Execution Time1.43s

Test: UNRES_MIN_prota (Passed)
Build: homology Linux-ifort-MPI E0LL2Y (dell15) on 2018-03-17 04:02:56
Repository revision: e26610dc1d9f408822f8530f2dca7a04fc36c637

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Test output
 nodes           2  rank           0
 nodes           2  rank           1
 Processor           0  out of           2  rank in CG_COMM           0 
  size of CG_COMM           1  size of FG_COMM           2  rank in FG_COMM1
           0  size of FG_COMM1           2
 Processor           1  out of           2  rank in FG_COMM           1 
  size of FG_COMM           2  rank in FG_COMM1           1  size of FG_COMM1
Inside initializeInside initialize thetname_pdb 
          51  opened
          51  opened
 MPI: node=            0  iseed=               -3059742
 indpdb=          25  pdbref= T
 ns=           0
 Call Read_Bridge.
 ns=           0
 Processor           1           1           1  ivec_start          24  ivec_end
 Processor           0           0           0  ivec_start           1  ivec_end
 SUMSL return code is           4  eval          986
 # eval/s   827.084657915273     
 refstr= T
 Processor           1  CG group           0  absolute rank           1 
 Processor           1  wait times for respective orders order[           0 ]
  1.613211631774902E-002  order[           1 ]  7.656908035278320E-002  order[
           2 ]  0.000000000000000E+000  order[           3 ]
  0.000000000000000E+000  order[           4 ]  0.000000000000000E+000  order[
           5 ]  0.000000000000000E+000  order[           6 ]
  0.000000000000000E+000  order[           7 ]  0.386533021926880       order[
           8 ]  0.000000000000000E+000  order[           9 ]
  0.000000000000000E+000  order[          10 ]  0.000000000000000E+000  order[
          11 ]  0.000000000000000E+000  order[          12 ]
 Total wall clock time   1.26324009895325       sec
 Processor           0  BROADCAST time  3.305196762084961E-003  REDUCE time
  7.425069808959961E-003  GATHER time  0.000000000000000E+000  SCATTER time
  0.000000000000000E+000  SENDRECV  0.000000000000000E+000  BARRIER ene
  1.130104064941406E-003  BARRIER grad  1.204967498779297E-003
CG processor   0 is finishing work.
Bye Bye...
Bye Bye...
SUMSL return code 4
SUMSL return code 4
OK: absdiff= 0, ene= -158.368000
OK: absdiff= 0, ene= -158.368000