ctest cluster wham
[unres.git] / source / cluster / wham / src-M-SAXS-homology / TMscore.F
1 *************************************************************************
2 *     This program is to compare two protein structures and identify the 
3 *     best superposition that has the highest TM-score. Input structures 
4 *     must be in the PDB format. By default, TM-score is normalized by 
5 *     the second protein. Users can obtain a brief instruction by simply
6 *     running the program without arguments. For comments/suggestions,
7 *     please contact email: zhng@umich.edu.
8 *     
9 *     Reference: 
10 *     Yang Zhang, Jeffrey Skolnick, Proteins, 2004 57:702-10.
11 *     
12 *     Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this program for 
13 *     any purpose, with or without fee, is hereby granted, provided that
14 *     the notices on the head, the reference information, and this
15 *     copyright notice appear in all copies or substantial portions of 
16 *     the Software. It is provided "as is" without express or implied 
17 *     warranty.
18 ******************* Updating history ************************************
19 *     2005/10/19: the program was reformed so that the score values.
20 *                 are not dependent on the specific compilers.
21 *     2006/06/20: selected 'A' if there is altLoc when reading PDB file.
22 *     2007/02/05: fixed a bug with length<15 in TMscore_32.
23 *     2007/02/27: rotation matrix from Chain-1 to Chain-2 was added.
24 *     2007/12/06: GDT-HA score was added, fixed a bug for reading PDB.
25 *     2010/08/02: A new RMSD matrix was used and obsolete statement removed.
26 *     2011/01/03: The length of pdb file names were extended to 500.
27 *     2011/01/30: An open source license is attached to the program.
28 *     2012/05/07: Improved RMSD calculation subroutine which speeds up 
29 *                 TM-score program by 30%.
30 *     2012/06/05: Added option '-l L' which calculates TM-score (and maxsub
31 *                 and GDT scores) normalized by a specific length 'L'.
32 *************************************************************************
34 c      program TMscore
35       subroutine TMscore_sub(rmsd,gdt_ts,gdt_ha,tmscore,cfname,lprint)
36       include 'DIMENSIONS'
37       PARAMETER(nmax=5000)
38       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
39       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
40       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
41       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
43       real*8 rmsd,gdt_ts,gdt_ha,tmscore
44       common/stru/xt(nmax),yt(nmax),zt(nmax),xb(nmax),yb(nmax),zb(nmax)
45       common/nres/nresA(nmax),nresB(nmax),nseqA,nseqB
46       common/para/d,d0,d0_fix
47       common/align/n_ali,iA(nmax),iB(nmax)
48       common/nscore/i_ali(nmax),n_cut ![1,n_ali],align residues for the score
49       dimension k_ali(nmax),k_ali0(nmax)
51       character*500 fnam,pdb(100)!,outname
52       character*80 cfname
53       character*3 aa(-1:20),seqA(nmax),seqB(nmax)
54       character*500 s,du
55       character seq1A(nmax),seq1B(nmax),ali(nmax)
56       character sequenceA(nmax),sequenceB(nmax),sequenceM(nmax)
58       dimension L_ini(100),iq(nmax)
59       common/scores/score,score_maxsub,score_fix,score10
60       common/GDT/n_GDT05,n_GDT1,n_GDT2,n_GDT4,n_GDT8
61       double precision score,score_max,score_fix,score_fix_max
62       double precision score_maxsub,score10
63       dimension xa(nmax),ya(nmax),za(nmax)
65 ccc   RMSD:
66       double precision r_1(3,nmax),r_2(3,nmax),r_3(3,nmax),w(nmax)
67       double precision u(3,3),tt(3),rms,drms !armsd is real
68       data w /nmax*1.0/
69       integer ii,ipermmin,iperm
71       logical lprint
72 ccc   
74       data aa/ 'BCK','GLY','ALA','SER','CYS',
75      &     'VAL','THR','ILE','PRO','MET',
76      &     'ASP','ASN','LEU','LYS','GLU',
77      &     'GLN','ARG','HIS','PHE','TYR',
78      &     'TRP','CYX'/
79       character*1 slc(-1:20)
80       data slc/'X','G','A','S','C',
81      &     'V','T','I','P','M',
82      &     'D','N','L','K','E',
83      &     'Q','R','H','F','Y',
84      &     'W','C'/
86 *****instructions ----------------->
87 c      call getarg(1,fnam)
88 c      if(fnam.eq.' '.or.fnam.eq.'?'.or.fnam.eq.'-h')then
89 c         write(*,*)
90 c         write(*,*)'Brief instruction for running TM-score program:'
91 c         write(*,*)'(For detail: Zhang & Skolnick,  Proteins, 2004',
92 c     &        ' 57:702-10)'
93 c         write(*,*)
94 c         write(*,*)'1. Run TM-score to compare ''model'' and ',
95 c     &        '''native'':'
96 c         write(*,*)'   >TMscore model native'
97 c         write(*,*)
98 c         write(*,*)'2. TM-score normalized with an assigned scale d0',
99 c     &        ' e.g. 5 A:'
100 c         write(*,*)'   >TMscore model native -d 5'
101 c         write(*,*)
102 c         write(*,*)'3. TM-score normalized by a specific length, ',
103 c     &        'e.g. 120 AA:'
104 c         write(*,*)'   >TMscore model native -l 120'
105 c         write(*,*)
106 c         write(*,*)'4. TM-score with superposition output, e.g. ',
107 c     &        '''TM.sup'':'
108 c         write(*,*)'   >TMscore model native -o TM.sup'
109 c         write(*,*)'   To view the superimposed structures by rasmol:'
110 c         write(*,*)'      >rasmol -script TM.sup'
111 c         write(*,*)
112 c         goto 9999
113 c      endif
115       pdb(1)=cfname
116       pdb(2)=pdbfile
117 ******* options ----------->
118       m_out=-1
119       m_fix=-1
120       m_len=-1
121 c      narg=iargc()
122 c      i=0
123 c      j=0
124 c 115  continue
125 c      i=i+1
126 c      call getarg(i,fnam)
127 c      if(fnam.eq.'-o')then
128 c         m_out=1
129 c         i=i+1
130 c         call getarg(i,outname)
131 c      elseif(fnam.eq.'-d')then
132 c         m_fix=1
133 c         i=i+1
134 c         call getarg(i,fnam)
135 c         read(fnam,*)d0_fix
136 c      elseif(fnam.eq.'-l')then
137 c         m_len=1
138 c         i=i+1
139 c         call getarg(i,fnam)
140 c         read(fnam,*)l0_fix
141 c      else
142 c         j=j+1
143 c         pdb(j)=fnam
144 c      endif
145 c      if(i.lt.narg)goto 115
146 c
147 ccccccccc read data from first CA file:
148 c      open(unit=10,file=pdb(1),status='old')
149 c      i=0
150 c 101  read(10,104,end=102) s
151 c      if(s(1:3).eq.'TER') goto 102
152 c      if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM')then
153 c         if(s(13:16).eq.'CA  '.or.s(13:16).eq.' CA '.or.s(13:16).
