subroutine parmread C C Read the parameters of the probability distributions of the virtual-bond C valence angles and the side chains and energy parameters. C C Important! Energy-term weights ARE NOT read here; they are read from the C main input file instead, because NO defaults have yet been set for these C parameters. C implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MPI include "mpif.h" integer IERROR #endif include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' include 'COMMON.CHAIN' include 'COMMON.INTERACT' include 'COMMON.GEO' include 'COMMON.LOCAL' include 'COMMON.TORSION' include 'COMMON.SCCOR' include 'COMMON.SCROT' include 'COMMON.FFIELD' include 'COMMON.NAMES' include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE' include 'COMMON.MD' include 'COMMON.SETUP' include 'COMMON.CONTROL' include 'COMMON.SHIELD' character*1 t1,t2,t3 character*1 onelett(4) /"G","A","P","D"/ character*1 toronelet(-2:2) /"p","a","G","A","P"/ logical lprint,LaTeX dimension blower(3,3,maxlob) C dimension b(13) character*3 lancuch,ucase C C For printing parameters after they are read set the following in the UNRES C C-shell script: C C setenv PRINT_PARM YES C C To print parameters in LaTeX format rather than as ASCII tables: C C setenv LATEX YES C call getenv_loc("PRINT_PARM",lancuch) lprint = (ucase(lancuch).eq."YES" .or. ucase(lancuch).eq."Y") call getenv_loc("LATEX",lancuch) LaTeX = (ucase(lancuch).eq."YES" .or. ucase(lancuch).eq."Y") C dwa16=2.0d0**(1.0d0/6.0d0) itypro=20 C Assign virtual-bond length vbl=3.8D0 vblinv=1.0D0/vbl vblinv2=vblinv*vblinv c c Read the virtual-bond parameters, masses, and moments of inertia c and Stokes' radii of the peptide group and side chains c #ifdef CRYST_BOND read (ibond,*) vbldp0,vbldpdum,akp,mp,ip,pstok do i=1,ntyp nbondterm(i)=1 read (ibond,*) vbldsc0(1,i),aksc(1,i),msc(i),isc(i),restok(i) dsc(i) = vbldsc0(1,i) if (i.eq.10) then dsc_inv(i)=0.0D0 else dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i) endif enddo #else read (ibond,*) junk,vbldp0,vbldpdum,akp,rjunk,mp,ip,pstok do i=1,ntyp print *,i read (ibond,*) nbondterm(i),(vbldsc0(j,i),aksc(j,i),abond0(j,i), & j=1,nbondterm(i)),msc(i),isc(i),restok(i) dsc(i) = vbldsc0(1,i) if (i.eq.10) then dsc_inv(i)=0.0D0 else dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i) endif enddo #endif if (lprint) then write(iout,'(/a/)')"Dynamic constants of the interaction sites:" write (iout,'(a10,a3,6a10)') 'Type','N','VBL','K','A0','mass', & 'inertia','Pstok' write(iout,'(a10,i3,6f10.5)') "p",1,vbldp0,akp,0.0d0,mp,ip,pstok do i=1,ntyp write (iout,'(a10,i3,6f10.5)') restyp(i),nbondterm(i), & vbldsc0(1,i),aksc(1,i),abond0(1,i),msc(i),isc(i),restok(i) do j=2,nbondterm(i) write (iout,'(13x,3f10.5)') & vbldsc0(j,i),aksc(j,i),abond0(j,i) enddo enddo endif C reading lipid parameters write (iout,*) "iliptranpar",iliptranpar call flush(iout) read(iliptranpar,*) pepliptran do i=1,ntyp read(iliptranpar,*) liptranene(i) enddo close(iliptranpar) #ifdef CRYST_THETA C C Read the parameters of the probability distribution/energy expression C of the virtual-bond valence angles theta C do i=1,ntyp read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) a0thet(i),(athet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2), & (bthet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2) read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) (polthet(j,i),j=0,3) read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) (gthet(j,i),j=1,3) read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) theta0(i),sig0(i),sigc0(i) sigc0(i)=sigc0(i)**2 enddo do i=1,ntyp athet(1,i,1,-1)=athet(1,i,1,1) athet(2,i,1,-1)=athet(2,i,1,1) bthet(1,i,1,-1)=-bthet(1,i,1,1) bthet(2,i,1,-1)=-bthet(2,i,1,1) athet(1,i,-1,1)=-athet(1,i,1,1) athet(2,i,-1,1)=-athet(2,i,1,1) bthet(1,i,-1,1)=bthet(1,i,1,1) bthet(2,i,-1,1)=bthet(2,i,1,1) enddo do i=-ntyp,-1 a0thet(i)=a0thet(-i) athet(1,i,-1,-1)=athet(1,-i,1,1) athet(2,i,-1,-1)=-athet(2,-i,1,1) bthet(1,i,-1,-1)=bthet(1,-i,1,1) bthet(2,i,-1,-1)=-bthet(2,-i,1,1) athet(1,i,-1,1)=athet(1,-i,1,1) athet(2,i,-1,1)=-athet(2,-i,1,1) bthet(1,i,-1,1)=-bthet(1,-i,1,1) bthet(2,i,-1,1)=bthet(2,-i,1,1) athet(1,i,1,-1)=-athet(1,-i,1,1) athet(2,i,1,-1)=athet(2,-i,1,1) bthet(1,i,1,-1)=bthet(1,-i,1,1) bthet(2,i,1,-1)=-bthet(2,-i,1,1) theta0(i)=theta0(-i) sig0(i)=sig0(-i) sigc0(i)=sigc0(-i) do j=0,3 polthet(j,i)=polthet(j,-i) enddo do j=1,3 gthet(j,i)=gthet(j,-i) enddo enddo close (ithep) if (lprint) then if (.not.LaTeX) then write (iout,'(a)') & 'Parameters of the virtual-bond valence angles:' write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))') 'Fourier coefficients:', & ' ATHETA0 ',' A1 ',' A2 ', & ' B1 ',' B2 ' do i=1,ntyp write(iout,'(a3,i4,2x,5(1pe14.5))') restyp(i),i, & a0thet(i),(athet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2),(bthet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2) enddo write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))') & 'Parameters of the expression for sigma(theta_c):', & ' ALPH0 ',' ALPH1 ',' ALPH2 ', & ' ALPH3 ',' SIGMA0C ' do i=1,ntyp write (iout,'(a3,i4,2x,5(1pe14.5))') restyp(i),i, & (polthet(j,i),j=0,3),sigc0(i) enddo write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))') & 'Parameters of the second gaussian:', & ' THETA0 ',' SIGMA0 ',' G1 ', & ' G2 ',' G3 ' do i=1,ntyp write (iout,'(a3,i4,2x,5(1pe14.5))') restyp(i),i,theta0(i), & sig0(i),(gthet(j,i),j=1,3) enddo else write (iout,'(a)') & 'Parameters of the virtual-bond valence angles:' write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))') & 'Coefficients of expansion', & ' theta0 ',' a1*10^2 ',' a2*10^2 ', & ' b1*10^1 ',' b2*10^1 ' do i=1,ntyp write(iout,'(a3,1h&,2x,5(f8.3,1h&))') restyp(i), & a0thet(i),(100*athet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2), & (10*bthet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2) enddo write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))') & 'Parameters of the expression