Execution Time24.57s

Test: UNRES_M_multi_ene (Passed)
Build: devel Linux-pgi-MPI E0LL2Y (dell15) on 2020-03-19 15:50:53
Repository revision: 65a74fce67c215adace99cc576a5bbdbefb64321

Show Command Line
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Show Failing/Passing Graph

Test output
WARNING: Linux kernel CMA support was requested via the
btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism MCA variable, but CMA support is
not available due to restrictive ptrace settings.

The vader shared memory BTL will fall back on another single-copy
mechanism if one is available. This may result in lower performance.

  Local host: dell15
 indpdb=           23  pdbref=  T
 ns=            0
 Processor            1  CG Group            0  absolute rank            1 
  iatsc_s=           28  iatsc_e=           92
 Processor            1  CG group            0  absolute rank            1 
  nele_int_tot         3828  my_ele_inds=         1915  my_ele_inde 

 CG group

 absolute rank

 Processor:            1  CG group            0  absolute rank            1 
  loc_start           47  loc_end           92  ithet_start           48 
  ithet_end           93  iphi_start           49  iphi_end           93 
  iphid_start           49  iphid_end           92  ibond_start           47 
  ibond_end           92  ibondp_start           48  ibondp_end           93 
  iturn3_start           46  iturn3_end           90  iturn4_start           46
   iturn4_end           89  ivec_start           47  ivec_end           92 
  iset_start           49  iset_end           94  idihconstr_start            1
   idihconstr_end            0  ithetaconstr_start            1 
  ithetaconstr_end            0
 Processor:            1            1  igrad_start           27  igrad_end 
           91  ngrad_start         2094  ngrad_end         4186
 Processor:            1            1           27           80           93
 Processor:            1            1           28           29           93
 Processor:            1            1           29           30           93
 Processor:            1            1           30           31           93
 Processor:            1            1           31           32           93
 Processor:            1            1           32           33           93
 Processor:            1            1           33           34           93
 Processor:            1            1           34           35           93
 Processor:            1            1           35           36           93
 Processor:            1            1           36           37           93
 Processor:            1            1           37           38           93
 Processor:            1            1           38           39           93
 Processor:            1            1           39           40           93
 Processor:            1            1           40           41           93
 Processor:            1            1           41           42           93
 Processor:            1            1           42           43           93
 Processor:            1            1           43           44           93
 Processor:            1            1           44           45           93
 Processor:            1            1           45           46           93
 Processor:            1            1           46           47           93
 Processor:            1            1           47           48           93
 Processor:            1            1           48           49           93
 Processor:            1            1           49           50           93
 Processor:            1            1           50           51           93
 Processor:            1            1           51           52           93
 Processor:            1            1           52           53           93
 Processor:            1            1           53           54           93
 Processor:            1            1           54           55           93
 Processor:            1            1           55           56           93
 Processor:            1            1           56           57           93
 Processor:            1            1           57           58           93
 Processor:            1            1           58           59           93
 Processor:            1            1           59           60           93
 Processor:            1            1           60           61           93
 Processor:            1            1           61           62           93
 Processor:            1            1           62           63           93
 Processor:            1            1           63           64           93
 Processor:            1            1           64           65           93
 Processor:            1            1           65           66           93
 Processor:            1            1           66           67           93
 Processor:            1            1           67           68           93
 Processor:            1            1           68           69           93
 Processor:            1            1           69           70           93
 Processor:            1            1           70           71           93
 Processor:            1            1           71           72           93
 Processor:            1            1           72           73           93
 Processor:            1            1           73           74           93
 Processor:            1            1           74           75           93
 Processor:            1            1           75           76           93
 Processor:            1            1           76           77           93
 Processor:            1            1           77           78           93
 Processor:            1            1           78           79           93
 Processor:            1            1           79           80           93
 Processor:            1            1           80           81           93
 Processor:            1            1           81           82           93
 Processor:            1            1           82           83           93
 Processor:            1            1           83           84           93
 Processor:            1            1           84           85           93
 Processor:            1            1           85           86           93
 Processor:            1            1           86           87           93
 Processor:            1            1           87           88           93
 Processor:            1            1           88           89           93
 Processor:            1            1           89           90           93
 Processor:            1            1           90           91           93
 Processor:            1            1           91           92           92
 Call Read_Bridge.
 ns=            0
 Processor            0  CG Group            0  absolute rank            0 
  iatsc_s=            2  iatsc_e=           28
 Processor            0  CG group            0  absolute rank            0 
  nele_int_tot         3828  my_ele_inds=            1  my_ele_inde 