154 c     &        eq.'  CA')then
155 c         if(s(17:17).eq.' '.or.s(17:17).eq.'A')then
156 c            i=i+1
157 c            read(s,103)du,seqA(i),du,nresA(i),du,xa(i),ya(i),za(i)
158 c            do j=-1,20
159 c               if(seqA(i).eq.aa(j))then
160 c                  seq1A(i)=slc(j)
161 c                  goto 21
162 c               endif
163 c            enddo
164 c            seq1A(i)=slc(-1)
165 c 21         continue
166 c         endif
167 c         endif
168 c      endif
169 c      goto 101
170 c 102  continue
171 c 103  format(A17,A3,A2,i4,A4,3F8.3)
172 c 104  format(A100)
173 c      close(10)
174 c      nseqA=i
175 c^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
176 c      
177 ccccccccc read data from first CA file:
178 c      open(unit=10,file=pdb(2),status='old')
179 c      i=0
180 c 201  read(10,204,end=202) s
181 c      if(s(1:3).eq.'TER') goto 202
182 c      if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM')then
183 c         if(s(13:16).eq.'CA  '.or.s(13:16).eq.' CA '.or.s(13:16).
184 c     &        eq.'  CA')then
185 c         if(s(17:17).eq.' '.or.s(17:17).eq.'A')then
186 c            i=i+1
187 c            read(s,203)du,seqB(i),du,nresB(i),du,xb(i),yb(i),zb(i)
188 c            do j=-1,20
189 c               if(seqB(i).eq.aa(j))then
190 c                  seq1B(i)=slc(j)
191 c                  goto 22
192 c               endif
193 c            enddo
194 c            seq1B(i)=slc(-1)
195 c 22         continue
196 c         endif
197 c         endif
198 c      endif
199 c      goto 201
200 c 202  continue
201 c 203  format(A17,A3,A2,i4,A4,3F8.3)
202 c 204  format(A100)
203 c      close(10)
204 c      nseqB=i
205 c^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
207 ******************************************************************
208 *     pickup the aligned residues:
209 ******************************************************************
210 c      k=0
211 c      do i=1,nseqA
212 c         do j=1,nseqB
213 c            if(nresA(i).eq.nresB(j))then
214 c               k=k+1
215 c               iA(k)=i
216 c               iB(k)=j
217 c               goto 205
218 c            endif
219 c         enddo
220 c 205     continue
221 c      enddo
222 c      n_ali=k                   !number of aligned residues
223 c      if(n_ali.lt.1)then
224 c        write(*,*)'There is no common residues in the input structures'
225 c        goto 9999
226 c      endif
227 c      
228 ************/////
229 *     parameters:
230 *****************
232       DO II=1,NPERMCHAIN
234       noverlap=nres
235       if (nres.gt.nsup+nnt-1) noverlap=nsup+nnt-1
236       nnsup=0
237       do i=1,noverlap
238         if (itype(i).ne.ntyp1) then
239           nnsup=nnsup+1
240           iA(nnsup)=nnsup
241           iB(nnsup)=nnsup
242         endif
243       enddo
244       nseqA=nnsup
245       nseqB=nnsup
246       n_ali=nnsup
247 ***   d0------------->
248       if(nseqB.gt.15)then
249          d0=1.24*(nseqB-15)**(1.0/3.0)-1.8
250       else
251          d0=0.5
252       endif
253       if(m_len.eq.1)then
254          d0=1.24*(l0_fix-15)**(1.0/3.0)-1.8
255       endif
256       if(d0.lt.0.5)d0=0.5
257       if(m_fix.eq.1)d0=d0_fix
258 ***   d0_search ----->
259       d0_search=d0
260       if(d0_search.gt.8)d0_search=8
261       if(d0_search.lt.4.5)d0_search=4.5
262 ***   iterative parameters ----->
263       n_it=20                   !maximum number of iterations
264       d_output=5                !for output alignment
265       if(m_fix.eq.1)d_output=d0_fix
266       n_init_max=6              !maximum number of L_init
267       n_init=0
268       L_ini_min=4
269       if(n_ali.lt.4)L_ini_min=n_ali
270       do i=1,n_init_max-1
271          n_init=n_init+1
272          L_ini(n_init)=n_ali/2**(n_init-1)
273          if(L_ini(n_init).le.L_ini_min)then
274             L_ini(n_init)=L_ini_min
275             goto 402
276          endif
277       enddo
278       n_init=n_init+1
279       L_ini(n_init)=L_ini_min
280  402  continue
282 ******************************************************************
283 *     find the maximum score starting from local structures superposition
284 ******************************************************************
285       score_max=-1              !TM-score
286       score_maxsub_max=-1       !MaxSub-score
287       score10_max=-1            !TM-score10
288       n_GDT05_max=-1            !number of residues<0.5
289       n_GDT1_max=-1             !number of residues<1
290       n_GDT2_max=-1             !number of residues<2
291       n_GDT4_max=-1             !number of residues<4
292       n_GDT8_max=-1             !number of residues<8
294 #ifdef DEBUG
295       write (iout,*) "cref and ccref"
296 #endif
297       noverlap=nres
