turn off histent for wham
[unres.git] / source / cluster / wham / src-M / readrtns.F
1       subroutine read_control
2 C
3 C Read molecular data
4 C
5       implicit none
6       include 'DIMENSIONS'
7       include 'sizesclu.dat'
8       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
9       include 'COMMON.TIME1'
10       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
11       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
12       include 'COMMON.CLUSTER'
13       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
14       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
15       include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
16       include 'COMMON.FREE'
17       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
18       include "COMMON.SPLITELE"
19       include 'COMMON.SHIELD'
20       character*320 controlcard,ucase
21 #ifdef MPL
22       include 'COMMON.INFO'
23 #endif
24       integer i,i1,i2,it1,it2
25       double precision pi
26       read (INP,'(a80)') titel
27       call card_concat(controlcard)
29       call readi(controlcard,'NRES',nres,0)
30       call readi(controlcard,'RESCALE',rescale_mode,2)
31       call reada(controlcard,'DISTCHAINMAX',distchainmax,50.0d0)
32       write (iout,*) "DISTCHAINMAX",distchainmax
33 C Reading the dimensions of box in x,y,z coordinates
34       call reada(controlcard,'BOXX',boxxsize,100.0d0)
35       call reada(controlcard,'BOXY',boxysize,100.0d0)
36       call reada(controlcard,'BOXZ',boxzsize,100.0d0)
37 c Cutoff range for interactions
38       call reada(controlcard,"R_CUT",r_cut,15.0d0)
39       call reada(controlcard,"LAMBDA",rlamb,0.3d0)
40       call reada(controlcard,"LIPTHICK",lipthick,0.0d0)
41       call reada(controlcard,"LIPAQBUF",lipbufthick,0.0d0)
42       if (lipthick.gt.0.0d0) then
43        bordliptop=(boxzsize+lipthick)/2.0
44        bordlipbot=bordliptop-lipthick
45 C      endif
46       if ((bordliptop.gt.boxzsize).or.(bordlipbot.lt.0.0))
47      & write(iout,*) "WARNING WRONG SIZE OF LIPIDIC PHASE"
48       buflipbot=bordlipbot+lipbufthick
49       bufliptop=bordliptop-lipbufthick
50       if ((lipbufthick*2.0d0).gt.lipthick)
51      &write(iout,*) "WARNING WRONG SIZE OF LIP AQ BUF"
52       endif
53       write(iout,*) "bordliptop=",bordliptop
54       write(iout,*) "bordlipbot=",bordlipbot
55       write(iout,*) "bufliptop=",bufliptop
56       write(iout,*) "buflipbot=",buflipbot
57 C Shielding mode
58       call readi(controlcard,'SHIELD',shield_mode,0)
59       write (iout,*) "SHIELD MODE",shield_mode
60       call readi(controlcard,'TUBEMOD',tubelog,0)
61       write (iout,*) TUBElog,"TUBEMODE"
62       if (shield_mode.gt.0) then
63       pi=3.141592d0
64 C VSolvSphere the volume of solving sphere
65 C      print *,pi,"pi"
66 C rpp(1,1) is the energy r0 for peptide group contact and will be used for it 
67 C there will be no distinction between proline peptide group and normal peptide
68 C group in case of shielding parameters
69       VSolvSphere=4.0/3.0*pi*rpp(1,1)**3
70       VSolvSphere_div=VSolvSphere-4.0/3.0*pi*(rpp(1,1)/2.0)**3
71       write (iout,*) VSolvSphere,VSolvSphere_div
72 C long axis of side chain 
73       do i=1,ntyp
74       long_r_sidechain(i)=vbldsc0(1,i)
75       short_r_sidechain(i)=sigma0(i)
76       enddo
77       buff_shield=1.0d0
78       endif
79       if (TUBElog.gt.0) then
80        call reada(controlcard,"XTUBE",tubecenter(1),0.0d0)
81        call reada(controlcard,"YTUBE",tubecenter(2),0.0d0)
82        call reada(controlcard,"ZTUBE",tubecenter(3),0.0d0)
83        call reada(controlcard,"RTUBE",tubeR0,0.0d0)
84        call reada(controlcard,"TUBETOP",bordtubetop,boxzsize)
85        call reada(controlcard,"TUBEBOT",bordtubebot,0.0d0)
86        call reada(controlcard,"TUBEBUF",tubebufthick,1.0d0)
87        buftubebot=bordtubebot+tubebufthick
88        buftubetop=bordtubetop-tubebufthick
89       endif
90       call readi(controlcard,'PDBOUT',outpdb,0)
91       call readi(controlcard,'MOL2OUT',outmol2,0)
92       refstr=(index(controlcard,'REFSTR').gt.0)
93       write (iout,*) "REFSTR",refstr
94       pdbref=(index(controlcard,'PDBREF').gt.0)
95       iscode=index(controlcard,'ONE_LETTER')
96       tree=(index(controlcard,'MAKE_TREE').gt.0)
97       with_dihed_constr = index(controlcard,"WITH_DIHED_CONSTR").gt.0
98       call readi(controlcard,'CONSTR_DIST',constr_dist,0)
99       write (iout,*) "with_dihed_constr ",with_dihed_constr,
100      & " CONSTR_DIST",constr_dist
101       with_theta_constr = index(controlcard,"WITH_THETA_CONSTR").gt.0
102       write (iout,*) "with_theta_constr ",with_theta_constr
103       call flush(iout)
104       min_var=(index(controlcard,'MINVAR').gt.0)
105       plot_tree=(index(controlcard,'PLOT_TREE').gt.0)
106       punch_dist=(index(controlcard,'PUNCH_DIST').gt.0)
107       call readi(controlcard,'NCUT',ncut,1)
108       call readi(controlcard,'SYM',symetr,1)
109       write (iout,*) 'sym', symetr
110       call readi(controlcard,'NSTART',nstart,0)
111       call readi(controlcard,'NEND',nend,0)
