multichain wham and cluster_wham use readpdb_template
[unres.git] / source / cluster / unres / src / main_clust.F
1 C
2 C Program to cluster united-residue MCM results.
3 C
4       include 'DIMENSIONS'
5       include 'sizesclu.dat'
6       include 'COMMON.TIME1'
7       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
8       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
9       include 'COMMON.GEO'
10       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
11       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
12       include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
13       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
14       include 'COMMON.VAR'
15       include 'COMMON.CLUSTER'
16       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
17       logical printang(max_cut)
18       integer printpdb(max_cut)
19       integer printmol2(max_cut)
20       character*240 lineh
21       REAL CRIT(maxconf),MEMBR(maxconf)
22       REAL CRITVAL(maxconf-1)
23       REAL DISS(maxdist)
24       INTEGER IA(maxconf),IB(maxconf)
25       INTEGER ICLASS(maxconf,maxconf-1),HVALS(maxconf-1)
26       INTEGER IORDER(maxconf-1),HEIGHT(maxconf-1)
27       DIMENSION NN(maxconf),DISNN(maxconf)
28       LOGICAL FLAG(maxconf)
29       integer len
31       double precision varia(maxvar)
32       double precision hrtime,mintime,sectime
33       logical eof
34       double precision eee(n_ene,maxconf)
36       call initialize
37       call openunits
38       call read_control
39       call molread
40       do i=1,nres
41         phi(i)=0.0D0
42         theta(i)=0.0D0
43         alph(i)=0.0D0
44         omeg(i)=0.0D0
45       enddo
47       print *,'MAIN: nnt=',nnt,' nct=',nct
49       DO I=1,NCUT
50         PRINTANG(I)=.FALSE.
51         PRINTPDB(I)=0
52         printmol2(i)=0
53         IF (RCUTOFF(I).LT.0.0) THEN
54           RCUTOFF(I)=ABS(RCUTOFF(I))
55           PRINTANG(I)=.TRUE.
56           PRINTPDB(I)=outpdb
57           printmol2(i)=outmol2
58         ENDIF
59       ENDDO
60       PRINT *,'Number of cutoffs:',NCUT
61       PRINT *,'Cutoff values:'
62       DO ICUT=1,NCUT
63         PRINT '(8HRCUTOFF(,I2,2H)=,F8.1,2i2)',ICUT,RCUTOFF(ICUT),
64      &    printpdb(icut),printmol2(icut)
65       ENDDO
66       DO I=1,NRES-3  
67         MULT(I)=1
68       ENDDO
69       if (from_cx) then
71       call cxread(ncon,*101)
72       goto 111
73   101 write (iout,*) "Error in CX file"
74       stop
75   111 continue
77       else
79       ICON=1
80   123 continue
81       if (from_cart) then
82         if (efree) then
83         read (intin,*,end=13,err=11) energy(icon),totfree(icon),
84      &    rmstab(icon),
85      &    nss_all(icon),(ihpb_all(ii,icon),jhpb_all(i,icon),
86      &    i=1,nss_all(icon)),iscore(icon)
87         else
88         read (intin,*,end=13,err=11) energy(icon),rmstab(icon),
89      &    nss_all(icon),(ihpb_all(ii,icon),jhpb_all(i,icon),
90      &    i=1,nss_all(icon)),iscore(icon)
91         endif
92         read (intin,'(8f10.5)',end=13,err=10) 
93      &    ((allcart(j,i,icon),j=1,3),i=1,nres),
94      &    ((allcart(j,i+nres,icon),j=1,3),i=nnt,nct)
95         print *,icon,energy(icon),nss_all(icon),rmstab(icon)
96       else 
97         read(intin,'(a80)',end=13,err=12) lineh
98         read(lineh(:5),*,err=8) ic
99         if (efree) then
100         read(lineh(6:),*,err=8) energy(icon)
101         else
102         read(lineh(6:),*,err=8) energy(icon)
103         endif
104         goto 9
105     8   ic=1
106         print *,'error, assuming e=1d10',lineh
107         energy(icon)=1d10
108         nss=0
109     9   continue
110 cold        read(lineh(18:),*,end=13,err=11) nss_all(icon)
111         ii = index(lineh(15:)," ")+15