298       if (nres.gt.nsup+nnt-1) noverlap=nsup+nnt-1
299       nnsup=0
300       do i=1,noverlap
301         if (itype(i).ne.ntyp1) then
302           nnsup=nnsup+1
303           xa(nnsup)=c(1,iperm(i,ii))
304           ya(nnsup)=c(2,iperm(i,ii))
305           za(nnsup)=c(3,iperm(i,ii))
306           xb(nnsup)=cref_pdb(1,i)
307           yb(nnsup)=cref_pdb(2,i)
308           zb(nnsup)=cref_pdb(3,i)
309 c          do j=1,3
310 c            cc(j,nnsup)=c(j,i)
311 c            ccref(j,nnsup)=cref_pdb(j,i,1)
312 c          enddo
313 #ifdef DEBUG
314           write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') nnsup,
315      &     xa(nnsup),ya(nnsup),za(nnsup),xb(nnsup),yb(nnsup),zb(nnsup)
316 #endif
317         endif
318       enddo
320       do 333 i_init=1,n_init
321         L_init=L_ini(i_init)
322         iL_max=n_ali-L_init+1
323         do 300 iL=1,iL_max      !on aligned residues, [1,nseqA]
324            LL=0
325            ka=0
326            do i=1,L_init
327               k=iL+i-1          ![1,n_ali] common aligned
328               r_1(1,i)=xa(iA(k))
329               r_1(2,i)=ya(iA(k))
330               r_1(3,i)=za(iA(k))
331               r_2(1,i)=xb(iB(k))
332               r_2(2,i)=yb(iB(k))
333               r_2(3,i)=zb(iB(k))
334               ka=ka+1
335               k_ali(ka)=k
336               LL=LL+1
337            enddo
338            if(i_init.eq.1)then  !global superposition
339               call u3b(w,r_1,r_2,LL,2,rms,u,tt,ier) !0:rmsd; 1:u,t; 2:rmsd,u,t
340               armsd=dsqrt(rms/LL)
341               rmsd_ali=armsd
342            else
343               call u3b(w,r_1,r_2,LL,1,rms,u,tt,ier) !u rotate r_1 to r_2
344            endif
345            do j=1,nseqA
346               xt(j)=tt(1)+u(1,1)*xa(j)+u(1,2)*ya(j)+u(1,3)*za(j)
347               yt(j)=tt(2)+u(2,1)*xa(j)+u(2,2)*ya(j)+u(2,3)*za(j)
348               zt(j)=tt(3)+u(3,1)*xa(j)+u(3,2)*ya(j)+u(3,3)*za(j)
349            enddo
350            d=d0_search-1
351            call score_fun       !init, get scores, n_cut+i_ali(i) for iteration
352            if(score_max.lt.score)then
353               score_max=score
354               ka0=ka
355               do i=1,ka0
356                  k_ali0(i)=k_ali(i)
357               enddo
358            endif
359            if(score10_max.lt.score10)score10_max=score10
360            if(score_maxsub_max.lt.score_maxsub)score_maxsub_max=
361      &          score_maxsub
362            if(n_GDT05_max.lt.n_GDT05)n_GDT05_max=n_GDT05
363            if(n_GDT1_max.lt.n_GDT1)n_GDT1_max=n_GDT1
364            if(n_GDT2_max.lt.n_GDT2)n_GDT2_max=n_GDT2
365            if(n_GDT4_max.lt.n_GDT4)n_GDT4_max=n_GDT4
366            if(n_GDT8_max.lt.n_GDT8)n_GDT8_max=n_GDT8
367 ***   iteration for extending ---------------------------------->
368            d=d0_search+1
369            do 301 it=1,n_it
370               LL=0
371               ka=0
372               do i=1,n_cut
373                  m=i_ali(i)     ![1,n_ali]
374                  r_1(1,i)=xa(iA(m))
375                  r_1(2,i)=ya(iA(m))
376                  r_1(3,i)=za(iA(m))
377                  r_2(1,i)=xb(iB(m))
378                  r_2(2,i)=yb(iB(m))
379                  r_2(3,i)=zb(iB(m))
380                  ka=ka+1
381                  k_ali(ka)=m
382                  LL=LL+1
383               enddo
384               call u3b(w,r_1,r_2,LL,1,rms,u,tt,ier) !u rotate r_1 to r_2
385               do j=1,nseqA
386                  xt(j)=tt(1)+u(1,1)*xa(j)+u(1,2)*ya(j)+u(1,3)*za(j)
387                  yt(j)=tt(2)+u(2,1)*xa(j)+u(2,2)*ya(j)+u(2,3)*za(j)
388                  zt(j)=tt(3)+u(3,1)*xa(j)+u(3,2)*ya(j)+u(3,3)*za(j)
389               enddo
390               call score_fun    !get scores, n_cut+i_ali(i) for iteration
391               if(score_max.lt.score)then
392                  score_max=score
393                  ka0=ka
394                  do i=1,ka
395                     k_ali0(i)=k_ali(i)
396                  enddo
397               endif
398               if(score10_max.lt.score10)score10_max=score10
399               if(score_maxsub_max.lt.score_maxsub)score_maxsub_max
400      &             =score_maxsub
401               if(n_GDT05_max.lt.n_GDT05)n_GDT05_max=n_GDT05
402               if(n_GDT1_max.lt.n_GDT1)n_GDT1_max=n_GDT1
403               if(n_GDT2_max.lt.n_GDT2)n_GDT2_max=n_GDT2
404               if(n_GDT4_max.lt.n_GDT4)n_GDT4_max=n_GDT4
405               if(n_GDT8_max.lt.n_GDT8)n_GDT8_max=n_GDT8
406               if(it.eq.n_it)goto 302
407               if(n_cut.eq.ka)then
408                  neq=0
409                  do i=1,n_cut
410                     if(i_ali(i).eq.k_ali(i))neq=neq+1
411                  enddo
412                  if(n_cut.eq.neq)goto 302
413               endif
414  301       continue             !for iteration
