subroutine contact_cp(var,var2,iff,ieval,in_pdb) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) include 'DIMENSIONS' include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE' include 'COMMON.FFIELD' include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' include 'COMMON.FRAG' include 'COMMON.VAR' include 'COMMON.CHAIN' include 'COMMON.MINIM' character*50 linia integer nf,ij(4) double precision energy(0:n_ene) double precision var(maxvar),var2(maxvar) double precision time0,time1 integer iff(maxres),ieval double precision theta1(maxres),phi1(maxres),alph1(maxres), & omeg1(maxres) logical debug debug=.false. c debug=.true. if (ieval.eq.-1) debug=.true. c c store selected dist. constrains from 1st structure c #ifdef OSF c Intercept NaNs in the coordinates c write(iout,*) (var(i),i=1,nvar) x_sum=0.D0 do i=1,nvar x_sum=x_sum+var(i) enddo if ( then write(iout,*)" *** contact_cp : Found NaN in coordinates" call flush(iout) print *," *** contact_cp : Found NaN in coordinates" return endif #endif call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild nhpb0=nhpb ind=0 do i=1,nres-3 do j=i+3,nres ind=ind+1 if ( iff(i).eq.1.and.iff(j).eq.1 ) then c d0(ind)=DIST(i,j) c w(ind)=10.0 nhpb=nhpb+1 ihpb(nhpb)=i jhpb(nhpb)=j forcon(nhpb)=10.0 dhpb(nhpb)=DIST(i,j) else c w(ind)=0.0 endif enddo enddo call hpb_partition do i=1,nres theta1(i)=theta(i) phi1(i)=phi(i) alph1(i)=alph(i) omeg1(i)=omeg(i) enddo c c freeze sec.elements from 2nd structure c do i=1,nres mask_phi(i)=1 mask_theta(i)=1 mask_side(i)=1 enddo call var_to_geom(nvar,var2) call secondary2(debug) do j=1,nbfrag do i=bfrag(1,j),bfrag(2,j) c mask(i)=0 mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 enddo if (bfrag(3,j).le.bfrag(4,j)) then do i=bfrag(3,j),bfrag(4,j) c mask(i)=0 mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 enddo else do i=bfrag(4,j),bfrag(3,j) c mask(i)=0 mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 enddo endif enddo do j=1,nhfrag do i=hfrag(1,j),hfrag(2,j) c mask(i)=0 mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 enddo enddo mask_r=.true. c c copy selected res from 1st to 2nd structure c do i=1,nres if ( iff(i).eq.1 ) then theta(i)=theta1(i) phi(i)=phi1(i) alph(i)=alph1(i) omeg(i)=omeg1(i) endif enddo if(debug) then c c prepare description in linia variable c iwsk=0 nf=0 if (iff(1).eq.1) then iwsk=1 nf=nf+1 ij(nf)=1 endif do i=2,nres if ( iwsk.eq.0.and.iff(i-1).eq.0.and.iff(i).eq.1 ) then iwsk=1 nf=nf+1 ij(nf)=i endif if ( iwsk.eq.1.and.iff(i-1).eq.1.and.iff(i).eq.0 ) then iwsk=0 nf=nf+1 ij(nf)=i-1 endif enddo if (iff(nres).eq.1) then nf=nf+1 ij(nf)=nres endif write(linia,'(a6,i3,a1,i3,a1,i3,a1,i3)') & "SELECT",ij(1)-1,"-",ij(2)-1, & ",",ij(3)-1,"-",ij(4)-1 endif c c run optimization c call contact_cp_min(var,ieval,in_pdb,linia,debug) return end subroutine contact_cp_min(var,ieval,in_pdb,linia,debug) c c input : theta,phi,alph,omeg,in_pdb,linia,debug c output : var,ieval c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE' include 'COMMON.FFIELD' include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' include 'COMMON.FRAG' include 'COMMON.VAR' include 'COMMON.CHAIN' include 'COMMON.MINIM' character*50 linia integer nf,ij(4) double precision energy(0:n_ene) double precision var(maxvar) double precision time0,time1 integer ieval,info(3) logical debug,fail,check_var,reduce,change write(iout,'(a20,i6,a20)') & '------------------',in_pdb,'-------------------' if (debug) then call chainbuild call write_pdb(1000+in_pdb,'combined structure',0d0) #ifdef MPI time0=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif endif c c run optimization of distances c c uses d0(),w() and mask() for frozen 2D c ctest--------------------------------------------- ctest