parameter (maxcont_res=200)
C Max. number of distance/contact-distance restraints
integer maxdim_cont
- parameter (maxdim_cont=maxres*maxcont_res)
+c parameter (maxdim_cont=maxres*maxcont_res)
+ parameter (maxdim_cont=maxres*1000)
C Number of AA types (at present only natural AA's will be handled
integer ntyp,ntyp1
parameter (ntyp=24,ntyp1=ntyp+1)
object = main_clust.o arcos.o cartprint.o chainbuild.o convert.o initialize_p.o \
matmult.o readrtns.o pinorm.o rescode.o intcor.o timing.o misc.o \
- geomout.o readpdb.o read_coords.o parmread.o probabl.o fitsq.o hc.o \
+ geomout.o readpdb-mult.o read_coords.o parmread.o probabl.o fitsq.o hc.o \
track.o wrtclust.o srtclust.o noyes.o contact.o printmat.o \
int_from_cart1.o energy_p_new.o boxshift.o icant.o proc_proc.o \
work_partition.o setup_var.o read_ref_str.o gnmr1.o permut.o \
--- /dev/null
+ subroutine readpdb
+C Read the PDB file and convert the peptide geometry into virtual-chain
+C geometry.
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+ include 'COMMON.FRAG'
+ character*3 seq,atom,res
+ character*80 card
+ double precision e1(3),e2(3),e3(3)
+ double precision sccor(3,50)
+ integer i,j,iii,ibeg,ishift,ishift1,ity,ires,ires_old
+ double precision dcj
+ integer rescode,kkk,lll,icha,cou,kupa,iprzes
+ logical lsecondary,sccalc,fail,zero
+ integer iterter(maxres)
+ double precision efree_temp
+ iii=0
+ ibeg=1
+ ishift1=0
+ sccalc=.false.
+ bfac=0.0d0
+ do i=1,maxres
+ iterter(i)=0
+ enddo
+ ibeg=1
+ ishift1=0
+ lsecondary=.false.
+ nhfrag=0
+ nbfrag=0
+ iii=0
+ sccalc=.false.
+ do
+ read (ipdbin,'(a80)',end=10) card
+c write (iout,'(a)') card
+c call flush(iout)
+ if (card(:5).eq.'HELIX') then
+ nhfrag=nhfrag+1
+ lsecondary=.true.
+ read(card(22:25),*) hfrag(1,nhfrag)
+ read(card(34:37),*) hfrag(2,nhfrag)
+ endif
+ if (card(:5).eq.'SHEET') then
+ nbfrag=nbfrag+1
+ lsecondary=.true.
+ read(card(24:26),*) bfrag(1,nbfrag)
+ read(card(35:37),*) bfrag(2,nbfrag)
+!rc to be corrected !!!
+ bfrag(3,nbfrag)=bfrag(1,nbfrag)
+ bfrag(4,nbfrag)=bfrag(2,nbfrag)
+ endif
+ if (card(:3).eq.'END') then
+ goto 10
+ else if (card(:3).eq.'TER') then
+! End current chain
+ ires_old=ires+2
+ itype(ires_old-1)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old-1)=1
+ itype(ires_old)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old)=1
+c ishift1=ishift1+1
+ ibeg=2
+ write (iout,*) "Chain ended",ires,ishift,ires_old,ibeg
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ iii=0
+ sccalc=.true.
+ endif
+! Read free energy
+c if (index(card,"FREE ENERGY").gt.0) then
+c ifree=index(card,"FREE ENERGY")+12
+c read(card(ifree:),*,err=1115,end=1115) efree_temp
+c 1115 continue
+c endif
+! Fish out the ATOM cards.
+ if (index(card(1:4),'ATOM').gt.0) then
+ sccalc=.false.
+ read (card(12:16),*) atom
+c write (2,'(a)') card
+c write (iout,*) "ibeg",ibeg
+c write (iout,*) "! ",atom," !",ires
+! if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3') then
+ read (card(23:26),*) ires
+ read (card(18:20),'(a3)') res
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires,ires-ishift+ishift1,
+c & " ires_old",ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ishift1",ishift1
+c write (iout,*) "IRES",ires-ishift+ishift1,ires_old
+ if ( then
+! Calculate the CM of the preceding residue.
+! if (ibeg.eq.0) call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ if (ibeg.eq.0) then
+c write (iout,*) "Calculating sidechain center iii",iii
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+c write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5)') ires,(sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires_old)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires_old,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ iii=0
+ sccalc=.true.
+ endif
+! Start new residue.
+c write (iout,*) "ibeg",ibeg
+ if (res.eq.'Cl-' .or. res.eq.'Na+') then
+ ires=ires_old
+ cycle
+ else if (ibeg.eq.1) then
+c write (iout,*) "BEG ires",ires
+ ishift=ires-1
+ if ('GLY' .and. 'ACE') then
+ ishift=ishift-1
+ itype(1)=ntyp1
+ endif
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+! write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ires",ires,&
+! " ires_old",ires_old
+ ibeg=0
+ else if (ibeg.eq.2) then
+! Start a new chain
+ ishift=-ires_old+ires-1 !!!!!
+c ishift1=ishift1-1 !!!!!
+c write (iout,*) "New chain started",ires,ires_old,ishift,
+c & ishift1
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ write (iout,*) "New chain started ires",ires
+ ires_old=ires
+c ires=ires_old+1
+ ibeg=0
+ else
+ ishift=ishift-(ires-ishift+ishift1-ires_old-1)
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+ endif
+ if (res.eq.'ACE' .or. res.eq.'NHE') then
+ itype(ires)=10
+ else
+ itype(ires)=rescode(ires,res,0)
+ endif
+ else
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ endif
+c write (iout,*) "ires_old",ires_old," ires",ires
+ if (card(27:27).eq."A" .or. card(27:27).eq."B") then
+! ishift1=ishift1+1
+ endif
+c write (2,*) "ires",ires," res ",res!," ity"!,ity
+ if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3' .or.
+ & res.eq.'NHE'.and.atom(:2).eq.'HN') then
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+c write (iout,*) "backbone ",atom
+c write (iout,*) ires,res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ write (iout,'(i6,i3,2x,a,3f8.3)')
+ & ires,itype(ires),res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+ iii=iii+1
+ do j=1,3
+ sccor(j,iii)=c(j,ires)
+ enddo
+c write (2,*) card(23:27),ires,itype(ires),iii
+ else if ('O'.and.atom(1:1).ne.'H' .and.
+ &'N' .and.'C' .and.
+ & atom(:2).ne.'1H' .and. atom(:2).ne.'2H' .and.
+ &'OXT' .and. atom(:2).ne.'3H') then
+! write (iout,*) "sidechain ",atom
+ iii=iii+1
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
+c write (2,*) "iii",iii
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 10 write (iout,'(a,i5)') ' Nres: ',ires
+c write (iout,*) "iii",iii
+C Calculate dummy residue coordinates inside the "chain" of a multichain
+C system
+ nres=ires
+c write (iout,*) "dc"
+c do i=1,nres
+c write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5)') i,(dc(j,i),j=1,3)
+c enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+c write (iout,*) i,itype(i),itype(i+1),ntyp1,iterter(i)
+ if (itype(i).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i).eq.1) then
+ if (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i+1).eq.1 ) then
+C 16/01/2014 by Adasko: Adding to dummy atoms in the chain
+C first is connected prevous chain (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1)=true
+C second dummy atom is conected to next chain itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1=false
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+c print *,i,'tu dochodze'
+ call refsys(i-3,i-2,i-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif !fail
+c print *,i,'a tu?'
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i-2)-c(j,i-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ dC(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ else !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(i+1,i+2,i+3,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i+3)-c(j,i+2))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ dC(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ endif !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ endif !itype.eq.ntyp1
+ enddo
+ write (iout,*) "After loop in readpbd"
+C Calculate the CM of the last side chain.
+ if (.not. sccalc) then
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+c write (iout,*) "Calling sccenter iii",iii
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ endif
+ nsup=nres
+ nstart_sup=1
+ if (itype(nres).ne.10) then
+ nres=nres+1
+ itype(nres)=ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+ call refsys(nres-3,nres-2,nres-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,nres-2)-c(j,nres-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+dcj
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
+ nsup=nsup-1
+ nstart_sup=2
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(2,3,4,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)+1.9d0*(e1(j)-e2(j))/dsqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,4)-c(j,3))/2.0
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+C Calculate internal coordinates.
+ write (iout,'(/a)')
+ & "Cartesian coordinates of the reference structure"
+ write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))')
+ & "Residue ","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)"
+ do ires=1,nres
+ write (iout,'(a3,1x,i4,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)')
+ & restyp(itype(ires)),ires,(c(j,ires),j=1,3),
+ & (c(j,ires+nres),j=1,3)
+ zero=.false.
+ enddo
+ do ires=1,nres
+ zero=zero.or.itype(ires).eq.0
+ enddo
+ if (zero) then
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Gaps in PDB coordinates detected;",
+ & " look for ZERO in the control output above."
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Repair the PDB file using MODELLER",
+ & " or other softwared and resubmit."
+ call flush(iout)
+ stop
+ endif
+c write(iout,*)"before int_from_cart nres",nres
+ call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
+ do i=1,nres
+ thetaref(i)=theta(i)
+ phiref(i)=phi(i)
+ enddo
+ dc(:,0)=c(:,1)
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i)=dc(j,i)*vbld_inv(i+1)
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i),j=1,3),
+c & vbld_inv(i+1)
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i+nres)*vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i+nres),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i+nres),j=1,3),
+c & vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+ call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
+ call int_from_cart1(.false.)