415  302       continue
416  300    continue                !for shift
417  333  continue                  !for initial length, L_ali/M
418 c
419       ratio=1
420       if(m_len.gt.0)then
421          ratio=float(nseqB)/float(l0_fix)
422       endif
423       if(m_len.eq.1)then
424          score_max=score_max*float(nseqB)/float(l0_fix)
425       endif
426       score_GDT=(n_GDT1_max+n_GDT2_max+n_GDT4_max+n_GDT8_max)
427      &     /float(4*nseqB)
428       score_GDT_HA=(n_GDT05_max+n_GDT1_max+n_GDT2_max+n_GDT4_max)
429      &     /float(4*nseqB)
430       tmscore=score_max 
431       gdt_ts=score_GDT*ratio
432       gdt_ha=score_GDT_HA*ratio
433       rmsd=rmsd_ali
435       if (ii.eq.1 .or. rmsd.lt.rmsd_min) then
436         rmsd_min=rmsd
437         tmscore_min=tmscore
438         gdt_ts_min=gdt_ts
439         gdt_ha_min=gdt_ha
440         ipermmin=ii
441       endif
443       ENDDO
445       rmsd=rmsd_min
446       tmscore=tmscore_min
447       gdt_ts=gdt_ts_min
448       gdt_ha=gdt_ha_min
450 ******************************************************************
451 *     Output
452 ******************************************************************
453 ***   output TM-scale ---------------------------->
455       if (lprint) then
457       write(iout,*)
458       write(iout,*)'**************************************************',
459      &     '***************************'
460       write(iout,*)'*                              TM-SCORE           ',
461      &     '                          *'
462       write(iout,*)'* A scoring function to assess the similarity of p',
463      &     'rotein structures         *'
464       write(iout,*)'* Based on statistics:                            ',
465      &     '                          *'
466       write(iout,*)'*       0.0 < TM-score < 0.17, random structural s',
467      &     'imilarity                 *'
468       write(iout,*)'*       0.5 < TM-score < 1.00, in about the same f',
469      &     'old                    *'
470       write(iout,*)'* Reference: Yang Zhang and Jeffrey Skolnick, ',
471      &     'Proteins 2004 57: 702-710     *'
472       write(iout,*)'* For comments, please email to: zhng@umich.edu   ',
473      &     '                          *'
474       write(iout,*)'**************************************************',
475      &     '***************************'
476       write(iout,*)
477       write(iout,501)pdb(1),nseqA
478  501  format('Structure1: ',A10,'  Length= ',I4)
479       if(m_len.eq.1)then
480          write(iout,411)pdb(2),nseqB
481          write(iout,412)l0_fix
482       else
483          write(iout,502)pdb(2),nseqB
484       endif
485  411  format('Structure2: ',A10,'  Length= ',I4)
486  412  format('TM-score is notmalized by ',I4)
487  502  format('Structure2: ',A10,'  Length= ',I4,
488      &     ' (by which all scores are normalized)')
489       write(iout,503)n_ali
490  503  format('Number of residues in common= ',I4)
491       write(iout,513)rmsd_ali
492  513  format('RMSD of  the common residues= ',F8.3)
493       write(iout,*)
494       write(iout,504)score_max,d0
495  504  format('TM-score    = ',f6.4,'  (d0=',f5.2,')')
496       write(iout,505)score_maxsub_max*ratio
497  505  format('MaxSub-score= ',f6.4,'  (d0= 3.50)')
498       write(iout,506)score_GDT*ratio,n_GDT1_max/float(nseqB)*ratio,
499      &     n_GDT2_max/float(nseqB)*ratio,n_GDT4_max/float(nseqB)*ratio,
500      &     n_GDT8_max/float(nseqB)*ratio
501  506  format('GDT-TS-score= ',f6.4,' %(d<1)=',f6.4,' %(d<2)=',f6.4,
502      $     ' %(d<4)=',f6.4,' %(d<8)=',f6.4)
503       write(iout,507)score_GDT_HA*ratio,n_GDT05_max/float(nseqB)*ratio,
504      &     n_GDT1_max/float(nseqB)*ratio,n_GDT2_max/float(nseqB)*ratio,
505      &     n_GDT4_max/float(nseqB)*ratio
506  507  format('GDT-HA-score= ',f6.4,' %(d<0.5)=',f6.4,' %(d<1)=',f6.4,
507      $     ' %(d<2)=',f6.4,' %(d<4)=',f6.4)
508       write (iout,*) "Permutation",ipermmin
509       write(iout,*)
511       endif
513       return
514       end
515 c------------------------------------------------------------------------      
516 ***   recall and output the superposition of maxiumum TM-score:
517 c      LL=0
518 c      do i=1,ka0
519 c         m=k_ali0(i)            !record of the best alignment
520 c         r_1(1,i)=xa(iA(m))
521 c         r_1(2,i)=ya(iA(m))
522 c         r_1(3,i)=za(iA(m))
523 c         r_2(1,i)=xb(iB(m))
524 c         r_2(2,i)=yb(iB(m))
525 c         r_2(3,i)=zb(iB(m))
526 c         LL=LL+1
527 c      enddo
528 c      call u3b(w,r_1,r_2,LL,1,rms,u,t,ier) !u rotate r_1 to r_2
529 c      do j=1,nseqA
530 c         xt(j)=t(1)+u(1,1)*xa(j)+u(1,2)*ya(j)+u(1,3)*za(j)
531 c         yt(j)=t(2)+u(2,1)*xa(j)+u(2,2)*ya(j)+u(2,3)*za(j)
