[unres.git] / source / cluster / wham / src-M / readpdb.f.safe
1       subroutine readpdb
2 C Read the PDB file and convert the peptide geometry into virtual-chain 
3 C geometry.
4       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
5       include 'DIMENSIONS'
6       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
7       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
8       include 'COMMON.VAR'
9       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
10       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
11       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
12       include 'COMMON.GEO'
13       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
14       character*3 seq,atom,res
15       character*80 card
16       dimension sccor(3,20)
17       integer rescode,cou
18 c      write (iout,*) "PDBREAD: SYMETR",symetr
19       call permut(symetr)
20 c      write (iout,*) "AFTER PERMUT"
21       call flush(iout)
22       ibeg=1
23       do
24         read (ipdbin,'(a80)',end=10) card
25 c        write (iout,'(a)') card
26         if (card(:3).eq.'END') then
27           goto 10
28         else if (card(:3).eq.'TER') then
29 C End current chain
30           ires_old=ires+2
31           itype(ires_old-1)=ntyp1
32           itype(ires_old)=ntyp1
33           ibeg=2
34 c          write (iout,*) "Chain ended",ires,ishift,ires_old
35           call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
36         endif
37 C Fish out the ATOM cards.
38         if (index(card(1:4),'ATOM').gt.0) then  
39           read (card(14:16),'(a3)') atom
40           if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3') then
41 C Calculate the CM of the preceding residue.
42             if (ibeg.eq.0) then
43               call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
44             endif
45 C Start new residue.
46 c            write (iout,'(a80)') card
47             read (card(24:26),*) ires
48             read (card(18:20),'(a3)') res
49             if (ibeg.eq.1) then
50               ishift=ires-1
51               if (res.ne.'GLY' .and. res.ne. 'ACE') then
52                 ishift=ishift-1
53                 itype(1)=ntyp1
54               endif
55 c              write (iout,*) "ires",ires," ibeg",ibeg," ishift",ishift
56               ibeg=0          
57             else if (ibeg.eq.2) then
58 c Start a new chain
59               ishift=-ires_old+ires-1
60 c              write (iout,*) "New chain started",ires,ishift
61               ibeg=0
62             endif
63             ires=ires-ishift
64 c            write (2,*) "ires",ires," ishift",ishift
65             if (res.eq.'ACE') then
66               ity=10
67             else
68               itype(ires)=rescode(ires,res,0)
69             endif
70             read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
71 c            write (iout,'(2i3,2x,a,3f8.3)') 
72 c     &       ires,itype(ires),res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
73             iii=1
74             do j=1,3
75               sccor(j,iii)=c(j,ires)
76             enddo
77           else if (atom.ne.'O  '.and.atom(1:1).ne.'H' .and. 
78      &             atom.ne.'N  ' .and. atom.ne.'C   ') then
79             iii=iii+1
80             read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
81           endif
82         endif
83       enddo
84    10 write (iout,'(a,i5)') ' Nres: ',ires
85 C Calculate dummy residue coordinates inside the "chain" of a multichain
86 C system
87       nres=ires
88       do i=2,nres-1
89 c        write (iout,*) i,itype(i)
90         if (itype(i).eq.ntyp1) then
91          if (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1) then
93 c          write (iout,*) "dummy",i,itype(i)
