &    " length",len_frag(j,1,ib,iprot)," min_len",
92      &    frac_sec(ib,iprot)*len_frag(j,1,ib,iprot)," sig_frag",
93      &     sig_frag(j)
94         if (,iprot)*len_frag(j,1,ib,iprot)) 
95      &  then
96           iclass1(j,1)=1
97           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Fragment",j,
98      &      " has correct secondary structure"
99         else if (
100      &      frac_sec(ib,iprot)*len_frag(j,1,ib,iprot)/2) then
101           iclass1(j,1)=4
102           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Fragment",j,
103      &      " has wrong secondary structure"
104         else
105           iclass1(j,1)=0
106           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Fragment",j,
107      &      " has grossly incorrect secondary structure"
108         endif
109         if (ielecont(j,1,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
110           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
111      &     ncont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot),
112      &     icont_frag_ref(1,1,ind,ib,iprot),
113      &     ncont_frag(ind),icont_frag(1,1,ind),
114      &     j,n_shift(1,j,1,ib,iprot),n_shift(2,j,1,ib,iprot),
115      &     nc_fragm(j,1,ib,iprot),nc_req_setf(j,1,ib,iprot),
116      &     istruct(j,ib,iprot),.true.,ib,iprot,lprn)
117         else if (isccont(j,1,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
118           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
119      &      nsccont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot),
120      &      isccont_frag_ref(1,1,ind,ib,iprot),
121      &      nsccont_frag(ind),isccont_frag(1,1,ind),j,
122      &      n_shift(1,j,1,ib,iprot),n_shift(2,j,1,ib,iprot),
123      &      nc_fragm(j,1,ib,iprot),
124      &      nc_req_setf(j,1,ib,iprot),istruct(j,ib,iprot),.true.,ib,
125      &      iprot,lprn)
126         else if (iloc(j,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
127           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
128      &      0,icont_frag_ref(1,1,ind,ib,iprot),ncont_frag(ind),
129      &      icont_frag(1,1,ind),j,n_shift(1,j,1,ib,iprot),
130      &      n_shift(2,j,1,ib,iprot),nc_fragm(j,1,ib,iprot),
131      &      0,istruct(j,ib,iprot),.true.,ib,iprot,lprn)
132         else
133           ishif=0
134           nc_match=1
135         endif
136         qfrag(j,1)=qwolynes(1,j,ib,iprot)
137         if (iqwol(j,1,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
138           if (qfrag(j,1).le.qcutfrag(j,1,ib,iprot)) then
139             iclass_q = 2
140           else
141             iclass_q = 0
142           endif
143         else
144           iclass_q = 2
145         endif
146         lsig_match=isig_match(j,ib,iprot).eq.0 .or. sig_frag(j).gt.0.0d0
147         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "ishif1",ishif1," ishif2",ishif2
148         ishif=ishif1
149         if (iabs(ishif2).gt.iabs(ishif1)) ishif=ishif2
150         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Ishift",ishif," nc_match",nc_match
151 c        write (iout,*) iprot,j," irms",irms(j,1,ib,iprot)
152         if (irms(j,1,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
153           if (rmsfrag(j,1).le.rmscutfrag(1,j,1,ib,iprot)) then
154             iclass_rms=2
155             ishifft_rms=0
156           else
157             ishiff=0
158             rms=1.0d2
159             iclass_rms=0
160             do while (,j,1,ib,iprot) .and.