112         read(lineh(ii:),*,end=13,err=11) nss_all(icon)
113         IF (NSS_all(icon).LT.9) THEN
114           read (lineh(20:),*,end=102)
115      &    (IHPB_all(I,icon),JHPB_all(I,icon),I=1,NSS_all(icon)),
116      &    iscore(icon)
117         ELSE
118           read (lineh(20:),*,end=102) 
119      &           (IHPB_all(I,icon),JHPB_all(I,icon),I=1,8)
120           read (intin,*) (IHPB_all(I,icon),JHPB_all(I,icon),
121      &      I=9,NSS_all(icon)),iscore(icon)
122         ENDIF
124   102   continue  
126         PRINT *,'IC:',IC,' ENERGY:',ENERGY(ICON)
127         totfree(icon)=energy(icon)
128         call read_angles(intin,*13)
129         call chainbuild
130         do ii=1,2*nres
131           do jj=1,3
132             allcart(jj,ii,icon)=c(jj,ii)
133           enddo 
134         enddo
135         do i=1,nres
136           phiall(i,icon)=phi(i)
137           thetall(i,icon)=theta(i)
138           alphall(i,icon)=alph(i)
139           omall(i,icon)=omeg(i)
140         enddo
141       endif
142       ICON=ICON+1
143       GOTO 123
144    10 print *,'something wrong with angles'
145       goto 13
146    11 print *,'something wrong with NSS',nss
147       goto 13
148    12 print *,'something wrong with header'
150    13 NCON=ICON-1
152       endif
154 #ifdef DEBUG
155       do icon=1,ncon
156         write (iout,*) "Conformation",icon
157         do i=1,nres
158           write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') i,
159      &    (allcart(j,i,icon),j=1,3),(allcart(j,i+nres,icon),j=1,3)
160         enddo
161       enddo
162 #endif
163       if (lgrp) then
164         i=0
165         do while (
166 c          read (jstatin,*,err=1111,end=1111) idum,(eee(j,i),j=1,n_ene)
167           read (jstatin,'(a)') lineh
168           if (index(lineh,'#').gt.0) goto 1123
169           i=i+1
170           read (lineh,*) idum,(eee(j,i),j=1,n_ene)
171           print *,i,idum,(eee(j,i),j=1,n_ene)
172           energy(i)=eee(15,i) 
173  1123     continue
174         enddo
175       endif 
176       goto 1112
177  1111 print *,'Error in the statin file; statout will not be produced.'
178       write (iout,*)
179      &  'Error in the statin file; statout will not be produced.'
180       lgrp=.false.
181  1112 continue
182       print *,'ncon',ncon
183       DO I=1,NCON
184         ICC(I)=I
185       ENDDO
186       WRITE (iout,'(A80)') TITEL
187       t1=tcpu()
188 C      
190 C
191       DO I=1,NCON-1
192         if (mod(i,100).eq.0) print *,'Calculating RMS i=',i
193         if (from_cart .or. from_cx) then
194           do ii=1,2*nres
195             do jj=1,3
196               c(jj,ii)=allcart(jj,ii,i)
197             enddo 
198           enddo
199           call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
200           do ii=1,nres
201             phiall(ii,i)=phi(ii)
202             thetall(ii,i)=theta(ii)
203             alphall(ii,i)=alph(ii)
204             omall(ii,i)=omeg(ii)
205           enddo
206         else
207           do ii=1,nres
208             phi(ii)=phiall(ii,i)
209             theta(ii)=thetall(ii,i)
210             alph(ii)=alphall(ii,i)
211             omeg(ii)=omall(ii,i)
212           enddo
213           call chainbuild
214         endif
215         do ii=1,nres
216           do jj=1,3
217             cref(jj,ii)=c(jj,ii)
218           enddo
219         enddo
220         DO J=I+1,NCON
221           IND=IOFFSET(NCON,I,J)
222           ATTALUMS(IND)=DIFCONF(I,J)
223 c          write (iout,'(2i4,f10.5)') i,j,ATTALUMS(IND)
224           DISS(IND)=ATTALUMS(IND)
225         ENDDO
226       ENDDO
227       t2=tcpu()
228       WRITE (iout,'(/a,1pe14.5,a/)') 
229      & 'Time for distance calculation:',T2-T1,' sec.'