94 C          do j=1,3
95 C            c(j,i)=((c(j,i-1)+c(j,i+1))/2+2*c(j,i-1)-c(j,i-2))/2
96 c            c(j,i)=(c(j,i-1)+c(j,i+1))/2
97 C            dc(j,i)=c(j,i)
98 C          enddo
99            do j=1,3
100              dcj=(c(j,i-2)-c(j,i-3))/2.0
101              c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+dcj
102              c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
103            enddo
104 C          endif   !unres_pdb
105          else     !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
106            do j=1,3
107             dcj=(c(j,i+3)-c(j,i+2))/2.0
108             c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-dcj
109             c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
110            enddo
111 C          endif !unres_pdb
112          endif !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
113         endif  !itype.eq.ntyp1
114       enddo
115 C Calculate the CM of the last side chain.
116       call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
117       nsup=nres
118       nstart_sup=1
119       if (itype(nres).ne.10) then
120         nres=nres+1
121         itype(nres)=ntyp1
122         do j=1,3
123           dcj=(c(j,nres-2)-c(j,nres-3))/2.0
124           c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+dcj
125           c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
126         enddo
127       endif
128       do i=2,nres-1
129         do j=1,3
130           c(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i)
131         enddo
132       enddo
133       do j=1,3
134         c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
135         c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
136       enddo
137       if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
138         nsup=nsup-1
139         nstart_sup=2
140         do j=1,3
141           dcj=(c(j,4)-c(j,3))/2.0
142           c(j,1)=c(j,2)-dcj
143           c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
144         enddo
145       endif
146 C Calculate internal coordinates.
147       do ires=1,nres
148         write (iout,'(2i3,2x,a,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)') 
149      &    ires,itype(ires),restyp(itype(ires)),(c(j,ires),j=1,3),
150      &    (c(j,nres+ires),j=1,3)
151       enddo
152       call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
153       do i=1,nres-1
154         do j=1,3
155           dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
156           dc_norm(j,i)=dc(j,i)*vbld_inv(i+1)
157         enddo
158       enddo
159       do i=2,nres-1
160         do j=1,3
161           dc(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i)
162           dc_norm(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i+nres)*vbld_inv(i+nres)
163         enddo
164 c        write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i+nres),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i+nres),j=1,3),
165 c     &   vbld_inv(i+nres)
166       enddo
167 c      write (iout,*) "AFTER DC"
168       call flush(iout)
169 c      call chainbuild
170 C Copy the coordinates to reference coordinates
171 c      do i=1,2*nres
172 c        do j=1,3
173 c          cref_pdb(j,i)=c(j,i)
174 c        enddo
175 c      enddo
177       kkk=1
178       lll=0
179       cou=1
180 c      write (iout,*) "nres",nres
181       do i=1,nres
182       lll=lll+1
183 cc      write (iout,*) "spraw lancuchy",(c(j,i),j=1,3)
184       if (i.gt.1) then
185       if ((itype(i-1).eq.ntyp1).and.(i.gt.2)) then
186       chain_length=lll-1
187       kkk=kkk+1
188 c       write (iout,*) "spraw lancuchy",(c(j,i),j=1,3)
189 c      write (iout,*) "chain_length",chain_length
190       call flush(iout)
191       lll=1
192       endif
193       endif
194 c        write (iout,*) "i",i," lll",lll
195         do j=1,3
196           cref_pdb(j,i,cou)=c(j,i)
197           cref_pdb(j,i+nres,cou)=c(j,i+nres)
198           if (i.le.nres) then
199           chain_rep(j,lll,kkk)=c(j,i)
200           chain_rep(j,lll+nres,kkk)=c(j,i+nres)
201           endif
202          enddo
203       enddo
204       if (chain_length.eq.0) chain_length=nres
205       do j=1,3
206       chain_rep(j,chain_length,symetr)=chain_rep(j,chain_length,1)
207       chain_rep(j,chain_length+nres,symetr)
208      &=chain_rep(j,chain_length+nres,1)
209       enddo
211       if (symetr.gt.1) then
212        call permut(symetr)
213        nperm=1
214        do i=1,symetr
