Execution Time0.10s

Test: UNRES_M_DOCK_generator (Passed)
Build: devel Linux-gfortan-MPI NEWCORR (m10) on 2024-10-10 03:47:44


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Test output
 All files read
 Option           0 selected                                       (0 for protein, 1 for peptide)
 Molecule 1 read
 Molecule 2 read
 Molecule 1 calculated
 Chain 1 is starting from Gly GLY           1
 How many dummy atoms:           3
 Molecule 2 calculated
 Number of atoms:         161         173
 Min and max coordinates in the systems
    1.81   23.30   -7.36   17.50    5.07   21.71
   -2.36   16.81   -9.62   15.28   -1.31   23.95
 Distances in axes x, y, z
   21.49   24.86   16.65
   19.17   24.90   25.26
 Maximum distances:
   28.266671080974497        29.868445992384672     
 Boxsize (suggested)
 Center of masses:
    0.00   -0.00    0.00
   -0.00    0.00    0.00
 Center of masses atoms:
ATOM     38  SG  CYS     6      -0.137  -2.253  -0.293
ATOM    255  N   LEU    14      -1.444   0.310  -0.206
 Number of amino-acid residues in two proteins:
          22          24
 Original number of the first residue in                           the first protein:
The rest of the test output was removed since it exceeds the threshold of 1024 bytes.