module random !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use io_units use prng ! prng.f90 or prng_32.f90 use math implicit none ! public :: rndv ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! gen_rand_conf.F !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function ran_number(x1,x2) ! Calculate a random real number from the range (x1,x2). #ifdef MPI use MPI_data ! include 'COMMON.SETUP' include "mpif.h" #endif ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' real(kind=8) :: x1,x2,fctor !el local variables integer :: ix(1) !el ix ---> ix(1) data fctor /2147483647.0D0/ #ifdef MPI ran_number=x1+(x2-x1)*prng_next(me) #else call vrnd(ix(1),1) ran_number=x1+(x2-x1)*ix(1)/fctor #endif return end function ran_number !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function iran_num(n1,n2) ! Calculate a random integer number from the range (n1,n2). #ifdef MPI use MPI_data ! include 'COMMON.SETUP' include "mpif.h" #endif ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' integer :: n1,n2,ix(1) !el ix ---> ix(1) real(kind=4) :: fctor=2147483647.0 #ifdef MPI ix(1)=n1+(n2-n1+1)*prng_next(me) if (ix(1).lt.n1) ix(1)=n1 if (ix(1).gt.n2) ix(1)=n2 iran_num=ix(1) #else call vrnd(ix(1),1) ix(1)=n1+(n2-n1+1)*(ix(1)/fctor) if (ix(1).gt.n2) ix(1)=n2 iran_num=ix(1) #endif return end function iran_num !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function binorm(x1,x2,sigma1,sigma2,ak) ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) !el local variables real(kind=8) :: x1,x2,sigma1,sigma2,ak,alowb,aupb,seg,alen ! print '(a)','Enter BINORM.' alowb=dmin1(x1-3.0D0*sigma1,x2-3.0D0*sigma2) aupb=dmax1(x1+3.0D0*sigma1,x2+3.0D0*sigma2) seg=sigma1/(sigma1+ak*sigma2) alen=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0) if ( then binorm=anorm_distr(x1,sigma1,alowb,aupb) else binorm=anorm_distr(x2,sigma2,alowb,aupb) endif ! print '(a)','Exiting BINORM.' return end function binorm !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function anorm_distr(x,sigma,alowb,aupb) ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! to make a normally distributed deviate with zero mean and unit variance ! integer :: iset real(kind=8) :: fac,gset,rsq,v1,v2,ran1 real(kind=8) :: x,sigma,alowb,aupb,gaussdev save iset,gset data iset/0/ !elwrite(iout,*) "anorm distr start",x,sigma,alowb,aupb if(iset.eq.0) then 1 v1=2.0d0*ran_number(0.0d0,1.0d0)-1.0d0 v2=2.0d0*ran_number(0.0d0,1.0d0)-1.0d0 rsq=v1**2+v2**2 if( goto 1 fac=sqrt(-2.0d0*log(rsq)/rsq) gset=v1*fac gaussdev=v2*fac iset=1 else gaussdev=gset iset=0 endif anorm_distr=x+gaussdev*sigma !elwrite(iout,*) "anorm distr end",x,sigma,alowb,aupb,anorm_distr return end function anorm_distr !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine mult_norm(lda,n,a,x,fail) ! ! Generate the vector X whose elements obey the multiple-normal distribution ! from exp(-0.5*X'AX). LDA is the leading dimension of the moment matrix A, ! n is the dimension of the problem. FAIL is set at .TRUE., if the smallest ! eigenvalue of the matrix A is close to 0. ! ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer :: lda,n,i,j real(kind=8),dimension(lda,n) :: a real(kind=8),dimension(n) :: x real(kind=8),dimension(100) :: eig,work real(kind=8),dimension(3,3) :: vec real(kind=8) :: eig_limit=1.0D-8 logical :: fail real(kind=8) :: sigma,alim,xi fail=.false. ! print '(a)','Enter MULT_NORM.' ! ! Find the smallest eigenvalue of the matrix A. ! ! do i=1,n ! print '(8f10.5)',(a(i,j),j=1,n) ! enddo #ifdef NAG call f02faf('V','U',2,a,lda,eig,work,100,ifail) #else call djacob(2,lda,10000,1.0d-10,a,vec,eig) #endif ! print '(8f10.5)',(eig(i),i=1,n) ! print '(a)' ! do i=1,n ! print '(8f10.5)',(a(i,j),j=1,n) ! enddo if (eig(1).lt.eig_limit) then print *,'From Mult_Norm: Eigenvalues of A are too small.' fail=.true. return endif ! ! Generate points following the normal distributions along the principal ! axes of the moment matrix. Store in WORK. ! do i=1,n sigma=1.0D0/dsqrt(eig(i)) alim=-3.0D0*sigma work(i)=anorm_distr(0.0D0,sigma,-alim,alim) enddo ! ! Transform the vector of normal variables back to the original basis. ! do i=1,n xi=0.0D0 do j=1,n xi=xi+a(i,j)*work(j) enddo x(i)=xi enddo return end subroutine mult_norm !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine mult_norm1(lda,n,a,z,box,x,fail) ! ! Generate the vector X whose elements obey the multi-gaussian multi-dimensional ! distribution from sum_{i=1}^m W(i)exp[-0.5*X'(i)A(i)X(i)]. LDA is the ! leading dimension of the moment matrix A, n is the dimension of the ! distribution, nlob is the number of lobes. FAIL is set at .TRUE., if the ! smallest eigenvalue of the matrix A is close to 0. ! ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MP use MPI_data !include 'COMMON.SETUP' #endif #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif integer :: lda,n,i,j,istep real(kind=8),dimension(lda,n) :: a real(kind=8),dimension(n) :: z,x real(kind=8),dimension(n,n) :: box real(kind=8) :: etmp,ww,xi,dec ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' logical :: fail ! ! Generate points following the normal distributions along the principal ! axes of the moment matrix. Store in WORK. ! !d print *,'CG Processor',me,' entered MultNorm1.' !d print '(2(1pe14.4),3x,1pe14.4)',((a(i,j),j=1,2),z(i),i=1,2) !d do i=1,n !d print *,i,box(1,i),box(2,i) !d enddo istep = 0 10 istep = istep + 1 if ( then ! write (iout,'(a,i4,2a)') 'CG Processor: ',me,': too many steps', ! & ' in MultNorm1.' ! write (*,'(a,i4,2a)') 'CG Processor: ',me,': too many steps', ! & ' in MultNorm1.' ! write (iout,*) 'box',box ! write (iout,*) 'a',a ! write (iout,*) 'z',z fail=.true. return endif do i=1,n x(i)=ran_number(box(1,i),box(2,i)) enddo ww=0.0D0 do i=1,n xi=pinorm(x(i)-z(i)) ww=ww+0.5D0*a(i,i)*xi*xi do j=i+1,n ww=ww+a(i,j)*xi*pinorm(x(j)-z(j)) enddo enddo dec=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0) ! print *,(x(i),i=1,n),ww,dexp(-ww),dec !rc if ( goto 10 if( then etmp=dexp(-ww) else return endif if ( goto 10 !d print *,'CG Processor',me,' exitting MultNorm1.' return end subroutine mult_norm1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ran.f !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ran0(idum) integer :: idum integer,parameter :: IA=16807,IM=2147483647,IQ=127773,IR=2836 integer,parameter :: MASK=123459876 real(kind=4) :: ran0 real(kind=4),parameter :: AM=1./IM integer :: k idum=ieor(idum,MASK) k=idum/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum=idum+IM ran0=AM*idum idum=ieor(idum,MASK) return end function ran0 ! (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software *11915 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ran1(idum) integer :: idum integer,parameter :: IA=16807,IM=2147483647,IQ=127773,IR=2836 integer,parameter :: NTAB=32,NDIV=1+(IM-1)/NTAB real(kind=4) :: ran1 real(kind=4),parameter :: AM=1./IM,EPS=1.2e-7,RNMX=1.