112       call reada(controlcard,'ECUT',ecut,10.0d0)
113       call reada(controlcard,'PROB',prob_limit,0.99d0)
114       write (iout,*) "Probability limit",prob_limit
115       lgrp=(index(controlcard,'LGRP').gt.0)
116       caonly=(index(controlcard,'CA_ONLY').gt.0)
117       print_dist=(index(controlcard,'PRINT_DIST').gt.0)
118       call multreada(controlcard,'CUTOFF',rcutoff,ncut,-1.0d0)
119       call readi(controlcard,'IOPT',iopt,2) 
120       lside = index(controlcard,"SIDE").gt.0
121       efree = index(controlcard,"EFREE").gt.0
122       call readi(controlcard,'NTEMP',nT,1)
123       write (iout,*) "nT",nT
124       call multreada(controlcard,'TEMPER',beta_h,nT,300.0d0)
125       write (iout,*) "nT",nT
126       write (iout,*) 'beta_h',(beta_h(i),i=1,nT)
127       do i=1,nT
128         beta_h(i)=1.0d0/(1.987D-3*beta_h(i))
129       enddo
130       write (iout,*) 'beta_h',(beta_h(i),i=1,nT)
131       lprint_cart=index(controlcard,"PRINT_CART") .gt.0
132       lprint_int=index(controlcard,"PRINT_INT") .gt.0
133       if (min_var) iopt=1
134       return
135       end
136 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------
137       subroutine molread
138 C
139 C Read molecular data.
140 C
141       implicit none
142       include 'DIMENSIONS'
143       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
144       include 'COMMON.GEO'
145       include 'COMMON.VAR'
146       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
147       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
148       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
149       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
150       include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
151       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
152       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
153       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
154       include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
155       include 'COMMON.TIME1'
156       include 'COMMON.TORCNSTR'
157       include 'COMMON.SHIELD'
158 #ifdef MPL
159       include 'COMMON.INFO'
160 #endif
161       character*4 sequence(maxres)
162       character*800 weightcard
163       integer rescode
164       double precision x(maxvar)
165       integer itype_pdb(maxres)
166       logical seq_comp
167       integer i,j,kkk,i1,i2,it1,it2
168 C
169 C Body
170 C
171 C Read weights of the subsequent energy terms.
172       call card_concat(weightcard)
173       write(iout,*) weightcard
174 C      call reada(weightcard,'WSC',wsc,1.0d0)
175       write(iout,*) wsc
176       call reada(weightcard,'WLONG',wsc,wsc)
177       call reada(weightcard,'WSCP',wscp,1.0d0)
178       call reada(weightcard,'WELEC',welec,1.0D0)
179       call reada(weightcard,'WVDWPP',wvdwpp,welec)
180       call reada(weightcard,'WEL_LOC',wel_loc,1.0D0)
181       call reada(weightcard,'WCORR4',wcorr4,0.0D0)
182       call reada(weightcard,'WCORR5',wcorr5,0.0D0)
183       call reada(weightcard,'WCORR6',wcorr6,0.0D0)
184       call reada(weightcard,'WTURN3',wturn3,1.0D0)
185       call reada(weightcard,'WTURN4',wturn4,1.0D0)
186       call reada(weightcard,'WTURN6',wturn6,1.0D0)
187       call reada(weightcard,'WSTRAIN',wstrain,1.0D0)
188       call reada(weightcard,'WSCCOR',wsccor,1.0D0)
189       call reada(weightcard,'WBOND',wbond,1.0D0)
190       call reada(weightcard,'WTOR',wtor,1.0D0)
191       call reada(weightcard,'WTORD',wtor_d,1.0D0)
192       call reada(weightcard,'WANG',wang,1.0D0)
193       call reada(weightcard,'WSCLOC',wscloc,1.0D0)
194       call reada(weightcard,'SCAL14',scal14,0.4D0)
195       call reada(weightcard,'SCALSCP',scalscp,1.0d0)
196       call reada(weightcard,'CUTOFF',cutoff_corr,7.0d0)
197       call reada(weightcard,'DELT_CORR',delt_corr,0.5d0)
198       if (index(weightcard,'SOFT').gt.0) ipot=6
199       call reada(weightcard,"D0CM",d0cm,3.78d0)
200       call reada(weightcard,"AKCM",akcm,15.1d0)
201       call reada(weightcard,"AKTH",akth,11.0d0)
202       call reada(weightcard,"AKCT",akct,12.0d0)
203       call reada(weightcard,"V1SS",v1ss,-1.08d0)
204       call reada(weightcard,"V2SS",v2ss,7.61d0)
205       call reada(weightcard,"V3SS",v3ss,13.7d0)
206       call reada(weightcard,"EBR",ebr,-5.50D0)
207       call reada(weightcard,'WSHIELD',wshield,1.0d0)
208       write(iout,*) 'WSHIELD',wshield
209       call reada(weightcard,'WTUBE',wtube,0.0d0)
210       write(iout,*) 'WTUBE',wtube
211        call reada(weightcard,'WLT',wliptran,0.0D0)
212       call reada(weightcard,"ATRISS",atriss,0.301D0)
213       call reada(weightcard,"BTRISS",btriss,0.021D0)
214       call reada(weightcard,"CTRISS",ctriss,1.001D0)
215       call reada(weightcard,"DTRISS",dtriss,1.001D0)
216       write (iout,*) "ATRISS=", atriss
217       write (iout,*) "BTRISS=", btriss
218       write (iout,*) "CTRISS=", ctriss
219       write (iout,*) "DTRISS=", dtriss
220       dyn_ss=(index(weightcard,'DYN_SS').gt.0)
221       do i=1,maxres
222         dyn_ss_mask(i)=.false.