+c call chainbuild
+C Copy the coordinates to reference coordinates
+ do i=1,nres
+ do j=1,3
+ cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ cref(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ 100 format (//' alpha-carbon coordinates ',
+ & ' centroid coordinates'/
+ 1 ' ', 7X,'X',11X,'Y',11X,'Z',
+ & 10X,'X',11X,'Y',11X,'Z')
+ 110 format (a,'(',i4,')',6f12.5)
+cc enddiag
+ do j=1,nbfrag
+ do i=1,4
+ bfrag(i,j)=bfrag(i,j)-ishift
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1,nhfrag
+ do i=1,2
+ hfrag(i,j)=hfrag(i,j)-ishift
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine readpdb_template(k)
+C Read the PDB file for read_constr_homology with read2sigma
+C and convert the peptide geometry into virtual-chain geometry.
+ implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+ include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+ integer i,j,ibeg,ishift1,ires,iii,ires_old,ishift,ity
+ logical lprn /.false./,fail
+ double precision e1(3),e2(3),e3(3)
+ double precision dcj,efree_temp
+ character*3 seq,res
+ character*5 atom
+ character*80 card
+ double precision sccor(3,20)
+ integer rescode,iterter(maxres)
+ logical zero
+ do i=1,maxres
+ iterter(i)=0
+ enddo
+ ibeg=1
+ ishift1=0
+ ishift=0
+c write (2,*) "UNRES_PDB",unres_pdb
+ ires=0
+ ires_old=0
+ iii=0
+ lsecondary=.false.
+ nhfrag=0
+ nbfrag=0
+ do
+ read (ipdbin,'(a80)',end=10) card
+ if (card(:3).eq.'END') then
+ goto 10
+ else if (card(:3).eq.'TER') then
+C End current chain
+ ires_old=ires+2
+ itype(ires_old-1)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old-1)=1
+ itype(ires_old)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old)=1
+ ibeg=2
+c write (iout,*) "Chain ended",ires,ishift,ires_old
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ endif
+C Fish out the ATOM cards.
+ if (index(card(1:4),'ATOM').gt.0) then
+ read (card(12:16),*) atom
+c write (iout,*) "! ",atom," !",ires
+c if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3') then
+ read (card(23:26),*) ires
+ read (card(18:20),'(a3)') res
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires,ires-ishift+ishift1,
+c & " ires_old",ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ishift1",ishift1
+c write (iout,*) "IRES",ires-ishift+ishift1,ires_old
+ if ( then
+C Calculate the CM of the preceding residue.
+ if (ibeg.eq.0) then
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires_old)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires_old,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ iii=0
+ endif
+C Start new residue.
+ if (res.eq.'Cl-' .or. res.eq.'Na+') then
+ ires=ires_old
+ cycle
+ else if (ibeg.eq.1) then
+c write (iout,*) "BEG ires",ires
+ ishift=ires-1
+ if ('GLY' .and. 'ACE') then
+ ishift=ishift-1
+ itype(1)=ntyp1
+ endif
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ires",ires,
+c & " ires_old",ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires," ibeg",ibeg," ishift",ishift
+ ibeg=0
+ else if (ibeg.eq.2) then
+c Start a new chain
+ ishift=-ires_old+ires-1
+ ires=ires_old+1
+c write (iout,*) "New chain started",ires,ishift
+ ibeg=0
+ else
+ ishift=ishift-(ires-ishift+ishift1-ires_old-1)
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+ endif
+ if (res.eq.'ACE' .or. res.eq.'NHE') then
+ itype(ires)=10
+ else
+ itype(ires)=rescode(ires,res,0)
+ endif
+ else
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ endif
+c write (iout,*) "ires_old",ires_old," ires",ires
+c if (card(27:27).eq."A" .or. card(27:27).eq."B") then
+c ishift1=ishift1+1
+c endif
+c write (2,*) "ires",ires," res ",res," ity",ity
+ if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3' .or.
+ & res.eq.'NHE'.and.atom(:2).eq.'HN') then
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+c write (iout,*) "backbone ",atom ,ires,res, (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ write (iout,'(2i3,2x,a,3f8.3)')
+ & ires,itype(ires),res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+ iii=iii+1
+ do j=1,3
+ sccor(j,iii)=c(j,ires)
+ enddo
+ if ( then
+ ires_ca=ires+ishift-ishift1
+ else
+ ires_ca=ires
+ endif
+c write (*,*) card(23:27),ires,itype(ires)
+ else if ('O'.and.atom(1:1).ne.'H' .and.
+ &'N' .and.'C' .and.
+ & atom(:2).ne.'1H' .and. atom(:2).ne.'2H' .and.
+ &'OXT' .and. atom(:2).ne.'3H') then
+c write (iout,*) "sidechain ",atom
+ iii=iii+1
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 10 write (iout,'(a,i5)') ' Nres: ',ires
+C Calculate dummy residue coordinates inside the "chain" of a multichain
+C system
+ nres=ires
+ do i=2,nres-1
+c write (iout,*) i,itype(i),itype(i+1)
+ if (itype(i).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i).eq.1) then
+ if (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i+1).eq.1 ) then
+C 16/01/2014 by Adasko: Adding to dummy atoms in the chain
+C first is connected prevous chain (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1)=true
+C second dummy atom is conected to next chain itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1=false
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+ call refsys(i-3,i-2,i-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif !fail
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i-2)-c(j,i-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ else !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(i+1,i+2,i+3,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i+3)-c(j,i+2))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ endif !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ endif !itype.eq.ntyp1
+ enddo
+C Calculate the CM of the last side chain.
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ nsup=nres
+ nstart_sup=1
+ if (itype(nres).ne.10) then
+ nres=nres+1
+ itype(nres)=ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+ call refsys(nres-3,nres-2,nres-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,nres-2)-c(j,nres-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+dcj
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
+ nsup=nsup-1
+ nstart_sup=2
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(2,3,4,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)+1.9d0*(e1(j)-e2(j))/dsqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,4)-c(j,3))/2.0
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+C Copy the coordinates to reference coordinates
+c do i=1,2*nres
+c do j=1,3
+c cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+c enddo
+c enddo
+C Calculate internal coordinates.
+ if (out_template_coord) then
+ write (iout,'(/a)')
+ & "Cartesian coordinates of the reference structure"
+ write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))')
+ & "Residue ","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)"
+ do ires=1,nres
+ write (iout,'(a3,1x,i4,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)')
+ & restyp(itype(ires)),ires,(c(j,ires),j=1,3),
+ & (c(j,ires+nres),j=1,3)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ zero=.false.
+ do ires=1,nres
+ zero=zero.or.itype(ires).eq.0
+ enddo
+ if (zero) then
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Gaps in PDB coordinates detected;",
+ & " look for ZERO in the control output above."
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Repair the PDB file using MODELLER",
+ & " or other softwared and resubmit."
+ call flush(iout)
+ stop
+ endif
+C Calculate internal coordinates.
+ call int_from_cart(.true.,out_template_coord)
+ call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
+ do i=1,nres
+ thetaref(i)=theta(i)
+ phiref(i)=phi(i)
+ enddo
+ dc(:,0)=c(:,1)
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i)=dc(j,i)*vbld_inv(i+1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i+nres)*vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i+nres),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i+nres),j=1,3),
+c & vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+ do i=1,nres
+ do j=1,3
+ cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ cref(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=1,2*nres
+ do j=1,3
+ chomo(j,i,k)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine int_from_cart(lside,lprn)
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ character*3 seq,atom,res
+ character*80 card
+ double precision sccor(3,50)
+ integer rescode
+ double precision dist,alpha,beta,di
+ integer i,j,iti
+ logical lside,lprn
+ if (lprn) then
+ write (iout,'(/a)')
+ & 'Internal coordinates calculated from crystal structure.'
+ if (lside) then
+ write (iout,'(8a)') ' Res ',' dvb',' Theta',
+ & ' Phi',' Dsc_id',' Dsc',' Alpha',
+ & ' Omega'
+ else
+ write (iout,'(4a)') ' Res ',' dvb',' Theta',
+ & ' Phi'
+ endif
+ endif
+ do i=2,nres
+ iti=itype(i)
+c write (iout,*) i,i-1,(c(j,i),j=1,3),(c(j,i-1),j=1,3),dist(i,i-1)
+ if (itype(i-1).ne.ntyp1 .and. itype(i).ne.ntyp1 .and.
