module minimm !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use io_units use names use math ! use MPI_data use geometry_data use energy_data use control_data use minim_data use geometry ! use csa_data ! use energy implicit none !#ifdef LBFGS ! double precision funcgrad_dc !#endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cored.f !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine assst(iv, liv, lv, v) ! ! *** assess candidate step (***sol version 2.3) *** ! integer :: liv, l integer ::lv integer :: iv(liv) real(kind=8) :: v(lv) ! ! *** purpose *** ! ! this subroutine is called by an unconstrained minimization ! routine to assess the next candidate step. it may recommend one ! of several courses of action, such as accepting the step, recom- ! puting it using the same or a new quadratic model, or halting due ! to convergence or false convergence. see the return code listing ! below. ! !-------------------------- parameter usage -------------------------- ! ! iv (i/o) integer parameter and scratch vector -- see description ! below of iv values referenced. ! liv (in) length of iv array. ! lv (in) length of v array. ! v (i/o) real parameter and scratch vector -- see description ! below of v values referenced. ! ! *** iv values referenced *** ! ! iv(irc) (i/o) on input for the first step tried in a new iteration, ! iv(irc) should be set to 3 or 4 (the value to which it is ! set when step is definitely to be accepted). on input ! after step has been recomputed, iv(irc) should be ! unchanged since the previous return of assst. ! on output, iv(irc) is a return code having one of the ! following values... ! 1 = switch models or try smaller step. ! 2 = switch models or accept step. ! 3 = accept step and determine v(radfac) by gradient ! tests. ! 4 = accept step, v(radfac) has been determined. ! 5 = recompute step (using the same model). ! 6 = recompute step with radius = v(lmaxs) but do not ! evaulate the objective function. ! 7 = x-convergence (see v(xctol)). ! 8 = relative function convergence (see v(rfctol)). ! 9 = both x- and relative function convergence. ! 10 = absolute function convergence (see v(afctol)). ! 11 = singular convergence (see v(lmaxs)). ! 12 = false convergence (see v(xftol)). ! 13 = iv(irc) was out of range on input. ! return code i has precdence over i+1 for i = 9, 10, 11. ! iv(mlstgd) (i/o) saved value of iv(model). ! iv(model) (i/o) on input, iv(model) should be an integer identifying ! the current quadratic model of the objective function. ! if a previous step yielded a better function reduction, ! then iv(model) will be set to iv(mlstgd) on output. ! iv(nfcall) (in) invocation count for the objective function. ! iv(nfgcal) (i/o) value of iv(nfcall) at step that gave the biggest ! function reduction this iteration. iv(nfgcal) remains ! unchanged until a function reduction is obtained. ! iv(radinc) (i/o) the number of radius increases (or minus the number ! of decreases) so far this iteration. ! iv(restor) (out) set to 1 if v(f) has been restored and x should be ! restored to its initial value, to 2 if x should be saved, ! to 3 if x should be restored from the saved value, and to ! 0 otherwise. ! iv(stage) (i/o) count of the number of models tried so far in the ! current iteration. ! iv(stglim) (in) maximum number of models to consider. ! iv(switch) (out) set to 0 unless a new model is being tried and it ! gives a smaller function value than the previous model, ! in which case assst sets iv(switch) = 1. ! iv(toobig) (in) is nonzero if step was too big (e.g. if it caused ! overflow). ! iv(xirc) (i/o) value that iv(irc) would have in the absence of ! convergence, false convergence, and oversized steps. ! ! *** v values referenced *** ! ! v(afctol) (in) absolute function convergence tolerance. if the ! absolute value of the current function value v(f) is less ! than v(afctol), then assst returns with iv(irc) = 10. ! v(decfac) (in) factor by which to decrease radius when iv(toobig) is ! nonzero. ! v(dstnrm) (in) the 2-norm of d*step. ! v(dstsav) (i/o) value of v(dstnrm) on saved step. ! v(dst0) (in) the 2-norm of d times the newton step (when defined, ! i.e., for v(nreduc) .ge. 0). ! v(f) (i/o) on both input and output, v(f) is the objective func- ! tion value at x. if x is restored to a previous value, ! then v(f) is restored to the corresponding value. ! v(fdif) (out) the function reduction v(f0) - v(f) (for the output ! value of v(f) if an earlier step gave a bigger function ! decrease, and for the input value of v(f) otherwise). ! v(flstgd) (i/o) saved value of v(f). ! v(f0) (in) objective function value at start of iteration. ! v(gtslst) (i/o) value of v(gtstep) on saved step. ! v(gtstep) (in) inner product between step and gradient. ! v(incfac) (in) minimum factor by which to increase radius. ! v(lmaxs) (in) maximum reasonable step size (and initial step bound). ! if the actual function decrease is no more than twice ! what was predicted, if a return with iv(irc) = 7, 8, 9, ! or 10 does not occur, if v(dstnrm) .gt. v(lmaxs), and if ! v(preduc) .le. v(sctol) * abs(v(f0)), then assst re- ! turns with iv(irc) = 11. if so doing appears worthwhile, ! then assst repeats this test with v(preduc) computed for ! a step of length v(lmaxs) (by a return with iv(irc) = 6). ! v(nreduc) (i/o) function reduction predicted by quadratic model for ! newton step. if assst is called with iv(irc) = 6, i.e., ! if v(preduc) has been computed with radius = v(lmaxs) for ! use in the singular convervence test, then v(nreduc) is ! set to -v(preduc) before the latter is restored. ! v(plstgd) (i/o) value of v(preduc) on saved step. ! v(preduc) (i/o) function reduction predicted by quadratic model for ! current step. ! v(radfac) (out) factor to be used in determining the new radius, ! which should be v(radfac)*dst, where dst is either the ! output value of v(dstnrm) or the 2-norm of ! diag(newd)*step for the output value of step and the ! updated version, newd, of the scale vector d. for ! iv(irc) = 3, v(radfac) = 1.0 is returned. ! v(rdfcmn) (in) minimum value for v(radfac) in terms of the input ! value of v(dstnrm) -- suggested value = 0.1. ! v(rdfcmx) (in) maximum value for v(radfac) -- suggested value = 4.0. ! v(reldx) (in) scaled relative change in x caused by step, computed ! (e.g.) by function reldst as ! max (d(i)*abs(x(i)-x0(i)), 1 .le. i .le. p) / ! max (d(i)*(abs(x(i))+abs(x0(i))), 1 .le. i .le. p). ! v(rfctol) (in) relative function convergence tolerance. if the ! actual function reduction is at most twice what was pre- ! dicted and v(nreduc) .le. v(rfctol)*abs(v(f0)), then ! assst returns with iv(irc) = 8 or 9. ! v(stppar) (in) marquardt parameter -- 0 means full newton step. ! v(tuner1) (in) tuning constant used to decide if the function ! reduction was much less than expected. suggested ! value = 0.1. ! v(tuner2) (in) tuning constant used to decide if the function ! reduction was large enough to accept step. suggested ! value = 10**-4. ! v(tuner3) (in) tuning constant used to decide if the radius ! should be increased. suggested value = 0.75. ! v(xctol) (in) x-convergence criterion. if step is a newton step ! (v(stppar) = 0) having v(reldx) .le. v(xctol) and giving ! at most twice the predicted function decrease, then ! assst returns iv(irc) = 7 or 9. ! v(xftol) (in) false convergence tolerance. if step gave no or only ! a small function decrease and v(reldx) .le. v(xftol), ! then assst returns with iv(irc) = 12. ! !------------------------------- notes ------------------------------- ! ! *** application and usage restrictions *** ! ! this routine is called as part of the nl2sol (nonlinear ! least-squares) package. it may be used in any unconstrained ! minimization solver that uses dogleg, goldfeld-quandt-trotter, ! or levenberg-marquardt steps. ! ! *** algorithm notes *** ! ! see (1) for further discussion of the assessing and model ! switching strategies. while nl2sol considers only two models, ! assst is designed to handle any number of models. ! ! *** usage notes *** ! ! on the first call of an iteration, only the i/o variables ! step, x, iv(irc), iv(model), v(f), v(dstnrm), v(gtstep), and ! v(preduc) need have been initialized. between calls, no i/o ! values execpt step, x, iv(model), v(f) and the stopping toler- ! ances should be changed. ! after a return for convergence or false convergence, one can ! change the stopping tolerances and call assst again, in which ! case the stopping tests will be repeated. ! ! *** references *** ! ! (1) dennis, j.e., jr., gay, d.m., and welsch, r.e. (1981), ! an adaptive nonlinear least-squares algorithm, ! acm trans. math. software, vol. 7, no. 3. ! ! (2) powell, m.j.d. (1970) a fortran subroutine for solving ! systems of nonlinear algebraic equations, in numerical ! methods for nonlinear algebraic equations, edited by ! p. rabinowitz, gordon and breach, london. ! ! *** history *** ! ! john dennis designed much of this routine, starting with ! ideas in (2). roy welsch suggested the model switching strategy. ! david gay and stephen peters cast this subroutine into a more ! portable form (winter 1977), and david gay cast it into its ! present form (fall 1978). ! ! *** general *** ! ! this subroutine was written in connection with research ! supported by the national science foundation under grants ! mcs-7600324, dcr75-10143, 76-14311dss, mcs76-11989, and ! mcs-7906671. ! !------------------------ external quantities ------------------------ ! ! *** no external functions and subroutines *** ! ! *** intrinsic functions *** !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dabs, dmax1 !/ ! *** no common blocks *** ! !-------------------------- local variables -------------------------- ! logical :: goodx integer :: i, nfc real(kind=8) :: emax, emaxs, gts, rfac1, xmax !el real(kind=8) :: half, one, onep2, two, zero ! ! *** subscripts for iv and v *** ! !el integer :: afctol, decfac, dstnrm, dstsav, dst0, f, fdif, flstgd, f0,& !el gtslst, gtstep, incfac, irc, lmaxs, mlstgd, model, nfcall,& !el nfgcal, nreduc, plstgd, preduc, radfac, radinc, rdfcmn,& !el rdfcmx, reldx, restor, rfctol, sctol, stage, stglim,& !el stppar, switch, toobig, tuner1, tuner2, tuner3, xctol,& !el xftol, xirc ! ! ! *** data initializations *** ! !/6 ! data half/0.5d+0/, one/1.d+0/, onep2/1.2d+0/, two/2.d+0/, ! 1 zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: half=0.5d+0, one=1.d+0, onep2=1.2d+0, two=2.d+0,& zero=0.d+0 !/ ! !/6 ! data irc/29/, mlstgd/32/, model/5/, nfcall/6/, nfgcal/7/, ! 1 radinc/8/, restor/9/, stage/10/, stglim/11/, switch/12/, ! 2 toobig/2/, xirc/13/ !/7 integer,parameter :: irc=29, mlstgd=32, model=5, nfcall=6, nfgcal=7,& radinc=8, restor=9, stage=10, stglim=11, switch=12,& toobig=2, xirc=13 !/ !/6 ! data afctol/31/, decfac/22/, dstnrm/2/, dst0/3/, dstsav/18/, ! 1 f/10/, fdif/11/, flstgd/12/, f0/13/, gtslst/14/, gtstep/4/, ! 2 incfac/23/, lmaxs/36/, nreduc/6/, plstgd/15/, preduc/7/, ! 3 radfac/16/, rdfcmn/24/, rdfcmx/25/, reldx/17/, rfctol/32/, ! 4 sctol/37/, stppar/5/, tuner1/26/, tuner2/27/, tuner3/28/, ! 5 xctol/33/, xftol/34/ !/7 integer,parameter :: afctol=31, decfac=22, dstnrm=2, dst0=3, dstsav=18,& f=10, fdif=11, flstgd=12, f0=13, gtslst=14, gtstep=4,& incfac=23, lmaxs=36, nreduc=6, plstgd=15, preduc=7,& radfac=16, rdfcmn=24, rdfcmx=25, reldx=17, rfctol=32,& sctol=37, stppar=5, tuner1=26, tuner2=27, tuner3=28,& xctol=33, xftol=34 !/ ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ body ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! nfc = iv(nfcall) iv(switch) = 0 iv(restor) = 0 rfac1 = one goodx = .true. i = iv(irc) if (i .ge. 1 .and. i .le. 12) & go to (20,30,10,10,40,280,220,220,220,220,220,170), i iv(irc) = 13 go to 999 ! ! *** initialize for new iteration *** ! 10 iv(stage) = 1 iv(radinc) = 0 v(flstgd) = v(f0) if (iv(toobig) .eq. 0) go to 110 iv(stage) = -1 iv(xirc) = i go to 60 ! ! *** step was recomputed with new model or smaller radius *** ! *** first decide which *** ! 20 if (iv(model) .ne. iv(mlstgd)) go to 30 ! *** old model retained, smaller radius tried *** ! *** do not consider any more new models this iteration *** iv(stage) = iv(stglim) iv(radinc) = -1 go to 110 ! ! *** a new model is being tried. decide whether to keep it. *** ! 30 iv(stage) = iv(stage) + 1 ! ! *** now we add the possibiltiy that step was recomputed with *** ! *** the same model, perhaps because of an oversized step. *** ! 40 if (iv(stage) .gt. 0) go to 50 ! ! *** step was recomputed because it was too big. *** ! if (iv(toobig) .ne. 0) go to 60 ! ! *** restore iv(stage) and pick up where we left off. *** ! iv(stage) = -iv(stage) i = iv(xirc) go to (20, 30, 110, 110, 70), i ! 50 if (iv(toobig) .eq. 0) go to 70 ! ! *** handle oversize step *** ! if (iv(radinc) .gt. 0) go to 80 iv(stage) = -iv(stage) iv(xirc) = iv(irc) ! 60 v(radfac) = v(decfac) iv(radinc) = iv(radinc) - 1 iv(irc) = 5 iv(restor) = 1 go to 999 ! 70 if (v(f) .lt. v(flstgd)) go to 110 ! ! *** the new step is a loser. restore old model. *** ! if (iv(model) .eq. iv(mlstgd)) go to 80 iv(model) = iv(mlstgd) iv(switch) = 1 ! ! *** restore step, etc. only if a previous step decreased v(f). ! 80 if (v(flstgd) .ge. v(f0)) go to 110 iv(restor) = 1 v(f) = v(flstgd) v(preduc) = v(plstgd) v(gtstep) = v(gtslst) if (iv(switch) .eq. 0) rfac1 = v(dstnrm) / v(dstsav) v(dstnrm) = v(dstsav) nfc = iv(nfgcal) goodx = .false. ! 110 v(fdif) = v(f0) - v(f) if (v(fdif) .gt. v(tuner2) * v(preduc)) go to 140 if(iv(radinc).gt.0) go to 140 ! ! *** no (or only a trivial) function decrease ! *** -- so try new model or smaller radius ! if (v(f) .lt. v(f0)) go to 120 iv(mlstgd) = iv(model) v(flstgd) = v(f) v(f) = v(f0) iv(restor) = 1 go to 130 120 iv(nfgcal) = nfc 130 iv(irc) = 1 if (iv(stage) .lt. iv(stglim)) go to 160 iv(irc) = 5 iv(radinc) = iv(radinc) - 1 go to 160 ! ! *** nontrivial function decrease achieved *** ! 140 iv(nfgcal) = nfc rfac1 = one v(dstsav) = v(dstnrm) if (v(fdif) .gt. v(preduc)*v(tuner1)) go to 190 ! ! *** decrease was much less than predicted -- either change models ! *** or accept step with decreased radius. ! if (iv(stage) .ge. iv(stglim)) go to 150 ! *** consider switching models *** iv(irc) = 2 go to 160 ! ! *** accept step with decreased radius *** ! 150 iv(irc) = 4 ! ! *** set v(radfac) to fletcher*s decrease factor *** ! 160 iv(xirc) = iv(irc) emax = v(gtstep) + v(fdif) v(radfac) = half * rfac1 if (emax .lt. v(gtstep)) v(radfac) = rfac1 * dmax1(v(rdfcmn),& half * v(gtstep)/emax) ! ! *** do false convergence test *** ! 170 if (v(reldx) .le. v(xftol)) go to 180 iv(irc) = iv(xirc) if (v(f) .lt. v(f0)) go to 200 go to 230 ! 180 iv(irc) = 12 go to 240 ! ! *** handle good function decrease *** ! 190 if (v(fdif) .lt. (-v(tuner3) * v(gtstep))) go to 210 ! ! *** increasing radius looks worthwhile. see if we just ! *** recomputed step with a decreased radius or restored step ! *** after recomputing it with a larger radius. ! if (iv(radinc) .lt. 0) go to 210 if (iv(restor) .eq. 1) go to 210 ! ! *** we did not. try a longer step unless this was a newton ! *** step. v(radfac) = v(rdfcmx) gts = v(gtstep) if (v(fdif) .lt. (half/v(radfac) - one) * gts) & v(radfac) = dmax1(v(incfac), half*gts/(gts + v(fdif))) iv(irc) = 4 if (v(stppar) .eq. zero) go to 230 if (v(dst0) .ge. zero .and. (v(dst0) .lt. two*v(dstnrm) & .or. v(nreduc) .lt. onep2*v(fdif))) go to 230 ! *** step was not a newton step. recompute it with ! *** a larger radius. iv(irc) = 5 iv(radinc) = iv(radinc) + 1 ! ! *** save values corresponding to good step *** ! 200 v(flstgd) = v(f) iv(mlstgd) = iv(model) if (iv(restor) .ne. 1) iv(restor) = 2 v(dstsav) = v(dstnrm) iv(nfgcal) = nfc v(plstgd) = v(preduc) v(gtslst) = v(gtstep) go to 230 ! ! *** accept step with radius unchanged *** ! 210 v(radfac) = one iv(irc) = 3 go to 230 ! ! *** come here for a restart after convergence *** ! 220 iv(irc) = iv(xirc) if (v(dstsav) .ge. zero) go to 240 iv(irc) = 12 go to 240 ! ! *** perform convergence tests *** ! 230 iv(xirc) = iv(irc) 240 if (iv(restor) .eq. 1 .and. v(flstgd) .lt. v(f0)) iv(restor) = 3 if (half * v(fdif) .gt. v(preduc)) go to 999 emax = v(rfctol) * dabs(v(f0)) emaxs = v(sctol) * dabs(v(f0)) if (v(dstnrm) .gt. v(lmaxs) .and. v(preduc) .le. emaxs) & iv(irc) = 11 if (v(dst0) .lt. zero) go to 250 i = 0 if ((v(nreduc) .gt. zero .and. v(nreduc) .le. emax) .or. & (v(nreduc) .eq. zero .and. v(preduc) .eq. zero)) i = 2 if (v(stppar) .eq. zero .and. v(reldx) .le. v(xctol) & .and. goodx) i = i + 1 if (i .gt. 0) iv(irc) = i + 6 ! ! *** consider recomputing step of length v(lmaxs) for singular ! *** convergence test. ! 250 if (iv(irc) .gt. 5 .and. iv(irc) .ne. 12) go to 999 if (v(dstnrm) .gt. v(lmaxs)) go to 260 if (v(preduc) .ge. emaxs) go to 999 if (v(dst0) .le. zero) go to 270 if (half * v(dst0) .le. v(lmaxs)) go to 999 go to 270 260 if (half * v(dstnrm) .le. v(lmaxs)) go to 999 xmax = v(lmaxs) / v(dstnrm) if (xmax * (two - xmax) * v(preduc) .ge. emaxs) go to 999 270 if (v(nreduc) .lt. zero) go to 290 ! ! *** recompute v(preduc) for use in singular convergence test *** ! v(gtslst) = v(gtstep) v(dstsav) = v(dstnrm) if (iv(irc) .eq. 12) v(dstsav) = -v(dstsav) v(plstgd) = v(preduc) i = iv(restor) iv(restor) = 2 if (i .eq. 3) iv(restor) = 0 iv(irc) = 6 go to 999 ! ! *** perform singular convergence test with recomputed v(preduc) *** ! 280 v(gtstep) = v(gtslst) v(dstnrm) = dabs(v(dstsav)) iv(irc) = iv(xirc) if (v(dstsav) .le. zero) iv(irc) = 12 v(nreduc) = -v(preduc) v(preduc) = v(plstgd) iv(restor) = 3 290 if (-v(nreduc) .le. v(sctol) * dabs(v(f0))) iv(irc) = 11 ! 999 return ! ! *** last card of assst follows *** end subroutine assst !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine deflt(alg, iv, liv, lv, v) ! ! *** supply ***sol (version 2.3) default values to iv and v *** ! ! *** alg = 1 means regression constants. ! *** alg = 2 means general unconstrained optimization constants. ! integer :: liv, l integer::lv integer :: iv(liv) integer :: alg real(kind=8) :: v(lv) ! !el external imdcon, vdflt !el integer imdcon ! imdcon... returns machine-dependent integer constants. ! vdflt.... provides default values to v. ! integer :: miv, m integer :: miniv(2), minv(2) ! ! *** subscripts for iv *** ! !el integer algsav, covprt, covreq, dtype, hc, ierr, inith, inits, !el 1 ipivot, ivneed, lastiv, lastv, lmat, mxfcal, mxiter, !el 2 nfcov, ngcov, nvdflt, outlev, parprt, parsav, perm, !el 3 prunit, qrtyp, rdreq, rmat, solprt, statpr, vneed, !el 4 vsave, x0prt ! ! *** iv subscript values *** ! !/6 ! data algsav/51/, covprt/14/, covreq/15/, dtype/16/, hc/71/, ! 1 ierr/75/, inith/25/, inits/25/, ipivot/76/, ivneed/3/, ! 2 lastiv/44/, lastv/45/, lmat/42/, mxfcal/17/, mxiter/18/, ! 3 nfcov/52/, ngcov/53/, nvdflt/50/, outlev/19/, parprt/20/, ! 4 parsav/49/, perm/58/, prunit/21/, qrtyp/80/, rdreq/57/, ! 5 rmat/78/, solprt/22/, statpr/23/, vneed/4/, vsave/60/, ! 6 x0prt/24/ !/7 integer,parameter :: algsav=51, covprt=14, covreq=15, dtype=16, hc=71,& ierr=75, inith=25, inits=25, ipivot=76, ivneed=3,& lastiv=44, lastv=45, lmat=42, mxfcal=17, mxiter=18,& nfcov=52, ngcov=53, nvdflt=50, outlev=19, parprt=20,& parsav=49, perm=58, prunit=21, qrtyp=80, rdreq=57,& rmat=78, solprt=22, statpr=23, vneed=4, vsave=60,& x0prt=24 !/ data miniv(1)/80/, miniv(2)/59/, minv(1)/98/, minv(2)/71/ !el local variables integer :: mv ! !------------------------------- body -------------------------------- ! if (alg .lt. 1 .or. alg .gt. 2) go to 40 miv = miniv(alg) if (liv .lt. miv) go to 20 mv = minv(alg) if (lv .lt. mv) go to 30 call vdflt(alg, lv, v) iv(1) = 12 iv(algsav) = alg iv(ivneed) = 0 iv(lastiv) = miv iv(lastv) = mv iv(lmat) = mv + 1 iv(mxfcal) = 200 iv(mxiter) = 150 iv(outlev) = 1 iv(parprt) = 1 iv(perm) = miv + 1 iv(prunit) = imdcon(1) iv(solprt) = 1 iv(statpr) = 1 iv(vneed) = 0 iv(x0prt) = 1 ! if (alg .ge. 2) go to 10 ! ! *** regression values ! iv(covprt) = 3 iv(covreq) = 1 iv(dtype) = 1 iv(hc) = 0 iv(ierr) = 0 iv(inits) = 0 iv(ipivot) = 0 iv(nvdflt) = 32 iv(parsav) = 67 iv(qrtyp) = 1 iv(rdreq) = 3 iv(rmat) = 0 iv(vsave) = 58 go to 999 ! ! *** general optimization values ! 10 iv(dtype) = 0 iv(inith) = 1 iv(nfcov) = 0 iv(ngcov) = 0 iv(nvdflt) = 25 iv(parsav) = 47 go to 999 ! 20 iv(1) = 15 go to 999 ! 30 iv(1) = 16 go to 999 ! 40 iv(1) = 67 ! 999 return ! *** last card of deflt follows *** end subroutine deflt !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function dotprd(p,x,y) ! ! *** return the inner product of the p-vectors x and y. *** ! integer :: p real(kind=8) :: x(p), y(p) ! integer :: i !el real(kind=8) :: one, zero real(kind=8) :: sqteta, t !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dmax1, dabs !/ !el external rmdcon !el real(kind=8) :: rmdcon ! ! *** rmdcon(2) returns a machine-dependent constant, sqteta, which ! *** is slightly larger than the smallest positive number that ! *** can be squared without underflowing. ! !/6 ! data one/1.d+0/, sqteta/0.d+0/, zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: one=1.d+0, zero=0.d+0 data sqteta/0.d+0/ !/ ! dotprd = zero if (p .le. 0) go to 999 !rc if (sqteta .eq. zero) sqteta = rmdcon(2) do 20 i = 1, p !rc t = dmax1(dabs(x(i)), dabs(y(i))) !rc if (t .gt. one) go to 10 !rc if (t .lt. sqteta) go to 20 !rc t = (x(i)/sqteta)*y(i) !rc if (dabs(t) .lt. sqteta) go to 20 10 dotprd = dotprd + x(i)*y(i) 20 continue ! 999 return ! *** last card of dotprd follows *** end function dotprd !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine itsum(d, g, iv, liv, lv, p, v, x) ! ! *** print iteration summary for ***sol (version 2.3) *** ! ! *** parameter declarations *** ! integer :: liv, p integer::lv integer :: iv(liv) real(kind=8) :: d(p), g(p), v(lv), x(p) ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ! *** local variables *** ! integer :: alg, i, iv1, m, nf, ng, ol, pu !/6 ! real model1(6), model2(6) !/7 character(len=4) :: model1(6), model2(6) !/ real(kind=8) :: nreldf, oldf, preldf, reldf !el, zero ! ! *** intrinsic functions *** !/+ !el integer :: iabs !el real(kind=8) :: dabs, dmax1 !/ ! *** no external functions or subroutines *** ! ! *** subscripts for iv and v *** ! !el integer algsav, dstnrm, f, fdif, f0, needhd, nfcall, nfcov, ngcov, !el 1 ngcall, niter, nreduc, outlev, preduc, prntit, prunit, !el 2 reldx, solprt, statpr, stppar, sused, x0prt ! ! *** iv subscript values *** ! !/6 ! data algsav/51/, needhd/36/, nfcall/6/, nfcov/52/, ngcall/30/, ! 1 ngcov/53/, niter/31/, outlev/19/, prntit/39/, prunit/21/, ! 2 solprt/22/, statpr/23/, sused/64/, x0prt/24/ !/7 integer,parameter :: algsav=51, needhd=36, nfcall=6, nfcov=52, ngcall=30,& ngcov=53, niter=31, outlev=19, prntit=39, prunit=21,& solprt=22, statpr=23, sused=64, x0prt=24 !/ ! ! *** v subscript values *** ! !/6 ! data dstnrm/2/, f/10/, f0/13/, fdif/11/, nreduc/6/, preduc/7/, ! 1 reldx/17/, stppar/5/ !/7 integer,parameter :: dstnrm=2, f=10, f0=13, fdif=11, nreduc=6, preduc=7,& reldx=17, stppar=5 !/ ! !/6 ! data zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: zero=0.d+0 !/ !/6 ! data model1(1)/4h /, model1(2)/4h /, model1(3)/4h /, ! 1 model1(4)/4h /, model1(5)/4h g /, model1(6)/4h s /, ! 2 model2(1)/4h g /, model2(2)/4h s /, model2(3)/4hg-s /, ! 3 model2(4)/4hs-g /, model2(5)/4h-s-g/, model2(6)/4h-g-s/ !/7 data model1/' ',' ',' ',' ',' g ',' s '/,& model2/' g ',' s ','g-s ','s-g ','-s-g','-g-s'/ !/ ! !------------------------------- body -------------------------------- ! pu = iv(prunit) if (pu .eq. 0) go to 999 iv1 = iv(1) if (iv1 .gt. 62) iv1 = iv1 - 51 ol = iv(outlev) alg = iv(algsav) if (iv1 .lt. 2 .or. iv1 .gt. 15) go to 370 if (iv1 .ge. 12) go to 120 if (iv1 .eq. 2 .and. iv(niter) .eq. 0) go to 390 if (ol .eq. 0) go to 120 if (iv1 .ge. 10 .and. iv(prntit) .eq. 0) go to 120 if (iv1 .gt. 2) go to 10 iv(prntit) = iv(prntit) + 1 if (iv(prntit) .lt. iabs(ol)) go to 999 10 nf = iv(nfcall) - iabs(iv(nfcov)) iv(prntit) = 0 reldf = zero preldf = zero oldf = dmax1(dabs(v(f0)), dabs(v(f))) if (oldf .le. zero) go to 20 reldf = v(fdif) / oldf preldf = v(preduc) / oldf 20 if (ol .gt. 0) go to 60 ! ! *** print short summary line *** ! if (iv(needhd) .eq. 1 .and. alg .eq. 1) write(pu,30) 30 format(/10h it nf,6x,1hf,7x,5hreldf,3x,6hpreldf,3x,5hreldx,& 2x,13hmodel stppar) if (iv(needhd) .eq. 1 .and. alg .eq. 2) write(pu,40) 40 format(/11h it nf,7x,1hf,8x,5hreldf,4x,6hpreldf,4x,5hreldx,& 3x,6hstppar) iv(needhd) = 0 if (alg .eq. 2) go to 50 m = iv(sused) write(pu,100) iv(niter), nf, v(f), reldf, preldf, v(reldx),& model1(m), model2(m), v(stppar) go to 120 ! 50 write(pu,110) iv(niter), nf, v(f), reldf, preldf, v(reldx),& v(stppar) go to 120 ! ! *** print long summary line *** ! 