for sigma(theta_c):', & ' alpha0 ',' alph1 ',' alph2 ', & ' alhp3 ',' sigma0c ' do i=1,ntyp write (iout,'(a3,1h&,2x,5(1pe12.3,1h&))') restyp(i), & (polthet(j,i),j=0,3),sigc0(i) enddo write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))') & 'Parameters of the second gaussian:', & ' theta0 ',' sigma0*10^2 ',' G1*10^-1', & ' G2 ',' G3*10^1 ' do i=1,ntyp write (iout,'(a3,1h&,2x,5(f8.3,1h&))') restyp(i),theta0(i), & 100*sig0(i),gthet(1,i)*0.1D0,gthet(2,i),gthet(3,i)*10.0D0 enddo endif endif #else C C Read the parameters of Utheta determined from ab initio surfaces C Kozlowska et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 285203 C read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) nthetyp,ntheterm,ntheterm2, & ntheterm3,nsingle,ndouble write (iout,*) "ithep",ithep call flush(iout) nntheterm=max0(ntheterm,ntheterm2,ntheterm3) read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) (ithetyp(i),i=1,ntyp1) do i=-ntyp1,-1 ithetyp(i)=-ithetyp(-i) enddo do iblock=1,2 do i=-maxthetyp,maxthetyp do j=-maxthetyp,maxthetyp do k=-maxthetyp,maxthetyp aa0thet(i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0 do l=1,ntheterm aathet(l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0 enddo do l=1,ntheterm2 do m=1,nsingle bbthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0 ccthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0 ddthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0 eethet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0 enddo enddo do l=1,ntheterm3 do m=1,ndouble do mm=1,ndouble ffthet(mm,m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0 ggthet(mm,m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0 enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo c VAR:iblock means terminally blocking group 1=non-proline 2=proline do iblock=1,2 c VAR:ntethtyp is type of theta potentials type currently 0=glycine c VAR:1=non-glicyne non-proline 2=proline c VAR:negative values for D-aminoacid do i=0,nthetyp do j=-nthetyp,nthetyp do k=-nthetyp,nthetyp read (ithep,'(6a)',end=111,err=111) res1 read (ithep,*,end=111,err=111) aa0thet(i,j,k,iblock) c VAR: aa0thet is variable describing the average value of Foureir c VAR: expansion series c VAR: aathet is foureir expansion in theta/2 angle for full formula c VAR: look at the fitting equation in Kozlowska et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 285203 and Sieradzan et al., unpublished read (ithep,*,end=111,err=111) &(aathet(l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1,ntheterm) read (ithep,*,end=111,err=111) & ((bbthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),lll=1,nsingle), & (ccthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),lll=1,nsingle), & (ddthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),lll=1,nsingle), & (eethet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),lll=1,nsingle), & ll=1,ntheterm2) read (ithep,*,end=111,err=111) & (((ffthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock), & ffthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k,iblock), & ggthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock), & ggthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k,iblock), & llll=1,lll-1),lll=2,ndouble),ll=1,ntheterm3) enddo enddo enddo C C For dummy ends assign glycine-type coefficients of theta-only terms; the C coefficients of theta-and-gamma-dependent terms are zero. C IF YOU WANT VALENCE POTENTIALS FOR DUMMY ATOM UNCOMENT BELOW (NOT C RECOMENTDED AFTER VERSION 3.3) c do i=1,nthetyp c do j=1,nthetyp c do l=1,ntheterm c aathet(l,i,j,nthetyp+1,iblock)=aathet(l,i,j,1,iblock) c aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,j,iblock)=aathet(l,1,i,j,iblock) c enddo c aa0thet(i,j,nthetyp+1,iblock)=aa0thet(i,j,1,iblock) c aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,j,iblock)=aa0thet(1,i,j,iblock) c enddo c do l=1,ntheterm c aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1,iblock)=aathet(l,1,i,1,iblock) c enddo c aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1,iblock)=aa0thet(1,i,1,iblock) c enddo c enddo C AND COMMENT THE LOOPS BELOW do i=1,nthetyp do j=1,nthetyp do l=1,ntheterm aathet(l,i,j,nthetyp+1,iblock)=0.0d0 aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,j,iblock)=0.0d0 enddo aa0thet(i,j,nthetyp+1,iblock)=0.0d0 aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,j,iblock)=0.0d0 enddo do l=1,ntheterm aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1,iblock)=0.0d0 enddo aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1,iblock)=0.0d0 enddo enddo C TILL HERE C Substitution for D aminoacids from symmetry. do iblock=1,2 do i=-nthetyp,0 do j=-nthetyp,nthetyp do k=-nthetyp,nthetyp aa0thet(i,j,k,iblock)=aa0thet(-i,-j,-k,iblock) do l=1,ntheterm aathet(l,i,j,k,iblock)=aathet(l,-i,-j,-k,iblock) enddo do ll=1,ntheterm2 do lll=1,nsingle bbthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=bbthet(lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock) ccthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=-ccthet(lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock) ddthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=ddthet(lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock) eethet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=-eethet(lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock) enddo enddo do ll=1,ntheterm3 do lll=2,ndouble do llll=1,lll-1 ffthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)= & ffthet(llll,lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock) ffthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)= & ffthet(lll,llll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock) ggthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)= & -ggthet(llll,lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock) ggthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)= & -ggthet(lll,llll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock) enddo !ll