230       t1=tcpu()
231       PRINT '(a)','End of distance computation'
233       if (punch_dist) then
234         do i=1,ncon-1
235           do j=i+1,ncon
236             IND=IOFFSET(NCON,I,J)
237             write (jrms,'(2i5,2f10.5)') i,j,attalums(IND),
238      &        energy(j)-energy(i)
239           enddo
240         enddo
241       endif
242 C
243 C Print out the RMS deviation matrix.
244 C
245       if (print_dist) CALL DISTOUT(NCON)
246 C
247 C  call hierarchical clustering HC from F. Murtagh
248 C
249       N=NCON
250       LEN = (N*(N-1))/2
251       write(iout,*) "-------------------------------------------"
252       write(iout,*) "HIERARCHICAL CLUSTERING using"
253       if (iopt.eq.1) then
254         write(iout,*) "WARD'S MINIMUM VARIANCE METHOD"
255       elseif (iopt.eq.2) then
256         write(iout,*) "SINGLE LINK METHOD"
257       elseif (iopt.eq.3) then
258         write(iout,*) "COMPLETE LINK METHOD"
259       elseif (iopt.eq.4) then
260         write(iout,*) "AVERAGE LINK (OR GROUP AVERAGE) METHOD"
261       elseif (iopt.eq.5) then
262         write(iout,*) "MCQUITTY'S METHOD"
263       elseif (iopt.eq.6) then
264         write(iout,*) "MEDIAN (GOWER'S) METHOD"
265       elseif (iopt.eq.7) then
266         write(iout,*) "CENTROID METHOD"
267       else
268         write(iout,*) "IOPT=",iopt," IS INVALID, use 1-7"
269         write(*,*) "IOPT=",iopt," IS INVALID, use 1-7"
270         stop
271       endif
272       write(iout,*)
273       write(iout,*) "hc.f by F. Murtagh, ESA/ESO/STECF, Garching"
274       write(iout,*) "February 1986"
275       write(iout,*) "References:"
276       write(iout,*) "1. Multidimensional clustering algorithms"
277       write(iout,*) "   Fionn Murtagh"
278       write(iout,*) "   Vienna : Physica-Verlag, 1985."
279       write(iout,*) "2. Multivariate data analysis"
280       write(iout,*) "   Fionn Murtagh and Andre Heck"
281       write(iout,*) "   Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987"
282       write(iout,*) "-------------------------------------------"
283       write(iout,*)
285 c      print *,"HC"
286       LEV = N-1
288 c      print *,"HCASS"
289 c      print *,"lev",lev
290 c      print *,"call HCDEN"
292 c      print *,"HCDEN"
294       icut=1
295       i=1
296       NGR=i+1
297       do j=1,n
298         licz(iclass(j,i))=licz(iclass(j,i))+1
299         nconf(iclass(j,i),licz(iclass(j,i)))=j
300       enddo        
301       do i=1,lev-1
303          idum=lev-i
304          DO L=1,LEV
305             IF (HEIGHT(L).EQ.IDUM) GOTO 190
306          ENDDO
307  190     IDUM=L
308 cd         print *,i+1,CRITVAL(IDUM)
310           WRITE (iout,'(/a,f10.5)') 'AT CUTOFF:',rcutoff(icut)
311           write (iout,'(a,f8.2)') 'Maximum distance found:',
312      &              CRITVAL(IDUM)
313           CALL SRTCLUST(ICUT,ncon)
314           CALL TRACK(ICUT)
316           icut=icut+1
317           if ( goto 191
318          ENDIF
319          NGR=i+1
320          do l=1,maxgr
321           licz(l)=0
322          enddo
323          do j=1,n
324           licz(iclass(j,i))=licz(iclass(j,i))+1
325           nconf(iclass(j,i),licz(iclass(j,i)))=j
326 cd          print *,j,iclass(j,i),
327 cd     &     licz(iclass(j,i)),nconf(iclass(j,i),licz(iclass(j,i)))
328          enddo
329       enddo
330  191  continue
331 C
332       if (plot_tree) then
333         CALL WRITRACK
334         CALL PLOTREE
335       endif
336 C
337       t2=tcpu()
338       WRITE (iout,'(/a,1pe14.5,a/)') 
339      & 'Total time for clustering:',T2-T1,' sec.'
