subroutine search (nvar,f,g,x,p,f_move,angle,ncalls,& fgvalue,status) use linmin use math2 use io_units, only: iout implicit none integer i,nvar integer ncalls integer intpln real*8 fgvalue real*8 f,f_move real*8 s_norm,g_norm real*8 cosang,angle real*8 step,parab real*8 cube,cubstp real*8 sss,ttt real*8 f_0,f_1 real*8 f_a,f_b,f_c real*8 sg_0,sg_1 real*8 sg_a,sg_b,sg_c real*8 x(*) real*8 g(*) real*8 p(*) real*8, allocatable :: x_0(:) real*8, allocatable :: s(:) logical restart character*9 status character*9 blank external fgvalue !c !c !c use default parameters for the line search if needed !c blank = ' ' if (stpmin .eq. 0.0d0) stpmin = 1.0d-16 if (stpmax .eq. 0.0d0) stpmax = 2.0d0 if (stpmax .eq. 0.0d0) stpmax = 1.5d0 if (cappa .eq. 0.0d0) cappa = 0.1d0 if (slpmax .eq. 0.0d0) slpmax = 10000.0d0 if (angmax .eq. 0.0d0) angmax = 180.0d0 if (intmax .eq. 0) intmax = 5 !c !c perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays !c allocate (x_0(nvar)) allocate (s(nvar)) !c !c copy the search direction into a new vector !c do i = 1, nvar s(i) = p(i) end do !c !c compute the length of gradient and search direction !c g_norm = 0.0d0 s_norm = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar g_norm = g_norm + g(i)*g(i) ! if(g(i).ne.g(i)) write(iout,*) "NaN",i,g(i),x(i) s_norm = s_norm + s(i)*s(i) ! if(s(i).ne.s(i)) write(iout,*) "NaNs",i,s(i),x(i) end do g_norm = sqrt(g_norm) s_norm = sqrt(s_norm) !c !c store initial function, then normalize the !c search vector and find projected gradient !c f_0 = f sg_0 = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar x_0(i) = x(i) s(i) = s(i) / s_norm sg_0 = sg_0 + s(i)*g(i) end do !c !c check the angle between the search direction !c and the negative gradient vector !c cosang = -sg_0 / g_norm cosang = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosang)) ! write(iout,*) "cosang",cosang,g_norm angle = radian * acos(cosang) if (angle .gt. angmax) then status = 'WideAngle' deallocate (x_0) deallocate (s) return end if !c !c set the initial stepsize to the length of the passed !c search vector, or based on previous function decrease !c step = 2.0d0 * abs(f_move/sg_0) step = min(step,s_norm) if (step .gt. stpmax) step = stpmax if (step .lt. stpmin) step = stpmin ! ! beginning of the parabolic extrapolation procedure ! 10 continue restart = .true. intpln = 0 f_b = f_0 sg_b = sg_0 ! ! replace last point by latest and take another step ! 20 continue f_a = f_b sg_a = sg_b do i = 1, nvar x(i) = x(i) + step*s(i) end do ! ! get new function and projected gradient following a step ! print *,"my calls",ncalls ncalls = ncalls + 1 ! 3/14/2020 Adam Liwo: added the condition to prevent from infinite ! iteration loop if ( then do i = 1, nvar x(i) = x_0(i) end do f_b=f_a deallocate (x_0) deallocate (s) return endif f_b = fgvalue (x,g) ! write (2,*) "ncalls",ncalls," f_a",f_a," f_b",f_b," sg_a",sg_a sg_b = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar sg_b = sg_b + s(i)*g(i) end do ! ! scale stepsize if initial gradient change is too large ! if (abs(sg_b/sg_a).ge.slpmax .and. restart) then do i = 1, nvar x(i) = x_0(i) end do step = step / 10.0d0 status = 'ScaleStep' goto 10 end if restart = .false. ! ! return if the gradient is small and function decreases ! if (abs(sg_b/sg_0).le.cappa .and. then f = f_b