Execution Time39.65s

Test: UNRES_M_MD_microcanonical (Failed)
Build: homology Linux-pgi-MPI E0LL2Y (dell15) on 2017-10-01 04:19:14
Repository revision: 61e3ac7683f0bf1b86acf2fe81ea2a7e3f9f9c0f

Exit Value1

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Test output
The library attempted to open the following supporting CUDA libraries, 
but each of them failed.  CUDA-aware support is disabled.
libcuda.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/usr/lib64/libcuda.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
If you are not interested in CUDA-aware support, then run with 
--mca mpi_cuda_support 0 to suppress this message.  If you are interested
in CUDA-aware support, then try setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location
of libcuda.so.1 to get passed this issue.
 MPI: node=             0  iseed=                  -3059742
 indpdb=            0  pdbref=  T
 ns=            0
 Call Read_Bridge.
 ns=            0
[dell15:195060] 1 more process has sent help message help-mpi-common-cuda.txt / dlopen failed
[dell15:195060] Set MCA parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" to 0 to see all help / error messages
 Processor            1  CG group            0  absolute rank            1 
 Total wall clock time    39.52364015579224       sec
 Processor            0  BROADCAST time   0.2322962284088135       REDUCE time 
   0.7714712619781494       GATHER time    0.000000000000000       SCATTER time
    0.1029403209686279       SENDRECV    0.000000000000000       BARRIER ene 
   0.1007494926452637       BARRIER grad   8.3655357360839844E-002
CG processor   0 is finishing work.
 Processor            1  wait times for respective orders order[            0 ]
    0.6172893047332764       order[            1 ]   0.1218490600585938      
  order[            2 ]    0.000000000000000       order[            3 ] 
    0.000000000000000       order[            4 ]    1.515882730484009      
  order[            5 ]    0.000000000000000       order[            6 ] 
    0.000000000000000       order[            7 ]   0.4239726066589355      
  order[            8 ]    0.000000000000000       order[            9 ] 
    0.000000000000000       order[           10 ]    0.000000000000000     
Warning: ieee_invalid is signaling
Warning: ieee_divide_by_zero is signaling
Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling
Bye Bye...
Warning: ieee_invalid is signaling
Warning: ieee_denorm is signaling
Warning: ieee_divide_by_zero is signaling
Warning: ieee_underflow is signaling
Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling
Bye Bye...
average total energy  74.3525
standard deviation  0.15006
average total energy  74.3525
standard deviation  0.15006
difference  36.8255 from reference ave etot 37.527 greater than 5.0
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
difference  36.8255 from reference ave etot 37.527 greater than 5.0
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[22853,1],0]
  Exit code:    1