Execution Time19.83s

Test: UNRES_MD_microcanonical (Failed)
Build: homology Linux-gfortan-MPI E0LL2Y (dell15) on 2018-07-15 03:25:13
Repository revision: 11a30d63a53082c984f22fcf36766666cbec2cc1

Exit Value1

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Test output
 nodes           2  rank           0
 nodes           2  rank           1
 Processor           0  out of           2  rank in CG_COMM           0  size of CG_COMM           1  size of FG_COMM           2  rank in FG_COMM1           0  size of FG_COMM1           2
 Processor           1  out of           2  rank in FG_COMM           1  size of FG_COMM           2  rank in FG_COMM1           1  size of FG_COMM1           2
Inside initializeInside initialize MPI: node=            0  iseed=              -3059742
 indpdb=           0  pdbref= T
 ns=           0
 Processor           1           1           1  ivec_start          11  ivec_end          21
 Call Read_Bridge.
 ns=           0
 Processor           0           0           0  ivec_start           1  ivec_end          10
 Processor           1  CG group           0  absolute rank           1  leves ERGASTULUM.
 Total wall clock time   19.755476951599121       sec
 Processor           0  BROADCAST time  0.26175045967102051       REDUCE time   1.0937395095825195       GATHER time   0.0000000000000000       SCATTER time  0.15143799781799316       SENDRECV   0.0000000000000000       BARRIER ene  0.18445515632629395       BARRIER grad  0.17279672622680664     
CG processor   0 is finishing work.
 Processor           1  wait times for respective orders order[           0 ]  0.44739437103271484       order[           1 ]  0.15516710281372070       order[           2 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           3 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           4 ]   2.1841616630554199       order[           5 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           6 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           7 ]  0.47049784660339355       order[           8 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[           9 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[          10 ]   0.0000000000000000       order[          11 ]   6.9530320922966179E-310  order[          12 ]   2.3450653312056587E-310
STOP Bye Bye...
STOP Bye Bye...
average total energy  74.5502
average total energy  74.5502
standard deviation  0.245774
standard deviation  0.245774
standard deviation greater than 0.15
standard deviation greater than 0.15