enddo !lll enddo !llll enddo !k enddo !j enddo !i enddo !iblock C C Control printout of the coefficients of virtual-bond-angle potentials C if (lprint) then write (iout,'(//a)') 'Parameter of virtual-bond-angle potential' do iblock=1,2 do i=0,nthetyp do j=-nthetyp,nthetyp do k=-nthetyp,nthetyp write (iout,'(//4a)') & 'Type ',toronelet(i),toronelet(j),toronelet(k) write (iout,'(//a,10x,a)') " l","a[l]" write (iout,'(i2,1pe15.5)') 0,aa0thet(i,j,k,iblock) write (iout,'(i2,1pe15.5)') & (l,aathet(l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1,ntheterm) do l=1,ntheterm2 write (iout,'(//2h m,4(9x,a,3h[m,,i1,1h]))') & "b",l,"c",l,"d",l,"e",l do m=1,nsingle write (iout,'(i2,4(1pe15.5))') m, & bbthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock),ccthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock), & ddthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock),eethet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock) enddo enddo do l=1,ntheterm3 write (iout,'(//3hm,n,4(6x,a,5h[m,n,,i1,1h]))') & "f+",l,"f-",l,"g+",l,"g-",l do m=2,ndouble do n=1,m-1 write (iout,'(i1,1x,i1,4(1pe15.5))') n,m, & ffthet(n,m,l,i,j,k,iblock), & ffthet(m,n,l,i,j,k,iblock), & ggthet(n,m,l,i,j,k,iblock), & ggthet(m,n,l,i,j,k,iblock) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo call flush(iout) endif write (2,*) "Start reading THETA_PDB",ithep_pdb do i=1,ntyp c write (2,*) 'i=',i read (ithep_pdb,*,err=111,end=111) & a0thet(i),(athet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2), & (bthet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2) read (ithep_pdb,*,err=111,end=111) (polthet(j,i),j=0,3) read (ithep_pdb,*,err=111,end=111) (gthet(j,i),j=1,3) read (ithep_pdb,*,err=111,end=111) theta0(i),sig0(i),sigc0(i) sigc0(i)=sigc0(i)**2 enddo do i=1,ntyp athet(1,i,1,-1)=athet(1,i,1,1) athet(2,i,1,-1)=athet(2,i,1,1) bthet(1,i,1,-1)=-bthet(1,i,1,1) bthet(2,i,1,-1)=-bthet(2,i,1,1) athet(1,i,-1,1)=-athet(1,i,1,1) athet(2,i,-1,1)=-athet(2,i,1,1) bthet(1,i,-1,1)=bthet(1,i,1,1) bthet(2,i,-1,1)=bthet(2,i,1,1) enddo do i=-ntyp,-1 a0thet(i)=a0thet(-i) athet(1,i,-1,-1)=athet(1,-i,1,1) athet(2,i,-1,-1)=-athet(2,-i,1,1) bthet(1,i,-1,-1)=bthet(1,-i,1,1) bthet(2,i,-1,-1)=-bthet(2,-i,1,1) athet(1,i,-1,1)=athet(1,-i,1,1) athet(2,i,-1,1)=-athet(2,-i,1,1) bthet(1,i,-1,1)=-bthet(1,-i,1,1) bthet(2,i,-1,1)=bthet(2,-i,1,1) athet(1,i,1,-1)=-athet(1,-i,1,1) athet(2,i,1,-1)=athet(2,-i,1,1) bthet(1,i,1,-1)=bthet(1,-i,1,1) bthet(2,i,1,-1)=-bthet(2,-i,1,1) theta0(i)=theta0(-i) sig0(i)=sig0(-i) sigc0(i)=sigc0(-i) do j=0,3 polthet(j,i)=polthet(j,-i) enddo do j=1,3 gthet(j,i)=gthet(j,-i) enddo enddo write (2,*) "End reading THETA_PDB" close (ithep_pdb) #endif close(ithep) #ifdef CRYST_SC C C Read the parameters of the probability distribution/energy expression C of the side chains. C do i=1,ntyp read (irotam,'(3x,i3,f8.3)',end=112,err=112) nlob(i),dsc(i) if (i.eq.10) then dsc_inv(i)=0.0D0 else dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i) endif if ( then do j=1,nlob(i) do k=1,3 do l=1,3 blower(l,k,j)=0.0D0 enddo enddo enddo bsc(1,i)=0.0D0 read(irotam,*,end=112,err=112)(censc(k,1,i),k=1,3), & ((blower(k,l,1),l=1,k),k=1,3) censc(1,1,-i)=censc(1,1,i) censc(2,1,-i)=censc(2,1,i) censc(3,1,-i)=-censc(3,1,i) do j=2,nlob(i) read (irotam,*,end=112,err=112) bsc(j,i) read (irotam,*,end=112,err=112) (censc(k,j,i),k=1,3), & ((blower(k,l,j),l=1,k),k=1,3) censc(1,j,-i)=censc(1,j,i) censc(2,j,-i)=censc(2,j,i) censc(3,j,-i)=-censc(3,j,i) C BSC is amplitude of Gaussian enddo do j=1,nlob(i) do k=1,3 do l=1,k akl=0.0D0 do m=1,3 akl=akl+blower(k,m,j)*blower(l,m,j) enddo gaussc(k,l,j,i)=akl gaussc(l,k,j,i)=akl if (((k.eq.3).and.( & .or.((l.eq.3).and.( then gaussc(k,l,j,-i)=-akl gaussc(l,k,j,-i)=-akl else gaussc(k,l,j,-i)=akl gaussc(l,k,j,-i)=akl endif enddo enddo enddo endif enddo close (irotam) if (lprint) then write (iout,'(/a)') 'Parameters of side-chain local geometry' do i=1,ntyp nlobi=nlob(i) if ( then if (LaTeX) then write (iout,'(/3a,i2,a,f8.3)') 'Residue type: ',restyp(i), & ' # of gaussian lobes:',nlobi,' dsc:',dsc(i) write (iout,'(1h&,a,3(2h&&,f8.3,2h&&))') & 'log h',(bsc(j,i),j=1,nlobi) write (iout,'(1h&,a,3(1h&,f8.3,1h&,f8.3,1h&,f8.3,1h&))') & 'x',((censc(k,j,i),k=1,3),j=1,nlobi) do k=1,3 write (iout,'(2h& ,5(2x,1h&,3(f7.3,1h&)))') & ((gaussc(k,l,j,i),l=1,3),j=1,nlobi) enddo else write (iout,'(/a,8x,i1,4(25x,i1))') 'Lobe:',(j,j=1,nlobi) write (iout,'(a,f10.4,4(16x,f10.4))') & 'Center ',(bsc(j,i),j=1,nlobi) write (iout,'(5(2x,3f8.4))') ((censc(k,j,i),k=1,3), & j=1,nlobi) write (iout,'(a)') endif endif enddo endif #else C C Read scrot parameters for potentials determined from all-atom AM1 calculations C added by Urszula Kozlowska 07/11/2007 C do i=1,ntyp read (irotam,*,end=112,err=112) if (i.eq.10) then read (irotam,*,end=112,err=112) else do j=1,65 read(irotam,*,end=112,err=112) sc_parmin(j,i) enddo endif enddo C C Read the parameters of the probability distribution/energy expression C of the side chains. C write (2,*) "Start reading ROTAM_PDB" do i=1,ntyp read (irotam_pdb,'(3x,i3,f8.3)',end=112,err=112) nlob(i),dsc(i) if (i.eq.10) then dsc_inv(i)=0.0D0 else dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i) endif if ( then do j=1,nlob(i) do k=1,3 do l=1,3 blower(l,k,j)=0.0D0 enddo enddo enddo bsc(1,i)=0.0D0 read(irotam_pdb,*,end=112,err=112)(censc(k,1,i),k=1,3), & ((blower(k,l,1),l=1,k),k=1,3) do j=2,nlob(i) read (irotam_pdb,*,end=112,err=112) bsc(j,i) read (irotam_pdb,*,end=112,err=112) (censc(k,j,i),k=1,3), & ((blower(k,l,j),l=1,k),k=1,3) enddo do j=1,nlob(i) do k=1,3 do l=1,k akl=0.0D0 do m=1,3 akl=akl+blower(k,m,j)*blower(l,m,j) enddo gaussc(k,l,j,i)=akl gaussc(l,k,j,i)=akl enddo enddo enddo endif enddo close (irotam_pdb) write (2,*) "End reading ROTAM_PDB" #endif close(irotam) #ifdef CRYST_TOR C C Read torsional parameters in old format C read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) ntortyp,nterm_old if (lprint)write (iout,*) 'ntortyp,nterm',ntortyp,nterm_old