Merge branch 'master' of
[unres.git] / fragments / klapaucjusz-longest.f
1       parameter (maxmodel=20) 
2       parameter (maxres=1000)
3       character*32 model(maxmodel)
4       integer imodel(maxmodel)
5       integer ifragpair(maxres,maxmodel,maxmodel),
6      &    ifragpair_new(maxres,maxmodel,maxmodel),
7      & iflag(maxres),isumfmax(maxmodel),kmax(maxmodel),
8      & isumf(maxmodel),isumfmaxmin(maxmodel),kmaxmin(maxmodel),
9      & jmaxmin(maxmodel),isump(maxmodel),ifragpair_temp(maxres),
10      & ifragpair_temp1(maxres),ninclust(maxmodel),nlenclust(maxmodel),
11      & icluster(maxmodel,maxmodel),ifrag(maxres,maxmodel)
12       logical overlap
14       nmodel=5
15       nres=114
16       ifragpair_new=0 
17       lencut=7
19       do i=1,nmodel
20         do j=1,nmodel
21           if (i.eq.j) cycle
22           read(*,'(a32,33x,1000i1)')model(i),(ifragpair(k,i,j),k=1,nres)
23         enddo
24       enddo
25       do i=1,nmodel
26         do j=i+1,nmodel
27           write(*,'(2a32,1000i1)')model(i),model(j),
28      &    (ifragpair(k,i,j),k=1,nres)
29         enddo
30       enddo
31       isumcut=100
32       iclust=0
33       DO WHILE (
34 c search the longest fragment (number 1)
35       iflag=0
36       isummax=0
37       nfrag=0
38       do i=1,nmodel
39         do j=1,i-1
40 c          write(*,'(2a32,1000i1)')model(i),model(j),(ifragpair(k,i,j)
41 c     &       -ifragpair(k,j,i),k=1,nres)
42           isump=0
43           do k=1,nres
44             kk = ifragpair(k,i,j)
45             if ( isump(kk)=isump(kk)+1
46             if ( nfrag=kk
47           enddo
48           isum=0
49           do k=1,nfrag
50             if (isump(k).gt.isum) then
51               isum=isump(k)
52               kk=k
53             endif
54           enddo 
55 c          write(*,'(2a32,i10)')model(i),model(j),isum
56           if ( then
57             isummax=isum
58             imodel(1)=i
59             imodel(2)=j
60             kfmax=kk
61           endif
62         enddo
63       enddo
64       write (*,*) "nfrag",nfrag," kfmax",kfmax
65 c      icut = max0(isummax*2/3,lencut)
66       icut = lencut
67       nflag=2
68       iflag(imodel(1))=i
69       iflag(imodel(2))=j
70 c      write(*,*)"Maximum"
71 c      write(*,'(2a32,i10)')model(imodel(1)),model(imodel(2)),isummax
72       overlap=.true.
73       i1 = imodel(1)
74       i2 = imodel(2)
75       isumcut=0
76       do while (overlap)
77         do i=1,nmodel
78           if (iflag(i).gt.0) cycle
79           do j=1,nflag
80             jj = imodel(j)
81             isumf=0
82             do k=1,nres
83               kk = ifragpair(k,i,jj)
84               if (ifragpair(k,i1,i2).ne.kfmax .or. kk.eq.0) cycle
85               isumf(kk)=isumf(kk)+1
86             enddo 
87             isumfmax(j)=0
88             do k=1,nfrag
89               if (isumf(k).gt.isumfmax(j)) then
90                 isumfmax(j)=isumf(k)
91                 kmax(j)=k
92               endif
93             enddo
94           enddo ! j
95           isumfmaxmin(i)=1000
96           kmaxmin(i)=0
97           jmaxmin(i)=0
98           do j=1,nflag
99             if (isumfmax(j).lt.isumfmaxmin(i)) then
100               isumfmaxmin(i)=isumfmax(j)
101               kmaxmin(i)=kmax(j)
102               jmaxmin(i)=imodel(j)
103             endif
104           enddo
105         enddo ! i
106         isumfmaxminmax=0
107         kmaxminmax=0
108         imaxminmax=0
109         jmaxminmax=0
110         do i=1,nmodel
111           if (iflag(i).gt.0) cycle
112           if (isumfmaxmin(i).gt.isumfmaxminmax) then
113             isumfmaxminmax=isumfmaxmin(i) 
114             imaxminmax=i
115             kmaxminmax=kmaxmin(i)
116             jmaxminmax=jmaxmin(i)
117           endif
118         enddo
119         print *,"isumfmaxminmax",isumfmaxminmax," icut",icut
120         if ( then
121           overlap=.false.