223       enddo
224       do i=1,maxres-1
225         do j=i+1,maxres
226           dyn_ssbond_ij(i,j)=1.0d300
227         enddo
228       enddo
229       call reada(weightcard,"HT",Ht,0.0D0)
230       if (dyn_ss) then
231         ss_depth=ebr/wsc-0.25*eps(1,1)
232         Ht=Ht/wsc-0.25*eps(1,1)
233         akcm=akcm*wstrain/wsc
234         akth=akth*wstrain/wsc
235         akct=akct*wstrain/wsc
236         v1ss=v1ss*wstrain/wsc
237         v2ss=v2ss*wstrain/wsc
238         v3ss=v3ss*wstrain/wsc
239       else
240         ss_depth=ebr/wstrain-0.25*eps(1,1)*wsc/wstrain
241       endif
242       write (iout,'(/a)') "Disulfide bridge parameters:"
243       write (iout,'(a,f10.2)') 'S-S bridge energy: ',ebr
244       write (iout,'(2(a,f10.2))') 'd0cm:',d0cm,' akcm:',akcm
245       write (iout,'(2(a,f10.2))') 'akth:',akth,' akct:',akct
246       write (iout,'(3(a,f10.2))') 'v1ss:',v1ss,' v2ss:',v2ss,
247      & ' v3ss:',v3ss
249 C 12/1/95 Added weight for the multi-body term WCORR
250       call reada(weightcard,'WCORRH',wcorr,1.0D0)
251       if (wcorr4.gt.0.0d0) wcorr=wcorr4
252       weights(1)=wsc
253       weights(2)=wscp
254       weights(3)=welec
255       weights(4)=wcorr
256       weights(5)=wcorr5
257       weights(6)=wcorr6
258       weights(7)=wel_loc
259       weights(8)=wturn3
260       weights(9)=wturn4
261       weights(10)=wturn6
262       weights(11)=wang
263       weights(12)=wscloc
264       weights(13)=wtor
265       weights(14)=wtor_d
266       weights(15)=wstrain
267       weights(16)=wvdwpp
268       weights(17)=wbond
269       weights(18)=scal14
270       weights(19)=wsccor
271       write (iout,10) wsc,wscp,welec,wvdwpp,wbond,wang,wscloc,wtor,
272      &  wtor_d,wstrain,wel_loc,wcorr,wcorr5,wcorr6,wturn3,
273      &  wturn4,wturn6,wsccor
274    10 format (/'Energy-term weights (unscaled):'//
275      & 'WSCC=   ',f10.6,' (SC-SC)'/
276      & 'WSCP=   ',f10.6,' (SC-p)'/
277      & 'WELEC=  ',f10.6,' (p-p electr)'/
278      & 'WVDWPP= ',f10.6,' (p-p VDW)'/
279      & 'WBOND=  ',f10.6,' (stretching)'/
280      & 'WANG=   ',f10.6,' (bending)'/
281      & 'WSCLOC= ',f10.6,' (SC local)'/
282      & 'WTOR=   ',f10.6,' (torsional)'/
283      & 'WTORD=  ',f10.6,' (double torsional)'/
284      & 'WSTRAIN=',f10.6,' (SS bridges & dist. cnstr.)'/
285      & 'WEL_LOC=',f10.6,' (multi-body 3-rd order)'/
286      & 'WCORR4= ',f10.6,' (multi-body 4th order)'/
287      & 'WCORR5= ',f10.6,' (multi-body 5th order)'/
288      & 'WCORR6= ',f10.6,' (multi-body 6th order)'/
289      & 'WTURN3= ',f10.6,' (turns, 3rd order)'/
290      & 'WTURN4= ',f10.6,' (turns, 4th order)'/
291      & 'WTURN6= ',f10.6,' (turns, 6th order)'/
292      & 'WSCCOR= ',f10.6,' (SC-backbone torsinal correalations)')
294       if (wcorr4.gt.0.0d0) then
295         write (iout,'(/2a/)') 'Local-electrostatic type correlation ',
296      &   'between contact pairs of peptide groups'
297         write (iout,'(2(a,f5.3/))')
298      &  'Cutoff on 4-6th order correlation terms: ',cutoff_corr,
299      &  'Range of quenching the correlation terms:',2*delt_corr
300       else if (wcorr.gt.0.0d0) then
301         write (iout,'(/2a/)') 'Hydrogen-bonding correlation ',
302      &   'between contact pairs of peptide groups'
303       endif
304       write (iout,'(a,f8.3)')
305      &  'Scaling factor of 1,4 SC-p interactions:',scal14
306       write (iout,'(a,f8.3)')
307      &  'General scaling factor of SC-p interactions:',scalscp
308       r0_corr=cutoff_corr-delt_corr
309       do i=1,20
310         aad(i,1)=scalscp*aad(i,1)
311         aad(i,2)=scalscp*aad(i,2)
312         bad(i,1)=scalscp*bad(i,1)
313         bad(i,2)=scalscp*bad(i,2)
314       enddo
316       call flush(iout)