340       if (lgrp) then
341         write (jstatout,'(a5,18a12,10f4.1)')"#    ",
342      &   "EVDW SC-SC","EVDW2 SC-p","EES p-p",
343      &   "EBE bending","ESC SCloc","ETORS ",
344      &   "ECORR4 ","ECORR5 ","ECORR6 ",
345      &   "EELLO ","ETURN3 ","ETURN4 ","ETURN6 "
346      &   ,"ETOT total","RMSD","","",
347      &   "cont.order",(rcutoff(i),i=1,ncut)
348         do i=1,ncon
349           write(jstatout,'(i5,18f12.4,10i6)') i,(eee(j,i),j=1,n_ene),
350      &     (iass_tot(i,icut),icut=1,ncut)
351         enddo
352       endif
353 C
354       stop '********** Program terminated normally.'
355       end
356 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
357       double precision function difconf(icon,jcon)
358       include 'DIMENSIONS'
359       include 'sizesclu.dat'
360       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
361       include 'COMMON.CLUSTER'
362       include 'COMMON.CHAIN' 
363       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
364       include 'COMMON.VAR'
365       logical non_conv
366       double precision przes(3),obrot(3,3)
367       double precision xx(3,maxres2),yy(3,maxres2)
368 c      do i=1,nres
369 c        phi(i)=phiall(i,jcon)
370 c        theta(i)=thetall(i,jcon)
371 c        alph(i)=alphall(i,jcon)
372 c        omeg(i)=omall(i,jcon)
373 c      enddo
374 c      call chainbuild
375 c     do i=1,nres
376 c       print '(i4,2(3f10.5,5x))',i,(cref(j,i),j=1,3),(c(j,i),j=1,3)
377 c     enddo
378       if (lside) then
379         ii=0
380         do i=nnt,nct
381           ii=ii+1
382           do j=1,3
383             xx(j,ii)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
384             yy(j,ii)=allcart(j,i,icon)
385           enddo
386         enddo
387         do i=nnt,nct
388 c          if (itype(i).ne.10) then
389             ii=ii+1
390             do j=1,3 
391               xx(j,ii)=allcart(j,i+nres,jcon)
392               yy(j,ii)=allcart(j,i+nres,icon)
393             enddo
394 c          endif
395         enddo
396         call fitsq(rms,xx(1,1),yy(1,1),ii,przes,obrot,non_conv)
397       else
398         do i=nnt,nct
399 c          do j=1,3
400 c            c(j,i)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
401 c          enddo
402 c          write (2,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') i,
403 c     &     (c(j,i),j=1,3),(cref(j,i),j=1,3)
404         enddo
405         call fitsq(rms,allcart(1,nnt,jcon),allcart(1,nnt,icon),
406      &       nct-nnt+1,przes,obrot,non_conv)
407       endif
408       if ( then
409         print *,error,'rms^2 = ',rms,icon,jcon
410         stop
411       endif
412       if (non_conv) print *,non_conv,icon,jcon
413       difconf=dsqrt(rms)
414       RETURN
415       END
416 C------------------------------------------------------------------------------
417       double precision function rmsnat(jcon)
418       include 'DIMENSIONS'
419       include 'sizesclu.dat'
420       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
421       include 'COMMON.CLUSTER'
422       include 'COMMON.CHAIN' 
423       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
424       include 'COMMON.VAR'
425       logical non_conv
426       double precision przes(3),obrot(3,3)
427       double precision xx(3,maxres2),yy(3,maxres2)
428       if (lside) then
429         ii=0
430         do i=nnt,nct