60 if (iv(needhd) .eq. 1 .and. alg .eq. 1) write(pu,70) 70 format(/11h it nf,6x,1hf,7x,5hreldf,3x,6hpreldf,3x,5hreldx,& 2x,13hmodel stppar,2x,6hd*step,2x,7hnpreldf) if (iv(needhd) .eq. 1 .and. alg .eq. 2) write(pu,80) 80 format(/11h it nf,7x,1hf,8x,5hreldf,4x,6hpreldf,4x,5hreldx,& 3x,6hstppar,3x,6hd*step,3x,7hnpreldf) iv(needhd) = 0 nreldf = zero if (oldf .gt. zero) nreldf = v(nreduc) / oldf if (alg .eq. 2) go to 90 m = iv(sused) write(pu,100) iv(niter), nf, v(f), reldf, preldf, v(reldx),& model1(m), model2(m), v(stppar), v(dstnrm), nreldf go to 120 ! 90 write(pu,110) iv(niter), nf, v(f), reldf, preldf,& v(reldx), v(stppar), v(dstnrm), nreldf 100 format(i6,i5,d10.3,2d9.2,d8.1,a3,a4,2d8.1,d9.2) 110 format(i6,i5,d11.3,2d10.2,3d9.1,d10.2) ! 120 if (iv(statpr) .lt. 0) go to 430 go to (999, 999, 130, 150, 170, 190, 210, 230, 250, 270, 290, 310,& 330, 350, 520), iv1 ! 130 write(pu,140) 140 format(/26h ***** x-convergence *****) go to 430 ! 150 write(pu,160) 160 format(/42h ***** relative function convergence *****) go to 430 ! 170 write(pu,180) 180 format(/49h ***** x- and relative function convergence *****) go to 430 ! 190 write(pu,200) 200 format(/42h ***** absolute function convergence *****) go to 430 ! 210 write(pu,220) 220 format(/33h ***** singular convergence *****) go to 430 ! 230 write(pu,240) 240 format(/30h ***** false convergence *****) go to 430 ! 250 write(pu,260) 260 format(/38h ***** function evaluation limit *****) go to 430 ! 270 write(pu,280) 280 format(/28h ***** iteration limit *****) go to 430 ! 290 write(pu,300) 300 format(/18h ***** stopx *****) go to 430 ! 310 write(pu,320) 320 format(/44h ***** initial f(x) cannot be computed *****) ! go to 390 ! 330 write(pu,340) 340 format(/37h ***** bad parameters to assess *****) go to 999 ! 350 write(pu,360) 360 format(/43h ***** gradient could not be computed *****) if (iv(niter) .gt. 0) go to 480 go to 390 ! 370 write(pu,380) iv(1) 380 format(/14h ***** iv(1) =,i5,6h *****) go to 999 ! ! *** initial call on itsum *** ! 390 if (iv(x0prt) .ne. 0) write(pu,400) (i, x(i), d(i), i = 1, p) 400 format(/23h i initial x(i),8x,4hd(i)//(1x,i5,d17.6,d14.3)) ! *** the following are to avoid undefined variables when the ! *** function evaluation limit is 1... v(dstnrm) = zero v(fdif) = zero v(nreduc) = zero v(preduc) = zero v(reldx) = zero if (iv1 .ge. 12) go to 999 iv(needhd) = 0 iv(prntit) = 0 if (ol .eq. 0) go to 999 if (ol .lt. 0 .and. alg .eq. 1) write(pu,30) if (ol .lt. 0 .and. alg .eq. 2) write(pu,40) if (ol .gt. 0 .and. alg .eq. 1) write(pu,70) if (ol .gt. 0 .and. alg .eq. 2) write(pu,80) if (alg .eq. 1) write(pu,410) v(f) if (alg .eq. 2) write(pu,420) v(f) 410 format(/11h 0 1,d10.3) !365 format(/11h 0 1,e11.3) 420 format(/11h 0 1,d11.3) go to 999 ! ! *** print various information requested on solution *** ! 430 iv(needhd) = 1 if (iv(statpr) .eq. 0) go to 480 oldf = dmax1(dabs(v(f0)), dabs(v(f))) preldf = zero nreldf = zero if (oldf .le. zero) go to 440 preldf = v(preduc) / oldf nreldf = v(nreduc) / oldf 440 nf = iv(nfcall) - iv(nfcov) ng = iv(ngcall) - iv(ngcov) write(pu,450) v(f), v(reldx), nf, ng, preldf, nreldf 450 format(/9h function,d17.6,8h reldx,d17.3/12h func. evals,& i8,9x,11hgrad. evals,i8/7h preldf,d16.3,6x,7hnpreldf,d15.3) ! if (iv(nfcov) .gt. 0) write(pu,460) iv(nfcov) 460 format(/1x,i4,50h extra func. evals for covariance and diagnostics.) if (iv(ngcov) .gt. 0) write(pu,470) iv(ngcov) 470 format(1x,i4,50h extra grad. evals for covariance and diagnostics.) ! 480 if (iv(solprt) .eq. 0) go to 999 iv(needhd) = 1 write(pu,490) 490 format(/22h i final x(i),8x,4hd(i),10x,4hg(i)/) do 500 i = 1, p write(pu,510) i, x(i), d(i), g(i) 500 continue 510 format(1x,i5,d16.6,2d14.3) go to 999 ! 520 write(pu,530) 530 format(/24h inconsistent dimensions) 999 return ! *** last card of itsum follows *** end subroutine itsum !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine litvmu(n, x, l, y) ! ! *** solve (l**t)*x = y, where l is an n x n lower triangular ! *** matrix stored compactly by rows. x and y may occupy the same ! *** storage. *** ! integer :: n !al real(kind=8) :: x(n), l(1), y(n) real(kind=8) :: x(n), l(n*(n+1)/2), y(n) integer :: i, ii, ij, im1, i0, j, np1 real(kind=8) :: xi !el, zero !/6 ! data zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: zero=0.d+0 !/ ! do 10 i = 1, n 10 x(i) = y(i) np1 = n + 1 i0 = n*(n+1)/2 do 30 ii = 1, n i = np1 - ii xi = x(i)/l(i0) x(i) = xi if (i .le. 1) go to 999 i0 = i0 - i if (xi .eq. zero) go to 30 im1 = i - 1 do 20 j = 1, im1 ij = i0 + j x(j) = x(j) - xi*l(ij) 20 continue 30 continue 999 return ! *** last card of litvmu follows *** end subroutine litvmu !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine livmul(n, x, l, y) ! ! *** solve l*x = y, where l is an n x n lower triangular ! *** matrix stored compactly by rows. x and y may occupy the same ! *** storage. *** ! integer :: n !al real(kind=8) :: x(n), l(1), y(n) real(kind=8) :: x(n), l(n*(n+1)/2), y(n) !el external dotprd !el real(kind=8) :: dotprd integer :: i, j, k real(kind=8) :: t !el, zero !/6 ! data zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: zero=0.d+0 !/ ! do 10 k = 1, n if (y(k) .ne. zero) go to 20 x(k) = zero 10 continue go to 999 20 j = k*(k+1)/2 x(k) = y(k) / l(j) if (k .ge. n) go to 999 k = k + 1 do 30 i = k, n t = dotprd(i-1, l(j+1), x) j = j + i x(i) = (y(i) - t)/l(j) 30 continue 999 return ! *** last card of livmul follows *** end subroutine livmul !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine parck(alg, d, iv, liv, lv, n, v) ! ! *** check ***sol (version 2.3) parameters, print changed values *** ! ! *** alg = 1 for regression, alg = 2 for general unconstrained opt. ! integer :: alg, liv, n integer :: lv integer :: iv(liv) real(kind=8) :: d(n), v(lv) ! !el external rmdcon, vcopy, vdflt !el real(kind=8) :: rmdcon ! rmdcon -- returns machine-dependent constants. ! vcopy -- copies one vector to another. ! vdflt -- supplies default parameter values to v alone. !/+ !el integer :: max0 !/ ! ! *** local variables *** ! integer :: i, ii, iv1, j, k, l, m, miv1, miv2, ndfalt, parsv1, pu integer :: ijmp, jlim(2), miniv(2), ndflt(2) !/6 ! integer varnm(2), sh(2) ! real cngd(3), dflt(3), vn(2,34), which(3) !/7 character(len=1) :: varnm(2), sh(2) character(len=4) :: cngd(3), dflt(3), vn(2,34), which(3) !/ real(kind=8) :: big, machep, tiny, vk, vm(34), vx(34), zero ! ! *** iv and v subscripts *** ! !el integer algsav, dinit, dtype, dtype0, epslon, inits, ivneed, !el 1 lastiv, lastv, lmat, nextiv, nextv, nvdflt, oldn, !el 2 parprt, parsav, perm, prunit, vneed ! ! !/6 ! data algsav/51/, dinit/38/, dtype/16/, dtype0/54/, epslon/19/, ! 1 inits/25/, ivneed/3/, lastiv/44/, lastv/45/, lmat/42/, ! 2 nextiv/46/, nextv/47/, nvdflt/50/, oldn/38/, parprt/20/, ! 3 parsav/49/, perm/58/, prunit/21/, vneed/4/ !/7 integer,parameter :: algsav=51, dinit=38, dtype=16, dtype0=54, epslon=19,& inits=25, ivneed=3, lastiv=44, lastv=45, lmat=42,& nextiv=46, nextv=47, nvdflt=50, oldn=38, parprt=20,& parsav=49, perm=58, prunit=21, vneed=4 save big, machep, tiny !/ ! data big/0.d+0/, machep/-1.d+0/, tiny/1.d+0/, zero/0.d+0/ !/6 ! data vn(1,1),vn(2,1)/4hepsl,4hon../ ! data vn(1,2),vn(2,2)/4hphmn,4hfc../ ! data vn(1,3),vn(2,3)/4hphmx,4hfc../ ! data vn(1,4),vn(2,4)/4hdecf,4hac../ ! data vn(1,5),vn(2,5)/4hincf,4hac../ ! data vn(1,6),vn(2,6)/4hrdfc,4hmn../ ! data vn(1,7),vn(2,7)/4hrdfc,4hmx../ ! data vn(1,8),vn(2,8)/4htune,4hr1../ ! data vn(1,9),vn(2,9)/4htune,4hr2../ ! data vn(1,10),vn(2,10)/4htune,4hr3../ ! data vn(1,11),vn(2,11)/4htune,4hr4../ ! data vn(1,12),vn(2,12)/4htune,4hr5../ ! data vn(1,13),vn(2,13)/4hafct,4hol../ ! data vn(1,14),vn(2,14)/4hrfct,4hol../ ! data vn(1,15),vn(2,15)/4hxcto,4hl.../ ! data vn(1,16),vn(2,16)/4hxfto,4hl.../ ! data vn(1,17),vn(2,17)/4hlmax,4h0.../ ! data vn(1,18),vn(2,18)/4hlmax,4hs.../ ! data vn(1,19),vn(2,19)/4hscto,4hl.../ ! data vn(1,20),vn(2,20)/4hdini,4ht.../ ! data vn(1,21),vn(2,21)/4hdtin,4hit../ ! data vn(1,22),vn(2,22)/4hd0in,4hit../ ! data vn(1,23),vn(2,23)/4hdfac,4h..../ ! data vn(1,24),vn(2,24)/4hdltf,4hdc../ ! data vn(1,25),vn(2,25)/4hdltf,4hdj../ ! data vn(1,26),vn(2,26)/4hdelt,4ha0../ ! data vn(1,27),vn(2,27)/4hfuzz,4h..../ ! data vn(1,28),vn(2,28)/4hrlim,4hit../ ! data vn(1,29),vn(2,29)/4hcosm,4hin../ ! data vn(1,30),vn(2,30)/4hhube,4hrc../ ! data vn(1,31),vn(2,31)/4hrspt,4hol../ ! data vn(1,32),vn(2,32)/4hsigm,4hin../ ! data vn(1,33),vn(2,33)/4heta0,4h..../ ! data vn(1,34),vn(2,34)/4hbias,4h..../ !/7 data vn(1,1),vn(2,1)/'epsl','on..'/ data vn(1,2),vn(2,2)/'phmn','fc..'/ data vn(1,3),vn(2,3)/'phmx','fc..'/ data vn(1,4),vn(2,4)/'decf','ac..'/ data vn(1,5),vn(2,5)/'incf','ac..'/ data vn(1,6),vn(2,6)/'rdfc','mn..'/ data vn(1,7),vn(2,7)/'rdfc','mx..'/ data vn(1,8),vn(2,8)/'tune','r1..'/ data vn(1,9),vn(2,9)/'tune','r2..'/ data vn(1,10),vn(2,10)/'tune','r3..'/ data vn(1,11),vn(2,11)/'tune','r4..'/ data vn(1,12),vn(2,12)/'tune','r5..'/ data vn(1,13),vn(2,13)/'afct','ol..'/ data vn(1,14),vn(2,14)/'rfct','ol..'/ data vn(1,15),vn(2,15)/'xcto','l...'/ data vn(1,16),vn(2,16)/'xfto','l...'/ data vn(1,17),vn(2,17)/'lmax','0...'/ data vn(1,18),vn(2,18)/'lmax','s...'/ data vn(1,19),vn(2,19)/'scto','l...'/ data vn(1,20),vn(2,20)/'dini','t...'/ data vn(1,21),vn(2,21)/'dtin','it..'/ data vn(1,22),vn(2,22)/'d0in','it..'/ data vn(1,23),vn(2,23)/'dfac','....'/ data vn(1,24),vn(2,24)/'dltf','dc..'/ data vn(1,25),vn(2,25)/'dltf','dj..'/ data vn(1,26),vn(2,26)/'delt','a0..'/ data vn(1,27),vn(2,27)/'fuzz','....'/ data vn(1,28),vn(2,28)/'rlim','it..'/ data vn(1,29),vn(2,29)/'cosm','in..'/ data vn(1,30),vn(2,30)/'hube','rc..'/ data vn(1,31),vn(2,31)/'rspt','ol..'/ data vn(1,32),vn(2,32)/'sigm','in..'/ data vn(1,33),vn(2,33)/'eta0','....'/ data vn(1,34),vn(2,34)/'bias','....'/ !/ ! data vm(1)/1.0d-3/, vm(2)/-0.99d+0/, vm(3)/1.0d-3/, vm(4)/1.0d-2/,& vm(5)/1.2d+0/, vm(6)/1.d-2/, vm(7)/1.2d+0/, vm(8)/0.d+0/,& vm(9)/0.d+0/, vm(10)/1.d-3/, vm(11)/-1.d+0/, vm(13)/0.d+0/,& vm(15)/0.d+0/, vm(16)/0.d+0/, vm(19)/0.d+0/, vm(20)/-10.d+0/,& vm(21)/0.d+0/, vm(22)/0.d+0/, vm(23)/0.d+0/, vm(27)/1.01d+0/,& vm(28)/1.d+10/, vm(30)/0.d+0/, vm(31)/0.d+0/, vm(32)/0.d+0/,& vm(34)/0.d+0/ data vx(1)/0.9d+0/, vx(2)/-1.d-3/, vx(3)/1.d+1/, vx(4)/0.8d+0/,& vx(5)/1.d+2/, vx(6)/0.8d+0/, vx(7)/1.d+2/, vx(8)/0.5d+0/,& vx(9)/0.5d+0/, vx(10)/1.d+0/, vx(11)/1.d+0/, vx(14)/0.1d+0/,& vx(15)/1.d+0/, vx(16)/1.d+0/, vx(19)/1.d+0/, vx(23)/1.d+0/,& vx(24)/1.d+0/, vx(25)/1.d+0/, vx(26)/1.d+0/, vx(27)/1.d+10/,& vx(29)/1.d+0/, vx(31)/1.d+0/, vx(32)/1.d+0/, vx(33)/1.d+0/,& vx(34)/1.d+0/ ! !/6 ! data varnm(1)/1hp/, varnm(2)/1hn/, sh(1)/1hs/, sh(2)/1hh/ ! data cngd(1),cngd(2),cngd(3)/4h---c,4hhang,4hed v/, ! 1 dflt(1),dflt(2),dflt(3)/4hnond,4hefau,4hlt v/ !/7 data varnm(1)/'p'/, varnm(2)/'n'/, sh(1)/'s'/, sh(2)/'h'/ data cngd(1),cngd(2),cngd(3)/'---c','hang','ed v'/,& dflt(1),dflt(2),dflt(3)/'nond','efau','lt v'/ !/ data ijmp/33/, jlim(1)/0/, jlim(2)/24/, ndflt(1)/32/, ndflt(2)/25/ data miniv(1)/80/, miniv(2)/59/ ! !............................... body ................................ ! pu = 0 if (prunit .le. liv) pu = iv(prunit) if (alg .lt. 1 .or. alg .gt. 2) go to 340 if (iv(1) .eq. 0) call deflt(alg, iv, liv, lv, v) iv1 = iv(1) if (iv1 .ne. 13 .and. iv1 .ne. 12) go to 10 miv1 = miniv(alg) if (perm .le. liv) miv1 = max0(miv1, iv(perm) - 1) if (ivneed .le. liv) miv2 = miv1 + max0(iv(ivneed), 0) if (lastiv .le. liv) iv(lastiv) = miv2 if (liv .lt. miv1) go to 300 iv(ivneed) = 0 iv(lastv) = max0(iv(vneed), 0) + iv(lmat) - 1 iv(vneed) = 0 if (liv .lt. miv2) go to 300 if (lv .lt. iv(lastv)) go to 320 10 if (alg .eq. iv(algsav)) go to 30 if (pu .ne. 0) write(pu,20) alg, iv(algsav) 20 format(/39h the first parameter to deflt should be,i3,& 12h rather than,i3) iv(1) = 82 go to 999 30 if (iv1 .lt. 12 .or. iv1 .gt. 14) go to 60 if (n .ge. 1) go to 50 iv(1) = 81 if (pu .eq. 0) go to 999 write(pu,40) varnm(alg), n 40 format(/8h /// bad,a1,2h =,i5) go to 999 50 if (iv1 .ne. 14) iv(nextiv) = iv(perm) if (iv1 .ne. 14) iv(nextv) = iv(lmat) if (iv1 .eq. 13) go to 999 k = iv(parsav) - epslon call vdflt(alg, lv-k, v(k+1)) iv(dtype0) = 2 - alg iv(oldn) = n which(1) = dflt(1) which(2) = dflt(2) which(3) = dflt(3) go to 110 60 if (n .eq. iv(oldn)) go to 80 iv(1) = 17 if (pu .eq. 0) go to 999 write(pu,70) varnm(alg), iv(oldn), n 70 format(/5h /// ,1a1,14h changed from ,i5,4h to ,i5) go to 999 ! 80 if (iv1 .le. 11 .and. iv1 .ge. 1) go to 100 iv(1) = 80 if (pu .ne. 0) write(pu,90) iv1 90 format(/13h /// iv(1) =,i5,28h should be between 0 and 14.) go to 999 ! 100 which(1) = cngd(1) which(2) = cngd(2) which(3) = cngd(3) ! 110 if (iv1 .eq. 14) iv1 = 12 if (big .gt. tiny) go to 120 tiny = rmdcon(1) machep = rmdcon(3) big = rmdcon(6) vm(12) = machep vx(12) = big vx(13) = big vm(14) = machep vm(17) = tiny vx(17) = big vm(18) = tiny vx(18) = big vx(20) = big vx(21) = big vx(22) = big vm(24) = machep vm(25) = machep vm(26) = machep vx(28) = rmdcon(5) vm(29) = machep vx(30) = big vm(33) = machep 120 m = 0 i = 1 j = jlim(alg) k = epslon ndfalt = ndflt(alg) do 150 l = 1, ndfalt vk = v(k) if (vk .ge. vm(i) .and. vk .le. vx(i)) go to 140 m = k if (pu .ne. 0) write(pu,130) vn(1,i), vn(2,i), k, vk,& vm(i), vx(i) 130 format(/6h /// ,2a4,5h.. v(,i2,3h) =,d11.3,7h should,& 11h be between,d11.3,4h and,d11.3) 140 k = k + 1 i = i + 1 if (i .eq. j) i = ijmp 150 continue ! if (iv(nvdflt) .eq. ndfalt) go to 170 iv(1) = 51 if (pu .eq. 0) go to 999 write(pu,160) iv(nvdflt), ndfalt 160 format(/13h iv(nvdflt) =,i5,13h rather than ,i5) go to 999 170 if ((iv(dtype) .gt. 0 .or. v(dinit) .gt. zero) .and. iv1 .eq. 12) & go to 200 do 190 i = 1, n if (d(i) .gt. zero) go to 190 m = 18 if (pu .ne. 0) write(pu,180) i, d(i) 180 format(/8h /// d(,i3,3h) =,d11.3,19h should be positive) 190 continue 200 if (m .eq. 0) go to 210 iv(1) = m go to 999 ! 210 if (pu .eq. 0 .or. iv(parprt) .eq. 0) go to 999 if (iv1 .ne. 12 .or. iv(inits) .eq. alg-1) go to 230 m = 1 write(pu,220) sh(alg), iv(inits) 220 format(/22h nondefault values..../5h init,a1,14h..... iv(25) =,& i3) 230 if (iv(dtype) .eq. iv(dtype0)) go to 250 if (m .eq. 0) write(pu,260) which m = 1 write(pu,240) iv(dtype) 240 format(20h dtype..... iv(16) =,i3) 250 i = 1 j = jlim(alg) k = epslon l = iv(parsav) ndfalt = ndflt(alg) do 290 ii = 1, ndfalt if (v(k) .eq. v(l)) go to 280 if (m .eq. 0) write(pu,260) which 260 format(/1h ,3a4,9halues..../) m = 1 write(pu,270) vn(1,i), vn(2,i), k, v(k) 270 format(1x,2a4,5h.. v(,i2,3h) =,d15.7) 280 k = k + 1 l = l + 1 i = i + 1 if (i .eq. j) i = ijmp 290 continue ! iv(dtype0) = iv(dtype) parsv1 = iv(parsav) call vcopy(iv(nvdflt), v(parsv1), v(epslon)) go to 999 ! 300 iv(1) = 15 if (pu .eq. 0) go to 999 write(pu,310) liv, miv2 310 format(/10h /// liv =,i5,17h must be at least,i5) if (liv .lt. miv1) go to 999 if (lv .lt. iv(lastv)) go to 320 go to 999 ! 320 iv(1) = 16 if (pu .eq. 0) go to 999 write(pu,330) lv, iv(lastv) 330 format(/9h /// lv =,i5,17h must be at least,i5) go to 999 ! 340 iv(1) = 67 if (pu .eq. 0) go to 999 write(pu,350) alg 350 format(/10h /// alg =,i5,15h must be 1 or 2) ! 999 return ! *** last card of parck follows *** end subroutine parck !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function reldst(p, d, x, x0) ! ! *** compute and return relative difference between x and x0 *** ! *** nl2sol version 2.2 *** ! integer :: p real(kind=8) :: d(p), x(p), x0(p) !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dabs !/ integer :: i real(kind=8) :: emax, t, xmax !el, zero !/6 ! data zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: zero=0.d+0 !/ ! emax = zero xmax = zero do 10 i = 1, p t = dabs(d(i) * (x(i) - x0(i))) if (emax .lt. t) emax = t t = d(i) * (dabs(x(i)) + dabs(x0(i))) if (xmax .lt. t) xmax = t 10 continue reldst = zero if (xmax .gt. zero) reldst = emax / xmax 999 return ! *** last card of reldst follows *** end function reldst !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine vaxpy(p, w, a, x, y) ! ! *** set w = a*x + y -- w, x, y = p-vectors, a = scalar *** ! integer :: p real(kind=8) :: a, w(p), x(p), y(p) ! integer :: i ! do 10 i = 1, p 10 w(i) = a*x(i) + y(i) return end subroutine vaxpy !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine vcopy(p, y, x) ! ! *** set y = x, where x and y are p-vectors *** ! integer :: p real(kind=8) :: x(p), y(p) ! integer :: i ! do 10 i = 1, p 10 y(i) = x(i) return end subroutine vcopy !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine vdflt(alg, lv, v) ! ! *** supply ***sol (version 2.3) default values to v *** ! ! *** alg = 1 means regression constants. ! *** alg = 2 means general unconstrained optimization constants. ! integer :: alg, l integer::lv real(kind=8) :: v(lv) !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dmax1 !/ !el external rmdcon !el real(kind=8) :: rmdcon ! rmdcon... returns machine-dependent constants ! real(kind=8) :: machep, mepcrt, sqteps !el one, three ! ! *** subscripts for v *** ! !el integer afctol, bias, cosmin, decfac, delta0, dfac, dinit, dltfdc, !el 1 dltfdj, dtinit, d0init, epslon, eta0, fuzz, huberc, !el 2 incfac, lmax0, lmaxs, phmnfc, phmxfc, rdfcmn, rdfcmx, !el 3 rfctol, rlimit, rsptol, sctol, sigmin, tuner1, tuner2, !el 4 tuner3, tuner4, tuner5, xctol, xftol ! !/6 ! data one/1.d+0/, three/3.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: one=1.d+0, three=3.d+0 !/ ! ! *** v subscript values *** ! !/6 ! data afctol/31/, bias/43/, cosmin/47/, decfac/22/, delta0/44/, ! 1 dfac/41/, dinit/38/, dltfdc/42/, dltfdj/43/, dtinit/39/, ! 2 d0init/40/, epslon/19/, eta0/42/, fuzz/45/, huberc/48/, ! 3 incfac/23/, lmax0/35/, lmaxs/36/, phmnfc/20/, phmxfc/21/, ! 4 rdfcmn/24/, rdfcmx/25/, rfctol/32/, rlimit/46/, rsptol/49/, ! 5 sctol/37/, sigmin/50/, tuner1/26/, tuner2/27/, tuner3/28/, ! 6 tuner4/29/, tuner5/30/, xctol/33/, xftol/34/ !/7 integer,parameter :: afctol=31, bias=43, cosmin=47, decfac=22, delta0=44,& dfac=41, dinit=38, dltfdc=42, dltfdj=43, dtinit=39,& d0init=40, epslon=19, eta0=42, fuzz=45, huberc=48,& incfac=23, lmax0=35, lmaxs=36, phmnfc=20, phmxfc=21,& rdfcmn=24, rdfcmx=25, rfctol=32, rlimit=46, rsptol=49,& sctol=37, sigmin=50, tuner1=26, tuner2=27, tuner3=28,& tuner4=29, tuner5=30, xctol=33, xftol=34 !/ ! !------------------------------- body -------------------------------- ! machep = rmdcon(3) v(afctol) = 1.d-20 if (machep .gt. 1.d-10) v(afctol) = machep**2 v(decfac) = 0.5d+0 sqteps = rmdcon(4) v(dfac) = 0.6d+0 v(delta0) = sqteps v(dtinit) = 1.d-6 mepcrt = machep ** (one/three) v(d0init) = 1.d+0 v(epslon) = 0.1d+0 v(incfac) = 2.d+0 v(lmax0) = 1.d+0 v(lmaxs) = 1.d+0 v(phmnfc) = -0.1d+0 v(phmxfc) = 0.1d+0 v(rdfcmn) = 0.1d+0 v(rdfcmx) = 4.d+0 v(rfctol) = dmax1(1.d-10, mepcrt**2) v(sctol) = v(rfctol) v(tuner1) = 0.1d+0 v(tuner2) = 1.d-4 v(tuner3) = 0.75d+0 v(tuner4) = 0.5d+0 v(tuner5) = 0.75d+0 v(xctol) = sqteps v(xftol) = 1.d+2 * machep ! if (alg .ge. 2) go to 10 ! ! *** regression values ! v(cosmin) = dmax1(1.d-6, 1.d+2 * machep) v(dinit) = 0.d+0 v(dltfdc) = mepcrt v(dltfdj) = sqteps v(fuzz) = 1.5d+0 v(huberc) = 0.7d+0 v(rlimit) = rmdcon(5) v(rsptol) = 1.d-3 v(sigmin) = 1.d-4 go to 999 ! ! *** general optimization values ! 10 v(bias) = 0.8d+0 v(dinit) = -1.0d+0 v(eta0) = 1.0d+3 * machep ! 999 return ! *** last card of vdflt follows *** end subroutine vdflt !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine vscopy(p, y, s) ! ! *** set p-vector y to scalar s *** ! integer :: p real(kind=8) :: s, y(p) ! integer :: i ! do 10 i = 1, p 10 y(i) = s return end subroutine vscopy !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function v2norm(p, x) ! ! *** return the 2-norm of the p-vector x, taking *** ! *** care to avoid the most likely underflows. *** ! integer :: p real(kind=8) :: x(p) ! integer :: i, j real(kind=8) :: r, scale, sqteta, t, xi !el, one, zero !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dabs, dsqrt !/ !el external rmdcon !el real(kind=8) :: rmdcon ! !/6 ! data one/1.d+0/, zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: one=1.d+0, zero=0.d+0 save sqteta !/ data sqteta/0.d+0/ ! if (p .gt. 0) go to 10 v2norm = zero go to 999 10 do 20 i = 1, p if (x(i) .ne. zero) go to 30 20 continue v2norm = zero go to 999 ! 30 scale = dabs(x(i)) if (i .lt. p) go to 40 v2norm = scale go to 999 40 t = one if (sqteta .eq. zero) sqteta = rmdcon(2) ! ! *** sqteta is (slightly larger than) the square root of the ! *** smallest positive floating point number on the machine. ! *** the tests involving sqteta are done to prevent underflows. ! j = i + 1 do 60 i = j, p xi = dabs(x(i)) if (xi .gt. scale) go to 50 r = xi / scale if (r .gt. sqteta) t = t + r*r go to 60 50 r = scale / xi if (r .le. sqteta) r = zero t = one + t * r*r scale = xi 60 continue ! v2norm = scale * dsqrt(t) 999 return ! *** last card of v2norm follows *** end function v2norm !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine humsl(n,d,x,calcf,calcgh,iv,liv,lv,v,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) ! ! *** minimize general unconstrained objective function using *** ! *** (analytic) gradient and hessian provided by the caller. *** ! integer :: liv, n integer:: lv integer:: iv(liv) integer :: uiparm(1) real(kind=8) :: d(n), x(n), v(lv), urparm(1) real(kind=8),external :: ufparm ! dimension v(78 + n*(n+12)), uiparm(*), urparm(*) external :: calcf, calcgh ! !------------------------------ discussion --------------------------- ! ! this routine is like sumsl, except that the subroutine para- ! meter calcg of sumsl (which computes the gradient of the objec- ! tive function) is replaced by the subroutine parameter calcgh, ! which computes both the gradient and (lower triangle of the) ! hessian of the objective function. the calling sequence is... ! call calcgh(n, x, nf, g, h, uiparm, urparm, ufparm) ! parameters n, x, nf, g, uiparm, urparm, and ufparm are the same ! as for sumsl, while h is an array of length n*(n+1)/2 in which ! calcgh must store the lower triangle of the hessian at x. start- ! ing at h(1), calcgh must store the hessian entries in the order ! (1,1), (2,1), (2,2), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3), ... ! the value printed (by itsum) in the column labelled stppar ! is the levenberg-marquardt used in computing the current step. ! zero means a full newton step. if the special case described in ! ref. 1 is detected, then stppar is negated. the value printed ! in the column labelled npreldf is zero if the current hessian ! is not positive definite. ! it sometimes proves worthwhile to let d be determined from the ! diagonal of the hessian matrix by setting iv(dtype) = 1 and ! v(dinit) = 0. the following iv and v components are relevant... ! ! iv(dtol)..... iv(59) gives the starting subscript in v of the dtol ! array used when d is updated. (iv(dtol) can be ! initialized by calling humsl with iv(1) = 13.) ! iv(dtype).... iv(16) tells how the scale vector d should be chosen. ! iv(dtype) .le. 0 means that d should not be updated, and ! iv(dtype) .ge. 1 means that d should be updated as ! described below with v(dfac). default = 0. ! v(dfac)..... v(41) and the dtol and d0 arrays (see v(dtinit) and ! v(d0init)) are used in updating the scale vector d when ! iv(dtype) .gt. 0. (d is initialized according to ! v(dinit), described in sumsl.) let ! d1(i) = max(sqrt(abs(h(i,i))), v(dfac)*d(i)), ! where h(i,i) is the i-th diagonal element of the current ! hessian. if iv(dtype) = 1, then d(i) is set to d1(i) ! unless d1(i) .lt. dtol(i), in which case d(i) is set to ! max(d0(i), dtol(i)). ! if iv(dtype) .ge. 2, then d is updated during the first ! iteration as for iv(dtype) = 1 (after any initialization ! due to v(dinit)) and is left unchanged thereafter. ! default = 0.6. ! v(dtinit)... v(39), if positive, is the value to which all components ! of the dtol array (see v(dfac)) are initialized. if ! v(dtinit) = 0, then it is assumed that the caller has ! stored dtol in v starting at v(iv(dtol)). ! default = 10**-6. ! v(d0init)... v(40), if positive, is the value to which all components ! of the d0 vector (see v(dfac)) are initialized. if ! v(dfac) = 0, then it is assumed that the caller has ! stored d0 in v starting at v(iv(dtol)+n). default = 1.0. ! ! *** reference *** ! ! 1. gay, d.m. (1981), computing optimal locally constrained steps, ! siam j. sci. statist. comput. 2, pp. 186-197. !. ! *** general *** ! ! coded by david m. gay (winter 1980). revised sept. 1982. ! this subroutine was written in connection with research supported ! in part by the national science foundation under grants ! mcs-7600324 and mcs-7906671. ! !---------------------------- declarations --------------------------- ! !el external deflt, humit ! ! deflt... provides default input values for iv and v. ! humit... reverse-communication routine that does humsl algorithm. ! integer :: g1, h1, iv1, lh, nf real(kind=8) :: f ! ! *** subscripts for iv *** ! !el integer g, h, nextv, nfcall, nfgcal, toobig, vneed ! !