317       print *,'indpdb=',indpdb,' pdbref=',pdbref
319 C Read sequence if not taken from the pdb file.
320       if (iscode.gt.0) then
321         read (inp,'(80a1)') (sequence(i)(1:1),i=1,nres)
322       else
323         read (inp,'(20(1x,a3))') (sequence(i),i=1,nres)
324       endif
325 C Convert sequence to numeric code
326       do i=1,nres
327         itype(i)=rescode(i,sequence(i),iscode)
328       enddo
329       print *,nres
330       print '(20i4)',(itype(i),i=1,nres)
332       do i=1,nres
333 #ifdef PROCOR
334         if (itype(i).eq.ntyp1 .or. itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1) then
335 #else
336         if (itype(i).eq.ntyp1) then
337 #endif
338           itel(i)=0
339 #ifdef PROCOR
340         else if (iabs(itype(i+1)).ne.20) then
341 #else
342         else if (iabs(itype(i)).ne.20) then
343 #endif
344           itel(i)=1
345         else
346           itel(i)=2
347         endif
348       enddo
349       write (iout,*) "ITEL"
350       do i=1,nres-1
351         write (iout,*) i,itype(i),itel(i)
352       enddo
354       print *,'Call Read_Bridge.'
355       call read_bridge
356 C this fragment reads diheadral constrains
357       if (with_dihed_constr) then
359       read (inp,*) ndih_constr
360       if (ndih_constr.gt.0) then
361 C        read (inp,*) ftors
362 C        write (iout,*) 'FTORS',ftors
363 C ftors is the force constant for torsional quartic constrains
364         read (inp,*) (idih_constr(i),phi0(i),drange(i),ftors(i),
365      &                i=1,ndih_constr)
366         write (iout,*)
367      &   'There are',ndih_constr,' constraints on phi angles.'
368         do i=1,ndih_constr
369           write (iout,'(i5,3f8.3)') idih_constr(i),phi0(i),drange(i),
370      &  ftors(i)
371         enddo
372         do i=1,ndih_constr
373           phi0(i)=deg2rad*phi0(i)
374           drange(i)=deg2rad*drange(i)
375         enddo
376       endif ! endif ndif_constr.gt.0
377       endif ! with_dihed_constr
378       if (with_theta_constr) then
379 C with_theta_constr is keyword allowing for occurance of theta constrains
380       read (inp,*) ntheta_constr
381 C ntheta_constr is the number of theta constrains
382       if (ntheta_constr.gt.0) then
383 C        read (inp,*) ftors
384         read (inp,*) (itheta_constr(i),theta_constr0(i),
385      &  theta_drange(i),for_thet_constr(i),
386      &  i=1,ntheta_constr)
387 C the above code reads from 1 to ntheta_constr 
388 C itheta_constr(i) residue i for which is theta_constr
389 C theta_constr0 the global minimum value
390 C theta_drange is range for which there is no energy penalty
391 C for_thet_constr is the force constant for quartic energy penalty
392 C E=k*x**4 
393 C        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
394          write (iout,*)
395      &   'There are',ntheta_constr,' constraints on phi angles.'