+ & (dist(i,i-1).lt.1.0D0 .or. dist(i,i-1).gt.6.0D0)) then
+ write (iout,'(a,i4)') 'Bad Cartesians for residue',i
+c stop
+ endif
+ vbld(i)=dist(i-1,i)
+ vbld_inv(i)=1.0d0/vbld(i)
+ theta(i+1)=alpha(i-1,i,i+1)
+ if ( phi(i+1)=beta(i-2,i-1,i,i+1)
+ enddo
+c if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
+c do j=1,3
+c c(j,1)=c(j,2)+(c(j,3)-c(j,4))
+c enddo
+c endif
+c if (itype(nres).eq.ntyp1) then
+c do j=1,3
+c c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+(c(j,nres-2)-c(j,nres-3))
+c enddo
+c endif
+ if (lside) then
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,maxres2)=0.5D0*(c(j,i-1)+c(j,i+1))
+ enddo
+ iti=itype(i)
+ di=dist(i,nres+i)
+ vbld(i+nres)=di
+ if (itype(i).ne.10) then
+ vbld_inv(i+nres)=1.0d0/di
+ else
+ vbld_inv(i+nres)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ if ( then
+ alph(i)=alpha(nres+i,i,maxres2)
+ omeg(i)=beta(nres+i,i,maxres2,i+1)
+ endif
+ if ( then
+ alph(i)=alpha(nres+i,i,maxres2)
+ omeg(i)=beta(nres+i,i,maxres2,i+1)
+ endif
+ if (lprn)
+ & write (iout,'(a3,i4,7f10.3)') restyp(iti),i,dist(i,i-1),
+ & rad2deg*theta(i),rad2deg*phi(i),dsc(iti),di,
+ & rad2deg*alph(i),rad2deg*omeg(i)
+ enddo
+ else if (lprn) then
+ do i=2,nres
+ iti=itype(i)
+ write (iout,'(a3,i4,7f10.3)') restyp(iti),i,dist(i,i-1),
+ & rad2deg*theta(i),rad2deg*phi(i)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine sccenter(ires,nscat,sccor)
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ integer ires,nscat,i,j
+ double precision sccor(3,50),sccmj
+ do j=1,3
+ sccmj=0.0D0
+ do i=1,nscat
+ sccmj=sccmj+sccor(j,i)
+ enddo
+ dc(j,ires)=sccmj/nscat
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine sc_loc_geom(lprn)
+ implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+ include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+ double precision x_prime(3),y_prime(3),z_prime(3)
+ logical lprn
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc_norm(j,i)=vbld_inv(i+1)*(c(j,i+1)-c(j,i))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ if (itype(i).ne.10 .and. itype(i).ne.ntyp1) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=vbld_inv(i+nres)*(c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i))
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=0.0d0
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ costtab(i+1) =dcos(theta(i+1))
+ sinttab(i+1) =dsqrt(1-costtab(i+1)*costtab(i+1))
+ cost2tab(i+1)=dsqrt(0.5d0*(1.0d0+costtab(i+1)))
+ sint2tab(i+1)=dsqrt(0.5d0*(1.0d0-costtab(i+1)))
+ cosfac2=0.5d0/(1.0d0+costtab(i+1))
+ cosfac=dsqrt(cosfac2)
+ sinfac2=0.5d0/(1.0d0-costtab(i+1))
+ sinfac=dsqrt(sinfac2)
+ it=itype(i)
+ if ( .and. itype(i).ne.ntyp1) then
+C Compute the axes of tghe local cartesian coordinates system; store in
+c x_prime, y_prime and z_prime
+ do j=1,3
+ x_prime(j) = 0.00
+ y_prime(j) = 0.00
+ z_prime(j) = 0.00
+ enddo
+ do j = 1,3
+ x_prime(j) = (dc_norm(j,i) - dc_norm(j,i-1))*cosfac
+ y_prime(j) = (dc_norm(j,i) + dc_norm(j,i-1))*sinfac
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) "x_prime",(x_prime(j),j=1,3)
+c write (iout,*) "y_prime",(y_prime(j),j=1,3)
+ call vecpr(x_prime,y_prime,z_prime)
+c write (iout,*) "z_prime",(z_prime(j),j=1,3)
+C Transform the unit vector of the ith side-chain centroid, dC_norm(*,i),
+C to local coordinate system. Store in xx, yy, zz.
+ xx=0.0d0
+ yy=0.0d0
+ zz=0.0d0
+ do j = 1,3
+ xx = xx + x_prime(j)*dc_norm(j,i+nres)
+ yy = yy + y_prime(j)*dc_norm(j,i+nres)
+ zz = zz + z_prime(j)*dc_norm(j,i+nres)
+ enddo
+ xxref(i)=xx
+ yyref(i)=yy
+ zzref(i)=zz
+ else
+ xxref(i)=0.0d0
+ yyref(i)=0.0d0
+ zzref(i)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if (lprn) then
+ write (iout,*) "xxref,yyref,zzref"
+ do i=2,nres
+ iti=itype(i)
+ write (iout,'(a3,i4,3f10.5)') restyp(iti),i,xxref(i),yyref(i),
+ & zzref(i)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine bond_regular
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ integer i,i1,i2
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ vbld(i+1)=vbl
+ vbld_inv(i+1)=vblinv
+ vbld(i+1+nres)=dsc(iabs(itype(i+1)))
+ vbld_inv(i+1+nres)=dsc_inv(iabs(itype(i+1)))
+c print *,vbld(i+1),vbld(i+1+nres)
+ enddo
+c Adam 2/26/20 Alter virtual bonds for non-blocking end groups of each chain
+ do i=1,nchain
+ i1=chain_border(1,i)
+ i2=chain_border(2,i)
+ if ( then
+ vbld(i1)=vbld(i1)/2
+ vbld_inv(i1)=vbld_inv(i1)*2
+ endif
+ if ( then
+ vbld(i2+1)=vbld(i2+1)/2
+ vbld_inv(i2+1)=vbld_inv(i2+1)*2
+ endif
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
real*8 wwdist,wwangle,wwnei
OPT2 = -O2 -ip -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -dynamic
OPT0 = -g -O0 -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -dynamic
OPT1 = -g -CA -CB -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -dynamic
+#OPT = -g -CA -CB -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -dynamic
FFLAGS = -c ${OPT}
--- /dev/null
+INSTALL_DIR = /users/local/mpich-3.3.1_intel
+FC= ${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/mpif90
+OPT = -O3 -ip -mcmodel=medium
+OPTE = -O3 -ipo -mcmodel=medium
+OPT2 = -O2 -ip -mcmodel=medium
+OPT0 = -g -O0 -mcmodel=medium
+OPTE = -c -O3 -ipo -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -dynamic
+FFLAGS = -c ${OPT} -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include
+FFLAGS2 = -c ${OPT2} -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include
+FFLAGS0 = -c ${OPT0} -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include
+LIBS = -L$(INSTALL_DIR)/lib -lmpich xdrf/libxdrf.a
+PP = /lib/cpp -P
+all: no_option
+ @echo "Specify force field: GAB, 4P or E0LL2Y"
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} $*.F
+object = unres.o arcos.o cartprint.o chainbuild.o convert.o initialize_p.o \
+ matmult.o readrtns_CSA.o parmread.o gen_rand_conf.o printmat.o map.o \
+ pinorm.o randgens.o rescode.o intcor.o timing.o misc.o \
+ cart2intgrad.o checkder_p.o contact_cp.o econstr_local.o econstr_qlike.o \
+ econstrq-PMF.o PMFprocess.o energy_p_new_barrier.o make_xx_list.o \
+ energy_p_new-sep_barrier.o gradient_p.o minimize_p.o sumsld.o \
+ cored.o rmdd.o geomout.o readpdb-mult.o int_from_cart.o regularize.o \
+ thread.o fitsq.o mcm.o rmscalc.o \
+ mc.o bond_move.o refsys.o check_sc_distr.o check_bond.o contact.o \
+ eigen.o blas.o add.o entmcm.o minim_mcmf.o \
+ together.o csa.o minim_jlee.o shift.o diff12.o bank.o newconf.o ran.o \
+ indexx.o MP.o compare_s1.o prng_32.o \
+ banach.o distfit.o rmsd.o elecont.o dihed_cons.o \
+ sc_move.o local_move.o djacob.o \
+ intcartderiv.o lagrangian_lesyng.o\
+ chain_symmetry.o permut.o seq2chains.o iperm.o\
+ stochfric.o kinetic_lesyng.o MD_A-MTS.o moments.o int_to_cart.o \
+ surfatom.o sort.o muca_md.o MREMD.o rattle.o gauss.o energy_split-sep.o \
+ q_measure.o gnmr1.o mygauss.o ssMD.o
+object_lbfgs = inform.o iounit.o keys.o linmin.o math.o minima.o scales.o output.o lbfgs.o search.o optsave_dum.o
+GAB: BIN = ~/bin/unres-ms_ifort_MPICH_GAB-HCD.exe
+GAB: ${object} xdrf/libxdrf.a
+ gcc -o compinfo compinfo.c
+ ./compinfo | true
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} cinfo.f
+ ${FC} ${OPT} ${object} cinfo.o ${LIBS} -o ${BIN}
+4P: BIN = ~/bin/unres-ms_KCC_ifort_MPICH_4P-HCD.exe
+4P: ${object} xdrf/libxdrf.a
+ gcc -o compinfo compinfo.c
+ ./compinfo | true
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} cinfo.f
+ ${FC} ${OPT} ${object} cinfo.o ${LIBS} -o ${BIN}
+E0LL2Y: BIN = ~/bin/unres-ms_ifort_MPICH_E0LL2Y-HCD.exe
+E0LL2Y: ${object} xdrf/libxdrf.a
+ gcc -o compinfo compinfo.c
+ ./compinfo | true
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} cinfo.f
+ ${FC} ${OPT} ${object} cinfo.o ${LIBS} -o ${BIN}
+NEWCORR: BIN = ~/bin/unres-ms_ifort_MPICH_SC-HCD.exe
+NEWCORR: ${object} xdrf/libxdrf.a
+ gcc -o compinfo compinfo.c
+ ./compinfo | true
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} cinfo.f
+ ${FC} ${OPT} ${object} cinfo.o ${LIBS} -o ${BIN}
+NEWCORR5D: BIN = ~/bin/unres-ms_ifort_MPICH_SC-HCD5.exe
+NEWCORR5D: ${object_lbfgs} ${object} fdisy.o fdiag.o machpd.o kinetic_CASC.o xdrf/libxdrf.a
+ gcc -o compinfo compinfo.c
+ ./compinfo | true
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} cinfo.f
+ ${FC} ${OPT} ${object} ${object_lbfgs} fdisy.o fdiag.o machpd.o kinetic_CASC.o cinfo.o ${LIBS} -o ${BIN}
+NEWCORR_DFA: BIN = ~/bin/unres-ms_ifort_MPICH_SC-HCD-DFA.exe
+NEWCORR_DFA: ${object} dfa.o xdrf/libxdrf.a
+ gcc -o compinfo compinfo.c
+ ./compinfo | true
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} cinfo.f
+ ${FC} ${OPT} ${object} dfa.o cinfo.o ${LIBS} -o ${BIN}
+NEWCORR5D_DFA: BIN = ~/bin/unres-ms_ifort_MPICH_SC-HCD5-DFA.exe
+NEWCORR5D_DFA: ${object_lbfgs} ${object} dfa.o fdisy.o fdiag.o machpd.o kinetic_CASC.o xdrf/libxdrf.a
+ gcc -o compinfo compinfo.c