/6 ! data nextv/47/, nfcall/6/, nfgcal/7/, g/28/, h/56/, toobig/2/, ! 1 vneed/4/ !/7 integer,parameter :: nextv=47, nfcall=6, nfgcal=7, g=28, h=56,& toobig=2,vneed=4 !/ ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ body ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! lh = n * (n + 1) / 2 if (iv(1) .eq. 0) call deflt(2, iv, liv, lv, v) if (iv(1) .eq. 12 .or. iv(1) .eq. 13) & iv(vneed) = iv(vneed) + n*(n+3)/2 iv1 = iv(1) if (iv1 .eq. 14) go to 10 if (iv1 .gt. 2 .and. iv1 .lt. 12) go to 10 g1 = 1 h1 = 1 if (iv1 .eq. 12) iv(1) = 13 go to 20 ! 10 g1 = iv(g) h1 = iv(h) ! 20 call humit(d, f, v(g1), v(h1), iv, lh, liv, lv, n, v, x) if (iv(1) - 2) 30, 40, 50 ! 30 nf = iv(nfcall) call calcf(n, x, nf, f, uiparm, urparm, ufparm) if (nf .le. 0) iv(toobig) = 1 go to 20 ! 40 call calcgh(n, x, iv(nfgcal), v(g1), v(h1), uiparm, urparm,& ufparm) go to 20 ! 50 if (iv(1) .ne. 14) go to 999 ! ! *** storage allocation ! iv(g) = iv(nextv) iv(h) = iv(g) + n iv(nextv) = iv(h) + n*(n+1)/2 if (iv1 .ne. 13) go to 10 ! 999 return ! *** last card of humsl follows *** end subroutine humsl !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine humit(d, fx, g, h, iv, lh, liv, lv, n, v, x) ! ! *** carry out humsl (unconstrained minimization) iterations, using ! *** hessian matrix provided by the caller. ! !el use control use control, only:stopx ! *** parameter declarations *** ! integer :: lh, liv, n integer::lv integer :: iv(liv) real(kind=8) :: d(n), fx, g(n), h(lh), v(lv), x(n) ! !-------------------------- parameter usage -------------------------- ! ! d.... scale vector. ! fx... function value. ! g.... gradient vector. ! h.... lower triangle of the hessian, stored rowwise. ! iv... integer value array. ! lh... length of h = p*(p+1)/2. ! liv.. length of iv (at least 60). ! lv... length of v (at least 78 + n*(n+21)/2). ! n.... number of variables (components in x and g). ! v.... floating-point value array. ! x.... parameter vector. ! ! *** discussion *** ! ! parameters iv, n, v, and x are the same as the corresponding ! ones to humsl (which see), except that v can be shorter (since ! the part of v that humsl uses for storing g and h is not needed). ! moreover, compared with humsl, iv(1) may have the two additional ! output values 1 and 2, which are explained below, as is the use ! of iv(toobig) and iv(nfgcal). the value iv(g), which is an ! output value from humsl, is not referenced by humit or the ! subroutines it calls. ! ! iv(1) = 1 means the caller should set fx to f(x), the function value ! at x, and call humit again, having changed none of the ! other parameters. an exception occurs if f(x) cannot be ! computed (e.g. if overflow would occur), which may happen ! because of an oversized step. in this case the caller ! should set iv(toobig) = iv(2) to 1, which will cause ! humit to ignore fx and try a smaller step. the para- ! meter nf that humsl passes to calcf (for possible use by ! calcgh) is a copy of iv(nfcall) = iv(6). ! iv(1) = 2 means the caller should set g to g(x), the gradient of f at ! x, and h to the lower triangle of h(x), the hessian of f ! at x, and call humit again, having changed none of the ! other parameters except perhaps the scale vector d. ! the parameter nf that humsl passes to calcg is ! iv(nfgcal) = iv(7). if g(x) and h(x) cannot be evaluated, ! then the caller may set iv(nfgcal) to 0, in which case ! humit will return with iv(1) = 65. ! note -- humit overwrites h with the lower triangle ! of diag(d)**-1 * h(x) * diag(d)**-1. !. ! *** general *** ! ! coded by david m. gay (winter 1980). revised sept. 1982. ! this subroutine was written in connection with research supported ! in part by the national science foundation under grants ! mcs-7600324 and mcs-7906671. ! ! (see sumsl and humsl for references.) ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ declarations ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ! *** local variables *** ! integer :: dg1, dummy, i, j, k, l, lstgst, nn1o2, step1,& temp1, w1, x01 real(kind=8) :: t ! ! *** constants *** ! !el real(kind=8) :: one, onep2, zero ! ! *** no intrinsic functions *** ! ! *** external functions and subroutines *** ! !el external assst, deflt, dotprd, dupdu, gqtst, itsum, parck, !el 1 reldst, slvmul, stopx, vaxpy, vcopy, vscopy, v2norm !el logical stopx !el real(kind=8) :: dotprd, reldst, v2norm ! ! assst.... assesses candidate step. ! deflt.... provides default iv and v input values. ! dotprd... returns inner product of two vectors. ! dupdu.... updates scale vector d. ! gqtst.... computes optimally locally constrained step. ! itsum.... prints iteration summary and info on initial and final x. ! parck.... checks validity of input iv and v values. ! reldst... computes v(reldx) = relative step size. ! slvmul... multiplies symmetric matrix times vector, given the lower ! triangle of the matrix. ! stopx.... returns .true. if the break key has been pressed. ! vaxpy.... computes scalar times one vector plus another. ! vcopy.... copies one vector to another. ! vscopy... sets all elements of a vector to a scalar. ! v2norm... returns the 2-norm of a vector. ! ! *** subscripts for iv and v *** ! !el integer cnvcod, dg, dgnorm, dinit, dstnrm, dtinit, dtol, !el 1 dtype, d0init, f, f0, fdif, gtstep, incfac, irc, kagqt, !el 2 lmat, lmax0, lmaxs, mode, model, mxfcal, mxiter, nextv, !el 3 nfcall, nfgcal, ngcall, niter, preduc, radfac, radinc, !el 4 radius, rad0, reldx, restor, step, stglim, stlstg, stppar, !el 5 toobig, tuner4, tuner5, vneed, w, xirc, x0 ! ! *** iv subscript values *** ! !/6 ! data cnvcod/55/, dg/37/, dtol/59/, dtype/16/, irc/29/, kagqt/33/, ! 1 lmat/42/, mode/35/, model/5/, mxfcal/17/, mxiter/18/, ! 2 nextv/47/, nfcall/6/, nfgcal/7/, ngcall/30/, niter/31/, ! 3 radinc/8/, restor/9/, step/40/, stglim/11/, stlstg/41/, ! 4 toobig/2/, vneed/4/, w/34/, xirc/13/, x0/43/ !/7 integer,parameter :: cnvcod=55, dg=37, dtol=59, dtype=16, irc=29, kagqt=33,& lmat=42, mode=35, model=5, mxfcal=17, mxiter=18,& nextv=47, nfcall=6, nfgcal=7, ngcall=30, niter=31,& radinc=8, restor=9, step=40, stglim=11, stlstg=41,& toobig=2, vneed=4, w=34, xirc=13, x0=43 !/ ! ! *** v subscript values *** ! !/6 ! data dgnorm/1/, dinit/38/, dstnrm/2/, dtinit/39/, d0init/40/, ! 1 f/10/, f0/13/, fdif/11/, gtstep/4/, incfac/23/, lmax0/35/, ! 2 lmaxs/36/, preduc/7/, radfac/16/, radius/8/, rad0/9/, ! 3 reldx/17/, stppar/5/, tuner4/29/, tuner5/30/ !/7 integer,parameter :: dgnorm=1, dinit=38, dstnrm=2, dtinit=39, d0init=40,& f=10, f0=13, fdif=11, gtstep=4, incfac=23, lmax0=35,& lmaxs=36, preduc=7, radfac=16, radius=8, rad0=9,& reldx=17, stppar=5, tuner4=29, tuner5=30 !/ ! !/6 ! data one/1.d+0/, onep2/1.2d+0/, zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: one=1.d+0, onep2=1.2d+0, zero=0.d+0 !/ ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ body ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! i = iv(1) if (i .eq. 1) go to 30 if (i .eq. 2) go to 40 ! ! *** check validity of iv and v input values *** ! if (iv(1) .eq. 0) call deflt(2, iv, liv, lv, v) if (iv(1) .eq. 12 .or. iv(1) .eq. 13) & iv(vneed) = iv(vneed) + n*(n+21)/2 + 7 call parck(2, d, iv, liv, lv, n, v) i = iv(1) - 2 if (i .gt. 12) go to 999 nn1o2 = n * (n + 1) / 2 if (lh .ge. nn1o2) go to (210,210,210,210,210,210,160,120,160,& 10,10,20), i iv(1) = 66 go to 350 ! ! *** storage allocation *** ! 10 iv(dtol) = iv(lmat) + nn1o2 iv(x0) = iv(dtol) + 2*n iv(step) = iv(x0) + n iv(stlstg) = iv(step) + n iv(dg) = iv(stlstg) + n iv(w) = iv(dg) + n iv(nextv) = iv(w) + 4*n + 7 if (iv(1) .ne. 13) go to 20 iv(1) = 14 go to 999 ! ! *** initialization *** ! 20 iv(niter) = 0 iv(nfcall) = 1 iv(ngcall) = 1 iv(nfgcal) = 1 iv(mode) = -1 iv(model) = 1 iv(stglim) = 1 iv(toobig) = 0 iv(cnvcod) = 0 iv(radinc) = 0 v(rad0) = zero v(stppar) = zero if (v(dinit) .ge. zero) call vscopy(n, d, v(dinit)) k = iv(dtol) if (v(dtinit) .gt. zero) call vscopy(n, v(k), v(dtinit)) k = k + n if (v(d0init) .gt. zero) call vscopy(n, v(k), v(d0init)) iv(1) = 1 go to 999 ! 30 v(f) = fx if (iv(mode) .ge. 0) go to 210 iv(1) = 2 if (iv(toobig) .eq. 0) go to 999 iv(1) = 63 go to 350 ! ! *** make sure gradient could be computed *** ! 40 if (iv(nfgcal) .ne. 0) go to 50 iv(1) = 65 go to 350 ! ! *** update the scale vector d *** ! 50 dg1 = iv(dg) if (iv(dtype) .le. 0) go to 70 k = dg1 j = 0 do 60 i = 1, n j = j + i v(k) = h(j) k = k + 1 60 continue call dupdu(d, v(dg1), iv, liv, lv, n, v) ! ! *** compute scaled gradient and its norm *** ! 70 dg1 = iv(dg) k = dg1 do 80 i = 1, n v(k) = g(i) / d(i) k = k + 1 80 continue v(dgnorm) = v2norm(n, v(dg1)) ! ! *** compute scaled hessian *** ! k = 1 do 100 i = 1, n t = one / d(i) do 90 j = 1, i h(k) = t * h(k) / d(j) k = k + 1 90 continue 100 continue ! if (iv(cnvcod) .ne. 0) go to 340 if (iv(mode) .eq. 0) go to 300 ! ! *** allow first step to have scaled 2-norm at most v(lmax0) *** ! v(radius) = v(lmax0) ! iv(mode) = 0 ! ! !----------------------------- main loop ----------------------------- ! ! ! *** print iteration summary, check iteration limit *** ! 110 call itsum(d, g, iv, liv, lv, n, v, x) 120 k = iv(niter) if (k .lt. iv(mxiter)) go to 130 iv(1) = 10 go to 350 ! 130 iv(niter) = k + 1 ! ! *** initialize for start of next iteration *** ! dg1 = iv(dg) x01 = iv(x0) v(f0) = v(f) iv(irc) = 4 iv(kagqt) = -1 ! ! *** copy x to x0 *** ! call vcopy(n, v(x01), x) ! ! *** update radius *** ! if (k .eq. 0) go to 150 step1 = iv(step) k = step1 do 140 i = 1, n v(k) = d(i) * v(k) k = k + 1 140 continue v(radius) = v(radfac) * v2norm(n, v(step1)) ! ! *** check stopx and function evaluation limit *** ! ! AL 4/30/95 dummy=iv(nfcall) 150 if (.not. stopx(dummy)) go to 170 iv(1) = 11 go to 180 ! ! *** come here when restarting after func. eval. limit or stopx. ! 160 if (v(f) .ge. v(f0)) go to 170 v(radfac) = one k = iv(niter) go to 130 ! 170 if (iv(nfcall) .lt. iv(mxfcal)) go to 190 iv(1) = 9 180 if (v(f) .ge. v(f0)) go to 350 ! ! *** in case of stopx or function evaluation limit with ! *** improved v(f), evaluate the gradient at x. ! iv(cnvcod) = iv(1) go to 290 ! !. . . . . . . . . . . . . compute candidate step . . . . . . . . . . ! 190 step1 = iv(step) dg1 = iv(dg) l = iv(lmat) w1 = iv(w) call gqtst(d, v(dg1), h, iv(kagqt), v(l), n, v(step1), v, v(w1)) if (iv(irc) .eq. 6) go to 210 ! ! *** check whether evaluating f(x0 + step) looks worthwhile *** ! if (v(dstnrm) .le. zero) go to 210 if (iv(irc) .ne. 5) go to 200 if (v(radfac) .le. one) go to 200 if (v(preduc) .le. onep2 * v(fdif)) go to 210 ! ! *** compute f(x0 + step) *** ! 200 x01 = iv(x0) step1 = iv(step) call vaxpy(n, x, one, v(step1), v(x01)) iv(nfcall) = iv(nfcall) + 1 iv(1) = 1 iv(toobig) = 0 go to 999 ! !. . . . . . . . . . . . . assess candidate step . . . . . . . . . . . ! 210 x01 = iv(x0) v(reldx) = reldst(n, d, x, v(x01)) call assst(iv, liv, lv, v) step1 = iv(step) lstgst = iv(stlstg) if (iv(restor) .eq. 1) call vcopy(n, x, v(x01)) if (iv(restor) .eq. 2) call vcopy(n, v(lstgst), v(step1)) if (iv(restor) .ne. 3) go to 220 call vcopy(n, v(step1), v(lstgst)) call vaxpy(n, x, one, v(step1), v(x01)) v(reldx) = reldst(n, d, x, v(x01)) ! 220 k = iv(irc) go to (230,260,260,260,230,240,250,250,250,250,250,250,330,300), k ! ! *** recompute step with new radius *** ! 230 v(radius) = v(radfac) * v(dstnrm) go to 150 ! ! *** compute step of length v(lmaxs) for singular convergence test. ! 240 v(radius) = v(lmaxs) go to 190 ! ! *** convergence or false convergence *** ! 250 iv(cnvcod) = k - 4 if (v(f) .ge. v(f0)) go to 340 if (iv(xirc) .eq. 14) go to 340 iv(xirc) = 14 ! !. . . . . . . . . . . . process acceptable step . . . . . . . . . . . ! 260 if (iv(irc) .ne. 3) go to 290 temp1 = lstgst ! ! *** prepare for gradient tests *** ! *** set temp1 = hessian * step + g(x0) ! *** = diag(d) * (h * step + g(x0)) ! ! use x0 vector as temporary. k = x01 do 270 i = 1, n v(k) = d(i) * v(step1) k = k + 1 step1 = step1 + 1 270 continue call slvmul(n, v(temp1), h, v(x01)) do 280 i = 1, n v(temp1) = d(i) * v(temp1) + g(i) temp1 = temp1 + 1 280 continue ! ! *** compute gradient and hessian *** ! 290 iv(ngcall) = iv(ngcall) + 1 iv(1) = 2 go to 999 ! 300 iv(1) = 2 if (iv(irc) .ne. 3) go to 110 ! ! *** set v(radfac) by gradient tests *** ! temp1 = iv(stlstg) step1 = iv(step) ! ! *** set temp1 = diag(d)**-1 * (hessian*step + (g(x0)-g(x))) *** ! k = temp1 do 310 i = 1, n v(k) = (v(k) - g(i)) / d(i) k = k + 1 310 continue ! ! *** do gradient tests *** ! if (v2norm(n, v(temp1)) .le. v(dgnorm) * v(tuner4)) go to 320 if (dotprd(n, g, v(step1)) & .ge. v(gtstep) * v(tuner5)) go to 110 320 v(radfac) = v(incfac) go to 110 ! !. . . . . . . . . . . . . . misc. details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! *** bad parameters to assess *** ! 330 iv(1) = 64 go to 350 ! ! *** print summary of final iteration and other requested items *** ! 340 iv(1) = iv(cnvcod) iv(cnvcod) = 0 350 call itsum(d, g, iv, liv, lv, n, v, x) ! 999 return ! ! *** last card of humit follows *** end subroutine humit !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine dupdu(d, hdiag, iv, liv, lv, n, v) ! ! *** update scale vector d for humsl *** ! ! *** parameter declarations *** ! integer :: liv, n integer ::lv integer :: iv(liv) real(kind=8) :: d(n), hdiag(n), v(lv) ! ! *** local variables *** ! integer :: dtoli, d0i, i real(kind=8) :: t, vdfac ! ! *** intrinsic functions *** !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dabs, dmax1, dsqrt !/ ! *** subscripts for iv and v *** ! !el integer :: dfac, dtol, dtype, niter !/6 ! data dfac/41/, dtol/59/, dtype/16/, niter/31/ !/7 integer,parameter :: dfac=41, dtol=59, dtype=16, niter=31 !/ ! !------------------------------- body -------------------------------- ! i = iv(dtype) if (i .eq. 1) go to 10 if (iv(niter) .gt. 0) go to 999 ! 10 dtoli = iv(dtol) d0i = dtoli + n vdfac = v(dfac) do 20 i = 1, n t = dmax1(dsqrt(dabs(hdiag(i))), vdfac*d(i)) if (t .lt. v(dtoli)) t = dmax1(v(dtoli), v(d0i)) d(i) = t dtoli = dtoli + 1 d0i = d0i + 1 20 continue ! 999 return ! *** last card of dupdu follows *** end subroutine dupdu !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine gqtst(d, dig, dihdi, ka, l, p, step, v, w) ! ! *** compute goldfeld-quandt-trotter step by more-hebden technique *** ! *** (nl2sol version 2.2), modified a la more and sorensen *** ! ! *** parameter declarations *** ! integer :: ka, p !al real(kind=8) :: d(p), dig(p), dihdi(1), l(1), v(21), step(p), !al 1 w(1) real(kind=8) :: d(p), dig(p), dihdi(p*(p+1)/2), l(p*(p+1)/2),& v(21), step(p),w(4*p+7) ! dimension dihdi(p*(p+1)/2), l(p*(p+1)/2), w(4*p+7) ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ! *** purpose *** ! ! given the (compactly stored) lower triangle of a scaled ! hessian (approximation) and a nonzero scaled gradient vector, ! this subroutine computes a goldfeld-quandt-trotter step of ! approximate length v(radius) by the more-hebden technique. in ! other words, step is computed to (approximately) minimize ! psi(step) = (g**t)*step + 0.5*(step**t)*h*step such that the ! 2-norm of d*step is at most (approximately) v(radius), where ! g is the gradient, h is the hessian, and d is a diagonal ! scale matrix whose diagonal is stored in the parameter d. ! (gqtst assumes dig = d**-1 * g and dihdi = d**-1 * h * d**-1.) ! ! *** parameter description *** ! ! d (in) = the scale vector, i.e. the diagonal of the scale ! matrix d mentioned above under purpose. ! dig (in) = the scaled gradient vector, d**-1 * g. if g = 0, then ! step = 0 and v(stppar) = 0 are returned. ! dihdi (in) = lower triangle of the scaled hessian (approximation), ! i.e., d**-1 * h * d**-1, stored compactly by rows., i.e., ! in the order (1,1), (2,1), (2,2), (3,1), (3,2), etc. ! ka (i/o) = the number of hebden iterations (so far) taken to deter- ! mine step. ka .lt. 0 on input means this is the first ! attempt to determine step (for the present dig and dihdi) ! -- ka is initialized to 0 in this case. output with ! ka = 0 (or v(stppar) = 0) means step = -(h**-1)*g. ! l (i/o) = workspace of length p*(p+1)/2 for cholesky factors. ! p (in) = number of parameters -- the hessian is a p x p matrix. ! step (i/o) = the step computed. ! v (i/o) contains various constants and variables described below. ! w (i/o) = workspace of length 4*p + 6. ! ! *** entries in v *** ! ! v(dgnorm) (i/o) = 2-norm of (d**-1)*g. ! v(dstnrm) (output) = 2-norm of d*step. ! v(dst0) (i/o) = 2-norm of d*(h**-1)*g (for pos. def. h only), or ! overestimate of smallest eigenvalue of (d**-1)*h*(d**-1). ! v(epslon) (in) = max. rel. error allowed for psi(step). for the ! step returned, psi(step) will exceed its optimal value ! by less than -v(epslon)*psi(step). suggested value = 0.1. ! v(gtstep) (out) = inner product between g and step. ! v(nreduc) (out) = psi(-(h**-1)*g) = psi(newton step) (for pos. def. ! h only -- v(nreduc) is set to zero otherwise). ! v(phmnfc) (in) = tol. (together with v(phmxfc)) for accepting step ! (more*s sigma). the error v(dstnrm) - v(radius) must lie ! between v(phmnfc)*v(radius) and v(phmxfc)*v(radius). ! v(phmxfc) (in) (see v(phmnfc).) ! suggested values -- v(phmnfc) = -0.25, v(phmxfc) = 0.5. ! v(preduc) (out) = psi(step) = predicted obj. func. reduction for step. ! v(radius) (in) = radius of current (scaled) trust region. ! v(rad0) (i/o) = value of v(radius) from previous call. ! v(stppar) (i/o) is normally the marquardt parameter, i.e. the alpha ! described below under algorithm notes. if h + alpha*d**2 ! (see algorithm notes) is (nearly) singular, however, ! then v(stppar) = -alpha. ! ! *** usage notes *** ! ! if it is desired to recompute step using a different value of ! v(radius), then this routine may be restarted by calling it ! with all parameters unchanged except v(radius). (this explains ! why step and w are listed as i/o). on an initial call (one with ! ka .lt. 0), step and w need not be initialized and only compo- ! nents v(epslon), v(stppar), v(phmnfc), v(phmxfc), v(radius), and ! v(rad0) of v must be initialized. ! ! *** algorithm notes *** ! ! the desired g-q-t step (ref. 2, 3, 4, 6) satisfies ! (h + alpha*d**2)*step = -g for some nonnegative alpha such that ! h + alpha*d**2 is positive semidefinite. alpha and step are ! computed by a scheme analogous to the one described in ref. 5. ! estimates of the smallest and largest eigenvalues of the hessian ! are obtained from the gerschgorin circle theorem enhanced by a ! simple form of the scaling described in ref. 7. cases in which ! h + alpha*d**2 is nearly (or exactly) singular are handled by ! the technique discussed in ref. 2. in these cases, a step of ! (exact) length v(radius) is returned for which psi(step) exceeds ! its optimal value by less than -v(epslon)*psi(step). the test ! suggested in ref. 6 for detecting the special case is performed ! once two matrix factorizations have been done -- doing so sooner ! seems to degrade the performance of optimization routines that ! call this routine. ! ! *** functions and subroutines called *** ! ! dotprd - returns inner product of two vectors. ! litvmu - applies inverse-transpose of compact lower triang. matrix. ! livmul - applies inverse of compact lower triang. matrix. ! lsqrt - finds cholesky factor (of compactly stored lower triang.). ! lsvmin - returns approx. to min. sing. value of lower triang. matrix. ! rmdcon - returns machine-dependent constants. ! v2norm - returns 2-norm of a vector. ! ! *** references *** ! ! 1. dennis, j.e., gay, d.m., and welsch, r.e. (1981), an adaptive ! nonlinear least-squares algorithm, acm trans. math. ! software, vol. 7, no. 3. ! 2. gay, d.m. (1981), computing optimal locally constrained steps, ! siam j. sci. statist. computing, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. ! 186-197. ! 3. goldfeld, s.m., quandt, r.e., and trotter, h.f. (1966), ! maximization by quadratic hill-climbing, econometrica 34, ! pp. 541-551. ! 4. hebden, m.d. (1973), an algorithm for minimization using exact ! second derivatives, report t.p. 515, theoretical physics ! div., a.e.r.e. harwell, oxon., england. ! 5. more, j.j. (1978), the levenberg-marquardt algorithm, implemen- ! tation and theory, pp.105-116 of springer lecture notes ! in mathematics no. 630, edited by g.a. watson, springer- ! verlag, berlin and new york. ! 6. more, j.j., and sorensen, d.c. (1981), computing a trust region ! step, technical report anl-81-83, argonne national lab. ! 7. varga, r.s. (1965), minimal gerschgorin sets, pacific j. math. 15, ! pp. 719-729. ! ! *** general *** ! ! coded by david m. gay. ! this subroutine was written in connection with research ! supported by the national science foundation under grants ! mcs-7600324, dcr75-10143, 76-14311dss, mcs76-11989, and ! mcs-7906671. ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ! *** local variables *** ! logical :: restrt integer :: dggdmx, diag, diag0, dstsav, emax, emin, i, im1, inc, irc,& j, k, kalim, kamin, k1, lk0, phipin, q, q0, uk0, x real(kind=8) :: alphak, aki, akk, delta, dst, eps, gtsta, lk,& oldphi, phi, phimax, phimin, psifac, rad, radsq,& root, si, sk, sw, t, twopsi, t1, t2, uk, wi ! ! *** constants *** real(kind=8) :: big, dgxfac !el, epsfac, four, half, kappa, negone, !el 1 one, p001, six, three, two, zero ! ! *** intrinsic functions *** !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dabs, dmax1, dmin1, dsqrt !/ ! *** external functions and subroutines *** ! !el external dotprd, litvmu, livmul, lsqrt, lsvmin, rmdcon, v2norm !el real(kind=8) :: dotprd, lsvmin, rmdcon, v2norm ! ! *** subscripts for v *** ! !el integer dgnorm, dstnrm, dst0, epslon, gtstep, stppar, nreduc, !el 1 phmnfc, phmxfc, preduc, radius, rad0 !/6 ! data dgnorm/1/, dstnrm/2/, dst0/3/, epslon/19/, gtstep/4/, ! 1 nreduc/6/, phmnfc/20/, phmxfc/21/, preduc/7/, radius/8/, ! 2 rad0/9/, stppar/5/ !/7 integer,parameter :: dgnorm=1, dstnrm=2, dst0=3, epslon=19, gtstep=4,& nreduc=6, phmnfc=20, phmxfc=21, preduc=7, radius=8,& rad0=9, stppar=5 !/ ! !/6 ! data epsfac/50.0d+0/, four/4.0d+0/, half/0.5d+0/, ! 1 kappa/2.0d+0/, negone/-1.0d+0/, one/1.0d+0/, p001/1.0d-3/, ! 2 six/6.0d+0/, three/3.0d+0/, two/2.0d+0/, zero/0.0d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8), parameter :: epsfac=50.0d+0, four=4.0d+0, half=0.5d+0,& kappa=2.0d+0, negone=-1.0d+0, one=1.0d+0, p001=1.0d-3,& six=6.0d+0, three=3.0d+0, two=2.0d+0, zero=0.0d+0 save dgxfac !/ data big/0.d+0/, dgxfac/0.d+0/ ! ! *** body *** ! ! *** store largest abs. entry in (d**-1)*h*(d**-1) at w(dggdmx). dggdmx = p + 1 ! *** store gerschgorin over- and underestimates of the largest ! *** and smallest eigenvalues of (d**-1)*h*(d**-1) at w(emax) ! *** and w(emin) respectively. emax = dggdmx + 1 emin = emax + 1 ! *** for use in recomputing step, the final values of lk, uk, dst, ! *** and the inverse derivative of more*s phi at 0 (for pos. def. ! *** h) are stored in w(lk0), w(uk0), w(dstsav), and w(phipin) ! *** respectively. lk0 = emin + 1 phipin = lk0 + 1 uk0 = phipin + 1 dstsav = uk0 + 1 ! *** store diag of (d**-1)*h*(d**-1) in w(diag),...,w(diag0+p). diag0 = dstsav diag = diag0 + 1 ! *** store -d*step in w(q),...,w(q0+p). q0 = diag0 + p q = q0 + 1 ! *** allocate storage for scratch vector x *** x = q + p rad = v(radius) radsq = rad**2 ! *** phitol = max. error allowed in dst = v(dstnrm) = 2-norm of ! *** d*step. phimax = v(phmxfc) * rad phimin = v(phmnfc) * rad psifac = two * v(epslon) / (three * (four * (v(phmnfc) + one) * & (kappa + one) + kappa + two) * rad**2) ! *** oldphi is used to detect limits of numerical accuracy. if ! *** we recompute step and it does not change, then we accept it. oldphi = zero eps = v(epslon) irc = 0 restrt = .false. kalim = ka + 50 ! ! *** start or restart, depending on ka *** ! if (ka .ge. 0) go to 290 ! ! *** fresh start *** ! k = 0 uk = negone ka = 0 kalim = 50 v(dgnorm) = v2norm(p, dig) v(nreduc) = zero v(dst0) = zero kamin = 3 if (v(dgnorm) .eq. zero) kamin = 0 ! ! *** store diag(dihdi) in w(diag0+1),...,w(diag0+p) *** ! j = 0 do 10 i = 1, p j = j + i k1 = diag0 + i w(k1) = dihdi(j) 10 continue ! ! *** determine w(dggdmx), the largest element of dihdi *** ! t1 = zero j = p * (p + 1) / 2 do 20 i = 1, j t = dabs(dihdi(i)) if (t1 .lt. t) t1 = t 20 continue w(dggdmx) = t1 ! ! *** try alpha = 0 *** ! 30 call lsqrt(1, p, l, dihdi, irc) if (irc .eq. 0) go to 50 ! *** indef. h -- underestimate smallest eigenvalue, use this ! *** estimate to initialize lower bound lk on alpha. j = irc*(irc+1)/2 t = l(j) l(j) = one do 40 i = 1, irc 40 w(i) = zero w(irc) = one call litvmu(irc, w, l, w) t1 = v2norm(irc, w) lk = -t / t1 / t1 v(dst0) = -lk if (restrt) go to 210 go to 70 ! ! *** positive definite h -- compute unmodified newton step. *** 50 lk = zero t = lsvmin(p, l, w(q), w(q)) if (t .ge. one) go to 60 if (big .le. zero) big = rmdcon(6) if (v(dgnorm) .ge. t*t*big) go to 70 60 call livmul(p, w(q), l, dig) gtsta = dotprd(p, w(q), w(q)) v(nreduc) = half * gtsta call litvmu(p, w(q), l, w(q)) dst = v2norm(p, w(q)) v(dst0) = dst phi = dst - rad if (phi .le. phimax) go to 260 if (restrt) go to 210 ! ! *** prepare to compute gerschgorin estimates of largest (and ! *** smallest) eigenvalues. *** ! 