532 c         zt(j)=t(3)+u(3,1)*xa(j)+u(3,2)*ya(j)+u(3,3)*za(j)
533 c      enddo
534 c
535 c********* extract rotation matrix ------------>
536 c      write(*,*)'-------- rotation matrix to rotate Chain-1 to ',
537 c     &     'Chain-2 ------'
538 c      write(*,*)'i          t(i)         u(i,1)         u(i,2) ',
539 c     &     '        u(i,3)'
540 c      do i=1,3
541 c         write(*,304)i,t(i),u(i,1),u(i,2),u(i,3)
542 c      enddo
543 cc      do j=1,nseqA
544 cc         xt(j)=t(1)+u(1,1)*xa(j)+u(1,2)*ya(j)+u(1,3)*za(j)
545 cc         yt(j)=t(2)+u(2,1)*xa(j)+u(2,2)*ya(j)+u(2,3)*za(j)
546 cc         zt(j)=t(3)+u(3,1)*xa(j)+u(3,2)*ya(j)+u(3,3)*za(j)
547 cc         write(*,*)j,xt(j),yt(j),zt(j)
548 cc      enddo
549 c      write(*,*)
550 c 304  format(I2,f18.10,f15.10,f15.10,f15.10)
551 c
552 c********* rmsd in superposed regions --------------->
553 c      d=d_output                !for output
554 c      call score_fun()          !give i_ali(i), score_max=score now
555 c      LL=0
556 c      do i=1,n_cut
557 c         m=i_ali(i)             ![1,nseqA]
558 c         r_1(1,i)=xa(iA(m))
559 c         r_1(2,i)=ya(iA(m))
560 c         r_1(3,i)=za(iA(m))
561 c         r_2(1,i)=xb(iB(m))
562 c         r_2(2,i)=yb(iB(m))
563 c         r_2(3,i)=zb(iB(m))
564 c         LL=LL+1
565 c      enddo
566 c      call u3b(w,r_1,r_2,LL,0,rms,u,t,ier)
567 c      armsd=dsqrt(rms/LL)
568 c      rmsd=armsd
569 c      
570 c***   output rotated chain1 + chain2----->
571 c      if(m_out.ne.1)goto 999
572 c      OPEN(unit=7,file=outname,status='unknown') !pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
573 c 900  format(A)
574 c 901  format('select ',I4)
575 c      write(7,900)'load inline'
576 c      write(7,900)'select atomno<1000'
577 cc      write(7,900)'color [255,20,147]'
578 c      write(7,900)'wireframe .45'
579 c      write(7,900)'select none'
580 c      write(7,900)'select atomno>1000'
581 cc      write(7,900)'color [100,149,237]'
582 c      write(7,900)'wireframe .15'
583 c      write(7,900)'color white'
584 c      do i=1,n_cut
585 c         write(7,901)nresA(iA(i_ali(i)))
586 c         write(7,900)'color red'
587 c      enddo
588 c      write(7,900)'select all'
589 c      write(7,900)'exit'
590 c      write(7,514)rmsd_ali
591 c 514  format('REMARK  RMSD of the common residues=',F8.3)
592 c      write(7,515)score_max,d0
593 c 515  format('REMARK  TM-score=',f6.4,' (d0=',f5.2,')')
594 c      do i=1,nseqA
595 c         write(7,1237)nresA(i),seqA(i),nresA(i),xt(i),yt(i),zt(i)
596 c      enddo
597 c      write(7,1238)
598 c      do i=2,nseqA
599 c         write(7,1239)nresA(i-1),nresA(i)
600 c      enddo
601 c      do i=1,nseqB
602 c         write(7,1237)2000+nresB(i),seqB(i),nresB(i),xb(i),yb(i),zb(i)
603 c      enddo
604 c      write(7,1238)
605 c      do i=2,nseqB
606 c         write(7,1239)2000+nresB(i-1),2000+nresB(i)
607 c      enddo
608 c 1237 format('ATOM  ',i5,'  CA  ',A3,I6,4X,3F8.3)
609 c 1238 format('TER')
610 c 1239 format('CONECT',I5,I5)
611 c 999  continue
612 c
613 c***   record aligned residues by i=[1,nseqA], for sequenceM()------------>
614 c      do i=1,nseqA
615 c         iq(i)=0
616 c      enddo
617 c      do i=1,n_cut
618 c         j=iA(i_ali(i))         ![1,nseqA]
619 c         k=iB(i_ali(i))         ![1,nseqB]
620 c         dis=sqrt((xt(j)-xb(k))**2+(yt(j)-yb(k))**2+(zt(j)-zb(k))**2)
621 c         if(dis.lt.d_output)then
622 c            iq(j)=1
623 c         endif
624 c      enddo
625 c*******************************************************************
626 c***   output aligned sequences
627 c      k=0
628 c      i=1
629 c      j=1
630 c 800  continue
631 c      if(i.gt.nseqA.and.j.gt.nseqB)goto 802
632 c      if(i.gt.nseqA.and.j.le.nseqB)then
633 c         k=k+1
634 c         sequenceA(k)='-'
635 c         sequenceB(k)=seq1B(j)
636 c         sequenceM(k)=' '
637 c         j=j+1
638 c         goto 800
639 c      endif
640 c      if(i.le.nseqA.and.j.gt.nseqB)then
641 c         k=k+1
642 c         sequenceA(k)=seq1A(i)
643 c         sequenceB(k)='-'
644 c         sequenceM(k)=' '
645 c         i=i+1
646 c         goto 800
647 c      endif
648 c      if(nresA(i).eq.nresB(j))then
649 c         k=k+1
650 c         sequenceA(k)=seq1A(i)
651 c         sequenceB(k)=seq1B(j)
652 c         if(iq(i).eq.1)then
653 c            sequenceM(k)=':'
654 c         else
655 c            sequenceM(k)=' '
656 c         endif
657 c         i=i+1
658 c         j=j+1
659 c         goto 800
660 c      elseif(nresA(i).lt.nresB(j))then
661 c         k=k+1
662 c         sequenceA(k)=seq1A(i)
663 c         sequenceB(k)='-'
664 c         sequenceM(k)=' '
665 c         i=i+1
666 c         goto 800
667 c      elseif(nresB(j).lt.nresA(i))then
668 c         k=k+1
669 c         sequenceA(k)='-'
670 c         sequenceB(k)=seq1B(j)
671 c         sequenceM(k)=' '