396          do i=1,ntheta_constr
397           write (iout,'(i5,3f8.3)') itheta_constr(i),theta_constr0(i),
398      &    theta_drange(i),
399      &    for_thet_constr(i)
400          enddo
401 C        endif
402         do i=1,ntheta_constr
403           theta_constr0(i)=deg2rad*theta_constr0(i)
404           theta_drange(i)=deg2rad*theta_drange(i)
405         enddo
406 C        if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
407 C     &   write (iout,*) 'FTORS',ftors
408 C        do i=1,ntheta_constr
409 C          ii = itheta_constr(i)
410 C          thetabound(1,ii) = phi0(i)-drange(i)
411 C          thetabound(2,ii) = phi0(i)+drange(i)
412 C        enddo
413       endif ! ntheta_constr.gt.0
414       endif! with_theta_constr
416       nnt=1
417       nct=nres
418       print *,'NNT=',NNT,' NCT=',NCT
419       if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) nnt=2
420       if (itype(nres).eq.ntyp1) nct=nct-1
421       if (nstart.lt.nnt) nstart=nnt
422       if (nend.gt.nct .or. nend.eq.0) nend=nct
423       write (iout,*) "nstart",nstart," nend",nend
424       nres0=nres
425 c      if (pdbref) then
426 c        read(inp,'(a)') pdbfile
427 c        write (iout,'(2a)') 'PDB data will be read from file ',pdbfile
428 c        open(ipdbin,file=pdbfile,status='old',err=33)
429 c        goto 34 
430 c  33    write (iout,'(a)') 'Error opening PDB file.'
431 c        stop
432 c  34    continue
433 c        print *,'Begin reading pdb data'
434 c        call readpdb
435 c        print *,'Finished reading pdb data'
436 c        write (iout,'(a,i3,a,i3)')'nsup=',nsup,' nstart_sup=',nstart_sup
437 c        do i=1,nres
438 c          itype_pdb(i)=itype(i)
439 c        enddo
440 c        close (ipdbin)
441 c        write (iout,'(a,i3)') 'nsup=',nsup
442 c        nstart_seq=nnt
443 c        if (nsup.le.(nct-nnt+1)) then
444 c          do i=0,nct-nnt+1-nsup
445 c            if (seq_comp(itype(nnt+i),itype_pdb(nstart_sup),nsup)) then
446 c              nstart_seq=nnt+i
447 c              goto 111
448 c            endif
449 c          enddo
450 c          write (iout,'(a)') 
451 c     &            'Error - sequences to be superposed do not match.'
452 c          stop
453 c        else
454 c          do i=0,nsup-(nct-nnt+1)
455 c            if (seq_comp(itype(nnt),itype_pdb(nstart_sup+i),nct-nnt+1)) 
456 c     &      then
457 c              nstart_sup=nstart_sup+i
458 c              nsup=nct-nnt+1
459 c              goto 111
460 c            endif
461 c          enddo 
462 c          write (iout,'(a)') 
463 c     &            'Error - sequences to be superposed do not match.'
464 c        endif
465 c  111   continue
466 c        write (iout,*) 'nsup=',nsup,' nstart_sup=',nstart_sup,
467 c     &                 ' nstart_seq=',nstart_seq
468 c      endif
469       call init_int_table
470       call setup_var
471       write (iout,*) "molread: REFSTR",refstr
472       if (refstr) then
473         if (.not.pdbref) then
474           call read_angles(inp,*38)
475           goto 39
476    38     write (iout,'(a)') 'Error reading reference structure.'
477 #ifdef MPL
478           call mp_stopall(Error_Msg)
479 #else
480           stop 'Error reading reference structure'
481 #endif
482    39     call chainbuild     
483           nstart_sup=nnt
484           nstart_seq=nnt
485           nsup=nct-nnt+1
486           kkk=1
487           do i=1,2*nres
488             do j=1,3
489               cref(j,i,kkk)=c(j,i)
490             enddo
491           enddo
492         endif
493         call contact(.true.,ncont_ref,icont_ref)
494       endif
495        if (ns.gt.0) then
496 C        write (iout,'(/a,i3,a)')
497 C     &  'The chain contains',ns,' disulfide-bridging cysteines.'
498         write (iout,'(20i4)') (iss(i),i=1,ns)
499        if (dyn_ss) then
500           write(iout,*)"Running with dynamic disulfide-bond formation"
501        else
502         write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Pre-formed links are:'
503         do i=1,nss
504           i1=ihpb(i)-nres
505           i2=jhpb(i)-nres
506           it1=itype(i1)
507           it2=itype(i2)
508           write (iout,'(2a,i3,3a,i3,a,3f10.3)')
509      &    restyp(it1),'(',i1,') -- ',restyp(it2),'(',i2,')',dhpb(i),
510      &    ebr,forcon(i)
511         enddo
512         write (iout,'(a)')
513        endif
514       endif
515       if (ns.gt.0.and.dyn_ss) then
516           do i=nss+1,nhpb
517             ihpb(i-nss)=ihpb(i)
518             jhpb(i-nss)=jhpb(i)
519             forcon(i-nss)=forcon(i)
520             dhpb(i-nss)=dhpb(i)
521           enddo
522           nhpb=nhpb-nss
523           nss=0
524           call hpb_partition
525           do i=1,ns
526             dyn_ss_mask(iss(i))=.true.
527           enddo
528       endif
529 c Read distance restraints
530       if (constr_dist.gt.0) then
531         call read_dist_constr
532         call hpb_partition
533       endif
534       return
535       end
536 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
537       logical function seq_comp(itypea,itypeb,length)
538       implicit none
539       integer length,itypea(length),itypeb(length)
540       integer i
541       do i=1,length
542         if (itypea(i).ne.itypeb(i)) then
543           seq_comp=.false.
