Execution Time13.09s

Test: UNRES_M_MD_microcanonical (Passed)
Build: homology Linux-gfortan-MPI E0LL2Y (dell15) on 2024-06-21 03:25:07


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Test output
 MPI: node=            0  iseed=              -3059742
 indpdb=           0  pdbref= T
 ns=           0
 Call Read_Bridge.
 ns=           0
 Processor           1  CG group           0  absolute rank           1  leves ERGASTULUM.
 Processor           1  wait times for respective orders order[           0 ]  0.32863497734069824       order[           1 ]  0.15137434005737305       order[           2 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           3 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           4 ]   1.1094543933868408       order[           5 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           6 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           7 ]  0.35514020919799805       order[           8 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           9 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[          10 ]   0.0000000000000000     
 Total wall clock time   13.037284135818481       sec
 Processor           0  BROADCAST time  0.16178345680236816       REDUCE time   1.1756522655487061       GATHER time   0.0000000000000000       SCATTER time   7.6998710632324219E-002  SENDRECV   0.0000000000000000       BARRIER ene  0.10036087036132812       BARRIER grad  0.14157867431640625     
CG processor   0 is finishing work.
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_INVALID_FLAG IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
STOP Bye Bye...
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_INVALID_FLAG IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO IEEE_DENORMAL
STOP Bye Bye...
average total energy  74.5749
standard deviation  0.106431
average total energy  74.5749
standard deviation  0.106431