: 1---------11-------- :

Jnet       : --HHHHHH------------ : Jnet
jhmm       : --HHHHHH------------ : jhmm

Lupas 14   : -------------------- : Lupas 14
Lupas 21   : -------------------- : Lupas 21
Lupas 28   : -------------------- : Lupas 28

Jnet_25    : -BBB-BB---B--------- : Jnet_25
Jnet_5     : ---B--B------------- : Jnet_5
Jnet_0     : -------------------- : Jnet_0
Jnet Rel   : 92115553367777788899 : Jnet Rel

Colour code for alignment:
Blue            - Complete identity at a position
Shades of red   - The more red a position is, the higher the level of
                  conservation of chemical properties of the amino acids
Jnet            - Final secondary structure prediction for query
jalign          - Jnet alignment prediction
jhmm            - Jnet hmm profile prediction
jpssm           - Jnet PSIBLAST pssm profile prediction

Lupas           - Lupas Coil prediction (window size of 14, 21 and 28)

Note on coiled coil predictions  - = less than 50% probability
                                 c = between 50% and 90% probability
                                 C = greater than 90% probability

Jnet_25         - Jnet prediction of burial, less than 25% solvent accesibility
Jnet_5          - Jnet prediction of burial, less than 5% exposure
Jnet_0          - Jnet prediction of burial, 0% exposure
Jnet Rel        - Jnet reliability of prediction accuracy, ranges from 0 to 9, bigger is better.