544           return
545         endif
546       enddo
547       seq_comp=.true.
548       return
549       end
550 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
551       subroutine read_bridge
552 C Read information about disulfide bridges.
553       implicit none
554       include 'DIMENSIONS'
555       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
556       include 'COMMON.GEO'
557       include 'COMMON.VAR'
558       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
559       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
560       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
561       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
562       include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
563       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
564       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
565       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
566       include 'COMMON.TIME1'
567 #ifdef MPL
568       include 'COMMON.INFO'
569 #endif
570       integer i,j
571 C Read bridging residues.
572       read (inp,*) ns,(iss(i),i=1,ns)
573       print *,'ns=',ns
574 C Check whether the specified bridging residues are cystines.
575       do i=1,ns
576         if (itype(iss(i)).ne.1) then
577           write (iout,'(2a,i3,a)') 
578      &   'Do you REALLY think that the residue ',
579      &    restyp(itype(iss(i))),i,
580      &   ' can form a disulfide bridge?!!!'
581           write (*,'(2a,i3,a)') 
582      &   'Do you REALLY think that the residue ',
583      &   restyp(itype(iss(i))),i,
584      &   ' can form a disulfide bridge?!!!'
585 #ifdef MPL
586          call mp_stopall(error_msg)
587 #else
588          stop
589 #endif
590         endif
591       enddo
592 C Read preformed bridges.
593       if (ns.gt.0) then
594       read (inp,*) nss,(ihpb(i),jhpb(i),i=1,nss)
595       if (nss.gt.0) then
596         nhpb=nss
597 C Check if the residues involved in bridges are in the specified list of
598 C bridging residues.
599         do i=1,nss
600           do j=1,i-1
601             if (ihpb(i).eq.ihpb(j).or.ihpb(i).eq.jhpb(j)
602      &      .or.jhpb(i).eq.ihpb(j).or.jhpb(i).eq.jhpb(j)) then
603               write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Disulfide pair',i,
604      &      ' contains residues present in other pairs.'
605               write (*,'(a,i3,a)') 'Disulfide pair',i,
606      &      ' contains residues present in other pairs.'
607 #ifdef MPL
608               call mp_stopall(error_msg)
609 #else
610               stop 
611 #endif
612             endif
613           enddo
614           do j=1,ns
615             if (ihpb(i).eq.iss(j)) goto 10
616           enddo
617           write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Pair',i,' contains unknown cystine.'
618    10     continue
619           do j=1,ns
620             if (jhpb(i).eq.iss(j)) goto 20
621           enddo
622           write (iout,'(a,i3,a)') 'Pair',i,' contains unknown cystine.'
623    20     continue
624 C          dhpb(i)=dbr
625 C          forcon(i)=fbr
626         enddo
627         do i=1,nss
628           ihpb(i)=ihpb(i)+nres
629           jhpb(i)=jhpb(i)+nres
630         enddo
631       endif
632       endif
633       return
634       end
635 c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
636       subroutine read_angles(kanal,*)
637       implicit none
638       include 'DIMENSIONS'
639       include 'COMMON.GEO'
640       include 'COMMON.VAR'
641       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
642       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
643       integer i,kanal
644       read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (theta(i),i=3,nres)
645       read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (phi(i),i=4,nres)
646       read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (alph(i),i=2,nres-1)
647       read (kanal,*,err=10,end=10) (omeg(i),i=2,nres-1)
648       do i=1,nres
649         theta(i)=deg2rad*theta(i)
650         phi(i)=deg2rad*phi(i)
651         alph(i)=deg2rad*alph(i)
652         omeg(i)=deg2rad*omeg(i)
653       enddo
654       return
655    10 return1
656       end
657 c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
658       subroutine reada(rekord,lancuch,wartosc,default)
659       implicit none
660       character*(*) rekord,lancuch
661       double precision wartosc,default
662       integer ilen,iread
663       external ilen
664       iread=index(rekord,lancuch)
665       if (iread.eq.0) then
666         wartosc=default 
667         return
668       endif   
669       iread=iread+ilen(lancuch)+1
670       read (rekord(iread:),*) wartosc
671       return
672       end
673 c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
674       subroutine multreada(rekord,lancuch,tablica,dim,default)
675       implicit none
676       integer dim,i
677       double precision tablica(dim),default
678       character*(*) rekord,lancuch
679       integer ilen,iread
680       external ilen
681       do i=1,dim
682         tablica(i)=default 
683       enddo
684       iread=index(rekord,lancuch)
685       if (iread.eq.0) return
686       iread=iread+ilen(lancuch)+1
687       read (rekord(iread:),*,end=10,err=10) (tablica(i),i=1,dim)
688    10 return
689       end
690 c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
691       subroutine readi(rekord,lancuch,wartosc,default)
692       implicit none
693       character*(*) rekord,lancuch
694       integer wartosc,default
695       integer ilen,iread
696       external ilen
697       iread=index(rekord,lancuch)
