correction of readrtns
[unres.git] / source / cluster / wham / src / initialize.f_org
1       subroutine initialize
3 C Define constants and zero out tables.
4 C
5       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
6       include 'DIMENSIONS'
7       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
8       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
9       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
10       include 'COMMON.GEO'
11       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
12       include 'COMMON.TORSION'
13       include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
14       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
15       include 'COMMON.MINIM' 
16       include 'COMMON.DERIV'
17 C
18 C The following is just to define auxiliary variables used in angle conversion
19 C
20       pi=4.0D0*datan(1.0D0)
21       dwapi=2.0D0*pi
22       dwapi3=pi/3.0D0
23       pipol=0.5D0*pi
24       deg2rad=pi/180.0D0
25       rad2deg=1.0D0/deg2rad
26       angmin=10.0D0*deg2rad
27 C Assign virtual-bond length
28       vbl=3.8D0
29       vblinv=1.0D0/vbl
30       vblinv2=vblinv*vblinv
31 C
32 C Define I/O units.
33 C
34       inp=    1
35       iout=   2
36       ipdbin= 3
37       ipdb=   7
38       igeom=  8
39       intin=  9
40       istat= 17
41       imol2= 18
42       jplot= 19
43       jstatin=10
44       jstatout=11
45 C
46 C Zero out tables.
47 C
48       do i=1,maxres2
49         do j=1,3
50           c(j,i)=0.0D0
51           dc(j,i)=0.0D0
52         enddo
53       enddo
54       do i=1,maxres
55         do j=1,3
56           xloc(j,i)=0.0D0
57         enddo
58       enddo
59 C Initialize the bridge arrays
60       ns=0
61       nss=0 
62       nhpb=0
63       do i=1,maxss
64         iss(i)=0
65       enddo
66       do i=1,maxdim
67         dhpb(i)=0.0D0
68       enddo
69       do i=1,maxres
70         ihpb(i)=0
71         jhpb(i)=0
72       enddo
73 C
74 C Initialize timing.
75 C
76       call set_timers
77       return
78       end
79 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
80       block data chuj
81       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
82       include 'DIMENSIONS'
83       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
84       include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
85       data restyp /
86      &'CYS','MET','PHE','ILE','LEU','VAL','TRP','TYR','ALA','GLY','THR',
87      &'SER','GLN','ASN','GLU','ASP','HIS','ARG','LYS','PRO','D'/
88       data onelet /
89      &'C','M','F','I','L','V','W','Y','A','G','T',
90      &'S','Q','N','E','D','H','R','K','P','X'/
91       data potname /'LJ','LJK','BP','GB','GBV'/
92       end