read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) (itortyp(i),i=1,ntyp) do i=1,ntortyp do j=1,ntortyp read (itorp,'(a)') do k=1,nterm_old read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) kk,v1(k,j,i),v2(k,j,i) enddo enddo enddo close (itorp) if (lprint) then write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:' do i=1,ntortyp do j=1,ntortyp write (iout,'(2i3,6f10.5)') i,j,(v1(k,i,j),k=1,nterm_old) write (iout,'(6x,6f10.5)') (v2(k,i,j),k=1,nterm_old) enddo enddo endif #else C C Read torsional parameters C read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) ntortyp read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) (itortyp(i),i=1,ntyp) itortyp(ntyp1)=ntortyp do iblock=1,2 do i=-ntyp,-1 itortyp(i)=-itortyp(-i) enddo write (iout,*) 'ntortyp',ntortyp do i=0,ntortyp-1 do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1 read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) nterm(i,j,iblock), & nlor(i,j,iblock) nterm(-i,-j,iblock)=nterm(i,j,iblock) nlor(-i,-j,iblock)=nlor(i,j,iblock) v0ij=0.0d0 si=-1.0d0 do k=1,nterm(i,j,iblock) read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) kk,v1(k,i,j,iblock), & v2(k,i,j,iblock) v1(k,-i,-j,iblock)=v1(k,i,j,iblock) v2(k,-i,-j,iblock)=-v2(k,i,j,iblock) v0ij=v0ij+si*v1(k,i,j,iblock) si=-si c write(iout,*) i,j,k,iblock,nterm(i,j,iblock) c write(iout,*) v1(k,-i,-j,iblock),v1(k,i,j,iblock), c &v2(k,-i,-j,iblock),v2(k,i,j,iblock) enddo do k=1,nlor(i,j,iblock) read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) kk,vlor1(k,i,j), & vlor2(k,i,j),vlor3(k,i,j) v0ij=v0ij+vlor1(k,i,j)/(1+vlor3(k,i,j)**2) enddo v0(i,j,iblock)=v0ij v0(-i,-j,iblock)=v0ij enddo enddo enddo close (itorp) if (lprint) then write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:' do iblock=1,2 do i=0,ntortyp-1 do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1 write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j write (iout,*) 'Fourier constants' do k=1,nterm(i,j,iblock) write (iout,'(2(1pe15.5))') v1(k,i,j,iblock), & v2(k,i,j,iblock) enddo write (iout,*) 'Lorenz constants' do k=1,nlor(i,j,iblock) write (iout,'(3(1pe15.5))') & vlor1(k,i,j),vlor2(k,i,j),vlor3(k,i,j) enddo enddo enddo enddo endif C C 6/23/01 Read parameters for double torsionals C do iblock=1,2 do i=0,ntortyp-1 do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1 do k=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1 read (itordp,'(3a1)',end=114,err=114) t1,t2,t3 c write (iout,*) "OK onelett", c & i,j,k,t1,t2,t3 if ( .or. & .or. then write (iout,*) "Error in double torsional parameter file", & i,j,k,t1,t2,t3 #ifdef MPI call MPI_Finalize(Ierror) #endif stop "Error in double torsional parameter file" endif read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock), & ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock) ntermd_1(-i,-j,-k,iblock)=ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock) ntermd_2(-i,-j,-k,iblock)=ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock) read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) (v1c(1,l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1, & ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock)) read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) (v1s(1,l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1, & ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock)) read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) (v1c(2,l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1, & ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock)) read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) (v1s(2,l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1, & ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock)) C Martix of D parameters for one dimesional foureir series do l=1,ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock) v1c(1,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=v1c(1,l,i,j,k,iblock) v1s(1,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=-v1s(1,l,i,j,k,iblock) v1c(2,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=v1c(2,l,i,j,k,iblock) v1s(2,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=-v1s(2,l,i,j,k,iblock) c write(iout,*) "whcodze" , c & v1s(2,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock),v1s(2,l,i,j,k,iblock) enddo read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) ((v2c(l,m,i,j,k,iblock), & v2c(m,l,i,j,k,iblock),v2s(l,m,i,j,k,iblock), & v2s(m,l,i,j,k,iblock), & m=1,l-1),l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)) C Martix of D parameters for two dimesional fourier series do l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock) do m=1,l-1 v2c(l,m,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=v2c(l,m,i,j,k,iblock) v2c(m,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=v2c(m,l,i,j,k,iblock) v2s(l,m,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=-v2s(l,m,i,j,k,iblock) v2s(m,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=-v2s(m,l,i,j,k,iblock) enddo!m enddo!l enddo!k enddo!j enddo!i enddo!iblock if (lprint) then write (iout,*) write (iout,*) 'Constants for double torsionals' do iblock=1,2 do i=0,ntortyp-1 do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1 do k=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1 write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j,' ktyp',k, & ' nsingle',ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock), & ' ndouble',ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock) write (iout,*) write (iout,*) 'Single angles:' do l=1,ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock) write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5,5x,2f10.5,5x,2f10.5)') l, & v1c(1,l,i,j,k,iblock),v1s(1,l,i,j,k,iblock), & v1c(2,l,i,j,k,iblock),v1s(2,l,i,j,k,iblock), & v1s(1,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock),v1s(2,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock) enddo write (iout,*) write (iout,*) 'Pairs