NX=NRES-3 ctest NY=((NRES-4)*(NRES-5))/2 ctest call distfit(debug,5000) do i=1,nres mask_side(i)=0 enddo ipot01=ipot maxmin01=maxmin maxfun01=maxfun c wstrain01=wstrain wsc01=wsc wscp01=wscp welec01=welec wvdwpp01=wvdwpp c wang01=wang wscloc01=wscloc wtor01=wtor wtor_d01=wtor_d ipot=6 maxmin=2000 maxfun=4000 c wstrain=1.0 wsc=0.0 wscp=0.0 welec=0.0 wvdwpp=0.0 c wang=0.0 wscloc=0.0 wtor=0.0 wtor_d=0.0 call geom_to_var(nvar,var) cde change=reduce(var) if (check_var(var,info)) then write(iout,*) 'cp_min error in input' print *,'cp_min error in input' return endif cd call etotal(energy(0)) cd call enerprint(energy(0)) cd call check_eint #ifdef MPI time0=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif cdtest call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) cdtest write(iout,*)'SUMSL return code is',iretcode,' eval SDIST',nfun #ifdef MPI time1=MPI_WTIME() #else time1=tcpu() #endif cd call etotal(energy(0)) cd call enerprint(energy(0)) cd call check_eint do i=1,nres mask_side(i)=1 enddo ipot=ipot01 maxmin=maxmin01 maxfun=maxfun01 c wstrain=wstrain01 wsc=wsc01 wscp=wscp01 welec=welec01 wvdwpp=wvdwpp01 c wang=wang01 wscloc=wscloc01 wtor=wtor01 wtor_d=wtor_d01 ctest-------------------------------------------------- if(debug) then #ifdef MPI time1=MPI_WTIME() #else time1=tcpu() #endif write (iout,'(a,f6.2,a)')' Time for distfit ',time1-time0,' sec' call write_pdb(2000+in_pdb,'distfit structure',0d0) endif ipot0=ipot maxmin0=maxmin maxfun0=maxfun wstrain0=wstrain c c run soft pot. optimization c with constrains: c nhpb,ihpb(),jhpb(),forcon(),dhpb() and hpb_partition c and frozen 2D: c mask_phi(),mask_theta(),mask_side(),mask_r c ipot=6 maxmin=2000 maxfun=4000 cde change=reduce(var) cde if (check_var(var,info)) write(iout,*) 'error before soft' #ifdef MPI time0=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) write(iout,*)'SUMSL return code is',iretcode,' eval SOFT',nfun #ifdef MPI time1=MPI_WTIME() #else time1=tcpu() #endif write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)')' Time for soft min.',time1-time0, & nfun/(time1-time0),' SOFT eval/s' if (debug) then call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild call write_pdb(3000+in_pdb,'soft structure',etot) endif c c run full UNRES optimization with constrains and frozen 2D c the same variables as soft pot. optimizatio c ipot=ipot0 maxmin=maxmin0 maxfun=maxfun0 c c check overlaps before calling full UNRES minim c call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild call etotal(energy(0)) #ifdef OSF write(iout,*) 'N7 ',energy(0) if (energy(0) then write(iout,*) 'N7 error - gives NaN',energy(0) endif #endif ieval=1 if (energy(1).eq.1.0d20) then write (iout,'(a,1pe14.5)')'#N7_OVERLAP evdw=1d20',energy(1) call overlap_sc(fail) if( then call etotal(energy(0)) ieval=ieval+1 write (iout,'(a,1pe14.5)')'#N7_OVERLAP evdw after',energy(1) else mask_r=.false. nhpb= nhpb0 link_start=1 link_end=nhpb wstrain=wstrain0 return endif endif call flush(iout) c cdte time0=MPI_WTIME() cde change=reduce(var) cde if (check_var(var,info)) then cde write(iout,*) 'error before mask dist' cde call var_to_geom(nvar,var) cde call chainbuild cde call write_pdb(10000+in_pdb,'before mask dist',etot) cde endif cdte call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) cdte write(iout,*)'SUMSL MASK DIST return code is',iretcode, cdte & ' eval ',nfun cdte ieval=ieval+nfun cdte cdte time1=MPI_WTIME() cdte write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)') cdte & ' Time for mask dist min.',time1-time0, cdte & nfun/(time1-time0),' eval/s' cdte call flush(iout) if (debug) then call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild call write_pdb(4000+in_pdb,'mask