431           ii=ii+1
432           do j=1,3
433             xx(j,ii)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
434             yy(j,ii)=cref_pdb(j,i)
435           enddo
436         enddo
437         do i=nnt,nct
438 c          if (itype(i).ne.10) then
439             ii=ii+1
440             do j=1,3 
441               xx(j,ii)=allcart(j,i+nres,jcon)
442               yy(j,ii)=cref_pdb(j,i+nres)
443             enddo
444 c          endif
445         enddo
446         call fitsq(rms,xx(1,1),yy(1,1),ii,przes,obrot,non_conv)
447       else
448         do i=nnt,nct
449           do j=1,3
450             c(j,i)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
451           enddo
452         enddo
453         call fitsq(rms,c(1,nnt),cref_pdb(1,nnt),nct-nnt+1,przes,obrot
454      &       ,non_conv)
455       endif
456       if ( then
457         print *,error,'rms^2 = ',rms,icon,jcon
458         stop
459       endif
460       if (non_conv) print *,non_conv,icon,jcon
461       rmsnat=dsqrt(rms)
462       RETURN
463       END
464 C------------------------------------------------------------------------------
465       subroutine distout(ncon)
466       include 'DIMENSIONS'
467       include 'sizesclu.dat'
468       parameter (ncol=10)
469       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
470       include 'COMMON.CLUSTER'
471       dimension b(ncol)
472       write (iout,'(a)') 'The distance matrix'
473       do 1 i=1,ncon,ncol
474       nlim=min0(i+ncol-1,ncon)
475       write (iout,1000) (k,k=i,nlim)
476       write (iout,'(8h--------,10a)') ('-------',k=i,nlim)
477  1000 format (/8x,10(i4,3x))
478  1020 format (/1x,80(1h-)/)
479       do 2 j=i,ncon
480       jlim=min0(j,nlim)
481       if (jlim.eq.j) then
482         b(jlim-i+1)=0.0d0
483         jlim1=jlim-1
484       else
485         jlim1=jlim
486       endif
487       do 3 k=i,jlim1
488        if ( then 
489           IND=IOFFSET(NCON,j,k)
490        else
491           IND=IOFFSET(NCON,k,j)
492        endif
493     3  b(k-i+1)=attalums(IND)
494       write (iout,1010) j,(b(k),k=1,jlim-i+1)
495     2 continue
496     1 continue
497  1010 format (i5,3x,10(f6.2,1x))
498       return
499       end
500 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
501       block data
502       include 'DIMENSIONS'
503       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
504       data dsc /  1.237,  ! CYS (type  1)
505      &            2.142,  ! MET (type  2)
506      &            2.299,  ! PHE (type  3)
507      &            1.776,  ! ILE (type  4)
508      &            1.939,  ! LEU (type  5)
509      &            1.410,  ! VAL (type  6)
510      &            2.605,  ! TRP (type  7)
511      &            2.484,  ! TYR (type  8)
512      &            0.743,  ! ALA (type  9)
513      &            0.000,  ! GLY (type 10)
514      &            1.393,  ! THR (type 11)
515      &            1.150,  ! SER (type 12)
516      &            2.240,  ! GLN (type 13)
517      &            1.684,  ! ASN (type 14)
518      &            2.254,  ! GLU (type 15)
519      &            1.709,  ! ASP (type 16)
520      &            2.113,  ! HIS (type 17)
521      &            3.020,  ! ARG (type 18)
522      &            2.541,  ! LYS (type 19)
523      &            1.345,  ! PRO (type 20)
524      &            0.000  /! D   (type 21)
525       end