subroutine quindibisect2(c,b,d,n,m1,m2,eps1,relfeh,eps2,z,x) real (kind=8) :: eps1,eps2,relfeh,xmin,xmax,h,x1,xu,xo real (kind=8),dimension(n):: c,b,d,x real (kind=8) ,dimension(:):: wu(m1:m2) integer :: i,n,m1,m2,z,a,k integer maxit parameter (maxit=1000) d(1)=0 d(2)=0 b(1)=0 xmin = c(n)-dabs(b(n))-dabs(d(n)) xmax = c(n) + dabs(b(n)) + dabs(d(n)) h=dabs(b(n-1))+dabs(d(n-1))+dabs(b(n)) if ((c(n-1)+h).gt.xmax) xmax=c(n-1)+h if ((c(n-1)-h).lt.xmin) xmin=c(n-1)-h do i=n-2,1,-1 h= dabs(b(i))+dabs(d(i))+dabs(b(i+1))+dabs(d(i+2)) if ((c(i)+h).gt.xmax) xmax=c(i)+h if ((c(i)-h).lt.xmin) xmin=c(i)-h enddo if ((xmin+xmax).gt.0) then eps2=relfeh*xmax else eps2=-relfeh*xmin endif if ( eps1=eps2 eps2= 0.5*eps1+7*eps2 xo=xmax do i=m1,m2 x(i)=xmax wu(i)=xmin enddo z=0 do k=m2,m1,-1 xu=xmin !comment loop for the kth value do i=k,m1,-1 if ( then xu=wu(i) go to 10 endif enddo 10 if ( xo=x(k) x1=(xu+xo)/2 do while (*relfeh*(dabs(xu)+dabs(xo)+eps1)) if ( exit z=z+1 call quindet2(c,b,d,n,x1,a) a=n-a if ( then if ( then wu(m1)=x1 xu=x1 else wu(a+1)=x1 xu=x1 if (x(a).gt.x1) x(a)=x1 endif else xo=x1 endif x1=(xu+xo)/2 enddo x(k)=(xo+xu)/2 enddo ! k endsubroutine