if (status .eq. blank) status = ' Success ' deallocate (x_0) deallocate (s) return end if ! ! interpolate if gradient changes sign or function increases ! if (sg_b* .or. goto 30 ! ! if the finite difference curvature is negative double the step; ! or if (step < parabolic estimate < 4*step) use this estimate, ! otherwise truncate to step or 4*step, respectively ! step = 2.0d0 * step if (sg_b .gt. sg_a) then parab = (f_a-f_b) / (sg_b-sg_a) if (parab .gt. 2.0d0*step) parab = 2.0d0 * step if (parab .lt. 0.5d0*step) parab = 0.5d0 * step step = parab end if if (step .gt. stpmax) step = stpmax goto 20 ! ! beginning of the cubic interpolation procedure ! 30 continue intpln = intpln + 1 sss = 3.0d0*(f_b-f_a)/step - sg_a - sg_b ttt = sss*sss - sg_a*sg_b if (ttt .lt. 0.0d0) then f = f_b status = 'IntplnErr' deallocate (x_0) deallocate (s) return end if ttt = sqrt(ttt) cube = step * (sg_b+ttt+sss)/(sg_b-sg_a+2.0d0*ttt) if ( .or. then f = f_b status = 'IntplnErr' deallocate (x_0) deallocate (s) return end if do i = 1, nvar x(i) = x(i) - cube*s(i) end do ! ! get new function and gradient, then test for termination ! ncalls = ncalls + 1 f_c = fgvalue (x,g) sg_c = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar sg_c = sg_c + s(i)*g(i) end do if (abs(sg_c/sg_0) .le. cappa) then f = f_c if (status .eq. blank) status = ' Success ' deallocate (x_0) deallocate (s) return end if ! ! get the next pair of bracketing points by replacing one ! of the current brackets with the interpolated point ! if (f_c.le.f_a .or. f_c.le.f_b) then cubstp = min(abs(cube),abs(step-cube)) if ( .and. then ! ! if the current brackets have slopes of opposite sign, ! then substitute the interpolated point for the bracket ! point with slope of same sign as the interpolated point ! if (sg_a*sg_b .lt. 0.0d0) then if (sg_a*sg_c .lt. 0.0d0) then f_b = f_c sg_b = sg_c step = step - cube else f_a = f_c sg_a = sg_c step = cube do i = 1, nvar x(i) = x(i) + cube*s(i) end do end if ! ! if current brackets have slope of same sign, then replace ! the far bracket if the interpolated point has a slope of ! the opposite sign or a lower function value than the near ! bracket, otherwise replace the near bracket point ! else if (sg_a* .or. f_a.le.f_c) then f_b = f_c sg_b = sg_c step = step - cube else f_a = f_c sg_a = sg_c step = cube do i = 1, nvar x(i) = x(i) + cube*s(i) end do end if end if goto 30 end if end if ! ! interpolation has failed, reset to best current point ! f_1 = min(f_a,f_b,f_c) if (f_1 .eq. f_a) then sg_1 = sg_a do i = 1, nvar x(i) = x(i) + (cube-step)*s(i) end do else if (f_1 .eq. f_b) then sg_1 = sg_b do i = 1, nvar x(i) = x(i) + cube*s(i) end do else if (f_1 .eq. f_c) then sg_1 = sg_c end if ! ! try to restart from best point with smaller stepsize ! if (f_1 .gt. f_0) then ncalls = ncalls + 1 f = fgvalue (x,g) status = 'IntplnErr' deallocate (x_0) deallocate (s) return end if f_0 = f_1 sg_0 = sg_1 if (sg_1 .gt. 0.0d0) then do i = 1, nvar s(i) = -s(i) end do sg_0 = -sg_1 end if step = max(cube,step-cube) / 10.0d0 if (step .lt. stpmin) step = stpmin ! ! if already restarted once, then return with best point ! if (status .eq. ' ReSearch') then ncalls = ncalls + 1 f = fgvalue (x,g) status = 'BadIntpln' deallocate (x_0) deallocate (s) return else status = ' ReSearch' goto 10 end if end