+ ./compinfo | true
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} cinfo.f
+ ${FC} ${OPT} ${object_lbfgs} ${object} fdisy.o fdiag.o machpd.o dfa.o kinetic_CASC.o cinfo.o ${LIBS} -o ${BIN}
+ cd xdrf && make
+ /bin/rm -f *.o && /bin/rm -f compinfo && cd xdrf && make clean
+test.o: test.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} test.F
+chainbuild.o: chainbuild.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} chainbuild.F
+djacob.o: djacob.f
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS0} djacob.f
+matmult.o: matmult.f
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} matmult.f
+parmread.o : parmread.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} parmread.F
+intcor.o : intcor.f
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} intcor.f
+cartder.o : cartder.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} cartder.F
+readpdb-mult.o : readpdb-mult.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS0} ${CPPFLAGS} readpdb-mult.F
+sumsld.o : sumsld.f
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} sumsld.f
+rmscalc.o : rmscalc.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS2} ${CPPFLAGS} rmscalc.F
+cored.o : cored.f
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS1} ${CPPFLAGS} cored.f
+rmdd.o : rmdd.f
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} rmdd.f
+energy_p_new_barrier.o : energy_p_new_barrier.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} energy_p_new_barrier.F
+gradient_p.o : gradient_p.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} gradient_p.F
+energy_p_new-sep_barrier.o : energy_p_new-sep_barrier.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} energy_p_new-sep_barrier.F
+lagrangian_lesyng.o : lagrangian_lesyng.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} lagrangian_lesyng.F
+blas.o : blas.f
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS1} blas.f
+add.o : add.f
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS1} add.f
+eigen.o : eigen.f
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGS0} eigen.f
+dfa.o: dfa.F
+ ${FC} ${CPPFLAGS} ${FFLAGS} dfa.F
+proc_proc.o: proc_proc.c
+ ${CC} ${CFLAGS} proc_proc.c
& "idfaphi ",idfaphi,idfaphi_start,idfaphi_end,
& "idfathe ",idfathe,idfathe_start,idfathe_end,
& "idfanei ",idfanei,idfanei_start,idfanei_end
- if ( then
+ if ( then
do i=0,max_fg_procs-1
c write (2,*) "Start reading THETA_PDB",ithep_pdb
do i=1,ntyp
c write (2,*) 'i=',i
+ call flush(iout)
read (ithep_pdb,*,err=111,end=111)
& a0thet(i),(athet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2),
& (bthet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2)
- ishift1=ishift1+1
+c ishift1=ishift1+1
- write (iout,*) "Chain ended",ires,ishift,ires_old
+ write (iout,*) "Chain ended",ires,ishift,ires_old,ibeg
if (unres_pdb) then
do j=1,3
read (card(18:20),'(a3)') res
c write (iout,*) "ires",ires,ires-ishift+ishift1,
c & " ires_old",ires_old
-c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ishift1",ishift1
-c write (iout,*) "IRES",ires-ishift+ishift1,ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ishift1",ishift1
+c write (iout,*) "IRES",ires-ishift+ishift1,ires_old
if ( then
! Calculate the CM of the preceding residue.
! if (ibeg.eq.0) call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
! Start new residue.
+c write (iout,*) "ibeg",ibeg
if (res.eq.'Cl-' .or. res.eq.'Na+') then
else if (ibeg.eq.2) then
! Start a new chain
ishift=-ires_old+ires-1 !!!!!
- ishift1=ishift1-1 !!!!!
-c write (iout,*) "New chain started",ires,ishift,ishift1,"!"
+c ishift1=ishift1-1 !!!!!
+c write (iout,*) "New chain started",ires,ires_old,ishift,
+c & ishift1
+ write (iout,*) "New chain started ires",ires
+c ires=ires_old+1
if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3' .or.
& res.eq.'NHE'.and.atom(:2).eq.'HN') then
read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
-! write (iout,*) "backbone ",atom
+c write (iout,*) "backbone ",atom
+c write (iout,*) ires,res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
#ifdef DEBUG
write (iout,'(i6,i3,2x,a,3f8.3)')
& ires,itype(ires),res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
do j=1,3
- c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
else !unres_pdb
do j=1,3
character*3 seq,res
character*5 atom
character*80 card
- double precision sccor(3,20)
+ double precision sccor(3,50)
integer rescode,iterter(maxres)
+ logical zero
do i=1,maxres
do j=1,3
- c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
else !unres_pdb
do j=1,3
do j=1,3
- c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
do j=1,3
do j=1,3
- c(j,1)=c(j,2)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)+1.9d0*(e1(j)-e2(j))/dsqrt(2.0d0)
do j=1,3
& (c(j,ires+nres),j=1,3)
+ zero=.false.
+ do ires=1,nres
+ zero=zero.or.itype(ires).eq.0
+ enddo
+ if (zero) then
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Gaps in PDB coordinates detected;",
+ & " look for ZERO in the control output above."
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Repair the PDB file using MODELLER",
+ & " or other softwared and resubmit."
+ call flush(iout)
+ stop
+ endif
C Calculate internal coordinates.
call int_from_cart(.true.,out_template_coord)
call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
+ dc(:,0)=c(:,1)
do i=1,nres-1
do j=1,3
--- /dev/null
+ subroutine readpdb
+C Read the PDB file and convert the peptide geometry into virtual-chain
+C geometry.
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+ include 'COMMON.FRAG'
+ include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+ include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+ character*3 seq,atom,res
+ character*80 card
+ double precision sccor(3,50)
+ double precision e1(3),e2(3),e3(3)
+ integer rescode,iterter(maxres),cou
+ logical fail,sccalc
+ integer i,j,iii,ires,ires_old,ishift,ishift1,ibeg,ifree
+ double precision dcj!,efree_temp
+ logical zero
+ bfac=0.0d0
+ do i=1,maxres
+ iterter(i)=0
+ enddo
+ ibeg=1
+ ishift1=0
+ lsecondary=.false.
+ nhfrag=0
+ nbfrag=0
+ iii=0
+ sccalc=.false.
+ do
+ read (ipdbin,'(a80)',end=10) card
+c write (iout,'(a)') card
+c call flush(iout)
+ if (card(:5).eq.'HELIX') then
+ nhfrag=nhfrag+1
+ lsecondary=.true.
+ read(card(22:25),*) hfrag(1,nhfrag)
+ read(card(34:37),*) hfrag(2,nhfrag)
+ endif
+ if (card(:5).eq.'SHEET') then
+ nbfrag=nbfrag+1
+ lsecondary=.true.
+ read(card(24:26),*) bfrag(1,nbfrag)
+ read(card(35:37),*) bfrag(2,nbfrag)
+!rc to be corrected !!!
+ bfrag(3,nbfrag)=bfrag(1,nbfrag)
+ bfrag(4,nbfrag)=bfrag(2,nbfrag)
+ endif
+ if (card(:3).eq.'END') then
+ goto 10
+ else if (card(:3).eq.'TER') then
+! End current chain
+ ires_old=ires+2
+ itype(ires_old-1)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old-1)=1
+ itype(ires_old)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old)=1
+ ishift1=ishift1+1
+ ibeg=2
+ write (iout,*) "Chain ended",ires,ishift,ires_old
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ iii=0
+ sccalc=.true.
+ endif
+! Read free energy
+c if (index(card,"FREE ENERGY").gt.0) then
+c ifree=index(card,"FREE ENERGY")+12
+c read(card(ifree:),*,err=1115,end=1115) efree_temp
+c 1115 continue
+c endif
+! Fish out the ATOM cards.
+ if (index(card(1:4),'ATOM').gt.0) then
+ sccalc=.false.
+ read (card(12:16),*) atom
+c write (2,'(a)') card
+c write (iout,*) "ibeg",ibeg
+c write (iout,*) "! ",atom," !",ires
+! if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3') then
+ read (card(23:26),*) ires
+ read (card(18:20),'(a3)') res
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires,ires-ishift+ishift1,
+c & " ires_old",ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ishift1",ishift1
+c write (iout,*) "IRES",ires-ishift+ishift1,ires_old
+ if ( then
+! Calculate the CM of the preceding residue.
+! if (ibeg.eq.0) call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ if (ibeg.eq.0) then
+c write (iout,*) "Calculating sidechain center iii",iii
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+c write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5)') ires,(sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires_old)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires_old,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ iii=0
+ sccalc=.true.
+ endif
+! Start new residue.
+ if (res.eq.'Cl-' .or. res.eq.'Na+') then
+ ires=ires_old
+ cycle
+ else if (ibeg.eq.1) then
+c write (iout,*) "BEG ires",ires
+ ishift=ires-1
+ if ('GLY' .and. 'ACE') then
+ ishift=ishift-1
+ itype(1)=ntyp1
+ endif
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+! write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ires",ires,&
+! " ires_old",ires_old
+ ibeg=0
+ else if (ibeg.eq.2) then
+! Start a new chain
+ ishift=-ires_old+ires-1 !!!!!