161      &,j,1,ib,iprot))
162               ishiff=ishiff+1
163               rms=rmscalc(-ishiff,1,j,jcon,ib,iprot,lprn)
164 c              write(iout,*)"jcon,i,j,ishiff",jcon,i,j,-ishiff,
165 c     &          " rms",rms," rmscut",rmscutfrag(1,j,1,ib,iprot)
166               if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rmsfrag(j,1)
167               if (,j,1,ib,iprot)) then
168                 rms=rmscalc(ishiff,1,j,jcon,ib,iprot,lprn)
169 c                write (iout,*) "jcon,1,j,ishiff",jcon,1,j,ishiff,
170 c     &           " rms",rms
171               endif
172               if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rmsfrag(j,1)
173             enddo
174 c            write (iout,*) "After loop: rms",rms,
175 c     &        " rmscut",rmscutfrag(1,j,1,ib,iprot)
176 c            write (iout,*) "iclass_rms",iclass_rms
177             if (rms.le.rmscutfrag(1,j,1,ib,iprot)) then
178               ishifft_rms=ishiff
179               rmsfrag(j,1)=rms
180               iclass_rms=1
181             endif
182 c            write (iout,*) "iclass_rms",iclass_rms
183           endif
184 c          write (iout,*) "ishif",ishif
185           if (iabs(ishifft_rms).gt.iabs(ishif)) ishif=ishifft_rms
186         else
187           iclass_rms=1
188         endif
189 c        write (iout,*) "ishif",ishif," iclass",iclass1(j,1),
190 c     &    " iclass_rms",iclass_rms
191         if (iclass1(j,1).ne.4 .and. .and. 
192      & .and. .and. lsig_match) then
193           if (ishif.eq.0) then
194             iclass1(j,1)=iclass1(j,1)+6
195           else
196             iclass1(j,1)=iclass1(j,1)+2
197           endif
198         endif
199         ncont_nat(1,j,1)=nc_match
200         ncont_nat(2,j,1)=ncon_match
201         ishifft(j,1)=ishif
202       enddo
203 c Next levels: Check arrangements of elementary fragments.
204       do i=2,nlevel(iprot)
205         do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
206         if (i .eq. 2) ind = icant(ipiece(1,j,i,ib,iprot),
207      &    ipiece(2,j,i,ib,iprot))
208         if (lprn) then
209             write (iout,'(80(1h=))') 
210             write (iout,*) "Level",i," fragment",j
211             write (iout,'(80(1h=))') 
212         endif
213 c If an elementary fragment doesn't exist, don't check higher hierarchy levels.
214 c 3/4/03 AL No, we consider the existence of a composite fragment even if
215 c the corresponding elementary fragments are incomplete.
216 c
217 c        do k=1,npiece(j,i,ib,iprot)
218 c          ik=ipiece(k,j,i,ib,iprot)
219 c          if (iclass1(ik,1).eq.0) then
220 c            iclass1(j,i)=0
221 c            goto 12
222 c          endif
223 c        enddo
224         if (i.eq.2 .and. ielecont(j,i,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
225           iclass_con=0
226           ishifft_con=0
227           if (lprn) write (iout,*) 
228      &     "Comparing electrostatic contact map: fragments",
229      &      ipiece(1,j,i,ib,iprot),ipiece(2,j,i,ib,iprot)," ind",ind
230           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
231      &     ncont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot),
232      &     icont_frag_ref(1,1,ind,ib,iprot),
233      &     ncont_frag(ind),icont_frag(1,1,ind),
234      &     j,n_shift(1,j,i,ib,iprot),n_shift(2,j,i,ib,iprot),
235      &     nc_fragm(j,i,ib,iprot),
236      &     nc_req_setf(j,i,ib,iprot),2,.false.,ib,iprot,lprn)
237           ishif=ishif1
238           if (iabs(ishif2).gt.iabs(ishif1)) ishif=ishif2
239           if ( then
240             if (ishif.eq.0) then
241               iclass_con=2
242             else
243               iclass_con=1
244             endif
245           endif
246           ncont_nat(1,j,i)=nc_match
247           ncont_nat(2,j,i)=ncon_match
248           ishifft_con=ishif
249         else if (i.eq.2 .and. isccont(j,i,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
250           iclass_con=0
251           ishifft_con=0
252           if (lprn) write (iout,*) 
253      &     "Comparing sidechain contact map: fragments",
254      &    ipiece(1,j,i,ib,iprot),ipiece(2,j,i,ib,iprot)," ind",ind
255           call match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,ncon_match,