-EPS integer :: j,k,iy integer,dimension(NTAB) :: iv SAVE iv,iy DATA iv /NTAB*0/, iy /0/ if (idum.le.0.or.iy.eq.0) then idum=max(-idum,1) do 11 j=NTAB+8,1,-1 k=idum/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum=idum+IM if (j.le.NTAB) iv(j)=idum 11 continue iy=iv(1) endif k=idum/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum=idum+IM j=1+iy/NDIV iy=iv(j) iv(j)=idum ran1=min(AM*iy,RNMX) return end function ran1 ! (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software *11915 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ran2(idum) integer :: idum integer,parameter :: IM1=2147483563,IM2=2147483399,IMM1=IM1-1,& IA1=40014,IA2=40692,IQ1=53668,IQ2=52774,IR1=12211,IR2=3791,& NTAB=32,NDIV=1+IMM1/NTAB real(kind=4) :: ran2 real(kind=4),parameter :: AM=1./IM1,EPS=1.2e-7,RNMX=1.-EPS integer :: idum2,j,k,iy integer,dimension(NTAB) :: iv SAVE iv,iy,idum2 DATA idum2/123456789/, iv/NTAB*0/, iy/0/ if (idum.le.0) then idum=max(-idum,1) idum2=idum do 11 j=NTAB+8,1,-1 k=idum/IQ1 idum=IA1*(idum-k*IQ1)-k*IR1 if ( idum=idum+IM1 if (j.le.NTAB) iv(j)=idum 11 continue iy=iv(1) endif k=idum/IQ1 idum=IA1*(idum-k*IQ1)-k*IR1 if ( idum=idum+IM1 k=idum2/IQ2 idum2=IA2*(idum2-k*IQ2)-k*IR2 if ( idum2=idum2+IM2 j=1+iy/NDIV iy=iv(j)-idum2 iv(j)=idum if( ran2=min(AM*iy,RNMX) return end function ran2 ! (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software *11915 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ran3(idum) integer :: idum integer,parameter :: MBIG=1000000000,MSEED=161803398,MZ=0 ! REAL MBIG,MSEED,MZ real(kind=4) :: ran3 real(kind=4),parameter :: FAC=1./MBIG ! PARAMETER (MBIG=4000000.,MSEED=1618033.,MZ=0.,FAC=1./MBIG) integer :: i,iff,ii,inext,inextp,k integer :: mj,mk integer,dimension(55) :: ma ! REAL mj,mk,ma(55) SAVE iff,inext,inextp,ma DATA iff /0/ if( iff=1 mj=MSEED-iabs(idum) mj=mod(mj,MBIG) ma(55)=mj mk=1 do 11 i=1,54 ii=mod(21*i,55) ma(ii)=mk mk=mj-mk if( mj=ma(ii) 11 continue do 13 k=1,4 do 12 i=1,55 ma(i)=ma(i)-ma(1+mod(i+30,55)) if(ma(i).lt.MZ)ma(i)=ma(i)+MBIG 12 continue 13 continue inext=0 inextp=31 idum=1 endif inext=inext+1 if(inext.eq.56)inext=1 inextp=inextp+1 if(inextp.eq.56)inextp=1 mj=ma(inext)-ma(inextp) if( ma(inext)=mj ran3=mj*FAC return end function ran3 ! (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software *11915 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! randgens.f !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Date: 1994/10/04 16:19:52 $ ! $Revision: 2.1 $ ! ! ! See help for RANDOMV on the PSFSHARE disk to understand these ! subroutines. This is the VS Fortran version of this code. ! ! subroutine VRND(VEC,N) use comm_vrandd !el integer,dimension(250) :: A integer :: LOOP,N !el,I,I147 integer,dimension(N) :: VEC !el COMMON /VRANDD/ A, I, I147 DO 23000 LOOP=1,N I=I+1 IF(.NOT.(I.GE.251))GOTO 23002 I=1 23002 CONTINUE I147=I147+1 IF(.NOT.(I147.GE.251))GOTO 23004 I147=1 23004 CONTINUE A(I)=IEOR(A(I147),A(I)) VEC(LOOP)=A(I) 23000 CONTINUE return end subroutine VRND !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function RNDV(IDUM) real(kind=8) :: RM1,RM2,R(99) INTEGER :: IA1,IC1,M1, IA2,IC2,M2, IA3,IC3,M3, IDUM INTEGER :: IX1,IX2,IX3,J SAVE DATA IA1,IC1,M1/1279,351762,1664557/ DATA IA2,IC2,M2/2011,221592,1048583/ DATA IA3,IC3,M3/15551,6150,29101/ IF(.NOT.(IDUM.LT.0))GOTO 23006 IX1 = MOD(-IDUM,M1) IX1 = MOD(IA1*IX1+IC1,M1) IX2 = MOD(IX1,M2) IX1 = MOD(IA1*IX1+IC1,M1) IX3 = MOD(IX1,M3) RM1 = 1./DBLE(M1) RM2 = 1./DBLE(M2) DO 23008 J = 1,99 IX1 = MOD(IA1*IX1+IC1,M1) IX2 = MOD(IA2*IX2+IC2,M2) R(J) = (DBLE(IX1)+DBLE(IX2)*RM2)*RM1 23008 CONTINUE 23006 CONTINUE IX1 = MOD(IA1*IX1+IC1,M1) IX2 = MOD(IA2*IX2+IC2,M2) IX3 = MOD(IA3*IX3+IC3,M3) J = 1+(99*IX3)/M3 RNDV = R(J) R(J) = (DBLE(IX1)+DBLE(IX2)*RM2)*RM1 IDUM = IX1 return end function RNDV !