 CG group

 absolute rank

 Processor:            0  CG group            0  absolute rank            0 
  loc_start            2  loc_end           46  ithet_start            3 
  ithet_end           47  iphi_start            5  iphi_end           48 
  iphid_start            5  iphid_end           48  ibond_start            2 
  ibond_end           46  ibondp_start            3  ibondp_end           47 
  iturn3_start            2  iturn3_end           45  iturn4_start            2
   iturn4_end           45  ivec_start            1  ivec_end           46 
  iset_start            4  iset_end           48  idihconstr_start            1
   idihconstr_end            0  ithetaconstr_start            1 
  ithetaconstr_end            0
 Processor:            0            0  igrad_start            1  igrad_end 
           27  ngrad_start            1  ngrad_end         2093
 Processor:            0            0            1            2           93
 Processor:            0            0            2            3           93
 Processor:            0            0            3            4           93
 Processor:            0            0            4            5           93
 Processor:            0            0            5            6           93
 Processor:            0            0            6            7           93
 Processor:            0            0            7            8           93
 Processor:            0            0            8            9           93
 Processor:            0            0            9           10           93
[dell15:166452] *** Process received signal ***
[dell15:166452] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[dell15:166452] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[dell15:166452] Failing at address: 0x151c21fd8
[dell15:166452] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x10330)[0x2ba1cc55b330]
[dell15:166452] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x155c20)[0x2ba1cd53ac20]
[dell15:166452] [ 2] /opt/pgi/linux86-64-llvm/19.10/lib/libpgf90.so(+0x6ce4c)[0x2ba1cb2eee4c]
[dell15:166452] [ 3] /opt/pgi/linux86-64-llvm/19.10/lib/libpgf90.so(pgf90io_fmt_writea+0xbe)[0x2ba1cb2ec1ce]
[dell15:166452] [ 4] /tmp/cdash/devel/build/bin/unresMD-mult_pgf90_MPI_E0LL2Y.exe[0x41d94b]
[dell15:166452] [ 5] /tmp/cdash/devel/build/bin/unresMD-mult_pgf90_MPI_E0LL2Y.exe[0x513f15]
[dell15:166452] [ 6] /tmp/cdash/devel/build/bin/unresMD-mult_pgf90_MPI_E0LL2Y.exe[0x51379f]
[dell15:166452] [ 7] /tmp/cdash/devel/build/bin/unresMD-mult_pgf90_MPI_E0LL2Y.exe[0x404073]
[dell15:166452] [ 8] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5)[0x2ba1cd406f45]
[dell15:166452] [ 9] /tmp/cdash/devel/build/bin/unresMD-mult_pgf90_MPI_E0LL2Y.exe[0x403f79]
[dell15:166452] *** End of error message ***
[dell15:166447] 1 more process has sent help message help-btl-vader.txt / cma-permission-denied
[dell15:166447] Set MCA parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" to 0 to see all help / error messages
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node dell15 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
 Processor:            0            0           10           11           93
 Processor:            0            0           11           12           93
 Processor:            0            0           12           13           93
 Processor:            0            0           13           14           93
 Processor:            0            0           14           15           93
 Processor:            0            0           15           16           93
 Processor:            0            0           16           17           93
 Processor:            0            0           17           18           93
 Processor:            0            0           18           19           93
 Processor:            0            0           19           20           93
 Processor:            0            0           20           21           93
 Processor:            0            0           21           22           93
 Processor:            0            0           22           23           93
 Processor:            0            0           23           24           93
 Processor:            0            0           24           25           93
 Processor:            0            0           25           26           93
 Processor:            0            0           26           27           93
 Processor:            0            0           27           28           79
 after etotal
OK: absdiff= 0, ene= 443.288700