70 k = 0 do 100 i = 1, p wi = zero if (i .eq. 1) go to 90 im1 = i - 1 do 80 j = 1, im1 k = k + 1 t = dabs(dihdi(k)) wi = wi + t w(j) = w(j) + t 80 continue 90 w(i) = wi k = k + 1 100 continue ! ! *** (under-)estimate smallest eigenvalue of (d**-1)*h*(d**-1) *** ! k = 1 t1 = w(diag) - w(1) if (p .le. 1) go to 120 do 110 i = 2, p j = diag0 + i t = w(j) - w(i) if (t .ge. t1) go to 110 t1 = t k = i 110 continue ! 120 sk = w(k) j = diag0 + k akk = w(j) k1 = k*(k-1)/2 + 1 inc = 1 t = zero do 150 i = 1, p if (i .eq. k) go to 130 aki = dabs(dihdi(k1)) si = w(i) j = diag0 + i t1 = half * (akk - w(j) + si - aki) t1 = t1 + dsqrt(t1*t1 + sk*aki) if (t .lt. t1) t = t1 if (i .lt. k) go to 140 130 inc = i 140 k1 = k1 + inc 150 continue ! w(emin) = akk - t uk = v(dgnorm)/rad - w(emin) if (v(dgnorm) .eq. zero) uk = uk + p001 + p001*uk if (uk .le. zero) uk = p001 ! ! *** compute gerschgorin (over-)estimate of largest eigenvalue *** ! k = 1 t1 = w(diag) + w(1) if (p .le. 1) go to 170 do 160 i = 2, p j = diag0 + i t = w(j) + w(i) if (t .le. t1) go to 160 t1 = t k = i 160 continue ! 170 sk = w(k) j = diag0 + k akk = w(j) k1 = k*(k-1)/2 + 1 inc = 1 t = zero do 200 i = 1, p if (i .eq. k) go to 180 aki = dabs(dihdi(k1)) si = w(i) j = diag0 + i t1 = half * (w(j) + si - aki - akk) t1 = t1 + dsqrt(t1*t1 + sk*aki) if (t .lt. t1) t = t1 if (i .lt. k) go to 190 180 inc = i 190 k1 = k1 + inc 200 continue ! w(emax) = akk + t lk = dmax1(lk, v(dgnorm)/rad - w(emax)) ! ! *** alphak = current value of alpha (see alg. notes above). we ! *** use more*s scheme for initializing it. alphak = dabs(v(stppar)) * v(rad0)/rad ! if (irc .ne. 0) go to 210 ! ! *** compute l0 for positive definite h *** ! call livmul(p, w, l, w(q)) t = v2norm(p, w) w(phipin) = dst / t / t lk = dmax1(lk, phi*w(phipin)) ! ! *** safeguard alphak and add alphak*i to (d**-1)*h*(d**-1) *** ! 210 ka = ka + 1 if (-v(dst0) .ge. alphak .or. alphak .lt. lk .or. alphak .ge. uk) & alphak = uk * dmax1(p001, dsqrt(lk/uk)) if (alphak .le. zero) alphak = half * uk if (alphak .le. zero) alphak = uk k = 0 do 220 i = 1, p k = k + i j = diag0 + i dihdi(k) = w(j) + alphak 220 continue ! ! *** try computing cholesky decomposition *** ! call lsqrt(1, p, l, dihdi, irc) if (irc .eq. 0) go to 240 ! ! *** (d**-1)*h*(d**-1) + alphak*i is indefinite -- overestimate ! *** smallest eigenvalue for use in updating lk *** ! j = (irc*(irc+1))/2 t = l(j) l(j) = one do 230 i = 1, irc 230 w(i) = zero w(irc) = one call litvmu(irc, w, l, w) t1 = v2norm(irc, w) lk = alphak - t/t1/t1 v(dst0) = -lk go to 210 ! ! *** alphak makes (d**-1)*h*(d**-1) positive definite. ! *** compute q = -d*step, check for convergence. *** ! 240 call livmul(p, w(q), l, dig) gtsta = dotprd(p, w(q), w(q)) call litvmu(p, w(q), l, w(q)) dst = v2norm(p, w(q)) phi = dst - rad if (phi .le. phimax .and. phi .ge. phimin) go to 270 if (phi .eq. oldphi) go to 270 oldphi = phi if (phi .lt. zero) go to 330 ! ! *** unacceptable alphak -- update lk, uk, alphak *** ! 250 if (ka .ge. kalim) go to 270 ! *** the following dmin1 is necessary because of restarts *** if (phi .lt. zero) uk = dmin1(uk, alphak) ! *** kamin = 0 only iff the gradient vanishes *** if (kamin .eq. 0) go to 210 call livmul(p, w, l, w(q)) t1 = v2norm(p, w) alphak = alphak + (phi/t1) * (dst/t1) * (dst/rad) lk = dmax1(lk, alphak) go to 210 ! ! *** acceptable step on first try *** ! 260 alphak = zero ! ! *** successful step in general. compute step = -(d**-1)*q *** ! 270 do 280 i = 1, p j = q0 + i step(i) = -w(j)/d(i) 280 continue v(gtstep) = -gtsta v(preduc) = half * (dabs(alphak)*dst*dst + gtsta) go to 410 ! ! ! *** restart with new radius *** ! 290 if (v(dst0) .le. zero .or. v(dst0) - rad .gt. phimax) go to 310 ! ! *** prepare to return newton step *** ! restrt = .true. ka = ka + 1 k = 0 do 300 i = 1, p k = k + i j = diag0 + i dihdi(k) = w(j) 300 continue uk = negone go to 30 ! 310 kamin = ka + 3 if (v(dgnorm) .eq. zero) kamin = 0 if (ka .eq. 0) go to 50 ! dst = w(dstsav) alphak = dabs(v(stppar)) phi = dst - rad t = v(dgnorm)/rad uk = t - w(emin) if (v(dgnorm) .eq. zero) uk = uk + p001 + p001*uk if (uk .le. zero) uk = p001 if (rad .gt. v(rad0)) go to 320 ! ! *** smaller radius *** lk = zero if (alphak .gt. zero) lk = w(lk0) lk = dmax1(lk, t - w(emax)) if (v(dst0) .gt. zero) lk = dmax1(lk, (v(dst0)-rad)*w(phipin)) go to 250 ! ! *** bigger radius *** 320 if (alphak .gt. zero) uk = dmin1(uk, w(uk0)) lk = dmax1(zero, -v(dst0), t - w(emax)) if (v(dst0) .gt. zero) lk = dmax1(lk, (v(dst0)-rad)*w(phipin)) go to 250 ! ! *** decide whether to check for special case... in practice (from ! *** the standpoint of the calling optimization code) it seems best ! *** not to check until a few iterations have failed -- hence the ! *** test on kamin below. ! 330 delta = alphak + dmin1(zero, v(dst0)) twopsi = alphak*dst*dst + gtsta if (ka .ge. kamin) go to 340 ! *** if the test in ref. 2 is satisfied, fall through to handle ! *** the special case (as soon as the more-sorensen test detects ! *** it). if (delta .ge. psifac*twopsi) go to 370 ! ! *** check for the special case of h + alpha*d**2 (nearly) ! *** singular. use one step of inverse power method with start ! *** from lsvmin to obtain approximate eigenvector corresponding ! *** to smallest eigenvalue of (d**-1)*h*(d**-1). lsvmin returns ! *** x and w with l*w = x. ! 340 t = lsvmin(p, l, w(x), w) ! ! *** normalize w *** do 350 i = 1, p 350 w(i) = t*w(i) ! *** complete current inv. power iter. -- replace w by (l**-t)*w. call litvmu(p, w, l, w) t2 = one/v2norm(p, w) do 360 i = 1, p 360 w(i) = t2*w(i) t = t2 * t ! ! *** now w is the desired approximate (unit) eigenvector and ! *** t*x = ((d**-1)*h*(d**-1) + alphak*i)*w. ! sw = dotprd(p, w(q), w) t1 = (rad + dst) * (rad - dst) root = dsqrt(sw*sw + t1) if (sw .lt. zero) root = -root si = t1 / (sw + root) ! ! *** the actual test for the special case... ! if ((t2*si)**2 .le. eps*(dst**2 + alphak*radsq)) go to 380 ! ! *** update upper bound on smallest eigenvalue (when not positive) ! *** (as recommended by more and sorensen) and continue... ! if (v(dst0) .le. zero) v(dst0) = dmin1(v(dst0), t2**2 - alphak) lk = dmax1(lk, -v(dst0)) ! ! *** check whether we can hope to detect the special case in ! *** the available arithmetic. accept step as it is if not. ! ! *** if not yet available, obtain machine dependent value dgxfac. 370 if (dgxfac .eq. zero) dgxfac = epsfac * rmdcon(3) ! if (delta .gt. dgxfac*w(dggdmx)) go to 250 go to 270 ! ! *** special case detected... negate alphak to indicate special case ! 380 alphak = -alphak v(preduc) = half * twopsi ! ! *** accept current step if adding si*w would lead to a ! *** further relative reduction in psi of less than v(epslon)/3. ! t1 = zero t = si*(alphak*sw - half*si*(alphak + t*dotprd(p,w(x),w))) if (t .lt. eps*twopsi/six) go to 390 v(preduc) = v(preduc) + t dst = rad t1 = -si 390 do 400 i = 1, p j = q0 + i w(j) = t1*w(i) - w(j) step(i) = w(j) / d(i) 400 continue v(gtstep) = dotprd(p, dig, w(q)) ! ! *** save values for use in a possible restart *** ! 410 v(dstnrm) = dst v(stppar) = alphak w(lk0) = lk w(uk0) = uk v(rad0) = rad w(dstsav) = dst ! ! *** restore diagonal of dihdi *** ! j = 0 do 420 i = 1, p j = j + i k = diag0 + i dihdi(j) = w(k) 420 continue ! 999 return ! ! *** last card of gqtst follows *** end subroutine gqtst !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lsqrt(n1, n, l, a, irc) ! ! *** compute rows n1 through n of the cholesky factor l of ! *** a = l*(l**t), where l and the lower triangle of a are both ! *** stored compactly by rows (and may occupy the same storage). ! *** irc = 0 means all went well. irc = j means the leading ! *** principal j x j submatrix of a is not positive definite -- ! *** and l(j*(j+1)/2) contains the (nonpos.) reduced j-th diagonal. ! ! *** parameters *** ! integer :: n1, n, irc !al real(kind=8) :: l(1), a(1) real(kind=8) :: l(n*(n+1)/2), a(n*(n+1)/2) ! dimension l(n*(n+1)/2), a(n*(n+1)/2) ! ! *** local variables *** ! integer :: i, ij, ik, im1, i0, j, jk, jm1, j0, k real(kind=8) :: t, td !el, zero ! ! *** intrinsic functions *** !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dsqrt !/ !/6 ! data zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: zero=0.d+0 !/ ! ! *** body *** ! i0 = n1 * (n1 - 1) / 2 do 50 i = n1, n td = zero if (i .eq. 1) go to 40 j0 = 0 im1 = i - 1 do 30 j = 1, im1 t = zero if (j .eq. 1) go to 20 jm1 = j - 1 do 10 k = 1, jm1 ik = i0 + k jk = j0 + k t = t + l(ik)*l(jk) 10 continue 20 ij = i0 + j j0 = j0 + j t = (a(ij) - t) / l(j0) l(ij) = t td = td + t*t 30 continue 40 i0 = i0 + i t = a(i0) - td if (t .le. zero) go to 60 l(i0) = dsqrt(t) 50 continue ! irc = 0 go to 999 ! 60 l(i0) = t irc = i ! 999 return ! ! *** last card of lsqrt *** end subroutine lsqrt !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function lsvmin(p, l, x, y) ! ! *** estimate smallest sing. value of packed lower triang. matrix l ! ! *** parameter declarations *** ! integer :: p !al real(kind=8) :: l(1), x(p), y(p) real(kind=8) :: l(p*(p+1)/2), x(p), y(p) ! dimension l(p*(p+1)/2) ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ! *** purpose *** ! ! this function returns a good over-estimate of the smallest ! singular value of the packed lower triangular matrix l. ! ! *** parameter description *** ! ! p (in) = the order of l. l is a p x p lower triangular matrix. ! l (in) = array holding the elements of l in row order, i.e. ! l(1,1), l(2,1), l(2,2), l(3,1), l(3,2), l(3,3), etc. ! x (out) if lsvmin returns a positive value, then x is a normalized ! approximate left singular vector corresponding to the ! smallest singular value. this approximation may be very ! crude. if lsvmin returns zero, then some components of x ! are zero and the rest retain their input values. ! y (out) if lsvmin returns a positive value, then y = (l**-1)*x is an ! unnormalized approximate right singular vector correspond- ! ing to the smallest singular value. this approximation ! may be crude. if lsvmin returns zero, then y retains its ! input value. the caller may pass the same vector for x ! and y (nonstandard fortran usage), in which case y over- ! writes x (for nonzero lsvmin returns). ! ! *** algorithm notes *** ! ! the algorithm is based on (1), with the additional provision that ! lsvmin = 0 is returned if the smallest diagonal element of l ! (in magnitude) is not more than the unit roundoff times the ! largest. the algorithm uses a random number generator proposed ! in (4), which passes the spectral test with flying colors -- see ! (2) and (3). ! ! *** subroutines and functions called *** ! ! v2norm - function, returns the 2-norm of a vector. ! ! *** references *** ! ! (1) cline, a., moler, c., stewart, g., and wilkinson, j.h.(1977), ! an estimate for the condition number of a matrix, report ! tm-310, applied math. div., argonne national laboratory. ! ! (2) hoaglin, d.c. (1976), theoretical properties of congruential ! random-number generators -- an empirical view, ! memorandum ns-340, dept. of statistics, harvard univ. ! ! (3) knuth, d.e. (1969), the art of computer programming, vol. 2 ! (seminumerical algorithms), addison-wesley, reading, mass. ! ! (4) smith, c.s. (1971), multiplicative pseudo-random number ! generators with prime modulus, j. assoc. comput. mach. 18, ! pp. 586-593. ! ! *** history *** ! ! designed and coded by david m. gay (winter 1977/summer 1978). ! ! *** general *** ! ! this subroutine was written in connection with research ! supported by the national science foundation under grants ! mcs-7600324, dcr75-10143, 76-14311dss, and mcs76-11989. ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ! *** local variables *** ! integer :: i, ii, ix, j, ji, jj, jjj, jm1, j0, pm1 real(kind=8) :: b, sminus, splus, t, xminus, xplus ! ! *** constants *** ! !el real(kind=8) :: half, one, r9973, zero ! ! *** intrinsic functions *** !/+ !el integer mod !el real float !el real(kind=8) :: dabs !/ ! *** external functions and subroutines *** ! !el external dotprd, v2norm, vaxpy !el real(kind=8) :: dotprd, v2norm ! !/6 ! data half/0.5d+0/, one/1.d+0/, r9973/9973.d+0/, zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: half=0.5d+0, one=1.d+0, r9973=9973.d+0, zero=0.d+0 !/ ! ! *** body *** ! ix = 2 pm1 = p - 1 ! ! *** first check whether to return lsvmin = 0 and initialize x *** ! ii = 0 j0 = p*pm1/2 jj = j0 + p if (l(jj) .eq. zero) go to 110 ix = mod(3432*ix, 9973) b = half*(one + float(ix)/r9973) xplus = b / l(jj) x(p) = xplus if (p .le. 1) go to 60 do 10 i = 1, pm1 ii = ii + i if (l(ii) .eq. zero) go to 110 ji = j0 + i x(i) = xplus * l(ji) 10 continue ! ! *** solve (l**t)*x = b, where the components of b have randomly ! *** chosen magnitudes in (.5,1) with signs chosen to make x large. ! ! do j = p-1 to 1 by -1... do 50 jjj = 1, pm1 j = p - jjj ! *** determine x(j) in this iteration. note for i = 1,2,...,j ! *** that x(i) holds the current partial sum for row i. ix = mod(3432*ix, 9973) b = half*(one + float(ix)/r9973) xplus = (b - x(j)) xminus = (-b - x(j)) splus = dabs(xplus) sminus = dabs(xminus) jm1 = j - 1 j0 = j*jm1/2 jj = j0 + j xplus = xplus/l(jj) xminus = xminus/l(jj) if (jm1 .eq. 0) go to 30 do 20 i = 1, jm1 ji = j0 + i splus = splus + dabs(x(i) + l(ji)*xplus) sminus = sminus + dabs(x(i) + l(ji)*xminus) 20 continue 30 if (sminus .gt. splus) xplus = xminus x(j) = xplus ! *** update partial sums *** if (jm1 .gt. 0) call vaxpy(jm1, x, xplus, l(j0+1), x) 50 continue ! ! *** normalize x *** ! 60 t = one/v2norm(p, x) do 70 i = 1, p 70 x(i) = t*x(i) ! ! *** solve l*y = x and return lsvmin = 1/twonorm(y) *** ! do 100 j = 1, p jm1 = j - 1 j0 = j*jm1/2 jj = j0 + j t = zero if (jm1 .gt. 0) t = dotprd(jm1, l(j0+1), y) y(j) = (x(j) - t) / l(jj) 100 continue ! lsvmin = one/v2norm(p, y) go to 999 ! 110 lsvmin = zero 999 return ! *** last card of lsvmin follows *** end function lsvmin !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine slvmul(p, y, s, x) ! ! *** set y = s * x, s = p x p symmetric matrix. *** ! *** lower triangle of s stored rowwise. *** ! ! *** parameter declarations *** ! integer :: p !al real(kind=8) :: s(1), x(p), y(p) real(kind=8) :: s(p*(p+1)/2), x(p), y(p) ! dimension s(p*(p+1)/2) ! ! *** local variables *** ! integer :: i, im1, j, k real(kind=8) :: xi ! ! *** no intrinsic functions *** ! ! *** external function *** ! !el external dotprd !el real(kind=8) :: dotprd ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! j = 1 do 10 i = 1, p y(i) = dotprd(i, s(j), x) j = j + i 10 continue ! if (p .le. 1) go to 999 j = 1 do 40 i = 2, p xi = x(i) im1 = i - 1 j = j + 1 do 30 k = 1, im1 y(k) = y(k) + s(j)*xi j = j + 1 30 continue 40 continue ! 999 return ! *** last card of slvmul follows *** end subroutine slvmul !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! minimize_p.F !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine minimize(etot,x,iretcode,nfun) #ifdef LBFGS use minima use inform use output use iounit use scales use energy, only: funcgrad,etotal,enerprint #else use energy, only: func,gradient,fdum!,etotal,enerprint #endif use comm_srutu ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' integer,parameter :: liv=60 ! integer :: lv=(77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) (maxvar=6*maxres) !******************************************************************** ! OPTIMIZE sets up SUMSL or DFP and provides a simple interface for * ! the calling subprogram. * ! when d(i)=1.0, then v(35) is the length of the initial step, * ! calculated in the usual pythagorean way. * ! absolute convergence occurs when the function is within v(31) of * ! zero. unless you know the minimum value in advance, abs convg * ! is probably not useful. * ! relative convergence is when the model predicts that the function * ! will decrease by less than v(32)*abs(fun). * !******************************************************************** ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' ! include 'COMMON.MINIM' integer :: i !el common /srutu/ icall integer,dimension(liv) :: iv real(kind=8) :: minval !,v(1:77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(1:lv) !el real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,d,xx !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,d,xx !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) real(kind=8) :: energia(0:n_ene),grdmin ! external func,gradient,fdum ! external func_restr,grad_restr logical :: not_done,change,reduce !el common /przechowalnia/ v !el local variables integer :: iretcode,nfun,nvar_restr,idum(1),j integer :: lv real(kind=8) :: etot,rdum(1) !,fdum #ifdef LBFGS external optsave #endif lv=(77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) (maxvar=6*maxres) #ifndef LBFGS if (.not.allocated(v)) allocate(v(1:lv)) #endif #ifdef LBFGS maxiter=maxmin coordtype='RIGIDBODY' grdmin=tolf jout=iout jprint=print_min_stat iwrite=0 if (.not. allocated(scale)) allocate (scale(nvar)) !c !c set scaling parameter for function and derivative values; !c use square root of median eigenvalue of typical Hessian !c set_scale = .true. !c nvar = 0 do i = 1, nvar !c if (use(i)) then !c do j = 1, 3 !c nvar = nvar + 1 scale(i) = 12.0d0 !c end do !c end if end do !c write (iout,*) "Calling lbfgs" write (iout,*) 'Calling LBFGS, minimization in angles' call var_to_geom(nvar,x) call chainbuild call etotal(energia(0)) call enerprint(energia(0)) call lbfgs (nvar,x,etot,grdmin,funcgrad,optsave) deallocate(scale) write (iout,*) "Minimized energy",etot #else icall = 1 NOT_DONE=.TRUE. ! DO WHILE (NOT_DONE) call deflt(2,iv,liv,lv,v) ! 12 means fresh start, dont call deflt iv(1)=12 ! max num of fun calls if (maxfun.eq.0) maxfun=500 iv(17)=maxfun ! max num of iterations if (maxmin.eq.0) maxmin=1000 iv(18)=maxmin ! controls output iv(19)=2 ! selects output unit iv(21)=0 if ( iv(21)=iout ! 1 means to print out result iv(22)=print_min_res ! 1 means to print out summary stats iv(23)=print_min_stat ! 1 means to print initial x and d iv(24)=print_min_ini ! min val for v(radfac) default is 0.1 v(24)=0.1D0 ! max val for v(radfac) default is 4.0 v(25)=2.0D0 ! v(25)=4.0D0 ! check false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(26)*(exp decrease) ! the sumsl default is 0.1 v(26)=0.1D0 ! false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(34) ! the sumsl default is 100*machep v(34)=v(34)/100.0D0 ! absolute convergence if (tolf.eq.0.0D0) tolf=1.0D-4 v(31)=tolf ! relative convergence if (rtolf.eq.0.0D0) rtolf=1.0D-4 v(32)=rtolf ! controls initial step size v(35)=1.0D-1 ! large vals of d correspond to small components of step do i=1,nphi d(i)=1.0D-1 enddo do i=nphi+1,nvar d(i)=1.0D-1 enddo !d print *,'Calling SUMSL' ! call var_to_geom(nvar,x) ! call chainbuild ! call etotal(energia(0)) ! etot = energia(0) !elmask_r=.true. IF (mask_r) THEN call x2xx(x,xx,nvar_restr) call sumsl(nvar_restr,d,xx,func_restr,grad_restr,& iv,liv,lv,v,idum,rdum,fdum) call xx2x(x,xx) ELSE call sumsl(nvar,d,x,func,gradient,iv,liv,lv,v,idum,rdum,fdum) ENDIF etot=v(10) iretcode=iv(1) !d print *,'Exit SUMSL; return code:',iretcode,' energy:',etot !d write (iout,'(/a,i4/)') 'SUMSL return code:',iv(1) ! call intout ! change=reduce(x) call var_to_geom(nvar,x) ! if (change) then ! write (iout,'(a)') 'Reduction worked, minimizing again...' ! else ! not_done=.false. ! endif write(iout,*) 'Warning calling chainbuild' call chainbuild !el--------------------- ! write (iout,'(/a)') & ! "Cartesian coordinates of the reference structure after SUMSL" ! write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))') & ! "Residue","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)" ! do i=1,nres ! write (iout,'(a3,1x,i3,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)') & ! restyp(itype(i,1)),i,(c(j,i),j=1,3),& ! (c(j,i+nres),j=1,3) ! enddo !el---------------------------- ! call etotal(energia) !sp ! etot=energia(0) ! call enerprint(energia) !sp nfun=iv(6) ! write (*,*) 'Processor',MyID,' leaves MINIMIZE.' ! ENDDO ! NOT_DONE #endif return end subroutine minimize !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! gradient_p.F !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef LBFGS subroutine grad_restr(n,x,nf,g,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) use energy, only: cartder,zerograd,etotal,sum_gradient ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.DERIV' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.INTERACT' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' !EL external ufparm integer :: uiparm(1) real(kind=8) :: urparm(1) real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,g !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) integer :: n,nf,ig,ind,i,j,ij,k,igall real(kind=8) :: f,gphii,gthetai,galphai,gomegai real(kind=8),external :: ufparm icg=mod(nf,2)+1 if (nf-nfl+1) 20,30,40 20 call func_restr(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) ! write (iout,*) 'grad 20' if (nf.eq.0) return goto 40 30 continue #ifdef OSF ! Intercept NaNs in the coordinates ! write(iout,*) (var(i),i=1,nvar) x_sum=0.D0 do i=1,n x_sum=x_sum+x(i) enddo if ( then write(iout,*)" *** grad_restr : Found NaN in coordinates" call flush(iout) print *," *** grad_restr : Found NaN in coordinates" return endif #endif call var_to_geom_restr(n,x) write(iout,*) 'Warning calling chainbuild' call chainbuild ! ! Evaluate the derivatives of virtual bond lengths and SC vectors in variables. ! 40 call cartder ! ! Convert the Cartesian gradient into internal-coordinate gradient. ! ig=0 ind=nres-2 do i=2,nres-2 IF (mask_phi(i+2).eq.1) THEN gphii=0.0D0 do j=i+1,nres-1 ind=ind+1 do k=1,3 gphii=gphii+dcdv(k+3,ind)*gradc(k,j,icg) gphii=gphii+dxdv(k+3,ind)*gradx(k,j,icg) enddo enddo ig=ig+1 g(ig)=gphii ELSE ind=ind+nres-1-i ENDIF enddo ind=0 do i=1,nres-2 IF (mask_theta(i+2).eq.1) THEN ig=ig+1 gthetai=0.0D0 do j=i+1,nres-1 ind=ind+1 do k=1,3 gthetai=gthetai+dcdv(k,ind)*gradc(k,j,icg) gthetai=gthetai+dxdv(k,ind)*gradx(k,j,icg) enddo enddo g(ig)=gthetai ELSE ind=ind+nres-1-i ENDIF enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (itype(i,1).ne.10) then IF (mask_side(i).eq.1) THEN ig=ig+1 galphai=0.0D0 do k=1,3 galphai=galphai+dxds(k,i)*gradx(k,i,icg) enddo g(ig)=galphai ENDIF endif enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (itype(i,1).ne.10) then IF (mask_side(i).eq.1) THEN ig=ig+1 gomegai=0.0D0 do k=1,3 gomegai=gomegai+dxds(k+3,i)*gradx(k,i,icg) enddo g(ig)=gomegai ENDIF endif enddo ! ! Add the components corresponding to local energy terms. ! ig=0 igall=0 do i=4,nres igall=igall+1 if (mask_phi(i).eq.1) then ig=ig+1 g(ig)=g(ig)+gloc(igall,icg) endif enddo do i=3,nres igall=igall+1 if (mask_theta(i).eq.1) then ig=ig+1 g(ig)=g(ig)+gloc(igall,icg) endif enddo do ij=1,2 do i=2,nres-1 if (itype(i,1).ne.10) then igall=igall+1 if (mask_side(i).eq.1) then ig=ig+1 g(ig)=g(ig)+gloc(igall,icg) endif endif enddo enddo !d do i=1,ig !d write (iout,'(a2,i5,a3,f25.8)') 'i=',i,' g=',g(i) !d enddo return end subroutine grad_restr #endif #ifndef LBFGS !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine func_restr(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) !from minimize_p.F use comm_chu use energy, only: zerograd,etotal,sum_gradient ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' ! include 'COMMON.DERIV' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' integer :: n,nf !el integer :: jjj !el common /chuju/ jjj real(kind=8) :: energia(0:n_ene) real(kind=8) :: f real(kind=8),external :: ufparm integer :: uiparm(1) real(kind=8) :: urparm(1) real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) ! if ( then ! write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*x(i),i=1,n) ! endif nfl=nf icg=mod(nf,2)+1 call var_to_geom_restr(n,x) call zerograd write(iout,*) 'Warning calling chainbuild' call chainbuild !d write (iout,*) 'ETOTAL called from FUNC' call etotal(energia) call sum_gradient f=energia(0) ! if ( then ! write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*x(i),i=1,n) ! write (iout,*) 'f=',etot ! jjj=0 ! endif return end subroutine func_restr #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine func(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) in module energy !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine x2xx(x,xx,n) ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.INTERACT' integer :: n,i,ij,ig,igall real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: xx,x !