698       if (iread.eq.0) then
699         wartosc=default 
700         return
701       endif   
702       iread=iread+ilen(lancuch)+1
703       read (rekord(iread:),*) wartosc
704       return
705       end
706 C----------------------------------------------------------------------
707       subroutine multreadi(rekord,lancuch,tablica,dim,default)
708       implicit none
709       integer dim,i
710       integer tablica(dim),default
711       character*(*) rekord,lancuch
712       character*80 aux
713       integer ilen,iread
714       external ilen
715       do i=1,dim
716         tablica(i)=default
717       enddo
718       iread=index(rekord,lancuch(:ilen(lancuch))//"=")
719       if (iread.eq.0) return
720       iread=iread+ilen(lancuch)+1
721       read (rekord(iread:),*,end=10,err=10) (tablica(i),i=1,dim)
722    10 return
723       end
725 c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
726       subroutine card_concat(card)
727       include 'DIMENSIONS'
728       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
729       character*(*) card
730       character*80 karta,ucase
731       external ilen
732       read (inp,'(a)') karta
733       karta=ucase(karta)
734       card=' '
735       do while (karta(80:80).eq.'&')
736         card=card(:ilen(card)+1)//karta(:79)
737         read (inp,'(a)') karta
738         karta=ucase(karta)
739       enddo
740       card=card(:ilen(card)+1)//karta
741       return
742       end
743 c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
744       subroutine openunits
745       implicit none
746       include 'DIMENSIONS'    
747 #ifdef MPI
748       include "mpif.h"
749       character*3 liczba
750       include "COMMON.MPI"
751 #endif
752       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
753       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
754       integer lenpre,lenpot,ilen
755       external ilen
756       character*16 cformat,cprint
757       character*16 ucase
758       integer lenint,lenout
759       call getenv('INPUT',prefix)
760       call getenv('OUTPUT',prefout)
761       call getenv('INTIN',prefintin)
762       call getenv('COORD',cformat)
763       call getenv('PRINTCOOR',cprint)
764       call getenv('SCRATCHDIR',scratchdir)
765       from_bx=.true.
766       from_cx=.false.
767       if (index(ucase(cformat),'CX').gt.0) then
768         from_cx=.true.
769         from_bx=.false.
770       endif
771       from_cart=.true.
772       lenpre=ilen(prefix)
773       lenout=ilen(prefout)
774       lenint=ilen(prefintin)
775 C Get the names and open the input files
776       open (inp,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.inp',status='old')
777 #ifdef MPI
778       write (liczba,'(bz,i3.3)') me
779       outname=prefout(:lenout)//'_clust.out_'//liczba
780 #else
781       outname=prefout(:lenout)//'_clust.out'
782 #endif
783       if (from_bx) then
784         intinname=prefintin(:lenint)//'.bx'
785       else if (from_cx) then
786         intinname=prefintin(:lenint)//'.cx'
787       else
788         intinname=prefintin(:lenint)//'.int'
789       endif
790       rmsname=prefintin(:lenint)//'.rms'
791       open (jplot,file=prefout(:ilen(prefout))//'.tex',
792      &       status='unknown')
793       open (jrms,file=rmsname,status='unknown')
794       open(iout,file=outname,status='unknown')
795 C Get parameter filenames and open the parameter files.
796       call getenv('BONDPAR',bondname)
797       open (ibond,file=bondname,status='old')
798       call getenv('THETPAR',thetname)
799       open (ithep,file=thetname,status='old')
800       call getenv('ROTPAR',rotname)
801       open (irotam,file=rotname,status='old')
802       call getenv('TORPAR',torname)
803       open (itorp,file=torname,status='old')
804       call getenv('TORDPAR',tordname)
805       open (itordp,file=tordname,status='old')
806       call getenv('FOURIER',fouriername)
807       open (ifourier,file=fouriername,status='old')
808       call getenv('ELEPAR',elename)
809       open (ielep,file=elename,status='old')
810       call getenv('SIDEPAR',sidename)
811       open (isidep,file=sidename,status='old')
812       call getenv('SIDEP',sidepname)
813       open (isidep1,file=sidepname,status="old")
814       call getenv('SCCORPAR',sccorname)
815       open (isccor,file=sccorname,status="old")
816       call getenv('LIPTRANPAR',liptranname)
817       open (iliptranpar,file=liptranname,status='old')
818       call getenv('TUBEPAR',tubename)
819       open (itube,file=tubename,status='old')
821 #ifndef OLDSCP
822 C
823 C 8/9/01 In the newest version SCp interaction constants are read from a file
824 C Use -DOLDSCP to use hard-coded constants instead.
825 C
826       call getenv('SCPPAR',scpname)
827       open (iscpp,file=scpname,status='old')
828 #endif
829       return
830       end
831       subroutine read_dist_constr
832       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
833       include 'DIMENSIONS'
834 #ifdef MPI
835       include 'mpif.h'
836 #endif
837       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
838       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
839       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
840       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
841       integer ifrag_(2,100),ipair_(2,100)
842       double precision wfrag_(100),wpair_(100)
843       character*500 controlcard
844       logical lprn /.true./
845       write (iout,*) "Calling read_dist_constr"
846 C      write (iout,*) "nres",nres," nstart_sup",nstart_sup," nsup",nsup
847 C      call flush(iout)
848       write(iout,*) "TU sie wywalam?"