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine VRNDST(SEED) use comm_vrandd !el INTEGER :: A(250) INTEGER :: LOOP,IDUM !el,I,I147 INTEGER :: SEED !el real(kind=8) :: RNDV !el COMMON /VRANDD/ A, I, I147 I=0 I147=103 IDUM=SEED DO 23010 LOOP=1,250 A(LOOP)=INT(RNDV(IDUM)*2147483647) 23010 CONTINUE return end subroutine VRNDST !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine VRNDIN(IODEV) use comm_vrandd INTEGER :: IODEV !el, A(250),I, I147 !el COMMON/VRANDD/ A, I, I147 READ(IODEV) A, I, I147 return end subroutine VRNDIN !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine VRNDOU(IODEV) ! This corresponds to VRNDOUT in the APFTN64 version use comm_vrandd INTEGER :: IODEV !el, A(250),I, I147 !el COMMON/VRANDD/ A, I, I147 WRITE(IODEV) A, I, I147 return end subroutine VRNDOU !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function RNUNF(N) INTEGER :: IRAN1(2000),N real(kind=8) :: FCTOR DATA FCTOR /2147483647.0D0/ ! We get only one random number, here! DR 9/1/92 CALL VRND(IRAN1,1) RNUNF= DBLE( IRAN1(1) ) / FCTOR !****************************** ! write(6,*) 'rnunf in rnunf = ',rnunf return end function RNUNF !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! readrtns_CSA.F !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine random_init(seed) ! ! Initialize random number generator ! ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MPI use MPI_data include 'mpif.h' logical :: OKRandom !, prng_restart real(kind=8) :: r1 integer :: iseed_array(4) integer(kind=8) :: iseed #else integer :: iseed #endif real(kind=8) :: seed integer :: ierr,error_msg ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.TIME1' ! include 'COMMON.THREAD' ! include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE' ! include 'COMMON.CONTROL' ! include 'COMMON.MCM' ! include 'COMMON.MAP' ! include 'COMMON.HEADER' ! include 'COMMON.CSA' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.MUCA' ! include 'COMMON.MD' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' ! include 'COMMON.SETUP' iseed=-dint(dabs(seed)) if (iseed.eq.0) then write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') & 'Random seed undefined. The program will stop.' write (*,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') & 'Random seed undefined. The program will stop.' #ifdef MPI call mpi_finalize(mpi_comm_world,ierr) #endif stop 'Bad random seed.' endif #ifdef MPI if (fg_rank.eq.0) then seed=seed*(me+1)+1 #ifdef AMD64 if(me.eq.king) & write (iout,*) 'MPI: node= ', me, ' iseed= ',iseed OKRandom = prng_restart(me,iseed) #else do i=1,4 tmp=65536.0d0**(4-i) iseed_array(i) = dint(seed/tmp) seed=seed-iseed_array(i)*tmp enddo if(me.eq.king) & write (iout,*) 'MPI: node= ', me, ' iseed(4)= ',& (iseed_array(i),i=1,4) write (*,*) 'MPI: node= ',me, ' iseed(4)= ',& (iseed_array(i),i=1,4) OKRandom = prng_restart(me,iseed_array) #endif if (OKRandom) then ! r1 = prng_next(me) r1=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0) if(me.eq.king) & write (iout,*) 'ran_num',r1 if ( OKRandom=.false. endif if (.not.OKRandom) then write (iout,*) 'PRNG IS NOT WORKING!!!' print *,'PRNG IS NOT WORKING!!!' if (me.eq.0) then call flush(iout) call mpi_abort(mpi_comm_world,error_msg,ierr) stop else write (iout,*) 'too many processors for parallel prng' write (*,*) 'too many processors for parallel prng' call flush(iout) stop endif endif endif #else call vrndst(iseed) write (iout,*) 'ran_num',ran_number(0.0d0,1.0d0) #endif return end subroutine random_init !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- end module random