of angles:' write (iout,'(3x,20i10)') (l,l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)) do l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock) write (iout,'(i5,20f10.5)') & l,(v2c(l,m,i,j,k,iblock),m=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)) enddo write (iout,*) write (iout,'(3x,20i10)') (l,l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)) do l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock) write (iout,'(i5,20f10.5)') & l,(v2s(l,m,i,j,k,iblock),m=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)), & (v2s(l,m,-i,-j,-k,iblock),m=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)) enddo write (iout,*) enddo enddo enddo enddo endif #endif C read Czybyshev torsional parameters read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) nkcctyp read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) (itortyp_kcc(i),i=1,ntyp) do i=-ntyp,-1 itortyp_kcc(i)=-itortyp_kcc(-i) enddo do i=0,nkcctyp do j=0,nkcctyp C first we read the cos and sin gamma parameters read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) & nterm_kcc(j,i),nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i) C read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i) do k=1,nterm_kcc(j,i) do l=1,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i) read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) v11_chyb(l,k,j,i) enddo do l=1,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i) read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) v21_chyb(l,k,j,i) enddo do l=1,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i) read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) v12_chyb(l,k,j,i) enddo do l=1,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i) read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) v22_chyb(l,k,j,i) enddo read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) v1_kcc(k,j,i) read (itorkcc,*,end=121,err=121) v2_kcc(k,j,i) enddo enddo enddo if (lprint) then c Print valence-torsional parameters write (iout,'(a)') & "Parameters of the valence-torsional potentials" do i=0,nkcctyp do j=0,nkcctyp write (iout,'(3a)') "Type ",toronelet(i),toronelet(j) write (iout,'(2a20,a15)') "v_kcc","v1_chyb","v2_chyb" do k=1,nterm_kcc(j,i) write (iout,'(i5,f15.10,i5,2f15.10)') & k,v1_kcc(k,j,i),1,v11_chyb(1,k,j,i),v21_chyb(1,k,j,i) do l=2,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i) write (iout,'(20x,i5,2f15.10)') & l,v11_chyb(l,k,j,i),v21_chyb(l,k,j,i) enddo write (iout,'(i5,f15.10,i5,2f15.10)') & k,v2_kcc(k,j,i),1,v12_chyb(1,k,j,i),v22_chyb(1,k,j,i) do l=2,nterm_kcc_Tb(j,i) write (iout,'(20x,i5,2f15.10)') & l,v12_chyb(l,k,j,i),v22_chyb(l,k,j,i) enddo write (iout,'(a)') enddo enddo enddo endif C here will be the apropriate recalibrating for D-aminoacid C read (ithetkcc,*,end=121,err=121) nkcctyp do i=0,nkcctyp read (ithetkcc,*,end=121,err=121) nbend_kcc_Tb(i) do j=1,nbend_kcc_Tb(i) read (ithetkcc,*,end=121,err=121) v1bend_chyb(j,i) enddo enddo if (lprint) then write (iout,'(a)') & "Parameters of the valence-only potentials" do i=0,nkcctyp write (iout,'(2a)') "Type ",toronelet(i) do k=1,nbend_kcc_Tb(i) write(iout,'(i5,f15.10)') k,v1bend_chyb(k,i) enddo enddo endif C Read of Side-chain backbone correlation parameters C Modified 11 May 2012 by Adasko CCC C read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) nsccortyp #ifdef SCCORPDB read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) (isccortyp(i),i=1,ntyp) do i=-ntyp,-1 isccortyp(i)=-isccortyp(-i) enddo iscprol=isccortyp(20) c write (iout,*) 'ntortyp',ntortyp maxinter=3 cc maxinter is maximum interaction sites do l=1,maxinter do i=1,nsccortyp do j=1,nsccortyp read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) &nterm_sccor(i,j),nlor_sccor(i,j) v0ijsccor=0.0d0 v0ijsccor1=0.0d0 v0ijsccor2=0.0d0 v0ijsccor3=0.0d0 si=-1.0d0 nterm_sccor(-i,j)=nterm_sccor(i,j) nterm_sccor(-i,-j)=nterm_sccor(i,j) nterm_sccor(i,-j)=nterm_sccor(i,j) do k=1,nterm_sccor(i,j) read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) kk,v1sccor(k,l,i,j) & ,v2sccor(k,l,i,j) if (j.eq.iscprol) then if (i.eq.isccortyp(10)) then v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j) v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j) else v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j)*0.5d0 & +v2sccor(k,l,i,j)*dsqrt(0.75d0) v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j)*0.5d0 & +v1sccor(k,l,i,j)*dsqrt(0.75d0) v1sccor(k,l,-i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j) v2sccor(k,l,-i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j) v1sccor(k,l,-i,j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,-j) v2sccor(k,l,-i,j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,-j) endif else if (i.eq.isccortyp(10)) then v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j) v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j) else if (j.eq.isccortyp(10)) then v1sccor(k,l,-i,j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j) v2sccor(k,l,-i,j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j) else v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v1sccor(k,l,i,j) v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j) v1sccor(k,l,-i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j) v2sccor(k,l,-i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j) v1sccor(k,l,-i,j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,-j) v2sccor(k,l,-i,j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,-j) endif endif endif v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,i,j) v0ijsccor1=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,-i,j) v0ijsccor2=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,i,-j) v0ijsccor3=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,-i,-j) si=-si enddo do k=1,nlor_sccor(i,j) read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) kk,vlor1sccor(k,i,j), & vlor2sccor(k,i,j),vlor3sccor(k,i,j) v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+vlor1sccor(k,i,j)/ &(1+vlor3sccor(k,i,j)**2) enddo v0sccor(l,i,j)=v0ijsccor v0sccor(l,-i,j)=v0ijsccor1 v0sccor(l,i,-j)=v0ijsccor2 v0sccor(l,-i,-j)=v0ijsccor3 enddo enddo enddo close (isccor) #else read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) (isccortyp(i),i=1,ntyp) c write (iout,*) 'ntortyp',ntortyp maxinter=3 cc maxinter is maximum interaction sites do l=1,maxinter do i=1,nsccortyp do j=1,nsccortyp read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) & nterm_sccor(i,j),nlor_sccor(i,j) v0ijsccor=0.0d0 si=-1.0d0 do k=1,nterm_sccor(i,j) read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) kk,v1sccor(k,l,i,j) & ,v2sccor(k,l,i,j) v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,i,j) si=-si enddo do k=1,nlor_sccor(i,j) read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) kk,vlor1sccor(k,i,j), & vlor2sccor(k,i,j),vlor3sccor(k,i,j) v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+vlor1sccor(k,i,j)/ &(1+vlor3sccor(k,i,j)**2) enddo v0sccor(l,i,j)=v0ijsccor enddo enddo enddo close (isccor) #endif if (lprint) then write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:' do l=1,maxinter do i=1,nsccortyp do j=1,nsccortyp write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j write (iout,*) 'Fourier constants' do k=1,nterm_sccor(i,j) write (iout,'(2(1pe15.5))') v1sccor(k,l,i,j),v2sccor(k,l,i,j) enddo write (iout,*) 'Lorenz constants' do k=1,nlor_sccor(i,j) write (iout,'(3(1pe15.5))') & vlor1sccor(k,i,j),vlor2sccor(k,i,j),vlor3sccor(k,i,j) enddo enddo enddo enddo endif C C 9/18/99 (AL) Read coefficients of the Fourier expansion of the local C interaction energy of the Gly, Ala, and Pro prototypes. C if (lprint) then write (iout,*) write (iout,*) "Coefficients of the cumulants" endif read (ifourier,*) nloctyp #ifdef NEWCORR read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (itype2loc(i),i=1,ntyp) read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (iloctyp(i),i=0,nloctyp-1) itype2loc(ntyp1)=nloctyp iloctyp(nloctyp)=ntyp1 #else do i=1,ntyp1 itype2loc(i)=itortyp(i) enddo iloctyp(0)=10 iloctyp(1)=9 iloctyp(2)=20 iloctyp(3)=ntyp1 #endif do i=1,ntyp1 itype2loc(-i)=-itype2loc(i) enddo do i=1,nloctyp iloctyp(-i)=-iloctyp(i) enddo write (iout,*) "itype2loc",(itype2loc(i),i=1,ntyp1) write (iout,*) "nloctyp",nloctyp, & " iloctyp",(iloctyp(i),i=0,nloctyp) do i=0,nloctyp-1 read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (b(ii,i),ii=1,13) #ifdef NEWCORR read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (bnew1(ii,1,i),ii=1,3) read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (bnew2(ii,1,i),ii=1,3) read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (bnew1(ii,2,i),ii=1,1) read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (bnew2(ii,2,i),ii=1,1) read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (eenew(ii,i),ii=1,1) #endif if (lprint) then write (iout,*) 'Type',i write (iout,'(a,i2,a,f10.5)') ('b(',ii,')=',b(ii,i),ii=1,13) endif b(3,-i)= b(3,i) b(5,-i)=-b(5,i) b(4,-i)=-b(4,i) b(2,-i)= b(2,i) B1(1,i) = b(3,i) B1(2,i) = b(5,i) B1(1,-i) = b(3,i) B1(2,-i) = -b(5,i) c b1(1,i)=0.0d0 c b1(2,i)=0.0d0 B1tilde(1,i) = b(3,i) B1tilde(2,i) =-b(5,i) B1tilde(1,-i) =-b(3,i) B1tilde(2,-i) =b(5,i) c b1tilde(1,i)=0.0d0 c b1tilde(2,i)=0.0d0 B2(1,i) = b(2,i) B2(2,i) = b(4,i) B2(1,-i) =b(2,i) B2(2,-i) =-b(4,i) cc B1tilde(1,i) = b(3,i) cc B1tilde(2,i) =-b(5,i) C B1tilde(1,-i) =-b(3,i) C B1tilde(2,-i) =b(5,i) cc b1tilde(1,i)=0.0d0 cc b1tilde(2,i)=0.0d0 cc B2(1,i) = b(2,i) cc B2(2,i) = b(4,i) C B2(1,-i) =b(2,i) C B2(2,-i) =-b(4,i) c b2(1,i)=0.0d0 c b2(2,i)=0.0d0 CC(1,1,i)= b(7,i) CC(2,2,i)=-b(7,i) CC(2,1,i)= b(9,i) CC(1,2,i)= b(9,i) CC(1,1,-i)= b(7,i) CC(2,2,-i)=-b(7,i) CC(2,1,-i)=-b(9,i) CC(1,2,-i)=-b(9,i) c CC(1,1,i)=0.0d0 c CC(2,2,i)=0.0d0 c CC(2,1,i)=0.0d0 c CC(1,2,i)=0.0d0 Ctilde(1,1,i)=b(7,i) Ctilde(1,2,i)=b(9,i) Ctilde(2,1,i)=-b(9,i) Ctilde(2,2,i)=b(7,i) Ctilde(1,1,-i)=b(7,i) Ctilde(1,2,-i)=-b(9,i) Ctilde(2,1,-i)=b(9,i) Ctilde(2,2,-i)=b(7,i) c Ctilde(1,1,i)=0.0d0 c Ctilde(1,2,i)=0.0d0 c Ctilde(2,1,i)=0.0d0 c Ctilde(2,2,i)=0.0d0 DD(1,1,i)= b(6,i) DD(2,2,i)=-b(6,i) DD(2,1,i)= b(8,i) DD(1,2,i)= b(8,i) DD(1,1,-i)= b(6,i) DD(2,2,-i)=-b(6,i) DD(2,1,-i)=-b(8,i) DD(1,2,-i)=-b(8,i) c DD(1,1,i)=0.0d0 c DD(2,2,i)=0.0d0 c DD(2,1,i)=0.0d0 c DD(1,2,i)=0.0d0 Dtilde(1,1,i)=b(6,i) Dtilde(1,2,i)=b(8,i) Dtilde(2,1,i)=-b(8,i) Dtilde(2,2,i)=b(6,i) Dtilde(1,1,-i)=b(6,i) Dtilde(1,2,-i)=-b(8,i) Dtilde(2,1,-i)=b(8,i) Dtilde(2,2,-i)=b(6,i) c Dtilde(1,1,i)=0.0d0 c Dtilde(1,2,i)=0.0d0 c Dtilde(2,1,i)=0.0d0 c Dtilde(2,2,i)=0.0d0 EEold(1,1,i)= b(10,i)+b(11,i) EEold(2,2,i)=-b(10,i)+b(11,i) EEold(2,1,i)= b(12,i)-b(13,i) EEold(1,2,i)= b(12,i)+b(13,i) EEold(1,1,-i)= b(10,i)+b(11,i) EEold(2,2,-i)=-b(10,i)+b(11,i) EEold(2,1,-i)=-b(12,i)+b(13,i) EEold(1,2,-i)=-b(12,i)-b(13,i) write(iout,*) "TU DOCHODZE" print *,"JESTEM" c ee(1,1,i)=1.0d0 c ee(2,2,i)=1.0d0 c ee(2,1,i)=0.0d0 c ee(1,2,i)=0.0d0 c ee(2,1,i)=ee(1,2,i) enddo lprint=.true. if (lprint) then do i=1,nloctyp write (iout,*) 'Type',i write (iout,*) 'B1' write(iout,*) B1(1,i),B1(2,i) write (iout,*) 'B2' write(iout,*) B2(1,i),B2(2,i) write (iout,*) 'CC' do j=1,2 write (iout,'(2f10.5)') CC(j,1,i),CC(j,2,i) enddo write(iout,*) 'DD' do j=1,2 write (iout,'(2f10.5)') DD(j,1,i),DD(j,2,i) enddo write(iout,*) 'EE' do j=1,2 write (iout,'(2f10.5)') EEold(j,1,i),EEold(j,2,i) enddo enddo endif lprint=.false. C C Read electrostatic-interaction parameters C if (lprint) then write (iout,*) write (iout,'(/a)') 'Electrostatic interaction constants:' write (iout,'(1x,a,1x,a,10x,a,11x,a,11x,a,11x,a)') & 'IT','JT','APP','BPP','AEL6','AEL3' endif read (ielep,*,end=116,err=116) ((epp(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2) read (ielep,*,end=116,err=116) ((rpp(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2) read (ielep,*,end=116,err=116) ((elpp6(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2) read (ielep,*,end=116,err=116) ((elpp3(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2) close (ielep) do i=1,2 do j=1,2 rri=rpp(i,j)**6 app (i,j)=epp(i,j)*rri*rri bpp (i,j)=-2.0D0*epp(i,j)*rri ael6(i,j)=elpp6(i,j)*4.2D0**6 ael3(i,j)=elpp3(i,j)*4.2D0**3 c lprint=.true. if (lprint) write(iout,'(2i3,4(1pe15.4))')i,j,app(i,j),bpp(i,j), & ael6(i,j),ael3(i,j) c lprint=.false. enddo enddo C C Read side-chain interaction parameters. C read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117) ipot,expon if ( .or. then write (iout,'(2a)') 'Error while reading SC interaction', & 'potential file - unknown potential type.' #ifdef MPI call MPI_Finalize(Ierror) #endif stop endif expon2=expon/2 if(me.eq.king) & write(iout,'(/3a,2i3)') 'Potential is ',potname(ipot), & ', exponents are ',expon,2*expon goto (10,20,30,30,40) ipot C----------------------- LJ potential --------------------------------- 10 read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp), & (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp) if (lprint) then write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the LJ potential:' write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:' call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps) write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:' write (iout,'(a,4x,a)') 'residue','sigma' write (iout,'(a3,6x,f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp) endif goto 50 C----------------------- LJK potential -------------------------------- 20 read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp), & (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp),(rr0(i),i=1,ntyp) if (lprint) then write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the LJK potential:' write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:' call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps) write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:' write (iout,'(a,4x,2a)') 'residue',' sigma ',' r0 ' write (iout,'(a3,6x,2f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),rr0(i), & i=1,ntyp) endif goto 50 C---------------------- GB or BP potential ----------------------------- 30 do i=1,ntyp read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117)(eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp) enddo read (isidep,*,end=116,err=116)(sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp) read (isidep,*,end=116,err=116)(sigii(i),i=1,ntyp) read (isidep,*,end=116,err=116)(chip(i),i=1,ntyp) read (isidep,*,end=116,err=116)(alp(i),i=1,ntyp) C now we start reading lipid do i=1,ntyp read (isidep,*,end=1161,err=1161)(epslip(i,j),j=i,ntyp) write(iout,*) "epslip", i, (epslip(i,j),j=i,ntyp) C print *,"WARNING!!" C do j=1,ntyp C epslip(i,j)=epslip(i,j)+0.05d0 C enddo enddo write(iout,*) epslip(1,1),"OK?" C For the GB potential convert sigma'**2 into chi' if (ipot.eq.4) then do i=1,ntyp chip(i)=(chip(i)-1.0D0)/(chip(i)+1.0D0) enddo endif if (lprint) then write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the BP potential:' write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:' call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps) write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:' write (iout,'(a,4x,4a)') 'residue',' sigma ','s||/s_|_^2', & ' chip ',' alph ' write (iout,'(a3,6x,4f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),sigii(i), & chip(i),alp(i),i=1,ntyp) endif goto 50 C--------------------- GBV potential ----------------------------------- 40 read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp), & (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp),(rr0(i),i=1,ntyp),(sigii(i),i=1,ntyp), & (chip(i),i=1,ntyp),(alp(i),i=1,ntyp) if (lprint) then write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the GBV potential:' write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:' call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps) write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:' write (iout,'(a,4x,5a)') 'residue',' sigma ',' r0 ', & 's||/s_|_^2',' chip ',' alph ' write (iout,'(a3,6x,5f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),rr0(i), & sigii(i),chip(i),alp(i),i=1,ntyp) endif 50 continue close (isidep) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Calculate the "working" parameters of SC interactions. do i=2,ntyp do j=1,i-1 eps(i,j)=eps(j,i) epslip(i,j)=epslip(j,i) enddo enddo do i=1,ntyp do j=i,ntyp sigma(i,j)=dsqrt(sigma0(i)**2+sigma0(j)**2) sigma(j,i)=sigma(i,j) rs0(i,j)=dwa16*sigma(i,j) rs0(j,i)=rs0(i,j) enddo enddo if (lprint) write (iout,'(/a/10x,7a/72(1h-))') & 'Working parameters of the SC interactions:', & ' a ',' b ',' augm ',' sigma ',' r0 ', & ' chi1 ',' chi2 ' do i=1,ntyp do j=i,ntyp epsij=eps(i,j) if (ipot.eq.1 .or. ipot.eq.3 .or. ipot.eq.4) then rrij=sigma(i,j) else rrij=rr0(i)+rr0(j) endif r0(i,j)=rrij r0(j,i)=rrij rrij=rrij**expon epsij=eps(i,j) sigeps=dsign(1.0D0,epsij) epsij=dabs(epsij) aa_aq(i,j)=epsij*rrij*rrij bb_aq(i,j)=-sigeps*epsij*rrij aa_aq(j,i)=aa_aq(i,j) bb_aq(j,i)=bb_aq(i,j) epsijlip=epslip(i,j) sigeps=dsign(1.0D0,epsijlip) epsijlip=dabs(epsijlip) aa_lip(i,j)=epsijlip*rrij*rrij bb_lip(i,j)=-sigeps*epsijlip*rrij aa_lip(j,i)=aa_lip(i,j) bb_lip(j,i)=bb_lip(i,j) if ( then sigt1sq=sigma0(i)**2 sigt2sq=sigma0(j)**2 sigii1=sigii(i) sigii2=sigii(j) ratsig1=sigt2sq/sigt1sq ratsig2=1.0D0/ratsig1 chi(i,j)=(sigii1-1.0D0)/(sigii1+ratsig1) if ( chi(j,i)=(sigii2-1.0D0)/(sigii2+ratsig2) rsum_max=dsqrt(sigii1*sigt1sq+sigii2*sigt2sq) else rsum_max=sigma(i,j) endif c if (ipot.eq.1 .or. ipot.eq.3 .or. ipot.eq.4) then sigmaii(i,j)=rsum_max sigmaii(j,i)=rsum_max c else c sigmaii(i,j)=r0(i,j) c sigmaii(j,i)=r0(i,j) c endif cd write (iout,*) i,j,r0(i,j),sigma(i,j),rsum_max if ((ipot.eq.2 .or. ipot.eq.5) .and. r0(i,j).gt.rsum_max) then r_augm=sigma(i,j)*(rrij-sigma(i,j))/rrij augm(i,j)=epsij*r_augm**(2*expon) c augm(i,j)=0.5D0**(2*expon)*aa(i,j) augm(j,i)=augm(i,j) else augm(i,j)=0.0D0 augm(j,i)=0.0D0 endif if (lprint) then write (iout,'(2(a3,2x),3(1pe10.3),5(0pf8.3))') & restyp(i),restyp(j),aa_aq(i,j),bb_aq(i,j),augm(i,j), & sigma(i,j),r0(i,j),chi(i,j),chi(j,i) endif enddo enddo write(iout,*) "tube param" read(itube,*) epspeptube,sigmapeptube,acavtubpep,bcavtubpep, & ccavtubpep,dcavtubpep,tubetranenepep sigmapeptube=sigmapeptube**6 sigeps=dsign(1.0D0,epspeptube) epspeptube=dabs(epspeptube) pep_aa_tube=4.0d0*epspeptube*sigmapeptube**2 pep_bb_tube=-sigeps*4.0d0*epspeptube*sigmapeptube write(iout,*) pep_aa_tube,pep_bb_tube,tubetranenepep do i=1,ntyp read(itube,*) epssctube,sigmasctube,acavtub(i),bcavtub(i), & ccavtub(i),dcavtub(i),tubetranene(i) sigmasctube=sigmasctube**6 sigeps=dsign(1.0D0,epssctube) epssctube=dabs(epssctube) sc_aa_tube_par(i)=4.0d0*epssctube*sigmasctube**2 sc_bb_tube_par(i)=-sigeps*4.0d0*epssctube*sigmasctube write(iout,*) sc_aa_tube_par(i), sc_bb_tube_par(i),tubetranene(i) enddo #ifdef OLDSCP C C Define the SC-p interaction constants (hard-coded; old style) C do i=1,ntyp C "Soft" SC-p repulsion (causes helices to be too flat, but facilitates C helix formation) c aad(i,1)=0.3D0*4.0D0**12 C Following line for constants currently implemented C "Hard" SC-p repulsion (gives correct turn spacing in helices) aad(i,1)=1.5D0*4.0D0**12 c aad(i,1)=0.17D0*5.6D0**12 aad(i,2)=aad(i,1) C "Soft" SC-p repulsion bad(i,1)=0.0D0 C Following line for constants currently implemented c aad(i,1)=0.3D0*4.0D0**6 C "Hard" SC-p repulsion bad(i,1)=3.0D0*4.0D0**6 c bad(i,1)=-2.0D0*0.17D0*5.6D0**6 bad(i,2)=bad(i,1) c aad(i,1)=0.0D0 c aad(i,2)=0.0D0 c bad(i,1)=1228.8D0 c bad(i,2)=1228.8D0 enddo #else C C 8/9/01 Read the SC-p interaction constants from file C do i=1,ntyp read (iscpp,*,end=118,err=118) (eps_scp(i,j),rscp(i,j),j=1,2) enddo do i=1,ntyp aad(i,1)=dabs(eps_scp(i,1))*rscp(i,1)**12 aad(i,2)=dabs(eps_scp(i,2))*rscp(i,2)**12 bad(i,1)=-2*eps_scp(i,1)*rscp(i,1)**6 bad(i,2)=-2*eps_scp(i,2)*rscp(i,2)**6 enddo c lprint=.true. if (lprint) then write (iout,*) "Parameters of SC-p interactions:" do i=1,ntyp write (iout,'(4f8.3,4e12.4)') eps_scp(i,1),rscp(i,1), & eps_scp(i,2),rscp(i,2),aad(i,1),bad(i,1),aad(i,2),bad(i,2) enddo endif c lprint=.false. #endif C C Define the constants of the disulfide bridge C C ebr=-12.00D0 c c Old arbitrary potential - commented out. c c dbr= 4.20D0 c fbr= 3.30D0 c c Constants of the disulfide-bond potential determined based on the RHF/6-31G** c energy surface of diethyl disulfide. c A. Liwo and U. Kozlowska, 11/24/03 c C D0CM = 3.78d0 C AKCM = 15.1d0 C AKTH = 11.0d0 C AKCT = 12.0d0 C V1SS =-1.08d0 C V2SS = 7.61d0 C V3SS = 13.7d0 c akcm=0.0d0 c akth=0.0d0 c akct=0.0d0 c v1ss=0.0d0 c v2ss=0.0d0 c v3ss=0.0d0 C if(me.eq.king) then C write (iout,'(/a)') "Disulfide bridge parameters:" C write (iout,'(a,f10.2)') 'S-S bridge energy: ',ebr C write (iout,'(2(a,f10.2))') 'd0cm:',d0cm,' akcm:',akcm C write (iout,'(2(a,f10.2))') 'akth:',akth,' akct:',akct C write (iout,'(3(a,f10.2))') 'v1ss:',v1ss,' v2ss:',v2ss, C & ' v3ss:',v3ss C endif C set the variables used for shielding effect C write (iout,*) "SHIELD MODE",shield_mode C if ( then C VSolvSphere the volume of solving sphere C print *,pi,"pi" C rpp(1,1) is the energy r0 for peptide group contact and will be used for it C there will be no distinction between proline peptide group and normal peptide C group in case of shielding parameters C VSolvSphere=4.0/3.0*pi*rpp(1,1)**3 C VSolvSphere_div=VSolvSphere-4.0/3.0*pi*(rpp(1,1)/2.0)**3 C write (iout,*) VSolvSphere,VSolvSphere_div C long axis of side chain C do i=1,ntyp C long_r_sidechain(i)=vbldsc0(1,i) C short_r_sidechain(i)=sigma0(i) C enddo C lets set the buffor value C buff_shield=1.0d0 C endif return 111 write (iout,*) "Error reading bending energy parameters." goto 999 112 write (iout,*) "Error reading rotamer energy parameters." goto 999 113 write (iout,*) "Error reading torsional energy parameters." goto 999 114 write (iout,*) "Error reading double torsional energy parameters." goto 999 115 write (iout,*) & "Error reading cumulant (multibody energy) parameters." goto 999 116 write (iout,*) "Error reading electrostatic energy parameters." goto 999 1161 write (iout,*) "Error reading electrostatic energy parameters.Lip" goto 999 117 write (iout,*) "Error reading side chain interaction parameters." goto 999 118 write (iout,*) "Error reading SCp interaction parameters." goto 999 119 write (iout,*) "Error reading SCCOR parameters" go to 999 121 write (iout,*) "Error in Czybyshev parameters" 999 continue #ifdef MPI call MPI_Finalize(Ierror) #endif stop return end subroutine getenv_loc(var, val) character(*) var, val #ifdef WINIFL character(2000) line external ilen open (196,file='env',status='old',readonly,shared) iread=0 c write(*,*)'looking for ',var 10 read(196,*,err=11,end=11)line iread=index(line,var) c write(*,*)iread,' ',var,' ',line if (iread.eq.0) go to 10 c write(*,*)'---> ',line 11 continue if(iread.eq.0) then c write(*,*)'CHUJ' val='' else iread=iread+ilen(var)+1 read (line(iread:),*,err=12,end=12) val c write(*,*)'OK: ',var,' = ',val endif close(196) return 12 val='' close(196) #elif (defined CRAY) integer lennam,lenval,ierror c c getenv using a POSIX call, useful on the T3D c Sept 1996, comment out error check on advice of H. Pritchard c lennam = len(var) if(lennam.le.0) stop '--error calling getenv--' call pxfgetenv(var,lennam,val,lenval,ierror) c-HP- if( stop '--error returned by pxfgetenv--' #else call getenv(var,val) #endif C set the variables used for shielding effect C if ( then C VSolvSphere the volume of solving sphere C print *,pi,"pi" C rpp(1,1) is the energy r0 for peptide group contact and will be used for it C there will be no distinction between proline peptide group and normal peptide C group in case of shielding parameters C VSolvSphere=4.0/3.0*pi*rpp(1,1)**3 C VSolvSphere_div=VSolvSphere-4.0/3.0*pi*(rpp(1,1)/2.0)**3 C long axis of side chain C do i=1,ntyp C long_r_sidechain(i)=vbldsc0(1,i) C short_r_sidechain(i)=sigma0(i) C enddo C lets set the buffor value C buff_shield=1.0d0 C endif return end