672 c         j=j+1
673 c         goto 800
674 c      endif
675 c 802  continue
676 c
677 c      write(*,600)d_output,n_cut,rmsd
678 c 600  format('Superposition in the TM-score: Length(d<',f3.1,
679 c     $     ')=',i3,'  RMSD=',f6.2)
680 c      write(*,603)d_output
681 c 603  format('(":" denotes the residue pairs of distance < ',f3.1,
682 c     &     ' Angstrom)')
683 c      write(*,601)(sequenceA(i),i=1,k)
684 c      write(*,601)(sequenceM(i),i=1,k)
685 c      write(*,601)(sequenceB(i),i=1,k)
686 c      write(*,602)(mod(i,10),i=1,k)
687 c 601  format(2000A1)
688 c 602  format(2000I1)
689 c      write(*,*)
690 c
691 c^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
692 c 9999 END
694 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
695 c     1, collect those residues with dis<d;
696 c     2, calculate score_GDT, score_maxsub, score_TM
697 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
698       subroutine score_fun
699       PARAMETER(nmax=5000)
701       common/stru/xt(nmax),yt(nmax),zt(nmax),xb(nmax),yb(nmax),zb(nmax)
702       common/nres/nresA(nmax),nresB(nmax),nseqA,nseqB
703       common/para/d,d0,d0_fix
704       common/align/n_ali,iA(nmax),iB(nmax)
705       common/nscore/i_ali(nmax),n_cut ![1,n_ali],align residues for the score
706       common/scores/score,score_maxsub,score_fix,score10
707       common/GDT/n_GDT05,n_GDT1,n_GDT2,n_GDT4,n_GDT8
708       double precision score,score_max,score_fix,score_fix_max
709       double precision score_maxsub,score10
711       d_tmp=d
712  21   n_cut=0                   !number of residue-pairs dis<d, for iteration
713       n_GDT05=0                 !for GDT-score, # of dis<0.5
714       n_GDT1=0                  !for GDT-score, # of dis<1
715       n_GDT2=0                  !for GDT-score, # of dis<2
716       n_GDT4=0                  !for GDT-score, # of dis<4
717       n_GDT8=0                  !for GDT-score, # of dis<8
718       score_maxsub_sum=0        !Maxsub-score
719       score_sum=0               !TMscore
720       score_sum10=0             !TMscore10
721       do k=1,n_ali
722          i=iA(k)                ![1,nseqA] reoder number of structureA
723          j=iB(k)                ![1,nseqB]
724          dis=sqrt((xt(i)-xb(j))**2+(yt(i)-yb(j))**2+(zt(i)-zb(j))**2)
725 ***   for iteration:
726          if(dis.lt.d_tmp)then
727             n_cut=n_cut+1
728             i_ali(n_cut)=k      ![1,n_ali], mark the residue-pairs in dis<d
729          endif
730 ***   for GDT-score:
731          if(dis.le.8)then
732             n_GDT8=n_GDT8+1
733             if(dis.le.4)then
734                n_GDT4=n_GDT4+1
735                if(dis.le.2)then
736                   n_GDT2=n_GDT2+1
737                   if(dis.le.1)then
738                      n_GDT1=n_GDT1+1
739                      if(dis.le.0.5)then
740                         n_GDT05=n_GDT05+1
741                      endif
742                   endif
743                endif
744             endif
745          endif
746 ***   for MAXsub-score:
747          if(dis.lt.3.5)then
748             score_maxsub_sum=score_maxsub_sum+1/(1+(dis/3.5)**2)
749          endif
750 ***   for TM-score:
751          score_sum=score_sum+1/(1+(dis/d0)**2)
752 ***   for TM-score10:
753          if(dis.lt.10)then
754             score_sum10=score_sum10+1/(1+(dis/d0)**2)
755          endif
756       enddo
757       if(n_cut.lt.3.and.n_ali.gt.3)then
758          d_tmp=d_tmp+.5
759          goto 21
760       endif
761       score_maxsub=score_maxsub_sum/float(nseqB) !MAXsub-score
762       score=score_sum/float(nseqB) !TM-score
763       score10=score_sum10/float(nseqB) !TM-score10
765       return
766       end
768 cccccccccccccccc Calculate sum of (r_d-r_m)^2 cccccccccccccccccccccccccc
769 c  w    - w(m) is weight for atom pair  c m                    (given)
770 c  x    - x(i,m) are coordinates of atom c m in set x          (given)
771 c  y    - y(i,m) are coordinates of atom c m in set y          (given)
772 c  n    - n is number of atom pairs                            (given)
773 c  mode  - 0:calculate rms     only                            (given,short)
774 c          1:calculate     u,t only                            (given,medium)
775 c          2:calculate rms,u,t                                 (given,longer)
776 c  rms   - sum of w*(ux+t-y)**2 over all atom pairs            (result)
777 c  u    - u(i,j) is   rotation  matrix for best superposition  (result)
778 c  t    - t(i)   is translation vector for best superposition  (result)
779 c  ier  - 0: a unique optimal superposition has been determined(result)
780 c       -1: superposition is not unique but optimal
781 c       -2: no result obtained because of negative weights w
782 c           or all weights equal to zero.
