---------------- UNRESPACK v. 3.0 ---------------- A package to run united-residue protein simulations with the UNRES force field. It is a successor of earlier more specific version of UNRES to predict protein structure by global optimization (v. 1.0) and of the molecular dynamics version (version 2.0). LICENSE TERMS ------------- * This software is provided free of charge to academic users, subject to the condition that no part of it be sold or used otherwise for commercial purposes, including, but not limited to its incorporation into commercial software packages, without written consent from the authors. For permission contact Prof. H. A. Scheraga, Cornell University. * This software package is provided on an "as is" basis. We in no way warrant either this software or results it may produce. * Reports or publications using this software package must contain an acknowledgment to the authors and the NIH Resource in the form commonly used in academic research. The package has the following directory structure unrespack-v.3.0 | |---------doc (documentation) | |---------PARAM (force field parameters) | |---------source | | | |-----unres (UNRES source codes; various versions) | | | | | |---src_MIN (only energy evaluation and minimization) | | |---src_CSA (all functions except MD, includes CSA) | | |---src_MD (all functions except CSA, includes MD, single chains) | | |---src_MD-M (all functions except CSA, includes MD, oligomeric proteins) | |-----wham (weighted analysis method source codes) | | | | | |---src (single chains) | | |---src-M (oligomeric proteins) | | | |-----cluster (cluster analysis source coded) | | | | | |---clust-unres | | | | | | | |----src (input data from UNRES) | | | | | |---clust-wham (input data from WHAM) | | | | | |----src (for single-chain proteins) | | |----src-M (for oligomeric proteins) | | | |-----xdrfpdb (file format conversion source codes) | | | |---src (single chains) | |---src-M (oligomers) | |----------bin (C-shell script, batch scripts, and pre-compiled binaries) | | | |-----unres | | | | | |---CSA | | |---MD | | | |-----wham | |-----cluster | |-----xdrfpdb | |--------examples | |-----unres |-----wham |-----cluster The distribution files and directories are the following: unrespack-v.3.0.tar.gz - gzipped tarfile of the entire package, with directory structure as above. unres-src-v.3.0.tar.gz - UNRES source codes; uncompresses to give the directories with UNRES source codes (src_CSA, src_MD, src_MD-M) wham-src-v.3.0.tar.gz - WHAM source codes; uncompresses to give the directories with WHAM source codes (src and src-M) cluster-src-v.3.0.tar.gz - CLUSTER source codes; uncompresses to give the diresctories with CLUSTER source codes (clust-unres/src, clust-wham/src and clust-wham/src-M) xdrfpdb-v.3.0.tar.gz - XDRFPBD source codes; uncompresses to give the xdrfpdb directory unrespack-bin-v.3.0.tar.gz - UNRES binaries; uncompresses to give the bin directory and subdirectories with the elements of the package. unrespack-examples-v.3.0.tar.gz - examples; uncompresses to give the examples directory and subdirectories. PARAM.tar.gz - force field parameters; uncompresses to give PARAM directory unrespack-doc-v.3.0.tar.gz - all documentation; uncompresses to give the doc directory. To uncompress a tar-gz file of a package say: gzip -cd package.tar.gz | tar xf - Each directory contains a READMRE file to explain its contents. CREDITS TO DEVELOPERS OF CODES IMPORTED INTO UNRES -------------------------------------------------- All programs use the fitsq subroutine written by Dr. Kenneth D. Gibson, Cornell University, retired. The MD program uses the surfatom subroutine written by Dr. J.W. Ponder, Washington University. The SUMSL subroutine (Gay, Assoc. Comput. Math. Trans. Math. Software, 9, 503-524, 1983, is used for minimization. The CLUSTER program uses the hc subroutine developed by Dr. G. Murtagh, ESA/ESO/STECF, Garching. UNRES, WHAM, CLUSTER, and XDRFPDB use the Europort Data Library (xdrf) developed by Dr. F. van Hoesel, Groeningen University, to write and read compressed data files.