dist',etot) endif c c switch off freezing of 2D and c run full UNRES optimization with constrains c mask_r=.false. #ifdef MPI time0=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif cde change=reduce(var) cde if (check_var(var,info)) then cde write(iout,*) 'error before dist' cde call var_to_geom(nvar,var) cde call chainbuild cde call write_pdb(11000+in_pdb,'before dist',etot) cde endif call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) cde change=reduce(var) cde if (check_var(var,info)) then cde write(iout,*) 'error after dist',ico cde call var_to_geom(nvar,var) cde call chainbuild cde call write_pdb(12000+in_pdb+ico*1000,'after dist',etot) cde endif write(iout,*)'SUMSL DIST return code is',iretcode,' eval ',nfun ieval=ieval+nfun #ifdef MPI time1=MPI_WTIME() #else time1=tcpu() #endif write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)')' Time for dist min.',time1-time0, & nfun/(time1-time0),' eval/s' cde call etotal(energy(0)) cde write(iout,*) 'N7 after dist',energy(0) c call flush(iout) if (debug) then call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild call write_pdb(in_pdb,linia,etot) endif c c reset constrains c nhpb= nhpb0 link_start=1 link_end=nhpb wstrain=wstrain0 return end c-------------------------------------------------------- subroutine softreg implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif include 'COMMON.GEO' include 'COMMON.CHAIN' include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' include 'COMMON.VAR' include 'COMMON.CONTROL' include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE' include 'COMMON.FFIELD' include 'COMMON.MINIM' include 'COMMON.INTERACT' c include 'COMMON.FRAG' integer iff(maxres) double precision time0,time1 double precision energy(0:n_ene),ee double precision var(maxvar) integer ieval c logical debug,ltest,fail character*50 linia c linia='test' debug=.true. in_pdb=0 c------------------------ c c freeze sec.elements c do i=1,nres mask_phi(i)=1 mask_theta(i)=1 mask_side(i)=1 iff(i)=0 enddo do j=1,nbfrag do i=bfrag(1,j),bfrag(2,j) mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 iff(i)=1 enddo if (bfrag(3,j).le.bfrag(4,j)) then do i=bfrag(3,j),bfrag(4,j) mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 iff(i)=1 enddo else do i=bfrag(4,j),bfrag(3,j) mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 iff(i)=1 enddo endif enddo do j=1,nhfrag do i=hfrag(1,j),hfrag(2,j) mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 iff(i)=1 enddo enddo mask_r=.true. nhpb0=nhpb c c store dist. constrains c do i=1,nres-3 do j=i+3,nres if ( iff(i).eq.1.and.iff(j).eq.1 ) then nhpb=nhpb+1 ihpb(nhpb)=i jhpb(nhpb)=j forcon(nhpb)=0.1 dhpb(nhpb)=DIST(i,j) endif enddo enddo call hpb_partition if (debug) then call chainbuild call write_pdb(100+in_pdb,'input reg. structure',0d0) endif ipot0=ipot maxmin0=maxmin maxfun0=maxfun wstrain0=wstrain wang0=wang c c run soft pot. optimization c ipot=6 wang=3.0 maxmin=2000 maxfun=4000 call geom_to_var(nvar,var) #ifdef MPI time0=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) write(iout,*)'SUMSL return code is',iretcode,' eval SOFT',nfun #ifdef MPI time1=MPI_WTIME() #else time1=tcpu() #endif write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)')' Time for soft min.',time1-time0, & nfun/(time1-time0),' SOFT eval/s' if (debug) then call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild call write_pdb(300+in_pdb,'soft structure',etot) endif c c run full UNRES optimization with constrains and frozen 2D c the same variables as soft pot. optimizatio c ipot=ipot0 wang=wang0 maxmin=maxmin0 maxfun=maxfun0 #ifdef MPI time0=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) write(iout,*)'SUMSL MASK DIST return