# Set of programs to convert UNRES xdrf format (compressed Cartesian coordinates) to PDF # or raw-Cartesian format (*.x) or to extract backbone angular coordinates (*.ang) # The pdb files can be constructed from canonical or MREMD trajectories. # # The xdrf library is required # # Programs # # xdrf2pdb : converts a single cx trajectory file to PDB format # xdrf2x : converts a single cx trajectory file to raw-coordinate (x) format # xdrf2ang : extracts backbone angles from a cx trajectory file # xdrf2pdb-m : converts a selected trajectory of a MREMD run dumpend into a cx file to PDB format # # xdrf2pdb1 : converts conformation(s) selected from a wham post-processing run into PDB format # xdrf2x1 : converts conformation(s) selected from a wham post-processing run into raw (x) format. # # 9/23/2010 A. Liwo FC=ifort INSTALL_DIR = /users/software/mpich2-1.4.1p1_intel #FC= ${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/mpif90 BINDIR = ../../bin #OPT = -fast OPT = #-CA -CB FFLAGS = -fpp -c ${OPT} CPPFLAGS = -DLINUX -DUNRES -DMP -DMPI -DSPLITELE -DPROCOR -DNEWUNRES -DXDRFPDB -CB -g M4 = m4 M4FILE = underscore.m4 .SUFFIXES: .F90 .F90.o: ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} $*.F90 .f90.o: ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} $*.f90 .c.o: ${CC} -c ${CPPFLAGS} $*.c DATA_FILE= ../unres/data data = names.o io_units.o compare_data.o energy_data.o geometry_data.o MD_data.o data2 = names.o energy_data.o geometry_data.o xdrf2pdb: ${data} io_base.o xdrf2pdb.o xdrf/libxdrf.a ${FC} -Bstatic -o ${BINDIR}/xdrf2pdb-mult ${data} io_base.o xdrf2pdb.o xdrf/libxdrf.a #xdrf2pdb1: xdrf2pdb1.o geomout.o misc.o rescode.o nazwy.o xdrf/libxdrf.a # ${FC} -Bstatic -o ${BINDIR}/xdrf2pdb1-mult xdrf2pdb1.o geomout.o rescode.o misc.o nazwy.o xdrf/libxdrf.a xdrf2pdb-m: ${data} io_base.o xdrf2pdb-m.o xdrf/libxdrf.a ${FC} -Bstatic -o ${BINDIR}/xdrf2pdb-m-mult ${data} io_base.o xdrf2pdb-m.o xdrf/libxdrf.a xdrf2x: ${data2} xdrf2x.o xdrf/libxdrf.a ${FC} -o ${BINDIR}/xdrf2x-mult ${data2} xdrf2x.o xdrf/libxdrf.a #xdrf2x1: xdrf2x1.o xdrf/libxdrf.a # ${FC} -o xdrf2x1-mult xdrf2x1.o xdrf/libxdrf.a xdrf/libxdrf.a: cd xdrf && make clean: rm -f *.o *.mod names.o: ${DATA_FILE}/names.F90 ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${DATA_FILE}/names.F90 io_units.o: ${DATA_FILE}/io_units.F90 ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${DATA_FILE}/io_units.F90 compare_data.o: ${DATA_FILE}/compare_data.F90 ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${DATA_FILE}/compare_data.F90 energy_data.o: ${DATA_FILE}/energy_data.F90 ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${DATA_FILE}/energy_data.F90 geometry_data.o: ${DATA_FILE}/geometry_data.F90 ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${DATA_FILE}/geometry_data.F90 MD_data.o: ${DATA_FILE}/MD_data.F90 ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${DATA_FILE}/MD_data.F90 io_base.o: ../unres/io_base.F90 ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ../unres/io_base.F90 geometry.o: ../unres/geometry.F90 ${FC} ${FFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ../unres/geometry.F90