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) !el allocate(varall(nvar)) allocated in alioc_ener_arrays do i=1,nvar varall(i)=x(i) enddo ig=0 igall=0 do i=4,nres igall=igall+1 if (mask_phi(i).eq.1) then ig=ig+1 xx(ig)=x(igall) endif enddo do i=3,nres igall=igall+1 if (mask_theta(i).eq.1) then ig=ig+1 xx(ig)=x(igall) endif enddo do ij=1,2 do i=2,nres-1 if (itype(i,1).ne.10) then igall=igall+1 if (mask_side(i).eq.1) then ig=ig+1 xx(ig)=x(igall) endif endif enddo enddo n=ig return end subroutine x2xx !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !el subroutine xx2x(x,xx) in module math !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine minim_dc(etot,iretcode,nfun) #ifdef LBFGS use minima use inform use output use iounit use scales #endif use MPI_data use energy, only: fdum,check_ecartint,etotal,enerprint ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif integer,parameter :: liv=60 ! integer :: lv=(77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) (maxvar=6*maxres) ! include 'COMMON.SETUP' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' ! include 'COMMON.MINIM' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' integer :: iretcode,nfun,k,i,j,idum(1) integer :: lv,nvarx,nf integer,dimension(liv) :: iv real(kind=8) :: minval !,v(1:77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(1:lv) real(kind=8),dimension(:),allocatable :: x,d,xx !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) !el common /przechowalnia/ v real(kind=8) :: energia(0:n_ene),grdmin ! external func_dc,grad_dc ,fdum logical :: not_done,change,reduce real(kind=8) :: g(6*nres),f1,etot,rdum(1) !,fdum #ifdef LBFGS external optsave maxiter=maxmin coordtype='CARTESIAN' grdmin=tolf jout=iout jprint=print_min_stat iwrite=0 write(iout,*) "in minim_dc LBFGS" #else lv=(77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) (maxvar=6*maxres) print *,"lv value",lv if (.not. allocated(v)) allocate(v(1:lv)) call deflt(2,iv,liv,lv,v) print *,"after delft" ! 12 means fresh start, dont call deflt iv(1)=12 ! max num of fun calls if (maxfun.eq.0) maxfun=500 iv(17)=maxfun ! max num of iterations if (maxmin.eq.0) maxmin=1000 iv(18)=maxmin ! controls output iv(19)=2 ! selects output unit iv(21)=0 if ( iv(21)=iout ! 1 means to print out result iv(22)=print_min_res ! 1 means to print out summary stats iv(23)=print_min_stat ! 1 means to print initial x and d iv(24)=print_min_ini ! min val for v(radfac) default is 0.1 v(24)=0.1D0 ! max val for v(radfac) default is 4.0 v(25)=2.0D0 ! v(25)=4.0D0 ! check false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(26)*(exp decrease) ! the sumsl default is 0.1 v(26)=0.1D0 ! false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(34) ! the sumsl default is 100*machep v(34)=v(34)/100.0D0 ! absolute convergence if (tolf.eq.0.0D0) tolf=1.0D-4 v(31)=tolf ! relative convergence if (rtolf.eq.0.0D0) rtolf=1.0D-4 v(32)=rtolf ! controls initial step size v(35)=1.0D-1 ! large vals of d correspond to small components of step do i=1,6*nres d(i)=1.0D-1 enddo #endif if (.not.allocated(x)) then allocate(x(6*nres)) allocate(xx(6*nres)) allocate(d(6*nres)) endif k=0 do i=1,nres-1 do j=1,3 k=k+1 x(k)=dc(j,i) enddo enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then do j=1,3 k=k+1 x(k)=dc(j,i+nres) enddo endif enddo nvarx=k call chainbuild_cart call etotal(energia(0)) call enerprint(energia(0)) #ifdef LBFGS !c !c From tinker !c !c perform dynamic allocation of some global arrays !c if (.not. allocated(scale)) allocate (scale(nvarx)) !c !c set scaling parameter for function and derivative values; !c use square root of median eigenvalue of typical Hessian !c set_scale = .true. !c nvar = 0 do i = 1, nvarx !c if (use(i)) then !c do j = 1, 3 !c nvar = nvar + 1 scale(i) = 12.0d0 !c end do !c end if end do write (iout,*) "minim_dc Calling lbfgs" call lbfgs (nvarx,x,etot,grdmin,funcgrad_dc,optsave) deallocate(scale) #else ! call check_ecartint call sumsl(k,d,x,func_dc,grad_dc,iv,liv,lv,v,idum,rdum,fdum) ! call check_ecartint #endif k=0 do i=1,nres-1 do j=1,3 k=k+1 dc(j,i)=x(k) enddo enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then do j=1,3 k=k+1 dc(j,i+nres)=x(k) enddo endif enddo call chainbuild_cart !d call zerograd !d nf=0 !d call func_dc(k,x,nf,f,idum,rdum,fdum) !d call grad_dc(k,x,nf,g,idum,rdum,fdum) !d !d do i=1,k !d x(i)=x(i)+1.0D-5 !d call func_dc(k,x,nf,f1,idum,rdum,fdum) !d x(i)=x(i)-1.0D-5 !d print '(i5,2f15.5)',i,g(i),(f1-f)/1.0D-5 !d enddo !el--------------------- ! write (iout,'(/a)') & ! "Cartesian coordinates of the reference structure after SUMSL" ! write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))') & ! "Residue","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)" ! do i=1,nres ! write (iout,'(a3,1x,i3,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)') & ! restyp(itype(i,1)),i,(c(j,i),j=1,3),& ! (c(j,i+nres),j=1,3) ! enddo !el---------------------------- #ifndef LBFGS etot=v(10) iretcode=iv(1) nfun=iv(6) #endif return end subroutine minim_dc #ifdef LBFGS real(kind=8) function funcgrad_dc(x,g) use energy, only: etotal, zerograd,cartgrad ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif integer k,nf,i,j real(kind=8),dimension(nres*6):: x,g double precision energia(0:n_ene) ! common /gacia/ nf !c nf=nf+1 k=0 do i=1,nres-1 do j=1,3 k=k+1 dc(j,i)=x(k) enddo enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then do j=1,3 k=k+1 dc(j,i+nres)=x(k) enddo endif enddo call chainbuild_cart call zerograd call etotal(energia(0)) !c write (iout,*) "energia",energia(0) funcgrad_dc=energia(0) call cartgrad k=0 do i=1,nres-1 do j=1,3 k=k+1 g(k)=gcart(j,i) enddo enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then do j=1,3 k=k+1 g(k)=gxcart(j,i) enddo endif enddo return end function #else !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine func_dc(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) use MPI_data use energy, only: zerograd,etotal ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif ! include 'COMMON.SETUP' ! include 'COMMON.DERIV' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' integer :: n,nf,k,i,j real(kind=8) :: energia(0:n_ene) real(kind=8),external :: ufparm integer :: uiparm(1) real(kind=8) :: urparm(1) real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) real(kind=8) :: f nfl=nf !bad icg=mod(nf,2)+1 icg=1 k=0 do i=1,nres-1 do j=1,3 k=k+1 dc(j,i)=x(k) enddo enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then do j=1,3 k=k+1 dc(j,i+nres)=x(k) enddo endif enddo call chainbuild_cart call zerograd call etotal(energia) f=energia(0) !d print *,'func_dc ',nf,nfl,f return end subroutine func_dc !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine grad_dc(n,x,nf,g,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) use MPI_data use energy, only: cartgrad,zerograd,etotal ! use MD_data ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif ! include 'COMMON.SETUP' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.DERIV' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.INTERACT' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' ! include 'COMMON.MD' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' real(kind=8),external :: ufparm integer :: n,nf,i,j,k integer :: uiparm(1) real(kind=8) :: urparm(1) real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,g !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) real(kind=8) :: f ! !elwrite(iout,*) "jestesmy w grad dc" ! !bad icg=mod(nf,2)+1 icg=1 !d print *,'grad_dc ',nf,nfl,nf-nfl+1,icg !elwrite(iout,*) "jestesmy w grad dc nf-nfl+1", nf-nfl+1 if (nf-nfl+1) 20,30,40 20 call func_dc(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) !d print *,20 if (nf.eq.0) return goto 40 30 continue !d print *,30 k=0 do i=1,nres-1 do j=1,3 k=k+1 dc(j,i)=x(k) enddo enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then do j=1,3 k=k+1 dc(j,i+nres)=x(k) enddo endif enddo !elwrite(iout,*) "jestesmy w grad dc" call chainbuild_cart ! ! Evaluate the derivatives of virtual bond lengths and SC vectors in variables. ! 40 call cartgrad !d print *,40 !elwrite(iout,*) "jestesmy w grad dc" k=0 do i=1,nres-1 do j=1,3 k=k+1 g(k)=gcart(j,i) enddo enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (ialph(i,1).gt.0) then do j=1,3 k=k+1 g(k)=gxcart(j,i) enddo endif enddo !elwrite(iout,*) "jestesmy w grad dc" return end subroutine grad_dc #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! minim_mcmf.F !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef MPI subroutine minim_mcmf use MPI_data use csa_data #ifndef LBFGS use energy, only: func,gradient,fdum ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' include 'mpif.h' integer,parameter :: liv=60 ! integer :: lv=(77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) (maxvar=6*maxres) ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.MINIM' ! real(kind=8) :: fdum ! external func,gradient,fdum !el real(kind=4) :: ran1,ran2,ran3 ! include 'COMMON.SETUP' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: var !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) real(kind=8),dimension(mxch*(mxch+1)/2+1) :: erg real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: d,garbage !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) !el real(kind=8) :: v(1:77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2+1) integer,dimension(6) :: indx integer,dimension(liv) :: iv integer :: idum(1),nf ! integer :: lv real(kind=8) :: rdum(1) real(kind=8) :: przes(3),obrot(3,3),eee logical :: non_conv integer,dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: muster integer :: ichuj,i,ierr real(kind=8) :: rad,ene0 data rad /1.745329252d-2/ !el common /przechowalnia/ v lv=(77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) (maxvar=6*maxres) if (.not. allocated(v)) allocate(v(1:lv)) ichuj=0 10 continue ichuj = ichuj + 1 call mpi_recv(indx,6,mpi_integer,king,idint,CG_COMM,& muster,ierr) if (indx(1).eq.0) return ! print *, 'worker ',me,' received order ',n,ichuj call mpi_recv(var,nvar,mpi_double_precision,& king,idreal,CG_COMM,muster,ierr) call mpi_recv(ene0,1,mpi_double_precision,& king,idreal,CG_COMM,muster,ierr) ! print *, 'worker ',me,' var read ' call deflt(2,iv,liv,lv,v) ! 12 means fresh start, dont call deflt iv(1)=12 ! max num of fun calls if (maxfun.eq.0) maxfun=500 iv(17)=maxfun ! max num of iterations if (maxmin.eq.0) maxmin=1000 iv(18)=maxmin ! controls output iv(19)=2 ! selects output unit ! iv(21)=iout iv(21)=0 ! 1 means to print out result iv(22)=0 ! 1 means to print out summary stats iv(23)=0 ! 1 means to print initial x and d iv(24)=0 ! min val for v(radfac) default is 0.1 v(24)=0.1D0 ! max val for v(radfac) default is 4.0 v(25)=2.0D0 ! check false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(26)*(exp decrease) ! the sumsl default is 0.1 v(26)=0.1D0 ! false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(34) ! the sumsl default is 100*machep v(34)=v(34)/100.0D0 ! absolute convergence if (tolf.eq.0.0D0) tolf=1.0D-4 v(31)=tolf ! relative convergence if (rtolf.eq.0.0D0) rtolf=1.0D-4 v(32)=rtolf ! controls initial step size v(35)=1.0D-1 ! large vals of d correspond to small components of step do i=1,nphi d(i)=1.0D-1 enddo do i=nphi+1,nvar d(i)=1.0D-1 enddo ! minimize energy call func(nvar,var,nf,eee,idum,rdum,fdum) if( then ! print *,'MINIM_JLEE: ',me,' CHUJ NASTAPIL' ! print *,' energy before SUMSL =',eee ! print *,' aborting local minimization' iv(1)=-1 v(10)=eee nf=1 go to 201 endif call sumsl(nvar,d,var,func,gradient,iv,liv,lv,v,idum,rdum,fdum) ! find which conformation was returned from sumsl nf=iv(7)+1 201 continue ! total # of ftn evaluations (for iwf=0, it includes all minimizations). indx(4)=nf indx(5)=iv(1) eee=v(10) call mpi_send(indx,6,mpi_integer,king,idint,CG_COMM,& ierr) ! print '(a5,i3,15f10.5)', 'ENEX0',indx(1),v(10) call mpi_send(var,nvar,mpi_double_precision,& king,idreal,CG_COMM,ierr) call mpi_send(eee,1,mpi_double_precision,king,idreal,& CG_COMM,ierr) call mpi_send(ene0,1,mpi_double_precision,king,idreal,& CG_COMM,ierr) go to 10 #endif return end subroutine minim_mcmf #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! rmdd.f !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! algorithm 611, collected algorithms from acm. ! algorithm appeared in acm-trans. math. software, vol.9, no. 4, ! dec., 1983, p. 503-524. integer function imdcon(k) ! integer :: k ! ! *** return integer machine-dependent constants *** ! ! *** k = 1 means return standard output unit number. *** ! *** k = 2 means return alternate output unit number. *** ! *** k = 3 means return input unit number. *** ! (note -- k = 2, 3 are used only by test programs.) ! ! +++ port version follows... ! external i1mach ! integer i1mach ! integer mdperm(3) ! data mdperm(1)/2/, mdperm(2)/4/, mdperm(3)/1/ ! imdcon = i1mach(mdperm(k)) ! +++ end of port version +++ ! ! +++ non-port version follows... integer :: mdcon(3) data mdcon(1)/6/, mdcon(2)/8/, mdcon(3)/5/ imdcon = mdcon(k) ! +++ end of non-port version +++ ! 999 return ! *** last card of imdcon follows *** end function imdcon !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=8) function rmdcon(k) ! ! *** return machine dependent constants used by nl2sol *** ! ! +++ comments below contain data statements for various machines. +++ ! +++ to convert to another machine, place a c in column 1 of the +++ ! +++ data statement line(s) that correspond to the current machine +++ ! +++ and remove the c from column 1 of the data statement line(s) +++ ! +++ that correspond to the new machine. +++ ! integer :: k ! ! *** the constant returned depends on k... ! ! *** k = 1... smallest pos. eta such that -eta exists. ! *** k = 2... square root of eta. ! *** k = 3... unit roundoff = smallest pos. no. machep such ! *** that 1 + machep .gt. 1 .and. 1 - machep .lt. 1. ! *** k = 4... square root of machep. ! *** k = 5... square root of big (see k = 6). ! *** k = 6... largest machine no. big such that -big exists. ! real(kind=8) :: big, eta, machep integer :: bigi(4), etai(4), machei(4) !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dsqrt !/ equivalence (big,bigi(1)), (eta,etai(1)), (machep,machei(1)) ! ! +++ ibm 360, ibm 370, or xerox +++ ! ! data big/z7fffffffffffffff/, eta/z0010000000000000/, ! 1 machep/z3410000000000000/ ! ! +++ data general +++ ! ! data big/0.7237005577d+76/, eta/0.5397605347d-78/, ! 1 machep/2.22044605d-16/ ! ! +++ dec 11 +++ ! ! data big/1.7d+38/, eta/2.938735878d-39/, machep/2.775557562d-17/ ! ! +++ hp3000 +++ ! ! data big/1.157920892d+77/, eta/8.636168556d-78/, ! 1 machep/5.551115124d-17/ ! ! +++ honeywell +++ ! ! data big/1.69d+38/, eta/5.9d-39/, machep/2.1680435d-19/ ! ! +++ dec10 +++ ! ! data big/"377777100000000000000000/, ! 1 eta/"002400400000000000000000/, ! 2 machep/"104400000000000000000000/ ! ! +++ burroughs +++ ! ! data big/o0777777777777777,o7777777777777777/, ! 1 eta/o1771000000000000,o7770000000000000/, ! 2 machep/o1451000000000000,o0000000000000000/ ! ! +++ control data +++ ! ! data big/37767777777777777777b,37167777777777777777b/, ! 1 eta/00014000000000000000b,00000000000000000000b/, ! 2 machep/15614000000000000000b,15010000000000000000b/ ! ! +++ prime +++ ! ! data big/1.0d+9786/, eta/1.0d-9860/, machep/1.4210855d-14/ ! ! +++ univac +++ ! ! data big/8.988d+307/, eta/1.2d-308/, machep/1.734723476d-18/ ! ! +++ vax +++ ! data big/1.7d+38/, eta/2.939d-39/, machep/1.3877788d-17/ ! ! +++ cray 1 +++ ! ! data bigi(1)/577767777777777777777b/, ! 1 bigi(2)/000007777777777777776b/, ! 2 etai(1)/200004000000000000000b/, ! 3 etai(2)/000000000000000000000b/, ! 4 machei(1)/377224000000000000000b/, ! 5 machei(2)/000000000000000000000b/ ! ! +++ port library -- requires more than just a data statement... +++ ! ! external d1mach ! double precision d1mach, zero ! data big/0.d+0/, eta/0.d+0/, machep/0.d+0/, zero/0.d+0/ ! if (big .gt. zero) go to 1 ! big = d1mach(2) ! eta = d1mach(1) ! machep = d1mach(4) !1 continue ! ! +++ end of port +++ ! !------------------------------- body -------------------------------- ! go to (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60), k ! 10 rmdcon = eta go to 999 ! 20 rmdcon = dsqrt(256.d+0*eta)/16.d+0 go to 999 ! 30 rmdcon = machep go to 999 ! 40 rmdcon = dsqrt(machep) go to 999 ! 50 rmdcon = dsqrt(big/256.d+0)*16.d+0 go to 999 ! 60 rmdcon = big ! 999 return ! *** last card of rmdcon follows *** end function rmdcon !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! sc_move.F !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sc_move(n_start,n_end,n_maxtry,e_drop,n_fun,etot) use control use random, only: iran_num use energy, only: esc ! Perform a quick search over side-chain arrangments (over ! residues n_start to n_end) for a given (frozen) CA trace ! Only side-chains are minimized (at most n_maxtry times each), ! not CA positions ! Stops if energy drops by e_drop, otherwise tries all residues ! in the given range ! If there is an energy drop, full minimization may be useful ! n_start, n_end CAN be modified by this routine, but only if ! out of bounds (n_start <= 1, n_end >= nres, n_start < n_end) ! NOTE: this move should never increase the energy !rc implicit none ! Includes ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' include 'mpif.h' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.HEADER' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' ! External functions !el integer iran_num !el external iran_num ! Input arguments integer :: n_start,n_end,n_maxtry real(kind=8) :: e_drop ! Output arguments integer :: n_fun real(kind=8) :: etot ! Local variables ! real(kind=8) :: energy(0:n_ene) real(kind=8) :: cur_alph(2:nres-1),cur_omeg(2:nres-1) real(kind=8) :: orig_e,cur_e integer :: n,n_steps,n_first,n_cur,n_tot !,i real(kind=8) :: orig_w(0:n_ene) real(kind=8) :: wtime !elwrite(iout,*) "in sc_move etot= ", etot ! Set non side-chain weights to zero (minimization is faster) ! NOTE: e(2) does not actually depend on the side-chain, only CA orig_w(2)=wscp orig_w(3)=welec orig_w(4)=wcorr orig_w(5)=wcorr5 orig_w(6)=wcorr6 orig_w(7)=wel_loc orig_w(8)=wturn3 orig_w(9)=wturn4 orig_w(10)=wturn6 orig_w(11)=wang orig_w(13)=wtor orig_w(14)=wtor_d orig_w(15)=wvdwpp wscp=0.D0 welec=0.D0 wcorr=0.D0 wcorr5=0.D0 wcorr6=0.D0 wel_loc=0.D0 wturn3=0.D0 wturn4=0.D0 wturn6=0.D0 wang=0.D0 wtor=0.D0 wtor_d=0.D0 wvdwpp=0.D0 ! Make sure n_start, n_end are within proper range if ( n_start=2 if ( n_end=nres-1 !rc if ( then if ( then n_start=2 n_end=nres-1 endif ! Save the initial values of energy and coordinates !d call chainbuild !d call etotal(energy) !d write (iout,*) 'start sc ene',energy(0) !d call enerprint(energy(0)) !rc etot=energy(0) n_fun=0 !rc orig_e=etot !rc cur_e=orig_e !rc do i=2,nres-1 !rc cur_alph(i)=alph(i) !rc cur_omeg(i)=omeg(i) !rc enddo !t wtime=MPI_WTIME() ! Try (one by one) all specified residues, starting from a ! random position in sequence ! Stop early if the energy has decreased by at least e_drop n_tot=n_end-n_start+1 n_first=iran_num(0,n_tot-1) n_steps=0 n=0 !rc do while ( .and. do while ( n_cur=n_start+mod(n_first+n,n_tot) call single_sc_move(n_cur,n_maxtry,e_drop,& n_steps,n_fun,etot) !elwrite(iout,*) "after msingle sc_move etot= ", etot ! If a lower energy was found, update the current structure... !rc if ( then !rc cur_e=etot !rc do i=2,nres-1 !rc cur_alph(i)=alph(i) !rc cur_omeg(i)=omeg(i) !rc enddo !rc else ! ...else revert to the previous one !rc etot=cur_e !rc do i=2,nres-1 !rc alph(i)=cur_alph(i) !rc omeg(i)=cur_omeg(i) !rc enddo !rc endif n=n+1 !d !d call chainbuild !d call etotal(energy) !d print *,'running',n,energy(0) enddo !d call chainbuild !d call etotal(energy) !d write (iout,*) 'end sc ene',energy(0) ! Put the original weights back to calculate the full energy wscp=orig_w(2) welec=orig_w(3) wcorr=orig_w(4) wcorr5=orig_w(5) wcorr6=orig_w(6) wel_loc=orig_w(7) wturn3=orig_w(8) wturn4=orig_w(9) wturn6=orig_w(10) wang=orig_w(11) wtor=orig_w(13) wtor_d=orig_w(14) wvdwpp=orig_w(15) !rc n_fun=n_fun+1 !t write (iout,*) 'sc_local time= ',MPI_WTIME()-wtime return end subroutine sc_move !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine single_sc_move(res_pick,n_maxtry,e_drop,n_steps,n_fun,e_sc) ! Perturb one side-chain (res_pick) and minimize the ! neighbouring region, keeping all CA's and non-neighbouring ! side-chains fixed ! Try until e_drop energy improvement is achieved, or n_maxtry ! attempts have been made ! At the start, e_sc should contain the side-chain-only energy(0) ! nsteps and nfun for this move are ADDED to n_steps and n_fun !rc implicit none use energy, only: esc use geometry, only:dist ! Includes ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.INTERACT' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.MINIM' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! External functions !el double precision dist !el external dist ! Input arguments integer :: res_pick,n_maxtry real(kind=8) :: e_drop ! Input/Output arguments integer :: n_steps,n_fun real(kind=8) :: e_sc ! Local variables logical :: fail integer :: i,j integer :: nres_moved integer :: iretcode,loc_nfun,orig_maxfun,n_try real(kind=8) :: sc_dist,sc_dist_cutoff ! real(kind=8) :: energy_(0:n_ene) real(kind=8) :: evdw,escloc,orig_e,cur_e real(kind=8) :: cur_alph(2:nres-1),cur_omeg(2:nres-1) real(kind=8) :: var(6*nres) !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) real(kind=8) :: orig_theta(1:nres),orig_phi(1:nres),& orig_alph(1:nres),orig_omeg(1:nres) !elwrite(iout,*) "in sinle etot/ e_sc",e_sc ! Define what is meant by "neighbouring side-chain" sc_dist_cutoff=5.0D0 ! Don't do glycine or ends i=itype(res_pick,1) if (i.eq.10 .or. i.eq.ntyp1 .or. molnum(res_pick).eq.5) return ! Freeze everything (later will relax only selected side-chains) mask_r=.true. do i=1,nres mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 mask_side(i)=0 enddo ! Find the neighbours of the side-chain to move ! and save initial variables !rc orig_e=e_sc !rc cur_e=orig_e nres_moved=0 do i=2,nres-1 ! Don't do glycine (itype(j,1)==10) if ((itype(i,1).ne.10).and.(itype(i,1).ne.ntyp1) & .and.(molnum(i).ne.5)) then sc_dist=dist(nres+i,nres+res_pick) else sc_dist=sc_dist_cutoff endif if ( then nres_moved=nres_moved+1 mask_side(i)=1 cur_alph(i)=alph(i) cur_omeg(i)=omeg(i) endif enddo ! write(iout,*) 'Warning calling chainbuild' call chainbuild ! write(iout,*) "before egb1" call egb1(evdw) call esc(escloc) !elwrite(iout,*) "in sinle etot/ e_sc",e_sc !elwrite(iout,*) "in sinle wsc=",wsc,"evdw",evdw,"wscloc",wscloc,"escloc",escloc e_sc=wsc*evdw+wscloc*escloc !elwrite(iout,*) "in sinle etot/ e_sc",e_sc !d call etotal(energy) !d print *,'new ',(energy(k),k=0,n_ene) orig_e=e_sc cur_e=orig_e n_try=0 do while ( .and. ! Move the selected residue (don't worry if it fails) call gen_side(iabs(itype(res_pick,molnum(res_pick))),theta(res_pick+1),& alph(res_pick),omeg(res_pick),fail,molnum(res_pick)) ! Minimize the side-chains starting from the new arrangement call geom_to_var(nvar,var) orig_maxfun=maxfun maxfun=7 !rc do i=1,nres !rc orig_theta(i)=theta(i) !rc orig_phi(i)=phi(i) !rc orig_alph(i)=alph(i) !rc orig_omeg(i)=omeg(i) !rc enddo !elwrite(iout,*) "in sinle etot/ e_sc",e_sc call minimize_sc1(e_sc,var,iretcode,loc_nfun) !elwrite(iout,*) "in sinle etot/ e_sc",e_sc !v write(*,'(2i3,2f12.5,2i3)') !v & res_pick,nres_moved,orig_e,e_sc-cur_e, !v & iretcode,loc_nfun !$$$ if (iretcode.eq.8) then !$$$ write(iout,*)'Coordinates just after code 8' !$$$ call chainbuild !$$$ call all_varout !$$$ call flush(iout) !$$$ do i=1,nres !$$$ theta(i)=orig_theta(i) !$$$ phi(i)=orig_phi(i) !$$$ alph(i)=orig_alph(i) !$$$ omeg(i)=orig_omeg(i) !$$$ enddo !$$$ write(iout,*)'Coordinates just before code 8' !$$$ call chainbuild !$$$ call all_varout !$$$ call flush(iout) !$$$ endif n_fun=n_fun+loc_nfun maxfun=orig_maxfun call var_to_geom(nvar,var) ! If a lower energy was found, update the current structure... if ( then !v call chainbuild !v call etotal(energy) !d call egb1(evdw) !d call esc(escloc) !d e_sc1=wsc*evdw+wscloc*escloc !d print *,' new',e_sc1,energy(0) !v print *,'new ',energy(0) !d call enerprint(energy(0)) cur_e=e_sc do i=2,nres-1 if (mask_side(i).eq.1) then cur_alph(i)=alph(i) cur_omeg(i)=omeg(i) endif enddo else ! ...else revert to the previous one e_sc=cur_e do i=2,nres-1 if (mask_side(i).eq.1) then alph(i)=cur_alph(i) omeg(i)=cur_omeg(i) endif enddo endif n_try=n_try+1 enddo n_steps=n_steps+n_try ! Reset the minimization mask_r to false mask_r=.false. return end subroutine single_sc_move !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sc_minimize(etot,iretcode,nfun) ! Minimizes side-chains only, leaving backbone frozen !rc implicit none use energy, only: etotal ! Includes ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' ! Output arguments real(kind=8) :: etot integer :: iretcode,nfun ! Local variables integer :: i real(kind=8) :: orig_w(0:n_ene),energy_(0:n_ene) real(kind=8) :: var(6*nres) !