215        nperm=nperm*i
216        enddo
217 c       do i=1,nperm
218 c       write(iout,*) "tabperm", (tabperm(i,kkk),kkk=1,4)
219 c       enddo
220        do i=1,nperm
221         cou=0
222         do kkk=1,symetr
223          icha=tabperm(i,kkk)
224 c         write (iout,*) i,icha
225          do lll=1,chain_length
226           cou=cou+1
227            if (cou.le.nres) then
228            do j=1,3
229             kupa=mod(lll,chain_length)
230             iprzes=(kkk-1)*chain_length+lll
231             if (kupa.eq.0) kupa=chain_length
232 c            write (iout,*) "kupa", kupa
233             cref_pdb(j,iprzes,i)=chain_rep(j,kupa,icha)
234             cref_pdb(j,iprzes+nres,i)=chain_rep(j,kupa+nres,icha)
235           enddo
236           endif
237          enddo
238         enddo
239        enddo
240        endif
242 C-koniec robienia kopidm
243       do kkk=1,nperm
244       write (iout,*) "nowa struktura", nperm
245       do i=1,nres
246         write (iout,110) restyp(itype(i)),i,cref_pdb(1,i,kkk),
247      &cref_pdb(2,i,kkk),
248      &cref_pdb(3,i,kkk),cref_pdb(1,nres+i,kkk),
249      &cref_pdb(2,nres+i,kkk),cref_pdb(3,nres+i,kkk)
250       enddo
251   100 format (//'              alpha-carbon coordinates       ',
252      &          '     centroid coordinates'/
253      1          '       ', 6X,'X',11X,'Y',11X,'Z',
254      &                          10X,'X',11X,'Y',11X,'Z')
255   110 format (a,'(',i3,')',6f12.5)
256        enddo
259       ishift_pdb=ishift
260       return
261       end
262 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
263       subroutine int_from_cart(lside,lprn)
264       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
265       include 'DIMENSIONS'
266       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
267       include 'COMMON.VAR'
268       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
269       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
270       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
271       include 'COMMON.GEO'
272       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
273       character*3 seq,atom,res
274       character*80 card
275       dimension sccor(3,20)
276       integer rescode
277       logical lside,lprn
278       if (lprn) then 
279         write (iout,'(/a)') 
280      &  'Internal coordinates calculated from crystal structure.'
281         if (lside) then 
282           write (iout,'(8a)') '  Res  ','       dvb','     Theta',
283      & '       Phi','    Dsc_id','       Dsc','     Alpha',
284      & '     Omega'
285         else 
286           write (iout,'(4a)') '  Res  ','       dvb','     Theta',
287      & '       Phi'
288         endif
289       endif
290       call flush(iout)
291       do i=nnt+1,nct
292         iti=itype(i)
293 c        write (iout,*) i,dist(i,i-1)
294         if (dist(i,i-1).lt.2.0D0 .or. dist(i,i-1).gt.5.0D0) then
295           write (iout,'(a,i4)') 'Bad Cartesians for residue',i
296           stop
297         endif
298         theta(i+1)=alpha(i-1,i,i+1)
299         if (i.gt.2) phi(i+1)=beta(i-2,i-1,i,i+1)
300       enddo
301       if (lside) then
302         do i=2,nres-1
303           do j=1,3
304             c(j,maxres2)=0.5D0*(c(j,i-1)+c(j,i+1))
305           enddo
306           iti=itype(i)
307           di=dist(i,nres+i)
308           if (iti.ne.10) then
309             alph(i)=alpha(nres+i,i,maxres2)
310             omeg(i)=beta(nres+i,i,maxres2,i+1)
311           endif
312           if (lprn)
313      &    write (iout,'(a3,i4,7f10.3)') restyp(iti),i,dist(i,i-1),
314      &    rad2deg*theta(i),rad2deg*phi(i),dsc(iti),di,rad2deg*alph(i),
315      &    rad2deg*omeg(i)
316         enddo
317       else if (lprn) then
318         do i=2,nres
319           iti=itype(i)
320           write (iout,'(a3,i4,7f10.3)') restyp(iti),i,dist(i,i-1),
321      &    rad2deg*theta(i),rad2deg*phi(i)
322         enddo
323       endif
324       return
325       end
326 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
327       subroutine sccenter(ires,nscat,sccor)
328       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
329       include 'DIMENSIONS'
330       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
331       dimension sccor(3,20)
332       do j=1,3
333         sccmj=0.0D0
334         do i=1,nscat
335           sccmj=sccmj+sccor(j,i) 
336         enddo
337         dc(j,ires)=sccmj/nscat
338       enddo
339       return
340       end