849       call card_concat(controlcard)
850       write (iout,*) controlcard
851       call flush(iout)
852       call readi(controlcard,"NFRAG",nfrag_,0)
853       call readi(controlcard,"NPAIR",npair_,0)
854       call readi(controlcard,"NDIST",ndist_,0)
855       call reada(controlcard,'DIST_CUT',dist_cut,5.0d0)
856       call multreadi(controlcard,"IFRAG",ifrag_(1,1),2*nfrag_,0)
857       call multreadi(controlcard,"IPAIR",ipair_(1,1),2*npair_,0)
858       call multreada(controlcard,"WFRAG",wfrag_(1),nfrag_,0.0d0)
859       call multreada(controlcard,"WPAIR",wpair_(1),npair_,0.0d0)
860       write (iout,*) "NFRAG",nfrag_," NPAIR",npair_," NDIST",ndist_
861       write (iout,*) "IFRAG"
862       do i=1,nfrag_
863         write (iout,*) i,ifrag_(1,i),ifrag_(2,i),wfrag_(i)
864       enddo
865       write (iout,*) "IPAIR"
866       do i=1,npair_
867         write (iout,*) i,ipair_(1,i),ipair_(2,i),wpair_(i)
868       enddo
869       call flush(iout)
870       do i=1,nfrag_
871         if (ifrag_(1,i).lt.nstart_sup) ifrag_(1,i)=nstart_sup
872         if (ifrag_(2,i).gt.nstart_sup+nsup-1)
873      &    ifrag_(2,i)=nstart_sup+nsup-1
874 c        write (iout,*) i,ifrag_(1,i),ifrag_(2,i),wfrag_(i)
875         call flush(iout)
876         if (wfrag_(i).gt.0.0d0) then
877         do j=ifrag_(1,i),ifrag_(2,i)-1
878           do k=j+1,ifrag_(2,i)
879             write (iout,*) "j",j," k",k
880             ddjk=dist(j,k)
881             if (constr_dist.eq.1) then
882               nhpb=nhpb+1
883               ihpb(nhpb)=j
884               jhpb(nhpb)=k
885               dhpb(nhpb)=ddjk
886               forcon(nhpb)=wfrag_(i) 
887             else if (constr_dist.eq.2) then
888               if (ddjk.le.dist_cut) then
889                 nhpb=nhpb+1
890                 ihpb(nhpb)=j
891                 jhpb(nhpb)=k
892                 dhpb(nhpb)=ddjk
893                 forcon(nhpb)=wfrag_(i) 
894               endif
895             else
896               nhpb=nhpb+1
897               ihpb(nhpb)=j
898               jhpb(nhpb)=k
899               dhpb(nhpb)=ddjk
900               forcon(nhpb)=wfrag_(i)*dexp(-0.5d0*(ddjk/dist_cut)**2)
901             endif
902             if (lprn)
903      &      write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,1pe12.2)') "+dist.constr ",
904      &       nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
905           enddo
906         enddo
907         endif
908       enddo
909       do i=1,npair_
910         if (wpair_(i).gt.0.0d0) then
911         ii = ipair_(1,i)
912         jj = ipair_(2,i)
913         if (ii.gt.jj) then
914           itemp=ii
915           ii=jj
916           jj=itemp
917         endif
918         do j=ifrag_(1,ii),ifrag_(2,ii)
919           do k=ifrag_(1,jj),ifrag_(2,jj)
920             nhpb=nhpb+1
921             ihpb(nhpb)=j
922             jhpb(nhpb)=k
923             forcon(nhpb)=wpair_(i)
924             dhpb(nhpb)=dist(j,k)
925             write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,f10.1)') "+dist.constr ",
926      &       nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
927           enddo
928         enddo
929         endif
930       enddo 
931       do i=1,ndist_
932         if (constr_dist.eq.11) then
933         read (inp,*) ihpb(nhpb+1),jhpb(nhpb+1),dhpb(i),dhpb1(i),
934      &     ibecarb(i),forcon(nhpb+1),fordepth(nhpb+1)
935         fordepth(nhpb+1)=fordepth(nhpb+1)/forcon(nhpb+1)
936 C        write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,f10.1)') "+dist.constr ",
937 C     &     nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
938         else
939         read (inp,*) ihpb(nhpb+1),jhpb(nhpb+1),forcon(nhpb+1)
940         endif
941         if (forcon(nhpb+1).gt.0.0d0) then
942           nhpb=nhpb+1
943           if (ibecarb(i).gt.0) then
944             ihpb(i)=ihpb(i)+nres
945             jhpb(i)=jhpb(i)+nres
946           endif
947           if (dhpb(nhpb).eq.0.0d0)
948      &       dhpb(nhpb)=dist(ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb))
949 C          dhpb(nhpb)=dist(ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb))
950           write (iout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,f10.1)') "+dist.constr ",
951      &     nhpb,ihpb(nhpb),jhpb(nhpb),dhpb(nhpb),forcon(nhpb)
952         endif
953 C      endif
954       enddo
955       call hpb_partition
956       call flush(iout)
957       return
958       end