code is',iretcode, & ' eval ',nfun ieval=nfun #ifdef MPI time1=MPI_WTIME() #else time1=tcpu() #endif write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)') & ' Time for mask dist min.',time1-time0, & nfun/(time1-time0),' eval/s' if (debug) then call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild call write_pdb(400+in_pdb,'mask & dist',etot) endif c c switch off constrains and c run full UNRES optimization with frozen 2D c c c reset constrains c nhpb_c=nhpb nhpb=nhpb0 link_start=1 link_end=nhpb wstrain=wstrain0 #ifdef MPI time0=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) write(iout,*)'SUMSL MASK return code is',iretcode,' eval ',nfun ieval=ieval+nfun #ifdef MPI time1=MPI_WTIME() #else time1=tcpu() #endif write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)')' Time for mask min.',time1-time0, & nfun/(time1-time0),' eval/s' if (debug) then call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild call write_pdb(500+in_pdb,'mask 2d frozen',etot) endif mask_r=.false. c c run full UNRES optimization with constrains and NO frozen 2D c nhpb=nhpb_c link_start=1 link_end=nhpb maxfun=maxfun0/5 do ico=1,5 wstrain=wstrain0/ico #ifdef MPI time0=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) write(iout,'(a10,f6.3,a14,i3,a6,i5)') & ' SUMSL DIST',wstrain,' return code is',iretcode, & ' eval ',nfun ieval=nfun #ifdef MPI time1=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)') & ' Time for dist min.',time1-time0, & nfun/(time1-time0),' eval/s' if (debug) then call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild call write_pdb(600+in_pdb+ico,'dist cons',etot) endif enddo c nhpb=nhpb0 link_start=1 link_end=nhpb wstrain=wstrain0 maxfun=maxfun0 c if (minim) then #ifdef MPI time0=MPI_WTIME() #else time0=tcpu() #endif call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) write(iout,*)'------------------------------------------------' write(iout,*)'SUMSL return code is',iretcode,' eval ',nfun, & '+ DIST eval',ieval #ifdef MPI time1=MPI_WTIME() #else time1=tcpu() #endif write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)')' Time for full min.',time1-time0, & nfun/(time1-time0),' eval/s' call var_to_geom(nvar,var) call chainbuild call write_pdb(999,'full min',etot) endif return end subroutine beta_slide(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,ieval,ij) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif include 'COMMON.GEO' include 'COMMON.VAR' include 'COMMON.INTERACT' include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' include 'COMMON.FRAG' include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE' include 'COMMON.CONTROL' include 'COMMON.FFIELD' include 'COMMON.MINIM' include 'COMMON.CHAIN' double precision time0,time1 double precision energy(0:n_ene),ee double precision var(maxvar) integer jdata(5),isec(maxres) c jdata(1)=i1 jdata(2)=i2 jdata(3)=i3 jdata(4)=i4 jdata(5)=i5 call secondary2(.false.) do i=1,nres isec(i)=0 enddo do j=1,nbfrag do i=bfrag(1,j),bfrag(2,j) isec(i)=1 enddo do i=bfrag(4,j),bfrag(3,j),sign(1,bfrag(3,j)-bfrag(4,j)) isec(i)=1 enddo enddo do j=1,nhfrag do i=hfrag(1,j),hfrag(2,j) isec(i)=2 enddo enddo c c cut strands at the ends c if (jdata(2)-jdata(1).gt.3) then jdata(1)=jdata(1)+1 jdata(2)=jdata(2)-1 if (jdata(3).lt.jdata(4)) then jdata(3)=jdata(3)+1 jdata(4)=jdata(4)-1 else jdata(3)=jdata(3)-1 jdata(4)=jdata(4)+1 endif endif cv call chainbuild cv call etotal(energy(0)) cv etot=energy(0) cv write(iout,*) nnt,nct,etot cv call write_pdb(ij*100,'first structure',etot) cv write(iout,*) 'N16 test',(jdata(i),i=1,5) c------------------------ c generate constrains c ishift=jdata(5)-2 if(ishift.eq.0) ishift=-2 nhpb0=nhpb call chainbuild do i=jdata(1),jdata(2) isec(i)=-1 