783 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
784       subroutine u3b(w, x, y, n, mode, rms, u, t, ier)
785       double precision w(*), x(3,*), y(3,*)
786       integer n, mode
788       double precision rms, u(3,3), t(3)
789       integer ier
791       integer i, j, k, l, m1, m
792       integer ip(9), ip2312(4)
793       double precision r(3,3), xc(3), yc(3), wc
794       double precision a(3,3), b(3,3), e(3), rr(6), ss(6)
795       double precision e0, d, spur, det, cof, h, g
796       double precision cth, sth, sqrth, p, sigma
797       double precision c1x, c1y, c1z, c2x, c2y, c2z
798       double precision s1x, s1y, s1z, s2x, s2y, s2z
799       double precision sxx, sxy, sxz, syx, syy, syz, szx, szy, szz
801       double precision sqrt3, tol, zero
803       data sqrt3 / 1.73205080756888d+00 /
804       data tol / 1.0d-2 /
805       data zero / 0.0d+00 /
806       data ip / 1, 2, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 5, 6 /
807       data ip2312 / 2, 3, 1, 2 /
809       wc  = zero
810       rms = zero
811       e0  = zero
812       s1x = zero
813       s1y = zero
814       s1z = zero
815       s2x = zero
816       s2y = zero
817       s2z = zero
818       sxx = zero
819       sxy = zero
820       sxz = zero
821       syx = zero
822       syy = zero
823       syz = zero
824       szx = zero 
825       szy = zero
826       szz = zero
828       do i=1, 3
829          xc(i) = zero
830          yc(i) = zero
831          t(i) = zero
832          do j=1, 3
833             r(i,j) = zero
834             u(i,j) = zero
835             a(i,j) = zero
836             if( i .eq. j ) then
837                u(i,j) = 1.0
838                a(i,j) = 1.0
839             end if
840          end do
841       end do
843       ier = -1
844       if( n .lt. 1 ) return
845       ier = -2
847       do m=1, n
848          c1x=x(1, m)
849          c1y=x(2, m)
850          c1z=x(3, m)
852          c2x=y(1, m)
853          c2y=y(2, m)
854          c2z=y(3, m)
856          s1x = s1x + c1x
857          s1y = s1y + c1y;
858          s1z = s1z + c1z;
860          s2x = s2x + c2x;
861          s2y = s2y + c2y;
862          s2z = s2z + c2z;
864          sxx = sxx + c1x*c2x; 
865          sxy = sxy + c1x*c2y; 
866          sxz = sxz + c1x*c2z; 
868          syx = syx + c1y*c2x; 
869          syy = syy + c1y*c2y; 
870          syz = syz + c1y*c2z;
872          szx = szx + c1z*c2x; 
873          szy = szy + c1z*c2y; 
874          szz = szz + c1z*c2z;
875       end do
877       xc(1) = s1x/n;
878       xc(2) = s1y/n;    
879       xc(3) = s1z/n;
881       yc(1) = s2x/n;
882       yc(2) = s2y/n;    
883       yc(3) = s2z/n;
884       if(mode.eq.2.or.mode.eq.0) then ! need rmsd                               
885          do m=1, n              
886             do i=1, 3
887                e0 = e0+ (x(i, m)-xc(i))**2 + (y(i, m)-yc(i))**2                 
888             end do                              
889          end do
890       endif
892       r(1, 1) = sxx-s1x*s2x/n;
893       r(2, 1) = sxy-s1x*s2y/n;
894       r(3, 1) = sxz-s1x*s2z/n;
895       r(1, 2) = syx-s1y*s2x/n;
896       r(2, 2) = syy-s1y*s2y/n;
897       r(3, 2) = syz-s1y*s2z/n;
898       r(1, 3) = szx-s1z*s2x/n;
899       r(2, 3) = szy-s1z*s2y/n;
900       r(3, 3) = szz-s1z*s2z/n;
902       det = r(1,1) * ( (r(2,2)*r(3,3)) - (r(2,3)*r(3,2)) )
903      &     - r(1,2) * ( (r(2,1)*r(3,3)) - (r(2,3)*r(3,1)) )
904      &     + r(1,3) * ( (r(2,1)*r(3,2)) - (r(2,2)*r(3,1)) )
906       sigma = det
908       m = 0
909       do j=1, 3
910          do i=1, j
911             m = m+1
912             rr(m) = r(1,i)*r(1,j) + r(2,i)*r(2,j) + r(3,i)*r(3,j)
913          end do
914       end do
916       spur = (rr(1)+rr(3)+rr(6)) / 3.0
917       cof = (((((rr(3)*rr(6) - rr(5)*rr(5)) + rr(1)*rr(6))
918      &     - rr(4)*rr(4)) + rr(1)*rr(3)) - rr(2)*rr(2)) / 3.0
919       det = det*det
921       do i=1, 3
922          e(i) = spur
923       end do
924       if( spur .le. zero ) goto 40
925       d = spur*spur
926       h = d - cof
927       g = (spur*cof - det)/2.0 - spur*h
928       if( h .le. zero ) then
929          if( mode .eq. 0 ) then
930             goto 50
931          else
932             goto 30
933          end if
934       end if
935       sqrth = dsqrt(h)
936       d = h*h*h - g*g
937       if( d .lt. zero ) d = zero
938       d = datan2( dsqrt(d), -g ) / 3.0
939       cth = sqrth * dcos(d)
940       sth = sqrth*sqrt3*dsin(d)