+ ishift1=ishift1-1 !!!!!
+c write (iout,*) "New chain started",ires,ishift,ishift1,"!"
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+ ibeg=0
+ else
+ ishift=ishift-(ires-ishift+ishift1-ires_old-1)
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+ endif
+ if (res.eq.'ACE' .or. res.eq.'NHE') then
+ itype(ires)=10
+ else
+ itype(ires)=rescode(ires,res,0)
+ endif
+ else
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ endif
+c write (iout,*) "ires_old",ires_old," ires",ires
+ if (card(27:27).eq."A" .or. card(27:27).eq."B") then
+! ishift1=ishift1+1
+ endif
+c write (2,*) "ires",ires," res ",res!," ity"!,ity
+ if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3' .or.
+ & res.eq.'NHE'.and.atom(:2).eq.'HN') then
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+ write (iout,*) "backbone ",atom
+ write (iout,*) ires,res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ write (iout,'(i6,i3,2x,a,3f8.3)')
+ & ires,itype(ires),res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+ iii=iii+1
+ do j=1,3
+ sccor(j,iii)=c(j,ires)
+ enddo
+c write (2,*) card(23:27),ires,itype(ires),iii
+ else if ('O'.and.atom(1:1).ne.'H' .and.
+ &'N' .and.'C' .and.
+ & atom(:2).ne.'1H' .and. atom(:2).ne.'2H' .and.
+ &'OXT' .and. atom(:2).ne.'3H') then
+! write (iout,*) "sidechain ",atom
+ iii=iii+1
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
+c write (2,*) "iii",iii
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 10 if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+ & write (iout,'(a,i5)') ' Nres: ',ires
+c write (iout,*) "iii",iii
+C Calculate dummy residue coordinates inside the "chain" of a multichain
+C system
+ nres=ires
+c write (iout,*) "dc"
+c do i=1,nres
+c write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5)') i,(dc(j,i),j=1,3)
+c enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+c write (iout,*) i,itype(i),itype(i+1),ntyp1,iterter(i)
+ if (itype(i).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i).eq.1) then
+ if (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i+1).eq.1 ) then
+C 16/01/2014 by Adasko: Adding to dummy atoms in the chain
+C first is connected prevous chain (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1)=true
+C second dummy atom is conected to next chain itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1=false
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+c print *,i,'tu dochodze'
+ call refsys(i-3,i-2,i-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif !fail
+c print *,i,'a tu?'
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i-2)-c(j,i-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ dC(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ else !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(i+1,i+2,i+3,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i+3)-c(j,i+2))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ dC(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ endif !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ endif !itype.eq.ntyp1
+ enddo
+ write (iout,*) "After loop in readpbd"
+C Calculate the CM of the last side chain.
+ if (.not. sccalc) then
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+c write (iout,*) "Calling sccenter iii",iii
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ endif
+ nsup=nres
+ nstart_sup=1
+ if (itype(nres).ne.10) then
+ nres=nres+1
+ itype(nres)=ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+ call refsys(nres-3,nres-2,nres-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,nres-2)-c(j,nres-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+dcj
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
+ nsup=nsup-1
+ nstart_sup=2
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(2,3,4,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)+1.9d0*(e1(j)-e2(j))/dsqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,4)-c(j,3))/2.0
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+C Calculate internal coordinates.
+ if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
+ write (iout,'(/a)')
+ & "Cartesian coordinates of the reference structure"
+ write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))')
+ & "Residue ","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)"
+ do ires=1,nres
+ write (iout,'(a3,1x,i4,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)')
+ & restyp(itype(ires)),ires,(c(j,ires),j=1,3),
+ & (c(j,ires+nres),j=1,3)
+ enddo
+ call flush(iout)
+ endif
+ zero=.false.
+ do ires=1,nres
+ zero=zero.or.itype(ires).eq.0
+ enddo
+ if (zero) then
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Gaps in PDB coordinates detected;",
+ & " look for ZERO in the control output above."
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Repair the PDB file using MODELLER",
+ & " or other softwared and resubmit."
+ call flush(iout)
+ stop
+ endif
+c write(iout,*)"before int_from_cart nres",nres
+ call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
+ do i=1,nres
+ thetaref(i)=theta(i)
+ phiref(i)=phi(i)
+ enddo
+ dc(:,0)=c(:,1)
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i)=dc(j,i)*vbld_inv(i+1)
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i),j=1,3),
+c & vbld_inv(i+1)
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i+nres)*vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i+nres),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i+nres),j=1,3),
+c & vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+ call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
+ call int_from_cart1(.false.)
+c call chainbuild
+C Copy the coordinates to reference coordinates
+ do i=1,nres
+ do j=1,3
+ cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ cref(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ 100 format (//' alpha-carbon coordinates ',
+ & ' centroid coordinates'/
+ 1 ' ', 7X,'X',11X,'Y',11X,'Z',
+ & 10X,'X',11X,'Y',11X,'Z')
+ 110 format (a,'(',i4,')',6f12.5)
+cc enddiag
+ do j=1,nbfrag
+ do i=1,4
+ bfrag(i,j)=bfrag(i,j)-ishift
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1,nhfrag
+ do i=1,2
+ hfrag(i,j)=hfrag(i,j)-ishift
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
--- /dev/null
+ subroutine readpdb_template(k)
+C Read the PDB file for read_constr_homology with read2sigma
+C and convert the peptide geometry into virtual-chain geometry.
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+ include 'COMMON.FRAG'
+ include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+ integer i,j,k,ibeg,ishift1,ires,iii,ires_old,ishift,ity,
+ & ishift_pdb,ires_ca
+ logical lprn /.false./,fail
+ double precision e1(3),e2(3),e3(3)
+ double precision dcj,efree_temp
+ character*3 seq,res
+ character*5 atom
+ character*80 card
+ double precision sccor(3,20)
+ integer rescode,iterter(maxres)
+ do i=1,maxres
+ iterter(i)=0
+ enddo
+ ibeg=1
+ ishift1=0
+ ishift=0
+c write (2,*) "UNRES_PDB",unres_pdb
+ ires=0
+ ires_old=0
+ iii=0
+ lsecondary=.false.
+ nhfrag=0
+ nbfrag=0
+ do
+ read (ipdbin,'(a80)',end=10) card
+ if (card(:3).eq.'END') then
+ goto 10
+ else if (card(:3).eq.'TER') then
+C End current chain
+ ires_old=ires+2
+ itype(ires_old-1)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old-1)=1
+ itype(ires_old)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old)=1
+ ibeg=2
+c write (iout,*) "Chain ended",ires,ishift,ires_old
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ endif
+C Fish out the ATOM cards.
+ if (index(card(1:4),'ATOM').gt.0) then
+ read (card(12:16),*) atom
+c write (iout,*) "! ",atom," !",ires
+c if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3') then
+ read (card(23:26),*) ires
+ read (card(18:20),'(a3)') res
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires,ires-ishift+ishift1,
+c & " ires_old",ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ishift1",ishift1
+c write (iout,*) "IRES",ires-ishift+ishift1,ires_old
+ if ( then
+C Calculate the CM of the preceding residue.
+ if (ibeg.eq.0) then
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires_old)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires_old,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ iii=0
+ endif
+C Start new residue.
+ if (res.eq.'Cl-' .or. res.eq.'Na+') then
+ ires=ires_old
+ cycle
+ else if (ibeg.eq.1) then
+c write (iout,*) "BEG ires",ires
+ ishift=ires-1
+ if ('GLY' .and. 'ACE') then
+ ishift=ishift-1
+ itype(1)=ntyp1
+ endif
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ires",ires,
+c & " ires_old",ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires," ibeg",ibeg," ishift",ishift
+ ibeg=0
+ else if (ibeg.eq.2) then
+c Start a new chain
+ ishift=-ires_old+ires-1
+ ires=ires_old+1
+c write (iout,*) "New chain started",ires,ishift
+ ibeg=0
+ else
+ ishift=ishift-(ires-ishift+ishift1-ires_old-1)
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+ endif
+ if (res.eq.'ACE' .or. res.eq.'NHE') then
+ itype(ires)=10
+ else
+ itype(ires)=rescode(ires,res,0)
+ endif
+ else
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ endif
+c write (iout,*) "ires_old",ires_old," ires",ires
+c if (card(27:27).eq."A" .or. card(27:27).eq."B") then
+c ishift1=ishift1+1
+c endif
+c write (2,*) "ires",ires," res ",res," ity",ity
+ if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3' .or.
+ & res.eq.'NHE'.and.atom(:2).eq.'HN') then
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+c write (iout,*) "backbone ",atom ,ires,res, (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ write (iout,'(2i3,2x,a,3f8.3)')
+ & ires,itype(ires),res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+ iii=iii+1
+ do j=1,3
+ sccor(j,iii)=c(j,ires)
+ enddo
+ if ( then
+ ires_ca=ires+ishift-ishift1
+ else
+ ires_ca=ires
+ endif
+c write (*,*) card(23:27),ires,itype(ires)
+ else if ('O'.and.atom(1:1).ne.'H' .and.
+ &'N' .and.'C' .and.
+ & atom(:2).ne.'1H' .and. atom(:2).ne.'2H' .and.