(maxvar)(maxvar=6*maxres) ! Set non side-chain weights to zero (minimization is faster) ! NOTE: e(2) does not actually depend on the side-chain, only CA orig_w(2)=wscp orig_w(3)=welec orig_w(4)=wcorr orig_w(5)=wcorr5 orig_w(6)=wcorr6 orig_w(7)=wel_loc orig_w(8)=wturn3 orig_w(9)=wturn4 orig_w(10)=wturn6 orig_w(11)=wang orig_w(13)=wtor orig_w(14)=wtor_d wscp=0.D0 welec=0.D0 wcorr=0.D0 wcorr5=0.D0 wcorr6=0.D0 wel_loc=0.D0 wturn3=0.D0 wturn4=0.D0 wturn6=0.D0 wang=0.D0 wtor=0.D0 wtor_d=0.D0 ! Prepare to freeze backbone do i=1,nres mask_phi(i)=0 mask_theta(i)=0 mask_side(i)=1 enddo ! Minimize the side-chains mask_r=.true. call geom_to_var(nvar,var) call minimize(etot,var,iretcode,nfun) call var_to_geom(nvar,var) mask_r=.false. ! Put the original weights back and calculate the full energy wscp=orig_w(2) welec=orig_w(3) wcorr=orig_w(4) wcorr5=orig_w(5) wcorr6=orig_w(6) wel_loc=orig_w(7) wturn3=orig_w(8) wturn4=orig_w(9) wturn6=orig_w(10) wang=orig_w(11) wtor=orig_w(13) wtor_d=orig_w(14) write(iout,*) 'Warning calling chainbuild' call chainbuild call etotal(energy_) etot=energy_(0) return end subroutine sc_minimize !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine minimize_sc1(etot,x,iretcode,nfun) #ifndef LBFGS use energy, only: func,gradient,fdum,etotal,enerprint #endif use comm_srutu ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' integer,parameter :: liv=60 integer :: iretcode,nfun ! integer :: lv=(77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) (maxvar=6*maxres) ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' ! include 'COMMON.MINIM' !el integer :: icall !el common /srutu/ icall integer,dimension(liv) :: iv real(kind=8) :: minval !,v(1:77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(1:lv) real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,d,xx !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) real(kind=8) :: energia(0:n_ene) !el real(kind=8) :: fdum ! external gradient,fdum !func, ! external func_restr1,grad_restr1 logical :: not_done,change,reduce !el common /przechowalnia/ v integer:: lv integer :: nvar_restr,i,j integer :: idum(1) real(kind=8) :: rdum(1),etot !,fdum #ifndef LBFGS lv=(77+(6*nres)*(6*nres+17)/2) !(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) (maxvar=6*maxres) if (.not. allocated(v)) allocate(v(1:lv)) call deflt(2,iv,liv,lv,v) ! 12 means fresh start, dont call deflt iv(1)=12 ! max num of fun calls if (maxfun.eq.0) maxfun=500 iv(17)=maxfun ! max num of iterations if (maxmin.eq.0) maxmin=1000 iv(18)=maxmin ! controls output iv(19)=2 ! selects output unit ! iv(21)=iout iv(21)=0 ! 1 means to print out result iv(22)=0 ! 1 means to print out summary stats iv(23)=0 ! 1 means to print initial x and d iv(24)=0 ! min val for v(radfac) default is 0.1 v(24)=0.1D0 ! max val for v(radfac) default is 4.0 v(25)=2.0D0 ! v(25)=4.0D0 ! check false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(26)*(exp decrease) ! the sumsl default is 0.1 v(26)=0.1D0 ! false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(34) ! the sumsl default is 100*machep v(34)=v(34)/100.0D0 ! absolute convergence if (tolf.eq.0.0D0) tolf=1.0D-4 v(31)=tolf ! relative convergence if (rtolf.eq.0.0D0) rtolf=1.0D-4 v(32)=rtolf ! controls initial step size v(35)=1.0D-1 ! large vals of d correspond to small components of step do i=1,nphi d(i)=1.0D-1 enddo do i=nphi+1,nvar d(i)=1.0D-1 enddo !elmask_r=.false. IF (mask_r) THEN call x2xx(x,xx,nvar_restr) call sumsl(nvar_restr,d,xx,func_restr1,grad_restr1,& iv,liv,lv,v,idum,rdum,fdum) call xx2x(x,xx) ELSE call sumsl(nvar,d,x,func,gradient,iv,liv,lv,v,idum,rdum,fdum) ENDIF !el--------------------- ! write (iout,'(/a)') & ! "Cartesian coordinates of the reference structure after SUMSL" ! write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))') & ! "Residue","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)" ! do i=1,nres ! write (iout,'(a3,1x,i3,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)') & ! restyp(itype(i,1)),i,(c(j,i),j=1,3),& ! (c(j,i+nres),j=1,3) ! enddo ! call etotal(energia) ! call enerprint(energia) !el---------------------------- etot=v(10) iretcode=iv(1) nfun=iv(6) #endif return end subroutine minimize_sc1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine func_restr1(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) use comm_chu use energy, only: zerograd,esc,sc_grad ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' ! include 'COMMON.DERIV' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' ! include 'COMMON.INTERACT' ! include 'COMMON.TIME1' integer :: n,nf,i,j !el common /chuju/ jjj real(kind=8) :: energia(0:n_ene),evdw,escloc real(kind=8) :: e1,e2,f real(kind=8),external :: ufparm integer :: uiparm(1) real(kind=8) :: urparm(1) real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) nfl=nf icg=mod(nf,2)+1 #ifdef OSF ! Intercept NaNs in the coordinates, before calling etotal x_sum=0.D0 do i=1,n x_sum=x_sum+x(i) enddo FOUND_NAN=.false. if ( then write(iout,*)" *** func_restr1 : Found NaN in coordinates" f=1.0D+73 FOUND_NAN=.true. return endif #endif call var_to_geom_restr(n,x) call zerograd write(iout,*) 'Warning calling chainbuild' call chainbuild !d write (iout,*) 'ETOTAL called from FUNC' call egb1(evdw) call esc(escloc) f=wsc*evdw+wscloc*escloc !d call etotal(energia(0)) !d f=wsc*energia(1)+wscloc*energia(12) !d print *,f,evdw,escloc,energia(0) ! ! Sum up the components of the Cartesian gradient. ! do i=1,nct do j=1,3 gradx(j,i,icg)=wsc*gvdwx(j,i) enddo enddo return end subroutine func_restr1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine grad_restr1(n,x,nf,g,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) use energy, only: cartder,zerograd,esc,sc_grad ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.DERIV' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.INTERACT' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' !el external ufparm integer :: i,j,k,ind,n,nf,uiparm(1) real(kind=8) :: f,urparm(1) real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,g !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres) integer :: ig,igall,ij real(kind=8) :: gphii,gthetai,galphai,gomegai real(kind=8),external :: ufparm icg=mod(nf,2)+1 if (nf-nfl+1) 20,30,40 20 call func_restr1(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) ! write (iout,*) 'grad 20' if (nf.eq.0) return goto 40 30 call var_to_geom_restr(n,x) write(iout,*) 'Warning calling chainbuild' call chainbuild ! ! Evaluate the derivatives of virtual bond lengths and SC vectors in variables. ! 40 call cartder ! ! Convert the Cartesian gradient into internal-coordinate gradient. ! ig=0 ind=nres-2 do i=2,nres-2 IF (mask_phi(i+2).eq.1) THEN gphii=0.0D0 do j=i+1,nres-1 ind=ind+1 do k=1,3 gphii=gphii+dcdv(k+3,ind)*gradc(k,j,icg) gphii=gphii+dxdv(k+3,ind)*gradx(k,j,icg) enddo enddo ig=ig+1 g(ig)=gphii ELSE ind=ind+nres-1-i ENDIF enddo ind=0 do i=1,nres-2 IF (mask_theta(i+2).eq.1) THEN ig=ig+1 gthetai=0.0D0 do j=i+1,nres-1 ind=ind+1 do k=1,3 gthetai=gthetai+dcdv(k,ind)*gradc(k,j,icg) gthetai=gthetai+dxdv(k,ind)*gradx(k,j,icg) enddo enddo g(ig)=gthetai ELSE ind=ind+nres-1-i ENDIF enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (itype(i,1).ne.10) then IF (mask_side(i).eq.1) THEN ig=ig+1 galphai=0.0D0 do k=1,3 galphai=galphai+dxds(k,i)*gradx(k,i,icg) enddo g(ig)=galphai ENDIF endif enddo do i=2,nres-1 if (itype(i,1).ne.10) then IF (mask_side(i).eq.1) THEN ig=ig+1 gomegai=0.0D0 do k=1,3 gomegai=gomegai+dxds(k+3,i)*gradx(k,i,icg) enddo g(ig)=gomegai ENDIF endif enddo ! ! Add the components corresponding to local energy terms. ! ig=0 igall=0 do i=4,nres igall=igall+1 if (mask_phi(i).eq.1) then ig=ig+1 g(ig)=g(ig)+gloc(igall,icg) endif enddo do i=3,nres igall=igall+1 if (mask_theta(i).eq.1) then ig=ig+1 g(ig)=g(ig)+gloc(igall,icg) endif enddo do ij=1,2 do i=2,nres-1 if (itype(i,1).ne.10) then igall=igall+1 if (mask_side(i).eq.1) then ig=ig+1 g(ig)=g(ig)+gloc(igall,icg) endif endif enddo enddo !d do i=1,ig !d write (iout,'(a2,i5,a3,f25.8)') 'i=',i,' g=',g(i) !d enddo return end subroutine grad_restr1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine egb1(evdw) ! ! This subroutine calculates the interaction energy of nonbonded side chains ! assuming the Gay-Berne potential of interaction. ! use calc_data use energy, only: sc_grad ! use control, only:stopx ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! include 'DIMENSIONS' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.LOCAL' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.DERIV' ! include 'COMMON.NAMES' ! include 'COMMON.INTERACT' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.CALC' ! include 'COMMON.CONTROL' logical :: lprn real(kind=8) :: evdw !el local variables integer :: iint,ind,itypi,itypi1,itypj real(kind=8) :: xi,yi,zi,rrij,sig,sig0ij,rij_shift,fac,e1,e2,& sigm,epsi !elwrite(iout,*) "check evdw" ! print *,'Entering EGB nnt=',nnt,' nct=',nct,' expon=',expon evdw=0.0D0 lprn=.false. ! if (icall.eq.0) lprn=.true. ind=0 do i=iatsc_s,iatsc_e if ((itype(i,1).eq.ntyp1).or.(molnum(i).gt.1)) cycle itypi=iabs(itype(i,1)) itypi1=iabs(itype(i+1,1)) ! print *,"ebg1",i,itypi,itypi1 xi=c(1,nres+i) yi=c(2,nres+i) zi=c(3,nres+i) dxi=dc_norm(1,nres+i) dyi=dc_norm(2,nres+i) dzi=dc_norm(3,nres+i) dsci_inv=dsc_inv(itypi) !elwrite(iout,*) itypi,itypi1,xi,yi,zi,dxi,dyi,dzi,dsci_inv ! ! Calculate SC interaction energy. ! do iint=1,nint_gr(i) do j=istart(i,iint),iend(i,iint) IF (mask_side(j).eq.1.or.mask_side(i).eq.1) THEN ind=ind+1 itypj=iabs(itype(j,1)) if ((itype(j,1).eq.ntyp1).or.(molnum(j).gt.1)) cycle ! print *,"ebg1",j,itypj dscj_inv=dsc_inv(itypj) sig0ij=sigma(itypi,itypj) chi1=chi(itypi,itypj) chi2=chi(itypj,itypi) chi12=chi1*chi2 chip1=chip(itypi) chip2=chip(itypj) chip12=chip1*chip2 alf1=alp(itypi) alf2=alp(itypj) alf12=0.5D0*(alf1+alf2) ! For diagnostics only!!! ! chi1=0.0D0 ! chi2=0.0D0 ! chi12=0.0D0 ! chip1=0.0D0 ! chip2=0.0D0 ! chip12=0.0D0 ! alf1=0.0D0 ! alf2=0.0D0 ! alf12=0.0D0 xj=c(1,nres+j)-xi yj=c(2,nres+j)-yi zj=c(3,nres+j)-zi dxj=dc_norm(1,nres+j) dyj=dc_norm(2,nres+j) dzj=dc_norm(3,nres+j) rrij=1.0D0/(xj*xj+yj*yj+zj*zj) rij=dsqrt(rrij) ! Calculate angle-dependent terms of energy and contributions to their ! derivatives. call sc_angular sigsq=1.0D0/sigsq sig=sig0ij*dsqrt(sigsq) rij_shift=1.0D0/rij-sig+sig0ij ! I hate to put IF's in the loops, but here don't have another choice!!!! if (rij_shift.le.0.0D0) then evdw=1.0D20 !d write (iout,'(2(a3,i3,2x),17(0pf7.3))') & !d restyp(itypi),i,restyp(itypj),j, & !d rij_shift,1.0D0/rij,sig,sig0ij,sigsq,1-dsqrt(sigsq) return endif sigder=-sig*sigsq !--------------------------------------------------------------- rij_shift=1.0D0/rij_shift fac=rij_shift**expon e1=fac*fac*aa_aq(itypi,itypj) e2=fac*bb_aq(itypi,itypj) evdwij=eps1*eps2rt*eps3rt*(e1+e2) eps2der=evdwij*eps3rt eps3der=evdwij*eps2rt evdwij=evdwij*eps2rt*eps3rt evdw=evdw+evdwij ! if ( print *,"WARNING eps_aq used!" if (lprn) then sigm=dabs(aa_aq(itypi,itypj)/bb_aq(itypi,itypj))**(1.0D0/6.0D0) epsi=bb_aq(itypi,itypj)**2/aa_aq(itypi,itypj) !d write (iout,'(2(a3,i3,2x),17(0pf7.3))') & !d restyp(itypi),i,restyp(itypj),j, & !d epsi,sigm,chi1,chi2,chip1,chip2, & !d eps1,eps2rt**2,eps3rt**2,sig,sig0ij, & !d om1,om2,om12,1.0D0/rij,1.0D0/rij_shift, & !d evdwij endif if (energy_dec) write (iout,'(a6,2i5,0pf7.3)') & 'evdw',i,j,evdwij ! Calculate gradient components. e1=e1*eps1*eps2rt**2*eps3rt**2 fac=-expon*(e1+evdwij)*rij_shift sigder=fac*sigder fac=rij*fac ! Calculate the radial part of the gradient gg(1)=xj*fac gg(2)=yj*fac gg(3)=zj*fac ! Calculate angular part of the gradient. !elwrite(iout,*) evdw call sc_grad !elwrite(iout,*) "evdw=",evdw,j,iint,i ENDIF !elwrite(iout,*) evdw enddo ! j !elwrite(iout,*) evdw enddo ! iint !elwrite(iout,*) evdw enddo ! i !elwrite(iout,*) evdw,i end subroutine egb1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! sumsld.f !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sumsl(n,d,x,calcf,calcg,iv,liv,lv,v,uiparm,urparm,ufparm) ! ! *** minimize general unconstrained objective function using *** ! *** analytic gradient and hessian approx. from secant update *** ! ! use control integer :: n, liv integer::lv integer:: iv(liv) integer :: uiparm(1) real(kind=8) :: d(n), x(n), v(lv), urparm(1) real(kind=8),external :: ufparm !funtion name as an argument ! dimension v(71 + n*(n+15)/2), uiparm(*), urparm(*) external :: calcf, calcg !subroutine name as an argument ! ! *** purpose *** ! ! this routine interacts with subroutine sumit in an attempt ! to find an n-vector x* that minimizes the (unconstrained) ! objective function computed by calcf. (often the x* found is ! a local minimizer rather than a global one.) ! !-------------------------- parameter usage -------------------------- ! ! n........ (input) the number of variables on which f depends, i.e., ! the number of components in x. ! d........ (input/output) a scale vector such that d(i)*x(i), ! i = 1,2,...,n, are all in comparable units. ! d can strongly affect the behavior of sumsl. ! finding the best choice of d is generally a trial- ! and-error process. choosing d so that d(i)*x(i) ! has about the same value for all i often works well. ! the defaults provided by subroutine deflt (see i ! below) require the caller to supply d. ! x........ (input/output) before (initially) calling sumsl, the call- ! er should set x to an initial guess at x*. when ! sumsl returns, x contains the best point so far ! found, i.e., the one that gives the least value so ! far seen for f(x). ! calcf.... (input) a subroutine that, given x, computes f(x). calcf ! must be declared external in the calling program. ! it is invoked by ! call calcf(n, x, nf, f, uiparm, urparm, ufparm) ! when calcf is called, nf is the invocation ! count for calcf. nf is included for possible use ! with calcg. if x is out of bounds (e.g., if it ! would cause overflow in computing f(x)), then calcf ! should set nf to 0. this will cause a shorter step ! to be attempted. (if x is in bounds, then calcf ! should not change nf.) the other parameters are as ! described above and below. calcf should not change ! n, p, or x. ! calcg.... (input) a subroutine that, given x, computes g(x), the gra- ! dient of f at x. calcg must be declared external in ! the calling program. it is invoked by ! call calcg(n, x, nf, g, uiparm, urparm, ufaprm) ! when calcg is called, nf is the invocation ! count for calcf at the time f(x) was evaluated. the ! x passed to calcg is usually the one passed to calcf ! on either its most recent invocation or the one ! prior to it. if calcf saves intermediate results ! for use by calcg, then it is possible to tell from ! nf whether they are valid for the current x (or ! which copy is valid if two copies are kept). if g ! cannot be computed at x, then calcg should set nf to ! 0. in this case, sumsl will return with iv(1) = 65. ! (if g can be computed at x, then calcg should not ! changed nf.) the other parameters to calcg are as ! described above and below. calcg should not change ! n or x. ! iv....... (input/output) an integer value array of length liv (see ! below) that helps control the sumsl algorithm and ! that is used to store various intermediate quanti- ! ties. of particular interest are the initialization/ ! return code iv(1) and the entries in iv that control ! printing and limit the number of iterations and func- ! tion evaluations. see the section on iv input ! values below. ! liv...... (input) length of iv array. must be at least 60. if li ! is too small, then sumsl returns with iv(1) = 15. ! when sumsl returns, the smallest allowed value of ! liv is stored in iv(lastiv) -- see the section on ! iv output values below. (this is intended for use ! with extensions of sumsl that handle constraints.) ! lv....... (input) length of v array. must be at least 71+n*(n+15)/2. ! (at least 77+n*(n+17)/2 for smsno, at least ! 78+n*(n+12) for humsl). if lv is too small, then ! sumsl returns with iv(1) = 16. when sumsl returns, ! the smallest allowed value of lv is stored in ! iv(lastv) -- see the section on iv output values ! below. ! v........ (input/output) a floating-point value array of length l ! (see below) that helps control the sumsl algorithm ! and that is used to store various intermediate ! quantities. of particular interest are the entries ! in v that limit the length of the first step ! attempted (lmax0) and specify convergence tolerances ! (afctol, lmaxs, rfctol, sctol, xctol, xftol). ! uiparm... (input) user integer parameter array passed without change ! to calcf and calcg. ! urparm... (input) user floating-point parameter array passed without ! change to calcf and calcg. ! ufparm... (input) user external subroutine or function passed without ! change to calcf and calcg. ! ! *** iv input values (from subroutine deflt) *** ! ! iv(1)... on input, iv(1) should have a value between 0 and 14...... ! 0 and 12 mean this is a fresh start. 0 means that ! deflt(2, iv, liv, lv, v) ! is to be called to provide all default values to iv and ! v. 12 (the value that deflt assigns to iv(1)) means the ! caller has already called deflt and has possibly changed ! some iv and/or v entries to non-default values. ! 13 means deflt has been called and that sumsl (and ! sumit) should only do their storage allocation. that is, ! they should set the output components of iv that tell ! where various subarrays arrays of v begin, such as iv(g) ! (and, for humsl and humit only, iv(dtol)), and return. ! 14 means that a storage has been allocated (by a call ! with iv(1) = 13) and that the algorithm should be ! started. when called with iv(1) = 13, sumsl returns ! iv(1) = 14 unless liv or lv is too small (or n is not ! positive). default = 12. ! iv(inith).... iv(25) tells whether the hessian approximation h should ! be initialized. 1 (the default) means sumit should ! initialize h to the diagonal matrix whose i-th diagonal ! element is d(i)**2. 0 means the caller has supplied a ! cholesky factor l of the initial hessian approximation ! h = l*(l**t) in v, starting at v(iv(lmat)) = v(iv(42)) ! (and stored compactly by rows). note that iv(lmat) may ! be initialized by calling sumsl with iv(1) = 13 (see ! the iv(1) discussion above). default = 1. ! iv(mxfcal)... iv(17) gives the maximum number of function evaluations ! (calls on calcf) allowed. if this number does not suf- ! fice, then sumsl returns with iv(1) = 9. default = 200. ! iv(mxiter)... iv(18) gives the maximum number of iterations allowed. ! it also indirectly limits the number of gradient evalua- ! tions (calls on calcg) to iv(mxiter) + 1. if iv(mxiter) ! iterations do not suffice, then sumsl returns with ! iv(1) = 10. default = 150. ! iv(outlev)... iv(19) controls the number and length of iteration sum- ! mary lines printed (by itsum). iv(outlev) = 0 means do ! not print any summary lines. otherwise, print a summary ! line after each abs(iv(outlev)) iterations. if iv(outlev) ! is positive, then summary lines of length 78 (plus carri- ! age control) are printed, including the following... the ! iteration and function evaluation counts, f = the current ! function value, relative difference in function values ! achieved by the latest step (i.e., reldf = (f0-v(f))/f01, ! where f01 is the maximum of abs(v(f)) and abs(v(f0)) and ! v(f0) is the function value from the previous itera- ! tion), the relative function reduction predicted for the ! step just taken (i.e., preldf = v(preduc) / f01, where ! v(preduc) is described below), the scaled relative change ! in x (see v(reldx) below), the step parameter for the ! step just taken (stppar = 0 means a full newton step, ! between 0 and 1 means a relaxed newton step, between 1 ! and 2 means a double dogleg step, greater than 2 means ! a scaled down cauchy step -- see subroutine dbldog), the ! 2-norm of the scale vector d times the step just taken ! (see v(dstnrm) below), and npreldf, i.e., ! v(nreduc)/f01, where v(nreduc) is described below -- if ! npreldf is positive, then it is the relative function ! reduction predicted for a newton step (one with ! stppar = 0). if npreldf is negative, then it is the ! negative of the relative function reduction predicted ! for a step computed with step bound v(lmaxs) for use in ! testing for singular convergence. ! if iv(outlev) is negative, then lines of length 50 ! are printed, including only the first 6 items listed ! above (through reldx). ! default = 1. ! iv(parprt)... iv(20) = 1 means print any nondefault v values on a ! fresh start or any changed v values on a restart. ! iv(parprt) = 0 means skip this printing. default = 1. ! iv(prunit)... iv(21) is the output unit number on which all printing ! is done. iv(prunit) = 0 means suppress all printing. ! default = standard output unit (unit 6 on most systems). ! iv(solprt)... iv(22) = 1 means print out the value of x returned (as ! well as the gradient and the scale vector d). ! iv(solprt) = 0 means skip this printing. default = 1. ! iv(statpr)... iv(23) = 1 means print summary statistics upon return- ! ing. these consist of the function value, the scaled ! relative change in x caused by the most recent step (see ! v(reldx) below), the number of function and gradient ! evaluations (calls on calcf and calcg), and the relative ! function reductions predicted for the last step taken and ! for a newton step (or perhaps a step bounded by v(lmaxs) ! -- see the descriptions of preldf and npreldf under ! iv(outlev) above). ! iv(statpr) = 0 means skip this printing. ! iv(statpr) = -1 means skip this printing as well as that ! of the one-line termination reason message. default = 1. ! iv(x0prt).... iv(24) = 1 means print the initial x and scale vector d ! (on a fresh start only). iv(x0prt) = 0 means skip this ! printing. default = 1. ! ! *** (selected) iv output values *** ! ! iv(1)........ on output, iv(1) is a return code.... ! 3 = x-convergence. the scaled relative difference (see ! v(reldx)) between the current parameter vector x and ! a locally optimal parameter vector is very likely at ! most v(xctol). ! 4 = relative function convergence. the relative differ- ! ence between the current function value and its lo- ! cally optimal value is very likely at most v(rfctol). ! 5 = both x- and relative function convergence (i.e., the ! conditions for iv(1) = 3 and iv(1) = 4 both hold). ! 6 = absolute function convergence. the current function ! value is at most v(afctol) in absolute value. ! 7 = singular convergence. the hessian near the current ! iterate appears to be singular or nearly so, and a ! step of length at most v(lmaxs) is unlikely to yield ! a relative function decrease of more than v(sctol). ! 8 = false convergence. the iterates appear to be converg- ! ing to a noncritical point. this may mean that the ! convergence tolerances (v(afctol), v(rfctol), ! v(xctol)) are too small for the accuracy to which ! the function and gradient are being computed, that ! there is an error in computing the gradient, or that ! the function or gradient is discontinuous near x. ! 9 = function evaluation limit reached without other con- ! vergence (see iv(mxfcal)). ! 10 = iteration limit reached without other convergence ! (see iv(mxiter)). ! 11 = stopx returned .true. (external interrupt). see the ! usage notes below. ! 14 = storage has been allocated (after a call with ! iv(1) = 13). ! 17 = restart attempted with n changed. ! 18 = d has a negative component and iv(dtype) .le. 0. ! 19...43 = v(iv(1)) is out of range. ! 63 = f(x) cannot be computed at the initial x. ! 64 = bad parameters passed to assess (which should not ! occur). ! 65 = the gradient could not be computed at x (see calcg ! above). ! 67 = bad first parameter to deflt. ! 80 = iv(1) was out of range. ! 81 = n is not positive. ! iv(g)........ iv(28) is the starting subscript in v of the current ! gradient vector (the one corresponding to x). ! iv(lastiv)... iv(44) is the least acceptable value of liv. (it is ! only set if liv is at least 44.) ! iv(lastv).... iv(45) is the least acceptable value of lv. (it is ! only set if liv is large enough, at least iv(lastiv).) ! iv(nfcall)... iv(6) is the number of calls so far made on calcf (i.e., ! function evaluations). ! iv(ngcall)... iv(30) is the number of gradient evaluations (calls on ! calcg). ! iv(niter).... iv(31) is the number of iterations performed. ! ! *** (selected) v input values (from subroutine deflt) *** ! ! v(bias)..... v(43) is the bias parameter used in subroutine dbldog -- ! see that subroutine for details. default = 0.8. ! v(afctol)... v(31) is the absolute function convergence tolerance. ! if sumsl finds a point where the function value is less ! than v(afctol) in absolute value, and if sumsl does not ! return with iv(1) = 3, 4, or 5, then it returns with ! iv(1) = 6. this test can be turned off by setting ! v(afctol) to zero. default = max(10**-20, machep**2), ! where machep is the unit roundoff. ! v(dinit).... v(38), if nonnegative, is the value to which the scale ! vector d is initialized. default = -1. ! v(lmax0).... v(35) gives the maximum 2-norm allowed for d times the ! very first step that sumsl attempts. this parameter can ! markedly affect the performance of sumsl. ! v(lmaxs).... v(36) is used in testing for singular convergence -- if ! the function reduction predicted for a step of length ! bounded by v(lmaxs) is at most v(sctol) * abs(f0), where ! f0 is the function value at the start of the current ! iteration, and if sumsl does not return with iv(1) = 3, ! 