941       e(1) = (spur + cth) + cth
942       e(2) = (spur - cth) + sth
943       e(3) = (spur - cth) - sth
945       if( mode .eq. 0 ) then
946          goto 50
947       end if
949       do l=1, 3, 2
950          d = e(l)
951          ss(1) = (d-rr(3)) * (d-rr(6))  - rr(5)*rr(5)
952          ss(2) = (d-rr(6)) * rr(2)      + rr(4)*rr(5)
953          ss(3) = (d-rr(1)) * (d-rr(6))  - rr(4)*rr(4)
954          ss(4) = (d-rr(3)) * rr(4)      + rr(2)*rr(5)
955          ss(5) = (d-rr(1)) * rr(5)      + rr(2)*rr(4)
956          ss(6) = (d-rr(1)) * (d-rr(3))  - rr(2)*rr(2)
958          if( dabs(ss(1)) .ge. dabs(ss(3)) ) then
959             j=1
960             if( dabs(ss(1)) .lt. dabs(ss(6)) ) j = 3
961          else if( dabs(ss(3)) .ge. dabs(ss(6)) ) then
962             j = 2
963          else
964             j = 3
965          end if
967          d = zero
968          j = 3 * (j - 1)
970          do i=1, 3
971             k = ip(i+j)
972             a(i,l) = ss(k)
973             d = d + ss(k)*ss(k)
974          end do
975          if( d .gt. zero ) d = 1.0 / dsqrt(d)
976          do i=1, 3
977             a(i,l) = a(i,l) * d
978          end do
979       end do
981       d = a(1,1)*a(1,3) + a(2,1)*a(2,3) + a(3,1)*a(3,3)
982       if ((e(1) - e(2)) .gt. (e(2) - e(3))) then
983          m1 = 3
984          m = 1
985       else
986          m1 = 1
987          m = 3
988       endif
990       p = zero
991       do i=1, 3
992          a(i,m1) = a(i,m1) - d*a(i,m)
993          p = p + a(i,m1)**2
994       end do
995       if( p .le. tol ) then
996          p = 1.0
997          do 21 i=1, 3
998             if (p .lt. dabs(a(i,m))) goto 21
999             p = dabs( a(i,m) )
1000             j = i
1001  21      continue
1002          k = ip2312(j)
1003          l = ip2312(j+1)
1004          p = dsqrt( a(k,m)**2 + a(l,m)**2 )
1005          if( p .le. tol ) goto 40
1006          a(j,m1) = zero
1007          a(k,m1) = -a(l,m)/p
1008          a(l,m1) =  a(k,m)/p
1009       else
1010          p = 1.0 / dsqrt(p)
1011          do i=1, 3
1012             a(i,m1) = a(i,m1)*p
1013          end do
1014       end if
1016       a(1,2) = a(2,3)*a(3,1) - a(2,1)*a(3,3)
1017       a(2,2) = a(3,3)*a(1,1) - a(3,1)*a(1,3)
1018       a(3,2) = a(1,3)*a(2,1) - a(1,1)*a(2,3)
1020  30   do l=1, 2
1021          d = zero
1022          do i=1, 3
1023             b(i,l) = r(i,1)*a(1,l) + r(i,2)*a(2,l) + r(i,3)*a(3,l)
1024             d = d + b(i,l)**2
1025          end do
1026          if( d .gt. zero ) d = 1.0 / dsqrt(d)
1027          do i=1, 3
1028             b(i,l) = b(i,l)*d
1029          end do
1030       end do
1031       d = b(1,1)*b(1,2) + b(2,1)*b(2,2) + b(3,1)*b(3,2)
1032       p = zero
1034       do i=1, 3
1035          b(i,2) = b(i,2) - d*b(i,1)
1036          p = p + b(i,2)**2
1037       end do
1038       if( p .le. tol ) then
1039          p = 1.0
1040          do 22 i=1, 3
1041             if(p.lt.dabs(b(i,1)))goto 22
1042             p = dabs( b(i,1) )
1043             j = i
1044  22      continue
1045          k = ip2312(j)
1046          l = ip2312(j+1)
1047          p = dsqrt( b(k,1)**2 + b(l,1)**2 )
1048          if( p .le. tol ) goto 40
1049          b(j,2) = zero
1050          b(k,2) = -b(l,1)/p
1051          b(l,2) =  b(k,1)/p
1052       else
1053          p = 1.0 / dsqrt(p)
1054          do i=1, 3
1055             b(i,2) = b(i,2)*p
1056          end do
1057       end if
1059       b(1,3) = b(2,1)*b(3,2) - b(2,2)*b(3,1)
1060       b(2,3) = b(3,1)*b(1,2) - b(3,2)*b(1,1)
1061       b(3,3) = b(1,1)*b(2,2) - b(1,2)*b(2,1)
1063       do i=1, 3
1064          do j=1, 3
1065             u(i,j) = b(i,1)*a(j,1) + b(i,2)*a(j,2) + b(i,3)*a(j,3)
1066          end do
1067       end do
1069  40   do i=1, 3
1070          t(i) = ((yc(i) - u(i,1)*xc(1)) - u(i,2)*xc(2)) - u(i,3)*xc(3)
1071       end do
1072  50   do i=1, 3
1073          if( e(i) .lt. zero ) e(i) = zero
1074          e(i) = dsqrt( e(i) )
1075       end do
1077       ier = 0
1078       if( e(2) .le. (e(1) * 1.0d-05) ) ier = -1
1080       d = e(3)
1081       if( sigma .lt. 0.0 ) then
1082          d = - d
1083          if( (e(2) - e(3)) .le. (e(1) * 1.0d-05) ) ier = -1
1084       end if
1085       d = (d + e(2)) + e(1)
1087       if(mode .eq. 2.or.mode.eq.0) then ! need rmsd                                     
1088          rms = (e0 - d) - d
1089          if( rms .lt. 0.0 ) rms = 0.0
1090       endif
1092       return
1093       end