+ &'OXT' .and. atom(:2).ne.'3H') then
+c write (iout,*) "sidechain ",atom
+ iii=iii+1
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 10 if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
+ & write (iout,'(a,i5)') ' Nres: ',ires
+C Calculate dummy residue coordinates inside the "chain" of a multichain
+C system
+ nres=ires
+ do i=2,nres-1
+c write (iout,*) i,itype(i),itype(i+1)
+ if (itype(i).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i).eq.1) then
+ if (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i+1).eq.1 ) then
+C 16/01/2014 by Adasko: Adding to dummy atoms in the chain
+C first is connected prevous chain (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1)=true
+C second dummy atom is conected to next chain itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1=false
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+ call refsys(i-3,i-2,i-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif !fail
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i-2)-c(j,i-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ else !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(i+1,i+2,i+3,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i+3)-c(j,i+2))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ endif !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ endif !itype.eq.ntyp1
+ enddo
+C Calculate the CM of the last side chain.
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ nsup=nres
+ nstart_sup=1
+ if (itype(nres).ne.10) then
+ nres=nres+1
+ itype(nres)=ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+ call refsys(nres-3,nres-2,nres-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,nres-2)-c(j,nres-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+dcj
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
+ nsup=nsup-1
+ nstart_sup=2
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(2,3,4,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,4)-c(j,3))/2.0
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+C Copy the coordinates to reference coordinates
+c do i=1,2*nres
+c do j=1,3
+c cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+c enddo
+c enddo
+C Calculate internal coordinates.
+ if (out_template_coord) then
+ write (iout,'(/a)')
+ & "Cartesian coordinates of the reference structure"
+ write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))')
+ & "Residue ","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)"
+ do ires=1,nres
+ write (iout,'(a3,1x,i4,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)')
+ & restyp(itype(ires)),ires,(c(j,ires),j=1,3),
+ & (c(j,ires+nres),j=1,3)
+ enddo
+ endif
+C Calculate internal coordinates.
+ call int_from_cart(.true.,out_template_coord)
+ call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
+ do i=1,nres
+ thetaref(i)=theta(i)
+ phiref(i)=phi(i)
+ enddo
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i)=dc(j,i)*vbld_inv(i+1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i+nres)*vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i+nres),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i+nres),j=1,3),
+c & vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+ do i=1,nres
+ do j=1,3
+ cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ cref(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=1,2*nres
+ do j=1,3
+ chomo(j,i,k)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
335 continue
- call readpdb
+c call readpdb
+ call readpdb_template(nmodel_start+1)
if ( then
parameter (maxcont_res=200)
C Max. number of distance/contact-distance restraints
integer maxdim_cont
- parameter (maxdim_cont=maxres*maxcont_res)
+c parameter (maxdim_cont=maxres*maxcont_res)
+ parameter (maxdim_cont=maxres*1000)
C Number of AA types (at present only natural AA's will be handled
integer ntyp,ntyp1
parameter (ntyp=24,ntyp1=ntyp+1)
BIN = ~/bin
FC = ftn
-OPT = -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -O3 -dynamic
+OPT = -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -O2 -dynamic
+OPTE = -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -O3 -dynamic
#OPT = -O3 -intel-static -mcmodel=medium
#OPT = -O3 -ip -w
#OPT = -g -CB -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -dynamic
FFLAGS = ${OPT} -c -I. -I./include_unres -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include
+FFLAGSE = ${OPTE} -c -I. -I./include_unres -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include
LIBS = -L$(INSTALL_DIR)/lib -lmpich xdrf/libxdrf.a
objects_compar = \
readrtns_compar.o \
- readpdb.o fitsq.o contact.o \
+ readpdb-mult.o fitsq.o contact.o \
elecont.o contfunc.o cont_frag.o conf_compar.o match_contact.o \
angnorm.o odlodc.o promienie.o qwolynes.o read_ref_str.o \
rmscalc.o secondary.o proc_cont.o define_pairs.o mysort.o
cd xdrf && make
+energy_p_new.o: energy_p_new.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} energy_p_new.F
+wham_calc1.o: wham_calc1.F
+ ${FC} ${FFLAGSE} ${CPPFLAGS} wham_calc1.F
/bin/rm -f *.o && /bin/rm -f compinfo && cd xdrf && make clean
--- /dev/null
+ subroutine readpdb
+C Read the PDB file and convert the peptide geometry into virtual-chain
+C geometry.
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
+ include 'COMMON.FRAG'
+ character*3 seq,atom,res
+ character*80 card
+ double precision e1(3),e2(3),e3(3)
+ double precision sccor(3,50)
+ integer i,j,iii,ibeg,ishift,ishift1,ity,ires,ires_old
+ double precision dcj
+ integer rescode,kkk,lll,icha,cou,kupa,iprzes
+ logical lsecondary,sccalc,fail,zero
+ integer iterter(maxres)
+ double precision efree_temp
+ iii=0
+ ibeg=1
+ ishift1=0
+ sccalc=.false.
+ bfac=0.0d0
+ do i=1,maxres
+ iterter(i)=0
+ enddo
+ ibeg=1
+ ishift1=0
+ lsecondary=.false.
+ nhfrag=0
+ nbfrag=0
+ iii=0
+ sccalc=.false.
+ do
+ read (ipdbin,'(a80)',end=10) card
+c write (iout,'(a)') card
+c call flush(iout)
+ if (card(:5).eq.'HELIX') then
+ nhfrag=nhfrag+1
+ lsecondary=.true.
+ read(card(22:25),*) hfrag(1,nhfrag)
+ read(card(34:37),*) hfrag(2,nhfrag)
+ endif
+ if (card(:5).eq.'SHEET') then
+ nbfrag=nbfrag+1
+ lsecondary=.true.
+ read(card(24:26),*) bfrag(1,nbfrag)
+ read(card(35:37),*) bfrag(2,nbfrag)
+!rc to be corrected !!!
+ bfrag(3,nbfrag)=bfrag(1,nbfrag)
+ bfrag(4,nbfrag)=bfrag(2,nbfrag)
+ endif
+ if (card(:3).eq.'END') then
+ goto 10
+ else if (card(:3).eq.'TER') then
+! End current chain
+ ires_old=ires+2
+ itype(ires_old-1)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old-1)=1
+ itype(ires_old)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old)=1
+c ishift1=ishift1+1
+ ibeg=2
+ write (iout,*) "Chain ended",ires,ishift,ires_old,ibeg
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ iii=0
+ sccalc=.true.
+ endif
+! Read free energy
+c if (index(card,"FREE ENERGY").gt.0) then
+c ifree=index(card,"FREE ENERGY")+12
+c read(card(ifree:),*,err=1115,end=1115) efree_temp
+c 1115 continue
+c endif
+! Fish out the ATOM cards.
+ if (index(card(1:4),'ATOM').gt.0) then
+ sccalc=.false.
+ read (card(12:16),*) atom
+c write (2,'(a)') card
+c write (iout,*) "ibeg",ibeg
+c write (iout,*) "! ",atom," !",ires
+! if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3') then
+ read (card(23:26),*) ires
+ read (card(18:20),'(a3)') res
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires,ires-ishift+ishift1,
+c & " ires_old",ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ishift1",ishift1
+c write (iout,*) "IRES",ires-ishift+ishift1,ires_old
+ if ( then
+! Calculate the CM of the preceding residue.
+! if (ibeg.eq.0) call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ if (ibeg.eq.0) then
+c write (iout,*) "Calculating sidechain center iii",iii
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+c write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5)') ires,(sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires_old)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires_old,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ iii=0
+ sccalc=.true.
+ endif
+! Start new residue.
+c write (iout,*) "ibeg",ibeg
+ if (res.eq.'Cl-' .or. res.eq.'Na+') then
+ ires=ires_old
+ cycle
+ else if (ibeg.eq.1) then
+c write (iout,*) "BEG ires",ires
+ ishift=ires-1
+ if ('GLY' .and. 'ACE') then
+ ishift=ishift-1
+ itype(1)=ntyp1
+ endif
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+! write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ires",ires,&
+! " ires_old",ires_old
+ ibeg=0
+ else if (ibeg.eq.2) then
+! Start a new chain
+ ishift=-ires_old+ires-1 !!!!!
+c ishift1=ishift1-1 !!!!!
+c write (iout,*) "New chain started",ires,ires_old,ishift,
+c & ishift1
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ write (iout,*) "New chain started ires",ires
+ ires_old=ires
+c ires=ires_old+1
+ ibeg=0
+ else
+ ishift=ishift-(ires-ishift+ishift1-ires_old-1)
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+ endif
+ if (res.eq.'ACE' .or. res.eq.'NHE') then
+ itype(ires)=10
+ else
+ itype(ires)=rescode(ires,res,0)
+ endif
+ else
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ endif
+c write (iout,*) "ires_old",ires_old," ires",ires
+ if (card(27:27).eq."A" .or. card(27:27).eq."B") then
+! ishift1=ishift1+1
+ endif
+c write (2,*) "ires",ires," res ",res!," ity"!,ity
+ if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3' .or.
+ & res.eq.'NHE'.and.atom(:2).eq.'HN') then
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+c write (iout,*) "backbone ",atom
+c write (iout,*) ires,res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ write (iout,'(i6,i3,2x,a,3f8.3)')
+ & ires,itype(ires),res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+ iii=iii+1
+ do j=1,3
+ sccor(j,iii)=c(j,ires)
+ enddo
+c write (2,*) card(23:27),ires,itype(ires),iii
+ else if ('O'.and.atom(1:1).ne.'H' .and.
+ &'N' .and.'C' .and.
+ & atom(:2).ne.'1H' .and. atom(:2).ne.'2H' .and.