4, 5, or 6, then it returns with iv(1) = 7. default = 1. ! v(rfctol)... v(32) is the relative function convergence tolerance. ! if the current model predicts a maximum possible function ! reduction (see v(nreduc)) of at most v(rfctol)*abs(f0) ! at the start of the current iteration, where f0 is the ! then current function value, and if the last step attempt- ! ed achieved no more than twice the predicted function ! decrease, then sumsl returns with iv(1) = 4 (or 5). ! default = max(10**-10, machep**(2/3)), where machep is ! the unit roundoff. ! v(sctol).... v(37) is the singular convergence tolerance -- see the ! description of v(lmaxs) above. ! v(tuner1)... v(26) helps decide when to check for false convergence. ! this is done if the actual function decrease from the ! current step is no more than v(tuner1) times its predict- ! ed value. default = 0.1. ! v(xctol).... v(33) is the x-convergence tolerance. if a newton step ! (see v(nreduc)) is tried that has v(reldx) .le. v(xctol) ! and if this step yields at most twice the predicted func- ! tion decrease, then sumsl returns with iv(1) = 3 (or 5). ! (see the description of v(reldx) below.) ! default = machep**0.5, where machep is the unit roundoff. ! v(xftol).... v(34) is the false convergence tolerance. if a step is ! tried that gives no more than v(tuner1) times the predict- ! ed function decrease and that has v(reldx) .le. v(xftol), ! and if sumsl does not return with iv(1) = 3, 4, 5, 6, or ! 7, then it returns with iv(1) = 8. (see the description ! of v(reldx) below.) default = 100*machep, where ! machep is the unit roundoff. ! v(*)........ deflt supplies to v a number of tuning constants, with ! which it should ordinarily be unnecessary to tinker. see ! section 17 of version 2.2 of the nl2sol usage summary ! (i.e., the appendix to ref. 1) for details on v(i), ! i = decfac, incfac, phmnfc, phmxfc, rdfcmn, rdfcmx, ! tuner2, tuner3, tuner4, tuner5. ! ! *** (selected) v output values *** ! ! v(dgnorm)... v(1) is the 2-norm of (diag(d)**-1)*g, where g is the ! most recently computed gradient. ! v(dstnrm)... v(2) is the 2-norm of diag(d)*step, where step is the ! current step. ! v(f)........ v(10) is the current function value. ! v(f0)....... v(13) is the function value at the start of the current ! iteration. ! v(nreduc)... v(6), if positive, is the maximum function reduction ! possible according to the current model, i.e., the func- ! tion reduction predicted for a newton step (i.e., ! step = -h**-1 * g, where g is the current gradient and ! h is the current hessian approximation). ! if v(nreduc) is negative, then it is the negative of ! the function reduction predicted for a step computed with ! a step bound of v(lmaxs) for use in testing for singular ! convergence. ! v(preduc)... v(7) is the function reduction predicted (by the current ! quadratic model) for the current step. this (divided by ! v(f0)) is used in testing for relative function ! convergence. ! v(reldx).... v(17) is the scaled relative change in x caused by the ! current step, computed as ! max(abs(d(i)*(x(i)-x0(i)), 1 .le. i .le. p) / ! max(d(i)*(abs(x(i))+abs(x0(i))), 1 .le. i .le. p), ! where x = x0 + step. ! !------------------------------- notes ------------------------------- ! ! *** algorithm notes *** ! ! this routine uses a hessian approximation computed from the ! bfgs update (see ref 3). only a cholesky factor of the hessian ! approximation is stored, and this is updated using ideas from ! ref. 4. steps are computed by the double dogleg scheme described ! in ref. 2. the steps are assessed as in ref. 1. ! ! *** usage notes *** ! ! after a return with iv(1) .le. 11, it is possible to restart, ! i.e., to change some of the iv and v input values described above ! and continue the algorithm from the point where it was interrupt- ! ed. iv(1) should not be changed, nor should any entries of i ! and v other than the input values (those supplied by deflt). ! those who do not wish to write a calcg which computes the ! gradient analytically should call smsno rather than sumsl. ! smsno uses finite differences to compute an approximate gradient. ! those who would prefer to provide f and g (the function and ! gradient) by reverse communication rather than by writing subrou- ! tines calcf and calcg may call on sumit directly. see the com- ! ments at the beginning of sumit. ! those who use sumsl interactively may wish to supply their ! own stopx function, which should return .true. if the break key ! has been pressed since stopx was last invoked. this makes it ! possible to externally interrupt sumsl (which will return with ! iv(1) = 11 if stopx returns .true.). ! storage for g is allocated at the end of v. thus the caller ! may make v longer than specified above and may allow calcg to use ! elements of g beyond the first n as scratch storage. ! ! *** portability notes *** ! ! the sumsl distribution tape contains both single- and double- ! precision versions of the sumsl source code, so it should be un- ! necessary to change precisions. ! only the functions imdcon and rmdcon contain machine-dependent ! constants. to change from one machine to another, it should ! suffice to change the (few) relevant lines in these functions. ! intrinsic functions are explicitly declared. on certain com- ! puters (e.g. univac), it may be necessary to comment out these ! declarations. so that this may be done automatically by a simple ! program, such declarations are preceded by a comment having c/+ ! in columns 1-3 and blanks in columns 4-72 and are followed by ! a comment having c/ in columns 1 and 2 and blanks in columns 3-72. ! the sumsl source code is expressed in 1966 ansi standard ! fortran. it may be converted to fortran 77 by commenting out all ! lines that fall between a line having c/6 in columns 1-3 and a ! line having c/7 in columns 1-3 and by removing (i.e., replacing ! by a blank) the c in column 1 of the lines that follow the c/7 ! line and precede a line having c/ in columns 1-2 and blanks in ! columns 3-72. these changes convert some data statements into ! parameter statements, convert some variables from real to ! character*4, and make the data statements that initialize these ! variables use character strings delimited by primes instead ! of hollerith constants. (such variables and data statements ! appear only in modules itsum and parck. parameter statements ! appear nearly everywhere.) these changes also add save state- ! ments for variables given machine-dependent constants by rmdcon. ! ! *** references *** ! ! 1. dennis, j.e., gay, d.m., and welsch, r.e. (1981), algorithm 573 -- ! an adaptive nonlinear least-squares algorithm, acm trans. ! math. software 7, pp. 369-383. ! ! 2. dennis, j.e., and mei, h.h.w. (1979), two new unconstrained opti- ! mization algorithms which use function and gradient ! values, j. optim. theory applic. 28, pp. 453-482. ! ! 3. dennis, j.e., and more, j.j. (1977), quasi-newton methods, motiva- ! tion and theory, siam rev. 19, pp. 46-89. ! ! 4. goldfarb, d. (1976), factorized variable metric methods for uncon- ! strained optimization, math. comput. 30, pp. 796-811. ! ! *** general *** ! ! coded by david m. gay (winter 1980). revised summer 1982. ! this subroutine was written in connection with research ! supported in part by the national science foundation under ! grants mcs-7600324, dcr75-10143, 76-14311dss, mcs76-11989, ! and mcs-7906671. !. ! !---------------------------- declarations --------------------------- ! !el external deflt, sumit ! ! deflt... supplies default iv and v input components. ! sumit... reverse-communication routine that carries out sumsl algo- ! rithm. ! integer :: iv1, nf real(kind=8) :: f integer::g1 ! ! *** subscripts for iv *** ! !el integer nextv, nfcall, nfgcal, g, toobig, vneed ! !/6 ! data nextv/47/, nfcall/6/, nfgcal/7/, g/28/, toobig/2/, vneed/4/ !/7 integer,parameter :: nextv=47, nfcall=6, nfgcal=7, g=28,& toobig=2, vneed=4 !/ ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ body ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl" if (iv(1) .eq. 0) call deflt(2, iv, liv, lv, v) iv1 = iv(1) if (iv1 .eq. 12 .or. iv1 .eq. 13) iv(vneed) = iv(vneed) + n if (iv1 .eq. 14) go to 10 if (iv1 .gt. 2 .and. iv1 .lt. 12) go to 10 g1 = 1 if (iv1 .eq. 12) iv(1) = 13 go to 20 ! 10 g1 = iv(g) print *,"my new g1",g1 !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl go to 10" ! !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl" 20 call sumit(d, f, v(g1), iv, liv, lv, n, v, x) !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl, go to 20" !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl, go to 20, po sumit" !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl iv()", iv(1)-2 if (iv(1) - 2) 30, 40, 50 ! 30 nf = iv(nfcall) !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl iv",iv(nfcall) call calcf(n, x, nf, f, uiparm, urparm, ufparm) !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl" if (nf .le. 0) iv(toobig) = 1 go to 20 ! !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl" 40 call calcg(n, x, iv(nfgcal), v(g1), uiparm, urparm, ufparm) !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl" go to 20 ! 50 if (iv(1) .ne. 14) go to 999 ! ! *** storage allocation ! iv(g) = iv(nextv) iv(nextv) = iv(g) + n if (iv1 .ne. 13) go to 10 !elwrite(iout,*) "in sumsl" ! 999 return ! *** last card of sumsl follows *** end subroutine sumsl !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sumit(d,fx,g,iv,liv,lv,n,v,x) use control, only:stopx use MD_data, only: itime_mat ! ! *** carry out sumsl (unconstrained minimization) iterations, using ! *** double-dogleg/bfgs steps. ! ! *** parameter declarations *** ! integer :: liv, n integer :: lv integer :: iv(liv) real(kind=8) :: d(n), fx, g(n), v(lv), x(n) ! !-------------------------- parameter usage -------------------------- ! ! d.... scale vector. ! fx... function value. ! g.... gradient vector. ! iv... integer value array. ! liv.. length of iv (at least 60). ! lv... length of v (at least 71 + n*(n+13)/2). ! n.... number of variables (components in x and g). ! v.... floating-point value array. ! x.... vector of parameters to be optimized. ! ! *** discussion *** ! ! parameters iv, n, v, and x are the same as the corresponding ! ones to sumsl (which see), except that v can be shorter (since ! the part of v that sumsl uses for storing g is not needed). ! moreover, compared with sumsl, iv(1) may have the two additional ! output values 1 and 2, which are explained below, as is the use ! of iv(toobig) and iv(nfgcal). the value iv(g), which is an ! output value from sumsl (and smsno), is not referenced by ! sumit or the subroutines it calls. ! fx and g need not have been initialized when sumit is called ! with iv(1) = 12, 13, or 14. ! ! iv(1) = 1 means the caller should set fx to f(x), the function value ! at x, and call sumit again, having changed none of the ! other parameters. an exception occurs if f(x) cannot be ! (e.g. if overflow would occur), which may happen because ! of an oversized step. in this case the caller should set ! iv(toobig) = iv(2) to 1, which will cause sumit to ig- ! nore fx and try a smaller step. the parameter nf that ! sumsl passes to calcf (for possible use by calcg) is a ! copy of iv(nfcall) = iv(6). ! iv(1) = 2 means the caller should set g to g(x), the gradient vector ! of f at x, and call sumit again, having changed none of ! the other parameters except possibly the scale vector d ! when iv(dtype) = 0. the parameter nf that sumsl passes ! to calcg is iv(nfgcal) = iv(7). if g(x) cannot be ! evaluated, then the caller may set iv(nfgcal) to 0, in ! which case sumit will return with iv(1) = 65. !. ! *** general *** ! ! coded by david m. gay (december 1979). revised sept. 1982. ! this subroutine was written in connection with research supported ! in part by the national science foundation under grants ! mcs-7600324 and mcs-7906671. ! ! (see sumsl for references.) ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ declarations ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ! *** local variables *** ! integer :: dg1, dummy, g01, i, k, l, lstgst, nwtst1, step1,& temp1, w, x01, z real(kind=8) :: t !el logical :: lstopx ! ! *** constants *** ! !el real(kind=8) :: half, negone, one, onep2, zero ! ! *** no intrinsic functions *** ! ! *** external functions and subroutines *** ! !el external assst, dbdog, deflt, dotprd, itsum, litvmu, livmul, !el 1 ltvmul, lupdat, lvmul, parck, reldst, stopx, vaxpy, !el 2 vcopy, vscopy, vvmulp, v2norm, wzbfgs !el logical stopx !el real(kind=8) :: dotprd, reldst, v2norm ! ! assst.... assesses candidate step. ! dbdog.... computes double-dogleg (candidate) step. ! deflt.... supplies default iv and v input components. ! dotprd... returns inner product of two vectors. ! itsum.... prints iteration summary and info on initial and final x. ! litvmu... multiplies inverse transpose of lower triangle times vector. ! livmul... multiplies inverse of lower triangle times vector. ! ltvmul... multiplies transpose of lower triangle times vector. ! lupdt.... updates cholesky factor of hessian approximation. ! lvmul.... multiplies lower triangle times vector. ! parck.... checks validity of input iv and v values. ! reldst... computes v(reldx) = relative step size. ! stopx.... returns .true. if the break key has been pressed. ! vaxpy.... computes scalar times one vector plus another. ! vcopy.... copies one vector to another. ! vscopy... sets all elements of a vector to a scalar. ! vvmulp... multiplies vector by vector raised to power (componentwise). ! v2norm... returns the 2-norm of a vector. ! wzbfgs... computes w and z for lupdat corresponding to bfgs update. ! ! *** subscripts for iv and v *** ! !el integer afctol !el integer cnvcod, dg, dgnorm, dinit, dstnrm, dst0, f, f0, fdif, !el 1 gthg, gtstep, g0, incfac, inith, irc, kagqt, lmat, lmax0, !el 2 lmaxs, mode, model, mxfcal, mxiter, nextv, nfcall, nfgcal, !el 3 ngcall, niter, nreduc, nwtstp, preduc, radfac, radinc, !el 4 radius, rad0, reldx, restor, step, stglim, stlstg, toobig, !el 5 tuner4, tuner5, vneed, xirc, x0 ! ! *** iv subscript values *** ! !/6 ! data cnvcod/55/, dg/37/, g0/48/, inith/25/, irc/29/, kagqt/33/, ! 1 mode/35/, model/5/, mxfcal/17/, mxiter/18/, nfcall/6/, ! 2 nfgcal/7/, ngcall/30/, niter/31/, nwtstp/34/, radinc/8/, ! 3 restor/9/, step/40/, stglim/11/, stlstg/41/, toobig/2/, ! 4 vneed/4/, xirc/13/, x0/43/ !/7 integer,parameter :: cnvcod=55, dg=37, g0=48, inith=25, irc=29, kagqt=33,& mode=35, model=5, mxfcal=17, mxiter=18, nfcall=6,& nfgcal=7, ngcall=30, niter=31, nwtstp=34, radinc=8,& restor=9, step=40, stglim=11, stlstg=41, toobig=2,& vneed=4, xirc=13, x0=43 !/ ! ! *** v subscript values *** ! !/6 ! data afctol/31/ ! data dgnorm/1/, dinit/38/, dstnrm/2/, dst0/3/, f/10/, f0/13/, ! 1 fdif/11/, gthg/44/, gtstep/4/, incfac/23/, lmat/42/, ! 2 lmax0/35/, lmaxs/36/, nextv/47/, nreduc/6/, preduc/7/, ! 3 radfac/16/, radius/8/, rad0/9/, reldx/17/, tuner4/29/, ! 4 tuner5/30/ !/7 integer,parameter :: afctol=31 integer,parameter :: dgnorm=1, dinit=38, dstnrm=2, dst0=3, f=10, f0=13,& fdif=11, gthg=44, gtstep=4, incfac=23, lmat=42,& lmax0=35, lmaxs=36, nextv=47, nreduc=6, preduc=7,& radfac=16, radius=8, rad0=9, reldx=17, tuner4=29,& tuner5=30 !/ ! !/6 ! data half/0.5d+0/, negone/-1.d+0/, one/1.d+0/, onep2/1.2d+0/, ! 1 zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: half=0.5d+0, negone=-1.d+0, one=1.d+0,& onep2=1.2d+0,zero=0.d+0 !/ ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ body ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ! Following SAVE statement inserted. save l i = iv(1) if (i .eq. 1) go to 50 if (i .eq. 2) go to 60 ! ! *** check validity of iv and v input values *** ! if (iv(1) .eq. 0) call deflt(2, iv, liv, lv, v) if (iv(1) .eq. 12 .or. iv(1) .eq. 13) & iv(vneed) = iv(vneed) + n*(n+13)/2 call parck(2, d, iv, liv, lv, n, v) i = iv(1) - 2 if (i .gt. 12) go to 999 go to (180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 120, 90, 120, 10, 10, 20), i ! ! *** storage allocation *** ! 10 l = iv(lmat) iv(x0) = l + n*(n+1)/2 iv(step) = iv(x0) + n iv(stlstg) = iv(step) + n iv(g0) = iv(stlstg) + n iv(nwtstp) = iv(g0) + n iv(dg) = iv(nwtstp) + n iv(nextv) = iv(dg) + n if (iv(1) .ne. 13) go to 20 iv(1) = 14 go to 999 ! ! *** initialization *** ! 20 iv(niter) = 0 iv(nfcall) = 1 iv(ngcall) = 1 iv(nfgcal) = 1 iv(mode) = -1 iv(model) = 1 iv(stglim) = 1 iv(toobig) = 0 iv(cnvcod) = 0 iv(radinc) = 0 v(rad0) = zero if (v(dinit) .ge. zero) call vscopy(n, d, v(dinit)) if (iv(inith) .ne. 1) go to 40 ! ! *** set the initial hessian approximation to diag(d)**-2 *** ! l = iv(lmat) call vscopy(n*(n+1)/2, v(l), zero) k = l - 1 do 30 i = 1, n k = k + i t = d(i) if (t .le. zero) t = one v(k) = t 30 continue ! ! *** compute initial function value *** ! 40 iv(1) = 1 go to 999 ! 50 v(f) = fx if (iv(mode) .ge. 0) go to 180 iv(1) = 2 if (iv(toobig) .eq. 0) go to 999 iv(1) = 63 go to 300 ! ! *** make sure gradient could be computed *** ! 60 if (iv(nfgcal) .ne. 0) go to 70 iv(1) = 65 go to 300 ! 70 dg1 = iv(dg) call vvmulp(n, v(dg1), g, d, -1) v(dgnorm) = v2norm(n, v(dg1)) ! ! *** test norm of gradient *** ! if (v(dgnorm) .gt. v(afctol)) go to 75 iv(irc) = 10 iv(cnvcod) = iv(irc) - 4 ! 75 if (iv(cnvcod) .ne. 0) go to 290 if (iv(mode) .eq. 0) go to 250 ! ! *** allow first step to have scaled 2-norm at most v(lmax0) *** ! v(radius) = v(lmax0) ! iv(mode) = 0 ! ! !----------------------------- main loop ----------------------------- ! ! ! *** print iteration summary, check iteration limit *** ! 80 call itsum(d, g, iv, liv, lv, n, v, x) 90 k = iv(niter) itime_mat=k ! imat_update=k if (k .lt. iv(mxiter)) go to 100 iv(1) = 10 go to 300 ! ! *** update radius *** ! 100 iv(niter) = k + 1 if( = v(radfac) * v(dstnrm) ! ! *** initialize for start of next iteration *** ! g01 = iv(g0) x01 = iv(x0) v(f0) = v(f) iv(irc) = 4 iv(kagqt) = -1 ! ! *** copy x to x0, g to g0 *** ! call vcopy(n, v(x01), x) call vcopy(n, v(g01), g) ! ! *** check stopx and function evaluation limit *** ! ! AL 4/30/95 dummy=iv(nfcall) !el lstopx = stopx(dummy) !elwrite(iout,*) "lstopx",lstopx,dummy 110 if (.not. stopx(dummy)) go to 130 iv(1) = 11 ! write (iout,*) "iv(1)=11 !!!!" go to 140 ! ! *** come here when restarting after func. eval. limit or stopx. ! 120 if (v(f) .ge. v(f0)) go to 130 v(radfac) = one k = iv(niter) go to 100 ! 130 if (iv(nfcall) .lt. iv(mxfcal)) go to 150 iv(1) = 9 140 if (v(f) .ge. v(f0)) go to 300 ! ! *** in case of stopx or function evaluation limit with ! *** improved v(f), evaluate the gradient at x. ! iv(cnvcod) = iv(1) go to 240 ! !. . . . . . . . . . . . . compute candidate step . . . . . . . . . . ! 150 step1 = iv(step) dg1 = iv(dg) nwtst1 = iv(nwtstp) if (iv(kagqt) .ge. 0) go to 160 l = iv(lmat) call livmul(n, v(nwtst1), v(l), g) v(nreduc) = half * dotprd(n, v(nwtst1), v(nwtst1)) call litvmu(n, v(nwtst1), v(l), v(nwtst1)) call vvmulp(n, v(step1), v(nwtst1), d, 1) v(dst0) = v2norm(n, v(step1)) call vvmulp(n, v(dg1), v(dg1), d, -1) call ltvmul(n, v(step1), v(l), v(dg1)) v(gthg) = v2norm(n, v(step1)) iv(kagqt) = 0 160 call dbdog(v(dg1), lv, n, v(nwtst1), v(step1), v) if (iv(irc) .eq. 6) go to 180 ! ! *** check whether evaluating f(x0 + step) looks worthwhile *** ! if (v(dstnrm) .le. zero) go to 180 if (iv(irc) .ne. 5) go to 170 if (v(radfac) .le. one) go to 170 if (v(preduc) .le. onep2 * v(fdif)) go to 180 ! ! *** compute f(x0 + step) *** ! 170 x01 = iv(x0) step1 = iv(step) call vaxpy(n, x, one, v(step1), v(x01)) iv(nfcall) = iv(nfcall) + 1 iv(1) = 1 iv(toobig) = 0 go to 999 ! !. . . . . . . . . . . . . assess candidate step . . . . . . . . . . . ! 180 x01 = iv(x0) v(reldx) = reldst(n, d, x, v(x01)) call assst(iv, liv, lv, v) step1 = iv(step) lstgst = iv(stlstg) if (iv(restor) .eq. 1) call vcopy(n, x, v(x01)) if (iv(restor) .eq. 2) call vcopy(n, v(lstgst), v(step1)) if (iv(restor) .ne. 3) go to 190 call vcopy(n, v(step1), v(lstgst)) call vaxpy(n, x, one, v(step1), v(x01)) v(reldx) = reldst(n, d, x, v(x01)) ! 190 k = iv(irc) go to (200,230,230,230,200,210,220,220,220,220,220,220,280,250), k ! ! *** recompute step with changed radius *** ! 200 v(radius) = v(radfac) * v(dstnrm) go to 110 ! ! *** compute step of length v(lmaxs) for singular convergence test. ! 210 v(radius) = v(lmaxs) go to 150 ! ! *** convergence or false convergence *** ! 220 iv(cnvcod) = k - 4 if (v(f) .ge. v(f0)) go to 290 if (iv(xirc) .eq. 14) go to 290 iv(xirc) = 14 ! !. . . . . . . . . . . . process acceptable step . . . . . . . . . . . ! 230 if (iv(irc) .ne. 3) go to 240 step1 = iv(step) temp1 = iv(stlstg) ! ! *** set temp1 = hessian * step for use in gradient tests *** ! l = iv(lmat) call ltvmul(n, v(temp1), v(l), v(step1)) call lvmul(n, v(temp1), v(l), v(temp1)) ! ! *** compute gradient *** ! 240 iv(ngcall) = iv(ngcall) + 1 iv(1) = 2 go to 999 ! ! *** initializations -- g0 = g - g0, etc. *** ! 250 g01 = iv(g0) call vaxpy(n, v(g01), negone, v(g01), g) step1 = iv(step) temp1 = iv(stlstg) if (iv(irc) .ne. 3) go to 270 ! ! *** set v(radfac) by gradient tests *** ! ! *** set temp1 = diag(d)**-1 * (hessian*step + (g(x0)-g(x))) *** ! call vaxpy(n, v(temp1), negone, v(g01), v(temp1)) call vvmulp(n, v(temp1), v(temp1), d, -1) ! ! *** do gradient tests *** ! if (v2norm(n, v(temp1)) .le. v(dgnorm) * v(tuner4)) & go to 260 if (dotprd(n, g, v(step1)) & .ge. v(gtstep) * v(tuner5)) go to 270 260 v(radfac) = v(incfac) ! ! *** update h, loop *** ! 270 w = iv(nwtstp) z = iv(x0) l = iv(lmat) call wzbfgs(v(l), n, v(step1), v(w), v(g01), v(z)) ! ! ** use the n-vectors starting at v(step1) and v(g01) for scratch.. call lupdat(v(temp1), v(step1), v(l), v(g01), v(l), n, v(w), v(z)) iv(1) = 2 go to 80 ! !. . . . . . . . . . . . . . misc. details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! *** bad parameters to assess *** ! 280 iv(1) = 64 go to 300 ! ! *** print summary of final iteration and other requested items *** ! 290 iv(1) = iv(cnvcod) iv(cnvcod) = 0 300 call itsum(d, g, iv, liv, lv, n, v, x) ! 999 return ! ! *** last line of sumit follows *** end subroutine sumit !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine dbdog(dig,lv,n,nwtstp,step,v) ! ! *** compute double dogleg step *** ! ! *** parameter declarations *** ! integer :: n integer :: lv real(kind=8) :: dig(n), nwtstp(n), step(n), v(lv) ! ! *** purpose *** ! ! this subroutine computes a candidate step (for use in an uncon- ! strained minimization code) by the double dogleg algorithm of ! dennis and mei (ref. 1), which is a variation on powell*s dogleg ! scheme (ref. 2, p. 95). ! !-------------------------- parameter usage -------------------------- ! ! dig (input) diag(d)**-2 * g -- see algorithm notes. ! g (input) the current gradient vector. ! lv (input) length of v. ! n (input) number of components in dig, g, nwtstp, and step. ! nwtstp (input) negative newton step -- see algorithm notes. ! step (output) the computed step. ! v (i/o) values array, the following components of which are ! used here... ! v(bias) (input) bias for relaxed newton step, which is v(bias) of ! the way from the full newton to the fully relaxed newton ! step. recommended value = 0.8 . ! v(dgnorm) (input) 2-norm of diag(d)**-1 * g -- see algorithm notes. ! v(dstnrm) (output) 2-norm of diag(d) * step, which is v(radius) ! unless v(stppar) = 0 -- see algorithm notes. ! v(dst0) (input) 2-norm of diag(d) * nwtstp -- see algorithm notes. ! v(grdfac) (output) the coefficient of dig in the step returned -- ! step(i) = v(grdfac)*dig(i) + v(nwtfac)*nwtstp(i). ! v(gthg) (input) square-root of (dig**t) * (hessian) * dig -- see ! algorithm notes. ! v(gtstep) (output) inner product between g and step. ! v(nreduc) (output) function reduction predicted for the full newton ! step. ! v(nwtfac) (output) the coefficient of nwtstp in the step returned -- ! see v(grdfac) above. ! v(preduc) (output) function reduction predicted for the step returned. ! v(radius) (input) the trust region radius. d times the step returned ! has 2-norm v(radius) unless v(stppar) = 0. ! v(stppar) (output) code telling how step was computed... 