256      &     nsccont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot),
257      &     isccont_frag_ref(1,1,ind,ib,iprot),
258      &     nsccont_frag(ind),isccont_frag(1,1,ind),
259      &     j,n_shift(1,j,i,ib,iprot),n_shift(2,j,i,ib,iprot),
260      &     nc_fragm(j,i,ib,iprot),
261      &     nc_req_setf(j,i,ib,iprot),2,.false.,ib,iprot,lprn)
262           ishif=ishif1
263           if (iabs(ishif2).gt.iabs(ishif1)) ishif=ishif2
264           if ( then
265             if (ishif.eq.0) then
266               iclass_con=2
267             else
268               iclass_con=1
269             endif
270           endif
271           ncont_nat(1,j,i)=nc_match
272           ncont_nat(2,j,i)=ncon_match
273           ishifft_con=ishif
274         else if (i.eq.2) then
275           iclass_con=2 
276           ishifft_con=0
277         endif
278         if (i.eq.2) then
279           qfrag(j,2)=qwolynes(2,j,ib,iprot)
280           if (iqwol(j,i,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
281             if (qfrag(j,2).le.qcutfrag(j,2,ib,iprot)) then
282               iclass_q = 2
283             else
284               iclass_q = 0
285             endif
286           else
287             iclass_q = 2
288           endif
289         else
290           iclass_q = 2
291         endif
292         if (irms(j,i,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
293           iclass_rms=0
294           ishifft_rms=0
295           if (lprn) write (iout,*) 
296      &     "Comparing rms: fragments",
297      &     (ipiece(k,j,i,ib,iprot),k=1,npiece(j,i,ib,iprot))
298           rmsfrag(j,i)=rmscalc(0,i,j,jcon,ib,iprot,lprn)
299           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rmsfrag(j,i),
300      &      " rmscut",rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot)
301           if (rmsfrag(j,i).le.rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot)) then
302             iclass_rms=2
303             ishifft_rms=0
304           else
305             ishif=0
306             rms=1.0d2
307             do while (,j,i,ib,iprot) .and. 
308      &,j,i,ib,iprot))
309               ishif=ishif+1
310               rms=rmscalc(-ishif,i,j,jcon,ib,iprot,lprn)
311               if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rms,
312      &          " rmscut",rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot)
313 c              print *,"jcon,i,j,ishif",jcon,i,j,-ishif," rms",rms
314               if (,j,i,ib,iprot)) then
315                 rms=rmscalc(ishif,i,j,jcon,ib,iprot,lprn)
316 c                print *,"jcon,i,j,ishif",jcon,i,j,ishif," rms",rms
317               endif
318               if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rms",rms,
319      &          " rmscut",rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot)
320             enddo
321             if (rms.le.rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot)) then
322               ishifft_rms=ishif
323               rmsfrag(j,i)=rms
324               iclass_rms=1
325             endif
326           endif
327         endif
328         if (irms(j,i,ib,iprot).eq.0 .and. ielecont(j,i,ib,iprot).eq.0 
329      &    .and. isccont(j,i,ib,iprot).eq.0 
330      &    .and. iqwol(j,i,ib,iprot).eq.0) then
331           write (iout,*) "Error: no measure of comparison specified:",
332      &      " level",i," part",j
333           stop
334         endif
335         if (lprn) 
336      &  write (iout,*) "iclass_con",iclass_con," iclass_rms",iclass_rms
337         if (i.eq.2) then
338           iclass1(j,i) = min0(iclass_con,iclass_rms,iclass_q)
339           ishifft(j,i)= max0(ishifft_con,ishifft_rms)
340         else if ( then
341           iclass1(j,i) = iclass_rms
342           ishifft(j,i)= ishifft_rms
343         endif
344    12   continue
345         enddo
346       enddo
347       rms_nat=rmsnat(jcon,iprot)
348       qnat=qwolynes(0,0,ib,iprot)
349       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "rmsnat",rms_nat," qnat",qnat
350 C Compute the structural class
351       iscor=0
352       do i=1,nlevel(iprot)
353         IF (I.EQ.1) THEN
354         do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
355           itemp(j)=iclass1(j,i)
356         enddo
357         do kk=-1,1
