Execution Time4.98s

Test: WHAM_M_remd_dfa (Failed)
Build: devel Linux-ifort-MPI-5D-DFA NEWCORR (dell15) on 2024-02-28 04:40:05
Repository revision: 3d79e89922e83ded1dd9fe7689d30b45567bd6ef

Exit Value1

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Test output
 OpenUnits: processor           0
 OpenUnits: processor           1
 ns=           0
 ns=           0
 ishiftca=           1 ilastca=          76
 ishiftca=           1 ilastca=          76
 Calling cxread
 Calling cxread
T of max Cv(T)  600.0
average rms for T<260  1.684
ERROR wrong T max of Cv(T) by more than 10 K