Site: dell15
Build Name: homology Linux-pgi-MPI E0LL2Y
Build Time: 2020-04-26T04:30:54 CEST
Found 5 Errors
Warnings are here.

Build Log Line 21
[  1%] Building C object source/lib/xdrf/CMakeFiles/xdrf.dir/libxdrf.c.o
Building Fortran object source/unres/src_MIN/CMakeFiles/UNRES_MIN_BIN.dir/arcos.f.o
[  1%] Linking Fortran executable ../../bin/generator
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

Building Fortran object source/unres/src_CSA/CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-CSA.dir/arcos.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find CMakeFiles/UNRES_DOCK_BIN.dir/generator.f.o: No such file or directory
[  1%] Built target UNRES_DOCK_BIN
[  1%] [  1%] Building Fortran object source/unres/src_MIN/CMakeFiles/UNRES_MIN_BIN.dir/cartder.F.o
[  1%] Building Fortran object source/unres/src_MIN/CMakeFiles/UNRES_MIN_BIN.dir/cartprint.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

Building Fortran object source/unres/src_CSA/CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-CSA.dir/banach.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

Build Log Line 764
[ 48%] Building Fortran object source/unres/src_CSA/CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-CSA.dir/cinfo.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

Linking Fortran executable ../../../bin/unresCSA_pgf90_MPI_E0LL2Y.exe
[ 48%] Building Fortran object source/unres/src_MD-M/CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-MD-M.dir/local_move.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-CSA.dir/dfa.F.o: No such file or directory
[ 49%] Building Fortran object source/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_WHAM_BIN.dir/contfunc.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

[ 49%] Built target UNRES_BIN-CSA
[ 49%] Building Fortran object source/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_WHAM_BIN.dir/cont_frag.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

Scanning dependencies of target UNRES_WHAM_M_BIN
[ 49%] [ 49%] Building Fortran object source/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_WHAM_BIN.dir/conf_compar.F.o
Building Fortran object source/wham/src-M/CMakeFiles/UNRES_WHAM_M_BIN.dir/wham_multparm.F.o

Build Log Line 888
[ 56%] Building Fortran object source/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_WHAM_BIN.dir/cinfo.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

[ 56%] Building Fortran object source/unres/src_MD-M/CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-MD-M.dir/misc.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

[ 56%] Building C object source/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_WHAM_BIN.dir/proc_proc.c.o
Linking Fortran executable ../../../bin/wham_pgf90_MPI_E0LL2Y.exe
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find CMakeFiles/UNRES_WHAM_BIN.dir/dfa.F.o: No such file or directory
[ 56%] [ 56%] Built target UNRES_WHAM_BIN
Building Fortran object source/unres/src_MD-M/CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-MD-M.dir/moments.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

[ 57%] Building Fortran object source/unres/src_MD-M/CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-MD-M.dir/MP.F.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

Scanning dependencies of target UNRES_CLUSTER_WHAM_BIN
[ 57%] Building Fortran object source/cluster/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_CLUSTER_WHAM_BIN.dir/arcos.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

Build Log Line 999
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

Linking Fortran executable ../../../bin/unresMD_pgf90_MPI_E0LL2Y_DFA.exe
[ 62%] Building Fortran object source/cluster/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_CLUSTER_WHAM_BIN.dir/hc.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-MD.dir/dfa.F.o: No such file or directory
[ 62%] Built target UNRES_BIN-MD
[ 63%] Building Fortran object source/cluster/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_CLUSTER_WHAM_BIN.dir/icant.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

[ 63%] Building Fortran object source/unres/src_MD-M/CMakeFiles/UNRES_BIN-MD-M.dir/parmread.F.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

[ 63%] Building Fortran object source/cluster/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_CLUSTER_WHAM_BIN.dir/initialize_p.F.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

Build Log Line 1286
PGF90-W-0093-Type conversion of expression performed (/.../source/source/wham/src-M/ssMD.F: 158)
PGF90-W-0093-Type conversion of expression performed (/.../source/source/wham/src-M/ssMD.F: 160)
[ 80%] Building Fortran object source/cluster/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_CLUSTER_WHAM_BIN.dir/cinfo.f.o
  0 inform,   3 warnings,   0 severes, 0 fatal for dyn_ssbond_ene
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

[ 80%] Building C object source/cluster/wham/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_CLUSTER_WHAM_BIN.dir/proc_proc.c.o
Linking Fortran executable ../../../../bin/cluster_wham_pgf90_MPI_E0LL2Y.exe
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find CMakeFiles/UNRES_CLUSTER_WHAM_BIN.dir/dfa.F.o: No such file or directory
[ 80%] Built target UNRES_CLUSTER_WHAM_BIN
[ 80%] Building Fortran object source/wham/src-M/CMakeFiles/UNRES_WHAM_M_BIN.dir/oligomer.F.o
Scanning dependencies of target UNRES_CLUSTER_BIN
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

[ 80%] Building Fortran object source/cluster/unres/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_CLUSTER_BIN.dir/arcos.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target

[ 80%] Building Fortran object source/cluster/unres/src/CMakeFiles/UNRES_CLUSTER_BIN.dir/cartprint.f.o
pgf90-Warning--Mipa is not supported for this target