0 means a ! full newton step. between 0 and 1 means v(stppar) of the ! way from the newton to the relaxed newton step. between ! 1 and 2 means a true double dogleg step, v(stppar) - 1 of ! the way from the relaxed newton to the cauchy step. ! greater than 2 means 1 / (v(stppar) - 1) times the cauchy ! step. ! !------------------------------- notes ------------------------------- ! ! *** algorithm notes *** ! ! let g and h be the current gradient and hessian approxima- ! tion respectively and let d be the current scale vector. this ! routine assumes dig = diag(d)**-2 * g and nwtstp = h**-1 * g. ! the step computed is the same one would get by replacing g and h ! by diag(d)**-1 * g and diag(d)**-1 * h * diag(d)**-1, ! computing step, and translating step back to the original ! variables, i.e., premultiplying it by diag(d)**-1. ! ! *** references *** ! ! 1. dennis, j.e., and mei, h.h.w. (1979), two new unconstrained opti- ! mization algorithms which use function and gradient ! values, j. optim. theory applic. 28, pp. 453-482. ! 2. powell, m.j.d. (1970), a hybrid method for non-linear equations, ! in numerical methods for non-linear equations, edited by ! p. rabinowitz, gordon and breach, london. ! ! *** general *** ! ! coded by david m. gay. ! this subroutine was written in connection with research supported ! by the national science foundation under grants mcs-7600324 and ! mcs-7906671. ! !------------------------ external quantities ------------------------ ! ! *** functions and subroutines called *** ! !el external dotprd, v2norm !el real(kind=8) :: dotprd, v2norm ! ! dotprd... returns inner product of two vectors. ! v2norm... returns 2-norm of a vector. ! ! *** intrinsic functions *** !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dsqrt !/ !-------------------------- local variables -------------------------- ! integer :: i real(kind=8) :: cfact, cnorm, ctrnwt, ghinvg, femnsq, gnorm,& nwtnrm, relax, rlambd, t, t1, t2 !el real(kind=8) :: half, one, two, zero ! ! *** v subscripts *** ! !el integer bias, dgnorm, dstnrm, dst0, grdfac, gthg, gtstep, !el 1 nreduc, nwtfac, preduc, radius, stppar ! ! *** data initializations *** ! !/6 ! data half/0.5d+0/, one/1.d+0/, two/2.d+0/, zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: half=0.5d+0, one=1.d+0, two=2.d+0, zero=0.d+0 !/ ! !/6 ! data bias/43/, dgnorm/1/, dstnrm/2/, dst0/3/, grdfac/45/, ! 1 gthg/44/, gtstep/4/, nreduc/6/, nwtfac/46/, preduc/7/, ! 2 radius/8/, stppar/5/ !/7 integer,parameter :: bias=43, dgnorm=1, dstnrm=2, dst0=3, grdfac=45,& gthg=44, gtstep=4, nreduc=6, nwtfac=46, preduc=7,& radius=8, stppar=5 !/ ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ body ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! nwtnrm = v(dst0) rlambd = one if (nwtnrm .gt. zero) rlambd = v(radius) / nwtnrm gnorm = v(dgnorm) ghinvg = two * v(nreduc) v(grdfac) = zero v(nwtfac) = zero if (rlambd .lt. one) go to 30 ! ! *** the newton step is inside the trust region *** ! v(stppar) = zero v(dstnrm) = nwtnrm v(gtstep) = -ghinvg v(preduc) = v(nreduc) v(nwtfac) = -one do 20 i = 1, n 20 step(i) = -nwtstp(i) go to 999 ! 30 v(dstnrm) = v(radius) cfact = (gnorm / v(gthg))**2 ! *** cauchy step = -cfact * g. cnorm = gnorm * cfact relax = one - v(bias) * (one - gnorm*cnorm/ghinvg) if (rlambd .lt. relax) go to 50 ! ! *** step is between relaxed newton and full newton steps *** ! v(stppar) = one - (rlambd - relax) / (one - relax) t = -rlambd v(gtstep) = t * ghinvg v(preduc) = rlambd * (one - half*rlambd) * ghinvg v(nwtfac) = t do 40 i = 1, n 40 step(i) = t * nwtstp(i) go to 999 ! 50 if (cnorm .lt. v(radius)) go to 70 ! ! *** the cauchy step lies outside the trust region -- ! *** step = scaled cauchy step *** ! t = -v(radius) / gnorm v(grdfac) = t v(stppar) = one + cnorm / v(radius) v(gtstep) = -v(radius) * gnorm v(preduc) = v(radius)*(gnorm - half*v(radius)*(v(gthg)/gnorm)**2) do 60 i = 1, n 60 step(i) = t * dig(i) go to 999 ! ! *** compute dogleg step between cauchy and relaxed newton *** ! *** femur = relaxed newton step minus cauchy step *** ! 70 ctrnwt = cfact * relax * ghinvg / gnorm ! *** ctrnwt = inner prod. of cauchy and relaxed newton steps, ! *** scaled by gnorm**-1. t1 = ctrnwt - gnorm*cfact**2 ! *** t1 = inner prod. of femur and cauchy step, scaled by ! *** gnorm**-1. t2 = v(radius)*(v(radius)/gnorm) - gnorm*cfact**2 t = relax * nwtnrm femnsq = (t/gnorm)*t - ctrnwt - t1 ! *** femnsq = square of 2-norm of femur, scaled by gnorm**-1. t = t2 / (t1 + dsqrt(t1**2 + femnsq*t2)) ! *** dogleg step = cauchy step + t * femur. t1 = (t - one) * cfact v(grdfac) = t1 t2 = -t * relax v(nwtfac) = t2 v(stppar) = two - t v(gtstep) = t1*gnorm**2 + t2*ghinvg v(preduc) = -t1*gnorm * ((t2 + one)*gnorm) & - t2 * (one + half*t2)*ghinvg & - half * (v(gthg)*t1)**2 do 80 i = 1, n 80 step(i) = t1*dig(i) + t2*nwtstp(i) ! 999 return ! *** last line of dbdog follows *** end subroutine dbdog !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ltvmul(n,x,l,y) ! ! *** compute x = (l**t)*y, where l is an n x n lower ! *** triangular matrix stored compactly by rows. x and y may ! *** occupy the same storage. *** ! integer :: n !al real(kind=8) :: x(n), l(1), y(n) real(kind=8) :: x(n), l(n*(n+1)/2), y(n) ! dimension l(n*(n+1)/2) integer :: i, ij, i0, j real(kind=8) :: yi !el, zero !/6 ! data zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: zero=0.d+0 !/ ! i0 = 0 do 20 i = 1, n yi = y(i) x(i) = zero do 10 j = 1, i ij = i0 + j x(j) = x(j) + yi*l(ij) 10 continue i0 = i0 + i 20 continue 999 return ! *** last card of ltvmul follows *** end subroutine ltvmul !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lupdat(beta,gamma,l,lambda,lplus,n,w,z) ! ! *** compute lplus = secant update of l *** ! ! *** parameter declarations *** ! integer :: n !al double precision beta(n), gamma(n), l(1), lambda(n), lplus(1), real(kind=8) :: beta(n), gamma(n), l(n*(n+1)/2), lambda(n), & lplus(n*(n+1)/2),w(n), z(n) ! dimension l(n*(n+1)/2), lplus(n*(n+1)/2) ! !-------------------------- parameter usage -------------------------- ! ! beta = scratch vector. ! gamma = scratch vector. ! l (input) lower triangular matrix, stored rowwise. ! lambda = scratch vector. ! lplus (output) lower triangular matrix, stored rowwise, which may ! occupy the same storage as l. ! n (input) length of vector parameters and order of matrices. ! w (input, destroyed on output) right singular vector of rank 1 ! correction to l. ! z (input, destroyed on output) left singular vector of rank 1 ! correction to l. ! !------------------------------- notes ------------------------------- ! ! *** application and usage restrictions *** ! ! this routine updates the cholesky factor l of a symmetric ! positive definite matrix to which a secant update is being ! applied -- it computes a cholesky factor lplus of ! l * (i + z*w**t) * (i + w*z**t) * l**t. it is assumed that w ! and z have been chosen so that the updated matrix is strictly ! positive definite. ! ! *** algorithm notes *** ! ! this code uses recurrence 3 of ref. 1 (with d(j) = 1 for all j) ! to compute lplus of the form l * (i + z*w**t) * q, where q ! is an orthogonal matrix that makes the result lower triangular. ! lplus may have some negative diagonal elements. ! ! *** references *** ! ! 1. goldfarb, d. (1976), factorized variable metric methods for uncon- ! strained optimization, math. comput. 30, pp. 796-811. ! ! *** general *** ! ! coded by david m. gay (fall 1979). ! this subroutine was written in connection with research supported ! by the national science foundation under grants mcs-7600324 and ! mcs-7906671. ! !------------------------ external quantities ------------------------ ! ! *** intrinsic functions *** !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dsqrt !/ !-------------------------- local variables -------------------------- ! integer :: i, ij, j, jj, jp1, k, nm1, np1 real(kind=8) :: a, b, bj, eta, gj, lj, lij, ljj, nu, s, theta,& wj, zj !el real(kind=8) :: one, zero ! ! *** data initializations *** ! !/6 ! data one/1.d+0/, zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: one=1.d+0, zero=0.d+0 !/ ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ body ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! nu = one eta = zero if (n .le. 1) go to 30 nm1 = n - 1 ! ! *** temporarily store s(j) = sum over k = j+1 to n of w(k)**2 in ! *** lambda(j). ! s = zero do 10 i = 1, nm1 j = n - i s = s + w(j+1)**2 lambda(j) = s 10 continue ! ! *** compute lambda, gamma, and beta by goldfarb*s recurrence 3. ! do 20 j = 1, nm1 wj = w(j) a = nu*z(j) - eta*wj theta = one + a*wj s = a*lambda(j) lj = dsqrt(theta**2 + a*s) if (theta .gt. zero) lj = -lj lambda(j) = lj b = theta*wj + s gamma(j) = b * nu / lj beta(j) = (a - b*eta) / lj nu = -nu / lj eta = -(eta + (a**2)/(theta - lj)) / lj 20 continue 30 lambda(n) = one + (nu*z(n) - eta*w(n))*w(n) ! ! *** update l, gradually overwriting w and z with l*w and l*z. ! np1 = n + 1 jj = n * (n + 1) / 2 do 60 k = 1, n j = np1 - k lj = lambda(j) ljj = l(jj) lplus(jj) = lj * ljj wj = w(j) w(j) = ljj * wj zj = z(j) z(j) = ljj * zj if (k .eq. 1) go to 50 bj = beta(j) gj = gamma(j) ij = jj + j jp1 = j + 1 do 40 i = jp1, n lij = l(ij) lplus(ij) = lj*lij + bj*w(i) + gj*z(i) w(i) = w(i) + lij*wj z(i) = z(i) + lij*zj ij = ij + i 40 continue 50 jj = jj - j 60 continue ! 999 return ! *** last card of lupdat follows *** end subroutine lupdat !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lvmul(n,x,l,y) ! ! *** compute x = l*y, where l is an n x n lower triangular ! *** matrix stored compactly by rows. x and y may occupy the same ! *** storage. *** ! integer :: n !al double precision x(n), l(1), y(n) real(kind=8) :: x(n), l(n*(n+1)/2), y(n) ! dimension l(n*(n+1)/2) integer :: i, ii, ij, i0, j, np1 real(kind=8) :: t !el, zero !/6 ! data zero/0.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: zero=0.d+0 !/ ! np1 = n + 1 i0 = n*(n+1)/2 do 20 ii = 1, n i = np1 - ii i0 = i0 - i t = zero do 10 j = 1, i ij = i0 + j t = t + l(ij)*y(j) 10 continue x(i) = t 20 continue 999 return ! *** last card of lvmul follows *** end subroutine lvmul !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine vvmulp(n,x,y,z,k) ! ! *** set x(i) = y(i) * z(i)**k, 1 .le. i .le. n (for k = 1 or -1) *** ! integer :: n, k real(kind=8) :: x(n), y(n), z(n) integer :: i ! if (k .ge. 0) go to 20 do 10 i = 1, n 10 x(i) = y(i) / z(i) go to 999 ! 20 do 30 i = 1, n 30 x(i) = y(i) * z(i) 999 return ! *** last card of vvmulp follows *** end subroutine vvmulp !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine wzbfgs(l,n,s,w,y,z) ! ! *** compute y and z for lupdat corresponding to bfgs update. ! integer :: n !al double precision l(1), s(n), w(n), y(n), z(n) real(kind=8) :: l(n*(n+1)/2), s(n), w(n), y(n), z(n) ! dimension l(n*(n+1)/2) ! !-------------------------- parameter usage -------------------------- ! ! l (i/o) cholesky factor of hessian, a lower triang. matrix stored ! compactly by rows. ! n (input) order of l and length of s, w, y, z. ! s (input) the step just taken. ! w (output) right singular vector of rank 1 correction to l. ! y (input) change in gradients corresponding to s. ! z (output) left singular vector of rank 1 correction to l. ! !------------------------------- notes ------------------------------- ! ! *** algorithm notes *** ! ! when s is computed in certain ways, e.g. by gqtstp or ! dbldog, it is possible to save n**2/2 operations since (l**t)*s ! or l*(l**t)*s is then known. ! if the bfgs update to l*(l**t) would reduce its determinant to ! less than eps times its old value, then this routine in effect ! replaces y by theta*y + (1 - theta)*l*(l**t)*s, where theta ! (between 0 and 1) is chosen to make the reduction factor = eps. ! ! *** general *** ! ! coded by david m. gay (fall 1979). ! this subroutine was written in connection with research supported ! by the national science foundation under grants mcs-7600324 and ! mcs-7906671. ! !------------------------ external quantities ------------------------ ! ! *** functions and subroutines called *** ! !el external dotprd, livmul, ltvmul !el real(kind=8) :: dotprd ! dotprd returns inner product of two vectors. ! livmul multiplies l**-1 times a vector. ! ltvmul multiplies l**t times a vector. ! ! *** intrinsic functions *** !/+ !el real(kind=8) :: dsqrt !/ !-------------------------- local variables -------------------------- ! integer :: i real(kind=8) :: cs, cy, epsrt, shs, ys, theta !el, eps, one ! ! *** data initializations *** ! !/6 ! data eps/0.1d+0/, one/1.d+0/ !/7 real(kind=8),parameter :: eps=0.1d+0, one=1.d+0 !/ ! !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ body ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! call ltvmul(n, w, l, s) shs = dotprd(n, w, w) ys = dotprd(n, y, s) if (ys .ge. eps*shs) go to 10 theta = (one - eps) * shs / (shs - ys) epsrt = dsqrt(eps) cy = theta / (shs * epsrt) cs = (one + (theta-one)/epsrt) / shs go to 20 10 cy = one / (dsqrt(ys) * dsqrt(shs)) cs = one / shs 20 call livmul(n, z, l, y) do 30 i = 1, n 30 z(i) = cy * z(i) - cs * w(i) ! 999 return ! *** last card of wzbfgs follows *** end subroutine wzbfgs !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ################################################### ! ## COPYRIGHT (C) 1999 by Jay William Ponder ## ! ## All Rights Reserved ## ! ################################################### ! ! ############################################################## ! ## ## ! ## subroutine lbfgs -- limited memory BFGS optimization ## ! ## ## ! ############################################################## ! ! ! "lbfgs" is a limited memory BFGS quasi-newton nonlinear ! optimization routine ! ! literature references: ! ! J. Nocedal, "Updating Quasi-Newton Matrices with Limited ! Storage", Mathematics of Computation, 35, 773-782 (1980) ! ! D. C. Lui and J. Nocedal, "On the Limited Memory BFGS Method ! for Large Scale Optimization", Mathematical Programming, ! 45, 503-528 (1989) ! ! J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, "Numerical Optimization", ! Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999, Section 9.1 ! ! variables and parameters: ! ! nvar number of parameters in the objective function ! x0 contains starting point upon input, upon return ! contains the best point found ! minimum during optimization contains best current function ! value; returns final best function value ! grdmin normal exit if rms gradient gets below this value ! ncalls total number of function/gradient evaluations ! ! required external routines: ! ! fgvalue function to evaluate function and gradient values ! optsave subroutine to write out info about current status ! ! subroutine lbfgs (nvar,x0,minimum,grdmin,fgvalue,optsave) use inform use iounit use keys use linmin use math2 use minima use output use scales use MD_data, only: itime_mat #ifdef LBFGS use energy_data,only:statusbf,niter,ncalls #endif implicit none integer i,j,k,m integer nvar,next integer msav,muse #ifndef LBFGS integer niter,ncalls character*9 statusbf #endif integer nerr,maxerr real*8 f,f_old,fgvalue real*8 f_move,x_move real*8 g_norm,g_rms real*8 minimum,grdmin real*8 angle,rms,beta real*8 ys,yy,gamma real*8 x0(*) real*8, allocatable :: rho(:) real*8, allocatable :: alpha(:) real*8, allocatable :: x_old(:) real*8, allocatable :: g(:) real*8, allocatable :: g_old(:) real*8, allocatable :: p(:) real*8, allocatable :: q(:) real*8, allocatable :: r(:) real*8, allocatable :: h0(:) real*8, allocatable :: s(:,:) real*8, allocatable :: y(:,:) logical done character*9 blank character*20 keyword character*240 record character*240 string external fgvalue,optsave ! common /lbfgstat/ status,niter,ncalls !c !c !c initialize some values to be used below !c ncalls = 0 rms = sqrt(dble(nvar)) if (coordtype .eq. 'CARTESIAN') then rms = rms / sqrt(3.0d0) else if (coordtype .eq. 'RIGIDBODY') then rms = rms / sqrt(6.0d0) end if blank = ' ' done = .false. nerr = 0 maxerr = 2 !c !c perform dynamic allocation of some global arrays !c if (.not. allocated(scale)) allocate (scale(nvar)) !c !c set default values for variable scale factors !c if (.not. set_scale) then do i = 1, nvar if (scale(i) .eq. 0.0d0) scale(i) = 1.0d0 end do end if !c !c set default parameters for the optimization !c msav = min(nvar,20) if (fctmin .eq. 0.0d0) fctmin = -100000000.0d0 if (maxiter .eq. 0) maxiter = 1000000 if (nextiter .eq. 0) nextiter = 1 if (jprint .lt. 0) jprint = 1 if (iwrite .lt. 0) iwrite = 1 write(iout,*) "maxiter",maxiter !c !c set default parameters for the line search !c if (stpmax .eq. 0.0d0) stpmax = 5.0d0 stpmin = 1.0d-16 cappa = 0.9d0 slpmax = 10000.0d0 angmax = 180.0d0 intmax = 5 !c !c search the keywords for optimization parameters !c #ifdef LBFGSREAD do i = 1, nkey next = 1 record = keyline(i) call gettext (record,keyword,next) call upcase (keyword) string = record(next:240) if (keyword(1:14) .eq. 'LBFGS-VECTORS ') then read (string,*,err=10,end=10) msav msav = max(0,min(msav,nvar)) else if (keyword(1:17) .eq. 'STEEPEST-DESCENT ') then msav = 0 else if (keyword(1:7) .eq. 'FCTMIN ') then read (string,*,err=10,end=10) fctmin else if (keyword(1:8) .eq. 'MAXITER ') then read (string,*,err=10,end=10) maxiter else if (keyword(1:8) .eq. 'STEPMAX ') then read (string,*,err=10,end=10) stpmax else if (keyword(1:8) .eq. 'STEPMIN ') then read (string,*,err=10,end=10) stpmin else if (keyword(1:6) .eq. 'CAPPA ') then read (string,*,err=10,end=10) cappa else if (keyword(1:9) .eq. 'SLOPEMAX ') then read (string,*,err=10,end=10) slpmax else if (keyword(1:7) .eq. 'ANGMAX ') then read (string,*,err=10,end=10) angmax else if (keyword(1:7) .eq. 'INTMAX ') then read (string,*,err=10,end=10) intmax end if 10 continue end do #endif !c !c print header information about the optimization method !c if (jprint .gt. 0) then if (msav .eq. 0) then write (jout,20) 20 format (/,' Steepest Descent Gradient Optimization :') write (jout,30) 30 format (/,' SD Iter F Value G RMS F Move',& ' X Move Angle FG Call Comment',/) else write (jout,40) 40 format (/,' Limited Memory BFGS Quasi-Newton',& ' Optimization :') write (jout,50) 50 format (/,' QN Iter F Value G RMS F Move',& ' X Move Angle FG Call Comment',/) end if flush (jout) end if !c !c perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays !c allocate (x_old(nvar)) allocate (g(nvar)) allocate (g_old(nvar)) allocate (p(nvar)) allocate (q(nvar)) allocate (r(nvar)) allocate (h0(nvar)) if (msav .ne. 0) then allocate (rho(msav)) allocate (alpha(msav)) allocate (s(nvar,msav)) allocate (y(nvar,msav)) end if !c !c evaluate the function and get the initial gradient !c niter = nextiter - 1 maxiter = niter + maxiter ncalls = ncalls + 1 ! itime_mat=niter f = fgvalue (x0,g) f_old = f m = 0 gamma = 1.0d0 g_norm = 0.0d0 g_rms = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar g_norm = g_norm + g(i)*g(i) g_rms = g_rms + (g(i)*scale(i))**2 end do g_norm = sqrt(g_norm) g_rms = sqrt(g_rms) / rms f_move = 0.5d0 * stpmax * g_norm !c !c print initial information prior to first iteration !c write(jout,*) "before first" if (jprint .gt. 0) then if ( .and. .and. then write (jout,60) niter,f,g_rms,ncalls 60 format (i6,f14.4,f11.4,2x,i7) else write (jout,70) niter,f,g_rms,ncalls 70 format (i6,d14.4,d11.4,2x,i7) end if flush (jout) end if !c !c write initial intermediate prior to first iteration !c if (iwrite .gt. 0) call optsave (niter,f,x0) !c !c tests of the various termination criteria !c if (niter .ge. maxiter) then statusbf = 'IterLimit' done = .true. end if if (f .le. fctmin) then statusbf = 'SmallFct ' done = .true. end if if (g_rms .le. grdmin) then statusbf = 'SmallGrad' done = .true. end if !c !c start of a new limited memory BFGS iteration !c do while (.not. done) niter = niter + 1 !c write (jout,*) "LBFGS niter",niter muse = min(niter-1,msav) m = m + 1 if (m .gt. msav) m = 1 !c !c estimate Hessian diagonal and compute the Hg product !c do i = 1, nvar h0(i) = gamma q(i) = g(i) end do k = m do j = 1, muse k = k - 1 if (k .eq. 0) k = msav alpha(k) = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar alpha(k) = alpha(k) + s(i,k)*q(i) end do alpha(k) = alpha(k) * rho(k) do i = 1, nvar q(i) = q(i) - alpha(k)*y(i,k) end do end do do i = 1, nvar r(i) = h0(i) * q(i) end do do j = 1, muse beta = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar beta = beta + y(i,k)*r(i) end do beta = beta * rho(k) do i = 1, nvar r(i) = r(i) + s(i,k)*(alpha(k)-beta) end do k = k + 1 if (k .gt. msav) k = 1 end do !c !c set search direction and store current point and gradient !c do i = 1, nvar p(i) = -r(i) x_old(i) = x0(i) g_old(i) = g(i) end do !c !c perform line search along the new conjugate direction !c statusbf = blank !c write (jout,*) "Before search" call search (nvar,f,g,x0,p,f_move,angle,ncalls,fgvalue,statusbf) !c write (jout,*) "After search" !c !c update variables based on results of this iteration !c if (msav .ne. 0) then ys = 0.0d0 yy = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar s(i,m) = x0(i) - x_old(i) y(i,m) = g(i) - g_old(i) ys = ys + y(i,m)*s(i,m) yy = yy + y(i,m)*y(i,m) end do gamma = abs(ys/yy) rho(m) = 1.0d0 / ys end if !c !c get the sizes of the moves made during this iteration !c f_move = f_old - f ! if (f_move.eq.0) f_move=1.0d0 f_old = f x_move = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar x_move = x_move + ((x0(i)-x_old(i))/scale(i))**2 end do x_move = sqrt(x_move) / rms if (coordtype .eq. 'INTERNAL') then x_move = radian * x_move end if !c !c compute the rms gradient per optimization parameter !c g_rms = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nvar g_rms = g_rms + (g(i)*scale(i))**2 end do g_rms = sqrt(g_rms) / rms !c !c test for error due to line search problems !c if (statusbf.eq.'BadIntpln' .or. statusbf.eq.'IntplnErr') then nerr = nerr + 1 if (nerr .ge. maxerr) done = .true. else nerr = 0 end if !c !c test for too many total iterations !c if (niter .ge. maxiter) then statusbf = 'IterLimit' done = .true. end if !c !c test the normal termination criteria !c if (f .le. fctmin) then statusbf = 'SmallFct ' done = .true. end if if (g_rms .le. grdmin) then statusbf = 'SmallGrad' done = .true. end if !c !c print intermediate results for the current iteration !c ! write(iout,*) "niter1",niter itime_mat=niter if (jprint .gt. 0) then if (done .or. mod(niter,jprint).eq.0) then if ( .and. .and.& .and. .and.& then write (jout,80) niter,f,g_rms,f_move,x_move,& angle,ncalls,statusbf 80 format (i6,f14.4,f11.4,f12.4,f9.4,f8.2,i7,3x,a9) else write (jout,90) niter,f,g_rms,f_move,x_move,& angle,ncalls,statusbf 90 format (i6,d14.4,d11.4,d12.4,f9.4,f8.2,i7,3x,a9) end if end if flush (jout) end if !c !c write intermediate results for the current iteration !c if (iwrite .gt. 0) then if (done .or. mod(niter,iwrite).eq.0) then call optsave (niter,f,x0) end if end if end do !c !c perform deallocation of some local arrays !c deallocate (x_old) deallocate (g) deallocate (g_old) deallocate (p) deallocate (q) deallocate (r) deallocate (h0) if (msav .ne. 0) then deallocate (rho) deallocate (alpha) deallocate (s) deallocate (y) end if !c !c set final value of the objective function !c minimum = f if (jprint .gt. 0) then if (statusbf.eq.'SmallGrad' .or. statusbf.eq.'SmallFct ') then write (jout,100) statusbf 100 format (/,' LBFGS -- Normal Termination due to ',a9) else write (jout,110) statusbf 110 format (/,' LBFGS -- Incomplete Convergence due to ',a9) end if flush (jout) end if return end subroutine !ifdef LBFGS ! double precision function funcgrad(x,g) ! implicit none ! include 'DIMENSIONS' ! include 'COMMON.CONTROL' ! include 'COMMON.CHAIN' ! include 'COMMON.DERIV' ! include 'COMMON.VAR' ! include 'COMMON.INTERACT' ! include 'COMMON.FFIELD' ! include 'COMMON.MD' ! include 'COMMON.QRESTR' ! include 'COMMON.IOUNITS' ! include 'COMMON.GEO' ! double precision energia(0:n_ene) ! double precision x(nvar),g(nvar) ! integer i ! if ( then ! write (iout,*) "in func x" ! write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*x(i),i=1,n) ! endif ! call var_to_geom(nvar,x) ! call zerograd ! call chainbuild_extconf ! call etotal(energia(0)) ! call sum_gradient ! funcgrad=energia(0) ! call cart2intgrad(nvar,g) ! ! Add the components corresponding to local energy terms. ! ! Add the usampl contributions ! if (usampl) then ! do i=1,nres-3 ! gloc(i,icg)=gloc(i,icg)+dugamma(i) ! enddo ! do i=1,nres-2 ! gloc(nphi+i,icg)=gloc(nphi+i,icg)+dutheta(i) ! enddo ! endif ! do i=1,nvar !d write (iout,*) 'i=',i,'g=',g(i),' gloc=',gloc(i,icg) ! g(i)=g(i)+gloc(i,icg) ! enddo ! return ! end !endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- end module minimm