358           do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
359             idig = 2*isnfrag(nlevel(iprot)+1,iprot)-2*isnfrag(i,iprot)
360      &        -kk*nfrag(i,iprot)-j
361             iex = 2**idig
362             im=mod(itemp(j),2)
363             itemp(j)=itemp(j)/2
364 c            write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," idig",idig," iex",iex,
365 c     &        " iclass",iclass1(j,i)," im",im
366             if (.not.binary(iprot)) iscor=iscor+im*iex
367             write (sbin(nn-idig:nn-idig),'(i1)') im
368           enddo
369         enddo
370         ELSE
371         do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
372           idig = 2*isnfrag(nlevel(iprot)+1,iprot)-2*isnfrag(i,iprot)-j
373           iex = 2**idig
374           if (iclass1(j,i).gt.0) then
375             im=1
376           else
377             im=0
378           endif
379 c          write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," idig",idig," iex",iex,
380 c     &      " iclass",iclass1(j,i)," im",im
381           if (.not. binary(iprot)) iscor=iscor+im*iex
382           write (sbin(nn-idig:nn-idig),'(i1)') im
383         enddo
384         do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
385           idig = 2*isnfrag(nlevel(iprot)+1,iprot)-2*isnfrag(i,iprot)
386      &      -nfrag(i,iprot)-j
387           iex = 2**idig
388           if (iclass1(j,i).gt.1) then
389             im=1
390           else
391             im=0
392           endif
393 c          write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," idig",idig," iex",iex,
394 c     &      " iclass",iclass1(j,i)," im",im
395           write (sbin(nn-idig:nn-idig),'(i1)') im
396           if (.not. binary(iprot)) iscor=iscor+im*iex
397         enddo
398         ENDIF
399       enddo
400       if (lprn) then
401       write (iout,'(i5,$)') jcon
402       do i=1,nlevel(iprot)
403         write (iout,'(i5,$)') i
404         if (i.eq.1) then
405         do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
406           write (iout,'(2i4,f6.2,i3,$)') ncont_nat(1,j,i),
407      &     ncont_nat(2,j,i),rmsfrag(j,i),ishifft(j,i)
408         enddo
409         else
410         do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
411           write (iout,'(f6.2,i3,$)') rmsfrag(j,i),ishifft(j,i)
412         enddo
413         endif
414         write (iout,'(" ",$)')
415         do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
416           write (iout,'(i1,$)') iclass1(j,i)
417         enddo
418       enddo
419       if (binary(iprot)) then
420         write (iout,'("  ",$)')
421         do j=1,nlevel(iprot)
422           write (iout,'(100(i1,$))')(iclass1(k,j),k=1,
423      &      nfrag(j,iprot),iprot)
424           if ( write(iout,'(".",$)')
425         enddo
426         write (iout,'(f6.2)') rms_nat
427       else
428         write (iout,'(i10,f6.2)') iscor,rms_nat
429       endif
430       endif 
432       if (print_class) then
433           write(istat,'(i5,2f10.2,f8.3,2f6.3,$)') 
434      &      jcon,eini(jcon,iprot),entfac(jcon,iprot),
435      &      rms_nat,qnat,rmsang/(nct-nnt-2)
436           do j=1,nlevel(iprot)
437             write(istat,'(1x,20(i3,$))')
438      &        (ncont_nat(1,k,j),k=1,nfrag(j,iprot))
439             if (j.eq.1) write (istat,'(1x,f4.1,$)') 
440      &        (sig_frag(k),k=1,nfrag(j,iprot))
441             if ( then
442               write (istat,'(1x,20(f5.1,f5.2,$))')
443      &          (rmsfrag(k,j),qfrag(k,j),k=1,nfrag(j,iprot))
444             else
445               write(istat,'(1x,20(f5.1,$))')
446      &          (rmsfrag(k,j),k=1,nfrag(j,iprot))
447             endif
448             write(istat,'(1x,20(i1,$))')
449      &        (iclass1(k,j),k=1,nfrag(j,iprot))
450           enddo
451           if (binary(iprot)) then
452             write (istat,'("  ",$)')
453             do j=1,nlevel(iprot)
454               write (istat,'(100(i1,$))')(iclass1(k,j),
455      &           k=1,nfrag(j,iprot))
456               if ( write(istat,'(".",$)')
457             enddo
458             write (istat,'(i10,i3)') iscore(jcon,0,iprot),ib
459           else
460             write (istat,'(2i10,i3)') iscor,iscore(jcon,0,iprot),ib
461           endif
462       endif
463       RETURN
464       END