if(jdata(4).gt.jdata(3))then do j=jdata(3)+i-jdata(1)-2,jdata(3)+i-jdata(1)+2 isec(j)=-1 cd print *,i,j,j+ishift nhpb=nhpb+1 ihpb(nhpb)=i jhpb(nhpb)=j forcon(nhpb)=1000.0 dhpb(nhpb)=DIST(i,j+ishift) enddo else do j=jdata(3)-i+jdata(1)+2,jdata(3)-i+jdata(1)-2,-1 isec(j)=-1 cd print *,i,j,j+ishift nhpb=nhpb+1 ihpb(nhpb)=i jhpb(nhpb)=j forcon(nhpb)=1000.0 dhpb(nhpb)=DIST(i,j+ishift) enddo endif enddo do i=nnt,nct-2 do j=i+2,nct if(isec(i).gt.0.or.isec(j).gt.0) then cd print *,i,j nhpb=nhpb+1 ihpb(nhpb)=i jhpb(nhpb)=j forcon(nhpb)=0.1 dhpb(nhpb)=DIST(i,j) endif enddo enddo call hpb_partition call geom_to_var(nvar,var) maxfun0=maxfun wstrain0=wstrain maxfun=4000/5 do ico=1,5 wstrain=wstrain0/ico cv time0=MPI_WTIME() call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) write(iout,'(a10,f6.3,a14,i3,a6,i5)') & ' SUMSL DIST',wstrain,' return code is',iretcode, & ' eval ',nfun ieval=ieval+nfun cv time1=MPI_WTIME() cv write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)') cv & ' Time for dist min.',time1-time0, cv & nfun/(time1-time0),' eval/s' cv call var_to_geom(nvar,var) cv call chainbuild cv call write_pdb(ij*100+ico,'dist cons',etot) enddo c nhpb=nhpb0 call hpb_partition wstrain=wstrain0 maxfun=maxfun0 c cd print *,etot wscloc0=wscloc wscloc=10.0 call sc_move(nnt,nct,100,100d0,nft_sc,etot) wscloc=wscloc0 cv call chainbuild cv call etotal(energy(0)) cv etot=energy(0) cv call write_pdb(ij*100+10,'sc_move',etot) cd call intout cd print *,nft_sc,etot return end subroutine beta_zip(i1,i2,ieval,ij) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif include 'COMMON.GEO' include 'COMMON.VAR' include 'COMMON.INTERACT' include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' include 'COMMON.FRAG' include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE' include 'COMMON.CONTROL' include 'COMMON.FFIELD' include 'COMMON.MINIM' include 'COMMON.CHAIN' double precision time0,time1 double precision energy(0:n_ene),ee double precision var(maxvar) character*10 test cv call chainbuild cv call etotal(energy(0)) cv etot=energy(0) cv write(test,'(2i5)') i1,i2 cv call write_pdb(ij*100,test,etot) cv write(iout,*) 'N17 test',i1,i2,etot,ij c c generate constrains c nhpb0=nhpb nhpb=nhpb+1 ihpb(nhpb)=i1 jhpb(nhpb)=i2 forcon(nhpb)=1000.0 dhpb(nhpb)=4.0 call hpb_partition call geom_to_var(nvar,var) maxfun0=maxfun wstrain0=wstrain maxfun=1000/5 do ico=1,5 wstrain=wstrain0/ico cv time0=MPI_WTIME() call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) write(iout,'(a10,f6.3,a14,i3,a6,i5)') & ' SUMSL DIST',wstrain,' return code is',iretcode, & ' eval ',nfun ieval=ieval+nfun cv time1=MPI_WTIME() cv write (iout,'(a,f6.2,f8.2,a)') cv & ' Time for dist min.',time1-time0, cv & nfun/(time1-time0),' eval/s' c do not comment the next line call var_to_geom(nvar,var) cv call chainbuild cv call write_pdb(ij*100+ico,'dist cons',etot) enddo nhpb=nhpb0 call hpb_partition wstrain=wstrain0 maxfun=maxfun0 cv call etotal(energy(0)) cv etot=energy(0) cv write(iout,*) 'N17 test end',i1,i2,etot,ij return end c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine write_pdb(npdb,titelloc,ee) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) include 'DIMENSIONS' include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' character*50 titelloc1 character*(*) titelloc character*3 zahl character*5 liczba5 double precision ee integer npdb,ilen external ilen titelloc1=titelloc lenpre=ilen(prefix) if ( then call numstr(npdb,zahl) open(ipdb,file=prefix(:lenpre)//'@@'//zahl//'.pdb') else if ( then write(liczba5,'(i1,i4)') 0,npdb else write(liczba5,'(i5)') npdb endif open(ipdb,file=prefix(:lenpre)//'@@'//liczba5//'.pdb') endif call pdbout(ee,titelloc1,ipdb) close(ipdb) return end