+ &'OXT' .and. atom(:2).ne.'3H') then
+! write (iout,*) "sidechain ",atom
+ iii=iii+1
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
+c write (2,*) "iii",iii
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 10 write (iout,'(a,i5)') ' Nres: ',ires
+c write (iout,*) "iii",iii
+C Calculate dummy residue coordinates inside the "chain" of a multichain
+C system
+ nres=ires
+c write (iout,*) "dc"
+c do i=1,nres
+c write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5)') i,(dc(j,i),j=1,3)
+c enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+c write (iout,*) i,itype(i),itype(i+1),ntyp1,iterter(i)
+ if (itype(i).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i).eq.1) then
+ if (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i+1).eq.1 ) then
+C 16/01/2014 by Adasko: Adding to dummy atoms in the chain
+C first is connected prevous chain (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1)=true
+C second dummy atom is conected to next chain itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1=false
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+c print *,i,'tu dochodze'
+ call refsys(i-3,i-2,i-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif !fail
+c print *,i,'a tu?'
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i-2)-c(j,i-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ dC(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ else !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(i+1,i+2,i+3,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i+3)-c(j,i+2))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ dC(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ endif !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ endif !itype.eq.ntyp1
+ enddo
+ write (iout,*) "After loop in readpbd"
+C Calculate the CM of the last side chain.
+ if (.not. sccalc) then
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+c write (iout,*) "Calling sccenter iii",iii
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ endif
+ nsup=nres
+ nstart_sup=1
+ if (itype(nres).ne.10) then
+ nres=nres+1
+ itype(nres)=ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+ call refsys(nres-3,nres-2,nres-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,nres-2)-c(j,nres-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+dcj
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
+ nsup=nsup-1
+ nstart_sup=2
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(2,3,4,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)+1.9d0*(e1(j)-e2(j))/dsqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,4)-c(j,3))/2.0
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+C Calculate internal coordinates.
+ write (iout,'(/a)')
+ & "Cartesian coordinates of the reference structure"
+ write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))')
+ & "Residue ","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)"
+ do ires=1,nres
+ write (iout,'(a3,1x,i4,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)')
+ & restyp(itype(ires)),ires,(c(j,ires),j=1,3),
+ & (c(j,ires+nres),j=1,3)
+ zero=.false.
+ enddo
+ do ires=1,nres
+ zero=zero.or.itype(ires).eq.0
+ enddo
+ if (zero) then
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Gaps in PDB coordinates detected;",
+ & " look for ZERO in the control output above."
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Repair the PDB file using MODELLER",
+ & " or other softwared and resubmit."
+ call flush(iout)
+ stop
+ endif
+c write(iout,*)"before int_from_cart nres",nres
+ call int_from_cart(.true.,.false.)
+ do i=1,nres
+ thetaref(i)=theta(i)
+ phiref(i)=phi(i)
+ enddo
+ dc(:,0)=c(:,1)
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i)=dc(j,i)*vbld_inv(i+1)
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i),j=1,3),
+c & vbld_inv(i+1)
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i+nres)*vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i+nres),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i+nres),j=1,3),
+c & vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+ call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
+ call int_from_cart1(.false.)
+c call chainbuild
+C Copy the coordinates to reference coordinates
+ do i=1,nres
+ do j=1,3
+ cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ cref(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ 100 format (//' alpha-carbon coordinates ',
+ & ' centroid coordinates'/
+ 1 ' ', 7X,'X',11X,'Y',11X,'Z',
+ & 10X,'X',11X,'Y',11X,'Z')
+ 110 format (a,'(',i4,')',6f12.5)
+cc enddiag
+ do j=1,nbfrag
+ do i=1,4
+ bfrag(i,j)=bfrag(i,j)-ishift
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1,nhfrag
+ do i=1,2
+ hfrag(i,j)=hfrag(i,j)-ishift
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine readpdb_template(k)
+C Read the PDB file for read_constr_homology with read2sigma
+C and convert the peptide geometry into virtual-chain geometry.
+ implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+ include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+ integer i,j,ibeg,ishift1,ires,iii,ires_old,ishift,ity
+ logical lprn /.false./,fail
+ double precision e1(3),e2(3),e3(3)
+ double precision dcj,efree_temp
+ character*3 seq,res
+ character*5 atom
+ character*80 card
+ double precision sccor(3,20)
+ integer rescode,iterter(maxres)
+ logical zero
+ do i=1,maxres
+ iterter(i)=0
+ enddo
+ ibeg=1
+ ishift1=0
+ ishift=0
+c write (2,*) "UNRES_PDB",unres_pdb
+ ires=0
+ ires_old=0
+ iii=0
+ lsecondary=.false.
+ nhfrag=0
+ nbfrag=0
+ do
+ read (ipdbin,'(a80)',end=10) card
+ if (card(:3).eq.'END') then
+ goto 10
+ else if (card(:3).eq.'TER') then
+C End current chain
+ ires_old=ires+2
+ itype(ires_old-1)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old-1)=1
+ itype(ires_old)=ntyp1
+ iterter(ires_old)=1
+ ibeg=2
+c write (iout,*) "Chain ended",ires,ishift,ires_old
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ endif
+C Fish out the ATOM cards.
+ if (index(card(1:4),'ATOM').gt.0) then
+ read (card(12:16),*) atom
+c write (iout,*) "! ",atom," !",ires
+c if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3') then
+ read (card(23:26),*) ires
+ read (card(18:20),'(a3)') res
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires,ires-ishift+ishift1,
+c & " ires_old",ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ishift1",ishift1
+c write (iout,*) "IRES",ires-ishift+ishift1,ires_old
+ if ( then
+C Calculate the CM of the preceding residue.
+ if (ibeg.eq.0) then
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires_old)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires_old,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ iii=0
+ endif
+C Start new residue.
+ if (res.eq.'Cl-' .or. res.eq.'Na+') then
+ ires=ires_old
+ cycle
+ else if (ibeg.eq.1) then
+c write (iout,*) "BEG ires",ires
+ ishift=ires-1
+ if ('GLY' .and. 'ACE') then
+ ishift=ishift-1
+ itype(1)=ntyp1
+ endif
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+c write (iout,*) "ishift",ishift," ires",ires,
+c & " ires_old",ires_old
+c write (iout,*) "ires",ires," ibeg",ibeg," ishift",ishift
+ ibeg=0
+ else if (ibeg.eq.2) then
+c Start a new chain
+ ishift=-ires_old+ires-1
+ ires=ires_old+1
+c write (iout,*) "New chain started",ires,ishift
+ ibeg=0
+ else
+ ishift=ishift-(ires-ishift+ishift1-ires_old-1)
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ ires_old=ires
+ endif
+ if (res.eq.'ACE' .or. res.eq.'NHE') then
+ itype(ires)=10
+ else
+ itype(ires)=rescode(ires,res,0)
+ endif
+ else
+ ires=ires-ishift+ishift1
+ endif
+c write (iout,*) "ires_old",ires_old," ires",ires
+c if (card(27:27).eq."A" .or. card(27:27).eq."B") then
+c ishift1=ishift1+1
+c endif
+c write (2,*) "ires",ires," res ",res," ity",ity
+ if (atom.eq.'CA' .or. atom.eq.'CH3' .or.
+ & res.eq.'NHE'.and.atom(:2).eq.'HN') then
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+c write (iout,*) "backbone ",atom ,ires,res, (c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ write (iout,'(2i3,2x,a,3f8.3)')
+ & ires,itype(ires),res,(c(j,ires),j=1,3)
+ iii=iii+1
+ do j=1,3
+ sccor(j,iii)=c(j,ires)
+ enddo
+ if ( then
+ ires_ca=ires+ishift-ishift1
+ else
+ ires_ca=ires
+ endif
+c write (*,*) card(23:27),ires,itype(ires)
+ else if ('O'.and.atom(1:1).ne.'H' .and.
+ &'N' .and.'C' .and.
+ & atom(:2).ne.'1H' .and. atom(:2).ne.'2H' .and.
+ &'OXT' .and. atom(:2).ne.'3H') then
+c write (iout,*) "sidechain ",atom
+ iii=iii+1
+ read(card(31:54),'(3f8.3)') (sccor(j,iii),j=1,3)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 10 write (iout,'(a,i5)') ' Nres: ',ires
+C Calculate dummy residue coordinates inside the "chain" of a multichain
+C system
+ nres=ires
+ do i=2,nres-1
+c write (iout,*) i,itype(i),itype(i+1)
+ if (itype(i).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i).eq.1) then
+ if (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1.and.iterter(i+1).eq.1 ) then
+C 16/01/2014 by Adasko: Adding to dummy atoms in the chain
+C first is connected prevous chain (itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1)=true
+C second dummy atom is conected to next chain itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1=false
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+ call refsys(i-3,i-2,i-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif !fail
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)-1.9d0*e2(j)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i-2)-c(j,i-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i-1)+dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ else !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(i+1,i+2,i+3,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else !unres_pdb
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,i+3)-c(j,i+2))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+i)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ endif !unres_pdb
+ endif !itype(i+1).eq.ntyp1
+ endif !itype.eq.ntyp1
+ enddo
+C Calculate the CM of the last side chain.
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,ires)=sccor(j,iii)
+ enddo
+ else
+ call sccenter(ires,iii,sccor)
+ endif
+ nsup=nres
+ nstart_sup=1
+ if (itype(nres).ne.10) then
+ nres=nres+1
+ itype(nres)=ntyp1
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the last dummy residue
+ call refsys(nres-3,nres-2,nres-1,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+1.9d0*(-e1(j)+e2(j))/sqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,nres-2)-c(j,nres-3))/2.0
+ if (dcj.eq.0) dcj=1.23591524223
+ c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+dcj
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ c(j,2*nres)=c(j,nres)
+ enddo
+ if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
+ nsup=nsup-1
+ nstart_sup=2
+ if (unres_pdb) then
+C 2/15/2013 by Adam: corrected insertion of the first dummy residue
+ call refsys(2,3,4,e1,e2,e3,fail)
+ if (fail) then
+ e2(1)=0.0d0
+ e2(2)=1.0d0
+ e2(3)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)+1.9d0*(e1(j)-e2(j))/dsqrt(2.0d0)
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dcj=(c(j,4)-c(j,3))/2.0
+ c(j,1)=c(j,2)-dcj
+ c(j,nres+1)=c(j,1)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+C Copy the coordinates to reference coordinates
+c do i=1,2*nres
+c do j=1,3
+c cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+c enddo
+c enddo
+C Calculate internal coordinates.