122         else
123           isumcut = isumfmaxminmax
124           iimod=imaxminmax
125           jjmod=jmaxminmax
126           kkmod=kmaxminmax
127           nflag=nflag+1
128           iflag(imaxminmax)=imaxminmax
129           imodel(nflag)=imaxminmax 
130 c          write(*,'(2a32,i10)')model(imodel(1)),model(imodel(2)),isummax
131 c          write(*,'(1000i1)')(ifragpair(k,imodel(1),imodel(2)),k=1,nres)
132           write(*,*) "isumfmaxminmax",isumfmaxminmax
133           print *,"kmaxminmax",kmaxminmax
134           write(*,'(a32)')(model(imodel(i)),i=1,nflag)
135           write(*,'(1000i1)')
136      &     (ifragpair(k,imaxminmax,jmaxminmax),k=1,nres)
137           do k=1,nres
138             ifragpair_temp(k)=ifragpair(k,imaxminmax,jmaxminmax)
139             ifragpair_temp1(k)=ifragpair(k,i1,i2)
140           enddo
141           do i=1,nflag
142             do j=1,i-1
143               ii = imodel(i)
144               jj = imodel(j)
145               do k=1,nres
146                 if (ifragpair_temp(k).eq.kmaxminmax .and. 
147      &           ifragpair_temp1(k).eq.kfmax) then
148                   ifragpair(k,ii,jj)=0
149                   ifragpair(k,jj,ii)=0
150                 endif
151               enddo
152             enddo
153           enddo
154          do i=1,nmodel
155            do j=i+1,nmodel
156              write(*,'(2a32,1000i1)')model(i),model(j),
157      &       (ifragpair(k,i,j),k=1,nres)
158            enddo
159          enddo
160         endif
161       enddo ! while
162       print *,"iimod",iimod," jjmod",jjmod," kkmod",kkmod,
163      &   " isumcut",isumcut
164       if ( then
165         nclust=nclust+1
166         print *,"cluster",nclust
167         ninclust(nclust)=nflag
168         nlenclust(nclust)=isumcut
169         do i=1,nflag
170           icluster(i,nclust)=imodel(i)
171         enddo
172         ii=0
173         do k=1,nres
174           if (ifragpair_temp(k).eq.kkmod .and. 
175      &     ifragpair_temp1(k).eq.kfmax) then
176             ii=ii+1
177             print *,k
178             ifrag(ii,nclust)=k
179           endif
180         enddo
181         if ( write(*,*) "CHUJ NASTAPIL!!!",
182      &    ii,nlenclust(nclust)
183         do i=1,nflag
184           do j=1,i-1
185             do k=1,nres
186               if (ifragpair_temp(k).eq.kkmod .and.
187      &           ifragpair_temp1(k).eq.kfmax) then
188                 ifragpair_new(k,imodel(i),imodel(j))=nclust
189                 ifragpair_new(k,imodel(j),imodel(i))=nclust
190               endif
191             enddo
192           enddo
193         enddo
194       endif
195       ENDDO ! while
196       do i=1,nmodel
197         do j=i+1,nmodel
198           write(*,'(2a32,1000i1)')model(i),model(j),
199      &      (ifragpair_new(k,i,j),k=1,nres)
200         enddo
201       enddo
202       write (*,*) "nclust",nclust 
203       do i=1,nclust
204         write(*,*) "Cluster",i," ninclust",ninclust(i)
205         write(*,'(a32)') (model(icluster(j,i)),j=1,ninclust(i))
206         write(*,'(i5)') (ifrag(j,i),j=1,nlenclust(i))
207       enddo
208       end