Added newly created cluster exe and makefile
[unres.git] / source / cluster / unres / src / COMMON.FFIELD
1 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 C The following COMMON block selects the type of the force field used in
3 C calculations and defines weights of various energy terms.
4 C 12/1/95 wcorr added
5 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6       common /ffield/ wsc,wscp,welec,wstrain,wtor,wang,wscloc,wcorr,
7      &    wcorr4,wcorr5,wcorr6,wel_loc,wturn,scal14,
8      &    cutoff_corr,delt_corr,r0_corr,ipot
9       common /potentials/ potname(5)
10       character*3 potname
11 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 C wlong,welec,wtor,wang,wscloc are the weight of the energy terms 
13 C corresponding to side-chain, electrostatic, torsional, valence-angle,
14 C and local side-chain terms.
15 C
16 C IPOT determines which SC...SC interaction potential will be used:
17 C 1 - LJ:  2n-n Lennard-Jones
18 C 2 - LJK: 2n-n Kihara type (shifted Lennard-Jones) 
19 C 3 - BP;  Berne-Pechukas (angular dependence)
20 C 4 - GB;  Gay-Berne (angular dependence)
21 C 5 - GBV; Gay-Berne-Vorobjev; angularly-dependent Kihara potential
22 C------------------------------------------------------------------------