+ if (out_template_coord) then
+ write (iout,'(/a)')
+ & "Cartesian coordinates of the reference structure"
+ write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))')
+ & "Residue ","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)"
+ do ires=1,nres
+ write (iout,'(a3,1x,i4,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)')
+ & restyp(itype(ires)),ires,(c(j,ires),j=1,3),
+ & (c(j,ires+nres),j=1,3)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ zero=.false.
+ do ires=1,nres
+ zero=zero.or.itype(ires).eq.0
+ enddo
+ if (zero) then
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Gaps in PDB coordinates detected;",
+ & " look for ZERO in the control output above."
+ write (iout,'(2a)') "Repair the PDB file using MODELLER",
+ & " or other softwared and resubmit."
+ call flush(iout)
+ stop
+ endif
+C Calculate internal coordinates.
+ call int_from_cart(.true.,out_template_coord)
+ call sc_loc_geom(.false.)
+ do i=1,nres
+ thetaref(i)=theta(i)
+ phiref(i)=phi(i)
+ enddo
+ dc(:,0)=c(:,1)
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i)=dc(j,i)*vbld_inv(i+1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i)
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i+nres)*vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) i,(dc(j,i+nres),j=1,3),(dc_norm(j,i+nres),j=1,3),
+c & vbld_inv(i+nres)
+ enddo
+ do i=1,nres
+ do j=1,3
+ cref(j,i)=c(j,i)
+ cref(j,i+nres)=c(j,i+nres)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=1,2*nres
+ do j=1,3
+ chomo(j,i,k)=c(j,i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine int_from_cart(lside,lprn)
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ character*3 seq,atom,res
+ character*80 card
+ double precision sccor(3,50)
+ integer rescode
+ double precision dist,alpha,beta,di
+ integer i,j,iti
+ logical lside,lprn
+ if (lprn) then
+ write (iout,'(/a)')
+ & 'Internal coordinates calculated from crystal structure.'
+ if (lside) then
+ write (iout,'(8a)') ' Res ',' dvb',' Theta',
+ & ' Phi',' Dsc_id',' Dsc',' Alpha',
+ & ' Omega'
+ else
+ write (iout,'(4a)') ' Res ',' dvb',' Theta',
+ & ' Phi'
+ endif
+ endif
+ do i=2,nres
+ iti=itype(i)
+c write (iout,*) i,i-1,(c(j,i),j=1,3),(c(j,i-1),j=1,3),dist(i,i-1)
+ if (itype(i-1).ne.ntyp1 .and. itype(i).ne.ntyp1 .and.
+ & (dist(i,i-1).lt.1.0D0 .or. dist(i,i-1).gt.6.0D0)) then
+ write (iout,'(a,i4)') 'Bad Cartesians for residue',i
+c stop
+ endif
+ vbld(i)=dist(i-1,i)
+ vbld_inv(i)=1.0d0/vbld(i)
+ theta(i+1)=alpha(i-1,i,i+1)
+ if ( phi(i+1)=beta(i-2,i-1,i,i+1)
+ enddo
+c if (itype(1).eq.ntyp1) then
+c do j=1,3
+c c(j,1)=c(j,2)+(c(j,3)-c(j,4))
+c enddo
+c endif
+c if (itype(nres).eq.ntyp1) then
+c do j=1,3
+c c(j,nres)=c(j,nres-1)+(c(j,nres-2)-c(j,nres-3))
+c enddo
+c endif
+ if (lside) then
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ c(j,maxres2)=0.5D0*(c(j,i-1)+c(j,i+1))
+ enddo
+ iti=itype(i)
+ di=dist(i,nres+i)
+ vbld(i+nres)=di
+ if (itype(i).ne.10) then
+ vbld_inv(i+nres)=1.0d0/di
+ else
+ vbld_inv(i+nres)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ if ( then
+ alph(i)=alpha(nres+i,i,maxres2)
+ omeg(i)=beta(nres+i,i,maxres2,i+1)
+ endif
+ if ( then
+ alph(i)=alpha(nres+i,i,maxres2)
+ omeg(i)=beta(nres+i,i,maxres2,i+1)
+ endif
+ if (lprn)
+ & write (iout,'(a3,i4,7f10.3)') restyp(iti),i,dist(i,i-1),
+ & rad2deg*theta(i),rad2deg*phi(i),dsc(iti),di,
+ & rad2deg*alph(i),rad2deg*omeg(i)
+ enddo
+ else if (lprn) then
+ do i=2,nres
+ iti=itype(i)
+ write (iout,'(a3,i4,7f10.3)') restyp(iti),i,dist(i,i-1),
+ & rad2deg*theta(i),rad2deg*phi(i)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine sccenter(ires,nscat,sccor)
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ integer ires,nscat,i,j
+ double precision sccor(3,50),sccmj
+ do j=1,3
+ sccmj=0.0D0
+ do i=1,nscat
+ sccmj=sccmj+sccor(j,i)
+ enddo
+ dc(j,ires)=sccmj/nscat
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine sc_loc_geom(lprn)
+ implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
+ include 'COMMON.GEO'
+ include 'COMMON.NAMES'
+ include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
+ include 'COMMON.SETUP'
+ double precision x_prime(3),y_prime(3),z_prime(3)
+ logical lprn
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ do j=1,3
+ dc_norm(j,i)=vbld_inv(i+1)*(c(j,i+1)-c(j,i))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ if (itype(i).ne.10 .and. itype(i).ne.ntyp1) then
+ do j=1,3
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=vbld_inv(i+nres)*(c(j,i+nres)-c(j,i))
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j=1,3
+ dc_norm(j,i+nres)=0.0d0
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do i=2,nres-1
+ costtab(i+1) =dcos(theta(i+1))
+ sinttab(i+1) =dsqrt(1-costtab(i+1)*costtab(i+1))
+ cost2tab(i+1)=dsqrt(0.5d0*(1.0d0+costtab(i+1)))
+ sint2tab(i+1)=dsqrt(0.5d0*(1.0d0-costtab(i+1)))
+ cosfac2=0.5d0/(1.0d0+costtab(i+1))
+ cosfac=dsqrt(cosfac2)
+ sinfac2=0.5d0/(1.0d0-costtab(i+1))
+ sinfac=dsqrt(sinfac2)
+ it=itype(i)
+ if ( .and. itype(i).ne.ntyp1) then
+C Compute the axes of tghe local cartesian coordinates system; store in
+c x_prime, y_prime and z_prime
+ do j=1,3
+ x_prime(j) = 0.00
+ y_prime(j) = 0.00
+ z_prime(j) = 0.00
+ enddo
+ do j = 1,3
+ x_prime(j) = (dc_norm(j,i) - dc_norm(j,i-1))*cosfac
+ y_prime(j) = (dc_norm(j,i) + dc_norm(j,i-1))*sinfac
+ enddo
+c write (iout,*) "x_prime",(x_prime(j),j=1,3)
+c write (iout,*) "y_prime",(y_prime(j),j=1,3)
+ call vecpr(x_prime,y_prime,z_prime)
+c write (iout,*) "z_prime",(z_prime(j),j=1,3)
+C Transform the unit vector of the ith side-chain centroid, dC_norm(*,i),
+C to local coordinate system. Store in xx, yy, zz.
+ xx=0.0d0
+ yy=0.0d0
+ zz=0.0d0
+ do j = 1,3
+ xx = xx + x_prime(j)*dc_norm(j,i+nres)
+ yy = yy + y_prime(j)*dc_norm(j,i+nres)
+ zz = zz + z_prime(j)*dc_norm(j,i+nres)
+ enddo
+ xxref(i)=xx
+ yyref(i)=yy
+ zzref(i)=zz
+ else
+ xxref(i)=0.0d0
+ yyref(i)=0.0d0
+ zzref(i)=0.0d0
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if (lprn) then
+ write (iout,*) "xxref,yyref,zzref"
+ do i=2,nres
+ iti=itype(i)
+ write (iout,'(a3,i4,3f10.5)') restyp(iti),i,xxref(i),yyref(i),
+ & zzref(i)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine bond_regular
+ implicit none
+ include 'DIMENSIONS'
+ include 'COMMON.VAR'
+ include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
+ include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
+ integer i,i1,i2
+ do i=1,nres-1
+ vbld(i+1)=vbl
+ vbld_inv(i+1)=vblinv
+ vbld(i+1+nres)=dsc(iabs(itype(i+1)))
+ vbld_inv(i+1+nres)=dsc_inv(iabs(itype(i+1)))
+c print *,vbld(i+1),vbld(i+1+nres)
+ enddo
+c Adam 2/26/20 Alter virtual bonds for non-blocking end groups of each chain
+ do i=1,nchain
+ i1=chain_border(1,i)
+ i2=chain_border(2,i)
+ if ( then
+ vbld(i1)=vbld(i1)/2
+ vbld_inv(i1)=vbld_inv(i1)*2
+ endif
+ if ( then
+ vbld(i2+1)=vbld(i2+1)/2
+ vbld_inv(i2+1)=vbld_inv(i2+1)*2
+ endif
+ enddo
+ return
+ end