1 ********************************************************************************
2 * Settings for the program of united-residue peptide simulation in real space *
4 * ------- As of 5/10/95 ----------- *
6 ********************************************************************************
7 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
8 C Max. number of processors.
9 parameter (maxprocs=16)
10 C Max. number of fine-grain processors
11 parameter (max_fg_procs=maxprocs)
12 C Max. number of coarse-grain processors
13 parameter (max_cg_procs=maxprocs)
14 C Max. number of AA residues
15 parameter (maxres=250)
16 C Appr. max. number of interaction sites
17 parameter (maxres2=2*maxres)
18 C Max. number of variables
19 parameter (maxvar=4*maxres)
20 C Max. number of groups of interactions that a given SC is involved in
21 parameter (maxint_gr=2)
22 C Max. number of derivatives of virtual-bond and side-chain vectors in theta
24 parameter (maxdim=(maxres-1)*(maxres-2)/2)
25 C Max. number of SC contacts
26 parameter (maxcont=12*maxres)
27 C Max. number of contacts per residue
28 parameter (maxconts=maxres)
29 C Number of AA types (at present only natural AA's will be handled
30 parameter (ntyp=20,ntyp1=ntyp+1)
31 C Max. number of types of dihedral angles & multiplicity of torsional barriers
32 parameter (maxtor=3,maxterm=6)
33 C Max. number of lobes in SC distribution
35 C Max. number of S-S bridges
37 C Max. number of dihedral angle constraints
38 parameter (maxdih_constr=maxres)
39 C Max. number of patterns in the pattern database
41 C Max. number of residues in a peptide in the database
42 parameter (maxres_base=1)
43 C Max. number of threading attempts
44 parameter (maxthread=2)
45 C Max. number of move types in MCM
46 parameter (maxmovetype=5)
47 C Max. number of stored confs. in MC/MCM simulation
49 C Max. number of energy intervals
51 C Max. number of conformations in Master's cache array
52 parameter (max_cache=1)
53 C Max. number of conformations in the pool
54 parameter (max_pool=1)
55 C Number of energy components
56 parameter (n_ene=18,n_ene2=2*n_ene)
57 C Number of threads in deformation
58 integer max_thread,max_thread2
59 parameter (max_thread=40,max_thread2=2*max_thread)
60 C Number of steps in DSM
62 parameter (max_step=1)
63 C Number of structures to compare at t=0
64 integer max_threadss,max_threadss2
65 parameter (max_threadss=80,max_threadss2=2*max_threadss)
66 C Maxmimum number of angles per residue
68 C Maximum number of groups of angles
69 parameter (mxgr=2*maxres)
70 C Maximum number of chains
72 C Maximum number of generated conformations
74 C Maximum number of coordinate files
75 parameter (maxfiles=50)